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unit 1lesson 2

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<b>Date: Monday, August 29, 2011</b>
<b>Period: 3</b>


<b>Lesson 2: A 3 – 4 - 5 – 6</b>


<i><b>I.</b></i> <b>Knowledge : By the end of this lesson, sts can greeting each other, introduce new friends…</b>

<i><b>II.</b></i> <b>Skills : listening and speaking</b>

<i><b>III.</b></i> <b>Teaching aids : course book, lesson plan, mp3 player</b>
<b>B. PROCEDURE :</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Settlement : - Greeting</b>

- Checking attendance

<b>II.</b> <b>Checking and Revision : Call sts in group to go to the board to play roles, greeting each other…</b>
<b>III.</b> New Lesson:


<b>1. Listen and Repeat:</b>

- Play the mp3 player and ask sts to listen

- Read aloud and ask sts to repeat.

- Tell some sts to stand up and read in pairs

- Call some sts to stand up and ask them to
answer T’s questions

- Correct the sts’ pronunciation and their

<b>2. Listen</b>

- Ask sts to read the expressions in the box
- Play the mp3 player

- Tell sts to stand up and read aloud in pairs
- Correct their doing

<b>3. Speak</b>

- Base on the above dialogues and their
expressions, tell sts to work in pairs
- Call some to stand up and speak

- Listen to the mp3 carefully
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Stand up and read in pairs
- Stand up and speak with the T.

- Listen and repeat

- Listen to the mp3 player and complete the

a. <i><b>Mr. Tan</b>: Hello, Lien, <b>How are you</b>?</i>

<i> <b>Miss Lien</b>: <b>Very good</b>, thank you. <b>How about </b></i>
<i><b>you</b>, Tan?</i>

<i> <b>Mr. Tan</b>: <b>Not bad</b>, but I’m very busy.</i>
<i> <b>Miss Lien</b>: <b>Me, too</b></i>

b. <i><b>Nam</b>: Good afternoon, Nga. <b>How is </b></i>

<i> <b>Nga</b>: <b>Ok</b>, thanks. <b>How are you today</b>, Nam?</i>
<i> <b>Nam</b>: Just fine, thanks.</i>

<i> <b>Nga</b>: I’m going to the lunch room.</i>
<i> <b>Nam</b>: Yes<b>, so am I</b></i>

- Stand up and read aloud
- Copy down

- Work in pairs
- Practice speaking

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- Correct their doings
<b>4. Listen.</b>

- Tell sts to look at the pictures and guess the

- Play the mp3 player 3 times and ask sts to


- Correct them

- Look at the pictures and discuss what they are

- Listen to the mp3 player carefully.
- Write the letters of dialogues in order
<b>IV.</b> <b>Conclusion: Students and greet, ask and answer about meeting situations</b>

<b>V.</b> <b>Homework : Practice speaking at home, Do exercises A3,4,5,6</b>
Prepare for the coming lesson: Lesson 3

<b>VI.</b> <b>After-teaching Notes: </b>




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