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English 8

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<b>Preparing date:………..</b>
<b>Period 86</b>

<b>UNIT 13: FESTIVALS.</b>

<b>Lesson 6: Language focus.</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge:review and do exercises with passive form (be + participle),</b></i>
compound words (rice-cooking, fire-making, etc), and reported speech.

<i><b>2. Skills:develop communicative skills.</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude:show positive attitude to learning, and express friendships, be</b></i>
aware of grammar.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>
<i><b>1. Vocabulary: Review</b></i>
<i><b>2. Grammar:</b></i>

- Passive form (be + participle).

- Compound words (rice-cooking, fire-making, etc).
- Reported speech.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

<i><b>1. Teacher: textbook,lesson plan, chalks.</b></i>
<i><b>2.Students:textbooks, notebooks.</b></i>

<b>IV. Techniques: asking, answering, pair work, group work, reviewing,</b>

practicing, team work, game.

<b>V. Times: 45 minutes.</b>
<b>VI. Teaching procedures:</b>

<i><b>1. Organization (1’):</b></i>
<i><b>2. Check-up:(warm-up).</b></i>
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>


<b>Teacher’s and students’</b>



 <b>Warm-up: Memory game</b>

<i><b>(game, team work)</b></i>
- T: have ss play a game.

Ss1: say verbs in Infinitive form.
Ss2: say verbs in Past participle
- T: control and find the winner.
<b>Activity 1: Presentation(asking,</b>
<i><b>answering, reviewing, pair work)</b></i>

- T: introduce and explain the
grammatical notes.

- Ss: listen and copy down.

- T: ask ss to remind these

- Ss: take a note

<b>Passive form</b>

<b>S + be + Past Participle</b>
<i><b>* Reported speech</b></i>

Eg: He said:” I am late for

 He said he was late for school.

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- T: writes on the board and
explains again.

- Ss: copy down.

<b>Activity 2:Practice(pair work,</b>
<i><b>group work)</b></i>

a. Passive voice:

- T: remind Ss of passive form.
- T: explain the requirement of the
exercise then Ss work in pairs to
fill in the blank with the passive
form of the verbs.

- Ss: state their sentences in front
of the class.

- T: give the keys.

b. Verb forms in passive voice.
- Ss: complete the conversation
then practice in pairs in front of
the class.

- T: give the key.
c. Compound words

- Ss: read the examples then give
the form of compound words.
- T: explain what compound
words are, asks them to give

- Ss: read the definitions carefully.
- Ss: do the exercises in the

Then exchange their sentences to
find the mistakes.

- Ss: read each statement before
the class.

- T: give the feedback.

<i>- Change personal pronoun,</i>
<i>possessive pronoun.</i>

<i>- Change tenses.</i>

<i>Simple present </i><i> Simple past</i>

<i>Present continuous</i> <i>Past</i>


<i>Present perfect </i><i> Past perfect</i>

<i>Will/Can/May</i>  <i>Would/</i>


<i>- Change adverbs</i>

<i>Tomorrow </i><i> the following day</i>

<i>Yesterday </i><i> the previous day</i>

<i>Today </i><i> that day</i>

<i>Here </i><i> there</i>

<i>This </i><i> that</i>

<i>These </i><i> those</i>

<i><b>1. Complete the sentences. Use</b></i>
<i><b>the passive forms of the verbs in</b></i>
<i><b>the box.</b></i>


a. were performed b. was
decorated/ put
c. is made d. will be

e. was awarded f. was

<i><b>2. Complete the conversation.</b></i>
<i><b>Use the verbs in th box</b></i>


1. jumbled 2. broken 3.


4. scattered 5. pulled
<i><b>3. Rewrite the sentences</b></i>

Some compound words:
rice-cooking, fire- making,
car-making, bull-fighting

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d. Reported speech

- T: remind Ss of reported speech.
Give them the rule how to change
an indirect speech into a direct

- Ss: do the exercises in the

They write each sentence on the

- T: give the correct sentence.

<b>Activity 3:Production </b> <i><b>(pair</b></i>
<i><b>work, reviewing, practicing)</b></i>
- T: Gives the exercise.

- Ss: Choose the words given,
using present or past participle to
complete the sentences.

f. It’s a clothes-washing machine.

<i><b>4.</b></i> <i><b>Yesterday</b></i> <i><b>Lan’s</b></i>

<i><b>grandmother, Mrs. Thu, needed</b></i>
<i><b>a plumber. A man came to her</b></i>
<i><b>door. Report what the man told</b></i>
<i><b>Mrs. Thu.</b></i>

a. He said he was a plumber.
b. He said he could fix the

c. He said the pipes were broken.
d. He said new pipes were very

e. He said I had to pay him then.

Passive form:

How much will they pay you?

 How much will you be paid?

Compound words: fire-making

Reported speech:

“I’ll phone you later” Sarah told

Sarah told Simon she would

phone him later.
<i><b>4. Consolidation (2’):</b></i>

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* Homework:

- Learn grammar by heart.

- Do exercises again in notebook.

- Prepare the new lesson Unit 14: Getting started – Listen and read.

 <b>Self-evaluation:</b>



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