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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to improve their reading skills and know some </b>
changes of the life in a small village thanks to education.

<b>2. Materials: Handouts, textbooks, BB…</b>
<b>3. Procedure</b>

<b>Time Contents</b> <b>Teacher & Ss’ Activities</b> <b>Aim</b>





<b>I. Warmer</b>
<b>II. Re-reading</b>
<b>1. Pre-teach Voc</b>

- To be made of: lam bang (situation)
- shortage (n): thieu thon (trans.)

- farming method (n): Phuong phap canh tac

- to result in: tao ra (trans.)
- brick (n): gach (visual)

- straw (n): rom ra (visual)
- mud (n): bun (situation)

<b>2. Look at the picture on page 82 and answer the </b>
<i><b>questions: pair work</b></i>

1. What are the people in the picture doing? (They
are harvesting the crop)

2. How are they working? (They are working very

3. What do you think of the crop? (It’s a bumper

4. What helps produce good crops? (Good farming
method, good varieties, modern technology
used, people work hard…)

<b>III. While-reading</b>

<b>Set the scene: You are going to the changes a </b>
<b>country and do the tasked followed. </b>

<b>Task 1 Pair work</b>

<b>The words in A appear in the reading passage. </b>
<b>Match them with their definitions in B. </b>


1. make ends meet
2. in need of many

a. making one’s life

b. have just enough
money to pay for the

_ask SS to list items related in

_Ss list items.

_ lead to the lesson “The story
of my village”.

_ elicit new vocabulary.
_ model 2 times.

_ choral repetition.
_ individual repetition.
_ check pronunciation.
_ check stress, meaning.

_ raise and run through the

_ get Ss to answer the questions
in pairs.

_ call up some Ss’ ideas.

_ set the scene.

To create

ss new
ies before
going to
to help
d the text

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>




3. bettering one' life
4. bumper crops
5. cash crops

things that you need
c. crops to be sold, not
for use by the people
who grow it

d. having to have
many things that you
do not have

e. good crops
<b>Keys: 1. b 2. d 3. a 4.e 5. c</b>
<b>Task 2 Pair work</b>

The reading passage tells us about many changes in the
village. Complete the following table.

Areas of

Before Now

houses Made of straw

and mud <b>Made of bricks</b>
Radio and TV <b>Few families </b>

<b>had </b> <b>Many familieshave </b>


<b>old</b> <b>New</b>

Crops <b>poor</b> <b>good</b>

travel By motorbike

<b>Task 3 group work</b>
<b>Answer the following questions:</b>

1. What was life like in the author’s village many
years ago

2. Why did the villagers want to send their
children to school and college in spite of their

3. How did the children help improve the lifestyle
in the village when they finished college or
technical high school?

4. What did an old farmer say about the effect of
the knowledge the young people brought
home? What exactly did he tell his


1. It was very poor and simple.

2. Because they hope that with an education of science
and technology their children could find a way of
bettering their lives.

3. They introduced new farming methods which
resulted in bumper crops. They also helped grow cash
crops for export.

4. He said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the
knowledge their children had brought home.

5. He told his grandchildren: “Study harder so that you
can do more for the village than your parents did.
<b>IV. Post-reading: (Discussion)</b>

<i><b>Answer the question:</b></i>

1. Do you want to improve your country?
2. What can you do to change your country?
<b>V. Homework</b>

Complete task 3 and review the lesson

_ read the instruction.
_ get Ss to work in pairs.
_ monitor to help.
_ give feedback.

_ read the instruction.
_ get Ss to work in pairs.
_ monitor to help.
_ give feedback.

<b>_ run through all questions.</b>
_ get Ss to work in pairs.
_ monitor to help.
_ give feedback.

_ raise the two questions.
_ get Ss to work in group.
_ Ss present their ideas.
_ give feedback.

To check

about the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to improve their speaking skills and to talk about </b>
some plans to improve their life and possible results.

<b>2. Materials: Handouts, textbooks, BB…</b>
<b>3. Procedure</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Teacher & Ss’ Activities</b> <b>Aim</b>




<b>I. Oral Test</b>

a. Check the meaning, stress & pronunciation of the
following words “to be made of, shortage, farming
method, to result in, brick, straw and mud”.

b. Why / the villagers / want / send their children /
school and college / in spite / their shortage?

Why did the villagers want to send their children to
school and college in spite of their shortage?

c. Because they / hope that / with an education /

science and technology / their children / could find / a
way of / better/ their lives.

Because they hope that with an education of science
and technology their children could find a way of
bettering their lives.

<b>II. Pre-speaking</b>
<b>1. Pre-teach Voc</b>

(to) better (v) = to make better: cai thien, lam cho
tot hon (synonym)
(to) resurface (v) : trai lai (mat duong) (translation)
(to) raise (v) : nang len ( mine)
(to) widen (v) : mo rong (to make sth larger)
flooded (adj) : ngap lut


<b>2. Pre-activity pairwork</b>

<b>The villagers of Ha Xuyen are discussing plans to </b>
<b>improve their life in the village. Match each of the </b>
<b>plans with its possible results.</b>

<b>Plans</b> <b>Possible results</b>

1. widen the roads
2. raise and resurface
the roads

3. build a medical centre
4. build a football

a. children have better

b. cars and lorries can
get to the village.
c. villagers have a
shorter way to town
d. people’s health is
looked after

e. young people can play

_ call any student to check the
old lesson.

_ give feedback and marks.

_ elicit new vocabulary.
_ model 2 times.

_ choral repetition.

_ individual repetition.
_ check pronunciation.
_ check stress, meaning.

_ read the instruction.
_ run through the table.
_get Ss to do the task in pairs.
_ give feedback.

To create
interest and
the new

For ss

prepare new

To give
them some

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>



5. grow cash crops
6. build a bridge over
the canal

7. build a new school

f. people can export the
crops and have more

g. roads will not be
muddy and flooded after
it rains, and people get
around more easily
<b>Keys: </b>

<b>1. b 2. g 3. d 4.e 5. f 6. c 7.a</b>
<b>II. While-speaking</b>

<i><b>- Set the scene: What should we do to improve our </b></i>
<i><b>life in the village? These are some plans of the </b></i>
<i><b>villagers of Ha Xuyen.</b></i>

<b>Task 1 Pair work</b>

Suppose that you are the villagers of Ha Xuyen,
make a conversation, using the information in Task 1
and following the model:

<b>IV. Post-speaking: </b>

Continue the conversation, using the ideas in task 1
and add some more possible results.

<b>V. Homework: Write a short P to talk about the way </b>
to improve the village life.

_ set the scene.

_ read the instruction.
_ give out model.

_get Ss to practice in groups of

_monitor to help.

_call up some groups to practice
in front of the class.

_ give feedback.

_ read the instruction.

_get Ss continue to practice in
groups of three.

_ monitor to help.

_call up some groups to practice

in front of the class.

_ give feedback.
_set home work.

To give ss a
chance to
practice the

To give

to help ss
To practice
at home.
A: What should we do to improve our village?

B: We should widen the roads.

C: That’s a good idea. If the roads are widened,
<i>cars and lorries can get to our village.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss’ll be able to improve their listening skills and know some </b>
changes in a small town.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Teacher & Ss’ Activities</b> <b>Aim</b>





<b>I. Oral Test</b>

a. Check the meaning, stress & pronunciation of the
following words “better, resurface, raise, widen,

b. What / we / do / improve / our village?

What should we do to improve our village?

c. If / the roads / widened, cars and lorries / get / our

If the roads are widened, cars and lorries can get to

our village.

<b>II. Pre-listening</b>
<b>1. Pre-teach Voc</b>

- to pull down = to destroy: tan pha
- to turn into: bien thanh (trans.)
- suburb (n): ngoai o (situation)
- narrow (adj): ≠ large (adj) hep (antonym)
<b>2. Pre-activity</b>

Work in pairs. Look at the two pictures of the same
town (page 86). Discuss the differences between

<b>Ex: </b>

- In the past, the town had only small houses.
- Now, there are a lot of tall buildings.
<b>III. While-listening</b>

<i><b>Set the scene: You are going to listen to the changes</b></i>
<i><b>of a town and as time goes by and do the tasks </b></i>

<b>Task 1 Pair work</b>

<i><b>Listen to the talk and check the T / F statements.</b></i>
1. Popffero is on the west coast of England. (F)

2. Pop used to be a tourist resort. (F)

3. The town no longer has its old atmosphere. (T)
4. There are more green trees in the town now than
there used to be. (F)

5. Everybody in the town likes its changes. (F)
<b>Keys: </b>

<b>1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F</b>

_ call any student to check
the old lesson.

_ give feedback and marks.

_ elicit new vocabulary.
_ model 2 times.

_ choral repetition.
_ individual repetition.
_ check pronunciation.
_ check stress, meaning.
_ get Ss to work in pairs to
list the differences between
2 pictures.

_ Ss present their answers.

_ set the scene.

_ run through all

_ get Ss listen to the tape
and do the task. Then
compare the answers with
their partner.

_ Ss write their answers the

_ give feedback.

going to

To give
and what
to expect
in the

and get

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, to write a letter of giving directions.</b>
<b>2. Materials: Handouts, textbooks, BB…</b>

<b>3. Procedure</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Teacher & Ss’ Activities</b> <b>Aim</b>




<b>I. Warmer Hang man</b>
<b> </b>

<b>D I R E C T I O N</b>

<b>II. Pre-writing</b>

<b>Task 1</b>

<b>Jim has decided to come to Ann’s place for his </b>
<b>holiday. Ann writes him a letter giving directions </b>
<b>to her house. Read the letter and look at the map. </b>
<b>Find Ann’s house on the map. </b>

<i>Dear Jim, </i>

<i>I’m very pleased to hear that you have decided to </i>
<i>come here for holiday. I’m writing to tell you how to </i>
<i>get to my house from Roston railway station.</i>

<i>Now, when you come out of the station, turn right. </i>
<i>Keep walking for about five minutes, you will see a </i>
<i>small bridge, walk past a medical center, then take </i>
<i>the first turning on the left. Keep on until you come </i>
<i>to the end of the road, turn right. Walk past a small </i>
<i>shop. Mine is the second house after the shop, </i>
<i>opposite the bookshop. It’s the one with the green </i>
<i>gate. You can’t miss it. I have enclosed a map so that</i>
<i>you can follow my directions easily.</i>

<i>Looking forward to seeing you soon.</i>
<i>Love, </i>

<i>Ann </i>
<b>Task 2</b>

<b>Read the letter again. Underline the words and </b>
<b>phrases you can use to give directions. Then write </b>

_ give out the cue.

_ Ss guess any letter they want
until they get the word right.

_ lead to the lesson.

_ get SS to read the letter and find
out Ann’s house.

_ Ss read the text individually and
then compare the answer with
their friend.

_ give feedback.

_ ask SS to work in pair to do task

_ Ss read the letter again and do
the text and then come to BB to

To create
interest in
the topic
and lead to

To help
know what
they will
write and
how they


To provide

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>



<b>them down in your notebook.</b>

<b> - come (get) out of</b>
- turn right/left
- keep walking
- go over
- walk past

- take the first/second turning on the left/ right
- It’s the one with

- Go ahead
- Go long

- Go straight ahead
- Go down/up
<b>III. While –writing</b>

<b>Your house is A on the map. Write a letter to Jim, </b>
<b>telling him the way to your house from Roston </b>
<b>Railway Station</b>

<i>Dear Jim, </i>

<i>I’m very pleased to hear that you have decided to </i>
<i>come here for holiday. I’m writing to tell you the way </i>
<i>to get to my house from Roston Railway Station.</i>
<i>When you get out of the station, turn right. Keep </i>
<i>walking for about 5 minutes, you will see a small </i>
<i>bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, walk along Bridge </i>
<i>street. Turn left into Bridge street. My house is the </i>
<i>third on the right, opposite the corner of the BS and </i>
<i>Parker Avenue. You cannot miss it. I enclose the map </i>
<i>so that you can follow my directions easily.</i>

<i>Looking forward to seeing you soon.</i>


<b>IV. Post-writing peer-correction</b>

<i>Ask SS to exchange their writings with other groups to</i>
<i>check the mistakes.</i>

<b>V. Homework </b>

Review the lesson and prepare the new one

write their answers.

_ give feedback and explain the
way to give directions.

_ ask SS to work in group to do

_ Ss do the task in group.
_ move around to help Ss.

_ get SS to exchange their work to

_ Ss check their friends’ work.

To allow

ss to

the lesson.

For ss
know the
of a letter

so they
can write
it easier.

For ss to
chance to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, SS will be able to:</b>

- distinguish and pronounce the sounds / / and / / correctly.

- understand and do exercises of reported speech and conditional sentence type 1.
<b>2. Materials: Handouts, textbooks, BB…</b>

<b>3. Procedure</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Teacher and Ss’</b>





<b>I. Oral Test</b>

a. I / writing / tell you / how / get / my house / Roston railway

I’m writing to tell you how to get to my house from Roston railway

b. I / very / pleased / hear that / you / have / decided / come here / for

I’m very pleased to hear that you have decided to come here for

<b>II. Presentation</b>
<b>1. Pronunciation</b>

<b> / /</b> / /

<i><b>Listen and repeat</b></i>

Cow house coat bowl

Town couch phone note

How mouse bone close

<b>Practice pronunciation</b>

<i>Ask SS to practice six sentences on page70</i>
1. Don’t shout so loudly

2. Ours is the nicest house in the town.

3. At last we found the mouse under the couch.
4. Look at the red rose on the snow.

5. Come over to the window.
6. I’ll put my coat on and go out.
<b>2. Grammar</b>

<b>A. Revision for reported speech: statement</b>
Ex: 1. She said: “I will pass the exam.”

 She said that she would pass the exam.

2. “I will help you when you are in troubles,” she said to me.

She told me that she would help me when I was in troubles.

_ call any student to
check the old lesson.
_ give feedback and

_ present the two sounds.
_ Ss listen and repeat.
_ model the six

_ Ss practice in pairs.
_ monitor to help Ss.
_ help Ss dist6inguish
two sounds.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

 Rules in reported statements:

1. said to  told (said + that; told + O + that ….)

2. If the reporting verb is in the past tenses, it is usual for the verb in
the reported clause to move “one tense back”

<b>Direct speech</b> <b>Reported speech</b> <b>Tense</b>
He said (that)…

“I want to buy

He wanted to buy it. Present
simple <sub></sub> past
“I’m writing a


He was writing a

continuous <sub></sub>
“I’ve come to

mend your car.”

He had come to mend
my car.

perfect <sub></sub> past
“I saw your


He had seen my

Past simple <sub></sub>
past perfect
“I was trying to

do it.”

He had been trying to
do it.

continuous <sub></sub>
past perfect
“I’ll help you.” He would help me. Will <sub></sub> would
“I can do it.” He could do it. Can <sub></sub> could
“I may do it.” He might do it. May <sub></sub> might
“I must go.” He had t o go. Must <sub></sub> had to
3. If the reporting verb is in the present tenses, there is no tense

4. Typical pronoun, possessive adjective, time, place, and modal
verb changes.

<b>Direct speech</b> <b>Reported speech</b>

Last week
next week



the week before
the following week / the

week after

that day
the following day
the day after / the
the day before


<b>B. Revision for conditional sentence type 1 (real condition)</b>

_ elicit the form from the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>






If it rains, I will stay at home.
V+s Will + Vo

<b>Form: If + S + V ( present tense), S+ V (simple future)</b>
<b>III. Practice</b>

<b>Task 1: Reported these statements, using the verbs suggested </b>
<b>Pair work</b>

1. “Our lives have changed a lot thanks to the knowledge our
children brought home.”

An old man said………..
2. “I’m going to Ho Chi Minh City soon.”

She said………
3. “The film will be interesting.”

I thought………

4. “I can’t help you because I have too much home work to do.

She said………..

<i>1. An old farmer said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the </i>
<i>knowledge their children had brought home.</i>

<i>2. She said she was going to HCM city soon.</i>
<i>3. I thought the film would be interesting.</i>

<i>4. She said she couldn’t help me / you / him …because she had too </i>
<i>much to do.</i>

<b>Task 2: </b>

<i><b> Exercise 3: Choose the correct verb form:</b></i>

1. I (will send / send) you some information if you (will tell / tell) me
your address.

2. If Kate (will be / is) late again, she (will lose / loses) her job.
3. You (will be / are) sick if you (will eat / eat) all that ice-cream.
4. There (won’t be / isn’t) enough room if everyone (will come /

5. If we (will go / go) out tomorrow evening, we (will miss / miss)
that news programme on TV.

@ Answer keys:

<i>1. will send – tell 4. won’t be – comes </i>
<i>2. is – will lose 5. go – will miss</i>
<i>3. will be – eat </i>

<b>IV. Production</b>

Make sentences, using conditional sentence 1:

Not go out so much do more homework
Pass the exam go to medical college
Study medicine become a doctor
Cure diseases and help sick people

Ex: If I don’t go out so much, I’ll do more homework.
If I do more homework, I ……

<b>V. Homework</b>

Review today lesson and do all the exercises left in textbook.

_ give out example.
_ elicit the form from the

_ Ss listen and take note.

_ set the task.

_ run through all

_ get Ss to work in pairs.

_ monitor to help.
_ give feedback.

_ set the task.
_ run through all

_ get Ss to work in pairs.

_ monitor to help.
_ give feedback.

_ set the task.

_ run through all the

_ do one as an example.
_ get Ss practice in pairs.
_ Ss present in front of
the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>




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