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English 8 Tiet 77 Unit 12 Started Listen Read

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<b>Week: 26</b> Date of preparation: 27/ 02/ 2012
<b>Period: 77</b> Date of teaching: 29/ 02/ 2012


<i>LESSON 1</i>

<i>LESSON 1: Getting started +Listen & Read: Getting started +Listen & Read</i>

Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to be aware of how to make,
accept and decline invitations.

<b>II. PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette tape</b>

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<b>1. Warm – Up: (5’)</b>
- Have a chat with students:

T: Which country do you want to visit?
S: I’d like to visit Australia.

T: Why?

S: Because Australian people are friendly.
<b>2. Presentation: (10’)</b>

- Introduce the lesson: Mrs. Quyen is going to The
USA for a vacation. She is ringing her friend, Mrs.
Smith, to tell her about her tour.

- Have students read the dialogue and predict the

True/False sentences:

1. Mrs. Quyen is calling Mrs. Smith from the airport
in San Francisco.

2. Mrs. Smith invites Mrs Quyen and her husband to
stay with her while they are in town.

3. Mrs. Quyen doesn’t accept Mrs. Smith’s invitation
because she wants to stay with a Vietnamese friend
of her.

4. Mrs. Quyen and her husband will be in the USA
for three days.

5. Mrs. Quyen and her husband will come over to
Mrs. Smith’s place for dinner one night.

6. Mr. Thanh, Mrs. Quyen’s husband, goes abroad
for a business meeting.

- Explain vocabulary:
1. come on a tour
2. include (v)
3. come over (v)

4. have a business meeting
5. pick someone up (v)
6. abroad (adv)

- Check vocabulary: “Rub out and Remember”
<b>3. Practice: (15’)</b>

- Play the tape for students to check their

1. F <sub></sub> … from Ha Noi.
2. T

3. F <sub></sub> … because her accommodation is included in
her ticket price.

4. T

5. F <sub></sub> Only Mrs. Quyen.
6. T

- Have students practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Whole class.

- Listen to the teacher.
- Group works.

- Listen and write.

- Individual work
- Listen to the tape.

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- Ask students to complete Mrs. Quyen’s



25 TUE. 26 WED. 27 THU. 28

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- Ask students read the dialogue to answer the

a. No, they won’t. because they are coming on a tour
, and their accommodation is included in the ticket
price, so they will stay at a hotel.

b. No, he won’t. Because he will have a business
meeting in the evening.

c. Mrs. Smith will pick her up at her hotel.
<b>4. Production: (13’)</b>
- Have students play game: “Networks”

<b>5. Homework: (2’)</b>
- Reread the dialogue

- Prepare next lesson: Unit 12: Speak / p. 114

- Pair works.

- Group works.

- Group works.

Take note.

<b>IV. COMMENTS:</b>


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