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Language focus 5 E 7 p 101

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Period 101 : LANGUAGE FOCUS 5
Date of preparing: 2/05/2012

<b>A. Objectives</b>.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to use adjectives and adverbs and
model verbs and tense exactly.

<b>B. Language content.</b>

- Grammar : adjectives, adverbs, modal verbs, likes, dislikes, Because/ Why, simple past,
simple present, present progressive, simple future tense.

- Vocabulary: rock climbing, shrimp, stew, steak, ginger, anniversary celebration.

<b>C. Techniques.</b>

- Brainstorming, Rub Out and Remember, Gap – filling, Discussion

<b>D. Teaching aids: </b>

- Pictures, textbook, poster

<b>E. Procedures.</b>

<b>I.Greeting: Taking attendance</b>
<b>II.Checking the previous lesson.</b>

- Teacher calls one students read the text B4. Page 159 – 160

- Write some vocabularies: bulb, gramophone, actor, motion picture, author.

<b>III.New lesson.</b>

<b>1.Warm up</b>: Brainstorming

Model verbs adj-> adv


* Pre-teach vocabulary

- rock climbing: leo núi đá (translation)
- shrimp (n): con tôm (picture)
- stew (n): món thịt hầm (explanation)
- steak (n): miếng thịt để nướng (explanation)
- ginger (n): gừng (picture)

- anniversary celebration: lễ kỷ niệm (explanation)
* Teacher reads first. Students listen and repeat.

* Teacher calls on some students to read aloud in front of the class.
* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember

* Grammar: adjectives, adverbs, modal verbs, likes, dislikes, Because/ Why, simple past,
simple present, present progressive, simple future tense.

Points of

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<b>3. Practice:</b>

<b>* Activity 1:Adjectives and adverbs</b>

- Teacher reviews to say the usages of adjectives & adverbs.
- Teacher calls some students to complete the sentences
- Get feedback + correct

* <b>Answer keys</b><i>: a . quickly</i> b. slowly c. good d. dangerous e. skillfully

<b>** Activity 2: Modal verb</b>

- Teacher introduces the dialogues and read it

- Have students listen and repeat. Then students work in pairs.
- Have students practice in pairs a) → e)

- Students look at the pictures, using “should / ought to” to give Hoa some advice.

<b>*** Activity 3</b> <b>expressing like and dislike</b>

- Ask students to look at the menu and list the words and ask students to practice in pairs.

<b>**** Activity 4</b> <b>Tenses</b>

- Teacher reviews to say the usages of tenses.

- Teacher calls some students to complete the correct column.
* Get feedback + correct

- Past: c, e, h - Present: a, b, f, g, i - Future: d, j

<b> ***** Activity 5</b> <b>Because</b>

a. Ask students to read the dialogue

- Have students make up similar dialogues about color, sport, TV program.
b. Ask your classmates, take turn to be A

A: What is your favorite TV program?

B: Cartoon.

A: Why?

B: Because it’s interesting

A: Cartoon is my favorite program, too. I prefer it because it’s fun.

<b>4. Production</b>:

- Have students correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. You should to help your mom with the housework.
2. My father is a carefully driver.

3. Nam eats too much cake at the party.
4. I prefer volleyball better than soccer.

<b>5. Homework:</b>

- learn the lesson at home
- Do exercise: Test yourself



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