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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<i><b>I / Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence. </b></i>

1. They don’t know the students have to work ____ at school and at home ( hard, hardly, boring, interesting)
2. I ____ to go shopping with her (prefer, like, hate, all are correct)

3. He ____ doing housework ( hates, prefers, likes, all are correct)

4. ____ tell my parents ? (Do I ought to, ought to I, Ought I to, ought I)
5. What ____ on Saturday afternoons? (do you, you do, do you do, are you)
6. He ____ interested in your new drawing. (may be, may is, mays be, mays is)
7. She watched him ____ her bicycle (fixed, fixes, fix, fixing)

8. I’m glad ____ hear you’re better now (hear, to hear, hearing, for hearing)

9. Doing morning exercise regularly keeps me ____ (fit, healthy, healthful, fit & healthy)
10. I like durian. ____ (so do I, me – too, I do too, all are correct)

11. I ____ taking a walk every Sunday morning. (plan, want, enjoy, decide)

12. You ____ spend much time playing video games (should, shouldn’t, need, needn’t)
13. The inventors of the games ____ very rich. (become, begin, start, is)

14. Many tennis players are ____ twenty or twenty two (so young so, so young as, as young as, as young

15. I hate ____ housework. (do, to do, doing, to do or doing)
16. The noise ____ me awake at night ( takes, keeps, gives, does)
17. Could you help me ____ the cooking (with, by, for, to)

18. He teaches me ____ tennis (play, to play, playing, to play or playing)
19. ____ Do you do on Sunday morning? ( How, What, Why, Who)

20. Tim spends much time ____ video games ( in, at, on, for)

21. I had to ____ from the bank to pay for my car (send, borrow, take, give)

22. Children should ____ in outdoor activities with their friends ( take part, join, come, a & b)
23. The police caught those ___ yesterday evening (robs, robbery, robber, robbers)

24. ____ is a person who makes or thinks of something new (Cyclist, Dentist, Inventor, Police)
25. Children _____ spend a long time on playing video games (should, shouldn’t, mustn’t )
26. She sings ____ (beautiful, nice, beautifully, lovely)

27. He volunteered ____ us all in his car (take, to take, taking, to taking)

28. We can learn more about the undersea world ____ this invention (because, for, thanks to, thanks for)
29. The number of participants ____ every week (increase, increases, is increase, are increase)

30. He’s a good swimmer . _____ (He swims well, He like swimming, He can swim very fast, He
usually swims)

31. He said he would wait ___ me (of, for, to, in)

32. Do you like to take part in our club? (play, go, join, get)

33. They take a walk instead ____ bicycle trips (take, to take, of take, of taking)
34. He is learning ____ in the lake (swim, to swim, swimming, to swimming)
35. I like to listen to rock music (love, want, enjoy, hate)

36. His mother wanted him ____ some bread (buy, to buy, buying, to buying)
37. ____ is a person who rides a bicycle (Scientist, Cyclist, Member, Participant)

38. Yesterday, they ____ to the movie theatre (go, foes, went, are going)

39. I don’t like spinach, _______ (so do I , so am I, I am not either, Neither do I )
40. She told me not ____ late (be, to be, being, to being)

41. The dentist asks him not to forget ____ his teeth (brush, to brush, brushing, to brushing)
42. I like spinach, ____ (Neither do I, Neither am I, So do I, So am I)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

44. Could you ____ the table for lunch? (put, set, take, use)
45. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good ____ you. (for, at, of, on)
46. It’s a ____ baby (health, healthy, healthful, healthily)

47. We can eat a large amount ____ fresh fruit and vegetables (of, for, to, on)
48. He is a student ______ (we are so, so we are , so are we, so do we)

49. These medicines can make you ____ better. (feel, to feel, feeling, to feeling )
50. I always try to have a healthy, balanced ____ (food, diet, exercise, product)
51. This food tastes ____ (careful, carefully, delicious, deliciously)

52. After you take some medicines, you will feel ____ (well, good, better, good or better)
53. She left without ____ goodbye (say, to say, saying, to saying)

54. I hates carrots. I don’t like peas, ____ (also, either, too, all are correct)
55. What was wrong ____ you? (to, with, about, )

56. Yesterday they had a ____ check – up (medical, medicine, medicines, medicinal)

57. ____ is a shop where you can buy medicines and a lot of other things (Bakery, Toy store, Shoes
store, Drugstore )

58. She needs ____ those medicines (has, to have, having, to having)

59. Our teacher told us ____ this book (read, to read, reading, to reading)

60. The ____ of flu include a headache, a high temperature and aches in the body (symptom, symptoms,
cure, cures)

61. Last year, my aunt ____ me a new dress (buys, is buying, buyed, ought)
62. He wants to learn ____ to use the computer (what, how, why, who)
63. What do you think ____ Nha Trang? (to, for, of, at)

64. It’s not difficult ____ a new dress (make, making, to make, to making)
65. I always _____ up early ( get, gets, got, getted)

66. He _____ a letter from my pen pal 2 days ago (receive, received, receives, is receiving)
67. What ____ she do yesterday? (do, does, was, did)

68. The family returned ____ Ha Noi by train (for, in, to, back)

69. My pen pal ____ to visit me next month (is coming, will come, come, is coming and will come)
70. Hoa is a keen student and she ____ hard (study, studys, studies, is studying)

71. I had a good time ____ my parents in the city (with, for, at)

72. Where ____ you visit when you were in Hoi An? (do, will, did)
73. I ____ to see some temples on the first day (go, am going, went)
74. Did you ____ anything there? (bought, buy, brought)

75. I never learn how ____ a sewing machine (sew, to sew, sewing)
76. Do you help your parents ____ housework? (for, about, with)

77. Don’t forget to wash ____ before meals (feet, hands, teeth)
78. I know how too take care ____ myself (of, about, off)

79. My father is a ____ football player (skill, skillful, skillfully)
80. He also cycles ____ (safe, safety, safely)

81. ____ is a fun, easy and inexpensive activity (walking, walk, walked )
82. He is a fast driver. He drives very _____ (fastly, fast, faster)

83. I can’t go out for a walk now, I ____ my homework (must do, must to do, must doing)
84. Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow? (Yes I do, Yes I like, I’d love to)

85. Are you free ____ Sunday ? (on, for, to)
<i><b>II. Rewrite the following sentences:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

2.How heavy is Peter?

What ...
4.Hoa hates the noise and the busy road in the city.

Hoa doesn’t ...
5.MichaelJordan is a skillful basketball player.

Mr. Jordan plays ...
6.I’m not a doctor. They aren’t doctor. (neither or either)

7. Why don’t we go to the movies?

What ...
8.Milk is good for your health . Orange juice is good for health. (So /too).

9.Mai is taller than Hoa

Hoa is ...
10.You should wash your hands before meals

You ought to ...
11.My farm has a lot of vegetables and cattle

There are ...
12.children like picture books very much.

children are interested...
13.The sailors like the sea better than the land.

The sailors prefer ...
14.My father likes watching TV better than listening to music.

My father prefers_...
15.My teacher rides a bike to the school every day

My teacher goes ...
17.Long is 15 years old, Nga is 13 and Loan is 10.

Long is the ...
18.You must wash the spinach carefully.

You ought...
19.I like watching TV better than playing games

I prefer...
20.She is a safe cyclist.

She ...
21.Let’s see a detective movie.

What about...?
22.Do you want to have a drink?

Would you ...?
23.Why don’t we do exercises every morning?

Let’s ...
24.How old is he?

What’s ...
25 She is a skillful soccer player.

She ...
26. Let’s go to the dentist?

->What about ...?
<i><b>III. Choose the underlined part that contains error:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

2/ I am going to listen to the radio and reading a book tonight

3. The doctor advised me to eat fewer sugar.


4. Lan likes badminton but she doesn’t play it very good.
5.Hoa buyed some meat and a lot of fruit yesterday.

<i><b>IV. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences:</b></i>
1.there/ be/ oranges/ and/ ice-cream/ fridge

2. I’ll give/ you/ medicine/ make/ feel better

3. He/like/cartoons/better/films

4.during/ dinner/ we/ talk/ day

5.Nga/ mother/ write/ sick note/ her/ yesterday?

<i><b>V. Complete the sentences, using word form</b></i>

1. He is a…………driver. He drives…...…….(care)
2. She knows all the people in her……...(neighbor)
3.You should brush your teeth………...(regular)
4. The children are always………...(noise)
5. What a…………...….film! (bore)

6………...is a person who invents something (invent)
7.She is a…………...…..singer (fame)

8.He is very ………...in video games (interest)
<i><b>VI. Put into order:</b></i>

1. skillfully /plays/ Mr Long / volleyball .


2. outdoors/ skills / develop /and / their/ should /children /all / play/ social

3.did / go / why / the / last/ Hoa/ to / dentist / week/ ?

4.They/ too/ it/ didn’t/ a/ because/ was/ have/ TV/ expensive/

5. I/ taking/ part/ activities/ in/ prefer/ outdoor.

6. There/ an/ interesting/ TV/was/ film/ school/about activities/ on/ last/ night

7.feel/doctor/ scared/ when/children/come/they/to/see/the


8. Minh/ morning/ does/ every/ exercises/ day.

9. the/ told/ doctor/ to/ brush/ him/ his/ regularly/teeth

<i><b>VII. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.</b></i>

1. Children should take part…...……outdoor activities?
2. Eating healthy food is good……...….us.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

5. I went…...…….my parents…...…….the zoo last Sunday.
<i><b>VIII. Choose the underlined part that contains error:</b></i>

1/She always washes and irons her clothes careful.

2/ I am going to listen to the radio and reading a book tonight

3. The doctor advised me to eat fewer sugar.


4. Lan likes badminton but she doesn’t play it very good.

5.Hoa buyed some meat and a lot of fruit yesterday.
IX. Matching:


1. Which program do you prefer, the news or the film? a. Yes, but where can we meet, Thanh?

2. That film is boring to me. b. Why not, David?

3. Will you go to the zoo with us tomorrow, Chi? c. So do I
4. Would you like to go the cinema with us , Mai? d. Oh, the film
5. I am sorry. I can’t visit you tonight , Mary. e. I don’t think so
6. We prefer reading to watching TV f. Yes, I will.

1/... 2/... 3/... 4/... 5/... 6/...
<i><b>X. READING :</b></i>

<b>Read 1. The students …(1)... Quang Trung school are having a …(2)... check-up. Hoa, Lan and</b>
Nga …(3)... in their medical …(4)...and gave them to the nurse.

The nurse called Hoa. First she took her temperature. That’s normal. Then she measures Hoa’s …(5)
…... After that, She need …(6)... Hoa. Finally, the doctor will see Hoa in a few minutes.

1. at in of with

2. medicine medicines medical medicals

3. write wrote filled fill

4.book notebook record records

5. tall height high weight

6. weight weighs to weight weighed

<b>Read 2. It is very important to have teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food. They also help us to look nice.</b>
How can you keep our teeth healthy? Firstly, we ought to visit our dentist every six months. Secondly, we should
brush our at least twice a day- once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. Thirdly, we should eat food
that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, potatoes, red rice, vegetables and fresh fruit.

1. To have healthy teeth is very important.
2. We ought to visit our dentist twice a year.
3. We should not brush our teeth after breakfast.

4. Milk, cheese, fish, potatoes, vegetables are bad for our body.

<b>Read 3. Hoa watched Mrs Mai make her dress. She thought sewing was a useful hobby. She decided to</b>
learn how to use a sew.

Hoa bought some materials. She learned how to use a sewing machine and she made a cushion for her armchair.
It was blue and white.

Next, Hoa made a skirt. It was green and white flowers on it. It looked very pretty. Hoa tried it on but it didn’t
fit. It was too big. Hoa’s neighbor helped her and then it fitted very well. Now, Hoa has a useful new hobby-she
wears the things she makes.

<b>Choose True or False:</b>

1. Hoa thought sewing was a useful hobby.

2. Hoa made a cushion with green and white flowers on it.
3. Then she made a blue and white skirt.

4. First, the skirt doesn’t fit .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

Videos are very useful in education. Many schools use them (4) ____ a teaching aid. You can take university
courses (5) _____ home with help of a VCR( video cassette, recorder). In the future, they will be even more
important in education

1. A. healthful, B. useful, C. dangerous, D. expensive

2. A. read B. learn C. study D. A&B is corrected

3. A. robs B. robbery C. robber D. robbers

4. A.. as B. like C. such as D. for

5. A. in B. at C. on D. 

<b>Read 5 Million of young people play video games. Some play them at home, Other play them in arcades.</b>
The inventors of the games become very (1) ____ . Some of the inventors are (2) ____ young as 14 – 15. These
games are good fun, but players must be (3) ____ . They should not spend much time (4) ____ these games
because they become tired or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too much time on their own because they like (5)
____ video games so much. One doctor says, “ this is very bad (6) ____ children. They must (7) ____ in
activities with others. All children should play outdoors and develop their (8) ____ skills. They should be with
people of their own age. Children should spend only a small part of their free time playing video games. They
mustn’t forget to do other things, too”

1. A. rich B. richly C. richer D. richest

2. A. so B. as C. like D. All are correct

3 .A. careless B. carelessly C. careful D. carefully

4. A. In B. at C. on D. with

5. A. Play B. to play C. playing D. B & C
6. A. with B. at C. of D. for

7. A. join B. take part C. participate D. All are correct
8. A. social B. socialize C. society D. socially

<b>Read.6. Choose the most suitable word from the box to complete the passage then answer the questions:</b>
<b>spend free much develop good others bad tired</b>

Millions of young people play video games. Some play them at home(1). ……… play them in arcades.

These games are (2)……. fun, but players must be careful. They should not (3)…….. much time on these
games because they can become (4)……….. or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too (5)………. time on their
own because they like to play video games so much. One doctor says “This is very (6)……… for children. They
must take part in activities with others. All children should play outdoors and (7)……… their social skills.
They should be with people of their own age. Children should spend only a small part of their (8)……. time
playing video games. They mustn’t forget to do other things too”

1.Do millions of old people play video games?
2.Should children spend much time on these games?
3.What should the children do?

4.Do you like playing video games? Why?

<b> </b>

<b> </b>


<b> I/ Choose the suitable words and phrases to complete the sentences:</b>

1. A runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing are the …… of a cold.

a. cures b. symptoms c. diseases d.headache

2. What ………… would Lam like for dinner? – A papaya.

a. meat b. vegetables c. food d. fruit

3. My father ……… a new car two months ago.

a. buys b. is buying c. bought d.to buy

4. I ……… the beef into thin stripes.

a. stir b. mix c. slice d. peel

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

a. take b. to take c. taking d.takes
6. Jack Cousteau invented a deep-sea diving ………… in the 1940s.

a. equipment b. camera c. vessel d. scuba

7. I ……… her at the movie theater last Saturday night.

a. did meet b. didn’t meet c. didn’t met d.not meet
8. Your ……… is 37 C.

a. height b. weight c. age d. temperature

9. They enjoy ………the kites in their free time.

a. fly b. flying c. to fly d.flied

10. The medicines just ……… the symptoms of the cold.

a relieve b. prevent c. cure d. disappear

11. I don’t like durians and ……… does my sister.

a. too b. so c. either d. neither

12. Oliver Twist is a ……… in the novel of Charles Dickens.

a. cartoon b. movie c. character d.film

13.……… were you absent yesterday, Hoa? – I had a bad flu .

a. Where b. How c. What d. Why

14. Are you scared ……… seeing the dentist?

a. of b. in c. at d. for
15. The ……… applauded the performance for five minutes.

a. viewers b. audience c. contestants d.author

16. You should wash regularly to ensure personal ……… .

a. health b. teeth c. hygiene d.feet

17. He’s a new student. Everything is ……… to him.

a. strange b. helpful c. healthy d.easy

18. Most of children are ……… of the dark.

a. nervous b. serious c. scared d.terrible

19.Why did you ……… the party early last night ?

a. leave b. leaving c. left d.to leave

20. She needs ……… a lot of vegetables and fruit.

a. eat b. eats c. eating d. to eat

<b>II.READ:(2,5m) Nowadays, television becomes very (1)... Both old and young peolple enjoy</b>
watching it very much. TV programs attract millions of viewers all (2)... the world. In addition to
the news, television stations also broadcast many (3)...programs such as sports, music, cartoons,
wild life, popular science, reports, contests, movies, ect. At present, people can enjoy a
(4)...program on TV. Live TV program helps us see events at the same time as they are
happening. In our country, we often watch live TV program of important events and international football

<b>1/ Choose the suitable words to complete the passage: (1m)</b>

1. a.important b.popular c.expensive d.much

2. a.in b.over c.on d.around

3. a.interesting b.boring c.happy d.popular

4. a.new b.interesting c.live d.big

<b>2/ True or False and check the box: (0,5m)</b> True False

1. Everybody like watching TV very much. <sub></sub> <sub></sub>

2. Sports, music, cartoons, wild life, movies are boring programs. <sub></sub> <sub></sub>
<b>3/ Answer the questions:(1m)</b>

1. What do television stations broadcast?

2. What kind of programs do you like best?

<b>III.WRITING: (2,5ms)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

The sailors prefer _______________________________________________
2. You should not watch TV too late.

You ought______________________________________________________.
<b>2/Complete the sentences with the words given: (1,5ms)</b>

1. They / like/ travel / Nha Trang / their vacaion.

2. Hoa / aunt / buy / lot of / food/ dinner / yesterday morning.

3. Walking/ fun/ easy and inexpensive activity.



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