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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>


<i><b>Choose the correct answer for each of the following sentences .</b></i>
<b>1.</b> You'll get a better ________of exchange at another bank.

A. rate B. value C. worth D. charge

<b>2.</b> To come _____means to meet by chance .

A. into B. across C. between D. up

<b>3.</b> It isn't quite certain that he will turn ____at the meeting .

A. up B. back C. down D. on

<b>4.</b> He has a very _____temper and often says things he regrets later .

A. angry B. quick C. warm D. bad

<b>5.</b> It's an awful _____Jane couldn't come .I was looking forward to meeting her .

A. harm B. sorrow C. shame D. shock

<b>6.</b> Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean .

A. long-lasting B. temporary C.mild D. destructive

<b>7.</b> She applied for training as a pilot , but they turned her ____because of her poor eyesight .

A. down B. up C. over D. back

<b>8.</b> He was found unconscious in his flat early this morning .

A. insensible B. dead C. asleep D. drunk .

<b>9.</b> The CEO's spacious new office overlooked the city

A. quiet B. roomy C. colorful D. comfortable

<b>10.It is the recommendation of the consultants that the patient _______under medical supervision .</b>

A. treating B. treated C. be treated D. is treated .

<b>11.You know I'll always stand ____you if you are in trouble .</b>

A. by B. with C. for D. up .

<b>12.Grandfather has never really _____from his nervous breakdown.</b>

A. mended B. cured C. repaired D. recovered

<b>13.If you park there , you will have to pay a ____</b>

A. fee B. ticket C. fare D. fine

<b>14.The twins look so _____their father .</b>

A. like B. alike C. likely D. liking

<b>15.Lots of people ____yoga to relax .</b>

A. practice B. take up C. give up D. take in

<b>16.Oil ___if you pour it on water .</b>

A. floated B. has floated C. will be floated D. floats
<b>17.Modern buidings should ____with the surrounding area .</b>

A. blend B. fit C. match D. join

<b>18.He retired early __________ill health </b>

A. on account of B. on behalf of C. in front of D. ahead of
<b>19.The water workers'claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under ____by the Government .</b>
A. application B. consideration C. inquiry D. regard

<b>20.You look tired .Are you ____the weather ? </b>

A. on B. in C. under D. off

<b>21.We can't go by train . The train drivers are ____strike .</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>22.Peter is very busy . He is involved in so many activities that he 's always ______</b>

A. on the go B. going C. on his own D. in the long run

<b>23.She is often insolent to her teachers .</b>

A. affectionate B. rude C. dishonest D. irresponsible

<b>24.We have French classes ____day : Monday , Wednesday , and Friday .</b>

A. each B. every C. every other D. other

<b>25.The girl was ___by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street .</b>

A. knocked B. run across C. run out D. knocked down

<b>26.Why don't you ________a go ? It's not difficult </b>

A. set B. have C. do D. make

<b>27.We went to the airport to ____off a friend who was leaving for New York .</b>

A. tell B. say C. see D. join

<b>28.Their enthusiasm for the new plan has _____out .</b>

A. gone B. died C. failed D. disappeared .

<b>29.Don't ever lend Linh money , she spends it like water .</b>

A. very slowly B. very often C. very freely D. very carefully .
<b>30.Most Americans don't object ______them by their first name .</b>

A. that I call B. for calling C. that I am to call D. to my calling
<b>31.What does this sentence mean ? It doesn't make ______to me .</b>

A. reason B. right C. sense D. truth

<b>32.The destruction of the ozone____is likely to cause noticeable climate changes in the future .</b>

A. pattern B. layer C. level D. blanket

<b>33.She buys ____fruits and vegetables because they are grown without the use of chemicals .</b>

A. moral B. organic C. pure D. organized .

<b>34.In some cities the exhaust ___from cars and buses are so bad that it is difficult to breathe.</b>

A.gases B. clouds C. layers D. fumes .

<b>35.Some people were in the street_____________money for charity.</b>

A.raised B.were raising C.raising D.raise

<b>36.Don't worry about trying to catch the last bus home , as we can easily ___you up for the night .</b>

A. take B. put C. set D. keep

<b>37.Not knowing he had _____out with his girlfriend , I made th mistake of inviting them both to </b>
the party .

A. fallen B. quarreled C. parted D. separated

<b>38.You don't have to decide now , you can _____</b>

A. put it aside B. call it off C. tear it up D. think it over
<b>39.Nothing can ______the loss of a child .</b>

A. make out B. make up for C. make up D. make for

<b>40.If he loses consciousness , give him a sip of brandy to bring him ___</b>

A. up B. back C. round D. over

<b>41.Give me a word _______with S </b>

A. beginning B, begins C. began D. begin

<b>42.It is known that poor housing significantly _____educational achievement .</b>

A. effects B. affecting C. effect D. affects

<b>43.There should be an international law against ____</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>44.Children should be ____to realize their full potential .</b>

A. encouraged B. discouraged C. encouragement D. discouragement
<b>45.From a ____point of view , it isn't a good place to live .</b>

A. practice B. practicable C. practical D. practicing
<b>46.Even a moment of ____can be fatal for a pilot .</b>

A. attention B. inattention C. attentive D. inattentive
<b>47.There is no evidence of his direct ___in the bombing . </b>

A. involve B. involves C. involvement D. involved

<b>48.A new drug ______at a Bristish university may give us eternal youth .</b>

A. development B. developer C. developing D. developed
<b>49.This dump child has great difficulties _______with other people .</b>

A. communication B. communicative C. communicating D. communicable
<b>50.Sure that she would be found innocent , the accused walked _____into the courtroom .</b>
A. expertly B. cautiously C. confidently D. confidingly
<b>51.Having _____her heart on university , she'd be upset if she didn't get in .</b>

A. laid B. set C. fixed D. positioned

<b>52.The President 's visit was intended to ______the alliance between the two countries .</b>

A. cement B. draw C. stick D. tie

<b>53." I've got so much work to do !" " Well , if _____, I'll be glad to give you a hand " </b>
A. it needs to be B. in need C. it is needy D. need be
<b>54.Global warming has progressed ____glaciers everywhere are shrinking .</b>

A. too much that B. enough to cause

C. to such an extent that D. so great an extent that .
<b>55.She won an award for _____her whole life to looking after the poor .</b>

A. paying B. attacting C. causing D. devoting

<b>56.Why don't you wear that blue dress of yours ? It ____you .</b>

A. matches B. suits C. agrees D. goes with

<b>57.He often ___about his expensive car .</b>

A. praised B. shows C. boasts D. prides

<b>58.She _____her husband 's job for his ill health .</b>

A. accused B. blamed C. caused D. claimed

<b>59.Everyone felt ____for him when he lost his job at the factory .</b>

A. discontent B. sad C. sorry D. unhappy

<b>60.All visitors are requested to _____with the regulations .</b>

A. agree B. comply C. assent D. consent

<b>61.The unscrupulous salesman ___the old couple out of their life savings .</b>

A. deprived B. swindled C. robbed D. extracted
<b>62.</b>He would win the race if he _______his brother's example and trained harder.

A. repeated B. set C. answered D. followed

<b>63.</b>Unfortunately, your letter arrived after the final date for application. _______, we cannot
consider you for the post.

A. As result B. That is because C. Consequently D. To this

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>65.</b>If you put your money in a bank now, you may get 12% _______annually.

A. interest B. profit C. money D. income

<b>66.</b>Please _______your cigarette. I am going to get choked.

A. cut down B. blow out C. put aside D. put out

<b>67.</b>_ “ Do you like your new job?" - "Yes, but my employer insisted that I _______on time."

A. was B. am C. have been D. be

<b>68.</b> _______of popular expressions in our language have interesting backgrounds.
A. A large number B. The large number C. A great deal D. A sum

<b>69.</b>Some kinds of birds are on the _______of extinction.

A. brink B.tip C. side D. edge

<b>70.</b>After her illness, Lam had to work hard to _______ his classmates.
A. catch sight of B. keep pace with
C. get in touch with D. make allowance for

<b>71.</b>Research has shown that there is no difference at all between the brain of the average woman
and _______of the average man.

A. what B. which C. one D. that

<b>72.Population expansion seems to surpass the ability of the earth to meet…….food.</b>

A. the requirement of B. the command of C. the demand for D. the necessity for
<b>73.-“Mum! I’ve got 6000 on the TOEFL test” -“...”</b>

A-Good way! B-You are right C-Good job! D-Oh, hard luck

<b>74.</b>____________,sheep were then used for wool.

A. Having first domesticated for milk production
B. Having been first domesticated for milk production

C. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production
D. Although they had first domesticated for milk production
<b>75.</b>I'm worried about ______ on so much work.

A. she taking B. she takes C. her to take D. her taking

<b>76.His grandpa refuses to even listen to anyone else’s point of view. He ‘s very____________ .</b>
A. narrow – minded B. kind – hearted C. open – minded D. absent – minded

<b>77.The move to a different environment brought about a significant ___in my cousin’s state of </b>

A. impact B. effect C. influence D. change

<b>78.______________, the whole family slept soundly.</b>

A. Hot although the night air was B. Hot though was the night air
C. Hot although was the night air D. Hot though the night air was
<b>79.</b>– Alice : “ We’ve got the contract!” - Nick: “ ______________”

A. Oh, how come? B. Pretty well. C. Really? Let’s celebrate. D. Not too bad.
<b>80.______________drivers usually drive very slowly.</b>

A. Learning B. Practice C. Learner D. Student


<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

A. rate B. value C. worth D. charge
<b>82.To come _____means to meet by chance .</b>

A. into B. across C. between D. up

<b>83.It isn't quite certain that he will turn ____at the meeting .</b>

A. up B. back C. down D. on

<b>84.He has a very _____temper and often says things he regrets later .</b>

A. angry B. quick C. warm D. bad

<b>85.It's an awful _____Jane couldn't come .I was looking forward to meeting her .</b>

A. harm B. sorrow C. shame D. shock

<b>86.Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean .</b>

A. long-lasting B. temporary C.mild D. destructive

<b>87.She applied for training as a pilot , but they turned her ____because of her poor eyesight .</b>

A. down B. up C. over D. back

<b>88.He was found unconscious in his flat early this morning .</b>

A. insensible B. dead C. asleep D. drunk .

<b>89.The CEO's spacious new office overlooked the city </b>

A. quiet B. roomy C. colorful D. comfortable

<b>90.It is the recommendation of the consultants that the patient _______under medical supervision .</b>

A. treating B. treated C. be treated D. is treated .

<b>91.You know I'll always stand ____you if you are in trouble .</b>

A. by B. with C. for D. up .

<b>92.Grandfather has never really _____from his nervous breakdown.</b>

A. mended B. cured C. repaired D. recovered

<b>93.If you park there , you will have to pay a ____</b>

A. fee B. ticket C. fare D. fine

<b>94.The twins look so _____their father .</b>

A. like B. alike C. likely D. liking

<b>95.Lots of people ____yoga to relax .</b>

A. practice B. take up C. give up D. take in

<b>96.Oil ___if you pour it on water .</b>

A. floated B. has floated C. will be floated D. floats
<b>97.Modern buidings should ____with the surrounding area .</b>

A. blend B. fit C. match D. join

<b>98.He retired early __________ill health </b>

A. on account of B. on behalf of C. in front of D. ahead of
<b>99.The water workers'claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under ____by the Government .</b>
A. application B. consideration C. inquiry D. regard

<b>100.</b> You look tired .Are you ____the weather ?

A. on B. in C. under D. off

<b>101.</b> We can't go by train . The train drivers are ____strike .

A. in B. on C. with D. under

<b>102.</b> Peter is very busy . He is involved in so many activities that he 's always ______

A. on the go B. going C. on his own D. in the long run

<b>103.</b> She is often insolent to her teachers .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>104.</b> We have French classes ____day : Monday , Wednesday , and Friday .

A. each B. every C. every other D. other

<b>105.</b> The girl was ___by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street .

A. knocked B. run across C. run out D. knocked down

<b>106.</b> Why don't you ________a go ? It's not difficult

A. set B. have C. do D. make

<b>107.</b> We went to the airport to ____off a friend who was leaving for New York .

A. tell B. say C. see D. join

<b>108.</b> Their enthusiasm for the new plan has _____out .

A. gone B. died C. failed D. disappeared .

<b>109.</b> Don't ever lend Linh money , she spends it like water .

A. very slowly B. very often C. very freely D. very carefully .
<b>110.</b> Most Americans don't object ______them by their first name .

A. that I call B. for calling C. that I am to call D. to my calling
<b>111.</b> What does this sentence mean ? It doesn't make ______to me .

A. reason B. right C. sense D. truth

<b>112.</b> The destruction of the ozone____is likely to cause noticeable climate changes in the future .

A. pattern B. layer C. level D. blanket

<b>113.</b> She buys ____fruits and vegetables because they are grown without the use of chemicals .

A. moral B. organic C. pure D. organized .

<b>114.</b> In some cities the exhaust ___from cars and buses are so bad that it is difficult to breathe.

A.gases B. clouds C. layers D. fumes .

<b>115.</b> Some people were in the street_____________money for charity.

A.raised B.were raising C.raising D.raise

<b>116.</b> Don't worry about trying to catch the last bus home , as we can easily ___you up for the
night .

A. take B. put C. set D. keep

<b>117.</b> Not knowing he had _____out with his girlfriend , I made th mistake of inviting them both
to the party .

A. fallen B. quarreled C. parted D. separated

<b>118.</b> You don't have to decide now , you can _____

A. put it aside B. call it off C. tear it up D. think it over
<b>119.</b> Nothing can ______the loss of a child .

A. make out B. make up for C. make up D. make for

<b>120.</b> If he loses consciousness , give him a sip of brandy to bring him ___

A. up B. back C. round D. over

<b>121.</b> Give me a word _______with S

A. beginning B, begins C. began D. begin

<b>122.</b> It is known that poor housing significantly _____educational achievement .

A. effects B. affecting C. effect D. affects

<b>123.</b> There should be an international law against ____

A. afforestation B. deforestation C. forestry D. reforestation
<b>124.</b> Children should be ____to realize their full potential .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

A. practice B. practicable C. practical D. practicing
<b>126.</b> Even a moment of ____can be fatal for a pilot .

A. attention B. inattention C. attentive D. inattentive
<b>127.</b> There is no evidence of his direct ___in the bombing .

A. involve B. involves C. involvement D. involved

<b>128.</b> A new drug ______at a Bristish university may give us eternal youth .

A. development B. developer C. developing D. developed

<b>129.</b> This dump child has great difficulties _______with other people .

A. communication B. communicative C. communicating D. communicable
<b>130.</b> Sure that she would be found innocent , the accused walked _____into the courtroom .
A. expertly B. cautiously C. confidently D. confidingly
<b>131.</b> Having _____her heart on university , she'd be upset if she didn't get in .

A. laid B. set C. fixed D. positioned

<b>132.</b> The President 's visit was intended to ______the alliance between the two countries .

A. cement B. draw C. stick D. tie

<b>133.</b> " I've got so much work to do !" " Well , if _____, I'll be glad to give you a hand "
A. it needs to be B. in need C. it is needy D. need be
<b>134.</b> Global warming has progressed ____glaciers everywhere are shrinking .

A. too much that B. enough to cause

C. to such an extent that D. so great an extent that .
<b>135.</b> She won an award for _____her whole life to looking after the poor .

A. paying B. attacting C. causing D. devoting

<b>136.</b> Why don't you wear that blue dress of yours ? It ____you .

A. matches B. suits C. agrees D. goes with

<b>137.</b> He often ___about his expensive car .

A. praised B. shows C. boasts D. prides

<b>138.</b> She _____her husband 's job for his ill health .

A. accused B. blamed C. caused D. claimed

<b>139.</b> Everyone felt ____for him when he lost his job at the factory .

A. discontent B. sad C. sorry D. unhappy

<b>140.</b> All visitors are requested to _____with the regulations .

A. agree B. comply C. assent D. consent

<b>141.</b> The unscrupulous salesman ___the old couple out of their life savings .

A. deprived B. swindled C. robbed D. extracted
<b>142.</b> He would win the race if he _______his brother's example and trained harder.
A. repeated B. set C. answered D. followed

<b>143.</b> Unfortunately, your letter arrived after the final date for application. _______, we cannot
consider you for the post.

A. As result B. That is because C. Consequently D. To this

<b>144.</b> By the time you come here tomorrow, the work _______.
A. will have been finishing B. will be finishing

C. will have been finished D. will be finished

<b>145.</b> If you put your money in a bank now, you may get 12% _______annually.

A. interest B. profit C. money D. income

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

A. cut down B. blow out C. put aside D. put out

<b>147.</b> _ “ Do you like your new job?" - "Yes, but my employer insisted that I _______on time."

A. was B. am C. have been D. be

<b>148.</b> _______of popular expressions in our language have interesting backgrounds.
A. A large number B. The large number C. A great deal D. A sum

<b>149.</b> Some kinds of birds are on the _______of extinction.

A. brink B.tip C. side D. edge

<b>150.</b> After her illness, Lam had to work hard to _______ his classmates.
A. catch sight of B. keep pace with
C. get in touch with D. make allowance for

<b>151.</b> Research has shown that there is no difference at all between the brain of the average
woman and _______of the average man.

A. what B. which C. one D. that

<b>152.</b> Population expansion seems to surpass the ability of the earth to

A. the requirement of B. the command of C. the demand for D. the necessity for

<b>153.</b> -“Mum! I’ve got 6000 on the TOEFL test” -“...”

A-Good way! B-You are right C-Good job! D-Oh, hard luck

<b>154.</b> ____________,sheep were then used for wool.

A. Having first domesticated for milk production
B. Having been first domesticated for milk production

C. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production
D. Although they had first domesticated for milk production

<b>155.</b> I'm worried about ______ on so much work.

A. she taking B. she takes C. her to take D. her taking

<b>156.</b> His grandpa refuses to even listen to anyone else’s point of view. He ‘s
very____________ .

A. narrow – minded B. kind – hearted C. open – minded D. absent – minded

<b>157.</b> The move to a different environment brought about a significant ___in
my cousin’s state of mind.

A. impact B. effect C. influence D. change

<b>158.</b> ______________, the whole family slept soundly.
A. Hot although the night air was B. Hot though was the night air
C. Hot although was the night air D. Hot though the night air was

<b>159.</b> – Alice : “ We’ve got the contract!” - Nick: “ ______________”
A. Oh, how come? B. Pretty well. C. Really? Let’s celebrate. D. Not too bad.
<b>160.</b> ______________drivers usually drive very slowly.


