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complete the dialogue

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1/ Complete the dialogue:

city Vietnamese what where my
A: (1) ...is your name?
B: (2) ...name is Quoc Anh.
A: (3) ...are you from?

B: I am from Ho Chi Minh (40...
A: Are you (5)...?

B: Yes, I am.

2/ Complete the dialogue.

Birthday eleven how my what
A: (1) _____is your name?
B: (2)________name is David.
A: (3)_________old are you?
B:I’m (4)__________

A: When is your (5) _________?
B: it’s on December 16th<sub>.</sub>

3/ Complete the dialogue.
Factory name work worker do
A: What is your sister’s ________?
B: She is Huong.

A: What does she (2) _____.
B: She is a (3) ______

A: Where does she (4) _________?

B: She works in a (5) ________in our hometown.
4/ Complete the dialogue

What having art Sure drawing
A: what subject are you (1) __now?
B: I’m having an (2) ______lesson.
A: (3)______are you doing?

B: I’m (4) ____and coloring a picture.
A: Can I have a look?

B: (5) _____. Here you are.
5/ Complete the dialogue

<b>doing busy chess play</b>

A: Do you want to play (1) __________with me?
B: No, not now.

A: Why not?

B: I am (2) ___. I am (3) _______my homework.
A: ok. Let’s (4) ______later.

6/ Complete the dialogue
Where last yes festival were

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A: (3) ______was it held?

B: it was held in the park near our school.

A: (4) ____________there many students at the festival?
B: (5) ____________there were.

7/ Complete the dialogue
Fever tired what should

A: Mum, I’m very (1) __________.
B: (2) _____is the matter with you, son?
A: I have a (3) ______

B: Let me see. You (4) _____see a doctor.
8/ Complete the dialogue

go to bed last night interesting did didn’t
A: what did you do (1)____________?
B: I (2)__________my homework.

A: Did you (3) _______________after that?

B: No, I (4) ____________. I watched Tom and Jerry on T.V
A: Was it (5) ___________________?

B: Yes, it was. I liked it very much.
9/ Complete the dialogue

birthday flowers give what Thursday
Mary: what day is it today?

John: It’s (1) _________________

Mary: well. We’re going to Alice’s (2) _______________party tomorrow.
John: Well, I’m going to give her some (3) ____________.

Mary: I’m going to bring some chocolates. (4) _____about you, Anna?
Anna : I’m going to (5) __________her a doll.

John: Alice is going to be very happy.
10/ Complete the dialogue

Snow often four how what

A: (1) ________many seasons are there in your country?
B: There are (2) __________________.

A: (3) _________is the weather like in winter?
B: It is (4) ________cold.

A: Is there (5) _______________?
B: Yes, there is.

11/ Complete the dialogue
We’re going right then

A: Are we (1) ____to the amusement park tomorrow?
B: That’s (2) __________.

A: And (3) ______________?

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12/ Complete the dialogue
Right museum bus here where
A: (1) ________is the supermarket?

B: It’s far from (2) ____________________.
A: How far is it?

B: Well, it’s about ten minutes by (3) __________?
A: How far is the (4) ____________.



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