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One period test N4a7b E6

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Name :... ONE PERIOD TEST (N. 4b)

<i>Class: 6/10 </i>

<i><b>English 6</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>
<b>I. Choose the most suitable word to complete the sentence (2.5pts)</b>

1. <i><b>(What, when, where)</b></i> do you do when it's hot ? - I go swimming

<i><b>2.</b></i>... Hoa is in the kitchen. She (<i><b>cooks/is cooking/cook)</b></i>dinner
<i><b>3.</b></i>... Tam (<i><b>is always goes/ always goes/goes always</b></i>) jogging in the morning

<i><b>4.</b></i>... We are going to do our homework (<i><b>now/ tonight/ at the moment</b></i>)
<i><b>5.</b></i>... The weather is often <i><b>(hot/ cold/ warm</b></i>) in the spring

<i><b>6.</b></i>... Let's <i><b>(to go/ goes/ go</b></i>) to the movies

<i><b>7.</b></i>... It's too hot. Why don't we go swimming ? - <i><b>(Yes, we do/ No, I </b></i>
<i><b>don't/Good idea)</b></i>

<i><b>8.</b></i>... What do you do <i><b>(at/on/in)</b></i> your free time ?

<i><b>9.</b></i>... What about <i><b>(playing/ play/ to play)</b></i> volleyball this afternoon

<i><b>10.</b></i>... <i><b>(How often/ How far/ How long) </b></i>are you going to stay in Ha noi ? - For three

<b> II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense : (2.5ms)</b>
<i><b>1.</b></i> I ………my uncle and aunt tomorrow (<i><b>visit</b></i>)
<i><b>2.</b></i> My father ………..to Ha Noi next week (<i><b>travel)</b></i>
<i><b>3.</b></i> The teacher ……….the dialogue at the moment (<i><b>read</b></i>)
<i><b>4.</b></i> Be quiet ! the baby ………(<i><b>sleep</b></i>)

<i><b>5.</b></i> He often ………to the movies on Sunday nights (<i><b>go</b></i>)

<i><b>6.</b></i> <b>III. Read the passage and answer the questions below : (2.5 ms)</b>

I'm going to visit Da lat this summer vacation. I'm going to stay with my uncle for a
week. I am going to see lakes and other beautiful places. I have some friends there. So<b> I'm</b>
going to visit them.

<b> </b><i><b>Questions :</b></i>

1. Where is he going to stay ?

2. How long is he going to stay ?

3. Which place is he going to visit this summer vacation ?

4. What is he going to do ?

5. Is he going to visit Da lat this summer vacation ?

<b>IV. Make sentences, using the words given : (2.5 ms)</b>

1. Nam / often / go / his friend / house / weekend


2. They / visit / Nha trang / this Sunday

3. Where / Mai / be / at / moment ?

4. Hung / want / have / cup / coffee

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Name :... ONE PERIOD TEST (N.4a)
Class : 6/10

<i><b>English 6</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>
<b>I. Choose the most suitable word to complete the sentence : (2.5 ms)</b>

1.It's very hot. Why <i><b>(do we/ don't we/ let's</b></i>) go swimming?

2. (<i><b>How/, how often/ how long) </b></i>does Peter go jogging ? - Every day
3... Which sports does Lan <i><b>(play/ go/ have)?</b></i>

4... She listens to music three times <i><b>(one/ a/ two)</b></i> week
5.I often go fishing <i><b>(at/ in/on)</b></i> Sunday afternoons

6... He often <i><b>(plays/ go/ flies)</b></i> his kite when he's not busy
7... It’s often <i><b>(warm/ cold/cool)</b></i> in the fall

8... How <i><b>(often/ far/ long)</b></i> are you going to stay here ? - For two weeks
9... What <i><b>(on/ for/ about) </b></i>going to Vung tau?

10... She sometimes plays tennis <i><b>(at/ on/ in)</b></i> the morning.
<b>II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense : (2.5ms)</b>
<i><b>1.</b></i> Lan and Nga……….a new film tonight. <i><b>(see)</b></i>

<i><b>2.</b></i> I ………my uncle this summer vacation. <i><b>(visit)</b></i>
<i><b>3.</b></i> Be careful ! the train …………..<i><b>(come)</b></i>

<i><b>4.</b></i> She ………..her housework at present. <i><b>(do)</b></i>
<i><b>5.</b></i> We sometimes …………to school. <i><b>(walk)</b></i>

<b>III. Read the passage and answer the questions below : (2.5 ms)</b>

Nam lives in a house with his family in the country. He rides to school every morning.
He likes listening to music and playing soccer. On the weekend, he goes out with his friends .
They sometimes go to the movies (about once a week). He feels very happy there

<i><b> Questions :</b></i>

1. Where does Nam live ?

2. How does he go to school ?

3. Which sports does he play ?

4. How often do Nam and his friends go to the movies ?

5.. . Does Nam live in the country ?

<b>IV. Make sentences, using the words given : (2.5 ms)</b>

1. She / like / drink / glass / orange juice

2. He / work / garden / the moment ?

3. Listen ! / she / sing / room

4. He / travel / Da lat / next week ?

5. He / not / often / jogging / the winter

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Name :...



Class : 6....

<i> ONE PERIOD TEST </i><b>4</b>

<b>I.Choose the correct words :</b>

1...do you do when it's hot ? I go swimming (What,when,where)
2. Hoa is in the kitchen. She...dinner (cooks, is cooking, cook)

3. Tam...jogging in the morning (is always goes, always goes, goes always)
4. We are going to do our homework... (now, tonight, at the moment)
5. The weather is often...in the spring (hot,cold,warm)

6. Let's...to the movies (to go, goes, go)

7. It's too hot. Why don't we go swimming ?...(Yes,we do, No,I don't, Good
idea )

8. What do you do...your free time ? (at, on, in)

9. What about (playing, play, to play) volleyball this afternoon

10. (How often, How far, How long) are you going to stay in Ha noi ? For three days
<b>II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense : (2ms)</b>

1. I am going to visit my uncle and aunt tomorrow (visit)
2. My father is going to travel to Ha Noi next week (travel)
3. The teacher is reading the dialogue at the moment (read)
4. Be quiet ! the baby is sleeping (sleep)

5. He often goes to the movies on Sunday nights (go)
<b>III. Read the passage and answer the questions below :</b>

I'm going to visit Da lat this summer vacation. I'm going to stay with my uncle for a week.
I am going to see lakes and other beautiful places. I have some friends there. So<b> I'm going</b>
to visit them.

<b>Questions :</b>

1. Where is he going to stay ?

He is going to stay at his uncle’s house
2. How long is he going to stay ?

He is going to stay for a week

3. Which place is he going to visit this summer vacation ?
He is going to visit Dalat this summer vacation

4. What is he going to do ?

He is going to see lakes, beautiful places, visit his friends
5. Is he going to visit Da lat this summer vacation ?

Yes, he is

<b>IV. Make sentences, using the words given :</b>
1. Nam / often / go / his friend / house / weekend

Nam often goes to his friend’s house on the weekend
2. They / visit / Nha trang / this Sunday

They are going to visit Nha trang this Sunday
3. Where / Mai / be / at / moment ?

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4. Hung / want / have / cup / coffee
Hung wants to have a cup of coffee
5. Why / Lan / doesn’t / want / go / bike ?
Why doesn’t Lan want to go by bike ?

Name :... KEY


Class : 6...


<b>I. Choose the correct words :</b>

1. It's very hot. Why ...go swimming (do we, don't we , let's)
2. ...does Peter go jogging ? Every day (How, how often , how long)
3. Which sports does Lan...? (play , go. have)

4. She listens to music three times...week (one, a , two)
5. I often go fishing...Sunday afternoons (at, in, on )
6. He often...his kite when he's not busy (plays, go, flies )
7. It’s often...in the fall (warm, cold, cool )

8. How...are you going to stay here ? For two weeks (often, far, long )
9. What about (on, for, about ) going to Vung tau ?

10. She sometimes plays tennis (at, on, in ) the morning
<b>II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense : (2.5ms)</b>
1. Lan and Nga are going to see a new film tonight (see)

2. I am going to visit my uncle this summer vacation (visit)
3. Be careful ! the train is coming (come)

4. She is doing her housework at present (do)
5. We sometimes walk to school (walk)

<b>III. Read the passage and answer the questions below :</b>

Nam lives in a house with his family in the country. He rides to school every morning. He likes
listening to music and playing soccer. On the weekend, he goes out with his friends . They
sometimes go to the movies (about once a week). He feels very happy there

<b>Questions :</b>

1. Where does Nam live ?
He lives in the country

2. How does he go to school ?
He goes to school by bike
3. Which sports does he play ?
He plays soccer

4. How often do Nam and his friends go to the movies ?
They go to the movies once a week

5. Does Nam live in the country ?
Yes, he does

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She likes to drink a glass of orange juice
2. He / work / garden / the moment ?

Is he working in the garden at the moment ?
3. Listen ! / she / sing / room

Listen ! She is singing in the room
4. He / travel / Da lat / next week ?



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