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De cuong on tap HKI Tieng Anh 6

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP MÔN ANH VĂN 6 _ HKI_ 2010-2011</b>
I/LISTENING: Listen to the passage and tick the correct optionto complete the sentences:
1/ Nam is ... years old : A. ten B. eleven C. twelve

2/ He lives with his mother, father and two ... in the city
A. brothers B. sisters C. friends

3/ His house is ... the store : A. near B. next to C. opposite

4/ There ... a restaurant and the factory in the neighborhood : A.is B. are C. am
5/ His mother works in the... : A.hospital B. factory C.restaurant
II/Reading<b> : Read the passage and tick the best option to answer the question that follow</b>

This is Mai.She is my classmate.She is thirteen years old.She is a student. She lives in a big city.She
is in grade 6 .She gets up at half past five every moring.She washes her face at five thirty-five. She has
breakfast at six.She goes to school at six twenty

1/ Mai is a... : A. student B teacher C. doctor D nurse
2/ She is in grade... : A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9

3/ She washes her face at... : A.5.30 B.6 C. 5.35 D.6.20
4/ She is... : A. 12 B. 13 C.14 D.15

5/ she lives in... : A.the country B. the small city C. a small city D. a big city
III/Language focus: Make questions for the following answers:

1/ ...
They work in the hospital

There are three books on the table

Yes. This is my pen

I go to school at 6

My house is in the country

IV/Writing: Put the words in their correct orders(2.5)

1/ books/the/table/are/Thu’s/on ...

2/lake/house/in/ a/ we/near/a/live...
3/ class/is/Nam/which/in?...
4/your/ where/ mother/is?...
5/ Chi/ hair/black/has/...
<b>Trường THCS QUANG TRUNG</b>

<b>I/ Circle the correct answer </b>

1/ These books …… small. : a. are b. is c. do d. am
2/ She …. her face. : a.wash b. washes c. brush d. brushes
3/ What is your father's name?

…… father's name is Minh : a.her b. their c. his d. my
4/ We listen … music. a. at b. on c. to d.in

5.….. do they do ?

They are teachers. a.which b. where c. when d. what
6/ What …. your father do? a. do b. does c. is d.am
7/ Do you play soccer? Yes,…… a.I do b. I don't c. I do d we don't
8/ How old is his sister? …. is fifteen years old. a.he b. she c. I d. we
9/ How many …. are there?

There are ten teachers. a.engineers b. teacher c. teachers d. doctors
10/ The yard is in … of the house. a. front of b. front c. behind d. left
<b>B. READING:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

Hoa is a student. She(1)…… up at five o'clock. She (2)…. a shower and gets dressed. She (3)… her

breakfast then leaves the(4) ….at half past six. The school is (5)….. her house , so she walks. Classes starts
at seven and end at half past eleven. He walks home and has lunch at twelve o'clock.

Takes house gets eats near
<b>C. LISTENING: </b>

<b>III. Listen and check the correct box for True (T) or False(F):</b>

1There are 5 people in my family
2.My father is an engineer.

3. My mother is fifty-five years old.
4. Mybrother is a doctor

5. My sister is a student.
<b>D. WRITING:</b>

<b>IV. Complete the sentences from the cues given:</b>

1. How many /people/ there/ your family?……….
2. My name/ Lan ……….

3. There /20 students/ my class ……….
4.I /go/ school/ bike ……….

5. Do /you /live/ city ? ……….
<b>Đơn vị :THCS _Nguyễn Huệ _ </b>

I. Choose the best answer:

1.What time does Nam ...breakfast? a.have b.has c.haven’t d.hasn’t
2.Phong ...ten years old. a.are b.is c.be d.am

3.These books ...small. a.are b.is c.do d.am
4.She...her face. a.wash b.washes c.brush d.brushes
5.What is your name?...is Minh a.her b.his c.my d.their

6.We listen...music. a.at b.in c.on d.to
7.What ...your father do? a.do b.does c.is d.are

8.What is he doing?He...video game. a.is playing b.plays c.playing d.is play
9.I live ...30 Tran Hung Dao street. a.at b.on c.in d.from

10.Are there ...trees behind the house? a. any b.the c.those d.these
II. Read the text and choose true or false:

Minh lives in the city with his mother, father and sister.

Their house is next to a store.On the street, there is a restaurant, a bookstore and a temple.

In the neighborhood,there is a hospital, a factory, a museum and a stadium.Minh’s father works in the
factory.His mother works in the hospital.

1. Minh lives in the country. ...
2. Their house is next to a store. ...
3. Minh’s father works in a hospital. ...
4. Minh’s neighborhood is very busy. ...
III.Rewrite the following sentences:

1. Tran Hung Dao/on/live/street/they.

2. classrooms/are/in/how many/your/there/school.?
3. in/live/I/country/the.

4. love/village/I/my.

IV.Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue:

Nam:(2)...,Lan.How (3)... you,today?
Lan:I’m(4) ...Thanks.And you?

Nam:I’m very well.Thank you.

I…………a student

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

How……….. are you? I'm eleven

a.a.class b.old c.many d. much

There are two ………. in the living room

a.bench b. benchs c. benches d.chair

My classroom is…………the first floor

a.on b.in c.the d.from

How many ………….are there in your family

a.father b.mother c.sister d.people

Ba………..his teeth every morning

a. brush b. brushes c. brushs d.brushing

<b>II. Đọc đoạn văn sau và điền vào chỗ trống với TRUE (T) hoặc FALSE (F): (2.5m</b>
<b>( </b>

Nam lives in the city with his father, mother, sister and brother.His house is next to a store.On the street , there is
a restaurant , a bookstore and a temple.In the neighborhood, there is a hospital, a factory, a musium and a

stadium. Nam's father works in the factory. His mother works in the hospital

Nam lives in the country
..……… .

His house is next to a store
.……… .

Nam's father works in the factory
.……… .

His mother works in the hospital
.……… .

There are four people in his family
..……… .

<b>III. Viết câu theo hướng dẫn: (2.5m</b>

<b> </b>

He is a student. ( Đổi sang câu phủ định


in / live / I / country / the (Sắp xếp các từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh


It's a ruler. ( Đặt câu hỏi cho câu trả lời


How do you go to school? ( Trả lời câu hỏi


We ( play)………soccer now. ( Chia động từ trong ngoặc


<b>IV.Nghe đoạn văn và chọn đáp án đúng ( a, b , hoặc c ) để hoàn thành câu: (2m</b>
<b>.( </b>

<b> </b>

My father is

a. a teacher b. an engineer c.a doctor

He is……….years old

a. 35 b.45 c.55

He goes to work by


a. bike b.motorbike c.car

He goes home at

a.4.00 b. 4.15 c. 4.30


I/ Listen to the passage and tick the best option (A, B or C) to answer the questions. (2,5).

1/ Where does Lan study? a. At Quang Trung school. b.At Le Loi school. C. At Tran Phu school.
2/ What time does she get up? a. At 5.00 o,<sub>clock. b.At 6.00 o</sub>,<sub>clock. c.At 7.00 o</sub>,<sub>clock.</sub>

3/ Where does she have lunch? a. At home. b.At a restaurant. c.At school.

4/ What does she do in the afternoon? a.She plays soccer b.She plays badminton. c.She plays volleyball.
5/ What does she do in the evening? a.She watches T.V. b.She does the home work.

c.She watches T.V and does the home work.

II/ Read the passage and tick T (True) or F (False) to the statements {2,5):

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

1. Minh lives in the country

2. their house is next to a restaurant.
3. Minh lives with his grandmother.
4. Minh,<sub>s father works in a factory.</sub>
5. There is a museum near their house

III.Choose best option ( A, B, or C ) to complete each of the following sentences.
1.There………….four people in my family. A.are B.is C. am.
2.Nam………….his teeth every morning. A. brushes B. brushs C. brush.
3.My name…………Lan. Aam B. is C.are.

4.Where………….you live? A. do B. does C.is.

5.We have English…………Monday and Friday. A.in B. on C.at.
6.Nam washes………face in the morning ? A. her B. my C. his.
7.What time………..class start? A. do B. does C.are.

8.There………….trees and flowers in the park. A.are B. is C.am.
9.He …………histruck at the moment. A.drives B. is driving C.drive.
10.What time does he………..breakfast A. have B. has C.do.
IV.Write about your father, using the suggestion below.(2,5).

1. his name / Binh.
2. he /35 / years old.
3. he /work / hospital /city
4. he /go to work /by bus.
5. he /go home/5.oo pm.
<b>Đơn vị :THCS :Nguyễn Du_ _ _ </b>

<b>I.Nghe và điền thơng tin cịn thiếu vào chỗ trống.(2)</b>

<b> My name’s (1)………. .I live in a (2)……….. in the country. There aren’t any (3) </b>

……….. here. There are trees and flowers, a (4) ………, a lake and paddy fields. It is very

<i><b> </b></i><b>II. Đọc đoạn văn sau :</b>

<i><b>A.Chọn từ hay cụm từ đúng trong số A, B hoặc C điền vào khoảng trống : (1)</b></i>

Linh is twelve years old. She (1)_________ in grade 6. She lives in a house with her mother, father
and brother. Their house is (2) ________ to a bookstore. In the neighborhood, there is a restaurant, a
market and a stadium. Linh’s father (3) ________ in the restaurant. Her mother works in the market. Linh
goes to school at half past six in the morning. She has (4) _________ from seven to eleven fifteen.

1. A. is B. am C. are
2. A. next B. near C. between
3. A. works B. work C. working
4. A. classes B. class C. the class.

<i><b> B. Trả lời câu hỏi</b></i><b> . (1.5)</b>

1. How old is Linh? ………

2. Does Linh’s father work in the restaurant? ………
3. What time do her classes start? ………..
<b> III. Chọn câu trả lời đúng(3) </b>

1. Nam ...his teeth every morning . a. brushes b. brushs c. brush d. wash
2. There ... four people in my family . a. are b. is c. am d.be
3...do you get up ? At 5 o’clock . a.What time b. What c.How, d.Where
4. We have English ...Monday and Wednesday . a-on b- in c-at d- with
5. Lan’brother ….volleyball now. a.to play b.is playing c.are playing d.playing
6. Lan lives ……… the city ………her family? a.in / with b.in / to c.at / with d.on / with

IV. Sắp xếp các từ bị xáo trộn thành câu hoàn chỉnh.(2.5)
1.have / on / English / We / Monday / Saturday / and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

3. books / the / table / are / Thu’s / on.

4. play / school / we / volleyball / often / after /./

5. How / floors / school / does / many / have / your / ?
<b>Đơn vị :THCS Lý Thường Kiệt</b>

<b>I.Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất: (3m)</b>

1. Lan ...TV after school. a. watch b. watches c. listens
2. How ...you? I’m thirteen years old. a. old are b. are c. old

3. Where ...you live? I live...Tran Hung Dao Street. a. do/in b. do / at c. do/on
4. How many...are there in your class? There are 39. a. student b. students c. teacher

5. There is a flower garden ...of the house. a. in front b. next c. near

6. What is ...? It is an eraser. a. those b. these c. this
<b>II. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau: (2,5m)</b>

My name (0) <i><b>is</b></i> Lan . I’m eleven (1)...old. There are four(2)... in my family: my
father, my mother, my brother and me. Everyday I (3)... up at five o’clock. I go to school six
(4)...a week. After school, I (5)...music.

1.a. year b. years c. a year

2. a. person b. student c. people

3. a. get b. gets c. get up

4. a. day b. days c. time

5. a. listen b. to c. listen to

III. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây: (2,5m)

1. Nga/get up / six-thirty. ...

2. When/ you / English?...
3. I/ English / Wednesday / Friday...
4. What time/ Ba / go / school?...

5. How / floor/ your school / have?...
<b>IV. Nghe và chọn câu trả lời đúng cho các câu sau: (2m)</b>

1. Ba’s sister name is... a. Mai b. Hoa c. Lan
2. She is ...years old. a. 12 b. 32 c. 20

3. She is ... a. a student b. a teacher c. a nurse
4. She goes to ... by bus. a. the hospital b. school c. work
<b>Đơn vị :THCS KIM ĐỒNG _ </b>


Listen to the passage and tick the correct option ( A,B or C ) to complete the sentences 2,5 (pts)
1 .My mother is ... A . a teacher B . a nurse C . a doctor

2 . She is ...years old . A . 35 B . 45 C. 55
3. She teaches at grade ... A. 6 B . 7 C. 8

4.She goes to work by ... A. bike B. motorbike C. car
5. She goes home at ... A. 4.00 B. 4.15 C. 4.30

Read the passage and tick the best option (A ,B,C,or D ) to answer the questions that follow .
(2,5 pts)

Hello .I am Jack and this is Jill ,my sister .We are living in London with our father and
mother .We are living in a big and quiet house .There is a flower garden in front of our
house .I am in grade six and my school is near our house so I can walk to the school by
bike .It is eight a.m now and I am having classes at school .My sister, Jill is doing her
homework at home .

1. How many people are there in Jack’s family A . three B. four C.five D.nine
2. Where are they living ? A.in Viet Nam B.in China C.in London D.in Canada

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

4 Which grade are Jack and Jill in ?

A.Jack is in grade six and Jill is in grade eleven
B.Jack is in grade six and Jill is in grade ten

C.Jact is in grade senven and Jill is in grade eleven
D .Jack is in grade eight and Jill is grade nine.

5. What time is it now ? A. It’s seven a.m now B.It’s ten a.m now
C.It’s six a.m now D.It’s eight a.m now


Complete the dialogue between Lan and Nga (2,5 pts )

Lan : (1) ...? Nga : My name is Nga
Lan : (2) ...? Nga :I’m twelve years old
Lan : (3) ...? Nga : I live in Ha Noi

Lan : (4) ...? Nga :There are five people in my family .
Lan : (5) ...? Nga :I like listening to music in the free time

Write about your teacher of English ,using the suggestions below .(2,5 pts)
1 . His name / Nam

2. He /40 /years old

3. He /work /school /in the city

4 . He / go to work /by bus
5 . He /go home /5.30 p.


<b>I .Nghe đoạn văn và đánh T hoặc F vào những câu dưới đây (2.5 đ) </b>
1. Lan is a student.

2. She is twelve years old.

3.The name of her school is TRAN HUNG DAO.
4.Her school is on LE LOI Street.

5. She lives on TRAN HUNG DAO Street
<b>II. Đọc đoạn văn :</b>

Yen lives in a small village with her father, mother and her brother . She lives in a small house .It is
old and beautiful . There is a garden in front of the house . In the garden, there are beautiful flowers . There
are mountains behind the house. To the left of the house, there is a small rice paddy . To the right of the
house , there is a small well .

<b>Trả lời câu hỏi : (2.5 đ)</b>

1. Where does Yen live ?...

2. Is her house new and beautiful ?...
3 . What is there in front of the house ?...
4. Are there any flowers ?...

5 . Where is a well ?...

<b>III.Khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng nhất: (2.5 đ)</b>

1 Nga and Lan ... good friends . a. are b. is c. am

2. Lan 's father is ... his car. a. drives b. driving c. drive
3 . Her brother travels to Hanoi ... plane . a. on b. by c .in
4.How many... are there in your classroom ? a. table b. window c. chairs
5. Nam ... on Nguyen Hue street. a. lives b . live c living

<b>IV . Viết câu hòan chỉnh dưa theo những từ gợi ý dưới đây : (2.5 đ)</b>
1 . Lien / a student...

2. She / in / grade /6...

3 . Her school / have / two /floors...
4. It /have / nine/ classrooms...
5.Her classes/ start / 7 am...
<b>Trường THCS Quang Trung</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

2/ He lives with his mother, father and two ... in the city A. brothers B. sisters C. friends
3/ His house is ... the store A. near B. next to C. opposite

4/ There ... a restaurant and the factory in the neighborhood A.is B. are C. am
5/ His mother works in the... A.hospital B. factory C.restaurant
II/Reading<b> : Read the passage and tick the best option to answer the question that follow</b>

This is Mai.She is my classmate.She is thirteen years old.She is a student. She lives in a big city.She
is in grade 6 .She gets up at half past five every moring.She washes her face at five thirty-five. She has
breakfast at six.She goes to school at six twenty

1/ Mai is a... A. student B teacher C. doctor D nurse
2/ She is in grade... A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9

3/ She washes her face at... A.5.30 B.6 C. 5.35 D.6.20
4/ She is... A. 12 B. 13 C.14 D.15

5/ she lives in... A.the country B. the small city C. a small city D. a big city
III/Language focus: Make questions for the following answers:

1/ ... They work in the hospital

2/... There are three books on the table
3/... Yes. This is my pen

4/... I go to school at 6

5/... My house is in the country
IV/Writing: Put the words in their correct orders(2.5)

1/ books/the/table/are/Thu’s/on ...
2/lake/house/in/ a/ we/near/a/live...
3/ class/is/Nam/which/in?...
4/your/ where/ mother/is?...
5/ Chi/ hair/black/has/...
. Đơn vị: THCS Tây Sơn

<b>B. NỘI DUNG ĐỀ</b>

<b>I.Choose the best answer (5m)</b>

1. ... that your teacher? A. Is B. Are C. Am D. What

2. Where is your ...?- It's in the city. A. name B. house C. teacher D. student
3. ...classrooms are there in your school? A.How B.How old C.How many D.How much
4. They have lunch at half.... eleven. A. quarter B.past C.to D.o'clock

5. There... a hotel near the lake. A. be B. is C. are D. have

6. ... does Mrs Thao go to work?- By motorbike A.What B.Where C. How D. Who
7. Who is waiting...you. A.at B. with C.for D.of

8. We live... Tran Hung Dao street. A.in B. at C. up D. on

9. Ba ... dressed at six o'clock every morning. A. gets B. get C.getting D. is getting
10. She doesn't do homework after school. A. her B. his C. my D.our

11. The tree is ... to the toystore. A. near B.next C. behind D. opposite
12. Is there a... behind Lan's house?

A. garden flower B. flower garden C.flower of garden D. all are correct
<b>II.Choose the best answer to complete the text:(2m) </b>

Hello, I am Trang. I'm ..(1)...years old and I'm in grade..(2)...eleven. I ..(3)...in a house with my
family: my father, my mother, my brother and...(4)...My father is a teacher and...(5)...forty-eight years old.
My mother is a teacher, ..(6)... She is forty-six years old. My..(7)...is twenty-three. He..(8)...engineer.

1.A. seven B. seventeen C.seventh D. seventeenth
2.A. lives B. am live C. live D. am lives

3.A. am B. is C. are D. have

4.A. me B. my C. I'm D. I

5.A. he has B. he's C. his D. he
6.A. and B. but C. too D. so
7.A. father B. sister C. mother D. brother

8.A. a B. an C. the D. one

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

1. Nam/ are/ and/ quang/ playing/ soccer/ now.
2. have/ We/ on/ History/ Tuesday/ Thursday/ and.
<b>VI. Make question for the following answer. (1m)</b>

1. I live on Tran Hung Dao street.

2. I go to school at 6:30 o'clock every morning.
<b>Bộ giao dục </b>

<b>I . LISTENING :</b>

<b> Listento the passage and tick T ( true ) or F (false ) to the following statements .( 2.5 pts ):</b>
<b> </b>


1. Mr Quang lives in a small house .

2. In front of the house , there is a small yard .
3. He grows vegetables in the garden .

4. Thereis a tall tree behind the house .

5. There is a well to the right of the house .

Read the passage and circle the best option ( A, B or C ) to complete the sentences . ( 2.5 pts ) :

There are four people in Minh ’ s family , his parents , his sister and him . Minh ’ s father is an engineer .
Everyday he goes to work at 7 o’ clock . Minh ’ s mother is a doctor . She works in a hospital in the town .

goes to work at 6.30 . Minh ’ s sister is a student at Hanoi National University . She is twenty years old.
Minh is

twelve . He isa student at Quang Trung school .

6. There are --- people in Minh ’ family . A.there B.four C.five
7. His father is a (n) --- A.worker B.driver C.engineer
8His mother goes to work at --- A.6.30 B.6.45 C.6.50

9Minh ’ s sister is --- years old A.12 B.20 C.22

10Minh studies at --- A.Tran Phu school B.Le Duan school C.Quang Trung school

Match one question in column A with an appropriate answer in column B . ( 2.5 pts )

11. What is your name ? A. He’ s forty .

12. How old are you ? B. My name is Long .
13. Where do you live ? C. There are fifty .
14. What is your father ’ s name ? D. I am twelve
15. How old is he ? E. I get up at six .

16. Where does he work ? F. It is seven o ’ clock .
17. How many students are there in your class ? G. I live in Ha Noi .

18. Which class are you in ? H. He works in Ha Tay .
19. What time is it ? I. I am in class 6A 6.

20.What time do you get up ? J. His name is Quan .

21. Suppose you are Nguyen Ngoc Anh . Write a short passage about yourself , using the following
suggestions (2.5 pts ) :


Living place
Name of the school

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9></div>


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