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<i> </i>

preparing date: 5/9/2008

unit 2: personal information

<b> Period:9</b>

<b> Lesson 3:</b>

<b> Section: A.TELEPHONE NUMBERS (A5+6+7)</b>

<b> </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice more in
future with Will

<b>II.Language content:</b>
<b> </b>Vocabulary;

<b>III.Teaching aids:</b>

text book, tape and cassete

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<b> Stage</b> <b> content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>





*Lucky numbers:

-Write 10 numbers on the board ,from 1 to10
-Tell students each number is for a question but
four of them are lucky numbers. If students
choose a lucky number ,they don’t need to aswer
any questions but they get two points and they
can choose another numbers

-Tell students that they have to make
questionsabout personal information,when
taecher gives them a word as a cue

Ex: Taecher : from

student: Where are you from?

1. Name

2. Lucky number
3. Live

4. Telephene number
5. Lucky number
6. Old

7. Lucky number
8. Far

9. Lucky number

*Pre teach vocabulary:
- speak (v) : nãi

-talk to sbd about something : nãi víi ai
vỊ điêu gì

( traslation)

- Be back : trë l¹i /trë vỊ

- Who is calling?: ai ®ang gäi thÕ
- Can I speak to ….?: T«i cã thĨ nãi

chuyện với…. đợc chứ?

- I ‘ll call again Tôi sẽ gọi lại sau
*Checking vocabulary: Matching

<b>presentation dialogue: </b>

-Show students the picture on page 22

-Give students some questions and ask them to
read the dialogue A6 on page 22 then aswer the

Comprehension questions
a. Who is calling?

b. Who is aswering the phone?
c. Who are they talking about?
d. Where is at the moment ?
e. When will she be back ?

f. when will Phong call her again?
Aswer key:

a. Phong is calling

b. Han- Lan’s sister is aswering the phone
c. They are talking about Lan

d..She is out

e. She will be back at about 6:30
f. He will call her again after 6
_Ask students to give feed back

-Have studentwork in pair to practice asking and

Anser given:

-Get students to listen to the tape for fun :WILL

Get students to repeat

T –Whole

T whole class

Pair work

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<b> </b>

Teaching day 10 - 9 - 2010

<b> unit 3 : at home</b>

<b> Period :15</b>
<b> Lesson :3</b>

<b> section </b>: B. Hoa s family (B1 )’

<b>I.Objectives</b> :

by the end of the lesson ,students will be able to understand the dialogue
for detail and ask for the job.

<b>II. Language content</b> :

<b>1.Vocabulary</b> :

<b>2.Grammar</b> :

What do/does +s +do ?

<b>III. Teaching aids </b>:

text book , pictures ,posters, tape and cassete


<b> Stage</b> <b> content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

(5 minutes)

<b>Pre reading</b>

(15 minutes)

<b>*shark attack:</b>

- Cut uot a shark and a school girl on card

- Draw some steps on the board and the sea aruond
the stps.

-Stick the girl on the top of the stepand the shark is
on the sea.

-draw 11 gaps for the word COMFORTABLE
- Get students in teams to guess the letter in aech
gap. If their guess is right they will get one mark ,
if their guess is not right the girl has to step down

-The game can continue with some more words
* Set the sence

<b>1. Pre teach vocabulary</b>:
-Raise (v) : nu«i
(translation )

-Catte (n) : gia sóc
-Countryside :

*Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember

<b>2. Pre teach grammar</b> :

Team work

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<b>While reading</b>

(15 minutes)

<b>Post reading</b>


-Guide students to understand the structure :
What + do/does +S +do ?

and the way to aswer it : S + Is/ are /am + Job
_ Give some examples

Ex: A: What do you do ?
B: I am a student

<b> T/F statements</b>:

-Give some sentences and ask students to guess
wich is true ,wich is false

a. Hoa’s father is a teacher
b. her mother is a farmer
c. She work on the farm
d. Hoa has a younger sister
e. She is 7 years old

-Ask students to give feed back

-Open the tape and ask students to listen twice
then ask them to open the book and read the
dilogue and correct their prediction

Aswer keys :

a. F He is a farmer

b. T

c. T
d. T

e. F Shs is 8 years old
*practice with a fartner

-Ask students to pratice the dialogue in pair in
some minutes then stand up and read before the

_Then ask students to read the dialogue again and
aswer the questions:

a. What does Hoa’s father do ?
b. Where does he work ?

c. What is her mother’ job ?
d. What does she do everyday ?
e. Are they happy ?

f. How old is Hoa’sister?
Awer key :

a. He is a farmer
b. He work on the farm

c. She is a housewife and help on the farm
d. She does the housework

e. Yes ,they are
f. she is eight

<b>*Survey</b>:<b> </b>

-Ask students to write the form in their notebook
-Run throught the questions :

group work

pair work

Group work
Member Age job Place of work

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<i> </i>

<b>Home wok</b>


1.How old is your mother/father /brother

2. What his /her job.?

3. Where does he /she work?

-Ask students to write about their family member’
jobs / ages /place of work in their notebook


<b>Ajustment :</b>……….


Preparing date : 21/9/2008

<b> unit 3 : at home</b>

<b> Period :16</b>
<b> Lesson : 4 </b>

<b> Section</b> : B. Hoa s family (b2+3+4)’

<b>I .Objectives</b> :

By the end of the lesson , students can be able to
- Talk about occupations

- Cimpete the form by listening and further practice in simple present tense

<b>II Language content :</b>



senior high school
junior high school

<b>2. Grammar</b>:

What do/does + S do ?
What is one’s job ?

<b>III. Teaching aids</b> :
Text book, cassette ,cards

<b>IV. procedure :</b>

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<b><sub>Warm up</sub></b>

(5 minutes)

<b>Pre </b>–


(15 minutes)

<b>While </b>



- Prepare 10cards with numbers on one side and the
jobs and the definitions on the other.

- Stick the cards on the board so that the students can
only see the numbers .

- Divide the class two teams andask them to choose
two numbers at the same time

- Turn over 2 cards and see if they match

-Give the team one mark if 2 cards match ,if not turn
the card face down again and ask the other numbers.
- Continue untl all the cards are finished

a farmer a doctor work on

the farm journalist
write for a


work in

the factory a worker

teach in a


-Ask students to aswer some questions about the age,
job, and place of work of their family

 What is your father ‘s job?

 Does he love his job/

 What is your mother’s job?

 Do you have any brothers or sisters ?

 What does he / she do ?
Where does he /she do ?

<b>2.Pre teach vocabulary</b> :

Senior high school(n) : trêng cÊp3
(Example )

junior high school (n) : trêng cÊp 2
(Example )

Magazine (N) : t¹p chÝ

*Checking vocabulary: What and where

<b>3. Open peidiction </b>

- Draw three face on the board

- Set the scene : There are three people , you have to
guess about their names .ages , jobs and their places
they work

-get students to work in pair and guess
- Give feed back

<b>1. Listening and checking prediction</b>

- Let students listen to the tape twice
- give feed back

* Answer keys:




<b>Place of </b>


Tom 26 teacher at high

Susan 19 journalist for a


Bill 20 nurse in a

2. Recalling:

- Get Ss to look at the grid and talk abuot tom,Susan
and Bill.

T –whole

T –some

Whole class


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- Call on three Ss to play the roles of Tom,SuSan and

- Ask them to introduce about themselves.
3 . Revision of Presen Simple tense:

* Form:

Affirmative Negative Question



do not work.


Do work?


She works


she doesn’t work


Does She work?


you work


you don’t work


Do you work?

* Use:

* To talk about repeated actions or habits.
* To talk about situations which are permanent.

* To talk about general truth.

* Practice:

- Ask Ss to complete the passage language focus 1
,using the verbs in brackets.

* Answer keys

a, Ba is my friend.He lives in hanoi with his
mother,father and elder sister...
b, Lan and Nga are in class 7A.They eat lunch

- Ask Ss to write the exercise language focus 1 in their

- Get Ss to write a short paragraph about their
mothers,fathers and sisers/brothers.




<b> Ajustment</b>...


Preparing date : 21/9/2008

<b> unit 3 : at home</b>

<b> Period :17</b>
<b> Lesson : 4 </b>

<b> Section</b> : B. Hoa s family (b5,6)’

<b>I .Objectives</b> :

By the end of the lesson , students can be able to use Comparative and Superlative with long
Adjectives irregular adjectives.

<b>II Language content :</b>

of course

<b>2. Grammar</b>:

<b> </b>* Comparatives: S1 + tobe + short Adj-er + than + S2
S1 + tobe + more + long adj + S2

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<b>III. Teaching aids</b> :
Text book, cassette ,cards

<b>IV. procedure :</b>







* Kim’s game :

Small expensive big
good beautiful

cheap modern new delicious
interesting comfortable bad
- have Ss arrange the adjectives into long
adjectives,and irregular adjs.

I. Pre teach vocabylary:
- apartment (n) : căn hộ

- suitable (adj): thÝch hỵp

- furnished (adj): đợc trng bị đồ đạc

- of course : dÜ nhiªn
( synonym: certainly)

<b>* Checking vocabulary:</b> Slap the board.

- Write the new words all over the board,each word in
the circle.

- Call on two teams of five Ss to the front of the class.
- go on until all the words slapped.

<b>II. Presentation dialogue</b>.

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue between John and Nhat.
- Get Ss to work in pairs to find out all the comparatives
and superlatives in the dialogue.

- Give feedback.

- Have Ss read the dialogue again and answer the
questions on page 36.

- Give feedback.

- Ask some Ss to ask and answer the questions.
- Get the whole class to work in closed pairs.
- T- give answer keys.

<b>III. Revision of Comparatives and Superlatives</b>
<b>1. Short Adjective</b>

<b>Adjective</b> <b>Comparatives</b> <b>Superlatives</b>



2. <i><b>Long Adjectives</b></i>

<b>Adj</b> <b>Comparatives</b> <b>superlatives</b>



more expensive
more beautiful
more comfortable

most beautiful
most expensive
most comfortable


<b> class</b>

<b>Pair work</b>

<b>T- whole class</b>


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<i> </i>


<b>Further </b>



<i><b>3. Irregular comparatives and Superlatives</b></i>.

Adj Compar Super





<b>* Picture drill</b>:

- Ask Ss to look at language focus 5 .

- Get Ss work in group of three to make comparatives
and superlatives.

<b>* Completing the letter</b>:

- Show Ss the letter on page 37.

- ask them some questions for setting the scence.

+ Who writes this letter?

+ To whom does he write this letter?
+ When does he write?

+ What does he write about?

- Have Ss complete the letter in pairs, using the adjs:

- Give feedback.

- Ask some Ss to read aloud the letter before class.
* T gives answer keys.

- Ask Ss to copy down the letter in their notebooks.

<b>Group work</b>

<b>Pair work</b>



<b> Preparing date 26 - 09 - 2008</b>

Unit 3: at home

<b>Period 18: Section : Language Focus 1.</b>

<b>I. Ojectives: </b>

<b> By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to pracice more in the WILL future and </b>

prepositions and numbers.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

<b> </b>* Grammar: The future Simple
Ordinal numbers
III. Teaching aids :

Texbooks, posters.
IV. Procedures:





<b>Warm-up</b> * Guessing the occupations: - Give the definition and ask Ss to find out the

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<b>Activity 1</b>

<b>Activity 2</b>

<b>Activity 3</b>


Ex: 1. A person who lives in the countrysise and
work on the farm(farmer).

2. A person who teaches Ss (teacher)
3. A person who drivers taxi ( Taxi driver)
4.A person takes cares of sick people

5. A person who writes for a newspaper or a
magazine ( journalist)

<b>I. Future simple telephone number</b>:
* Form:

<b>S + Will + infinitive ( without to )</b>

* Practice

- Show the poster of things Nam will do tomorrow
( on page 38 )

- Get Ss to use WILL for and WON’T for X.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to talk about what Nam
will do and what nam won’t do tomorrow.

- Give feedback.

- Ask Ss to write sentences in their notebooks.
- T gives answer keys

<b>II. Prepossitions</b>

- Ask Ss tolook at the pictures try to remember the
positions of the cat.

- Get Ss from two teams to go to the board and
write about the positions of the cat, using the
prepossitions: on, in front, undder, behind, next to.
- T - gives answer keys

- Ask Ss to ask and answer about the positions of
the cat.

S1 : Where’s my cat ?

S2 : It’s under the table.

<b>III. Or dinal numbers</b>

<i>1. Bingo</i>

- Ask Ss to write down on their notebooks five

numbers ( from 1 to 20 )

- Ss listen to the tescher carefully.
* Suggested list of ordinal numbers
+ Third + Fourth
+ Tenth + ninth
+ Second + First
+ Twelfth + fifth
+ eleventh + Twentieth

<i>2. Write the correct ordinal numbers</i>

- Ask Ss to look at the table on pege 38 and write
the correct ordinal numbers.

- Get some Ss to look at the table and report the
result of the tournament.

Write 5 things that you will to and 5 things that
you won’t do next week.

<b>T- whole class</b>

<b>Pair work</b>

<b>Group work</b>

<b>Individual work</b>

<b>Pair work</b>


<b>Individual work</b>


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<sub> *****************************************************</sub>

<b> </b>

<b> §Ị A: Test on writing 1</b>

<b> Full name : ...Líp ... </b>


<b> I. Supply the correct form of the verbs</b>

1) Lam (go) to school every day -

2) They (have) a party tonight---

3) The students ( visit) their old teacher next week?-

4) She ( not eat) bread for lunch ---
<b> 5) </b>I (be) 13 years old on my next birthday---

<b>II. Multiple choice</b>

1. I live ………Ho Xuan Huong street.
a) in b) on c) at

2. How………..is it from her house to school?
a) long b) far c) large
3. ………..do you live with?- My aunt.

a) what b)who c) which
4. ……….do you go to school?- By bus

a) How b) What c) When
5. ... .amazing kitchen !

a) How b) What c) What an

<b> III. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.</b>
<b> </b>1. My father works ...a hospital.

2. A doctor often takes care ...sick people

3. My mother is a teacher . She works ...a primary school
4. Mr Tuan is a journalist. He writes ...newspapers.

5. I often get up ...six oclock.

<b>B . READING</b> :<b> Complete the passage, use the words given in the box</b>

My name …………..Mai. I am thirteen years………I am a student…….. grade 7A. I live with my
parents………..Ho Chi Minh city. I go to school on …….. At weekend, I often ……..my

grandparents. Sometimes I go out ………dinner. I seldom go …….of the city.
<b> C. WRITING : Write questions for the following answers</b>

I am a student.

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 NguyÔn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>


Nam will 14 years old next my birthday

She lives in Hue.

My mother gets up at 6.00 every morning.

<b> </b>5) ...

<b> </b>I go to school by bus everyday

<b>§Ị b: Test on writing 1</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Full name : ...Líp ... </b>


<b> I. Supply the correct form of the verbs</b>

5) Nam (get) up at 6 oclock every day -

6) They (have) a party tonight---

7) I ( visit) my grandparents next week?-

8) She ( not eat) bread for breakfast ---
<b> 5) </b>I (be) 14 years old on my next birthday---

<b>II. Multiple choice</b>

1.Her new house is ...her old house.

a) biger than b) bigger than c) big than
2.How………..is it from your house to school?

a) long b) far c) large
3………..do you live with?- My aunt and uncle.

a) what b)who c) which
4……….do you go to school?- By bike.

a) How b) What c) When
5. ...awful restaurant !

a) How b) What c) What an

<b> III. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.</b>
<b> </b>1. My mother works ...a hospital.
2. A doctor often takes care ...sick people

3. My mother is a teacher . She teaches ...a primary school
4. I somethimes go fishing ...sundays

5. Nam often gets up ...six oclock.

<b>B . READING : Complete the passage, use the words given in the box</b>

My name …………..Lan. I am twelve years………I am a student…….. grade 7B. I live with my
grandparents………..Ho Chi Minh city. I go to school on …….. At weekend, I often ……..my
parents. Sometimes, I go out ………lunch. I seldom go …….of the city.

<b>C. WRITING : Write questions for the following answers</b>

1) ... ?
He lives at 41 Le Hoan street

2) ...?
I go to school by bike everyday.

It is about one kilometer from my house to the bus stop.

I am a student.


I will 13 years old next my birthday.

<b>§Ị A: Test on writing 1</b>

<b> Full name : ...Líp ... </b>

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<i> </i>


<b> I. Supply the correct form of the verbs</b>

9) Lam (go) to school every day -

10) They (have) a party tonight---

11)The students ( visit) their old teacher next week?-

12) She ( not eat) bread for lunch ---
<b> 5) </b>I (be) 13 years old on my next birthday---

<b>II. Multiple choice</b>

1. I live ………Ho Xuan Huong street.
a) in b) on c) at

2. How………..is it from her house to school?
a) long b) far c) large

3. ………..do you live with?- My aunt.

a) what b)who c) which
4. ……….do you go to school?- By bus

a) How b) What c) When
5. ... .amazing kitchen !

a) How b) What c) What an

<b> III. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.</b>
<b> </b>1. My father works ...a hospital.

2. A doctor often takes care ...sick people

3. My mother is a teacher . She works ...a primary school
4. Mr Tuan is a journalist. He writes ...newspapers.

5. I often get up ...six oclock.

<b>B . READING</b> :<b> Complete the passage, use the words given in the box</b>

My name …………..Mai. I am thirteen years………I am a student…….. grade 7A. I live with my
parents………..Ho Chi Minh city. I go to school on …….. At weekend, I often ……..my

grandparents. Sometimes I go out ………dinner. I seldom go …….of the city.
<b> C. WRITING : Write questions for the following answers</b>

I am a student.

Nam will 14 years old next my birthday

She lives in Hue.

My mother gets up at 6.00 every morning.

<b> </b>5) ...

<b> </b>I go to school by bus everyday

<b>§Ị b: Test on writing 1</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Full name : ...Líp ... </b>


<b> I. Supply the correct form of the verbs</b>

13) Nam (get) up at 6 oclock every day -

14) They (have) a party tonight---

15) I ( visit) my grandparents next week?-

16) She ( not eat) bread for breakfast ---
<b> 5) </b>I (be) 14 years old on my next birthday---

<b>II. Multiple choice</b>

1.Her new house is ...her old house.

a) biger than b) bigger than c) big than
2.How………..is it from your house to school?

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 NguyÔn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<sub>a) long</sub> <sub>b) far</sub> <sub>c) large</sub>

3………..do you live with?- My aunt and uncle.
a) what b)who c) which

4……….do you go to school?- By bike.
a) How b) What c) When
5. ...awful restaurant !

a) How b) What c) What an

<b> III. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.</b>
<b> </b>1. My mother works ...a hospital.
2. A doctor often takes care ...sick people

3. My mother is a teacher . She teaches ...a primary school
4. I somethimes go fishing ...sundays

5. Nam often gets up ...six oclock.

<b>B . READING : Complete the passage, use the words given in the box</b>

My name …………..Lan. I am twelve years………I am a student…….. grade 7B. I live with my
grandparents………..Ho Chi Minh city. I go to school on …….. At weekend, I often ……..my
parents. Sometimes, I go out ………lunch. I seldom go …….of the city.

<b>C. WRITING : Write questions for the following answers</b>

1) ... ?
He lives at 41 Le Hoan street

2) ...?
I go to school by bike everyday.

It is about one kilometer from my house to the bus stop.

I am a student.

I will 13 years old next my birthday.

<b> </b>
<b> Preparing date 25-9-2010</b>

<b> Teaching date 29-9-2010</b>
<b>Period 20: The key</b>

I. <b>Supply the correct form of the verbs</b>: ( 2 iĐ ểm)

a. Lam goes to school every day.

b. They will have a party tonight.

c. Will The students visit ther old teacher next week?
d. She doesn’t eat bread for breakfast.

<b> e. </b>I will be 14 years old on my next birthday

II. <b>Write questions for the following answers</b>( 2 iĐ ểm)
a. What do you do?

b. How old are you?
c. Where does she live ?

d. What time does your mother get up every morning ?
e.<b> </b>How do you go to school everyday?

III. <b>Multiple choice</b>( 2 iĐ ểm)

1. I live …in……Ho Xuan Huong street.
a) in b) on c) at

2. How……far…..is it from her house to school?
a) long b) far c) large

3. ……Who…..do you live with?- My aunt.

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<i> </i>

<sub>a) what</sub> <sub>b)who</sub> <sub>c) which</sub>

4. ……How….do you go to school?- By bike.
a) How b) What c) When

5. Hoa……lived….in Hue last year.
a) live b) lives c) lived

IV. <b>Complete the passage, use the words given in the box</b>( 4 iĐ ểm)

My name ……is……..Lan. I am twelve years…old……I am a student…..in… grade 7. I live
with my parents……in…..Ho Chi Minh city. I go to school on …weekdays….. At weekend, I
often …visit…..my grandparents. Sometimes we go out ……for…dinner. We seldom go …

out….of the city.

<b> Preparing date 05-10-2008</b>

Unit 4: At school

<b>Period 21: </b>

<b>Lesson 1: </b>

<b>Section : A .Schedules (1+2+3)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to tell the time,using Simple Present tense and
school vocabulary.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

1. Vocabulary: Subjects

2. Grammar: What time is it?
Simple Present tense

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

STT L óp s sĩ ố 0-4,5 5-6,5 7-8,5 9-10 TB %

1 7A 34

2 7B 34

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>





<b>Warm-up </b>


<b>Pre- </b>


<b>While </b>


<b>* Noughts and Crosses</b>:questions and answers about
the time.

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Draw a nine square grid on the board and there;s a
time in it.

5.25 8.15 12.40
6.35 9.00 4.45
11.05 8.15 3.10
What time is it?

+gio chan: It is + gio + o’clock
+ gio hon: It is + phut + past + gio.
+ gio kem: it is + phut + to + gio.

<b>* note</b>: Half = 30 phut
a quarter = 15 phut
- Ask Ss to listen A1 and repeat.

<b>* Exchange</b>:

What time is it?
It’s five twenty five.

<b>1. Pre teach vocabulary</b>:
- Physics (n) : m«n vËt lý
( example)

- Physical education (n): m«n thĨ dơc
( Picture)

- Geography (n) : môn địa lý

- History (n) : môn lịch sử

<b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: What and Where

- Write the words on the board, put one word in each

- Ask Ss to repeat the words in chorus,then rub out
word but leave the circle.

- Ask Ss to go to the board and write the words again
in their correct circle.

- Ask Ss some questions:
+ What time do you get up?
+ What time do classes start?
+ What time do they finish?
+ What time do you have lunch?

+ What time do you go to bed?

<b>2. Open prediction</b>:

- Set the scene: This is the schedule on Friday and
sartuday of the Ss in class 7A.

- Ask Ss to draw the table on page 43 in their

- Get Ss to work in pairs and complete the schedule
- give feedback.

<b>1. Listening and checking:</b>

- Ask Ss listen to the tape twice and compare with
their guess.


7.00 7.50 8.40 9.40 10.30

English geography Music Physics History

<b>T- Whole </b>
<b> class</b>

<b>T- Whole </b>
<b> class</b>

<b>T- Whole </b>
<b> class</b>

<b>T- Whole </b>
<b> class</b>

physics Historry Geography

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>


<i> </i>



<b> Preparing date 07-10-2008</b>

Unit 4: At school

<b>Period 22: </b>

<b>Lesson 2: </b>

<b>Section : A .Schedules (4+5)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to tell the time,using Simple Present tense,
practice listening with school vocabulary.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

1. Vocabulary: important (adj)

2. Grammar: What +do/does+S+have +Subjects?

What time+ do/does +S+ have + Subjects class?
What classes do/does +S+have +on...?

Simple Present tense

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Posters.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>


<b>Content/Activities</b> <b>Work</b>



<b>Pre- </b>




- Stick the poster on the board.

- Ask Ss to find out 12 words dealing with school.

<b>1. Pre teach vocabulary</b>:
- important (adj) : quan träng

- fun (n/adj) : vui nhén,niÒm vui

<b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: Rub out and remember
- Rub out the new words one at a time.

- Ask Ss to repeat chorally the words before and after
you rub out each word.

<b>1. Presentating the exchange</b>:

- Take one of six ptctures on page 43 to elicit the

<b>* Exchange</b>:

S1: what is Lan studying ?
S2: She is studying physics

S1: What time does Lan have her Physics class?
S2: She has her Physics class at 8.40

<b>2 . Picture cue drill</b>:

- Use the pictures on page 43 for drill.
- Ask Ss to repeat chorally.

- Get Ss to practice asking and answering the modal

<b>* Answer</b>:

b. what is Binh studying ?
He is studying Geography.

What time does Binh have his geography class?
He has his Goegraphy class at 1.50


<b>1. Reading comprehemsion</b>:

- AskSs to read the dialogue between Hoa and Thu.

<b> T- Whole </b>


<b>T-whole class</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<b><sub>Post- </sub></b>



<b>* Note</b> : When + do/does + S + have + Subjects?
What time +do/does +S + have +subjects class?
what classes +do/does + S+have +on....?

- Get Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions.
a. When does thu have English classes?

b. What classes does Thu have on thursday?
c. What is Thu’s favourite subject?Why?
d. What is Hoa’s favourite subject?Why?
- Give feedback.

- Ask Ss practice asking and answering.
* T gives answer keys:a,b,c,d.


- Get Ss write their schedule in their notebooks.

- Have them ask and answer about their schedule with
their partners.

<b>* Suggested questions</b>:
a. When do we have Math?

- Write about their subjects at school,about the subject
they like best,or they hate best.

<b>Pair work</b>


<b> work</b>

<b>Pair work</b>


<b> work</b>



<b> Preparing date 10-10-2008</b>

Unit 4: At school

<b>Period 23: </b>

<b>Lesson 3: </b>

<b>Section : A .Schedules (6+(7*))</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to read a text for details .

<b>II. Language content: </b>

Reading a text about the schools in the U.S.A to understand the details.

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Posters.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


<i> </i>






<b>Pre </b>


<b>While </b>

<b> reading</b>


* Categories:

- Ask Ss to find out the nouns beginning with the
letters that the teacher gives.

Ex: T: a b c d
S : apple book car dress
Pre teach vocabulary:

- Uniform (n) : đồng phục

- break (n) : giê nghØ
( Translation/example)

- cafeteria (n) : quán ăn tự phục vô

-snack (n) : mãn ¨n nhÑ,mãn ¨n nhanh
( Example)

- different from (adj) : kh¸c víi

- popular (adj) : phæ biÕn
( translation)

* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.

- put the new words all over the board,each word in the

2. True - False prediction:

- Give a poster of six statement .

- Ask Ss to keep their books closed and read the
statements and guess which is true,which is false.
- set the scene.

a. Ss do not usually wear school uniform
b. There are classes on saturday morning.
c. Ss don’t have a break in the afternoon.
d. The school caferia only opens at luncgtime.
e. The school cafeteria after- school activity.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to guess.

- Give feedback.

1. Reading and checking prediction:

- have Ss read the text A6 and check their prediction.
- Ask Ss to correct of the statements are felse.

- T gives answer keys:
- * Writing :

- Ask Ss to write a paraghraph about schools in VNam
- Get Ss to read the text again and work in pairs.

- Take some Ss’writings to correct before class.
* Suggested writing:

School in VN are little different from schools in the
USA .Ss in VN have to wear uniform. Classes in the
morning start at 7.00 and finish at 5.00. There are
classes on saturday.


- Have Ss write the paragraph in their notebooks(after
teacher’s correction).

T- Whole

<b> class</b>

<b>T - Whole</b>
<b> class</b>

<b>Pair work</b>

<b>Pair work</b>



<b> work</b>

cafeteria snack unifor

m popular

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>



<b> Preparing date 22-10-2008</b>

Unit 5: Work and play

<b>Period 27th</b>:

<b>Lesson 2: Section : A.In class ( 2+3</b>

<b> )</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know more about Ba’s daily routine.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar: simple present tense.
- Vocabulary :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>


Pre reading

While reading

* Jumbled words:

- Write the words with disordered letters on the board.
- Ask Ss from each team to go to the board and write
the correct words.

1. vaofrite -> facorite
2. hoholused -> household
3. ruiatg -> guitar
4. chanimen -> machine
5. reef meit -> free time
1.Pre teach vocabulary:

- enjoy ( v) : yªu thÝch , thëng thøc
- repair ( v) : s÷a ch÷a


- fix ( v) : s÷a ch÷a
( synonym : repair)

- ( be ) good at (adj): giỏi ( về cái gì)
( translation)

- electronics (n) : ®iƯn tư häc

- art club (n) : câu lạc bé nghÖ thuËt

- appliance (n) : thiÕt bÞ

( example)

* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board

- Put the new words all over the board each word in a

- Call two Ss or two teams to the front of the class.
2. True or false statements:

- Stick the poster of five statements about Ba on the board
- Set the scene;

- Ask Ss to work in pair and begin to predict:
+ True - False statements:

a. ba enjoys his school very much
b. His favorite subject is math

c. In electronics class,he learns to fix the appliance.
d. he doesn’t like fixing things

e. he watches TV in his free time
- Give the feedback

1. Reading and checking:
- Get Ss to read the text B2 .

- Ask them to correct the false statements
- Call on some Ss to check and correct.

* Answer keys:

Guess Check Correction


B F His favorite subject is


D F He is good at fixing

E F He learns to play the guitar
in his free time

T- whole

T- whole

enjoy electronics repair

good at

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>



Preparing date 25-10-2008

Unit 5: Work and play

<b>Period 28th</b>:

<b>Lesson 3: Section : A.In class ( 4,5,6</b>

<b> )</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice in school library by listening.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar: simple present tense.
- Vocabulary :about subjects

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stage Content/Activities Work



* Matching :

- Show five pictures on page 54 to the Ss and ask them to
write the suitable subject under each picture.

- Give feedback and correct.
Answer keys:

a. Geography

b. Physical education.
c. Computer Science.
d. Physics

e. English/Literature
* Prediction:

- Set the scene:

- Ask Ss to write the correct letters next to the name.
- Give feedback.

* Listening and checking:

- Have Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction
* Answer keys:

Ba: d,a,e Hoa: c,b,e
* Tape transcript:

1. pre teach vocabulary:
- essay (n) : bài luận văn
( realia)

- calculator (n) : m¸y tÝnh sè häc
( realia)

- enent (n) : sù kiÖn

* Checking vocabulary:

- Ask Ss to do exercise A6 on page 55.

- Have Ss work in pair to match each subjects to the correct

* Answer keys:

1 : c 2 : d 3 : a 4 : e 5 : b


<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>


<i> </i>




* Notes: T gives should teach these words passively.
2. Open prediction:

- Ask Ss to guess before reading
- Set the scene.

1. Reading and checking:

- Get Ss to read the text on page 54 and check their

* Answer keys:

2. Comprehension questions;

- Get the Ss to read the text again and answer the questions.
- Give feedback and correct

- get Ss to practice asking and answering the questions.
* Questions and answers:

a. What do you study at school?
b. What do you learn in literature?

c. Do you study past and present events in history class?
d. What subject helps you know different countries and their

e. Do you speak E in language class?
* Noughtsand Crosses:

- Divide the class into two teams:noughts (O) and crosse(X)
(1)literature (2) computer (3) language

(4) History (5)physics (6)physical
(7)Electronics (8)Art (9) geography
* Possible answers:

1. What do you do in literature class?
- we learn about books and write essays
2.What do you do incomputer science class?
- we learn how to use a computer.


- Ask Ss to write about what they learn in each class.

Pair work

Group work



Preparing date 27-10-2008

Unit 5: Work and play

<b>Period 29th</b>:

<b>Lesson 4: Section : B.It time for recess 1+2</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be talk about recess activities with present progressive

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar: present progressive tense.
- Vocabulary :about recess activities.

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage</b> <b>Content/Activities</b> <b>work</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>





Ask Ss to think of the activities that they do in theur recess
Skipping rope chatting

I. Pre teach vocabulary
- chat (v): Nãi chuyÖn phiÕm
( example )

- Play catch (v): Chơi đuổi bắt

( Picture )

- play blind mans buff (v): Chơi bịt mắt bắt dê.
( Picture )

- Play marbles (v): Ch¬i bi.
( Picture )

- Skip rope (v): Chơi nhảy dây.
( Picture )

- Ring (v): Reo ( chuông ), reng
( mime )

- Popular (adj): Phæ biÕn
( Translation )

- Excited (adj): Hµo høng.
( Translation )

* Checking vocabulary: What and where

- Write the words on the bosrd, put one word in a circle

- Have Ss repeat the words chorally.

- Ask to go to the board and write the words in correct

II. Presentation text

- Ask Ss to write down all the recess activities in the text.
III. Revision of Present Progressive tense:

* Form:

(+) S + be + ving...
(- ) S + be + not + ving...
(?) Be + S + ving...?

<i>* Picture cue drill </i>

- Ask Ss to look at 6 pictures on page 56 and pactive
asking and answering.

<i>Exchange</i>: What is the boy doing? He is runing.
a. what are these boys doing?

They are talking to each other

b. what is the girl doing? She is drinking

c. What are the boys doing? They are playing marbles.
d. what is she doing? she is playing blind man’sbuff.



Group Work

Pair Work
Recess activities

Popular Play catch Excited
Chat Play marbles Skip rope

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>


<i> </i>

Home work e. what is he doing? He is playing catch.f. What are the Ss doing? They are reading.
* Write it up:

- Get Ss to look at the pictures on page 56 and write about
they are doing at recess.

- ask Ss to Write some sentences.





Preparing date 29-10-2008

Unit 5: Work and play

<b>Period 30th</b>:

<b>Lesson 5: Section : B.It time for recess 3+4</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be

-read a text about recess activities in American school.

- see the different between recess activities in American school using simple present tense and
in Viet Namese school.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar: simple present tense .
- Vocabulary :about recess activities.

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>


while reading

Post reading


- Ask Ss to find 10 words about recess activities.
* Answer keys: play catch,chat,drink,play
marbles,eat,soccer,read.play tennis,skip rope
1. Pre teach vocabulary:

- take part in (v) tham gia,tham dù

- swap (v) : trao đổi

- relax (v) : th gi·n

- score a goal (v): ghi bàn thắng

- energetic (adj) : hiếu động ,năng nổ

- portable(adj) : cã thĨ s¸ch tay dỵc

( translate)

* checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.
2. Open prediction:

- Ask Ss to guess the recess activities of American Ss
- Give feeback

eating chatting


* Ss’ answer.

1. Reading and checking :

Ask Ss read the text and check prediction.
- get them work in pairs

- gives feedback and correct.
* Answer keys:* Multiple choice.
* Answer keys

a- c b- a c- -d d- d

- have Ss write the complete sentences
1. Guessing game:

- Ask Ss to take activities small piece of paper and write

one of their favorite recess activities on it.

Ex: do you play soccer?
2. Discussion :

- divite the class into groups of 8 and discuss about
what they often do at recess .

* Survey :

- Ask Ss to write the table in their notebooks.
- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to write something about the recess in their

T-whole class

whole class

Pair work
Group work
whole class
Group work

whole class
Recess activities in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>


<i> </i>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Ngun ThÞ Hu©n</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<sub>Warm up</sub>




1.Pre taech vocabulary:

- assignment(n): bµi tËp giao vỊ nhµ làm

- relax(v): th giÃn ,nghỉ ngơi
- fun (n) : niÒm vui


* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember
1. Presentation dialogue

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue and then answer the

- Get Ss to work in pairs and answer.
- Give feedback

*Question and answers:

a. what does Nam want to do?
he wants to go to the movies

b. Why doesn’t Lan want to go to the movies?

Because there aren’t any good movies on at the moment
c.What does lan want to do?

She wants to go to her house to listen to music
d. why doesn’t Hoa want to go to Lan’s house?
Because she has too many assignments

e. what day is it?
It is saturday.
*Modal sentences:

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and take out the


Answer: - what about going to the movies.
- Let’s go to my house

- why don’t you relax

Suggestions Response
Let’s go to my house yes.Let’s

what about going to the zoo? That’s a good idia
why don’t you relax? sorry. I can’t

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice giving suggestions
and response

* Mapped dialogue:

- Present the dialogue ,using symbols,cues,vusuals...
- Ask Ss to work in pairs topractice the dialogue.
You your friend
what-do-afternoon? movies
no good movies Mai’s house
too far.Not have a bike bus


-Get Ss to write five suggestions.

T- Whole


Pair work

T-whole class
whole class
Pair work


<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>


<i> </i>

Unit 6: after scool

<b>Period 35th</b>:

<b>Lesson 5: Section : B. Let go (2)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be to know more about American teenagers’ favorite
leisure activities.

. II. Language content:

- Grammar: simple present tense .
- Vocabulary :about recess activities.

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

Stages Content/Activities Work
Warm up

Pre reading

While reading


- prepare six cards with number on one side and
some phrases on the other.

what about why don;t let’s

stamps ging to thecircus you study inthe library
1. Pre teach vocabulary:

- teenager (n): thiÕu niªn(13-19 ti)

- musical instrument(n): nhạc cụ

- modal(n): mẫu .mô hìng

- scout (n): hớng đạo sinh

- guide (n) : ngời hớng đạo,dẫn đờng

- coin (n) : tiền đồng

- organization (n) : tæ chøc

* Checking vocabulary: slap the board

2. Open prediction:
- Set the scene:

- Ask Ss to go to the board and write the activities

play video games watch TV

* Possible answers: - go camping
- go shopping - go to the movies
- listen to music - go to the cafeteria
- read books - go to some clibs
- collect things

1. Reading and checking:

- Ask Ss to open the books and read B2 .

- Get Ss to work in pairs and check their prediction.
* Answer keys: Top ten activities

1.Eat in fast food restaurant

2.attend Youth oranization such as scouts and guide
3. Learn to play a musical instrument such as the

4. go shpping
5.watch TV

6. go to the movie
7. listem to music

8.collect things such as stamps or coins

9. make modals of things such as cars or plane
10. help old people with their shopping or cleaning
2. comprehension questions:

-Ask Ss some questions about VNamese teenagers’
activities in their free time.

- Get Ss to work in pairs to find out the answers

T-whole class

whole class

Pair work

Pair work


er guide

scout modal



<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>


<i> </i>




Preparing date 11-11-2008

Unit 6: after scool

<b>Period 36th</b>:

<b>Lesson 5: Section : B. Let go (3+4)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be to make invitations with “Would you like ...?”

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar: simple future tense ,would you like+ to-V... ?

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stage Content/Activities Work

Warm up



* Lucky numbers

- Write 10 numbers on the board ,from 1 to 10.
* Questionnaires

1.what do you like doing in your free time?
2.Lucky number

1. Pre taech vocabulary:

- Join (v): tham gia
( synonym:take part in)
- wedding (n) ; đám cới

- you are welcome : khơng có chi(đáp lại một lời cảm ơn)
-pleasure (n) : niềm vui sớng,sự hài lòng


*Checking vocabulary: Jumbled words

1.dendiiwg -> wedding 4.tivein -> invite
2.lemceow -> welcome 5. noij -> join
3.lasurepe -> pleasure 6. louwd -> would
2.Presentation dialogue

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue

- Give them some questions to make sure they understand
the dialogue

* Questions and answers:

1. When’s Nga ‘s birthday?(it’s on sunday)
2. what does Nga want Lan to do?

(she wants Lan to go to her house for lunch)
3. what does Nga want Nga to do after lunch?
(she wants to go to the movies)

4. Des Hoa come to Nga’s house for lunch?why?
(no, Because she’s going to a wedding)

-Ask Ss a question to draw a modal sentences.

+what does Nga say to invite Lan to her house for lunch?
+ How does Lan answer?

*Modal sentence:

Would you like to come to my house?
Yes,i’d love to

* Form: would you like + to + infi...?
use: to invite someone




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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>


Home work

- Use the cards to ask Ss to drill

- Get Ss to look at the cues and make sentences.
Ex: would you like to watch a movie on TV?
yes,I’d love to.

Making suggestions:

- Ask Ss to look at their books and practice the dialogue.
- Tell them the structure used to make suggestions

+ Let’s ...

+ should we...?

+ would you like to...?

- Ask them to look at the table and write down possible


- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to working pairs to practice their dialogue
- Ask Ss to write the dialogues in their notebooks.


Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>


<i> </i>

Preparing date 19-11-2010
Teaching date 22-11-2010

Unit 7: the world of work

<b>Period 41th</b>: <b>Lesson 1</b>: <b>Section : A. A student s work (1)</b>’

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be to talk about student’s work using
comparative fewer,more.

II. Language content: - Grammar: comparative fewer,more.
III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.

IV. Procedure:

Stage Content/Activities Work
Warm up


* word square

- put the word square chart on the board










* Answer keys:

-> teenager,start,class,finish,work


1. Pre teach vocabulary:

- an hour (n): 1 tiếng đồng hồ (example)
- last (v) : kéo dài (translation)

- few (adj) : Ýt

* checking vocabulary:what and where
- write the new words on the board
-Ask Ss to repeat the words chorally

-Rub out word by word but leave the circles.

--Get Ss to go to the board and write the words again in
their correct circles.

2. Comprehension questions:

-Ask ss to read the dialogue A1 and work in pairs to
answer the questions .

- Have Ss use short answer
* Questions and answers

T-whole class

Whole class

Pair work
few last

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

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a.What time do Hoa’s classes start?
Hoa ‘s classes start at 7.00

b.What time do they finish?

They finish an a quarter past eleven

3.Presenting target language:- Ask Ss two questions in
order to draw out the target language

1. Do your classes start earlier or later than Hoa’s?
2.Do you work fewer or more hour than Hoa?
*Answer: 7.My classes start earlier than Hoa’s

8.I work fewer hours than Hoa

Form: S1 + V + adv-er + (n) +than +S2

1. Comparatives:- Write some adverbs/adj on the board
-Ask Ss to go to the board and give their comparatives
+ late - later + few - fewer

+ early - earlier + hard - harder
+ many - more

- Ask the whole class to repeat chorally
2. Word cue drill- Give Ss the exchange
S1: Hoa’s classes start later than our classes.
S2: yes.Our classes start earlier than Hoa’s
* cues: a. The film/finish/late/play

b. Hoa/work/many hours/Lan
c.we/learn/much time/those Ss
d. she/have/few books/her friend

- Call some Ss to make complete sentences
-Give feedback and correct

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the exchanges
* Answer keys:

* Noughts and crosses:using comparative with

classes start school year

start summer vacation finish
holidays fewer work more

hours study fewer hours
classes finish activities in


holidays more

* possible sentences:

1.VNamese classes start earlier than American classes
2.Our school year starts later than Hoa’s

3.Hoa’s summer vacation finishes earlier than ours
4.I have fewer holidays than my brother

-Have Ss write 5 comparatives sentences,using

T-whole class

Pair work

Group work


Preparing date 20-11-2010

Teaching date 24-11-2010

Unit 7: the world of work

<b>Period 42th</b>:

<b>Lesson 2</b>: <b>Section : A. A student s work (2+3)</b>’

<b>I. Objectives</b>:

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be to know more about American Ss’vacation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>


<i> </i>

<sub> - Grammar: comparative fewer,more.</sub>
<b>III. Teaching aids</b>: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>:

Stage Content/Activities Work
Warm up

Pre reading

While reading

* pelmanism:

-prepare 8 cards with numbers on one side and
adverbs with their comparatives on the other side

early late few earlier

fewer many later more

1. Pre teach vocabulary

- celebrate (v): tỉ chøc lƠ kû niÖm(translation)
- important (adj): quan träng (translation)
- spend (v) : tr·i qua,tiªu phÝ (translation)
- Easter (n) : LƠ phơc sinh(translation)
- thanksgiving (n): Lễ tạ ơn (translation)
- independence Day (n): Ngày Quốc Kh¸nh
(explanation:the day is on september 2nd)
* checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember
- Get Ss to write down the words into their notebooks
and then ask them to close their books.

-Get Ss repeat chorally before and after you rub out
each word.

2. True False statements prediction

- Give the poster of five statements on the board

-Ask Ss to keep their books closed and read the
statements and guess which statements is true and
which is false

*Set the scene:True-False statements
1. Readingf and checking prediction

- Have Ss read the letter a2 and check their prediction
-Ask Ss to correct if the statement is false.

Guess check correction

a T

b F American Ss have the longest
vacation in the summer

c T

d F their most important
vacations are Easter,4th of
July,Thanksgiving and

e T

2. filling the grid

- draw the grid on the board (or use a poster)
- Ask SAs to copy down into their books

- Get Ss to read the letter again and complete the grid
* Answer keys:

Vacation In VN In America
-longest vacatio

-Tet holiday

in the summer


in the summer

* Listening

1. Prediction

T- whole class

T- whole class

whole class

Pair work

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Ngun ThÞ Hu©n</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

Post reading

Home work

- Ask ss to look at the pictures A3 and guess the
names of the holidays

- Give feedback

2. Listening and checking

- Get Ss to listen to the tape and check their

- Give feedback and correct
* Answer keys: a. Thanksgiving
b.Indipendence Day
c.New year’s Eve
3. Matching:

- Ask Ss to match the holidays with their symbols

* *Answer keys:

a-3 b-1 c-4 d-2
* Tape transcript:...

- Ask Ss to write about what they do in New Year’s

Pair work


whole work



Preparing date 21-11-2010
Teaching date 26-11-2010

Unit 7: the world of work

Period 43th:

Lesson 3: Section : A. A student’s work (4)

<b>I. Objectives</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be to understand the text about typical Ss’s work
for details.

<b>II. Language content</b>:

- Grammar: comparative fewer,more.

<b>III. Teaching aids</b>: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>:

Stage Content/Activities Work
Warm up *Brainstorming:- Get Ss to think about the holidays in a year

independence Day
Tet holiday

*Possible answers:

+ Thanksgiving + new Year’s Eve

+ easter + May Day

+Women’s Day + Mid-autumn Festival

- Guessing games;

-Ask Ss to write his/her favorite holiday in a small piece
of paper and keep it secret

-Get ss to ask yes-No questions to guess the teacher’s
fovorite holiday

T-whole class

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<i> </i>

Pre reading


Post reading
Home work

*Example:-Is your favorite holiday teachers’day?(No)
-Call the Ss who has the correct guess to the front of the
class and the game continues

1.Pre teach vocabulary
- period (n): tiÕt häc

- review (v) : ôn tập, xem lại

- typical (adj) : điển hình,tiêu biểu

- lazy (adj) : lêi biÕng

( explanation: unwilling to work)
- definitely (adv) : nhất định,chắc chắn
( synonym : certainly)

- keen on ( adj) : giái,say mª,ham thÝch
( translation)

*checking vocab:slap the board

- Call on two Ss or two teams of Ss to the front of the

2. Gap filling

- Stick the poster of five sentences with gaps
-Ask Ss to work in pair and fill in the gaps
a.Hoa goes to school...days a week
b. She has...periods a day

c.She works ...hours a week

d.she has about...hours of homework a week

e.Before test,she works...hours a week
-Give feedback

1.reading and checking prediction

- Have Ss read the text A4 and check their guess
- Call on some Ss to answer before the class
- Give feedback and correck

* Answer keys:a six;b five;c. wenty; d.twelve;e.forty-five
2. Comprehension questions

- Give Ss five questions

- Ask them to work in pairs to answer the questions
* Questions:

a. why do some people think Ss have an easy life?
b, c,d,e...
* Discussion:

- Give Ss the topic and ask them to work in group and
discuss about the topic “what do you think of Ss’life?
Are they lazy? Is their life easy?

- Ask Ss to write a paragraph (100 words) about their
life -focus on their study.

T- whole

Whole class

Pair work

Whole class

Pair work

Group work


period review typical

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

Preparing date 26-11 -2010
Teaching date 29-11-2010

Unit 7: the world of work

<b>Period 44th</b>:

<b>Lesson 4: Section : B. The worker (1)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be to read a text about Tim’s parents’work and </b>

get further practice in simple present tense.understand the text about typical Ss’s work for details.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- vocabulary; past time.play golf,mechanic,shift,homeless

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Warm up Content/Activities Work
Warm up

Pre reading


*Slap the board (revision)

-Write the words in VNamese that Ss learned last time all
over the board.Each word is in cricle

-Call two Ss and ask them to stand at an equal distance
from the board

1. Pre teach vocabulary

- past time job (n) (translation): công việc bán thêi gian
- repair (V) (picture): sưa ch÷a

- play golf (v) (picture ) :chơi gôn
- mechanic (n) : ngời thợ máy
- shift (n) (trans ): ca làm viƯc
- homeless (n): nhí nhµ

* Checking voca: jumbled ưods
+ raipre -> repair
+ payl lofg -> play golf
2. Ordering :

- Giving Ss four headless
a. Mr.jones’ work

b. Tim’s introduction of his family
c. Mr.jones’work

- Set the scene :

- Have Ss work in pairs and guess.
- Give feedback

1. Reading and checking prediction:

- Get Ss to read the letter and check their guess
- Call on some Ss to answer the question

- Give feedback
* Answer keys:

- Paragraph 1: Tim’s introdiction of his family



Team work
Pair work

Pair work
tiết học

điển hình

học chăm
yêu thích

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>


<i> </i>

Post reading


- Paragraph 2: Mrs.jones work
- Paragraph 3: Mr.jones’work

- Paragraph Mr.Jones’vacation time
2. Comprehension questions:

- Get Ss to read the letter again and answer the questions
-Have Ss work in pairs to find out the answers


a. where does Mrs.jones work

b. what does she do for homeless people?
c.what is Mr.Jones’s job?

d. How many hours a week does she usually work?
e. How do you know the Jones family likes Florida?
- Call some Ss to answer before the class

- Get Ss to write the answer in their notebooks.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs practicing asking and answering
* Answer keys :

a. She works at home.But three morning a week she works
part time at a local supermarket

b.She cooks lunch for homeless poeple once a week

c.Mr.jones is a mechanic.He repairs machines in a factory
d.He works about 40 hours a week

e.The Jones family always goes to Florida on
vacatiob.They have a great time there.

* Transformation writing

- Ask Ss work in group to write a letter to Hoa

- Call some Ss from some groups to read aloud their letters
- Give feedback and correct

* Suggected letter:
Dear Hoa

- - Get Ss to write a letter about their family in their


Pair work

Group work




Preparing date 27 -11 -2010
Teaching date 1-12-2010

Unit 7: the world of work

<b>Period 45th</b>:

<b>Lesson 4: Section : B. The worker (2)</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know more about farmer’s work and
get further practice in comparatives,practice listening.

<b>II. Language content</b>:

- Grammar : comparatives

- Vocabulary; past time.play golf,mechanic,shift,homeless

<b>III. Teaching aids</b>: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

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<i> </i>



Stage Content/Activities Work
Warm up



* Chatting :

- Ask Ss some questions about their family,their parents’s

+ where do you live? + what’s your father’s job?
+ who do you live with? + what’s your mom’s job?
+ Does she work hard? +how many days does he/she work?
+ how long is her/his vacation? , ...
1. Pre teach voca:

- pig (n) (picture): lỵn

- buffalo shed (n) (picture): chuồng trâu,bò
- chicken coop (n) (picture): chuồng gà

-main crop(n)(trans): vụ mùa chính
- feed (v) (picture): cho ăn

- rest (v) (exlanation) : nghØ ng¬i
- Real (adj) (trans) : sù thËt

* Checking voca: what and where

- Write the words on the board,put one word in each circle

- Have Ss repeat the words in chorus

-Rub out word by word but leave the circles

-Ask Ss to go to the board and write the words again in
their correct circles

2. Presentation text:

- Get Ss to read the text and then answer some questions .
- Make sure Ss understand the text

* Question and answer:

a.who is Mr.Tuan?(He’s Hoa’father)
b. what ‘s his job? (He’s farmer?
c.what time does Tuan start his work?
(He starts his work at 6 in the morning)
d. what time does he finish? (at 6 pm)

e.Does he have vacation? (No,he has no real vacation)
* Writing:

- Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about Mr>Jones and

- Get Ss to share with their partners after finishing their
writings and call Ss to read aluod their writings

- Give feedback and correct

* Suggested writing: Mr .Tuan is a farmer . His work takes
him a lot of time .He has to work from at 6 am to 6 pm .He
works about 84 hours per week. He sometimes gets one day
off,four or five times a year.He has no real vacations.He
works very hard.

- Ask Ss to copy the writing into their notebooks.



Pair work

Pair work



pig main crop chicken


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<i> </i>

<sub> </sub>

Preparing date 28 -11 -2010
Teaching date 3-12-2010

Unit 7: the world of work

<b>Period 46th</b>:

<b>Lesson 5</b>: <b>Section : B. The worker (3+4)</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know more about farmer’s work and
get further practice in comparatives,practice listening.

<b>II. Language content</b>:

- Grammar : comparatives

<b>III. Teaching aids</b>: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Stage</b> <b>Content/Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


Warm-up *Brainstorming:

-Aks Ss to think of occupations they’ve known

- Get Ss to go to the board and write down the occupations

teacher doctor

3.Completing the grid:

- Ask Ss to copy the grid B3 in their nitebooks.
- Ask Ss to read the text again and complete the grid
* Answer keys:

Name hours per

week Days off Vacation time

Mr.Jones 40 Two A


Mr.Tuan 84 one four or No real


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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 NguyÔn Thị Huân</b></i>

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five times a

year vacation
- Give feedback and correct

4. Making comparing:- Ask Ss to look at the grid and compare

Mr.jones with Mr>Tuan using fewer,more,less

* Form: S1 + V + more + N+ than + S2

S1 + V + fewer + N(dem duoc) + than + S2
S1 + + less + N(o dem duoc) + than + S2
* Use : compare with countable and uncountable nouns
* Exchange:

S1: Mr.Jones works fewer hours than Mr.Tuan
S2: Yes,Mr.Tuan works more hours than Mr.Jones
* Drill:- Ask Ss to prctice speaking about Mr.Jones and
Mr.Tuan,using the given exchange

* Answer keys:

a. Mr.Jones works fewer hours than Mr.Tuan
Yes.Mr.Tuan works more hours than Mr.Jones
b.Mr.Jones has more free time than Mr.Tuan
Yes. Mr.Tuan has less time than Mr.Jones
c. Mr.Jones has more vacation time than Mr.Tuan
Mr.Tuan has less vacation time than Mr.Jones
* Writing :

- Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about Mr.Jones and Mr.tuan
- Get Ss to share with their partners after finishing their writings and
call Ss to read aluod their writings

- Give feedback and correct
* Suggested writing:

Mr.Jones is a mechanic.He repairs ...
Mr Tuan is a farmer . His work

 B4: * New words : - be on duty : trc , lµm viÖc
- annual (adj) : hàng năm
- Open prediction:

- Set the scene:

- Have Ss draw the table in their books
-Get Ss to work in pairs and guess
- Give feedback

1. Listening and checking:

- Get Ss to listen and check their prediction
- Give feedback

* Answer keys:

Name Job Hours per

week Amount of vacation

Peter doctor 70 4 weeks

Susan nurse 50 3 weeks

Jane shop

assistant 35 1 weeks

Phong factory

worker 48 2 weeks

*Write it up:

- Ask Ss to wite a short paragraph about Peter,Susan ,Jane and Phong
- Get Ss to share with their partners

- Give feedback and correct

- Ask Ss to finish their writings


Pair work

Pair work


<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>


<i> </i>


Preparing date 01 -12 -2008

Unit 8: Places

<b>Period 45th</b>:

<b>Lesson 1: Section : A. Asking the way (1,2)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to say the name of places by English </b>

and practice asking for and giving directions.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar : compound adjectives and preposisions of position
- Vocabulary: souvenir shop,go straight ahead,take the first street

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stage Content/Activities Work

Warm up


* Jumbled words:

- Write the words whose letters are in a random order
on the board

- Tell Ss that these words are places
1.bkan -> bank

2.nstoait -> station
3. loiphats ->hospital
1. Matching :

- Ask Ss to look at six pictures and match the name of
the places

- Get Ss to work in pairs and match
* Answer keys:

+ Picture a: national Bank of VN
+ Picture b: saint paul hospital
+ Picture c: Hotel

+ picture d : the central Post office
+ picture e: Hanoi Tailway station
+ picture : dong Xuan market
1. Pre teach voca:

- souvenir shop (n) (picture):cửa hàng bán đồ lu niệm
- go straight ahead (mime) : đi thẳng

- take the first street (visuaăngrex ở ngà thứ nhất

* checking voca:

- Prepare four pictures,stick them on the left of the
board and write the words on the right.

- Ask Ss to match the pictures with the suitable words.

T-whole class

Pair work

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<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>




2. Presentasion dialogue:

- Get Ss to read the dialogue A2 and ask Ss some
questions to make sure they nuderstand the dialogues
+what does the tourist 1 want to ask Nga?

(the souvenir shop)

+ what does the tourist 2 want?
(the way to the supermarket)

+ How do they say to ask for the way?

a.Could you tell me how to get to the souvenir shop?
b.Could you show me the way to the supermarket?
*Picture drill:

- Use the street mao for drill

- get Ss to practice asking and giving directions to 5

+ restaurant + bookstore
+ hospital + movie theatre
+ school

* Answer keys :

a.could you tell me how to get to the restaurant?
- >Go straight ahead,take the first srteet on the
right.The restaurant is next to the shoe store
b.Could you me how to get to the hospital?

-> go straingt ahead,take the second street on the
right.The hospital is opposite the restaurant.
c.Could you me the way to the school?

->go straight ahead,take the second street on the...

* listening:

- Ask Ss to look at the street map again ,listen carefully
and write the places mantioned

-- Ask Ss to listen twice

- Ask them to share with their partners
-Give feedback

- Let Ss to listen again to check
* Answer keys:

a. souvenir shop d.drugstore
b. shoes store e.hospital

* tape transcript:...
-Ask Ss to learn by heart the prepositions of places

whole class

Pair work

Pair work



<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>


<i> </i>

Preparing date 07-12-2008

Unit 8: Places

<b>Period 46th</b>:

<b>Lesson 2: Section : A. Asking the way (3)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use “where is...?” question and </b>

preposition of places to describe the position of a place.say the name of places.

<b>II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar : compound adjectives and preposisions of position

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stage Content/Activities Work
Warm up


* Brainstorming:

- Have Ss think of the prepositions of places that they’ve

- Ask Ss to go to the board and write down the
prepositions of places they’ve known.

in front of next to

behind near


* Possible answers:

on/apposite/in front of/behind/between/near
1.Modal sentences :

- Show Ss the street map on page 81.
- Give them the modal sentences.
+ where is the bank?

+ the bank is betwwen the hotel and the restaurant.It’s
opposite the hospital.

2. Drill :

- Ask Ss to look at the street map and practice asking and

answering the positions of the places.

Bank/police station/Shoe store/restaurant/hotel/post

- Call on some pairs of Ss to ask and answer before the

- Give feedback and correct.
- Ask all Ss to practice in pairs.



Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Ngun ThÞ Hu©n</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

Further prctice


a. where is the police station?

It’s between the post office and the Museum.
b. Where is the shoe store?

It’s between the restaurant and the hotel .
c. Where is the bookstore?

It’s opposite the school.It’s next to the souvenir shop.
d.where is the restaurant ?

It’s beside the bank and the shoe store.
It’s opposite the post office.

e. where is the hotel ?

It’s opposite the post office.
f.where is the post office?

It’s is the next to the school and the police station.
g.where is the school?

It’ opposite the bookstore
It’s next to the post office.
* Writing :

- Give the Ss the map and ask them to write the location
of each store using the prepositions.

- Get Ss to write individually.then compare with their

- call on some Ss to talk about the locations of the stores.
- Give feedback and correct.

- Get Ss to write the position of thier home i their

Pair work



Preparing date 08-12-2008

Unit 8: Places

<b>Period 47th</b>:

<b>Lesson 3: Section : A. Asking the way (4,5)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about distances ,using “How </b>


<b> II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar : How far...?; It takes + time _ to do sth.
- Vocabulary: a long way,have a guess,coarch,think

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stage Content/Activities Work

Warm up


* Shark’s attack:

- Cut out a shark and a schoolgirl from card.
- Draw some steps and the sea around the steps.

- Stick the cut out girl on top of the steps and the shark is
in the sea.

- Ask Ss to cotinue to guess the words.
meter/hour/how far

1. Pre teach vocabulary:
- a long way (n) ( trans) :
- have a guess (trans) :
- It takes + time + to sth:

- coarch (n) ( picture ) :
- think (v) (mine ) :


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<i> </i>


* Checking vocabulary : Rub uot and remember
- Get Ss to copy the words in their notebooks.
- Ask Ss to repeat the words chorally.

- Rub out the new words one at a time.

- Ask Ss to repeat the words chorally before and afetr you
rub out each word,ask Ss to repeat again.

2. Presentation dialogue:

- Have Ss read the dialogue A4

- Ask Ss some questions to make sure they understand the

* Question and answers:

a. Is it far from Hue to Ha Noi?(Yes,it is)
b. How far is it? (about 680 kms)

c. How many hours do we spend travelling from Hue to
HN by coach? (18 hours)

d. Is it nearer from Hue to HN than from Hue to HCM
city?( Yes,it is)

e. what does Lan say to ask the distance from Hue to
HCM city?(how far is it from Hue to HCM city?
- Draw out the modal sentences.

* Modal sentences:

How far is it from Hue to HN?
It’s is about 680 km.

* Form : How far is it + From ...+ to ...?
It’s about + ...km/m

* Ues : Asking and answering about distances.
3. Drill:

(1). Matching:

- Stick the poster on the board

a.Ha Noi - Vinh 1/688 km
b. Ha Noi - Da Nang 2/ 1726 km

c.Ha Noi - Hue 3/791 km
d. Ha Noi - HCM city 4/ 319 km
- Have Ss match the way to the correct distances.
* Answer keys:

a - 4; b - 3 ; c - 1 ; d- 2 .

- Get Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about

* Example :

S1 : How far is it from HN to Vinh?
S2: It’s about 329 km

* Mapped dialogue :

- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board.
- Elicit the exchanges from the Ss

- Have some pairs practice each exchange before going to
another exchange.

- After finshing the dialogue,aks some pairs to
demonstrate the whole dialogue.

- Have the whole class work in pairs.
- - Monitor and correct.

You Your friend
Could you tell me ... straight / right/
bookstore first street

between mini mart/

Whole class



Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Ngun ThÞ Hu©n</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

Home work

How far...? 500 m
* Example dialogue:

You : Could you tell me how to get to the bookstore?
Your friend: Go straingt ahead.Turn right inyo the first

street .The bookstore is between the mini mart and the

You : How far is it from here ?
Your friend : It’s about 500 m
You : Thanks a lot.

Your friend: You’re welcom

- Tell the Ss that they can change the information
- Ask Ss to write the complete dialogue in their

notebooks. Individual work



Preparing date 10-12-2008

Unit 8: Places

<b>Period 48th</b>:

<b>Lesson 4: Section : B. At the post office (1,2)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask and tell the price and practice </b>

reading.and get further pracice in “need”.

<b> II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar : How much + be + N / pronoun...?

- Vocabulary: envelope, send a letter ,change,local stamp,overseas ,writing paid...

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard,tape.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stage Content/Activities Work
Warm up


Pre reading

* Chatting :

- Ask Ss some questions about distances and locations of
some places in their neighborhood.

+ How do you go to school ?

+ How far is it from your house to school ?
+ Is there a market near your home ?

1. Pre teach vocabulary :
- envelope (v) ( realia ) : b× th

- send a letter (v ) ( trans ) : göi mét bøc th
- cost (v) (trans) : chi phí,giá cả

- change (v ) ( example) : tiền lỴ

- local stamp (n) (realia ) : tem dïng trong níc

- stamp for overseas mail (n) ( realia) : tem dung cho
ng-ời gửi đi nớc ngoài

- writing paid (n) ( realia) : tËp giÊy viÕt th
* checking voca: what and where

- write the new words on the board,put one word in each


cost envelope

send e

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>


<i> </i>

While reading

Post reading

- Ask Ss to repeap the words chorally.

- Rub out words by words but leave the circles .

- Get Ss to go to the board and wrute the words again in
their correct circles.

2. Presentation dialogue:

- Get Ss to read the dialogue B1 and ask Ss some
questions to make sure they understand the dialogue.
+ where is Liz ? ( she is at the post office)

+ where does Liz want to buy ?(some envelope)
- * Form : How much + be + N / Pronoun...
* Use : Asking and telling the price

- Call on some Ss to demonstrate the exchanges.
- Get the whole class to work in pairs.

* B2 : Open prediction;

- Set the scene : Nga and Hoa are going to the post office
after school . You have to guess three things that Hoa
wants to buy from the post office.

- Have Ss guess (whole class).

- Give feedback ( teacher writes on the board).

envelope stamps

* Possible answer:

+ local stamps + stamps for overseas mail
+ phone card + writing paid ; + envelope
1. Reading and checking :

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue B2 and get Ss to work in
pairs and check.

- Give feedback.
* Answer keys:
1. some local stamps

2. some stamps for overseas mail
3. a phone card.

2. Comprehension questions;

- Have Ss read the dialogue again and answer the

- get Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions.
- Give feedback.

- Ask the whole class to practice asking and answering.
* Questions and answers:

a. what does hoa need from the post office ?
She needs some locals stemps,some stamps for
overseas mail and a phone card.

b. why does she need stamps for overseas mail?
Because she has a penpal ,Tim in American.
c. why does she need a phone card ?

because she phones her parents once a week.
- Ask Ss to write the prices of some school things.


Pair work

Pair work

Pair work

stamp for

overseas mail


<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 Nguyễn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<sub>Home work</sub> <sub> Example : The pen is 2,000 dong</sub> <sub>work</sub>



Preparing date 13-12-2008

Unit 8: Places

<b>Period 49th</b>:

<b>Lesson 5: Section : B. At the post office (3,4,5)</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask and tell the price and practice </b>

reading.and get further pracice in “need”.

<b> II. Language content: </b>

- Grammar : How much + be + N / pronoun...?

- Vocabulary: envelope, send a letter ,change,local stamp,overseas ,writing paid...

<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, Pictures,extraboard,tape.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage</b> <b> Content/Activities</b> <b>Work</b>

<b>Warm up</b>


<b>* Slap the board</b> (review of vocabulary):

- write the words that teacher wants Ss to review on the
board,each word in each circle.

- Call on two Ss or two teams of 6 Ss to the frnt of the

- call out the Vietnamese and two Ss have to run forward
to slap the English equivalent on the board.

- go on until all the words are slapped.

<b>1. Completing the dialogue</b> :
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue B3

- Get Ss to complete the dialogue between Hoa and the
clerk at the post office.

- Call on some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the dialogue
before class.

- Give feedback and correct

- Ask the whole class to work in pairs.
* Answer keys :

Hoa : I would <i>like </i>five local stamps and two stamps for

Clerk : Here you <i>are</i> . Is that all ?

Hoa : I also need fifty thousand dong phone card . How
<i>much</i> is that altogether ?

Clerk : That <i>is</i> seventy thousand dong .
Hoa : <i>Here</i> is eighty thousand dong.
Clerk : Thanks. Here ‘s your <i>change.</i>
<i>* Mapped dialogue</i> :

- Use the cues ,symbols,visuals....to elicit the dialogue
from the Ss.

- Get Ss to practice sentence by sentence.

- Call on some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the dialogue

<b>T- whole </b>


<b>Pair work</b>

<b>whole class</b>
<b>Pair work</b>

send mail envelope altogether



<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>


<i> </i>

<b>Pre </b>

<b>While </b>

<b>Post </b>

before class.

- Ask the whole class to work in pairs.

<b> You</b> <b>Clerk</b>

...some envelope Here...Is that all ?
post cards

...letter to America 9,500 dong
How ...?

30,000 dong phone card 45,000 dong

Here... Thank you

<b>2. Open prediction</b> :

- Set the scenne : Mrs Robinson intends to buy some
things .You have to guess the price of each team
- Give feedback

* things she buys: some stamp,some envelopes,a writing
paid,a phone card,a pen.

* price :

Things she buy guess correct
+ stamp

+ envelope
+ a writing paid

+ a phone card
+ a pen

2,500 dong
2,000 dong
3,000 dong
50.000 dong
1,500 dong

<b>1. Listening and checking:</b>

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and check their guess
about the price.

- have Ss work individually and then compare with their

- give feedback

* Answer keys(correct):

<b>2. Comprehension questions</b>:

- Give Ss some questions and ask them to listen to the
tape again and answer them

- get Ss to work in pairs.
* Question and answers:

a. Where does Mrs Robinson buy a pen and a writing


(she buys them at a stationery store)

b. Where does she buy stamps and the phone card?
(she buys them at the post office)

c.What is the total cost ?
( it is 59,000 dong )

d. how much change will Mrs Robinson have from 60,000
dongs ?( she ‘ll have 1,000 dong in change)

* Tape transcript: Mrs Robinson goes to a stationery store
and buys a packet of envelopes at 2,000dongs and a pen at
1,500dongs.she also buys a writing pad at 3,000

dongs.Then she goes to the post office...
* <b>Writing :</b>

- Have Ss write a paragraph by answering the questions

a.How much is it to mail a local letter in VNam?
b. How much is it a letter to America ?

c. What does the post office sell apart from stamps?
d.do you write to anyone overseas ? Who ?

* <i><b>Suggested writing</b></i>: There’s a post office near my house.

<b>T-whole class</b>
<b>whole class</b>

<b>individual </b>
<b>Pair work</b>

<b>Pair work</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 NguyÔn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

<b>Home work</b>

It’s about 500 meters so i can go there on foot.I have
many friends in other provices and a pen pal in America
so I usually write letters to them.It is cheap to mail a local
letter in VN .It cost 800 dongs>However,sending a letter
to America is expensive.It is 9,000 to 10,000

dongs>Sometimes,I go to the post office to buy

stamps,envelopes,post cards,phone cards,even writing
pads or newspapers and magazines.

- Ask Ss complete their writing and copy into their

<b>Individual </b>



Preparing date 13-12-2008

<b>Period 50th</b>: <b>REVIEW</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>:

After the lesson Ss will be able to :

summazine the knowledge they have learnt and know to improve their knowledge of

<b>II. Language content</b> :
Grammar : Tense

<b>III. Teaching aids</b> : chalk ,extra board

<b>IV. Procedures</b> :

<b>A. Theory</b> :

<i><b>1. Present Simple tense :</b></i>

Form : (+) S + V/ (Vs/es) + ...
(-) S + don’t/doesn’t + V +...
(?) Do/does + S + V + ...?

Yes,S + do/does or No, S + don’t/doesn’t

( thờng đi kèm các trạng từ : always,usually, often ,sometimes,...)
Eg : - I always go to school by bike

- Does she always go to school by bike ?

<i><b>2. Present progressive tense</b></i> :

Form : (-) S + am/is/are + V-ing + ...
(+) S + am/is/are + not + V-ing + ...
(?) Am/is/are + S + V-ing + ...?
Yes,S+be / No,S + am/is/are + not

(Thờng đi kèm các tr¹ng tõ chØ t/g sau : now, at the moment ,at present,...)
Eg : - I am doing my home work now

- Is she doing her home work now ?

<i><b>3. Future simple tense</b></i> :

Form : (+) S + will/shall + V +...

(-) S + will/shall + not + V +...

(?) Will/shall + S + V ...?

Yes, S + will/shall or No,S + will/shall + not

( thêng ®i kÌm các trạng từ sau : tomorrow , next week (month,year,...),...
Eg : - I will visit you tomorrow

- Will you go to the movies next week ?
- we won’t go to school tomorrow.

<i><b>4. Near future : Be going to</b></i>“ “

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<i> </i>

(-) S + am/is/are + not + going to + V(infi) +...
(?) Am/is /are + S + going to + V(infi) +...?
Yes,be / No,be + not

Eg : - My parents are going to buy a new house next month.
- she isn’t going to come back home .

- Are you going to go to SS beach tomorrow ?

<b>B. Exercises:</b>

<b>Exercise 1</b>:Complete the following sentenes ,using the verbs in brackets.
1. what you often (do)at your recess ? ->

2. Mrs Loan always (go) to work by bus ->
3. They (have ) lunch in the cafeteria now ->
4.It (not rain ) in the dry season ->

5.My little sister (drink) mlik everyday ->
6. He (write ) a novel at present ? ->
7.look ! The bus (come) ->

8. I (be) thirteen years old next month ->
9. I ( have ) a test English tomorrow ->

10. you are going to ( buy) a new schoolbag ? ->

<b>Exercise 2:</b> Choose the correct answer:
1. Will you be free tomorrow evening ?

A. yes,I do B. Yes, I will C. yes, I am
2. ...do you go to school ?

A. How B. what C. who
3. We will ...our old friends next week.

A. to meet B. meet C. meeting
4. ...you have a test tomorrow ?

A. Do B. Are C.Will
5. Miss Lan ...listening to the music at the movement.

A. am B.is C.are

<b>V. Sum up</b> the content of the lesson

<b>IV. Home work</b> : Do exercies in the draft.



Preparing date 14-12-2008

<b>Period 51th</b>: <b>REVIEW</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>:

After the lesson Ss will be able to :

summazine the knowledge they have learnt and know to improve their knowledge of

<b>II. Language content</b> :

Grammar : Comparatives with adj and superlatives with adj , prepositions of position

<b>III. Teaching aids</b> : chalk ,extra board

<b>IV. Procedures :</b>
<b>A. Theory</b> :

<i><b>1. Comparatives with adj</b></i> :

- with short adj: S + be + adj-er + than +...
- with long adj : S + be + more + adj + than + ...
<b>* Note</b> : - good - better the best

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<i><b> Lesson plan 7 NguyÔn Thị Huân</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i> </i>

- far father the farthest

<i><b>2. Superlatives</b></i> :

- with short adj : S + be + the + adj-est...
- with long adj : S + be + the most + adj ...

<i><b>3. Prepositions of time : at,in on, from,...to,for,by</b></i>:

- <b>At</b> : + mét ®iĨm thêi gian cơ thĨ Ex : we have class at one o’clock
+ night Ex: I sleep at night

- <b>In </b>: + tháng/ năm cơ thĨ Ex : I was born in 1994

+ the morning /afternoon/evening Ex : we have class in the morning
- <b>On</b> : + ngµy trong tuÇn Ex : we have class on Monday
+ tháng trong năm Ex : I was born on april 6,2006

<b>- From</b>: + mét ®iÓm thêi gian + to + mét ®iÓm thêi gian

Ex : we have class from 7.00 to 11.00

- <b>For</b> : + một khoảng thời gian : để nói rằng một cái gì đó diễn ra bao lâu rồi
Ex : we walked for 2 hours to reach the waterfall

- <b>By</b> : + mét ®iĨm thêi gian

Ex : can you finish the work by five o’clock

<b>Exercises : </b>

<b>I. Choose the best answer</b>.

1. This is ...student in my class. ( tallest/ the tallest/ taller/ tall)

2. Is HCM City ...than Ha Noi? ( smaller/ smallest/ more smaller/ more small)
3. Life in Ha Noi is ...than life in HCM City. ( expensive/ expensiver/ more

expensive/ most expensive )

4. Mai is ...at English than me. ( gooder/ better/ best/ the best)
5. I’m ...than Lan. ( happyer/ happiest/ happier/ more happy)

6. This is the...pen I have.( more beautiful/ most beautiful/ beautifulest/ beautiful)
7. Is your school ...than Hoa’s school? ( bigger/ biger/ biggest/ more big)

8. This is ...table I have. ( the badest/ baddest/ the worse/ the worst)
9. Who is ..., you or Ba? ( heavy/ heavyer/ heavier/ more heavy)

10.Today is ...day of the year. ( the hottest/ hotter/ hottest/ the most hot)

<b>II.Fill in the blank with the suitable form of the adjectives.</b>

1. Hoi An is ...town in Vietnam. ( old )

2. Nam is ...than Ba. He is ...boy in his class. ( tall )
3. This exercise is ...than this one. ( difficult )

4. The Nile River is ...river in the world. ( long )
5. The country is ...than the city. ( quiet )
6. That is the ...car I have. ( modern)

7. Which is the ...city in your country? ( large )
8. Huy is ...than his brother. ( fat )

9. Life in the city is ...than life in the country. ( noisy )
10. I have ...money than you. ( much )

<b>III. Exercises</b>: §iỊn giíi tõ thích hợp vào chỗ trống:
1. School starts...7.00 ...the morning
2. I usually go swimming ...Tuesdays

3.My father will return from his trip ...sartuday afternoon
4. I always go and see her ...her birthday

5. They usually come and stay with us ...the summer holidays
6. The bell rings...the end of the lesson

7. We’ll move to our new house ...october 20th
8. There will be more people on our planet ...2010

9 . My father ‘s birthday is ...February 18.

10. Hoa has Physics ...tuesday...7.50

<b>IV :Exercise: </b>Chän giíi tõ thÝch hỵp nhÊt

1. There are many good programs...teenagers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>


<i> </i>

2. My uncle is a doctor . He takes care ...sick people
A. of B. about C. for
3.She borrows a lot of books ...the library.

A. from B. by C. for
4. My father knows a lot ...VNamese history.

A. about B.for C.at
5. Can you tell me the way ...the post office ,please ?

A. to B. into C.from
6. They study and listen to music...the same time

A. in B. at C.with
7. Hoa is ...age as her friends

A. different B. similar C. the same
8. Are you interested ...English .Nga ?

A. in B. with C. at
9. Your book is different ...my biik.

A. from B . than C.as

<b>V. Sum up</b> the content of the lesson.

<b>VI. Home work</b> : Do exercies in the draft.




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