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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>Test 14</b>

<i>Question 1: a) </i>

Choose the word whose part underlined is pronounced differently from the

others in each group.

1.A. lengthen B. bother C. cloth D. breathe

2.A. fasten B. tasty C. cast D. nasty

3.A. driven B. determine C. risen D. combine

4.A. bury B. during C. pure D. cure

5.A. stop B. sometimes C. sea D. season

<i>b) </i>

Pick out the word with the position of stressed syllable different from that of the


1. A. language B. electricity C. spirit culture

2. A. existence B. instinct C. journey D. factor

3. A. finish B. birthday C. language D. forget

<i>Question 2: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.</i>

There (be) no guests at all since I left.

I know, but I can't help ( have) a cup of tea afer dinner. It is one of my greatest pleasures since I
quit (smoke).

By the end of this week my illness (cost) me $ 100
Did you hear me come in last night ? No, I (be) asleep

He shouldn’t (tell) about our plan. He can't keep any secrete.

We (have) only bread and butter to eat with our tea as the other tourists (eat) all the sausage and

If I (tell) before, I would have come to your wedding.
She gets used to (take) to the zoo on weekends.

<i>Question 3:</i> <i>Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences</i>

You can find out what a book is about by looking at its table of ….. ( contain)
When Pele retired, it was a great ……to the Brazilian soccer. ( lose)

$ 1000! Thank you for your... ( generous)

Please accept this present as a token of our ... ( grateful)
the children were surprised at the sudden ...of their teacher. ( enter)
The song has ...been selected for the Sea Games 22nd, Vietnam. (office)
We had to take out a ...from the bank to buy the car. ( lend)

Irregular verbs must be ... (memory)

Alex usually ...Diana at the piano when she sings. ( company)
Is military service ...in your country? (compel)

<i>Question 4: Read the passage and then choose the best answer.</i>

Nowaday, people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)... Many species
of animals are threatened, and could easily become (2)...if we donot make an effort to (3)...
them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are (4) ...for their fur or for
other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught (5)... and sold as
pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat- the place where they live
is ....

...(6)... More ...(7)...is used for farms, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open
spaces than there once were. Farmers are use fowerful chemicals to help them grow better (8)...

but these chemials pollute the environment and ...(9)...wildlife. The most successful

animals on earth human beings - will soon be the only ones (10)...unless we can solve

this problem.

1.A. problem B. threat C. vanishing D. danger

2.A. vanished B. extint C. empty D. disappeared

3.A. protect B. defend C. harm D. serve

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

5.A. lively B. alive C. for life D. for living

6.A. exhausting B. departing C. escaping D. disappearing

7.A. area B. land C. soil D. earth

8.A. products B. crops C. fields D. herbs

9.A. wrong B. spoil C. harm D. wound

10.A. survived B. staying C. left D. over

<i>Question 5: Read the passage and then choose the best answer.</i>

With increasing development and use of computer technology, there is a new disease to
worry about. Computer "viruses", programs designed to sabotage computers, are infecting
computers incorporation homes and universities. These viruses spread exponetially, much like
biological contagion, and then disrupt the effected systems. The virus secretaly attaches itself to
alter files. The damage is generally activated by using the computer's clock. Then any program
executed may be exposed to the virus including program spread through telephone connections.
Because of the increasing incidents of virus infiltration, business and agencies are becoming wary
of sharing softwares. Security policies need to be increased as immmunity programms are being

Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. Deleting files C. Be aware

B. Sharing software D. Stop the clock

It is inferred that a company can bestbprotect itself from the virus by ...
A. setting the clock correctly C. keeping clean

B. spreading programs by telephone D. not using shared software
The virus is ...

A. a program C. a disk

B. an insect D. a microbe

The people most interested in reading this passage probably would be ...

A. health researchers C. medical personnel

B. computer users D. government workers

If the virus infects a computer, the result would probably be ...

A. sick personnel C. lost information

B. deal telephone D. a broken computer

<i>Question 6: </i>C<i>hoose the best answer</i>

if they aren't more careful with their money they'll get into ...

A. debt B. loss C. overdraft D. problem

The house ...I used to live has been knocked down.

A. where B. which C. who D. when

...ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off.

A. Before B. Inside C. Around D. Within

A wedding is a wonderful opportunity for ...off new clothes.

A. wearing B. carrying C. showing D. putting

I don’t mind what we do today. We can do ...you want.

A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

It is high time we got going,...?

A. aren't B. didn’t it C. should we D. isn't

This is ...man I told you about.

A. the B. one C. a D. 

The children were all upset and some were ...tears

A. in B. on C. with D. at

Have you lived here...life?

A. your all B. all the C. the whole D. all your

Once upon a time there ...three brothers in a cottage in the forest.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<i>Question 7:</i>

<i>a) Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it</i>

He hardly knows nothing about it.

Swimming is a good sport for our health


Your friends went to your native village last weekend, weren't they?
I'd like to go out for dinner, but I don’t feel like to eat out tonight


There have been little rain this summer

b) <i> Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.</i>

Dick / listening / classical music / when / friend / arrived.
They /warn / us / not/ sleep/ without/ mosquito nets.

the past/ most people/ believed/ world's resources / can / never / use up.
My sister / learn / English / two years now.

Before / give / evidence / you must / swear/ say / truth.

<i>c) Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition</i>

Finally they were able to rescue the people trapped ...burning house.
Poisonous gases occur ...the air naturally.

How far is your house ...your office, John?
There are differences ...the two programs.
Vehicles account ...air pollution in the city.
Water is also a matter to take ...consideration.
This picture reminds me ...my childhood.

<i>Question 8 : Rewrite the following sentences so that the meanings stay the same.</i>

Thank you very much for your help.<sub></sub> I am ...

They cancelled the flight because of the heavy rain. <sub></sub> So heavily...
Immediately after his arrival things went wrong <sub></sub> Hardly...

Mandy is excited about going to Greece on holiday. <sub></sub> Mandy is looking ...
Lock the door carefully before going to bed. <sub></sub> The door...

Have you got a cheaper school bag? <sub></sub> Is this ...?

We could have lost that match if there hadn't been efforts from everyone of us <sub></sub>

Without this treatment, the patient would have died. <sub></sub> if the patient...

Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date - If you had told me ...

“ Do you know who broke the window, Tom?” she said. She …

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<i>Question 1: a)Choose the word whose part underlined is pronounced differently from the others in each </i>

<i>group.1. </i>A 2. B 3.D 4. A 5. D

b)<i> Pick out the word with the position of stressed syllable different from that of the others.</i>
1. B. electricity 2. A. existence 3. D. forget

<i>Question 2</i>

: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

have been

having - smoking
will have cost
had been told

have been
had - had eaten
had been told
being taken

<i>Question 3:</i>

Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences






<i>Question 4</i>

: Read the passage and then choose the best answer.


<i>Question 5: </i>

Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word


<i>Question 6:</i>C<i>hoose the best answer</i>


<i>Question 7:</i>

<i>a) Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it</i>

C <sub></sub> anything
B <sub></sub> a sport good
D <sub></sub> didn’t they.
D <sub></sub> eating
B. <sub></sub>has

b) <i> Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.</i>

Dick was listening to classical music when his friend arrived.
They warned us not to sleep without mosquito nets.

In the past, most people believed that the world's resources could be never used up.
My sister has been learning English for two years now.

Before giving the evidence, you must swear that you will say the truth.

c) Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition




<i>Question 8 : Rewrite the following sentences so that the meanings stay the same.</i>
I'm grateful to you for your help

So heavily did it rain that they cancelled the flight.
Hardly had he arrived when things went wrong.

Mandy is looking forward to going to Greece on holiday.
The door should/ must be locked before going to bed.
Is this the cheapest school bag you have got?



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