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Phòng Giáo dục - ĐT
Huyện Vũ th


<b>MÔN: TIẾNG ANH LP 8</b>

<i>Năm học 2010-2011</i>

<i>Thi gian lm bi: 120 phỳt</i>

<i>( này gồm 04 trang – Học sinh làm bài vào giấy thi)</i>

<i><b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.</b></i>

1. region regard logical energy
2. pockets proofs coughs lessons
3 . brushed posted passed cooked
4. chief mechanic chimney speech
5. chopstick pollute provide conserve

<i><b>II. Choose one word that has a different stress position from the other.</b></i>

6. despite weather another report
7. reputation greenhouse property celebrate
8. generous expensive decorate hobby
9. competition faucet quarter model
10. yellow children edition publish

<i><b>III. Chose the best answer to complete the following sentences</b></i>

11. Two people were injuired in ______ accident and were taken to _____ hospital

the/ an/the an/ the/the

12. We are all ________ that you passed your English exam. Congratulation!

relieved afraid delighted certain

13. “__________to come and have dinner with us?” “I’d love to but I’m very busy”.

would you mind could you please Would you like Do you enjoy
14. Can you tell me where ______________ ?

she does does she she is is she

15. You have to work ____________ for the coming exam.

hardly more hardly more hard hard
16. I saw her _____________ the flowers in the garden.

watering watered be watered is watering

17. They had their luggage ___________ by the porter.

carry carrying to carry carried

18. She often spends her weekend ___________ through pleasant open countryside.

travel traveling to travel to traveling

19. He was born in England. English is his __________________

mother tongue second language foreign language All are correct
20 ________________ to America yet ?

Were you Have you ever been Were you been Are you

<i><b>IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets </b></i>

a. He couldn't make his motor bike (21.start ) _______ this morning.

b. I dislike (22.listen ) ... to music while (23.do) _________ my homework.
c. These tigers used (24.keep) __________ in iron cages .

d. What you (25.do) ________ when I (26.phone) _________ you last night ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i><b>V. Give the correct form of CAPITAL word to complete each following sentence</b></i>

<i><b> .</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more ________________.



The child should be punished of his bad _________________.



Mr. Minh has made an ______________to see us at 3 o’clock




Bell______________ demonstrated his invention




________________, dark clouds appeared and it began to rain




Every day, there are two ______ from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city




My country is rich in_________resources





The __________ she gave last night was marvellous




It's __________ to cross the avenue





Could you give me some__________?



<i><b>VI/ Each sentence has ONE mistake. Find and correct it.</b></i>

41. Her sister is studying very hard in order getting scholarship at university.
42. When I was having lunch, two friends of mine were coming to see me.
43. What happens to the glass when it is sending to the factory?

44. He asked Tom does his brother was living in Washington.
45. If you couldn’t guess the answer, I will win the game.

46. Mr. Hai decided to give up her job in order to have more time with her children.
47. All the people lived in this village can speak French and English.

48. By whom was the famous song “White Christmas” writting?

49. France has presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876.
50. Discovered penicillin made Sir Alexander Fleming famous all over the world.

<i><b>VII/ Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition</b></i>

51. He worked_____ deaf-mutes at Boston University

52. He thought very carefully and finally came______ ______ a very important decision
53. The thief broke ________ the national bank

54. He was sent ______ prison

55. Children enjoy taking part________ different activities after class
56. My father gave _________ smoking

57. She didn’t go to school because she had to look ________her younger sisters
58. He accused me_________ stealing the money

59. This table is made_______ wood

60. My brother succeeded ________ winning the race

<i><b> VIII. Put ONE suitable word into each blank to complete the passage .</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<i><b>IX. The following sentences belong to a passage about Cinderella, but they are not</b></i>

<i><b>in the correct order. Put them in their correct order to make a full passage. </b></i>

A.Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella who did all the work in the kitchen while her lazy
sisters did nothing.

B. So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress and a wonderful coach.

C. She danced with the prince but at midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the
dance floor.

D. One night her sisters went to a ball at the palace.

E. The prince wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the
shoe was the right size for Cinderella.

F. Cinderella was left at home, very sad. After a time her fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella
that she could go to the ball - but to return home by midnight.

G. She and the prince were married and lived happily ever after.


71... 72... 73... 74... 75... 76... 77...

<i><b>X. Read the following passage and answer the questions</b></i>

Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used.
Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy
books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn’t enough time to learn. In any case, the
books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted
booked because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few
people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people
who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.

The position with computers is very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large
and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use
them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only
own microcomputer but also know how to use them.


78. What happened before printing presses were invented?

79. Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented?
80. What is common feature of a book and a computer?

<i><b>XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first:</b></i>

81. The last time we saw him was in 1998.

We haven’t______________________________________________________________
82. She said, “I’m living in Vu Thu now”.

She said_______________________________________________________________
83. Both of the chairs are uncomfortable.

Neither of______________________________________________________________
84. Peter spent three hours on repairing his computer.

85. He doesn’t let anyone smoke in his house.

He hardly allows__________________________________________________________

86. She is the most intelligent girl in her family.

No one _________________________________________________________________
87. She would rather play golf than play tennis.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

His children______________________________________________________________
89. You can’t take this book away.

This book_______________________________________________________________
90. Your younger brother is too weak to lift that box.

Your brother is not________________________________________________________

<i><b>XII. Use given words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.</b></i>

91. She/ tell/ not/ close/ window.

92. Nga/ used/ swim/ this river/ but/ she/ not/ any more.
93. if/ I/ be/ you/ I/ not buy/ that/ bicycle.

94. How long/ she/ learn/ English/ ?

95. It / difficult / prevent / people / park here.

<i><b>XIII. Put the words in their correct order to make complete sentences. Beginning</b></i>

<i><b>with the underline words. </b></i>

96. community meeting/ They/ organized/ the situation/ discuss/ have/ in order to/ a.
97. he/ loves/ but/ Ba/ like/ playing/ doesn’t/ glasses/ video games/ gathering/ broken.
98. close friends/ the same/ Do/ characters/ and/ have/ you/ or/ different/ your. ?
99. cook/ you’ll/ yourself/ I’m/ have/ but/ dinner/ to/ sorry.

100. example sentences/ the words/ They/ remember/ one or two/ the right way/ each new word/
write/ how to use/ with/ in order to/ in.

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Phòng Giáo dục - ĐT
Huyện Vò th


<i>Năm học 2010-2011</i>
<i>Thi gian lm bi: 120 phỳt</i>
<i>(Ton bi 100 câu x 0.2 điểm/ câu)</i>
<i><b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.</b></i>

1. regard
2. lessons
3 . posted
4. mechanic
5. chopstick

<i><b>II. Choose one word that has a different stress position from the other.</b></i>
6. weather

7. reputation
8. expensive
9. competition
10. edition

<i><b>III. Chose the best answer to complete the following sentences</b></i>
11. the/

12. delighted
13. Would you like
14. she is

15. hard
16. watering

17. carried
18. traveling
19. mother tongue

20. Have you ever been

<i><b>IV</b></i>. Give the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets

21. start
22. listening
23. doing

24. to be kept
25. were –doing

26. phoned
27. saw
28. sleeping
29. wasn’t
30. couldn’t

<i><b>V. Give the correct form of CAPITAL word to complete each following sentence</b><b> </b></i>



<i><b>VI/ Each sentence has one mistake. Find and correct it. </b></i>

41. getting to get 46. her his
42. were coming came 47. lived live
43. sending sent 48. writing written

44. does if/ whether 49. has presented presented
45. couldn’t can’t 50. Discovered Discovering
<i><b>VII</b></i>/ Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition

51. with
52. up with

53. into
54. to
55. in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<i><b>VII I. Put ONE suitable word into each blank to complete the passage .</b></i>

61. learning 62. are 63. of 64. you 65. how

66. book 67. fly 68. yourself 69. playing 70. practice

<i><b>IX. The following sentences belong to a passage about Cinderella, but they are not in the correct</b></i>
<i><b>order. Put them in their correct order to make a full passage. </b></i>

<b>71A</b> <b>72D</b> <b>73F</b> <b>74B</b> <b>75C</b> <b>76E</b> <b>77G</b>

<i><b>X. Read the following passage and answer the questions</b></i>
78. Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.
79. Because books were expensive and magical.

80. They were large and expensive at first

<i><b>XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first:</b></i>
81. We haven’t seen him since 1998

82. She said (that) she was living in Vu Thu then
83. Neither of the chairs is comfortable

84. It took Peter three hours to repair his computer
85. He hardly allows anyone to smoke in his house
86. No one in her family is as intelligent as her/ she is

//No one in her family is as intelligent as she is/ her

87. She prefers to play golf rather than play tennis/ She prefers playing golf to (playing) tennis
88. His children were made to study hard late at night.

89. This book can’t be taken away

90. Your brother is not strong enough to lift that box

<i><b>XII. Use given words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.</b></i>
91. She tells me not to close the window.

92. Nga used to swim in this river but she doesn’t any more.
93. If I were you, I would not buy that bicycle.

94. How long has she learnt English?

95. It is difficult to prevent people from parking here.

<i><b>XIII: Put the words in their correct order to make complete sentences. Beginning with the</b></i>
<i><b>underline words. </b></i>

96. They have organized a community meeting in order to discuss the situation.
97. Ba loves playing video games but he doesn’t like gathering broken glasses
98. Do you and your close friends have the same or different characters?
99. I’m sorry, but you have to cook dinner yourself.



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