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<b>Sở Giáo Dục Và Đào Tạo Bình Dương</b>
<b>Trường :THPT Nguyễn Huệ</b>

<b>Người Soạn: Lâm Thị Bích Liên</b>

<b>HỌC KỲ 1– LỚP 10</b>

<b>TÊN </b>
<b>CHỦ ĐỀ</b>

<b> Nhận biết</b> <b> Thông </b>

<b>hiểu</b> <b> Vận dụng</b> <b> Cộng</b>
<b> Cấp độ thấp</b> <b>Cấp độ cao</b>

<b> TNKQ</b> <b>TL</b> <b> TNKQ</b> <b>TL</b> <b> TNKQ TL</b> <b>TNKQ</b> <b>TL</b>
<b>I - </b>



pronunciation of

<i><b>“i”, “u”. </b></i><b> And </b>

<i><b>Số câu: 04</b></i>

<i><b>Số điểm: 1</b></i> <i><b>Số câu: 04</b><b><sub>1điểm=10%</sub></b></i>

<b>II </b>
- Vocabulary:
Undersea world,
national parks,

<i><b>Số câu: 4</b></i>
<i><b>Số điểm: </b></i>

<i><b>1</b></i> <i><b>Số câu: 4</b><b>1điểm=10%</b></i>

<b>III – </b>

- The passive
voice, the article,
. Make
<i><b>Số câu: </b></i>
<i><b>Số điểm: </b></i>

<i><b>Số câu: 4</b></i>
<i><b>Số điểm: </b></i>

<i><b>2</b></i> <i><b>Số câu: 8</b><b>1điểm=30%</b></i>

<b>IV </b>
<b>G( A </b>
<b>h about </b>
<b>150-200 </b>

<i><b>Số </b></i>
<i><b>câu: </b></i>
<i><b>Số </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i><b>Số câu:4</b></i>

<i><b>Số điểm: 1,5</b></i> <i><b>Số câu:3</b><b>Số điểm: </b></i>

<i><b>Số câu 07</b></i>
<i><b>3 điểm= </b></i>

<b>Tổng </b> <b>Số câu: 4</b>
<b>Số điểm:1</b>
<b>( 10 %)</b>

<b>Số câu :12</b>
<b>Số điểm: 4</b>
<b>( 40%)</b>

<b>Số câu: 11</b>
<b>Số điểm: 5</b>
<b>( 50%)</b>

<b>Số câu:27</b>
<b>Số điểm:10</b>


<b>Chose A, B, C or D which is pronounced differently from the rest: (0, 5p) tu cau 1 den cau 2</b>

Câu 1: <b>A.</b> comp<i><b>u</b></i>ter <b>B.</b> exc<i><b>u</b></i>rsion <b>C.</b> ret<i><b>u</b></i>rn <b>D.</b> sunb<i><b>u</b></i>rnt
Câu 2: <b>A.</b> bl<i><b>i</b></i>nd <b>B.</b> nat<i><b>i</b></i>ve <b>C.</b> d<i><b>i</b></i>sabled <b>D.</b> d<i><b>i</b></i>fferent

<b>Pick out the word which has the different stress from the rest (0,5p) tu cau 1 den cau 2</b>

Câu 1: <b>A.</b> visit <b>B.</b> occasion <b>C.</b> relax <b>D.</b> pagoda

Câu 2: <b>A.</b> guitar <b>B.</b> conservation <b>C.</b> photography <b>D.</b> exhibition


<b>Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence: (1Ps) tu cau 1 den cau 4</b>

Câu 1: The water is so contaminated that it is not suitable for drinking.

<b>A</b> . polluted <b>B</b>. clean <b>C.</b> dangerous <b>D</b>. toxic

Câu 2: Without plants, most water would ………. as soon as it falls.

<b>A</b>. run off <b>B</b>. run out <b>C</b>. run into <b>D</b>. run of

Câu 3: Lots of abandoned animals __________ of in the Orphanage.

A. are taken care B. are taking care C. care taken D. take care
Câu 4: She sometimes does not have enough time to <i><b>take care of</b></i> her old parents.

A. look after B. depend on C. listen to D. pay attention


<b> Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence: (1Ps) tu cau 1 den cau 4</b>

Câu 1: Many new roads______ in this city now.

A. are being built B. build C. are built D. are building

Câu 2: If he ________to the party yesterday, he would have met his old friend.

A. had gone B. went C. gone D. go

Câu 3: What would Tom do if he ... the truth?

A. knew B. has known C. knows D. would know

Câu 4: Don’t forget we are meeting on ____ Friday for _____ lunch.

<b>A</b>. Ø / the B. the / a C. the / the D. a / the


<b>Read the passage and choose the correct answer(2Ps) tu cau 1 den cau 4.</b>

There are many sources of pollution in our modern world. At present, the most serious sources are
acid rain and car exhaust fumes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

there is no limestone into acid lakes. However, it is not possible to do this on a large enough scale
to save all the lakes.

Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous. In big cities,
the exhaust fumes build up and pose a health hazard to human beings.

Câu 1: How many sources of pollution are mentioned in the passage?

Câu 2: Why is smoke from factory chimneys harmful to our environment?

Câu 3: How has acid rain harmed aquatic life?

Câu 4: Are carbon monoxide and lead extremely poisonous?
<b>WRITING </b>

<b>I. Make the question with the underlined part in each of sentence: (2Ps) tu cau 1 den cau 4</b>

Câu 1: I often listen to classical music to relax my mind.

Câu 2: My favorite musician is Trinh Cong Son.

Câu 3: We take a holiday once a year .

Câu 4: Jackson will captain the team if Nick isn’t available.

<b>II. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets: (1,5Ps) tu cau 1 den cau 4</b>

Câu 1: If I …………(win) a big prize in a lottery I’d give up my job

Câu 2:We ………(go) to the beach if it ……….(be) sunny yesterday.

Câu 3: If I ……….(have) wings, I ……….(take) an airplane to fly home.
Câu 4: She ……….(forgive) you if you tell her the truth.

<b>III. Rewrite the following sentences with the beginning: (1,5ps) tu cau 1 den cau 3</b>

Câu 1: I don’t know anything about her background, so I can’t tell you.

If I ...
Câu 2: I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t feel like eating.

If ………
Câu 3: I didn’t finish the report until midnight.(it was not until………that………)
It was ……….

<b>ĐÁP ÁN:</b>
<b>Phần trắc nghiệm đáp án A đúng</b>


Câu 1: There are three sources. They are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills.

Câu 2: Because it contains sulphuric dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which combine with the moisture
in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid

Câu 3: By turning many lakes into lifeless bodies of water.

Câu 4: Yes, they are
<b>Writing </b>


Câu 1: Why do you often listen to classical music?
Câu 2: Who is your favorite musician?

Câu 3: How ofetn do they/ <i>you</i> take a holiday?

Câu 4: Who will captain the team if Nick isn’t available?

Câu 1: <b>won</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Câu 3: <b>had – would take</b>

Câu 4: <b>forgives</b>


Câu 1: If I knew something about her background, I would tell you .
Câu 2: If I had been hungry, I would have felt like eating.



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