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De thi HSG A24

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>


A-Listen about Ali and Bob and then complete the chart

Ali Bob

a doctor

speak to people on the radio
speak three languages
too busy

have a daughter

<b> B-Listen again and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F)</b>
1- Ali is a scientist and comes from Switzerland

2- She works only three days a week but she can speak more than two foreign languages
3- Ali likes skiing and ice- skating

4- Bob doesn’t live in English now

5- bob has a lot of free time to travel every day

Your answers:






<b>C-Listen again and fill the suitable words or phrases that you hear to complete the Blank</b>

<b>Bob isn’t an (1)………. he’s a flying (2)…………Every day ,from 8 a.m to 10 a.m He speaks </b>

<b>…(3)…………..,then he flies to help them.he works (4)…... non stop but he loves his job .he(5)</b>

<b>………….he has no free time.</b>

<b>Your answers:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

A- choose the correct answers:

1-Our journey across the country was ardous

A.costly B.boring C.exciting D.tiring

2-Will she attend the party ?

She said she ……….if she could finish her work in time

A.would B. will C. did D. does

3-stop ………….about the bush,James !Just tell me exactly what the problem is

A.rushing B.hiding C.beating D.moving

4-Take a seat,………..

A.will you B.don’t you C.shall you D.won’t you

5-Did you pass the entrance examination ?

No,I didn’t .I ………it if I had studied harder

A.have passed B.could have passed C.could pass D.passed

6-According to the communications theory after the message leaves the sender,he ……..controls it

A.not longer B.none longer C.longer doesn’t D.no longer

7-To check for acidity,one had better ………..litmus pape

A.use B.using C.to use D.usefull

8-A good counselor would rather that the patient ……….his or her own decisions after being helped to arrive at a
general understanding of the alternatives

A.makes B.making C.will make D.made

9-It was Tom …….helped us

A.whom B.that C.which D.who

10-They have particularly obejected ……….swimsuit rounds in competitions where the contestants parade dressed
only in swimsuits and high heeled shoes.

A.on B.to C.for D.at

<i><b> B-Read the text and decide for each gap if you need to add nothing ( the zero article) ,a /an or the</b></i>

In 1642 (1) ……….General Assembly of Virginia solemly passed (2) ………Law declaring tobacco (3)
………only valid currency in (4)……..colony. (5) ……….tobaccothen remined (6) …….basis of Virginian
Currency for over (7)………..century.This was not such (8)……strange aberration as it might seem (9)

……..history shows that virtually anything scarce,durable and desirable can become (10)…………money.
Your a nswer:

1)………. 4)……….. 7)……… 10)…………..

2)………. 5)………. 8)………

3)………. 6)………. 9)………

<i><b> C-Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in block capitals.Write your </b></i>
<i><b>answers in the space provided</b></i>

1-Ants and bees are described as……..insects.( INDUSTRY)
2-This matter is very ……….Don’t discuss it outside the office

3-I think it’s very ……..of him to expect us to work overtime every night this week (REASON)
4-Many ………families have to live in hotels ( HOME)

5-He was very ……..of the work he had done (PRIDE)

6-You can always rely on Barbara.She is very……….( DEPEND)

7-He was not a particularly good teacher,but his students loved him because he had such a lively…………

8-By July 2000,sixty –one provinces and cities throughout Vietnam had completed the programes of “………..
(8)of Primary Education” and “………(9) Eradication”( UNIVERSAL – LITERATE)

10-A person who doesn’t look at you is expressing lack of …….or is shy


<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<i>1…………</i> <i>6-………….</i>

<i>2………</i> <i>7-………….</i>

<i>3…………</i> <i>8-………</i>

<i>4………</i> <i>9-……….</i>

<i>5………</i> <i>10-………..</i>

<b>D-In most of the following text,there is one unneccessary word.It is either grammatically incorrect or does </b>
<b>not fit in with the sense of the text.For each number line 1-15 ,find the unneccessary word and then write the</b>
<b>word in the space proviced .Some lines are correct.Indicate these lines with a tick ( )</b>

Since the time immemorial we have put our trust in a good night’s 0. the
sleep to help us look and feel better.And with good reason : Sleep 0.

restores the body ,builds out muscles,strengthens bones and the 1-………
immune system and helps with skin cells to regenerate.But just 2-………
how much sleep do we really need is a matter of debate. Back in 3-………..
the 9 th<sub> century King Alfred the Great was the first to decide that a</sub> <sub>4-……….</sub>

third of the day- eight hours- should be spent in asleep.Though 5-………
we still use Alfred’s idea as a yardstick,but we all find the sleep 6-……….
patterns which suit us best.While it’s true that too much or too 7-……….
little of sleep can cause headaches,drowsiness,lack of energy 8-……….
and irritability,it’s the quality of sleep or rather than the quantity, 9-……….
which are matters.Since man’s earliest days ,all sorts of medicines 10-……..

and drugs has been tried to achieve deep,untroubled sleep. 11-………
However,to get away from artificial methods,the exercising during 12-……….
the day and avoiding such indigestible food,cafeine-filled drinks 13-……….
and alcohol just before bedtime can help you to sleep better.And 14-………
the right environment is very important.You need to be in 15-………
darkness,warm – but not too warm – and comfortable

<b>E- put each verb in parentheses into an appropriate form</b>

<b> It ( 1) ……….(be) a long day ,but by 9 o’clock the children (2)………(go) to bed .They(3)………clear) away </b>
the supper things and now they (4)……….(look) forward to a couple of hours in front of the

television.Unfortunately the film (5)……(be) rather boring.Jim soon (6)….(fall) asleep and Sue (7)………(start) to
think about all her work.She (8)……..(be)…………..sure she (9)……(hear) a noise outside the window, so she
(10)……..(look) up.A shadow (11)………(move) slowly through the garden .Her heart (12)……..(race) .She (13)
……..(turn)out the light so that it (14)……(can) see better.There (15)……….(be) nobody there.But she (16)…….
(see) that it (17)…………(snow) earlier that evening,and across the grass there (18)…….(be) a line of footprints.
A fox (19)…….(walk) across right in front of their window, and now it (20)……(look) at her from the far corner
of the garden.

<b>Your answers:</b>

<b>1)………..</b> <b>6)………….</b> <b>11)…………..</b> <b>16)………….</b>

<b>2)……….</b> <b>7)…………..</b> <b>12)…………..</b> <b>17)…………..</b>

<b>3)………..</b> <b>8)………….</b> <b>13)………..</b> <b>18)…………..</b>

<b>4)………..</b> <b>9)………….</b> <b>14)………</b> <b>19)………….</b>

<b>5)………..</b> <b>10)…………</b> <b>15)…………..</b> <b>20)…………..</b>

<b> F-Identify the mistake in each sentence:</b>

1)It is estimated that in Europe about 1,000 various books were be created per year before the invention of
the printing press

2)For cancer treatment ,the diseased cells must be killed while their healthy neighbors are leaving unharmed
3)It is not imperative that your signature appears on your identification card


<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

against him own

5)Albert Einstein was such brilliant a scientist that many of his colleageagues had to study for several years
in order to form opinions about his theories.

<b> Your answers:</b>

<b>1-………</b> <b>2-………</b> <b>3-………..</b> <b>4-………..</b> <b>5-……….</b>


<b>Part 1 choose the best options to complete the following passage:</b>

The anger that descends on people when they get behind the steering of a car used to be (1)………as a
joke.but the laughter is getting noticeably quieter (2)………that the problem has become increasing widespread.

(3)……….in the traffic jam,with family cars inching their (4)……….past,the driver of a fast sports car
begins to lose his temper. (5)……….the capabilities of his car,there is nothing he can do.The (6)………..is anger.

Many people live in (7)……..of losing control.This is true of many situations but driving is a good

example.People think that the car might not start,it might break (8)…………,or someone might run into it.Before
anything even happens,people have worked themselves up into a (9)………of anxiety.And when something
does happen,they ‘re (10)……….to explode.In fact,it’s their very anxiety about losing control that (11)………them
lose control.

This isn’t to (12)…….that all offenders have psychological problems or drive powerful sports car.In
fact,most of them are (13)………..ordinary human beings who have no history of violence.There is (14)……
somethingdeep in our nature that (15)…….when we start up a car engine

1. A.found B.thought C.treated D.intended

2. A.once B.even C.since D.now

3. A.Set B.Stuck C.Held D.Fixed

4. A.path B.way C.course D.route

5. A.However B.Besides C.Although D.Despite

6. A.outcome B.event C.issue D.effect

7. A.worry B.fright C.fear D.concern

8. A.up B.down C.out D.off

9. A.state B.condition C.feeling D.case

10. A.good B.prepared C.near D.ready

11. A.causes B.leads C.makes D.forces

12. A.inform B.say C.tell D.announce

13. A.purely B.fully C.exactly D.perfectly

14. A.openly B.directly C.clearly D.frankly

15. A.excites B.awakens C.disturbs D.upsets

<b>Part 2:Read the passage and answer the questions which follow by choosing the best suggestion.</b>

There is distinct cadence to an English sentence,with the voice falling on the last word to indicate that it is
the end of the utterance.Nowadays,on television,more often than not a speaker is cut off in mid-sentence.You
always know it because the voice is still rising.The bit of the sentence that one hears may make perfectly good
sence in itself,but one knows that the speaker simply has not finished making his point.

It is extremely irritating and even physically disturbing to the viewer and ,to my mind,it is very offesive to
the speaker as well.That is the point I really want to make here.A culture of rudeness has spung up on British
television in the past two or three years.Allowing people to speak,to have their say,is one of the essential points of
good manners and respect for other people.Talking while other people are talking ,interrupting them, turning one’s
back on them before they have finished –these are heinous crimes against courtesy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

This culture of rudeness is not, however , a matter of broadcasters being deliberatedly and ostentatiously
rude.It reflects a disagreeable dose of one self- importance, no doubt, but it also springs to some degree from a
proper pursuit – that of reporting clearly and briskly what people such as politicians have got to say on a subject of
interest.But it treats people who are on television as mere inert material to be chopped up and pasted into the
bulletin as required .This seems to me a classic case of the medium itself being the message – and a very bad
message too.

Viewers do not see politicians as scraps of copy 10 be used as needed .They accept the illusion of
television ,and regard them as people ,whom the television personnel are treating like dirt.The bulletins send a
message that it is nevertheless perfectly all right to treat people like this.After all ,is it not the great figures of
television who are doing it: That is the way bad behaviur spreads and grows


1- What has the writer noticed about people who are speaking on television?
A. They have come to expect to be interrupted

B. They try to make sure they are allowed to finish what they are saying
C. They frequently show their annoyance at being interrupted

D. They are denied the chance to complete statements they are making
2- The writer suggests in the third paragraph that many news items
A. are meant to show the expertise of the broadcasters

B. would be better without politicians in them
C. make little sense to many people watching them
D. contain things which are not really relevant.
3- What does the writer believe about broadcasters ?
A. They spend too little time preparing programmes

B. They are not really sure what impression they want to create
C. They do not care what people think of their programmes
D. They are acting partly out of honourable intensions
4- The writer says that viewers believe that

A. what they see on television has little relevance to them
B. broadcasters have the wrong attitude to politicians
C. the standards of broadcasting in general have fallen
D. politicians are not all the same as each other.
5- What is the writer’s main theme in the passage ?
A. the loss of good manners in British life

B. the way in which conversations should be conducted
C. the ill- mannered behavour of British broadcasters
D. The reactions of viewers when they watch TV

<b> Part 3:You are going to read an article about people who have a very strange gift.Seven paragraphs A-H </b>
<b>the one which fits each gap (1-6) .there is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use .There is an </b>
<b>example at the beginning (0)</b>

A.One such ,the physcist Sir issac Newton wrote that,for him,each note of the musical scale correspondd to a
particular colour of the spectrum:when he saw a colour,he sometimes heard the note.And the philosopher John
Locke reported the case of the blind man who claimed that he had had a revelation of what the colour scarlet
looked like when he heard the sound of the trumpet for the first time.

<b>B. Interestingly, he stated that his wife and son both have the gift of colour hearing and that their son’s colour </b>
sometimes appear to be a mix of those of his parents.For example ,the letter m, for him was pink ,and to his wife it
was blue and in their son they found it to be purple

<b>C. the scheme of colours that he recommended for each aged group was intended to reflect a child’s stage of </b>

development .The younger children had pink/red,while the older ones had yellow /green

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>E. the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle agrued that the five senses were drawn together by a “ common sense” </b>
located in the heart.Later we see that the anatomical drawings of Leonard Da Vince reflect the 15 th century belief
that the senses have a common mechanism

<b> F. When their tutor asked them to draw what they “ saw” when they heard a note rise and fall on the clarinet,their </b>
imagines included lips,lines and triangles.One even drew a house nestling amid hills

<b>G. he casually remarked to her that the colours of the letters were all wrong.It turned out that she could also see the</b>
letters in different colours and that she also heard musical notes in colour.

<b>H. Apparently ,green helps people relax,whereas red is good for getting people to talk and produce </b>

ideas.However,too much colour can have a different effect from the one intended- excess red brings out our
aggression, for example ,while too much green markes staff lazy



Colour has a deep impact on each and everyone of us .In both offices and factories,shops and homes, the
management of colour is used to improve the environment.

(0)……… H……….

In the early part of the twentieth century Rudolf Steiner studied these effects of colour on individuals.He
developed a theory from which he produced colour schemes for a learning environment


Although learning to integrate information from different senses is vital,for the majority of people sight
,tough,taste,smell and hearing are fundamentally separate.Yet there is evidence ,some anecdotal,some more
scientific, to suggest that they are,in fact, linked.This idea of sensory unity is a very old one


In more modern times, many individuals have reported experiencing what is normally felt through one sense via
another and have described occasions when experiences of one sense also trigger experiences of another.Many
respected scholars have reported the linking of the senses,known as synaesthesia


More recent studies include the case of a girl who associated colour with the notes of bird song .There was also a
boy who felt pressure sensations in his teeth when cold compresses were applied to his arms.Among a group of
college student it was found that more than 13 percent consciously summoned up images of colour when they were
listening to music ,claiming that this made the experience more enjoyable

The author Vladimir Nabokov was once interviewed for a magazine article .He told the story of his
“ratherfreakish gift of seeing letters in colour”

In his autobiography ,he remembered the time when he was seven years old.He was using old black and white
alphabet blocks to build a tower,while his mother was watching


This gift for seeing letters or hearing music in colour is not yet understood .There are probably more people out
there who have the gift,but feel embarrassed or awkward about admitting it.

<b> Your answers:</b>

<b> 1)………</b> <b>3)……….</b> <b>5)………..</b>

<b>2)………</b> <b>4)……….</b> <b>6)………..</b>


<i><b> A-Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence(s) printed above </b></i>

1-“You were cheating” said Nam to Lan

Nam accused………..
2-The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes

The fox tried in……….
3-We have a six o’clock deadline for this work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

I am not……….
5-If there is an emergency ,ring this number

In ………..
6-I would love to be rich and famous

If only………..
7-You need to have your hair cut

Your hair………

8-We ‘d better buy a new computer

it’s time……….
9-It’s possible that he got my letter

He might………..
10-It’s your duty to do this work.


B<i><b>- Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce a complete sentences about Jack London</b></i>

1-Jack London /life and writings/represent American/ love/ adventure.

2- Jack London /born/San Francisco/1876

3-He /quit/ school/ fourteen/become /sailor.

4- He /travel/good/deal/during/short/lifetime.

5- He/ travel/many/place/Europe/United States/Far East.

6-1897/Jack London / 21 /year/old/gold/discover/Alaska.
7-He / answer /call /adventure.

8- He /take/ part/ famous/ “gold rush”.


9-experiences/wild / northern/ country/ provide / material/ many/ later /stories/ novels
10-best- known/ novels/ include / the Call of the Wild/ The Sea – Wolf


C – <i><b>In 200 or 250 words,write about your birthday party that you had many good memories</b></i>



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