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Blogchuyenanh.wordpress.com – April 2012






<i>(Đề thi gồm 04 trang) </i>


<b>NĂM HỌC 2012-2013 </b>

<b>MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH (Môn Chuyên) </b>



<i><b>i gian làm bài: 120 phút. </b></i>


1. He would win the race if he ______ his brother example and trained harder.

A. took B. set C. followed D. repeated
2. You must ______ asleep in the train.

A. have been tired if you fell B. have been tired if you fall
C. be tired if you have been fallen D. be tired if you had fallen
3. If ______ deforestation, we wouldn’t have to face floods of rain.

A. there weren’t that B. we hadn’t had C. it weren’t because of D. there were no
4. The inflation rates have risen ______ the increase in petrol price.

A. on account of B. under surveillance of C. in preference to D. in relation to
5. I’d prefer to find out the truth myself ______ here to wait for him.

A. than to stay B. rather than to stay C. than stay D. rather than stay
6. I am going to ______ all my clothes and decide which to keep and which to give away.

A. get on B. go through C. hand in D. look for
7. For the first time ______, large portions of the universe can be observed simultaneously.

A. since history B. in history C. history began D. of the beginning of history
8. I didn’t mean to make ______ for her. It was all her hard work.

A. allowance B. way C. opportunity D. move
9. She wasn’t ______ for the loss of Fred.

A. blaming B. to blame C. for blame D. being blamed
10. We’ll play tennis and ______ we’ll have lunch.

A. immediately B. after C. then D. so
11. There used to be a well in front of our house, ______?

A. wasn’t there B. didn’t it C. wasn’t it D. didn’t there
12. Good pencil erasers ______ paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.

A. are not soft enough to damage B. are soft enough so that they can’t damage
C. are soft enough without damaging D. are soft enough not to damage

13. Helmet laws were ______ so that traffic fatalities would be reduced.

A. brought in B. taken out C. pulled up D. made up
14. Can you ______ the difference between fact and opinion?

A. separate B. distinguish C. point D. tell

15. Martha will be ______ charge when I’m away on business.

A. off B. to C. over D. in
16. This should be the last time I see you ______ out so late.

A. come B. leave C. stay D. get

17. ______ “orca" means whale, the orca is actually a member of the dolphin family, the delphinids.
A. Why B. It is C. That D. While
18. Which of you ______ to translate it for me?

A. wants B. does want C. do want D. want
19. In summer, George ______ plays tennis twice a week.

A. often B. occasionally C. ever D. usually
20. ______ you’ve given me!

A. What good advices B. What the good advice C. What good advice D. What a good advice
21. Please go ______ this report before we send it to the broad of directors.

A. up to B. off C. over D. past
22. I can lend you some money to help you ______ until you’ve had time to go to the bank.
A. away B. on C. out D. over
23. Don’t be too hard on him, he’s doing the job ______.

A. he can at best B. the best he can C. as best he can D. as best as he can
24. After the accident, there was a considerable doubt ______ exactly what had happened.

A. in the question of B. as to C. for D. in the shape of
25. Let me know when it would be ______ for you to come and visit.

A. fitting B. convenient C. comfortable D. applicable
26. His natural intelligence and his experience enabled him to ______ with the problem.

A. adapt B. tackle C. handle D. cope
27. Do you really believe your memory is clear ______ what happened?

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A. Not truthfully. B. I wouldn’t say I like it. C. If you ask me, alright. D. It’d be nice if you didn’t buy it.
29. Replace this information with something more ______ please.

A. relevant B. apprehensive C. content D. admissible
30. Tom: “Could I have some of this wine?” – Mary: “______”

A. I’ve just finished it. B. Not just now. C. No problem. D. Take it easy.
31. See you at ten ______.

A. sharp B. exactly C. accurately D. just
32. Let’s clean this room for the ______ being and do the rest of the house later.

A. present B. minute C. moment D. time
33. Michael is enthusiastic and ______ at his job, which makes him a real asset to the company.

A. deficient B. sufficient C. effective D. efficient
34. I am not ______ nuclear power in view of accidents.

A. on the point of B. for the purpose of C. in the sense of D. in favor of

35. On the battle field ______.

A. the tanks lay B. lied the tanks C. lay the tanks D. did the tanks lie

36. Tom: “Do you want to go by bus or me to drive you there?” – Mary: “I have to be there before 7.30 ______“
A. any way B. in some ways C. either way D. anyway

37. The play was put on in the ______ air, in one of the London parks.

A. fresh B. open C. natural D. country
38. In 1938, many people listening to the radio heard a report ______ had landed in New Jersey.

A. that being from Mars B. that beings from Mars C. being from Mars D. how beings from Mars
<b>39. Each of the Olympic athletes ______ for months, even years. </b>

A. has been training B. have been training C. was training D. were training
<b>40. Mr. Hawkins requests that someone ______ the data by fax immediately. </b>

A. sent B. sends C. send D. to send

The Open University was created in 1968 to give people who cannot afford to (1)______ regular courses of study, the
opportunity of studying and (2)______ a university diploma or degree. They study at home and their academic
performance is assessed by (3)______ of written examinations or project work. Most Open University students
(4)______ in study while also holding down a job or coping with a busy home life. They study in order to update their
job skills or for personal (5)______.

At the heart of most courses is a (6)______ of specially written and professionally printed textbooks and
workbooks which students receive by post. On many of the courses, students are (7)______ to watch television
programmes on the BBC network, which are usually broadcast in the (8)______ hours of the morning. The (9)______

of these programmes is to develop and broaden the study experience, so that students do not have to (10)______ only
on the printed material they are sent.

Students are (11)______ with all the notes and books they need and, in (12)______, some courses also include
audio and video cassettes and computer software. However, studying at the Open University can be a (13)______
because students have few opportunities to (14)______ each other. That is why the University encourages students to
set (15)______ and run informal study groups themselves.

1. A. present B. assist C. attend D. apply
2. A. taking B. claiming C. reaching D. obtaining
3. A. method B. means C. route D. system
4. A. fit B. take C. put D. join
5. A. delight B. satisfaction C. joy D. challenge
6. A. unit B. club C. set D. heap
7. A. expected B. needed C. hoped D. considered
8. A. first B. initial C. starting D. early
9. A. cause B. reason C. end D. aim
10. A. rely B. believe C. trust D. confide
11. A. given B. provided C. posted D. handed
12. A. addition B. particular C. advance D. return
13. A. fight B. struggle C. battle D. pressure
14. A. introduce B. know C. meet D. speak
15. A. out B. in C. up D. off

1. (A) In some of the world’s (B) biological richest regions, growing coffee can have (C) a destructive impact (D) on

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4. (A) As every (B) other nation, the United States (C) used to define its unit of currency, the dollar, in terms of (D) the
gold standard.

5. Nancy said (A) that she (B) went (C) to the supermarket before (D) coming home.

6. (A) Modern airplanes (B) are able to fly very (C) highly (D) because of the fact that they have pressurized cabins.
7. Some scientists believed that dinosaurs (A) become extinct (B) when a high asteroid (C) fell on (D) the Earth.
8. Natural predators, (A) disturbing from tourists, and pollution (B) have all (C) contributed to the (D) decline of the
California condor.

9. Lukas and Elliot said (A) that only one of the solutions (B) make sense, (C) and Evan said he (D) agrees.

10. Chad is (A) in the opinion that the woman (B) next to the (C) windows is fond of him because she glances at him
(D) from time to time.

1. Don’t do anything stupid that results in his ______. (PLEASE)

2. Her tireless commitment to ______ their relationship has been rewarded. (GOOD)
3. He answered the question so ______ that everyone burst into applause. (CREATION)
4. The electric company admitted their ______ for the blackout. (RESPOND)

5. Today, soccer has become the most popular sport all over the world. Do you know where it ______? (ORIGINAL)
6. One of the disapproved proposals will be taken into ______. (CONSIDER)

7. We’ve got on well thanks to our ______, Simon and Ali. (PEACE)

8. The voice ______ system doesn’t seem to be working. Please call a technician to check it today. (RECOGNIZE)

9. I have no idea why people give ______ words to his new collection. I think it’s poor. (COMPLIMENT)

10. We need ______ clothes to clean this floor. (WEAR)

11. Soak the dried mushroom ______ to soften them before cooking. (NIGHT)
12. She has spent many ______ nights writing the report. (SLEEP)

13. His work is ______ useful to us but there are a few things I don’t agree with. (DENY)

14. Her ______ academic record was the main reason for our last-minute decision to intake her. (STAND)
15. These are confusing words which you do need to understand to avoid ______. (USE)

A useful definition of an air pollutant is a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such
quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetations, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very flexible
definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws were established in England in the
fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled – a far cry from the
extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects
of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor might be
considered an air pollutant under certain conditions.

Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, are found
in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentrations of these pollutants were altered by various chemical reactions;
they became components in biogeochemical cycle. These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the
compounds to move from the air to the water or soil on a global basis, nature’s output of these compounds dwarfs that
resulting form human activities. However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city.

In this localized regions, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification
scheme of the cycle. The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at
which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence

of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact the numerical
value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur
naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is
about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, ahs a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a
pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.

<b>1. What does the passage mainly discuss? </b>
A. The economic impact of air pollution
B. What constitutes an air pollutant

C. How much harm air pollutants can cause

D. The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere
<b>2. The word "adversely" in line 2 is closest in meaning to ______. </b>

A. negatively B. quickly C. admittedly D. considerably
<b>3. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______. </b>

A. water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas
B. most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled
C. the definition of air pollution will continue to change
D. a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities
<b>4. The word "altered" in line 9 is closest in meaning to ______. </b>

A. eliminated B. caused C. slowed D. changed

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A. They function as part of a purification process.
B. They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants.

C. They are less harmful to living beings than are other pollutants.
D. They have existed since the Earth developed.

<b>6. According to the passage, which of the following is true about human-generated air pollution in localized regions? </b>
A. It can be dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants in the localized region.

B. It can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants.
C. It will damage areas outside of the localized regions.

D. It will react harmfully with naturally occurring pollutants.
<b>7. The word "noxious' in line 14 is closest in meaning to </b>

A. harmful B. noticeable C. extensive D. weak

<b>8. According to the passage, the numerical valued of the concentration level of a substance is only useful if ______. </b>
A. the other substances in the area are known B. it is in a localized area

C. the naturally occurring level is also known D. it can be calculated quickly
<b>9. The word "detectable" in line 18 is closest in meaning to ______. </b>

A. beneficial B. special C. measurable D. separable
<b>10. Which of the following is best supported by the passage? </b>

A. To effectively control pollution local government should regularly review their air pollution laws.
B. One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws.
C. Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants.

D. Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution.

Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Robert Downey Jr. celebrities are often in (1)______ with the law. Some manage to keep
their “mistakes” secret. But others end up their stories all over the tabloids. Here is a (2)______ of famous arrests
(3)______ might surprise you.

Bill Gates doesn’t seem like a bad boy. But on 29th April 1975 (just two weeks after founding Microsoft) he was
arrested in Albuquerque, New Mexico. What (4)______? Speeding and driving without driver’s license. But Bill’s rap
sheet doesn’t end (5)______. In 1977, he was arrested again. This time for speeding, driving his Porsche through stop
sign and, once again, driving without a license. The police records for the arrest have (6)______. But you can still find
Bill’s mug shot on the internet. And finally, in 1989, Bill was booked for drunk driving. But the charge was reduced to
lesser offence. Bill has (7)______ commented on his (8)______ past. But a Microsoft spokesperson said, “It’s well
known that when Bill was young, he didn’t have very good driving record.”

Can (9)______ with a criminal record become president of the United States? They certainly can. And George W.
Bush (10)______. In 1976, the 30-year-old was drinking in a bar near his parents’ house. A few hours (11)______, he
decided to drive home. But on the way, a police (12)______ pulled him over. Bush had been driving suspiciously slowly.
The (13)______ president was arrested for drunk driving. Bush kept his arrest secret for 24 years. But it leaked to the
(14)______ just before 2000 presidential election (which he won). But admitted it was true. He said, “I’m not
(15)______ of that. I made some mistakes. I occasionally drank too much, and I did that night. I’ve learned my lesson.”

1. If you work harder, you can get better marks. (CAPABLE)

 Unless __________________________________________________________________________
2. The advert said we would learn with a native speaker. In fact, we didn’t. (INSTRUCTED)

 Contrary to_______________________________________________________________________

3. All your wishes will come true. (WANTED)

 You will _________________________________________________________________________
4. All the children will receive a prize, whatever their score in the competition. (AWARDED)

 No matter how ____________________________________________________________________
5. His unexpected visit was just after your leave.

 No _____________________________________________________________________________
6. We reached the station but we missed the train. (ARRIVED)

 By the __________________________________________________________________________
7. His three suggestions for the problem seemed far from practicality. (WHICH)

 He suggested three solutions ________________________________________________________
8. It was too icy for people to walk safely on the pavement. (SAFETY)

 So _____________________________________________________________________________
9. Can I use you dictionary for a while? (USED)

 Would it _________________________________________________________________________
10. “You must try to solve your financial problem”, he said. (EFFORT)

 He insisted_______________________________________________________________________



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