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<b>Trường THPT Nguyễn Trãi</b> <b> </b> <b> BÀI KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT SỐ 2 – TIẾNG ANH 12</b>
<i><b>Tổ: Sử - Địa – Ngoại Ngữ</b></i> <i><b> </b></i><b>HỌC KÌ II – NĂM HỌC 2011 - 2012</b>

Thời gian: 45 phút

<b>MÃ ĐỀ 276</b>

<i><b>Choose A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.</b></i>

<b>1: </b> She <i><b>likes</b></i> going to school <i><b>but</b><b>does not</b></i> like <i><b>wear</b></i> uniform.

<b>2: </b> <i><b>The fastest</b></i> you <i><b>drive</b>, <b>the greater</b></i> danger you <i><b>get</b></i>


<b>3: </b> <i><b><sub>Much</sub></b></i><sub> people </sub><i><b><sub>agree that</sub></b></i><sub> we should </sub><i><b><sub>protect</sub></b></i><sub> the </sub><i><b><sub>environment</sub></b></i><sub>.</sub>
<b>4: </b> I <i><b>wis</b><b> </b></i><b>h</b><i><b> </b></i> my house <i><b>were so</b><b>large</b></i> as his.


<b>5: </b> He <i><b>failed</b><b>the final exam</b></i> last year <i><b>because</b></i> his <i><b>laziness</b></i>.

<i><b>Choose the sentences (A, B, C, D), which is closet in meaning to the given one.</b></i>

<b>6: It's a pity that you didn't tell us about this. </b>

<b> A. I wish you had told us about this</b> B. I wish you would tell us about this

<b> C. I wish you have told us about this.</b> <b> D. I wish you told us about this</b>
<b>7: The plants may develop differently. The plants live on that island.</b>

<b> A. The plants which living on that island may develop differently.</b>
<b> B. The plants which live that island may develop differently.</b>
<b> C. The plants live on that island may develop differently.</b>
<b> D. The plants which live on that island may develop differently.</b>
<b>8: His parents made him study hard for his exams.</b>

<b> A. His parents made it hard for him to study for his exams. B. He was made to study hard for his exams by his parents.</b>
<b> C. His parents were made to study hard for his exams D. He was made study hard for his exams by his parents.</b>
<b>9: When the road is large, people can participate in transportation.</b>

<b> A. The larger the road is, the people can participate in transportation.</b>
<b> B. The larger the road is, the more people can participate in transportation.</b>
<b> C. The largest the road is, the most people can participate in transportation.</b>
<b> D. The larger the road is, the many people can participate in transportation.</b>
<b>10: People said that John stole the money.</b>

<b> A. It is said John to steal the money.</b> <b> </b> <b> B. People say that John stole the money.</b>
<b> C. It was said that John stole the money.</b> <b> D. People say that John steals the money.</b>

<i><b>Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:</b></i>

<b>11: </b> <b>A. forest</b> <b>B. planet </b> <b>C. destroy </b> <b>D. farmer </b>

<b>12: </b> <b>A. important </b> <b>B. appearance</b> <b>C. destruction </b> <b>D. movement </b>

<i><b>Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer</b></i>

Up to now, Thailand (13)______ the host country of the Asian Games for four times. In 1966, Thailand held the Games
for the first time. It was the 5th Games with 18 countries competing. In 1970, South Korea dropped its plan to host the
games (14)______ security threats from North Korea, and the previous host Thailand administered the Games in Bangkok
using the fund of South Korea. In 1978, Pakistan dropped its plan to host the Games due to conflicts with Bangladesh and
in India. Thailand (15)______ to help and the Games were held in Bangkok. The 13th Asian Games was held in

Bangkok, Thailand (16)______ 6 to 20 December 1998. This is the largest Asian Games held in this millennium, with
9.469 athletes and officials from over 41 countries participating. The Games went smoothly without any major problem in
the spirit of the motto: Friendship Beyond Frontiers. This is also the (17)______ Asian Games to be hosted this century.
<b>13: </b> <b> A. has been</b> <b> B. was</b> <b> C. will be</b> <b> D. is</b>

<b>14: </b> <b> A. because</b> <b> B. due to</b> <b> C. despite</b> <b> D. as</b>
<b>15: </b> <b> A. made</b> <b> B. suggested</b> <b> C. offered</b> <b> D. advised</b>

<b>16: </b> <b> A. on</b> <b> B. from</b> <b> C. since</b> <b> D. at</b>

<b>17: </b> <b> A. eventual</b> <b> B. final</b> <b> C. last</b> <b> D. end</b>

<i><b>Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer</b></i>

In the beautiful highlands of Scotland, there is a lake called the Loch Ness. In these peaceful surroundings, a sea monster
known as the 'Loch Ness Monster' is said to be living in the lake. This creature, affectionately known as 'Neisse', has been
reported to be seen by many people around the lake. According to these people, Neisse looked like a creature from the
dinosaur age. It had a huge body, a small reptilian head and a long neck.

Does the Loch Ness Monster really exist? No one can tell for sure. Ever since the sighting of the monster, many
people have been keeping watch at the lake, hoping to catch a glimpse of Neisse. In 1934, a doctor, Colonel Robert

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Wilson, even managed to photograph the creature. The picture revealed a creature with a long neck sticking out of the

Where could the Loch Ness Monster have come from? One explanation given is that the monster is a pre
-historic creature which lived in the days of the dinosaurs. While other dinosaurs have died out and become extinct, this
creature has somehow managed to adapt to its surroundings and live on.

<b>18: The sea monster's name is ………</b>

<b> A. Colonel B. Loch Ness C. Neisse</b> D. Monster
<b>19: Loch Ness is the name of………</b>

<b> A. a monster</b> <b> B. a dinosaur</b> <b> C. a lake</b> <b> D. a creature</b>
<b>20: Who managed to take photo of the Loch Ness Monster?</b>

<b> A. Loch Ness B. Colonel C. Neisse</b> D. Monster
<b>21: Which statement is NOT true?</b>

<b> A. It is explained that the Loch Ness Monster is a pre-historic creature .</b>
<b> B. According to many people, the Loch Ness Monster had a huge body.</b>

<b> C. The Loch Ness Monster like other pre-historic creatures has died out and become extinct.</b>
<b> D. According to many people, the Loch Ness Monster had a small reptilian head.</b>

<b>22: What is the passage about?</b>

<b> A. The pre – historical Monster</b> <b> B. A sea - creature</b>

<b> C. Loch Ness lake</b> <b> D. The Loch Ness Monster</b>

<i><b>Vocabulary and structure: choose the best answer</b></i>

<b>23: ………….. is a game played in a swimming pool in which two teams try to score goals with a ball.</b>
<b> A. Water polo </b> <b> B. Swimming </b> <b> C. Rowing </b> D. Water skiing
<b>24: We are a very ______family. All of us have very close relationship with one another.</b>

<b> A. friendly </b> <b> B. close-knit</b> <b> C. typical </b> <b> D. strange </b>
<b>25: John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.</b>

<b> A. take part in B. take care of C. take place</b> <b> D. take over</b>

<b>26: That news came very fast. They’ll be surprised ______ it.</b>

<b> A. to hear</b> <b> B. hearing </b> <b> C. at hearing </b> <b> D. to hearing </b>
<b>27: He is disappointed at not being offered the job, but I think he will ____________ it. </b>

<b> A. take after</b> <b> B. fill in </b> <b> C. get over </b> <b> D. turn off </b>
<b>28: How many____________took part in the 22nd SEA Games?</b>

<b> A. competitors </b> <b> B. competition</b> C. compete <b> D. competitor</b>
<b>29: ____________you study for these exams, ____________you will do.</b>

<b> A. The hardest / the best </b> <b> B. The harder / the better </b>
<b> C. The more hard / the more good</b> <b> D. The more / the much </b>
<b>30: Kathy: “Let’s go to Sapa for our summer holiday!”</b> Pat: “______”
<b> A. Ok. It sounds interesting</b> <b> B. Do you like to go?</b>

<b> C. How about you</b> <b> D. Not at all </b>

<b>31: My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that ____ it is at night, ____ he plays his music!</b>
<b> A. the less / the more loud </b> <b> B. the later / the louder</b>

<b> C. the less / less </b> <b> D. the more late / the more loudlier </b>
<b>32: Her suggestions were ______. We could not approve of them.</b>

<b> A. reasonable </b> <b> B. unreasonable</b> <b> C. reason </b> <b> D. reasonably </b>
<b>33: “You look nice today. I like your new hairstyle.” _ “______________________ .”</b>

<b> A. Oh, we done!</b> <b> B. I feel interesting to hear that.</b>
<b> C. It’s nice of you to say so</b> <b> D. Shall I? Thanks.</b>

<b>34: Up to now, Shakespeare’s tragedies ______into many languages.</b>

<b> A. are translating B. translated C. have translated</b> <b> D. have been translate</b>
<b>35: “Don’t forget to take ____________ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.” </b>

<b> A. in </b> <b> B. up</b> <b> C. off </b> <b> D. apart </b>

<b>36: They cancelled the match ____________</b>

<b> A. because of the heavy rain</b> <b> B. because the heavy rain</b>
<b> C. because of it rained heavily </b> <b> D. due to it rained heavily </b>
<b>37: The referee's ____________is the most important in any sport competition.</b>

<b> A. decide </b> <b> B. decisive </b> <b> C. decision </b> <b> D. decider</b>

<i><b>Choose the word with different pronunciation of the underlined part</b></i>

<b>38: </b> <b> A. exchan</b><i><b>ge</b></i> <b> B. </b><i><b>g</b></i>overnment <b> C. </b><i><b>g</b></i>ymnastic <b> D. </b><i><b>g</b></i>inger
<b>39: </b> <b> A. fertilizer </b> <b> B. environment</b> <b> C. survive </b> <b> D. prohibit</b>
<b>40: </b> <b> A. explor</b><i><b>ed</b></i> <b> B. travell</b><i><b>ed</b></i> <b> C. nam</b><i><b>ed</b></i> <b> D. separat</b><i><b>ed</b></i>

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<b>Phiếu soi đáp án</b><i><b>(Dành cho giáo viên)</b></i>

<b>English test</b>
<b>M đề 276</b>ã






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