Overview 1
Lesson: User Input 2
Lesson: Types of User Input Attacks 8
Lesson: Performing Validation 23
Lesson: Revealing As Little Information
As Possible to Users 38
Review 46
Lab 3: Verifying User Input 48
Module 3: Validating
User Input
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Module 3: Validating User Input iii
Instructor Notes
This module provides students with an explanation of how to manage user input
in a Web application in a secure way. The methods for checking user input, and
a discussion of the consequences of not performing those checks, are the focus
of this module. After completing this module, students will be able to secure
their Web applications by validating user input.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Identify the sources of user input in a Web application.
Describe the different types of user input attacks.
Implement user input validation.
Use communications analysis and coding best practices to avoid providing
information that can be used for security attacks.
To teach this module, you need the following materials:
file 2300A_03.ppt
HTML and Flash animation files: 2300A_03_A05_1640.htm,
To prepare for this module:
Read all of the materials for this module.
Complete the lab.
Practice the steps for the demonstrations.
Review the multimedia demonstration.
Read the TechNet articles, “Cross-site Scripting Overview,” “Cross-Site
Scripting Security Exposure Executive Summary,” and “Cross-Site
Scripting: Frequently Asked Questions,” which are available at
Read the Microsoft MSDN
article, “HOWTO: Prevent Cross-Site
Scripting Security Issues in CGI or ISAPI,” which is available at
article.asp?ID=KB; EN-US;Q253165&.
Read the MSDN article, “RequiredFieldValidator Control,” which is
available at
Read the MSDN article, “RegularExpressionValidator Control,” which is
available at
Read Chapter 12, “Securing Against Attack,” in Designing Secure Web-
Based Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000 by Michael Howard
(Redmond, Microsoft Press
), 2000.
90 minutes
30 minutes
Required materials
Preparation tasks
iv Module 3: Validating User Input
How to Teach This Module
This section contains information that will help you to teach this module.
Lesson: User Input
This section describes the instructional methods for teaching each topic in this
Discuss the various sources that can be used to accept user input in a Web
application. Explain how these sources can be maliciously used by an attacker
to enter a Web application.
Discuss how accepting all user input without performing any validation can be
detrimental to the Web application.
User input can be validated at the server side or the client side. Explain to the
class that although performing client-side validation is important because it
reduces round-trips to Web server, it is not secure. Therefore, as a best practice,
the validation must also be performed at the server side.
This animation shows the procedure for client-side and server-side processing.
The sequence of steps that occur during this multimedia demonstration is as
1. The client requests a Microsoft ASP.NET page from the Web server.
2. The server returns a page that contains Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML) and script to the client. The page includes TextBox and Button
controls. The page also contains client-side script that validates the contents
of the text box.
3. If the user types invalid information in the text box, the client-side script
generates a message box.
Because no information has been sent to the server, client-side processing
reduces network traffic and response times.
4. The user corrects the information in the text box, and then clicks Submit.
5. The information is validated at the client side and is then sent to the server,
where server-side processing can occur.
6. The server repeats the validation and stores the information from the text
box in a database.
Because the client-side script cannot access server resources, server-side
processing offers a greater range of flexibility in data processing.
Identifying the Sources
of User Input
Why Validate User
Types of User Input
Multimedia: Client-Side
and Server-Side
Module 3: Validating User Input v
Lesson: Types of User Input Attacks
This section describes the instructional methods for teaching each topic in this
Explain how canonical Uniform Resource Locator (URL) formats can become a
weakness for a Web application for an attack. Canonicalization mistakes are
caused the Web application implements security decisions based on a name
(such as a file name, a directory name, or a URL) and more than one
representation of the resource name exists, which can lead to the security check
being bypassed.
Explain the two types of cookies that can be used in a Web application to store
data: persistent and session. Emphasize that cookies can be modified, and
therefore, storing sensitive data in a cookie can prove to be dangerous for a
Web application.
Emphasize that Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) header values can be
changed and therefore should not be trusted.
Discuss the vulnerabilities that exist in accepting user input using a form.
Emphasize the best practices that must be used before accepting user input.
Use this demonstration to explain how data can be modified maliciously at the
client side.
This topic uses an animated slide to show how a script command injection
attack occurs in four steps. Cover the explanation for the corresponding step as
it appears on the slide.
Use this demonstration to explain how a script command injection attack is
performed on a Web application.
Lesson: Performing Validation
This section describes the instructional methods for teaching each topic in this
ASP.NET includes new functionality named Web Server Controls, which
contains five controls that can be used to validate user input. Use examples to
explain when these Web Server Controls should be used.
This topic describes the common properties of Web Server Controls and how
these controls help in preventing user input attacks.
Use this demonstration to explain how a RequiredFieldValidator control can
be used to verify that a TextBox control does not accept blank entries from
Explain the need for regular expressions and briefly discuss the elements of
regular expressions that are covered in this topic. Inform students that this topic
covers only the commonly used regular expression elements and that the
complete list of regular expression elements can be located in Microsoft
Visual Studio
.NET Help. Open Visual Studio .NET Help and search for
regular expressions. Open the page that provides a comprehensive list of regular
expression elements and show that list to the students in the class.
URL Format Attacks
HTTP Cookie Attacks
HTTP Header Attacks
Form Data Attacks
Demonstration: A Form
Data Attack
Script Command
Injection Attacks
Demonstration: A Script
Command Injection
ASP.NET Validation
Validation Controls
Demonstration: Using
Validation Controls
gular Expressions
vi Module 3: Validating User Input
Explain how students can use regular expressions to secure their ASP.NET
Web applications by matching the string with the pattern that is defined in
regular expressions. ASP.NET uses two different classes that are used for
creating and using regular expressions: RegularExpressionValidator and
Regex. Show the code examples for implementing both of these classes by
clicking the code example link that is provided on the bottom of the slide.
Explain how students can use regular expressions to secure their Active Server
Pages (ASP) Web applications by matching the string with the pattern that is
defined in regular expressions. Use the code example link that is provided on
the bottom of the slide to show the two different implementations of regular
expressions in ASP Web applications.
In this demonstration, students will see how a regular expression can be used to
verify that an input control has a properly formatted social security number.
In this practice, students will attempt to find all of the possible security
weaknesses on an existing Web page.
Lesson: Revealing As Little Information As Possible to Users
This section describes the instructional methods for teaching each topic in this
Discuss in the class how revealing information to users can benefit attackers.
Explain why it is important to conceal private and implementation details in the
messages that are sent back to users. You can use the example that a Web
application might use a user logon name to greet users, which is a bad security
practice. If the students need to provide personalization in their Web
application, they should use the user’s first name or nickname to address the
user, rather than using the user’s logon name.
A Web application interacts with users to provide them feedback on their
actions. Feedback is provided under normal conditions, such as a verification
message and a success message, or under error conditions, such as an error
message. Emphasize to the class that the feedback message should be generic,
and concise.
Detailed error messages can help attackers to find out the implementation
details of an organization’s Web application and can also help the attackers to
determine the vulnerabilities in the Web application. Therefore, it is important
to obscure error details in the messages.
This topic covers obscuring error details in ASP Web applications and
ASP.NET Web applications. Emphasize to the class that detailed error
messages are helpful during Web application development because they help
Web developers in debugging. Therefore, most of the Web applications may be
configured to display detailed error messages during the Web application
development phase. However, it is then important to ensure that detailed error
messages are obscured before moving the Web application to the production
Discuss how storing literal values in script or source code can be dangerous for
a Web application. Inform students that they must never store the literal values
in script or source code. Instead, they must store literal values in secured
configuration files or in the Microsoft Windows
Using Regular
Expression Validation in
Using Regular
Expression Validation in
Demonstration: Using
Regular Expressions
Practice: Break This
Concealing Private and
Providing Feedback to
Obscuring Error Details
from Users
Putting Literal Values in
Secured Files
Module 3: Validating User Input vii
Lab 3: Verifying User Input
Introduce the lab by stating that the labs for Course 2300, Developing Secure
Web Applications, create two Web applications, TailspinToys and
TailspinToysAdmin. By accessing the TailspinToys Web application, users will
be able to get a list of the products that are created by Tailspin Toys, and
resellers will be able to view the status of their orders. By accessing the
TailspinToysAdmin Web application, employees will be able to create new
reseller accounts and update the status of reseller orders.
This lab edits the logon page of the Tailspin Toys Web application to use a
strong password. For this lab, a strong password must have at least one number,
one lowercase letter, and one uppercase letter, and must be at least 8 characters
long, but not more than 20 characters long.
Customization Information
This section identifies the lab setup requirements for a module and the
configuration changes that occur on student computers during the labs. This
information is provided to assist you in replicating or customizing Microsoft
Official Curriculum (MOC) courseware.
Lab Setup
To complete this lab, you will use the following Visual Studio .NET solutions
and projects:
Two Visual Studio .NET solutions, 2300Labs and 2300Labs.NET, which
are in the \My Documents\Visual Studio Projects folder.
Four Web application projects, TailspinToys, TailspinToysAdmin,
TailspinToys.NET, and TailspinToysAdmin.NET, which are in the
\Inetpub\wwwroot folder.
You will use the 2300Labs solution and the TailspinToys and
TailspinToysAdmin Web applications to complete the ASP exercises in this
You will use the 2300Labs.NET solution and the TailspinToys.NET and
TailspinToysAdmin.NET Web applications to complete the ASP.NET exercises
in this lab.
viii Module 3: Validating User Input
You must assign each student a TailspinToys account to use for the labs. The
following is a list of the accounts that exist in the TailspinToys database. These
names correspond to the student computer names, so you can tell each student
to use his or her respective user name when accessing the TailspinToys Web
application throughout the labs in the Course 2300, Developing Secure Web
User name Password
Acapulco P@ssword8
Auckland P@ssword8
Bangalore P@ssword8
Bonn P@ssword8
Brisbane P@ssword8
Caracas P@ssword8
Casablanca P@ssword8
Denver P@ssword8
Glasgow P@ssword8
Khartoum P@ssword8
Lima P@ssword8
Lisbon P@ssword8
London P@ssword8
Manila P@ssword8
Miami P@ssword8
Montevideo P@ssword8
Moscow P@ssword8
Nairobi P@ssword8
Perth P@ssword8
Santiago P@ssword8
Singapore P@ssword8
Stockholm P@ssword8
Suva P@ssword8
Tokyo P@ssword8
Tunis P@ssword8
Vancouver P@ssword8
Lab Results
There are no configuration changes on student computers that affect replication
or customization.
Module 3: Validating User Input 1
User Input
Types of User Input Attacks
Performing Validation
Revealing As Little Information As Possible to Users
In this module, you will learn how to manage user input in a secure way. An
important security best practice that you must follow is to never trust user input.
If you trust a user’s input in a Web application, you are making your Web
application vulnerable to attack. If your Web application accepts input from
users, it is imperative that the Web application validate the input before
processing it. The methods for checking user input, and an explanation of the
consequences of not performing those checks, are the focus of this module.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Identify the sources of user input in a Web application.
Explain the different types of user input attacks.
Implement user input validation.
Use communications analysis and coding best practices to avoid providing
information that can be used for security attacks.
The code samples in this module are provided in both Microsoft
Visual Basic
.NET and C#.
2 Module 3: Validating User Input
Lesson: User Input
Identifying the Sources of User Input
Why Validate User Input?
Types of User Input Validation
Multimedia: Client-Side and Server-Side Processing
In this lesson, you will learn about the sources of user input in a Web
application. You will also be introduced to the reasons for validating user input
and the various ways to perform input validation.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify the sources of user input.
Decide when user input validation is necessary.
Describe the different types of user input validation methods.
Lesson objectives
Module 3: Validating User Input 3
Identifying the Sources of User Input
Request individual resources of a Web application
GET data
Parameters and values that a client passes to a Web application to
satisfy a GET request
POST data
Parameters and values that a client passes to a Web application to
satisfy a POST request
Store data on the client computer
HTTP headers
Provide numerous HTTP request header values to describe the
client environment to the server
All Web applications receive most of their input from users and then perform
some actions on that user input. The user input can be as simple as Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) GET requests for pages or can include uploaded data
from the user. The user input has five forms: Uniform Resource Locators
(URLs), GET data, POST data, cookies, and HTTP headers.
URLs are used to request the individual resources of a Web application. URL
formats can range from simple .htm file requests to complicated formats that
include GET parameters, as shown in the following example:
The URL shown in the preceding example passes two GET parameters, id and
view, with values 4 and detail, respectively, to the Web application.
GET data contains parameters and values that a user passes to a Web
application to satisfy a GET request. These parameters and values appear in the
URL for the GET request. Often, a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) form
is used to request the data from the user.
POST data contains parameters and values that a client passes to a Web
application to satisfy a POST request. These parameters and values are sent in
the body portion of the request and are not visible in the URL. Often, an HTML
form is used to request the data from the user.
GET data
POST data
4 Module 3: Validating User Input
Cookies are used to store data on the client computer. A cookie is associated
with a URL. A server can request a browser to store particular data in a cookie,
for a URL, by using an HTTP Set-Cookie header. If a client browser has a
cookie that is already associated with a URL, each time a request is made to
that URL, the client browser includes the cookie as the part of the HTTP
request. Cookies can also be read and written from the HTML script that runs
on the client browser.
Client browsers provide numerous HTTP request header values to describe the
client environment to the server. These request headers include the fields that
are shown in the following table.
HTTP request header name Description
Authorization Contains the authentication credentials for the
requesting user.
From Contains the e-mail address of the requesting user.
Referer Contains the address of the resource where the
current URL was obtained.
User-Agent Contains the information about the requesting
user’s browser and local computer environment.
HTTP headers
Module 3: Validating User Input 5
Why Validate User Input?
User input can be used to attack a Web application to:
Reveal implementation details
Create malicious data
Execute malicious script
Access restricted resources
To avoid a user input attack:
Do not accept user input without validating
Define valid input and write code to accept data within a
valid range
User input can potentially be used to attack a Web application. The reason for
the attack can be to reveal implementation details about the Web application, to
cause the Web application to create malicious data, to execute malicious script
on the Web application, or to access restricted resources on the Web
application. Any implementation details that are revealed can then be further
used to attack the Web application repeatedly. Malicious data can be used to
gain unauthorized access to the Web application. Malicious script can be used
to manipulate the Web application or to attack the users of the Web application.
User input attacks can also target restricted resources to gain access to secured
information on the Web application.
You must deal with all user input as if it is potentially part of an attack.
Whenever you receive input from the user, you must clearly define a narrow
range of valid input values. You then must write code to accept only data within
that valid range.
It is important to validate input by allowing only the known valid values, rather
than explicitly rejecting known invalid values. In the former case, you are
guaranteed to reject all invalid formats, whereas in the latter case, you are
rejecting only those invalid formats that you are aware of.
gainst user input attack
6 Module 3: Validating User Input
Types of User Input Validation
Client-side validation
Executes validation code, in a script, within the user’s
Minimizes server round-trips for data validation
Server-side validation
Executes data validation code on the server
Validation errors need to be sent back to the client,
resulting in more server round-trips
ASP.NET validation controls
Support both client-side and server-side validation
Validation code that is needed to check the user input can be executed either at
the client side or at the server side.
Client-side validation code is contained in a script, which is included with the
HTML that is sent to the client. This client-side validation code then runs on the
browser on the client computer. The client-side validation code validates the
user data, typically from field values, before sending the data to the server. Any
errors in the validation must be resolved by the user before the data is sent to
the server. Client-side validation code minimizes server round-trips for data
Server-side validation code runs on the Web application server, and it validates
the data that the user sent as part of a request. Any validation errors necessitate
sending a response, with the corresponding validation error messages, to the
client. Server-side validation requires several server round-trips for data
validation errors.
ASP.NET includes special Web controls for validation. One of the
best features of these controls is that they support both client-side and server-
side validation. If the client browser supports script execution, the ASP.NET
validation controls generate the HTML that includes client-side validation
script. Regardless of the client browser capabilities, the ASP.NET validation
controls also always perform validation at the server side.
Client-side validation
Server-side validation
Module 3: Validating User Input 7
Multimedia: Client-Side and Server-Side Processing
This multimedia presentation describes the differences between client-side and
server-side processing.
8 Module 3: Validating User Input
Lesson: Types of User Input Attacks
URL Format Attacks
HTTP Cookie Attacks
HTTP Header Attacks
Form Data Attacks
Demonstration: A Form Data Attack
Script Command Injection Attacks
Demonstration: A Script Command Injection Attack
In this lesson, you will learn about the types of user input attacks that you must
secure Web applications against.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe the types of user input attacks against a Web application.
Use best practices for securing a Web application against user input attacks.
Avoid script command injection attacks.
Lesson objectives
Module 3: Validating User Input 9
URL Format Attacks
Different URL formats are referred to as canonical
Canonical forms for URLs can become a weakness for
a Web application
::$DATA format
Returned the script source instead of the HTML
Dotless IP Addresses
Previously considered part of intranet
/> />http://031713501415
URLs are used to name resources within a Web application, and they can have
many formats. You have already learned about the URL format that contains
GET parameters at the end. Different URL formats are referred to as canonical
forms. A canonical form for a name is a standard or conventional format for
that name. For example, a computer name has three canonical forms: the
Domain Name System (DNS) name (for example,, the
network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) name (for example,
\\tailspintoys), and the Internet Protocol (IP) address (for example, The term canonicalization can also be used for referring to the
process of transferring a name to a canonical form.
Canonical forms for URLs can become a weakness for a Web application
because some URL formats are vulnerable, and therefore, can become a
security threat. Attackers can exploit the URLs to gain access to the Web
application’s resources. For example, if you allow parent paths or special
characters at the end of the URL, an attacker might enter one of the following
URLs and gain access to a command prompt or the c:\boot.ini file:
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 4.0 and earlier had a
weakness that allowed URLs ending in special characters or character
sequences to return the script source instead of the HTML response. The URLs
had formats such as:
Notice the trailing "::$DATA" in the first example and the trailing "." in the
second example. These weaknesses permitted anyone with a browser to view
the script source for a Web application.
10 Module 3: Validating User Input
An IP address has two forms: the dotted notation (for example,
and the dotless notation (for example, 3231580161). The canonical form for an
IP address is the dotted notation, because it is more easily read by humans. The
dotless notation is a valid form, but it is not a canonical form.
To convert a dotted IP address of the form a.b.c.d to the dotless form, use the
following formula:
dotlessIP = (a * 16777216) + (b * 65536) + (c * 256) + d
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 and earlier had a vulnerability with
dotless IP addresses. Those versions of Internet Explorer considered a dotless
IP address to be part of the intranet zone, and therefore, ran that address under
more lax security restrictions. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 and later
consider dotless IP addresses to be part of the Internet zone.
Dotless IP addresses
Module 3: Validating User Input 11
URL Format Attacks (continued)
Parent paths
Can access files outside a virtual directory
Do not use a parent path in a Web application; instead,
use an absolute path
Configure IIS to disable parent paths
Canonicalize URLs
Parse the URL into a standard format
Parent path URLs contain ".." characters, which refer to the parent folders of a
Web application. Parent path URLs can be used to navigate between virtual
roots or folders that are outside a virtual directory in IIS.
Parent paths can also be used to attack a Web application. There are many
forms of URLs that use parent paths to access files that are outside a virtual
root. The following URL attempts to access the Microsoft Windows
command prompt:
The preceding URL assumes that the /scripts folder is in the default location,
namely C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. This relative URL is then trying to access
cmd.exe within its default location, namely C:\WinNT\System32\. This URL
format can also be used to send arguments and commands to cmd.exe.
IIS 4.0 included a sample application that would return the source code of a file
to the client. Parent paths, as shown below, can also be used to exploit such
Parent path
12 Module 3: Validating User Input
Do not use parent paths within your Web application. Instead, use absolute
paths to reference Web pages.
To secure IIS version 5.0 against parent path attacks, you should configure IIS
to not permit ".." to appear in URLs. To configure a virtual root directory:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then
click Internet Services Manager.
2. Right-click the virtual root directory, and then click Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog box, on the Virtual Directory tab, click
4. In the Application Configuration dialog box, on the App Options tab,
clear the Enable parent paths check box, as shown in the following
illustration, and then click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.
In the rare case when you write code that makes execution choices based on the
format of a URL, you must first parse the URL into a standard format. Then,
you can reject any URLs that cannot be parsed into that format.
Disable parent paths
Canonicalize URLs
Module 3: Validating User Input 13
HTTP Cookie Attacks
Two types of cookies: persistent and session
Persistent cookies can be edited with Notepad.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Cookies
All cookies can be edited in client-side script
document.cookie is in JScript
Do not store sensitive data in a cookie
Instead store a lookup key
Encrypt cookie data if necessary
Cookies store per-user information for a Web page. A server requests a browser
to store particular information in a cookie by using the Set-Cookie HTTP
header. The browser stores that information by page URL and individual user.
If a browser has a cookie associated with a page URL, the browser sends that
cookie data every time it requests that page.
There are two types of cookies:
Persistent cookies
Persistent cookies are useful for information that must be used every time
that the user visits a page, such as user identification data. Persistent cookies
are saved between browser sessions in text files in the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Cookies
Session cookies
Session cookies remain in memory only for the duration of the current user
session. When the current user session expires, session cookies are deleted.
These cookies are not stored in a file.
Session cookies are useful for information that is related only to a single
user session. Active Server Pages (ASP) and ASP.NET use session cookies
to associate a request with a programmatic session.
All cookies can be edited by a malicious user. Persistent cookies are text files
that can be edited with any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad. The format
of the data in the text file is dependent on how the server is configured to
represent the data. Some cookie formats are obvious to determine, whereas
other formats are more opaque. If you can determine the format, you can then
edit the data.
Both session and persistent cookies can be read and modified in HTML script
by using the cookie property of the document object in Microsoft JScript
Types of cookies
14 Module 3: Validating User Input
Do not store sensitive data in cookies. Any data in a cookie can potentially be
Here is an example that illustrates the weakness of storing data in a cookie. A
catalog Web application might store the entire user shopping cart in a persistent
cookie. The shopping cart includes product prices and the Web application does
not validate these prices. Using Notepad.exe, a malicious user could change the
price of any product in his or her shopping cart, and those new prices would
then be accepted. Malicious users could effectively give themselves any
discount that they want on any of the Web application’s products.
Instead of storing sensitive data in a cookie, store a lookup key, such as a
globally unique identifier (GUID), and keep the sensitive data on the server, in
a file, or in a database. You can then use the lookup key from the user request to
find the sensitive data in your database. If users change the lookup key in the
cookie, they will lose the cookie data instead of causing malicious changes.
You can also encrypt cookie data before sending it to the client browser.
Encrypting cookie data renders the cookie data opaque to the client.
To learn more about encryption, see Module 9, “Encrypting, Hashing,
and Signing Data,” in Course 2300, Developing Secure Web Applications.
Best practices
Module 3: Validating User Input 15
HTTP Header Attacks
Do not trust the header values sent by the client
Header values can be set maliciously
Do not trust header values for important decisions
Example: invoicing based on the Referrer header value
HTTP header values are sent from the client to the server, as well as from the
server to the client. The headers that are sent by the client cannot be trusted
because a malicious client can change the header values.
You should not rely on client header values for sensitive information or for
decision-making. One example of relying on client header values might be to
use the Referrer header to pay affiliates for generating traffic to your Web
application. A malicious client could modify the Referrer header value to
always refer to their Web application.
16 Module 3: Validating User Input
Form Data Attacks
Form values
GET method includes the field values in the URL
POST method includes the field values in the body of the request
Form fields
All form fields and field names are visible in source code
Hidden fields are not secure
Validate field values and field names
Validate field value type and length
Use forms for the minimum required data
HTTP forms are used to send client data to a Web application. Forms consist of
fields, field types, field values, and a sending method. The following code is an
example of an HTML form that uses the GET method and includes two text
boxes (named Field1 and Field2) and one Submit button:
<FORM method="GET"
<INPUT type=text name=Field1>
<INPUT type=text name=Field2>
<INPUT type=submit value=Submit>
Forms are rendered in client browsers as collections of fields that are
represented by controls, including text boxes, combo boxes, list boxes, and
buttons. Users typically enter values into the controls and then click a button to
send the data to the Web application.
Hidden form fields can also be used for data-like product identifier (IDs) that do
not need to be displayed to the user. However, these product IDs are visible to
the user in the source code.
Form data can be sent to a Web application by one of two methods: GET and
POST. A form that is sent by the GET method includes the form field names
and values in the URL, as shown in the following example:
A form that is sent by the POST method includes the form field names and
values in the body of the request. With the POST method, the form data is not
visible in the URL.
Form fields
Module 3: Validating User Input 17
All form fields and their names are visible in the HTML source of a page. Any
hidden form fields can also be accessed in the source. Form field names and
values can be manually edited.
When form values are sent to the Web server by using a GET or POST method,
form values can easily be edited by anyone. Any user of the Web application
can save the HTML response that contains the form to a file. A user can then
manually modify that HTML file before submitting the data.
The types and lengths of form fields can be modified by attackers. If a Web
application uses a particular data type for a form field, an attacker can attempt
to use other data types to attack. For example, an attacker can save the form
locally and change the values for the form field to be other than what is
specified in the Web application. Similarly, if a Web application has a
particular maximum length that is assigned for a form field, an attacker can
save the form and enter a value that is longer than the specified maximum
length to attack a Web application.
You must validate the field values in a form for the GET or POST method. If
you create scripts from field names or use them in Web application code, you
must also validate the field names.
Do not put unnecessary information in forms and do not assume that hidden
fields are secure from modification by the user.
For example, a catalog Web application could use a hidden form field for the
price of a product. This price can easily be modified by a malicious client. If
you do not validate that price when the form is submitted, you are open to
accepting any price that the user chooses. Therefore, you must validate that
field. Alternatively, as a best practice, do not include the price in the form at all.
Display the price to the user, but rely only on the price that you store in a
database when accepting an order on a product.
Best practices