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<b>MÔN :ANH VĂN LỚP 9</b>

<b>I. UNIT 6:</b>

1. Nêu cách thành lập Adverb of manner (Trạng từ chỉ thể cách,mức độ ) từ 1 số tính từ

- Đổi các tính từ sau sang trạng từ : good, bad, slow, extreme, sudden, clear, careless, carefull, late,
early, hard, fast

- Nêu vị trí của tính từ và trạng từ. Lấy ví dụ cho mỗi vị trí của tính từ và trạng từ.

2. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do ( Adverbs clauses of reason ) bắt đầu bằng những từ nào. Lấy 1 ví dụ
minh họa

3. Viết cấu trúc, cách dùng của câu điều kiện loại I (Conditional sentences type I). Lấy 2 ví dụ minh họa
<b>II. UNIT 7: </b>

1. Viết các từ nối( Connectives). Lấy mỗi từ nối 1 ví dụ minh họa
2. Viết các phrasal verbs ( Động từ kép ). Có ví dụ minh họa cụ thể

3. Viết các cấu trúc câu đề nghị (Suggestions) và cấu trúc đáp lại câu đề nghị . Lấy 3 ví dụ .
<b>III. UNIT 8:</b>

1. Có mấy loại mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative clauses)? Đó là những loại nào? Có những đại từ quan hệ
nào? Lấy mỗi đại từ một ví dụ.

2. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự đối lập ( Adverb clauses of concession ) bắt đầu bằng những từ nào? Lấy 2
ví dụ minh họa

<b>IV. UNIT 9:</b>

1. “That” dùng thay thế cho “ Who, whom, which” trong những trường hợp nào? Lấy ví dụ cụ thể
<b>V. UNIT 10.</b>

1. Cách dùng của Modals “May /Might”. Viết 2 ví dụ minh họa

2. Viết cấu trúc, cách dùng của câu điều kiện loại II. Lấy 2 ví dụ minh họa.
* Ôn lại bài viết, từ vựng từ unit 6 đến unit 10

* Tự lập bảng động từ bất quy tắc.

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<b>A. Vocabulary</b>

<b>UNIT 6</b>

- environment : môi trường pollution: sự ô nhiễm garbage dump : bãi rác
- dynamite : thuốc nổ spray : phun, xịt pesticide: thuốc sâu
- deforestation: chặt phá rừng provide: cung cấp disappointed: thất vọng
- spoil: làm hỏng walk along: đi dọc theo achieve: đạt được.
- happen : xảy ra banana leaves: lá chuối wrap : gói, bao

- plastic bag: túi ny lông dissolve: phân hủy natural resources: tài nguyên t.nhiên
- save: tiết kiệm harm: có hại, làm hại garbage bin: thùng rác

- prevent: ngăn chặn throw : vứt, ném instead of: thay cho, thay vì

- reduce : giảm reuse: sử dụng lại recycle: tái chế

- amount: khối lượng litter: xả rác

- divided into : chia thành, chia làm make + O + V-inf / N –phrase: làm cho ai, cái gì như thế nào đó
- junk –yard: bãi phế thải treasure = precious things : vật quý, của quý cover: bao phủ

- hedge: hàng rào take ..home: đem… về nhà minimize: giảm thiểu

- catch fish : bắt cá prohibit: cấm fine: phạt

<b>UNIT 7</b>

<b>- </b>water bill : hóa đơn tiền nước enormous = huge : to lớn plumber ; thợ sửa ống nước
- crack : vết nứt water pipe : ống nước twice as much as : nhiều gấp 2 lần
- suggest: đề nghị take shower: tắm vòi sen turn off : tắt

- faucet : vòi nước waste : lãng phí dripping faucet ; vịi nước bị rỉ
- give so advice : đưa ai lời khuyên check: kiểm tra tool : dụng cụ

- solar energy : năng lượng mặt trời fresh water: nước sạch go away: đi xa
- cloudy day: ngày có mây heat: sưởi ấm effective: có hiệu quả

- install : cài đặt store: dự trữ lose : mất

- necessity : sự cần thiết luxury : sự xa xỉ consumer : người tiêu dùng
- product: sản phẩm save money: tiết kiệm tiền account for: chiếm mức

- replace: thay thế rule: qui tắc, điều chore: việc nhà

- a quarter: 1 phần 4 standard : chuẩn last eight times longer: tuổi thọ gấp 8 lần
- label:dán nhãn scheme = plan: kế hoạch appliance ; thiết bị

- category: loại, hạng innovateion: sự đổi mới conserve : bảo tồn

- earth : trái đất hobby : sở thích however: tuy nhiên

- pay: trả tiền turn on : bật lên , mở lên go on: tiếp tục
<b>- </b>purpose = aim : mục đích shortage: sự thiếu hụt decade: thập kỉ

- give detail: đưa ra chi tiết easy – to – understand: dễ hiểu speech: bài diễn văn, thuyết trình
- sum up : tổng kết lại look after : trơng coi, chăm sóc raise money: qun góp tiền
- therefore: vì thế, vì vậy to be interested in : quan tâm đến

- look for = find: tìm nuclear power : năng lượng hạt nhân

- look up: tra từ điển get people’s attention: thu hút sự chú ý của mọi người
- war invalid: thương binh sheet with single printed : giấy mới in 1 mặt

- ordinary ; bình thường energy –saving bulb: bóng đèn tiết kiệm năng lượng
- spend less on lighting: tốn ít tiền hơn cho việc thắp sáng

- solar panel: tấm kim loại tiếp nhận năng lượng mặt trời
<b>UNIT 8</b>

- celebration: dịp kỷ niệm easter: lễ Phục sinh Christmas: Nô –en

- Lunar new Year: tết nguyên đán wedding: đám cưới Mid –Fall festival: trung thu
- throughout the year: suốt cả năm decorate: trang trí, trang hồng sticky rice cake: bánh chưng
- live apart: sống ở xa Jewish people : người Do Thái ancient: cổ xưa

- Passover: lễ quá hải to be together at tet: Xum họp ngày tết

- joyful : vui vẻ crowd: tập trung, tụ tập parade: cuộc diễu hành
- congratulate : chúc mừng win / won the first prize: đạt giải nhất

- active: năng động charity activity: hoạt động từ thiện

- take part in: tham gia nominate : vinh danh activist: người hoạt động

- express: bày tỏ,biểu lộ feeling: tình cảm memory:kí ức

- opinion = idea: ý kiến lose heart: nản lòng describe: miêu tả

- tears: nước mắt hug: ôm ( khi chào nhau) considerate: ân cần, chu đáo
- generous: rộng lượng priority: sự ưu tiên sense of humor: khiếu hài hước
- humorous: hài hước distinguish: phân biệt với different from: khác với
- to be proud of: tự hào về alive: còn sống dead: đã chết

- enhance: tăng cường tradition: truyền thống offer: đưa ra, mời

- serve: phục vụ support: ủng hộ nationwide: toàn quốc

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- public holiday: ngày lễ satisfied: hài lòng preparation: sự chuẩn bị
- plenty of = many / much: nhiều understand: hiểu as much as: nhiều như

- due to: liên quan đến/ do traffic jam: kẹt xe weather bureau: văn phòng dự báo thời tiết
- keyboard: bàn phím ( máy tính) although / even though/ though: mặc dù

- freedom from slavery: thoát khỏi ách nô lệ - English speaking contest: cuộc thi nói tiếng Anh
<b>UNIT 9</b>

- natural disaster: thảm họa thiên nhiên snowstorm: bão tuyết earthquake: động đất

- volcano: núi lửa typhoon: bão nhiệt đới weather forecast: dự báo thời tiết
- turn up: mở lớn ( âm thanh) temperature: nhiệt độ coast : bờ biển

- bring along: đem theo just in case: đề phòng trust: tin tưởng

- miss: bỏ lở laugh at: cười chế nhạo candle: nến

- match: diêm hire: thuê bucket: cái xô

- ladder: cái thang blanket: chăn, mền fix: sửa chữa

- leak: lỗ thủng roof: mái nhà tie: cột, buộc

- peg: cọc gỗ rope: dây thừng latch: then / chốt cửa

- available: sẵn có power cut: cắt điện damage: hư hỏng

- fall down: ngã, đổ roller: con lăn expert: chuyên gia

- office block: tòa văn phòng highway: đường quốc lộ collapse: sụp đổ
- tidal wave: sóng thần abrupt: đột ngột shift: sự dịch chuyển

- tropical: nhiệt đới predict: dự đoán erupt: phun trào

- save: cứ sống warn: cảnh báo tornado: lốc xốy

- funnel –shaped: có hình phễu storm: cơn bão suck up: hút lên

- path: đường đi lift: nhấc bổng baby carriage: xe nôi

- severe: khốc liệt majority = most of: phần lớn behave: cư xử, đối xử

- strange: kì lạ gather: tập trung lại shelter: chỗ ẩn nấp

- strong wind: gió mạnh heavy rain: mưa to glad= happy: vui mừng

- horn: sừng snout: mũi, mõm explorer: nhà thám hiểm

- discover: khám phá planet: hành tinh thunderstorm: mưa kèm sấm chớp

- chew: nhai swallow: nuốt choose to be the logo: chọn làm biểu tượng

- capital city: thủ đô snow: tuyết sweep / swept: quét

- Richter scale: độ Rích-te measure: đo destroy: phá hủy

- completely: hồn tồn homeless: vô gia cư disastrous: thảm khốc

- cause: gây ra extensive: rộng lớn dangerous: nguy hiểm

- tail: cái đuôi central highlands: cao nguyên miền trung
- strike / struck : đánh vào a large number of: 1 số lượng lớn

- expect: mong đợi animal: động vật Pacific Rim: vành đai Thái Bình Dương
<b>UNIT 10</b>

- another planet: hành tinh khác exist: tồn tại flying object: vật thể bay
- report: tường thuật, báo cáo sky: bầu trời believe: tin

- spacecraft: tàu vũ trụ scientist: nhà khoa học meteor=falling star, shooting star:sao băng

- evidence: bằng chứng round: hình trịn object: vật thể

- to the left: về bên trái sight : nhìn thấy alien: người ngồi hành tinh
- claim: tun bố egg-shaped: hình quả trứng soil sample: mẫu đất

- capture: bị bắt examine: khám freed: thả ra

- disappear: biến mất pilot: phi công plane= aircraft: máy bay

- plate – like: giống hình cái đĩa device: thiết bị treetop: ngọn cây
- mistake: hiểu nhầm worldwide: khắp thế giới prisoner: tù nhân

- Mars: sao Hỏa guess; đoán match: ghép

- mineral: sinh vật plant: cây trồng gemstone = precious stone: đá quí
- microorganism: vi sinh vật spot:điểm, chấm trace: dấu vết

- sound: âm thanh low: thấp hole: hố, lỗ

- weight: cân nặng jump: nhảy last: kéo dài

- push –ups: hít đất orbit: quĩ đạo space trip: du hành vũ trụ

- imagination: sự tưởng tượng entertainment: sự giải trí persuade: thuyết phục

- trick: lừa landing: đáp xuống articles: bài báo

- appearance: sự xuất hiện photographer: thợ chụp hình man – like: giống như người
- get out of: bước ra khỏi mysterious: bí ẩn no longer: khơng lâu nữa

- real: có thật welcome: chào đón drawing: hình vẽ

- space – tourist: khách du lịch vũ trụ balloon: bóng bay, khinh khí cầu


<b>UNIT 6:</b>

1. Adverb of manner (Trạng từ chỉ thể cách,mức độ )

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eg: slow -> slowly ( chậm)

happy -> happily. ( vui vẻ, hạnh phúc)
Good -> well. ( tốt, giỏi)

Ngoại lệ : hard, late, fast, early vừa là tính từ vừa là trạng từ

* Vị trí : - Đứng sau tân ngữ của câu. ( Mrs. Nga speaks English quite <b>well</b>)
- Đứng sau động từ thường. ( The old man walked <b>slowly</b> to the park)
- Thường đứng ở cuối câu. ( She sings <b>beautifully</b>)

2. Adverbs clauses of reason ( mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do) <b>Since /As / Because</b> : Bởi vì .
Eg: Ba is tired <b>because / since / as</b> he stayed up late watching TV.

3. Conditional sentences- Type 1 ( Câu điều kiện loại 1)
* Cấu trúc :

If clause ( mệnh đề if) Main clause ( mệnh đề chính)
(+) If + S ( I / you / we / they) + V-infinitive

If + S( he/ she/ it / tên) + Vs /Ves …

<i><b>* Thêm “ es” vào sau nếu động từ đó tận cùng là o, x,ch, sh,ss (ví </b></i>

<i><b>dụ: go, watch, wash, ..)</b></i>

(-) If + S (I / you / we / they) + don’t + V- infinitive …
If + S( he/ she/ it / tên) + doesn’t+ V-infinitive.

(+) S + will + V-inf…

(-) S + won’t + V-inf…
* Usage : Diễn tả một điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

Eg : If we <b>goon</b> littering, the environment <b>will become</b> seriously polluted.
<b>UNIT 7: </b>

1. Connectives ( Từ nối ):Viết nghĩa tiếng Việt của những từ nối sau:

And: và But: nhưng

Because / Since/As: Bởi vì Or: hay là, hoặc là
So: vì thế, vì vậy Therefore: vì vậy mà (;)
However: Tuy nhiên ( ; )

2. Phrasal verbs ( Động từ kép )

Turn on: mở Listen to: nghe

Turn off: tắt Look up:tra cứu

Look for: tìm kiếm Go on :tiếp tục
Look after:trơng coi, chăm sóc Talk about: nói về
3. Suggestions ( câu đề nghị)

Suggestion Response

1. I suggest + V-ing ( Tôi đề nghị) 1. OK ( Được thơi)

2. What about + V-ing…? ( Cịn …thì sao) 2. That’s a good idea ( ý kiến hay)
3. How about + V-ing…? ( Thế cịn …………thì sao) 3. All right. ( Được)

4. Shall we + V-inf ..? ( Chúng ta sẽ) 4. No. I don’t want to. ( Không. Tôi không muốn)
5. Let’s + V-inf… ( Chúng ta hãy) 5. I prefer to…( Tơi thích …hơn)

6. I think we should + V-inf… ( Tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên) 6. Let’s…
7. Why don’t we + V-inf …? ( tại sao chúng ta không)

8. I suggest that + S + should + V-inf ( Toi đề nghị rằng)
<b>UNIT 8:</b>

1. Relative clauses ( mệnh đề quan hệ / mệnh đề tính ngữ):

Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định là mệnh đề dùng để xác định danh từ hoặc đại từ mà người nói muốn nhấn
mạnh đến.

Eg: The teacher <b>who teaches us maths </b>is Mrs. Quynh Hoa.
2. Relative pronouns ( Đại từ quan hệ )

<b>Who</b> : là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ <b>chỉ người</b>, làm <b>chủ ngữ </b>trong
mệnh đề quan hệ.

Eg : <b>Tom</b> can compose songs. <b>Tom</b> can sing Western folk songs very well .
Tom <b>who</b> can sing Western folk songs very well can compose songs.

<b>Whom</b>: là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ <b>chỉ người</b>, làm <b>tân ngữ</b> trong
mệnh đề quan hệ

<b>Eg</b>: <b>The girl</b> is my sister. You met <b>her</b> yesterday.
<b>=> </b>The girl<b> whom </b>you met yesterday is my sister.

<b>Which</b> : là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ <b>chỉ vật</b> , làm <b>chủ ngữ và làm </b>
<b>tân ngữ</b> trong mệnh đề quan hệ.

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This watch is a gift <b>which</b> was given to me by my aunt on my 14 th <sub> birthday.</sub>

<b>That </b>là<b> </b>đại từ quan hệ dùng để <b>thay thế cho who, whom, which</b> trong mệnh đề quan hệ <b>xác định</b>.
<b>Where </b>( nơi mà ) : thay thế cho cụm từ <b>chỉ nơi chốn</b>. Cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn gồm các giới từ : in, on,
…+ danh từ ( in the school, in the village , in the house, there … )

<b>Eg: </b>I sometimes visit Duc Trong High school. I used to learn there.
<b>=> </b>I sometimes visit Duc Trong High school<b> where </b>I used to learn.

<b>When ( khi mà, thời gian mà) : </b>thay thế cho cụm từ <b>chỉ thời gian</b> ( on that day, in that month, then

<b>Eg:</b> Sunday is a day. I am free on that day.
=> Sunday is a day <b>when</b> I am free.

<b>Whose</b> ( của người mà / của vật mà): thay thế cho các tính từ sở hữu ( his / her / their / name’s ) +
danh từ.

<b>Eg: </b>This is the man. His son is my student.
<b>=> </b>This is the man <b>whose </b>son is my student.

3. Adverb clauses of concession ( mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự đối lập )

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự đối lập thường được bắt đầu bằng các từ <b>though / although / even though</b>
( <b>mặc dù /Dù cho</b>). Khi nối câu dùng những từ này rồi thì <b>tuyệt đối không thêm từ But</b> nữa
Eg: We went to Ha Noi to watch the parade <b>.</b> We live in Nam Dinh.

 We went to Ha Noi to watch parade <b>although</b> we live in Nam Dinh
<i><b>Or Although we live in Nam Dinh, we went to Ha Noi to watch parade.</b></i>
<b>UNIT 9:</b>

1. Relative pronouns : who,that, which.( Đại từ quan hệ : Who,that, which)

<b>That</b> là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho <b>Who, whom </b> và <b>which</b> nếu danh từ đi trước nó là some /any
+ N, the most / the + adj (est ) + Adj hoặc danh từ chỉ cả người và vật, all.

Eg: The men and animals were from China. You saw them on TV.
=> The men and animals <b>that</b> you saw on TV were from China.

2. Non – defining relative clauses ( mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định) : là loại mệnh đề dùng để cung cấp
thêm thông tin cho danh từ hoặc đại từ đi trước nó, nó có thể được bỏ đi mà khơng ảnh hưởng gì đến nghĩa
của câu. Mệnh đề quan hệ này thường đứng giữa hai dấu phẩy.

Eg: Viet Nam, <b>which is in South –east Asia</b> , exports rice
<b>V. UNIT 10.</b>

1. Modals :May /Might : động từ đặc biệt : May /Might : Có thể. Có lẽ.
May / might + V-infinitive

=> Dùng để: - dự đoán sự vật, sự việc. ( It might be a meteor : Có thể đó là một ngơi sao băng)

- nói về một khả năng . ( There might be water in Mars : Có khả năng có nước trên sao Hỏa)
- xin phép ( May I go out ? : Thưa cô cho em ra ngoài)

2. Conditional sentences type 2 ( câu điều kiện loại 2)

If clause (mệnh đề If) Main clause ( mệnh đề chính)
(+) If + S + VII, ed ( be -> were ) + …

(-) To be: If + S + were not + …
ĐT thường : if + S + didn’t + V-inf

(+) S + would / could /should + V-inf…
(-) S+ (would / could /should) not + V-inf…
Dùng để nói về một sự việc, hành động <b>khơng có thật hoặckhơng thể xảy ra ở hiện tại</b> .

Eg1: If I (be) were rich, I ( travel) would travel around the world ( Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ đi du lịch khắp trái đất
. Nhưng sự thật là tôi không giàu )

Eg 2: If I ( not stay up ) didn’t stay up late last night, I ( not be ) would not be late for school.


<b>HK II (2007-2008)</b>
<b>I. Từ vựng và ngữ pháp:</b>

1. You should have a /an ………to check the water pipes in your bathroom.

a. electrician b. scientist c. plumber d. builder

2. We love our parents very much and want them to be ………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

3. All the things……… we bought are for the party on New Year’s Eve.

a. that b. who c. whom d. what

4. Ho Chi Minh City will ……….temperatures betwwen 25 o<sub>C and 30</sub>o <sub>C tomorrow.</sub>

a. occur b. experience c. achieve d. arrive

5. Tuan has studied very hard; ……….his English is still not good.

a. however b. so c. therefore d. but

6. Lan : Congratulate you on your success, Nam.
Nam :……….

a. That’s a good idea b. That’s very kind of you c. You are welcome d. Well done

7. Ba is an active student. He always takes part ………many different charity activities in his

a. from b. of c. to d. in

8. On Women’s Day, we gave our mothers a bunch of flowers ………..were cut from the garden.

a. who b. whom c. which d. what

9. I suggest………posters on energy saving and hanging them around our school.

a. made b. making c. make d. to make

10. Thousands of people were saved…………scientists had warned them about the tidal waves.

a. because b. but c. and d. so

11. We were very………..that no one stopped those people using electricity to catch fish.

a. delighted b. excited c. worried d. pleased

12. ………..funnel – shaped storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm.

a. tornadoes b. Earthquakes c. hurricanes d. Typhoons

13. Don’t worry ! Our neighbor will …………the garden when we go on holiday.

a. look up b. look for c. look at d. look after

14. You can <b>decrease</b> the amount of garbage be collecting waste things for recycling.

a. increase b. raise c. reduce d. develop

15. If Jack writes more carefully, he……….so many mistakes.

a. wouldn’t make b. didn’t make c. doesn’t make d. won’t make

a. soil to be fertile b. farm crops to wither and die c. a good harvest d. irrigation
26. The temperatures during a drought are………

a. normal b. low c. comfortable d. high

27. The soil of adrought area………..

a. becomes more fertile b. becomes dry and crumbles.

c. blows away and will never be back. d. is easy to plow
28. According to the text, which of the following statements is <b>NOT TRUE</b>?
a. People can easily get water from the wells in the period of drought.
b. There are forest fires during droughts.

c. The crop is damaged in areas which are not irregated
d. Animals may die because of the lack of water.

<b>B. Phần tự luận ( 3đ)</b>

I. Viết lại các câu sau đây sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi (1đ)
1. The storm destroyed the town completely.

The town………
2. The traffic was bad yesterday. I arrived at the meeting on time.
3. How about reducing the amount of water we use every day?
4. Mr. John is our English teacher. He comes from Australia.
Mr. John , ………...

<b>II. Sử dụng những từ hoặc ngữ gợi ý sau đây để viết một lá thư (2đ) </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

1. I / just / receive / letter / and I fully / agree / you.

2. We / should celebrate/ Father’s Day / as people do / Australia / USA.

3. Children / have/ special day/ express/ feelings, memories and love / fathers.
4. In / opinion / we / celebrate/ this day/ the second Sunday of June.

5. Father’s Day / children / send cards / presents / fathers.
6. They also / have parties / go on picnics.

7. I believe / this idea / be supported / and celebrated / nationwide.
8. I / look forward / hear / you / soon.


ĐỀ THI HK II ( 2006 - 2007)

<b>Chọn từ / cụm từ thích hợp ( ứng với A, hoặc B,C,D ) để hoàn thành câu sau:</b>

1. What ………if you met an alien from outer space ?

A. would you do B. will you do C. did you do D. may you do

2. My mother helped me with my homework, ………she was tired.

A. as B. because C. when D. although

3. During the summer months the average……… in Da Lat is 18 degrees C.

A. weather B. highlands C. temperature D. resource

4.Thanh is absent from class today because she has to ………her sick mother.

A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look out

5. Peter : Let me congratulate you on your nomination, Amy?
Amy: …………

A. That’s a good idea B. Well done C. Yes, I think so D. it’s nice of you to say so
6. Banana leaves should ………to wrap things instead of plastic bags.

A. be used B. to be used C. used D. use

7. A pilot is a person………operates the controls of an aircraft.

A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

8. The earth, ……… is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun.

A. who B. whom C. which D. that

9. You will pass your examination if you ………hard

A. don’t work B. work C. worked D. didn’t work

10. Sally spoke so……… that we didn’t hear her………

A. soft / clear B. softly / clearly C. soft / clearly D. softly / clear
11. The roof………under the weight of snow.

A. destroyed B. erupted C. collapsed D. covered

12. They ………the room with flowers and balloons

A. decorated B. celebrated C. predicted D. separated
13. People can know when ………… will erupt nowadays, can’t they ?

A. a typhoon B. a tornado C. a volcano D. an earthquake
14. Nam is studying abroad. I ………since he left Viet Nam.

A. haven’t seen B. won’t see C. don’t see D. didn’t see
15. My mother enjoys ……… on weekends.

A. to cook B. cook C. cooking D. cooked

16. A dictionary is a book……… explains the meanings of words.

A. what B. who C. whom D. that

17. I suggest……… elderly people with their chores.

A. to help B. help C. helping D. being helped

18. You don’t like sugar, ………?

A. do you B. are you C. can you D. don’t you

<b>Chọn từ (ứng với A, hoặc B,C,D) có nghĩa tương đương với từ gạch dưới.</b>

24. They claimed that they were <b>captured </b> by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft

A. given food B. caught as prisoners C. examined carefully. D. taken photos

Chọn câu (ứng với A, hoặc B,C,D) tường thuật lại câu sau:

25. ‘ Do you understand my question ?” she said to Nam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

c. She said to Nam if he understood her question d. She told Nam if she understood his question
Chọn câu (ứng với A, hoặc B,C,D) diễn đạt đúng với những từ gợi ý sau:

26. Hung / tired / stayed up / late /play / computer games /

a. Hung tired because he stayed up late playing computer games b. Hung is tired although he stayed up
late playing computer games

c. Hung is tired because he stayed up late playing computer games d. Hung is tired therefore he stayed up
late playing computer games

27. Mai / person / always / help

a. Mai is a person who is always help me b. Mai is a person whom always helps me
c. Mai is a person who always helps me d. Mai is a person whom always helps me
28. problem / must / solve / quick.

a. This problem must solve quickly b. This problem must be solve quickly
c. This problem must be solved quickly d. This problem must be solved quick
29. Da Lat /I / visit / last year / beautiful / city.

a. Da Lat, that I visited last year, is a beautiful city b. Da Lat, where I visited last year, is a beautiful

c. Da Lat, which I have visited last year, is a beautiful city d. Da Lat, which I visited last year, is a beautiful

30. I/think / we / turn / all lights / before / leave / room.

a. I think we should turn off all the lights before leaving the room b. I think we should turn all the lights off
before leave the room

c. I think we should turn off all the lights before leave the room d. I think we should turn all the lights before
leaving the room

HKII ( 2008-2009)

<b>I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of the sentences ( 3 marks)</b>

1. The pesticides which are used on many farms are ……….water.

A. polluting B. preventing C. providing D. reducing

2. The……….is coming tomorrow to check the pipes and the faucets

A. activist B. alien C. plumber D. pilot

3. We have very high safety……….in this laboratory

A. innovations B. celebrations C. resources D. standards

4. When a(n)……….erupts, it explodes and flames and rocks come out of it

A. earthquake B. volcano C. typhoon D. thunderstorm

5. Companies have made new products which will not only work…….but also save money.

A. effectively B. generously C. ordinarily D. separately

6. The hurricane is ………to reach the coach of Nha Trang tomorrow morning

A. collapsed B. captured C. received D. predicted

7. John studies Vietnamese………….he wants a good job in Vietnam.

A. but B. so C. because D. although

8. he is a good driver. He drives the car ………

A. carefully B. careful C. careless D. carelessly

9. ……it is raining heavily, they go on a picnic ………..

A. Because B. Although C. Despite D. However

10. The gift…….he gave me on my birthday was really meaningful

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

11. Are you still looking………..a job ?

A. at B. after C. up D. for

12. I suggest ………to leak in the roof before a typhoon

A. fixed B. fixing C. to fix D. fix

II. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box (1,5 marks)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

Tet is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. It is celebrated according (1)………
Lunar Year, so it is called “ The Lunar New Year holiday”. When Tet comes nearer, people feel more
(2)……….On new Year’s Eve, people sit till (3) to welcome the New Year. Tet is a (4)………..for all family
members to gather and enjoy themselves. At Tet, streets, offices, public places, and homes are (5)
………..beautifully. (6)……….is tidied cleaner, speacial food is cooked such as sticky rice cakes, spring
rolls ... . Flowers are arranged everywhere in all the country.

<b>III. Read the passage and answer the questions below (1.5marks)</b>

How can Recycling Save Energy ?

Recycling means to use something again. Newspapers can be used to make new newspapers.
Aluminum cans can be used to make new aluminum cans. Glass jars can be used to make new glass
jars. Recycling often saves energy and natural resources through conservation.

It almost always takes less energy to make a product from recycled materials than it does to make it
from new materials. Using recycled aluminum scrap to make new aluminum cans, for example, uses 95
percent less energy than making aluminum cans from bauxite ore, the raw material used to make

Natural resources are riches provided courtesy of Mother Nature. Natural resources include land,
plants, minerals, and water. By using materials more than once, we conserve natural resources. In the
case of paper, recycling saves trees and water. Making a ton of paper from recycled stock save up to 17
trees and uses 50 percent less water.


1. What does recycle mean ?
2. What does recycling save ?

3. Does it take less energy to make a product from recycled materials than from new materials ?
4. What do natural resources include ?

5. How do we conserve natural resources ?

6. How many trees does making a ton of paper from recycled stock save up ?

<b>IV. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning </b>
<b>to the original sentence (1.5marks)</b>

1.I think it will rain tomorrow. We’ll have to stay indoors.
=> If it………..

2. he can’t go out with us because he is busy
=> If he weren’t

3. Why don’t we speak English in class more often?
=> What about……?

4. tennis is not difficult to learn to play. It is a popular sport.
=> Tennis, which……….

5. Lan is good at English. She lives next to my door.
=> Lan, who……….

6. people know water and electricity are in shortage but they still waste them much.
=> Although people……….

<b>V. Write a complaint letter about the bad service of L&P Company by using the words given </b>

1. I/ writing to you/ the dripping faucet.

2. You/ replace it/two days ago. Unfortunately, it/drip/now
3. I/ disappointed/ that/ your assistants/not support/me
4. When/I/phoned / place, they told /me you/out
5. They asked /me /I/ turn off/it/ tightly

6. Then,/told me/ do/it again

7. Finally, they/angry/advised me/look / another plumber.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

10. Please contact me/ the above address / by phone at 063557788
Start your letter like this:

HK II ( 2009-2010)

<b>I/ Choose the right word and circle the letter before it (5ms)</b>

1. He can’t play with us because he has to ………..his little brother ( look after / look for / look forward /
look up)

2. He ………..this house for two weeks ( buy / bought / has bought / buys)
3. Can you turn ………..the TV. It’s too noisy ( on /off / in / at)

4. I’m tired……….I stayed up late watching TV last night ( however / but / so / because)

5. What activities do you enjoys ………in at school and at the club.( take part/ taking part / taken part
in / took part.)

6. Mount Pinatubo, ………is a volcano in the Philippines, erupted in 1991.

7. The teacher asked me ………..a question about earthquakes. ( to answer / answer / answered /

8. Tet is the most important………for Vietnamese people. ( day off / day / celebration / week)
9. If we go ………littering, the environment will become seriously polluted. ( on / off / of / for)
10. We will have no fresh air to use if we ………the water ( polluted / pollute / pollutes / polluting)
11. What about ………soccer ? – That’s a good idea. ( play / playing / to play /played)

12. I suggest………showers to save water .( took / take / taking / to take )

13. Going swimming in the summer is very interesting ,……….? 9 aren’t they / isn’t it / is it / are they)
14. The house ………..two years ago ( be built / was built / was building / is built)

15. Lan is interested ………..playing tennis ( with / in / at / about)
16. Daddy, it’s the weather forecast ……….TV( to / at / in /on)

17. The people ………..live in Greece speak Greek ( who / whom / where / which)

18. We should stand in the ………of a room when there is an earthquake striking.( corner/ wall / floor / rest)
19. ………..are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth.( tornadoes /

volcanoes / tidal waves / earthquakes)

20. Central highlands can expect ………( thunderstorms / sunny / cloudy / rainy)

<b>II/ Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box ( 1 point)</b>

Percentage serious provides reduce air pollution

Everyone wants to (1)………..pollution. But pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious. It is
complicated because much of (2)………is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust
from motorbikes cause large percentage of air pollution. But the automobile (3)………transportation to
millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes (4)………..and water, but factories give
employment to a large number of people.

<b>III. Read the text. Then do exercises below it (1,5 points)</b>

Electricity is the common form of energy today. In the modern world electricity is very available at the
touch of a switch.

Electricity has many uses. The most common use of electricity is to provide artificial lighting. In factories,
electricity is used to light up the work place. It also used to operate air conditioners, computers and many other
machines. Electricity is also used to power many appliances include television sets, computers, electric fans,
irons and many others. The list is simply endless. Modern man will most probably be lost without electricity.

 make True or false :

1……….The passage is about a kind of energy.
2……….Electricity has a lot of uses.

3……….Without electricity. Our modern life will not be affected
4……….The appliances that are depended on electricity are endless.
 Answer the questions :

1. What is the most common use of electricity ?

2. Is the electricity used for computers ?

<b>IV. Combine these sentences ( 2 points)</b>

a. Hoa still went to see the doctor . She wasn’t sick ( using “ although”)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

c. Mr. John would buy that machine. He had a lot of money ( using “If”)

d. This boy wants to see the detective movie. It is about Sherlock Holmes ( using Relative clause)

<b>V. Complete the sentences with the cues given ( 0.5point)</b>

1. If/ we/ pollute / water / have / fresh water / use
2. I / suggest / turn / electric fan / before / going out..

HK II ( 2010-2011)
<i><b>I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (2 điểm) </b></i>

1. It was hot, ... I turned on the air conditioner.
A. because B. so C. although D. but
2. We walked ... half an hour to reach the village.
A. at B. until C. for D. from
3. Trung likes ... sports.

A.watch B watched C.watches D.watching
4. Mrs Yen forgot to turn ... the faucet when she
left for work.

A. on B, up C. down D. off

5. I like reading books ...tell about peoples and their

A. which B. whom C. whose D. who
6. We should take a shower instead of a bath to save.
A. electricity B. water C. solar energy D. gas
7. Tet is the most important ... for Vietnamese people.
A. celebration B. party C. memory D. opportunity
8. Ba ate a lot of food ... he wasn’t hungry.

A. so B. because C. therefore D. though
<i><b>II. Điền vào khoảng trống với MỘT từ thích hợp (1 điểm) </b> </i>

<i> </i>1. We can reduce garbage by ... ... plastic bags.

2. The explorer... ... discovered America was Christopher Columbus.
3. The holidays were.... ... cheap that they booked one immediately.
4. Their flight was delayed .... ... there was so much fog.

<i><b>III. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hoặc dạng thích hợp (1,5 điểm)</b></i>

1. The examiner asked me if I ...(speak) any foreign languages.

2. If we go on littering, the environment ... (become) seriously polluted.
3. I suggest ... (reduce) the amount of gas by traveling by public transport.

4. We can save natural resources by ... solar energy instead of coal, gas or oil.
5. If the rice paddies ... (pollute), rice plants will die.

6. Remember ... (take off) your shoes when you go into the temple.

IV. N i m t câu A và m t câu tr l i B (1,5 đi m)ố ộ ở ộ ả ờ ở ể

<b> A</b>

1. Hello, you must be Maryam.
2. It’s a great presentation.
3. I am so tired.

4. My grades are terrible.
5. I love watching the news.

6. We should burn trash to reduce the garbage we produce.

<b> B</b>

a. Why don’t you take a rest?
b. That’s a good idea. Let’s do that.
c. I enjoy it, too.

d. It’s nice of you to say so.
e. That’s right, I am.

f. You should study harder.
<i><b>V. Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và trả lời các câu hỏi (2 điểm) </b></i>

Avonton is a small town. It lies between two rivers, the River Avon and the River Lee. There are
two factories in Avonton. The jeans factory is near the railway station. The shoe factory is opposite the
cinema. The main shopping street is called Market Street. There are a lot of shops on this street and a big
shopping centre on one side. Opposite the shopping centre is a pub. On the corner there is a café called <i>The</i>

<i>Half Moon</i>. A lot of young people go to <i>The Half Moon </i>after school. Most of the teenagers in Avonton go

to the secondary school. The school is at the end of Northway Avenue. There’s a park near the school with
a football pitch in the middle. The leisure centre is next to the park and opposite the school. Behind the
leisure centre there is a tennis court.

A lot of people work in Avonton, but some people travel 100 kilometers every day to work in shops
and offices in Birmingham.

1. Which two products do they make in Avonton?

2. What is a popular place for young people to go in town?
3. What sports can people do outside in Avonton?

4. Why do some people go to Birmingham every day?


<b>I / Nối những câu sau với từ cho sẵn:</b>

1. We could not get tickets. We queued for an hour. ( although)
2. Nancy felt hot in her coat.She took it off ( so)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

4. Intel computers are very good. They are made in India. ( which)
<b>II/ Rewrite the following sentence:</b>

1. Many tourists enjoy festivals in Vietnam.Tourists don’t understand Vietnamese culture very much.
-> Though

2. I bought a new computer. It cost me a lot of money ( which)

3. I think it would be a good idea to take the train -> I suggest
4. I know some people.They live in London ( who)

<b>III. Điền 1 giới từ thích hợp cho các câu sau</b> :

1. I’m looking forward……….hearing from you.

2. We were interested……….the program on TV last night.
3. She prefers walking ………..swimming

4. I look………..my lost key everywhere but I can’t find it.
<b>IV.Viết lại các câu sau theo gợi ý :</b>

1. As a boy, I often flew a kite -> I used

2. What a pity I don’t know many friends -> I wish I
3. People grow rice in tropical countries -> Rice

4. “ Why do you want this job ?” -> My sister asked me
<b>V/ Viết lại câu sau theo yêu cầu trong ngoặc </b>

1. Ann is very friendly. She lives next door ( using who)

2. The postcard was from henry. It came this morning ( using which)
3. It was abeautiful day. We decided to go out ( using so)

4. Shall we go to the cinema tonight ? ( begin with What about)
5. I lose the key, so I can not get into the house ( beginning with if )
<b>VI/ Viết lại những câu sau sao cho nghĩa giống như câu đã cho </b>

1. I think it would be a good idea to spend the summer vacation in Da Lat.
 I suggest

2. You can avoid waiting by booking the table in advance.
 If

3. Because of the bad weather, we didn’t go on a picnic.
-> Because

4. Her book is widely read. It is well- written ( relative pronoun)
5. “ Do you read this information, Lan ?” Ba asked

-> Ba asked

<b>VII/ Dùng And, but, so, because để nối những câu sau </b>:

1. I like mary very much, ……….I don’t like her brother.
2. I can’t go out tonight………I haven’t enough money.

3. She went to the theater last night……….she had a wonderful time
4. I enjoy learning English……….I enjoy learning math. Too.

<b>VIII/ a/ Viết lại câu thứ 2 sao cho nghĩa không đổi theo từ gợi ý :</b>
1. It’s going to rain, so we can’t go camping. -> If

2. I think it would be a good idea to take the train -> I suggest
3. Going fishing with friends is fun -> It’s

b/ Nối cặp câu sau thành 1 câu sử dụng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc
1. I lost my bike. I bought it two years ago.( which)

2. I know the man. He lives in your neighborhood. ( who)
3. Nam always gets bad marks. He is very lazy ( so)

<b>IX/ Supply the correct tense or form of the verb in brackets :</b>

1. My brother came home late last night. He ( not get up)………yet.
2. The teacher told his students ( not make )………..such noise in class.
3. I passed the ( write)………..exam but I fail the oral test.

4. We have to stop ( work )………because of the noise.
<b>X/ Rewrite the following sentences as directed in parentheses :</b>

1. We don’t know much about tennis rules.We like to play it ( however)
2. Smoking is not good for our health. Many people like them. (even though)
3. We always love our form teacher. She is very kind ( using relative pronoun)
4. My best friend gave me a lovely cat ( change into passive voice)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>XI/ Rewrite these sentences as directed in brackets:</b>

1. Lan is my classmate.She lives near my grandparent’s house ( combine in one sentence using a
relative pronoun)

2. It rained heavily.My father went to work on time ( combine into one sentence using “ although”)
3. We don’t have enough money, so we can’t buy that house ( If)

4. The trousers are too small for me. I bought them yesterday (combine in one sentence using a relative

5. We hadn’t seen Lis for a long time so we didn’t recognize her (combine in one sentence using

6. She isn’t English. She speaks English perfectly (combine in one sentence using Although)

7. The boy is Jane’s brother. He sat beside you at the party last night (combine in one sentence using
a relative pronoun)

8. We don’t have enough money to go on holiday. ( if we )

9. We / would / the flight / afraid / were / you / miss/ that ( write sentence in the correct order)
10. Let’s go abroad for our holiday this year. ( Why)

<b>I. UNIT 6:</b>

1. Adverb of manner (Trạng từ chỉ thể cách,mức độ )

* Cách thành lập :Tính từ ( Adj) + ly = Adv of manner( Trạng từ chỉ thể cách)
eg: slow -> slowly

happy -> hapily.
Good -> well.

Ngoại lệ : hard, late, fast, early vừa là tính từ vừa là trạng từ

* Vị trí : - Đứng sau tân ngữ của câu. ( Mrs. Nga speaks English quite <b>well</b>)
- Đứng sau động từ thường. ( The old man walked <b>slowly</b> to the park)
- Thường đứng ở cuối câu. ( She sings <b>beautifully</b>)

2. Adverbs clauses of reason ( mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do) <b>Since /As / Because</b> : Bởi vì .
Eg: Ba is tired <b>because / since / as</b> he stayed up late watching TV.

3. Conditional sentences- Type 1 ( Câu điều kiện loại 1)
* Cấu trúc :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

If + S( he/ she/ it / tên) + Vs /Ves …

<i><b>* Thêm “ es” vào sau nếu động từ đó tận cùng là o, x,ch, sh,ss (ví </b></i>
<i><b>dụ: go, watch, wash, ..)</b></i>

(-) If + S (I / you / we / they) + don’t + V- infinitive …
If + S( he/ she/ it / tên) + doesn’t+ V-infinitive.

(-) S + won’t + V-inf…
* Usage : Diễn tả một điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

Eg : If we <b>goon</b> littering, the environment <b>will become</b> seriously polluted.

( “Nếu chúng ta tiếp tục xả rác, môi trường sẽ bị ô nhiễm nặng” . Môi trường bị ô nhiễm nặng là khả
năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai nếu chúng ta cứ tiếp tục xả rác)

** Exercise :

I. Underline the best answers :

1. If you know where she lives, please let me ( know / knew / known / to know )
2. Unless you understand , I ( am / was / will / would ) explain it again to you.
3.The air in the city is very ( pollute / pollution / polluted / pollutant )

4.The accident happened because of driving ( careful / carefully / careless / carelessly)
1. He is going to( collect / collection / collective / collector )

2. If they ( are / were / was / be ) students, they must wear uniform.

3. She was ( happy / happily / unhappy / unhappily ) because of her bad result.

4. We ( won’t buy / wouldn’t buy / haven’t bought / didn’t buy ) this car if it is expensive.
5. If he is careful, he( will/ would / could / must ) get good marks.

6. This newspaper is ( publishing / published/ to publish / publish )everyday.It’s a daily newspaper.
7. He shouted and looked ( angry / angrier / angrily / anger) at me when I broke the vase.

8. He is tired now( so / because/ but / and ) he stayed up late watching TV.
9. She sings very ( beauty / beautify / beautiful / beautifully).

10. If the ( pollution / pollute / polluted / polluting ) continues, what will happen ?
11. If it doesn’t rain , we ( go / will go / going / come ) to the movies.

12. Everyone must take part in ( prevent / preventing / being prevented/ prevented ) deforestation.
13. I suggest ( go/ to go / going / went ) to the movies.

14. If you like this book, I will give it ( for / from at / to ) you as my present.

15. I was very ( amaze / amazed / amazing / amazement )that you won the first prize.
16. I’m disappointed ( that / when / if / how ) people have spoiled this area

II. Read the text, then answer the questions below it :

Air pollution is caused of ill – health in human beings. In a lot of countries , there are laws limiting the
amount of smoke which factories can produce although there is not enough information on the effects
of smoke in the atmosphere. Doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases. The gases from
the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol produces a

poisonous gas, which is often collected in busy streets circled by high buildings. Children who live in
areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children , and are
clumsy ( vụng về ) when they use their hands

** Questions :

1. What does the air pollution cause ?

2. Who has proved that air pollution causes lung diseases ?

3.Is there air pollution in the city ? Why or why not?

4.What happens to the children who lives in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere?

<b>II. UNIT 7: </b>

1. Connectives ( Từ nối ):Viết nghĩa tiếng Việt của những từ nối sau:

And :và But: nhưng

Because / Since/As :Bởi vì Or: hay là, hoặc là
So :vì thế, vì vậy Therefore:vì vậy mà
However :Tuy nhiên

2. Phrasal verbs ( Động từ kép )

Turn on: mở ( ti vi, đài) Listen to: nghe

Turn off: tắt Dream about:mơ về

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

Look after:trơng coi, chăm sóc Look up:tra cứu
Go on :tiếp tục Talk about: nói về
3. Suggestions ( câu đề nghị)

Suggestion Response

1. I suggest + V-ing 1. OK

2. What about + V-ing…? 2. That’s a good idea

3. How about + V-ing…? 3. All right.

4. Shall we + V-inf ..? 4. No. I don’t want to.

5. Let’s + V-inf… 5. I prefer to…

6. I think we should + V-inf… 6. Let’s…

7. Why don’t we + V-inf …?

8. I suggest that + S + should + V-inf
** Exercises :

I. Underline the best answers:

1. She is very tired;( moreover /so /and / however ) , she has to finish her homework.
2. Is he an actor ( and /or / with / so ) a singer ?

3. he was tired, (so /and /but/ if) he took a rest before continuing the work.
4. She forgot ( turn / turning / to turn / turned ) off the gas before going out.

5. I suggest ( save /to save/ saving/ saved) money for the poor people in our neighborhood.
6. We can protect the environment by ( reduce / reducing / reduced / to reduce ) air pollution.

7. I want to see the ( protect / protected / protecting / protection) of environment from the local authority.
8. I lost my pen. I have looked ( at /after / up / for ) it for all morning.

9. She stay at home because she has to look ( at /after / up /for ) her baby.
10. remember to turn ( of / off /on / up ) the light before going to bed.
<b>III. UNIT 8:</b>

4. Relative clauses ( mệnh đề quan hệ / mệnh đề tính ngữ) ):

Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định là mệnh đề dùng để xác định danh từ hoặc đại từ mà người nói muốn nhấn
mạnh đến.

Eg: Mrs. Hoa <b>who teaches maths in my school</b> is Mrs. Quynh Hoa.
5. Relative pronouns ( Đại từ quan hệ )

<b>Who</b> : là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ <b>chỉ người</b>, làm <b>chủ ngữ </b>trong
mệnh đề quan hệ.

Eg : <b>Tom</b> can compose songs. <b>Tom</b> can sing Western folk songs very well .
Tom <b>who</b> can sing Western folk songs very well can compose songs.

<b>Whom</b>: là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ <b>chỉ người</b>, làm <b>tân ngữ</b> trong
mệnh đề quan hệ

<b>Which</b> : là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ <b>chỉ vật</b> , làm <b>chủ ngữ và làm </b>
<b>tân ngữ</b> trong mệnh đề quan hệ.

<b>That </b>la<b> </b>đại từ quan hệ dùng để <b>thay thế cho who, whom, which</b> trong <b>mệnh đề quan hệ xác định</b>
<b>Where </b>( nơi mà ) : thay thế cho cụm từ <b>chỉ nơi chốn</b>. Cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn gồm các giới từ : in, on,
…+ danh từ ( in the school, in the village , in the house, there … )

<b>When ( khi mà, thời gianmà) : </b>thay thế cho cụm từ <b>chỉ thời gian</b> ( on that day, in that month, then

Eg : <b>This watch</b> is a gift. <b>The watch</b> was given to me by my aunt on my 14 th <sub> birthday.</sub>
This watch is a gift <b>which</b> was given to me by my aunt on my 14 th <sub> birthday.</sub>

<b>Whose</b> ( của người mà / của vật mà): thay thế cho các tính từ sở hữu ( his / her / their / name’s ) +
danh từ.

6. Adverb clauses of concession ( mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự đối lập )

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự đối lập thường được bắt đầu bằng các từ <b>though / although / even though</b>
( <b>mặc dù /Dù cho</b>)

Eg: We went to Ha Noi to watch the parade <b>although (though /even though</b> ) we live in Nam Dinh.
** Exercises :

I. Underline the best answers :

1. At last , I’ve found the information that I was looking ( up /at /for /after)

2. Tet is a festival ( it /what / which /who) occurs in late January or early February.
3. (Even / Even though / Even when / Even if ) she can’t drive, she has bought a car.

4. What is the name of the man ( he /what /which /who ) gave us a lift.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

6. It’s late. It’s time for us ( go /going /to go / went) home.

7. I live in Da Lat, ( who /which / whom/ whose ) is one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam.
8. The picture ( which /whom /who / whose) I bought was very valuable.

9. Auld Lang Syne is a song ( which /who / whom /whose ) is sung on New Year’s Eve.
10. I saw the girl ( which /whom /who/ whose ) helped us last week.

<b>IV. UNIT 9:</b>

1. Relative pronouns : who,that, which.( Đại từ quan hệ : Who,that, which)

<b>That</b> là đại từ quan hệ dùng để thay thế cho <b>Who, whom </b> và <b>which</b> nếu danh từ đi trước nó là some /any
+ N, the most / the + adj (est ) + Adj hoặc danh từ chỉ cả người và vật.

Eg: The men and animals <b>that</b> you saw on TV were from China.

2. Non – defining relative clauses ( mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định) : là loại mệnh đề dùng để cung cấp
thêm thông tin cho danh từ hoặc đại từ đi trước nó, nó có thể được bỏ đi mà khơng ảnh hưởng gì đến nghĩa
của câu. Mệnh đề quan hệ này thường đứng giữa hai dấu phẩy.

Eg: Vietnam, <b>which is in South –east Asia</b> , exports rice. ( mệnh đề “<b>which is in South –east Asia” </b>được
gọi là mệnh đề quan hệ khơng xác định , nó cung cấp thêm thơng tin cho Vietnam, và mệnh đề đó có thể bỏ
đi mà câu Vietnam exports rice vẫn đầy đủ nghĩa)

**Exercise :

I. Underline the best answers:

1. Mount Pinatubo,( which /who /whom /whose) is a vocalno in the Philippines, erupted in 1991.
2. We ( don’t meet /didn’t meet / won’t meet / havn’t met ) since we left school.

3. I’ll bring some raincoats just in case. I hope my friends ( didn’t /won’t / don’t / haven’t) laugh at me.
4. In 1995, a huge earthquake ( strike /struck / striking / striked ) the city of Kobe in Japan.

5. Ninety percent of ( earthquakes / typhoons / thunderstorms / tornadoes) occur around the Pacific Rim
know as the “ Ring of Fire”.

6. A ( tsunami / typhoon / thunderstorm / tornado) is a tropical storm which reaches 120 kilometers per

7. That is the book ( who / whom /that /whose) he bought last night.

8. Easter is a festival (which /who /whom /whose ) occurs in late March or early April.

9. According to the weather ( forecast / forecaster / forecasted / forecasting), it will be raining tonight.
10. Nowadays, the ( science / scientific / scientists / scientifically) can know when a volcano will erupt.
<b>V. UNIT 10.</b>

1. Modals :May /Might : động từ đặc biệt : May /Might : Có thể. Có lẽ.

May / might + V-infinitive

=> Dùng để: - dự đoán sự vật, sự việc. ( It might be a meteor : Có thể đó là một ngơi sao băng)

- nói về một khả năng . ( There might be water in Mars : Có khả năng có nước trên sao

- xin phép ( May I go out ? : Thưa cơ cho em ra ngồi)
2. Conditional sentences type 2 ( câu điều kiện loại 2)

If clause (mệnh đề If) Main clause ( mệnh đề chính)
(+) If + S + VII, ed ( be -> were ) + …

(-) To be: If + S + were not + …
ĐT thường : if + S + didn’t + V-inf

(+) S + would / could /should + V-inf…
(-) S+ (would / could /should) not + V-inf…
Dùng để nói về một sự việc, hành động <b>khơng có thật hoặckhơng thể xảy ra ở hiện tại</b> .

Eg: If I were rich, I would travel around the world ( Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ đi du lịch khắp trái đất . Nhưng sự
thật là tôi không giàu )

** Exercise : Underline the best answers :

1. We passed shops ( the /their /which /who) windows were decorated for Christmas .
2. I haven’t got a ticket. If ( I’d had / I had / I have / I have got ) one, I could get in.

3. If I ( lose / will lose /lost / would lost ) the passport, I’ll be in trouble.

4.Scientists say that if people see a UFO, it( must be /would be / might be / will be ) an aircraft.
1. If there were flying saucers , there ( would be /will be / are /is ) traces of their landing.
2. He won’t be happy if you ( didn’t /haven’t / don’t /won’t ) come.

3. Where would you go if you ( have /has / had /having) a car ?

4. He is ( interest / interesting / interested / interestingly ) in reading picture books.
5. There is no ( evident / evidential / evidentially / evidence) that he has been here.
6. If he ( is /were /had /be) you, he would do this work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

Drought is a condition that becomes when the average rainfall for a fertile area drops far below the normal
amount for a long period of time. In area which are not irritated, the lack of rain causes farm crops to
whither and dead. Higher than normal temperatures usually accompany periods of drought. They add to the
crop damage . Forest fires start easily during drought. The soil of the drought area becomes dry and

crumbles. Often the rich topsoil is blown away by the hot, dry winds. Stream, ponds, and wells often dry
up during a drought, and animals suffer and may even die because of the lack of water.

1. What is the drought ?

2. Do forest fires start easily during drought ?
3.How does the soil of a drought area become ?



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