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Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 10

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1. Put these words into the correct column. Then pronoun the words exactly.






1. Look at the picture and write the correct phrase under each picture. (There are 4
unnecessary phrases)

prepare lunch
wash dish
make the bed

take out rubbish
do the heavy things
mown the lawn

clean the floor
fold clothes
do the laundry

do the gardening
shop for groceries









2. Match a verb with a noun to make a phrase verb. Then write your answers in the box.



Opt. Noun




for groceries






be responsible






the floor




the car


pick up


for finance




the dog


Your answer:


the heavy things









3. Make a phrase with each phrase verb in 2.


sweep the floor: ___________________________________________________
shop for groceries: _________________________________________________
be responsible for finance: __________________________________________
prepare breakfast: _________________________________________________
do the heavy things: ________________________________________________
pick up toys: _____________________________________________________
wash the car: _____________________________________________________
walk the dog: ____________________________________________________

I. Put the verb in the correct form, present simple or present progressive.

1. Sit down! A strange dog (run)
to you.
2. My mom often (buy)
meat from the butcher’s.
3. My brothers (not/ drink)

coffee at the moment.
4. Look! Those people (climb)
the mountain so fast.
5. That girl (cry)
loudly in the party now.
6. These students always (wear)
warm clothes in summer.
7. What (you/ do)
in the kitchen?
8. I never (eat)
9. The 203 bus (set off)
every fifteen minutes.
10. Tonight we (not/ go)
aren't going are not going to our teacher’s
wedding party.
II. Put the verb in the correct form, present simple or present progressive.
1. A: What
! (you/ do)?
B: I
(write) to my parents. I
(write) to them every weekend.
2. A: Look, it
B: It’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It
(not snow) in
my country.
3. A: Oh, that’s Adrian. He’s new here.

B: Really? Where
(he/ live)?
(you/ know)?
A: Yes. He
(live) in Milan, but now he
(stay) with his aunt on
Shirley Road.
4. A: What time
(you/ usually/ finish) work?
B: Normally I
(finish) work at five o’clock, but this week I
(work) until
six to earn a bit more money.
5. A: How
(you/ travel) to work?
B: I haven’t got a car at the moment, so I
(go) to work on the bus this
week. Usually I
(drive) to work.
6. A: I think we’re going the wrong way.
B: I don’t think so. The sun
(rise) in the east, remember. It’s behind us,
so we
(travel) west.
7. A:
(you/ look) for someone?
B: Yes, I
(need) to speak to Neil. Is he in?
A: Yes, but I
(think) he’s busy. He

(talk) to the boss at the moment.
8. A: I
(want) a new computer. I
(save) up to buy one.
B: But computers
(cost) so much money. What’s wrong with the one
we’ve got?
A: It
(get) out of date now.
9. A: Your new dress
(look) very nice.
B: Thank you. The trouble is it
(not/ fit) properly. I
know) why I bought them, really.
10. A: What
(you/ do)?
B: I
(taste) the sauce. It
(taste) too salty.
III. Put the verb in the correct form, present simple or present progressive.

It (0. be) is Sunday evening and my friends and I (1. be)
at Jane's birthday party.
Jane (2. wear)
a beautiful long dress and (3. stand)
next to her boyfriend. Some guests (4. drink)
wine or beer in the comer of
the room. Some of her relatives (5. dance)
in the middle of the room.

Most people (6. sit)
on chairs, (7. enjoy)
foods and (8.
with one another. We often (9. go)
to our friends' birthday
parties. We always (10. dress)
well and (11. travel)
by taxi.
Parties never (12. make)
us bored because we like them.
IV. Complete the sentences by using either the present simple or the present progressive of
the verbs in the box.

1. The River Nile
into the Mediterranean.
2. This book is mine. That one
to Pierre.

3. Look at Joan. She
her fingernails. She must be nervous.
4. We usually
vegetables in our garden.
5. Let’s go out. It (not)
6. Every morning, the sun
in my bedroom window and
me up.
7. Jim is very untidy. He (always)
his things all over the place.
8. Ann
very happy at the moment.
9. He’s a photographer. He
a lots of photos.
10. Oh! What’s the matter with your hand? It
V. Complete these sentences, using the future simple or the present simple of the verbs in
1. I
(phone) you when I (get)
home from work.
2. I want to see Margaret before she
(go) out.
3. We're going on holiday tomorrow. I
(tell) you all about it when we
(come) back.
4. Brian looks very different now. When you
(see) him again, you
(not/ recognize) him.

5. We must do something soon before it
(be) too late.
6. I don’t want to go out without you. I
(wait) until you
(be) ready.
7. Sue has applied for the job but she isn’t very well qualified for it. I
(be) surprised
if she
(get) it.
8. I’d like to play tennis tomorrow if the weather
(be) nice.
9. I’m going out now. If anybody
(phone) me while I
(be) out, can you take
a message?
10. It’s raining hard. We
(get) wet if we
(go) out. As soon as
(stop) raining, we
VI. Write in full sentences using the given words. (Use the present simple or present
1. He/ often/ have/ breakfast/ late.
2. You/ do/ the housework/ at the moment?
3. I/ not/ go/ to school/ on weekends.
4. John’s girlfriend/ wear/ a red T-shirt/ now.

5. They/ like/ beer or wine?
6. What/ he/ usually/ do/ at night?
7. The teacher/ never/ lose/ his temper.
8. Why/ you/ listen/ to music/ loudly/ now?

1. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Jean spent her first few years in Hooper and her family moved to Otsego early in her life.
She was only ten when her father died unexpectedly, leaving her mother to raise and support
their family alone. Her mother soon went to work outside the home to provide for the family,
and Jean, being one of the oldest, had to help care for her younger siblings. Although she had
much responsibility at home, Jean thoroughly enjoyed school and was an excellent student.
She went on to graduate 10th in her class at Otsego High School in 1953.
While still in high school, Jean met a young man named Charles "Chuck" Holly, at a
dance in Alamo; and they were quite taken with each other. Over the next few years, their
love for each other blossomed and they were married on February 24, 1953, while Jean was
still in school. At the time, Chuck was serving his country in the military, and had come
home on leave to marry his sweetheart. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, he was sent
overseas to serve in Korea for the next fifteen months.
Upon his discharge, the couple settled into married life together in the Plainwell, Otsego
area. To help make ends meet, Jean went to work at the collection bureau in Kalamazoo for a
while, before taking a job at the cheese company in Otsego. In 1964, Chuck and Jean were
overjoyed with the birth of their son, Chuck, who brought great joy into their lives. Jean
remembered how her mother was always gone so much working after her father died and she

did not want that for her son, so she left her job to devote herself to the role of a mother.
1. Before Jean's father passed away, her mother used to
a. work outside the home
b. be a housewife
c. support the family alone
d. work as a secretary
2. Which is not referred to Jean?
a. She was a responsible girl.
b. She never helped her mother with household chores.
c. She often did well at school.
d. She went to high school.
3. Jean's husband was a
a. teacher
b. dancer
c. soldier
d. servant
4. Jean
a. served in the military
c. lived in Korea for fifteen months
c. had a daughter
d. got married when she was a student
5. Which is not true about Jean?
a. She disliked staying at home and taking care of her child.
b. She worked outside the home before she had a child.
c. She was very happy when she got a baby.
d. She quit her job to look after her baby.
2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

There are many reasons (41)
taking regular time with our family is important:
 It (42)
a place to listen, teach, learn, and (43)
ourselves freely and safely.
 It provides (44)
to discuss family joys, issues, and problems.
 Family members can practice skills in a non-threatening (45)
 Families are a (46)
part of our society and the fabric of our communities – we
spend (47) time together to get our feelings (48)
belonging, our values, support
and understanding.
 It helps (49)
family members together and feel safe in today's world where (50)
can lead to family disintegration
1. A. that
B. why
C. when
D. which
2. A. creates
B. invents
C. develops
D. makes
3. A. think
B. show
C. express

D. say
4. A. opportunities
B. conditions
C. situations
D. circumstances
5. A. air
B. nature
C. space
D. atmosphere
6. A. attractive
B. real
C. deep
D. basic
7. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no article
8. A. in
B. of
C. on
D. for
9. A. keep
B. keeping
C. kept
D. with keeping
10. A. push
B. press
C. pressure
D. pull

1. Make a list of household chores in your family.
1. ....................................................

6. ....................................................

2. ....................................................

7. ....................................................

3. ....................................................

8. ....................................................

4. ....................................................

9. ....................................................

5. ....................................................

10. ..................................................

2. Among these household chores, which do you like and which do you dislike? Tell the
reason why you don’t like it. Report you answer in oral speech and record your talk.
Name of chore


Name of chore


















1. List of household chores that each of your family member is responsible for.
Name of chore


Name of chore

2. Write a short paragraph about housework sharing in your family.



1. Put these words into the correct column. Then pronoun the words exactly.





1. Decide these words into the correct column.
circulatory system

digestive system



respiratory system

skeletal system

nervous system

2. Make a phrase with each of these words.
1. therapy:
2. sleeplessness:
3. emotion:
4. body


5. acupuncture?
6. yin



7. habit:
8. medicals:
Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 8

9. needle:
I. Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use will, or be going to.
1. It’s your day off. You have intention to look round the museum.
Your friend: Do you have any plans for this afternoon?
You: Yes, I
(look round) the museum.
2. You hate dogs. Dogs always attack you if they get a chance.
Your friend: That dog doesn’t look very friendly.
You: It’s coming towards us. It
(attack) us.
3. The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim.
Caller: Hello. Can I speak to Jim, please?
You: Just a moment. I
(get) him.
4. It’s a nice day. You’ve decided to sit in the garden. Before going outside, you tell your fiend.
You: The weather’s too nice to stay indoors. I
(sit) in the garden.
Your friend: That’s a good idea. I think I
(join) you.
5. Your friend is worry because she has lost an important letter.
You: Don’t worry about the letter. I’m sure you

(find) it.
Your friend: I hope so.
6. You predict the landing of aliens on the earth in the next ten years.
Your friend: All this talk about aliens is complete nonsense, isn’t it?
You: Is it? I think aliens
(and) on the earth in the next ten years.
7. There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested but then you
decided not to apply.
Your friend: Have you decided what to do about the job that was advertised?
You: Yes, I
(not/ apply) for it.
8. You and a friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your friend is
You: Shhh! Don’t make so much noise. You
(wake) everybody up.
9. You know that Michelle has decided to get married.
Your friend: Have you heard about Michelle?
You: Well, I heard that she
(get) married.
10. Your friend has two young children. She wants to go out tomorrow evening. You offer to
look after the children.
Your friend: I want to go out tomorrow evening but I haven’t got a baby-sitter.
You: That’s no problem. I
(look after) them.
II. Choose the correct answer.

Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 9

1. A: Why are you working so hard these days?
B: Because
a car, so I’m saving as much as I can.
a. I’ll buy
b. I’m going to buy
c. I buy
2. A: Oh, I’ve just realised. I haven’t got any money.
B: Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry.
you some.
a. I’ll lend
b. I’m going to lend
c. I’m lending
3. A: Could I have a word with you, please?
B: Sorry, I’m in a big hurry. My train
in fifteen minutes.
a. is going to leave
b. will leave
c. leaves
4. A: Let’s go to the carnival.
B: Yes, good idea. I expect
a. it’ll be
b. it’s
c. it’s being
5. A: Have you decided about the course?
B: Yes, I decided last weekend.
for a place.
a. I apply
b. I’m going to apply

c. I’ll apply
6. A: It’s a public holiday next month.
B: Yes, I know.
anything special?
a. Are you doing
b. Do you do
7. A: Do you mind not leaving your papers all over the table?
B: Oh sorry. I’ll take them all with me when
a. I’ll go
b. I’m going
8. A:
a party next Saturday. Can you come?
B: Yes, of course.
a. We’ll have
b. We’re having
9. A: I’m trying to move this cupboard, but it’s very heavy.
B: Well,
you, then.
a. I’ll help
b. I’m going to help
10. A: Excuse me. What time
to London?
B: Seven thirty in the morning.
a. will this train leave
b. is this train going to get

c. Will you do

c. I go

c. We have

c. I help

c. does this train get

11. A: I've decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh, have you? What color
a. does you paint
b. are you going to paint
c. will you paint
12. A: Why are you putting on your coat?
B: No, I just feel rather cold.
a. Are you going
b. Do you go
c. Will you go
13. A: Did you post that letter for me?
B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot.
it now.
a. I do
b. I’m doing
c. I’ll do
14. A: You look very happy. What is happening?
B: Well, I’ve got a new job.
my new job on Monday.
a. I’m starting
b. I’m going to start

c. I start
15. A: Someone told me you’ve got a place at university.
B: That’s right.
maths at St Andrews, in Scotland.
Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 10

a. I’ll study
b. I’m going to study
c. I study
16. A: The alarm’s going. It’s making an awful noise.
B: OK,
it off.
a. I am switching
b. I am going to switch
c. I’ll switch
17. A: Did you buy this book?
B: No, Emma did.
it on holiday.
a. She’ll read
b. She is going to read
c. She reads
18. A: Is the shop open yet?
B: No, but there’s someone inside. I think
a. it opens
b. it’s about to open
c. it will open

19. A: Have you heard anything about Jane?
B: Yes. She’s engaged.
married in June.
a. She’s getting
b. She’ll get
c. She’s about to get
20. A: I’m just going out to get a paper.
B: What newspaper
a. will you buy
b. are you buying
c. are you going to buy
III.Put in the correct form of the verbs, present simple, future simple or future progressive.
1. I

(meet) you at the airport tomorrow. After you
(clear) customs, look for me just outside the gate. I
(stand) right by
the door.
2. A: When
(you leave) for Florida?
B: Tomorrow. Just think! Two days from now I
(lie) on the beach in the
3. Please come and visit today when you
(have) a chance. I
(shop) from 1:00 to 2:30, but I
(be) home after that.
4. A: Would you like to come to our party tomorrow?
B: Thanks for the invitation, but I

(work) all day tomorrow.
5. A: I
(call) you this afternoon.
B: OK. But don’t call me between 3:00 and 5:00 because I
(not/ be)
home. I
(study) at the library.
6. I won’t be here next week. I
(attend) a seminar in Los Angeles. Ms.
(substitute-teach) for me. When I
(return), I
will expect you to be ready for the midterm exam.
7. A: What
(you/ do) in five years’ time, I wonder?
B: I’m going to go into business when I
(leave) college. Five years from now
(run) a big company.
8. Just relax, Antoine. As soon as your sprained ankle
(heal), you can play
soccer again. At this time next week, you
(play) soccer.
9. A: Are you ready?
B: Sorry. I’m not ready yet. I
(tell) you when I
(be) ready. I promise I
(not be) very long.
10. Trevor and Laura
(not/ go) for a picnic tomorrow. They

the house. They always
(do) it on Sunday.
IV. Complete the sentences, using the notes in brackets. The verbs can be present tenses or
past tenses.
1. We bought this picture a long time ago.
(we/ have/ it) for ages.
Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 11

2. Sandra finds her mobile phone very useful.
(she/ use/ it) all the time.
3. There’s a new road to the motorway.
(they/ open/ it) yesterday.
4. We decided not to go out because
(it/ rain) quite hard.
5. Vicky doesn’t know where her watch is.
(she/ lose/ it).
6. We had no car at that time.
(we/ sell/ our old one).
7. I bought a new jacket last week but
(I/ not/ wear/ it) yet.
8. Claire is on a skiing holiday.
(she/ enjoy/ it), she says on her postcard.
9. The color of this paint is absolutely awful.
(I/ hate/ it).
10. Henry is annoyed.
(he/ wait) a long time for Claire.

11. These figures certainly should add up.
(I/ check/ them) several times
12. Sandra and Laura like tennis.
(they/ play/ it) every weekend.
13. Sorry, I can’t stop now.
(I/ go) to an important meeting.
14. I’d like to see Tina again. It’s a long time since
(I/ last/ see/ her).
15. I’ve got my key. I found it when
(I/ look) for something else.
1. Read the passage and choose T/ F or NI
Water sports are as challenging as they are fun. Although water sports are not as popular as
basketball or football, activities such as parasailing, water skiing, water polo, wakeboarding,
jet skiing and competitive swimming interest many people. Ail water sports have an element
of danger involved, which is why it is important to follow these safety tips before you dive
Step 1: Learn how to swim. Sure, it seems obvious, but it is also extremely important. Do not
even think about skiing, tubing, wakeboarding or water polo if you cannot stay afloat in
water deeper than your height.
Step 2: Check your equipment and your life safety tools. Count your life vests and have
floatation devices nearby. If you are engaging in a sport that requires a lot of equipment, such
as wakeboarding, go over every piece to ensure proper functioning.
Step 3: Be physically fit. Put your pride aside and get in shape. Most water sports are
incredibly strenuous and require the player to have physical endurance. It can be dangerous
to participate in a water sport, such as water skiing or wakeboarding, when your body isn’t
Step 4: Save the tricks for the professionals. If you are an amateur, do not attempt water sport
tricks. It is tempting to push to the next level with sports like skiing and sailing, but train

heavily first.
Step 5: Recruit a spotter. When you do water sports, always have an extra person on hand to
spot for you. This includes indoor sports like' water polo, diving and competitive swimming.
1. Water sports are much more popular than basket ball and football.
a. True
b. False
c. NI
2. Sometimes it is dangerous to play a water sport.
a. True
b. False
c. NI
3. The first thing you have to do is to learn how to swim if you want to take up a water sport.
a. True
b. False
c. NI
4. You need to have a boat right beside all the time if you want to take up a water sport.
a. True
b. False
c. NI
5. There are tricks which amateur players cannot play.
a. True
b. False
c. NI
Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 12

2. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete it.
It's important to eat well, especially when you're (1)

. If you are at (2)
, you may go
home for lunch, and have a cooked meal of (3)
or fish and vegetables. Or perhaps
you take some food with you to school, and eat it in the lunch (4)
. A chicken and
lettuce sandwich, with some fresh (5)
, would be a light but healthy lunch. Many people
around the world eat plain, (6)
rice two or three times a day. Pupils and (7)
don't eat well when they're (8)
for an exam - they eat chocolate and drink lots of black
coffee! And by the way, doctors say everybody should start the day with a healthy (9)
It's also good for you to drink a lot of (10)
light through the day.
1. A. student
B. study
C. studying
D. studied

2. A. school
3. A. cheese
4. A. timetable
5. A. lemons
6. A. boiled
7. A. teachers
8. A. reviewing
9. A. dinner
10. A. water

B. primary
B. meat
B. classroom
B. fruit
B. baked
B. professors
B. reading
B. breakfast
B. coffee

C. office
C. fruit
C. lesson
C. chicken
C. grilled
C. students
C. learning
C. lunch
C. tea

D. class
D. seafood
D. break
D. peas
D. roast
D. boys
D. revising
D. supper
D. coke

1. Make a list of your habits
1. ....................................................

6. ....................................................

2. ....................................................

7. ....................................................

3. ....................................................

8. ....................................................

4. ....................................................

9. ....................................................

5. ....................................................

10. ..................................................

2. Among these habits, which is good or bad for your body? Tell the reason why it’s good
or bad for you. Report your answer in oral speech and record your talk.

























1. List five activities and five kinds of food which are good for your body.
Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 13

1. ....................................................

6. ....................................................

2. ....................................................

7. ....................................................

3. ....................................................

8. ....................................................

4. ....................................................

9. ....................................................

5. ....................................................

10. ..................................................

2. Write a short paragraph about what you should do/ eat to have a fit and healthy body.

Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 14

1. Put these words into the correct column. Then pronoun the words exactly.







1. Look at the picture and write the correct word.









2. Complete the definition with the words in the box.
1. ________________: a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers.
2. ________________: made at home and not bought from a shop
3. ________________: a song which has special importance for a particular group of people,
an organization or a country, often sung on a special occasion.
4. ________________: a tune, often forming part of a larger piece of music
5. ________________: he group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play,
film, someone speaking, etc.
6. ________________: a competition to do better than other people, usually in which prizes
are given.
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 15

1. He is used to
up early in the morning.
A. get
B. getting

C. have gotten
D. got
2. The boy was kept indoors
A. to be
B. have been
C. for being
D. when he
3. I shall never forget
with you to Paris last year.
A. staying
B. to staying
C. to stay
D. stayed
4. I am looking forward to
A. having seen
B. seeing
C. to see
D. all are wrong
5. I am always remember
off the lights before I leave my house.
A. turning
B. to turn
C. turned
D. being turned
6. I can remember
very proud and happy when I graduated.
A. to be
B. being

C. be
D. been
7. Did you remember
Jack my message?
A. have given
B. be given
C. giving
D. to give
8. What did you forget
before you left for class this morning?
A. to do
B. doing
C. have done
D. being done
9. Don’t forget
your homework tonight!
A. doing
B. to do
C. to be done
D. having done
10. It’s important
A. not worrying
B. not worry
C. to not worry
D. not to worry
11. That book isn’t worth
A. read
B. reading

C. being read
D. to read
12. It’s no good
him the truth now.
A. to tell
B. tell
C. telling
D. not to tell
13. It’s no use
you didn’t know.
A. pretending
B. pretend
C. to pretend
D. pretended
14. When I’m on holiday, I enjoy
to get up early.
A. not have
B. not having
C. having not
D. not to have
15. Sorry
you waiting so long.
A. to keep
B. have kept
C. keeping
D. to keeping
16. That’s all right. I don’t mind
A. have kept
B. having kept

C. be kept
D. being kept
17. She admitted
the money.
A. stolen
B. be stealing
C. have stolen
D. having stolen
18. Would you mind
the door?
A. close
B. have closed
C. closing
D. to close
19. William suggested
to the cinema.
A. to go
B. gone
C. go
D. going
20. Your shoes need
A. to be cleaned
B. cleaning
C. to clean
D. A&B are correct
II. Identify the word or phrase that needs correcting.
1. Hellen borrowed my dictionary for look up the spelling of “occurrence”.

2. The teacher opened the windows for getting some fresh air in the room.
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3. I need getting a part-time job to earn some money for my school Egpenses.
4. My mother made me to promise to write them once a week.
5. To learn about another country it is very interesting.
6. Most students want return home as soon as possible.

7. When I went to shopping, I saw a man to drive his car onto the sidewalk.
8. I asked my classmate to let me to use his shoes.
9. I am looking forward to go to swim in the ocean.
10. I had the operator to put the call through for me.
III.Complete the following sentences using “bare infinitive” or “to infinitive”
1. He made me (do)................... it all over again.
2. She can (sing)................... quite well.
3. He will be able (swim)................... very soon.
4. I used (live)................... in a caravan.
5. You ought (go)................... today. It may (rain) ................... tomorrow.
6. He should (stop)................... smoking.
7. I want (see)................... the house where our president was born.
8. He made her (repeat)................... the message.
9. May I (use)...................your phone?

10. He should (know) ................... how (use)................... the film projector, but if he doesn't
had better (show)................... him.
11. If you want (get)................... there before dark you should (start)................... at once.
12. I couldn't (remember)................... his address.
13. You'll be able (do)................... it yourself when you are older.
14. Would you like (go)................... now or shall we (wait) ................... till the end?
15. They won't let us (leave) ................... the Customs shed till our luggage has been examined.
16. I used (smoke))................... forty cigarettes a day.
17. Will you help me (move)...................
the bookcase?
18. He wouldn't let my baby (play)................... with his gold watch.
19. They refused (accept)................... the bribe.
20. Please let me (know)................... your decision as soon as possible.
IV. Choose the best answer.
1. The teacher permits us
out in a minute.
A. go
B. to go
C. going
D. went
2. Tell him
to see me at once.
A. to come
B. comes
C. coming
D. come

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3. He advises us
more studious.
A. be
B. are
C. to be
D. being
4. He allows
him questions.
A. asking
B. to ask
C. ask
D. asked
5. We don’t allow people
in this room.
A. smoke
B. smoking
C. smokes
D. to smoke
6. They didn’t permit
in this wood.
A. to camp
B. camping
C. camp
D. camps
7. Nothing will make me
my mind.
A. change
B. to change

C. changing
D. changes
8. Tom let me
his car yesterday.
A. to drive
B. drive
C. driving
D. drove
9. The teacher recommends
the lessons well before coming to class.
A. preparing
B. prepare
C. to prepare
D. prepares
10. Jack was allowed
his student card.
A. renew
B. to renew
C. renewing
D. renewed
V. Rewrite the following as one sentence, using and, but, so, or.
1. It was raining. I felt cold. I went indoors.
It was raining and I felt cold so I went indoors.
2. He loves her. She loves him. They are getting married.
3. I can paint the lounge. I can clean the fridge. I can’t do both.
4. Mr Downes seemed poor. In fact, he had a lot of money.
5. Tim is sleeping. You can’t speak to him at the moment.

6. The postman banged the gate. He shouted at Lulu. She bit him.
7. My mother wanted me to become a doctor. I didn’t.
8. Nick didn’t understand the lesson. He couldn’t do the homework.
9. A bee flew into the classroom this morning. It stung me.
10. You mustn’t put this in the washing machine. You must wash it by hand. You must dry- clean
VI. Rewrite each sentence as directed (using the structures with to infinitive and bare
1. The mechanic serviced my car last week.
I had the mechanic ......................................................................................................................
2. I felt nervous when I traveled by air.
Travelling by air made ................................................................................................................
3. He could not afford to buy the car.
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The car was too expensive ..........................................................................................................
4. I advised you to put your money in the bank.
You had better .............................................................................................................................
5. There is no need for you to talk so loudly.
You don’t have ............................................................................................................................
6. “You must ask me for permission before leaving” the teacher said to Tom.

The teacher made Tom ................................................................................................................
7. The house shook violently and all of us felt that.
All of us felt the house ................................................................................................................
8. We can’t possibly work in this noise.
It’s impossible .............................................................................................................................
9. Mr. Puncher doesn’t allow his children to go out in the evening.
Mr. Puncher doesn’t let ...............................................................................................................
10. Contacting her at work in usually quite easy.
It’s quite easy ..............................................................................................................................
1. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward. Examples
include collecting, creative and artistic pursuits, making, tinkering, sports and adult
education. Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and
experience. However, personal fulfillment is the aim.
What are hobbies for some people are professions for others: a game tester may enjoy
cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing (and helping to debug)
computer games. Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not
remuneration, is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct from professional.
An important determinant of what is considered a hobby, as distinct from a profession
(beyond the lack of remuneration), is probably how easy it is to make a living at the activity.
Almost no one can make a living at cigarette card or stamp collecting, but many people find
it enjoyable; so it is commonly regarded as a hobby.
Amateur astronomers often make meaningful contributions to the professionals. It is - not
entirely uncommon for a hobbyist to be the first to discover a celestial body or event.
In the UK, the pejorative noun anorak (similar to the Japanese 'otaku' meaning a geek or
enthusiast) is often applied to people who obsessively pursue a particular hobby that is
considered boring, such as train spotting or stamp collecting.
1. Which of the following is not true?
a. Hobbies make people feel relaxed and satisfied.

b. Hobbies can give people knowledge and experience.
c. Hobbies are mainly practised for profit.
d. Hobbies are recreational activities.
2. According to the passage, a hobbyist
a. is usually paid for his hobbies
b. may enjoy his work as a hobby
c. indulges in many hobbies
d. is distinguished from a professional
3. Stamp collecting is commonly regarded as a hobby because
a. people can make a living at it
b. people find it enjoyable
c. people find it profitable
d. people find it easy to pursue
4. Which of the following is not called "celestial bodies'?
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a. the Galaxy
b. planet
c. stars
d. the sun
5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
a. people who are very interested in boring hobbies are criticized.
b. stamp collecting is not popular nowadays.
c. the word 'anorak' is derived from Japanese.
d. a & b are correct.

2. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box.
punctually present
candles actually
pleased startled
Last week, Jack invited me to his birthday party. I spent a long time deciding what I should
buy as (1)
for him. Finally, I decided to buy him a clock. I went to the nearby
shopping centre to look for a (2)
one. Eventually, I chose a small, blue alarm clock.
After paying for it, I asked the salesgirl to (3)
it up.
On the day of the party, I arrived at Jack's house (4)
at 7 o'clock. Jack was
very (5)
to see me and thanked me for the present. Many of our classmates have
already arrived. We talked about the soccer match the (6)
Manchester United and Juventus.
At 8 o'clock, Jack's mother brought out a birthday cake. On it were seventeen lighted (7)
We all wished Jack a happy birthday. Jack blew out the candles in a single
He then began opening his presents. Just as he was about to open the
present I had given him, there was a loud ringing sound. (9)

, Jack dropped the
present. I realized that the ringing sound was (10)
clock. When I told everyone what
the sound was, they all laughed.
1. List some of realty shows you like and say why you like it.
Name of TV shows
1. ...................................................................
2. ...................................................................
3. ...................................................................
4. ...................................................................

Reason you like

2. Talk about one of the realty shows you like. You should focus on:
 The name of the show
 Time and channel of the show on TV
 The objective of the show

 How the show takes place.
 What do you like best at the show.
Report your answer in oral speech and record your talk.
1. Answer the questions.
1. What’s your favourite TV show?
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2. Is it popular in your country?
3. What channel is it on?
4. When is it on?
5. With whom do you often watch it?
6. Who is the MC in the programme?
7. What is the best thing do you like in this programme?
8. Why is it popular in your country?
2. Write a short paragraph about your favourite realty show. The questions in 1 are
suggestions for you.


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1. Look at the transcription and pronoun the words exactly.




1. Complete the definition with the words in the box.
1. ________________: an extremely large wave caused by movement of the Earth under the sea,
often caused by an earthquake (= when the Earth shakes)
2. ________________: not able to use part of your body or your mind because it has been
damaged in some way
3. ________________: someone who is ill or seriously hurt during war time and often needs to
be cared for by another person
4. ________________: an event which results in great harm, damage or death, or serious
5. ________________: money or goods are given to help a person or organization
6. ________________: Children under 5 years old learn here.

7. ________________: a large group of people who live together in an organized way
8. ________________: a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly
and without being forced or paid to do it
9. ________________: a sum of money saved, collected or provided for a particular purpose
10. ________________: a person who died in wartime.
2. Make a phrase with each of these words.

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1. fund:_____________________________________________________________________
2. volunteer: ________________________________________________________________
3. society: __________________________________________________________________
4. kindergarten: ______________________________________________________________
5. donation: _________________________________________________________________
6. handicapped: ______________________________________________________________
7. martyrs: __________________________________________________________________
8. disaster: __________________________________________________________________
9. tsunami: _________________________________________________________________
10. invalid: _________________________________________________________________
I. Put the verbs into the correct form, past progressive or past simple.
1. When Martin
(arrive) home, Ann
(talk) to someone
on the phone.
2. It
(be) cold when we

(leave) the house that day, and a light
3. I
(call) Roger at nine last night, but he
(not/ be) at home. He
(study) at the library.
4. I
(see) Sue in town yesterday but she
(not/ see) me. She
(look) the other way.
5. When I
(open) the cupboard door, a pile of books
(fall) out.
6. A: How
(you/ break) your arm?
B: I
(slip) on the ice while I
(cross) the street in front of the
7. A: What
(you/ do) this time yesterday?
B: We
(drive) to London, but on the way we
(hear) about a
bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we
(drive) back home straightaway.
8. I
(meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They
(go) to Berlin and I

(go) to Madrid. We
(have) a chat
while we
(wait) for our flights.
9. I
(cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man
(step) out into
the road in front of me. I
(go) quite fast but luckily I
(manage) to
stop in time and
(not/ hit) him.
10. Flight 2001
(fly) from London to New York when it suddenly
(encounter) turbulence and
(drop) 15,000 feet. The plane
over 300 passengers and a crew of 17.
II. Supply the correct verb form: Past tenses.
1. A few days ago I
(see) a man at a party whose face
(be) very familiar. At first I
couldn’t think where I
(see) him before. Then suddenly I
who it
2. I went to John's room and
(knock) on the door but there
(be) no

answer. Either he
(go) out or he
(not/ want) to see anyone.
3. Yesterday afternoon Sharon
(go) to the station to meet Paul. When she
there, Paul
(already/ wait) for her. His train
(arrive) early.
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4. When I got home, Bill
(lie) on the sofa. The television was on but he
(not/ watch) it. He
(fall) asleep and
loudly. I
(turn) the television off and just then he
5. Last night I
(just/ go) to bed and
(read) a book when suddenly
(hear) a noise. I
(get) up to see what it was but I

see) anything, so I
(go) back to bed.
III.Choose the best answer.
1. He is very
in my story.
A. to interest
B. interesting
C. interested
2. They
students work harder.
A. encouraging
B. encourage
C. encouraged
3. I didn’t find the situation funny. It wasn’t
A. amuse
B. amusing
C. amused

D. interests
D. to encourage
D. to amuse

4. Sheila’s party was pretty
A. bored
B. boring
C. bores
D. bore
5. I went home early because I felt

A. boring
B. bore
C. bored
D. to bore
6. When I read that novel, I felt
A. excite
B. excited
C. excited
D. to excite
7. His
story causes great fun.
A. amuse
B. amusing
C. amused
D. amuses
8. It’s a boring work, so you’ll get
of it.
A. tired
B. tiring
C. tire
D. to tire
9. He seems quite
with his new job.
A. satisfied
B. satisfy
C. satisfying
D. satisfies
10. This book is very

A. to interest
B. interesting
C. interested
D. interests
11. I feel very
in this book.
A. to interest
B. interesting
C. interested
D. interests
12. Do you think the film is
A. excite
B. excited
C. exciting
D. to excite
13. The film wasn’t as good as I expected. I were
with it.
A. disappointed
B. disappointing C. disappoint
D. to disappoint
14. It was
that he passed the exam.
A. surprised
B. surprise
C. surprising
D. surprises
15. My friend is going to the United States next month. She has never been there before. It will be an
experience for her.

A. excite
B. excited
C. exciting
D. to excite
16. Everybody was
that he passed the exam.
A. surprised
B. surprise
C. surprising
D. surprises
17. She has really learned very fast. She has made
A. astonish
B. astonishing
C. astonished
D. astonishes
18. He’s one of the most
men I have ever met. He never says anything interesting.
A. bored
B. boring
C. bore
D. to bore
19. The football match was
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A. excite

B. excited
C. exciting
D. to excite
20. Why do you always look so
A. bored
B. boring
C. bore
D. to bore
IV. Use the words given to make sentences. Do not change the order of the words. Use only
the past simple or the past progressive.
1. when Don/ arrive/ we/ have/ coffee
2. he/ sit down/ on a chair/ while/ I/ paint/ it
3. the students/ play/ a game/ when/ professor/ arrive
4. Felix/ phone/ the fire brigade/ when the cooker/ catch/ fire
5. while/ he/ walk/ in the mountains/ Henry/ see/ a bear
6. when the starter/ fire/ his pistol/ the race/ begin
7. I/ walk/ home/ when it/ start/ to rain
8. when/ Margaret/ open/ the door/ the phone/ ring
9. he/ sit/ in the garden/ when/ a wasp/ sting/ him/ on the nose
10. while/ he/ run/ for a bus/ he/ collide/ with a lamp post

V. Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the simple past or the past
1. Sally
(eat) dinner last night when someone
(knock) on the
2. I began to study at seven last night. Fred
(come) at seven-thirty. I
(study) when Fred
3. While I
(study) last night, Linda
(drop by) to visit me.
4. My roommate’s parents
(call) him last night while we
5. My mother called me around five. My husband came home a little after five. When he
(come) home, I
(talk) to my mother on the phone.
6. Yesterday Tom and Janice
(go) to the zoo around one. They
(see) many
kinds of animals. They stayed at the zoo for two hours. While they
home, it
(begin) to rain, so they
(stop) at a small café and
(have) a cup of coffee.

7. Yesterday afternoon I
(go) to visit the Parker family. When I
there around two o’clock, Mrs. Parker
(be) in the yard. She
flowers in her garden. Mr. Parker
(be) in the garage. He
(work) on their car.
(change) the oil.
VI. Supply the correct verb form in past tenses.
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