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<b>REVISION ON UNIT 1 – 4 _GRADE 11</b>


1. She was in a very ……… situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say.

a. embarrassing b. embarrassed c. embarrass d. embarrassingly
2. I don’t like that man. He has a ……… behavior.

a. clever b. good c. interesting d. sneaky

3. Teenagers nowadays often have their own ……….. who they really love and imitate in different ways.

a. idols d. situations c. songs d. movies

4. Can you imagine how I felt?

a. know b. picture c. guess d. paint

5. There was a sneaky look on his face but I didn’t think about that.

a. yellow b. unmanly c. slipery d. secretive

6. Yes, my most embarrassing experience happened some months ……….

a. ahead b. before c. ago d. past

7. I am going home when I ………. an accident.

a. saw b. see c. was seeing d. seen

8. When I got to the airport, the plane ………….. off.

a. has taken b. took c. taking d. had taken

9. They still ……… any news when I spoke to them yesterday.

a. don’t have b. didn’t have c. haven’t had d. hadn’t had
10. Who were you taking to on the phone as I ……… in?

a. come b. am coming c. came d. was coming

11. When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker ……….. speaking.

a. just finishes b. had just finished c. has just finished d. just finished
12. You looked very busy when I saw you yesterday moring. What ……….?

a. were you doing b. were you do c. did you do d. do you do
13. He was watching TV when the phone ………?

a. rings b. rang c. ringing d. ring

14. She found it difficult to get ______ with new friends.

A. acquaint B. acquainted C. acquaintance D. acquaints
15. My friend often shows her ______ whenever I have troubles.

A. sympathy B. sympathize C. sympathetic D. sympathetically
16. He does not know much about the project but he is very ______.

A. enthusiastic B. enthusiast C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically
17. Daisy is so ______. She only cares about herself, not about other people.

A. helpful B. selfish D. loyal D. talkative

18. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a/an ______ girl she is!

A. uncertain B. mutual C. suspicious D. changeable

19. Although we are classmate, I do not have a ______ relationship with him.

A. aimless B. unselfish C. special D. constant

20. John left a ______ impression on me. I will never forget him.

A. loyal B. lasting C. capable D. constant

21. ______ is the quality of being faithful and loyal to a particular person or belief.

A. Acquaintance B. Constancy C. Sympathy D. Sorrow

22. Two friends should be loyal ______ each other.

A. on B. with C. over D. to

23. My close friend is often concerned ______ all problems that I mention.

A. over B. with C. above D. into

24. Up to now they have not made a ______ whether they will go or not.

A. decide B. decision D. decisive D. decidedly

25. She does not see her grandchildren very often so she makes ______ real fuss of them when she does.

A. a B. an C. the D. Þ

26. I was extremely excited when I first enjoyed a football match in the stadium.

A. too B. very C. so D. much

27. Something that is ______ makes you feel shy or ashamed.

A. careful B. careless C. sneaky D. embarrassing

28. We had an interesting journey. Accommodation is free and all we had to pay ______ was meals.

A. of B. for C. to D. back

29. We had never experienced this kind of holiday before and had no idea what to expect.

A. happened B. spent C. known D. noticed

30. The boy glanced at me and turned away.

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31. We really do not like his sneaky behavior, which has made us feel uncomfortable.
A. wearing fashionable clothes B. doing things carefully
C. acting in a secret or deceptive way D. doing things carelessly
32. It is not easy to ______ our bad habits.

A. suffer B. take care C. overcome D. spend

33. The governments of many countries are trying to prevent a nuclear ______ at any cost.

A. disadvantage B. suffer C. war D. organization

34. It’s important for children to get a good ______.

A. educate B. education C. educator D. educational

35. She stays ______ home to take care ______ her sick mother.

A. in / for B. from / at C. at / of D. for / with

36. Good friendship should be based on ______ understanding.

A. mutual B. sympathy C. unselfish D. suspicious

37. On my birthday, before I blew ______ the candles, I had prayed for my future and my family.

A. on B. out C. in D. at

38. ______ is all that most human beings are looking for.

A. Happiness B. Happy C. Happily D. Unhappy

39. We always celebrate our wedding ______ with dinner in an expensive restaurant every year.

A. party B. anniversary C. cake D. ring

40. The climax of the New Year ______ was a firework display.

A. celebrate B. celebration C. celebrator D. celebratory

41. A / An ______ is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is
someone’s birthday or anniversary.

A. chance B. celebration C. occasion D. gift

42. Could you keep ______ while I’m on the phone, please? Don’t make so much noise

A. quiet B. enjoyable C. happy D. comfortable

43. The newlywed ______ spent their honeymoon in Hawaii.

A. pair B. two C. double D. couple

44. Do you remember how we used to go to the cinema ______?

A. each other B.one another C. others D. together

45. I can’t stand people with no ______ of humor.

A. ability B. sense C. spirit D. keenness

46. Her parents want her ______ a doctor.

A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became

47. The teacher never lest us ______ out when ______.

A. to go / explains B. go / explaining C. going / to explain D. gone / explained

48. Whenever I see an action film, I feel my heart ______ strongly.

A. to thump B. thump C. thumping D. thumped

49. He advised me ______ the facts before I made a decision ______ the job.

A. considering / to accept B. consider / accepting C. consider / accept D. to consider / to accept
50. She did not let Peter ______ into the room. She made him ______ outside.

A. to come / waiting B. coming / to wait C. came / waited D. come / wait
51. Everyone likes ______ when they have got some success.

A. to congratulate B. to be congratulating C. to be congratulate D. being congratulated
52. The novelist often took the telephone off the hook and locken the front door because he does not want ______.

A. to be disturbed B. disturbed C. being disturbed D. to be disturbing
53. When we ______ to see him last night he ______ to music.

A. come / is listening B. had come / listened C. came / was listening D. were coming / had listened
54. He ______ for her for nearly one hour last night before she ______.

A. was waiting / came B. had been waiting / came C. has waited / comes D. waited / will come

<i><b>Pasage 1:</b></i>

Friends! (1)………. A precious gift they are! And, they are extremely rare. Perhaps that is part of their preciousness. Friends!
The persons who(2)……. You from your achievement to your fullest potential no matter what is cost them. They love youfor the
person you are becoming. They are completely non-judgmental. They seek your fullfillment and best interests. There is nothing better
(3) a friend unless it is o person who also considers you(4)…………. their friend. Of course friends do things that hurt friends, but

forgiveness is always quick to be there.A friend is (5)………” Of whom much is required, much is given,”

1.A.which B. who C. how D. what

2. A. sympathize B. support C. develop D. enlarge

3. A. as B. than C. more than D. more

4. A. be B. are C. to be D. been

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<i><b>Pasage 2: </b></i>

When I was in high school, there was a girl whom I disliked. I don’t know why I dislike her. She had always been friendly
towards me, and had never done anything to cause me to feel the same way I did about her. I was continually saying unpleasant things
to her, making fun of her, snubbing her.

One day as I was going home from school, the girl caught up with me and told me that our teacher wanted me to come back for a
while.I did not belive her and walked on down the street, leaving the girl standing alone.

The next day when I got to school, our teacher asked me: “Why didn’t you come back to the school as I asked you to ?” I said: “I
didn’t know you wanted me ?”. The teacher sent for the girl and asked her: “ Did you tell Rose to come back ?” The girl answered,
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t tell her; I couldn’t catch up with her”. I was surprised and suddenly realized how pretty she was. I felt I ought
to be ashamed of myself and I found out all my faulst in comparison with her liberality.

1. Why did the writer dislike the girl ?

A. Because the girl dislike her. B.Because the girl was not friendly to her.
C. Because the writer didn’t feel comefortable with her. D. The writer didn’t know why.

2. We can infer from the passage that………

A. The writer always did the best to help the girl. B. The writer didn’t behave well towards the girl.
C. The girl didn’t behave well towards the writer. D. The writer liked the girl very much.

3. The phrase “making fun of her” in the passage means “………...”

A. laughing at her B. looking at her C. playing with her D. feeling funny when playing with her
4. How did the writer react when the girl told her that the teacher wanted to see her ?

A. She got very angry. B. She went to meet the teacher
C. She thought the girl was telling a lie D. She believed the girl

5. Why did the girl tell a lie to the teacher ?
A. Because she was afraid of him.

B. To avoid being punished by the teacher.

C. Because she thought the teacher would get angry if she told him the truth.
<b> D. To help the writer avoid the teacher’s punishment</b>

<i><b> Passage 3: </b></i>

If you are invited to an American friend’s home for dinner, remember these general rules for polite behavior. Fisrt of all, arrive
approximately on time but not early. Americans expect promptness. It will be all right to be 10 or 15 minutes late, but not 45 minutes
late. When you are invited to someone’s home for meal, it is polite to bring a small gift. Flowers and candy are always appropriate. If
you have something attractive made in your country, your host or hostess will certainly enjoy receiving that gift. What will you do if
you are served some food that you cannot eat or you do not like? Do not make a fuss about it. Simply eat what you can and hope that
no one notices it. Be sure to compliment the cook on the food that you are enjoying. Do not leave immediately after dinner, but do not
overstay your welcome, either. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.

1. If you are invited to an American friend’s home, ……….

A.punctuality is appreciated B.you should go late a bit

C.politeness is not necessary D.you should be late at least 45 minutes.
2.When you come to someone’s house for dinner,………..

A.do not care about gifts B.bring a lot of gifts

C.bring some flowers, candy, or something made in your native country D.you should never offer any gift
3.If there is some food that you cannot eat, ………..

A. make a fuss about it B.ask the host to cook you another dish
C.do not make a fuss about it D.do not eat anything

4.Which sentence is NOT true ?

A.You should not compliment the cook on the food. B. You should not overstay.

C. You should not make someone notice that you do not like the food. D. You should not leave immediately after the dinner.
5.The next day, ………

A.you needn’t say thank-you B.remember to thank to host fo the dinner
C.say nothing to the host D.invite the host to your house

<i><b>Passage 4:</b></i>

In the United States, volunteering is (1) ……… as a good way to give children a sense of community
reponsibility and to bring the family together.Volunteerism is (2) ……… across the United States today because people
are trying to put more emphasis on family togetherness , and they are looking (3)……… ways to help young people have a

feeling of hope and satisfaction. It is (4)……… that volunteering helps children discover their talents, develop their skills,
and learn about (5)……… and problemsolving.

1.A.respected B.viewed C.inspected D.showed

2.A.growing B.traveling C.extending D.forming

3. on B.of C.for D. at

4.A.regarded B.believed C.concerned D.accepted

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<b> </b>

<b>REVISION ON UNIT 5 – 8 _GRADE 11</b>


1. --- is the state of not knowing how to read or write.

A. Literacy B. illiteracy C. campaign D. struggle

2. When someone---a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after they have learn it .
A. recites B. takes part in C. completes D. completes
3. We must start a---for illiteracy eradication immediately

A. contest B. company C. champion D. campaign
4. In Vietnam, Tet is the grandest and most important--- in the year

A. occasion B. season C. tradition D. vision
5. During Tet holiday, homes are often---with plants and flowers

A. colored B. decorated C. hanged D. supplied
6. Carlos was---- the first prize in the essay competition.

A. disappointed B. completed C. excited D. awarded
7. The number of injuries from automobile accidents---every year.

A. increases B. decrease C. control D. limit
8. --- is work that involves studying something and trying to discover facts about it.

A. Resource B. Research C. Organization D. Figure
9. Time was up, and the judges--- the results.

A. announced B. spoke C. declared D. delivered
10. Each nation has its own way of--- the New Year.

A. eating B. celebrating C. preparing D. cooking
11. This price reduction is due to--- among suppliers.

A. complete B. competition C. competitor D. compete
12. There are 54---minorities in Vietnam.

A. national B. primary C. ethnic D. main
13. The company must reduce costs to compete---.

A. effect B. affect C. effective D. effectively
14. He was considered “the Man of the Match” because he had---three goals in that match.

A. won B. succeeded C. picked D. scored
15. Education is the best---for children’s future.

A. preparation B. eradication C. promotion D. consideration
16. Children will work hard if the lesson

are---A. expressing B. inquiring C. disappointing D. interesting
17. The United Nations is a (n)--- organization.

A. international B. internation C. national D nation
18. He--- his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures.

A. prepared B. received C. decorated D. colored
19. The FIFA Women’s World Cup 2007 was ----in China.

A. contributed B. played C. held D. won
20. They were bitterly--- at the result of the game.

A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappointedly
21. A---- is a competition in which people try to win something.

A. test B. examination C. contest D. survey
22. If you walk on the street before Tet, you will find great---everywhere.

A. excitement B. exciting C. excited D. excite
23. The---of a football team usually wears a colored arm-band.

A. captain B. forward C. goalkeeper D. defender
24. Before Tet, housewives are always busy cooking---foods.

A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. nation
25. The group that gets the highest score will be the

---A. win B. winner C. winning D. won
26. --- people are those who earn their living on agriculture.

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A. various B. vary C. variety D. variously
28. The fight--- illiteracy continued in the following summer.

A. for B. against C. about D. with
29. Many students take part---the campaign for illiteracy eradication.

A. for B. in C. from D. on

30. John thanked me---helping him with the homework.

A. to B. for C. with D. of

31. John congratulated us---passing our exams.

A. on B. at C. from D. about

32. His parents prevented him---staying up too late.

A. of B. from C. with D. on

33. What do you often do---the first day of the year ?

A. at B. for C. in D. on

34. We insisted ---a refund of the full amount.

A. at B. on C. in D. to

35. It is important--- most Vietnamese people to decorate their house on Tet

A. to B. for C. with D. over

36. Street are decorated---colored lights and red banners.

A. with B. to C. for D of

37. In spring, all flowers are---blossom colorfully.

A. at B. about C. over D. in

38. When I was in class, I often sat---Tommy and Mike.

A. among B. between C. in D. within
39. Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked ---to meeting their children soon.

A. for B. after C. forward D. at
40. How many---are there in the competition.

A. participates B. participants C. participations D. participative

<b>II. GRAMMAR:</b>

1. I turned down the job, --- the attractive salary.

A. because B. because of C. despite D. although
2. He doesn’t catch anything. He never catches………

A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything
3. He could do nothing . He couldn’t do………….

A . something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
4. The lifeguard---them not to swim too far from the shore.

A .warned B. said C. suggested D. proposed
5. He ---me to have dinner with him that night.

A. hoped B .agreed C. offered D. invited
6. She---to help me redecorate the room.

A. enjoyed B. agreed C. insisted D. advised
7. John reminded me --- his motorbike by 8 o’clock.

A. please return B. not forget to return C. to return D. remember to return
8. He---on seeing the manager of the hotel.

A. asked B. convinced C. insisted D. expected
9. Bob--- having stolen Mary’s pocket calculator.

A. admitted B. agreed C. dreamed D. accepted
10. We warmed him against--- to the capital by train.

A. to travel B. travel C. traveling D. traveled
11. The rain prevented us ---climbing to the top of the mountain.

A. for B. from C. at D. on

12. She said that if it ---the next day, She --- to see us.

A. doesn’t rain / will come B. didn’t rain / would come

C. hadn’t rained / would have come D. wouldn’t rain / could come
13. If you………..breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now.

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14. Had I known that John wanted to get up early, I --- him up.

A. would have woken B. had woken C. would wake D. will have woken
15. --- wants to speak to you on the phone.

A. Someone B. Anyone C . Everyone D. Some people
16. I don’t want to waste---time.

A. someone’s B. anyone’s C. everyone D. some people
17. ---saw Tom go out , did they ?

A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody
18. ---is out in the garden for the barbecue.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D .Not one
19. John---to return my book the next Friday.

A. suggested B .promised C. proposed D. reminded
20. They congratulated me --- the exams with high marks.

A. passed B. having passed C. to pass D. on passing
21. “You should not drink too much beer.”He ---me not to drink too much beer.

A. promised B. advised C. asked D. told
22. “ Please don’t smoke in my car” -He asked me --- in his car.

A. not to smoke B. to not smoke C . not smoking D. not smoke

23. The thief admitted --- Mr. Brown’s car.

A. to steal B. stealing C. steal D. stole
24. The boy --- breaking the window of the woman’s house .

A. said B. denied C. told D. reminded
25. He asked her --- if someone stepped on her feet .

A. what she would say B. what would she say C. what will she say D. she would say what
26. The man said to me --- him he would have lent me his motorbike.

A. If I asked B. If I had asked C. If I would ask D. If I didn’t ask
27. I like reading books , especially the --- about the natural world.

A. one B. ones C. noone D. things
28. --- phoned while you were out , but they didn’t leave a message.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. Something D. no one
29. ---my brother were lazy, he would have passed the exam.

A. Unless B If C. Because D. When
30. Does --- mind if I eat first?

A. anything B. anyone C. someone D. nobody
31. He advised me ……… the 6 o’clock train.

A. will catch B. caught C. to catch D. catching
32 David asked me ……… me the book the day before.

A. if who gave B. if who has given C. who had given D. that who had given

33. Tom apologized for………. me earlier.

A. not ringing B. not to ring C. not ring D. to not ring
34. Cindy…….. that I could keep her book for another two days.

A. said me B. tell C. told me D. spoke me
35. I asked him ……… but he said nothing.

A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. the matter was what D. what’s the matter was
36. The boss wanted to……….. something to Lan.

A. tell B. say C. talk D. ask
37. Miss White thanked Peter ……… her the present.

A. for giving B. to give C. giving D. on giving
38. Mary told me she……… to several interviews before she took that one.

A. had been B. was C. has been D. would have been
39. I advised her………anything about it to her friends.

A. not say B. saying C. not saying D. not to say
40. His sister apologized ………. rude to him.

A. being B. for being C. to be D. to being
41. If someone---in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened

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42. He always ---if I’m late.

A. complain B. complains C. complained D. had complained
43. Jim congratulated me on---the final exams.

A. pass B. passing C. to pass D. passed
44. Margaret apologized ---me earlier.

A. for phone B. for not phoning C. to phone D. for not phone
45. When I arrived, I didn’t see----there. Everyone had gone home.

A. somebody B. anybody C. anything D. no one
46. Nobody---to stay home on such a lovely summer day.

A. want B. wants C. wanting D. to want
47. ---anyone know where he’s now ?

A. Do B. Is C. Does D. Has

48. They said to me if ---they would go out with me.

A. it didn’t rain B. it doesn’t rain C. hadn’t rained D. would rain
49. He---Sue to give him her phone number.

A. said B. tells C. told D. asks
50. He said that if his car was working, he---me to the station.

A. drives B. drive C. will drive D. would drive
51……….. because he was too lazy.

A. The boss threatened to dismiss him B. The boss threatened him to dismiss
C.The boss suggested him to dismiss D. The boss promised him to dismiss
52. I have ever advised……….. the lotel for reservation.

A.him to phone and writing B. to phone and write him
C. him both phoning and writing D. him either to phone or to write
53. Claire had………. her the truth.

A.made to promise me to tell B. made me promising to tell
C. made me promise to tell D. made me promise telling
54. A passer- by……… his car so that it was not causing an obstruction.

A. told that the driver to move B. wanted that the driver move
C. told the driver to move D.suggested the driver to move
55. The doctor advised him……….. more vegetable.

A. to quit smoking and eat B. quit smoking and eat
C. to quit smoking and to eat D. quitting smoking and eating
56.The doctor advised Robert……… to lose weight.

A. to take more exercise so that he could B. to take more exercise if he wanted

C. that he takes more exercise D. that he should take more exercise in order that
57. My friend………

A. suggested us going for a walk. B. suggested going for a walk.
C. advised togo for a walk. D. would like going for a walk.
58.John……… him carry the package.

A. thanked me for helping B. said thanking with me to help
C. told me to thank with helping D. asked me to thank and help
59. The group leader prevented his members……….. .

A. going on B. from going on C.to go on D. to going on

60. Johnny admitted……….. all the wine in the bottle.

A. to drink B. drinking C. to drinking D. of being drunk
61. I want to congratulate you………. the contest.

A. to win B. at winning C. about winning D. on winning
62. He apologized……… able to finish the project on time.

A. his colleagues not being B. his colleagues for not being
C. to his colleagues for not being D.his colleagues not to be

63. If you had taken my advice, we……….. our way.

A. will not lose B. would not lose C. will not have lost D. would not have lost
64. ……… the address ,I would have gone there.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

A. am not B. was not C. had not been D. were not
66. Daisy told me……….. she would leave for London to find a job.

A. that if she were me B. if that she were me
C. that if she had been me D. that had she been me
67.Take your money with you………..

A. if you see any good souvenirs to buy B. in case you see any good souvenirs to buy
C.when you see any good souvenirs to buy D.whenever you see any good souvenirs to buy
68.Be quick ! ……… wants to speak to you on the phone.

A. Anyone B. Noone C.Everyone D.Someone
69. Would……… like a drink ?

A. anyone B. noone C.everyone D.someone
70.She felt lonely when she first arrived because she had……… to talk to.

A. somebody B. anyone C.nobody D. anybody

<b>III. WRITING:</b>

1. Mary said to Ann “ Shall I get you a glass of orange juice ?”

2.“ Susan, can you remember to buy me some sugar.?” Bill said
3. “ Go on Susan ! Apply for the job” the father said

4.“ I won’t do this work under any circumstances” the worker said

5.“Thank you very much for your help , John.” Said Daisy

6. He spent his money carelessly and became broke .

→ If………
7. He can’t find a good job because he doesn’t know how to use a computer.

8. “ How about spending the day at the beach?” said Tom.


9. “ Will you come to my birthday party?” she said to me.

10. you / want / take part in / the competition / contact us soon


11. the competition / hold / 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District / next Sunday.


12. the government / spend / a lot of money / the struggle / illiteracy


13<b>.</b> Tet holiday / people often visit relatives / friends / go to pagoda / pray for luck / happiness


14. children / say / best / wishes / adults / give / lucky money


15. you / tell / me / the number of participants, entry procedures, venue, date, and time



<b>IV. READING </b>

<b> </b>

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The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language to read,
write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level adequate for communication,
or at level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society, so as to take part in that society. The
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has drafted the following definition: "
Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written
materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involvesa continuum of learning to enable an individual to achieve
his or her goals, to develop his or her knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in the wider society." Policy
makers also argue that literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example,
female and child mortality rates declined dramatically in the 1960s, when the girls who were educated in the educational
reforms after 1948 began to raise families. Recent researchers, however, argue that correlations such as the one listed
above may have more to do with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general. Regardless, the focus of
educatioal systems worldwide include a basic concept around communication through text and print, which is the
foundation of most definitions of literacy.

Asian, Arab and Sub-Saraha African countries are regions with the lowest literacy rates at about 10% to 12%. East
Asia and Latin America have illiteray rates in the 10 to 15% region while developed countries have illiteray rates of a few
percent. Within ethnically homogeneous regions, literay rates can vary widely from region to region. This often coincides
with the region's wealth or urbanization, though many factors play a role.

1. A literacy ________________ .

A. can read but does not know how to write. B. cannot communicate with others in written language.
C. can communicate in written language. D. cannot read any printed document.

2. Literacy _______________ .

A. helps one develop his or her knowledge and potential.
B. is used to refer an ability to listen and speak.

C. does not develop in modern society.

D. is a term which has just come into being in the modern time.

3. Thanks to _________, female and child mortality rates in Kerala declined dramatically in the 1960s.
A. job opportunities B. the educational reforms for girls

C. job access D. policy makers
4. The foundation of literacy is ___________ .

A. an educatioal systems B. a basic concept C. correlations D. communication through text
and print

5. The main cause of the variety of illiteracy rates is _________ .

A. wealth B. urbanization C. region D. religion

<b> </b>

<b> * Passage 2 :</b>

The Women's World Cup was originally the brainchild of the FIFA president joão Havelange. The first
tournament was hosted in China in 1991, with twelve teams sent to represent their countries. The 1995 FIFA Women's
World Cup was held in Sweden with twelve teams. Over 650,000 spectators attended the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup

in the United States and nearly one billion viewers from seventy countries tuned in to watch sixteen countries vie for the

In the 1999 edition, one of the most famous moments of the tournament was American defender Brandi Chatain's
victory celebration after scoring the Cup-winning penalty shot against Cina. She took off her T-shirt and waved it over her
head as men frequently do, showing her muscular torso. The 1999 final in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California had an
attendance of 90,185, a world record for a women's sporting event.

The 1999 and 2003 Women's World Cup were both held in the United States; in 2003 China was supposed to host
it but the tournament was moved because of SARS. As compensation, China retained its automatic qualification to the
2003 tournament as host nation and was automatically chosen to host the 2007 Women's World Cup. The host country for
the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup will be delided by vote.

1. In the first Women's World Cup, there were _________ teams.

A. twelve B. sixteen C. seventeen D. twenty
2. How often does the Women's World Cup take place ?

A. Twice a decade B. Three times a C. Every four years D. Every six years
3. Up to now, how many times has the Women's World Cup been hosted in the USA ?

A. Once B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times
4. Which is the sentence is NOT true ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

B. There were twelve teams took part in the 1995 Women's World Cup.
C. The 1995 FIFA Women's World Cup was held in Sweden.

D. The 2003 Women's World Cup was hosted in China.
5. The 2007 Women's World Cup will be hosted in ______ .

A. the USA B. Sweden C. German D. China

<b> </b>

<b>* Passage 3 :</b>

Completing a marathon is considered very difficult, many coaches believe that it is possible for anyone who is
willing to put in the time and effort. Obviously, most participants do not run a marathon to win. More inportant for most
runners is their personal finish time and their placement within their specific age group and gender. Another very
important goal is to break certain time barries. For example, ambitiousrecreational first-timers often try to run the
marathon under 4 hours; more competitive runners will attempt to run under 3 hours. Many runners then prefer to finish
for example in 3:29:59, which makes them " sub-3:30h marathoners ", instead of 3:30:01.

For most runners, the marathon is the longest run they have ever attempted. Many coaches believe that the most
important element in marathon training is the long run. Recreational runners commonly try to reach a maximum of about
20 miles in their longest weekly run and about 40 miles a week in total when training for the marathon. More experienced
marathoners may run a longer distance. During marathon training, adequate recovery time is crucial. If fatigue or pain is
felt, it is recommended to take a kreak for a couple of days or more to let the body heal. Overtraining is a condition that
results from not getting enough rest to allow the body to recover from difficult training. It can actually result in a lower
endurance and speed and place a runner at a greater risk of injury.

1. Marathon completion is ______________ .

A. impossible B. easy C. not very difficult D. very difficult
2. One of the important goals in a marathon competition is __________ .

A. breaking time barries B. age C. gender D. reaching the finish
3. In marathon training, the most important is ____________ .

A. the age B. the coaches C. the long run D. the recreation

4. If the marathon runner feels tired or has a pain, _________.

A. he should continue the training B. he should quit running forever

C. it is time for him to stop his training D. he should take a break for several days
5. Overtraining may lead to _________ .

A. good results B. long endurance C. injury D. recovery

<b>* Passage 4 :</b>

The world's population increased from 3 billion in 1959 to 6 billion by 1999, a doubling that occurred over 40
years. The Census Bureau's lasted projections imply that population growth will continue into the 21st<sub> century, although</sub>

more slowly. The world's population is projected to grow from 6 billion in 1999 to 9 billion by 2042, an increase of 50
percent that will <b>require</b> 43 years.

The world's population growth rate rose from about 1.5 percent per year from 1950 to 1951 to a peak of over 2
percent in the early 1960s due to reductions in mortality. Growth rates thereafter started to decline due to rising age at
marriage as well as increasing availability and use of effective contraceptive methods. Note that changes in population
growth have not always been steady. A dip in the growth rate from 1959 to 1960, for instance, was due to the Great Leap
Forward in China. During that time, both natural disasters and decreased agricutural output in the wake of massive social
reorganization caused China's death rate to rise sharply and its fertility rate to fall by almost half.

1. How many people did the world's population increase between 1959 and 1999 ?

A. 3 billion B. 6 billion C. 40 million D 9 billion
2. Which sentence is true ?

A. The world's population dramatically decreasing.

B. Population growth in the 21th<sub> century was more than that in the 20</sub>th<sub> century.</sub>

C. Population growth in the 20th<sub> century was more than that in the 21</sub>th<sub> century.</sub>

D. In 1999, there are about 6 billion people all over the world.
3. The word " <b>require </b>"in line 4 means ________ .

A. spend B. demand C. pass D. take
4. The population growth rate decrease due to _________ .

A. reductions in mortality B. early marriage

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

A. increased rapidly B. decreased C. was steady D. was unchangeable

<b> </b>

<b> * Passage 5 :</b>

The New Year is an event that happens when a cuture celebrates the end of one year and the begining of the next
year. Cultures that measure yearly calendars all have New Year celebrations.

Tet Nguyen Dan pronunciation, more commonly known by its shortened name Tet, is the most important and
popular holiday and festival in Vietnam. It is Vietnamese New Year which is based on the Chinese calendar, a lunisolar
calendar. The name Tet Nguyen Dan is Vietnamese for <i>Feast of the First Morning</i>.

Tet is celebrated on the same day as Chinese New Year through exceptions arise due to the one-hour time
diference between Hanoi and Beijing. Tet shares many of the same customs of its Chinese counterpart. It is celebrated
from the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar, around late January or early February, until at least the third

day. Many Vietnamese prepare for Tet by cooking special holiday foods, decorating and cleaning the house. During Tet
holiday, Vietnamsese visit their families, pagodas and temples, forgetting about the troubles of the past year and hoping
for a better upcoming year. Tet traditionally marks the coming of Spring, so Spring is sometimes used interchangeably
with Tet in Vietnamese. Vietnamese people usually return to their famillies during Tet. Some return to worship at the
family altar or visit the graves of their ancestors. Other return to where they grew up. Although Tet is a main holiday
among all vietnamese, each region and religion has its own customs.

1. Tet is a ________ holiday in Vietnam.

A. important B. lunisolar C. unpopular D. uncommon
2. Vietnamese New Year is based on __________ .

A. the Vietnamese calendar B. the Chinese calendar C. Chinsese culture D. New Year celebrations
3. Tet is celebrated at least ____________ .

A. one day B. two days C. three days D. a fournight
4. Which is NOT done to prepare for Tet ?

A. cooking special holiday foods B. cleaning the house

C. decorating the house D. visiting relatives and friends
5. Tet __________________.

A. has the same customs throughout the country B. has different customs, which are up to region and religion
C. is not celebrated throughout the country D. is at the end of Spring

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b>* Passage 1</b>

Literacy is the starting point for women and girls to acquira new skills and greater independence. With greater__
(1)__women and girls become aware of their own value. The gains from__(2)__education for women and girls are main
producers of food and handicrafts in the highland anh midland rural areas of Vietnam. Women and girls are
usually__(3)__also for the marketing of products and for many of the other cooperative undertaking of the villages.The
---(4)---of their work particularly through the –(5)----of new ideas , depends to a large extent on the literacy skills attained
by the women and girls involved.

1.A.confident B.confidences C.confidence D.confide
2.A.literacy B.illiteracy C.dependent D.dependence
3.A.possible B.reasonable C.impossible D.responsibility
4.A.successful B.suceed C.suceeding D.success
5.A.introduce B.introduced C.introduction D.introducing

* <b>Passage 2</b>

Sumo wrestling is a national sport in Japan. Every year there are six ----(1)---and millions of Japanese watch them on
T.V.A tournament is a ___(2)_______ of matches.

Sumo is almost as old as the nation of Japan itself .Stories say that there was sumo wresthing over two thousand years
ago. History says that there national suno tournaments in the eighteen century

Often _____(3)_____ are thin and can move quickly. It is beautiful to watch them play. Howevr, sumo
wrerteer___(4)____from 100 to 160 kilos. One famous wrestler weighed195 kilos. Sumo wrestlers do not look beautiful,
and sumo wrestling is a very slow sport.

Sumo wrestlers ____(5)_____ training when they are boys.They exercise to make their bodies strong. They also eat

and eat and eat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

2. A. groups B.series C.number D.players
3.A.fighters B.partcipants C.athletes D.players

4. A.move B.change C.divide D.weigh

5.A.move B.set C.set off D.start

<b> </b>

<b>* Passage 3</b>

<b> </b>Man cannot go on increasing numbers at the present rate .In the next 30 years, man will face a period of
cris.___(1)____ experts believe that there will be a widerpread food__(2)___. Other experts think this is too pessimistic
,and that man can prevent things from getting worse than they are now .But____(3)____that two thirds of the people in
the world are undernouurished or starving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit __(4)____of babies bom.The need for this is obvious, but it is not eary to
achieve.People have to be persuaded to limit their families.In the country of the population___(5)_____, many people like
big families. The parents think that this bring a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the
family who will look after them in old age.

1.A.Any B.Some C.More D.All

2.A.need B.want C.absence D.shortage
3.A.to remember B.remember C.remembered D.remembering
4.A.a number B.the number C.an amount D.the amount
5.A.bursting B.raising C.explosion D.extension

<b> </b>

<b> * Passage 4</b>

Wales has a population of about three million English is the main language and only twenty percent speak both Welsh
and English.Every year ______(1)______ August there is aWelsh speaking festival.It____(2___-place in a different town
each year so everyone has the change for it to be near them .Local people___-(3)____ years making plans for when the
festival will be in their town.

Each festival is___(4)_____by about 160.000 people.They travel not only from nearby towns and villages but also
from the rest of the Bristish Isles and even from abroad.There are concerts, plays and ____(5)____to find the best singers,
poets, writers and so on. Shops sell Welsh music books, pictures and clothes as well as food and drink. The festival
provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people to be together for a whole week, with the Welsh language all around them

1.A.on B.by C.in D.at

2.A.takes B.finds C.has D.makes

3.A.pass B.put C.spend D.do

4.A.arrived B.attended C.joined D.came
5.A.tests B.exams C.competitions D.races

<b> </b>

<b>* Passage 5</b>

For many young people sport is a popular part of school life and being in one of the school teams and playing in
matches is very important. If someone is in a team it means a lot of extra practice and often_____(1)____a Saturday or
Sunday away from home, as many matches are played then.

It can also ___(2)____travelling to other towns to play against other school teams and then staying on after the match
for a meal or drink. Sometimes parents, friends or other students will travel with the team to support

When a school team win a match it is the ____(4)_____school which feels proud, not only the players .It can also
mean that a school becomes well-known for being good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing
for national and international teams so that the school has some really famous names associated____(5)_____ ít!

1 A.spend B.spending C.to spend D.spent

2 A.involve B.make C.cause D.force

3 A.personal B.individual C.private D.own

4 A.quite B.all C.whole D.most



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