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Unit 7 Reading

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (2.16 MB, 15 trang )

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<b>nhiÖt liÖt chµo mõng </b>

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1.What can you see in the picture?

-The picture shows me . The living standard is very low. People live in houses with earthen
walls. There is no modern means of transport

2. Do you think that the people in this picture lead a rich or a poor life?

-They lead a poor life

3. What, in your opinion, should be done to improve the situation?

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National Congress

<i><b> ['næ∫nəl 'kɔηgres] (n):</b></i>

<b>- </b>

<i><b>Under-developed </b></i>

<b> [ʌndə di'veləpt] (a):</b>

<b>+ </b>


<i><b> ['dɔmineit] (v):</b></i>

<b>- </b>


<b> ['stægnənt] (a):</b>

<b>- </b>


<b> [in'flei∫n] (n):</b>

<b>+ </b>


<b> [kə'mitmənt] (n):</b>

<b>not fully developed</b>

<b>showing no activity</b>

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<b>Tast 1.Match the words in column A with </b>

<b>column B</b>



<b>1. National Congress</b>

<b>2. Under - developed </b>

<b>3. Commitment </b>

<b>4. Stagnant </b>

<b>5. Inflation</b>

<b>6. Renovation</b>

<b>7. Dissolve</b>

<b>8. Government subsidies</b>

<b>a. Trì trệ</b>

<b>b. Kém phát triển</b>

<b>c. Lạm phát</b>

<b>d. Lời cam kết</b>

<b>e. Quốc Hội</b>


<b>Bao cấp của chính phủ</b>

<b>h. Đổi mới, canh tân</b>

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<b>Tast 2. Decide whether the statements are true </b>


<b> or false </b>


<b>1. Economic reform is the most important measure to be </b>

<b>taken to promote the development of a country. </b>
<b>2. The Vietnamese Government initiated Doi Moi in 1986. </b>

<b>3. Before Doi Moi, inflation was present in all branches of the </b>
<b>national economy . </b>

<b>4. To make Doi Moi to be successful, the Government shifted </b>
<b>only economic priority from heavy industry to three major </b>
<b>economic programmes . </b>

<b>5. The Land law & the Enterprises Law have encouraged </b>
<b>both domestic & foreign private investment. </b>




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<b>Task 3. Circle the right answer A, B, C, or D</b>

<b>1. When & by whom was Doi Moi officially initiated?</b>

<b>A. In 1986 by Vietnam Communist Party</b>
<b>B. In 1987 by Vietnam Communist Party</b>
<b>C. In 1988 by Vietnam Communist Party</b>
<b>D. In 1989 by Vietnam Communist Party</b>

<b>2. The aim of Doi Moi was……….…..</b>

<b>A. to restructure the economy of Vietnam</b>
<b>B. to raise the living standards of the people. </b>

<b>C. Both A and B</b> <b>D. none of them</b>

<b>3. Before Doi Moi, production was………</b>

<b>A. developed </b> <b>B. stagnant</b>
<b>C. under - developed </b> <b>D. rich</b>

<b>4. To solve the problems, the…………introduced a number of renovation measures.</b>

<b>A. President</b>
<b>B. Poor</b>

<b>C. Rich</b>

<b>D. Vietnamese Government</b>

<b>5. Since Doi Moi, productivity and agriculture exports have……</b>

<b>A. increased </b> <b>B. decreased</b>

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<b>Before D.M:</b>

<b> </b>

<b>the economy: under-developed, dominated by traditional agriculture</b>

<b> the country and people: poor</b>
<b> production: stagnant</b>

<b> schools and hospitals: shortage</b>
<b> Inflation</b>

<b>After D.M:</b>

<b> productivity, agriculture exports: increasing</b>

<b> the farmers: enjoying land use rights, having choice to use their agricultural </b>

<b> the workers: working harder</b>

<b> the children: enjoying education and training.</b>

<b>Government’s measures:</b>

<b> eliminated government subsidies</b>
<b> shifted economic priority…</b>

<b> reduced state invention in business</b>

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<b><sub>Learn by heart the new words.</sub></b>

<b><sub>Prepare the next lesson: </sub></b>

<b><sub>Lesson B, Speaking</sub></b>

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