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<b>Name:………. Test 45’</b>

<b>Class:……….. Subject: English 8</b>

<b>Marks</b> <b>Teacher’s comments</b>

<b>A. LISTENING:(2ms)</b>

I. Listen to the teacher and choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. You will hear the passage
<i><b>three times.</b></i>

<i><b> </b> </i> 1. How old is he ? A. 12 <b> B. 13</b> <b> C. 14</b> <b> D. 15</b>
<b> 2. What does he look like ? A. thin B. fat</b> <b> C. short</b> <b> D. tall</b>

<b> 3. What is he like ? A. reserved B. sociable C. outgoing D. humorous</b>

<b> 4. Who does he live with ? A. parents</b> <b> B. uncle</b> <b> C. aunt</b> <b> D. grandmother</b>
<b> II. Listen to the notice and filling the missing information. You will hear it three times.</b>
<b> Le Quy Don Middle School –Stamp Club</b>

<b> Meeting to discuss the stamp exhibition</b>

<b> Date: Sunday, ………Time: ………</b>
<b> Place: ………</b>

<b> For further information, please contact Nguyen Minh Thu, class 8A Monday afternoon and </b>
<b>……… </b>


Choose the best word(s) for these sentences by circling A ,B, C or D

1. She ………....in Nha Trang last year.

<b> A. lives</b> <b>B. lived</b> <b>C. is living</b> <b>D. live</b>
<b> 2. A person who cannot speak or hear is called ………</b>

<b> A. a deaf- mute</b> <b>B. a blind</b> <b>C. a deaf</b> <b>D. a character</b>
<b> 3. We mustn’t let children ………in the kitchen.</b>

<b> A. to play </b> <b>B. plays</b> <b>C. playing</b> <b>D. play</b>
<b> 4. The boy is not ………to lift the box.</b>

<b> A. enough strong B. so strong</b> <b>C. too strong D. strong enough</b>
<b> 5. The Sun ………in the East.</b>

<b> A. rise</b> <b> B. rises</b> <b>C. will rise</b> <b>D. is rising</b>
<b> 6. At home, we put our fruit in the ……….to keep it for a long time.</b>

<i><b> A. refrigerator</b></i> <b>B. cupboard</b> <b>C. kitchen</b> <b>D. stove</b>

<b> 7. Some kinds of drugs ……….candy.</b>

<b> A. seem</b> <b>B. look as</b> <b>C. look like</b> <b>D. look likely</b>
<b> 8. ………didn’t Lan go to school yesterday ? Because she was sick. </b>
<b> A. What</b> <b>B. why</b> <b> C. where</b> <b>D. when</b>
<b> 9. You ………to drink a lot of water every day.</b>

<b> A. ought</b> <b>B. must</b> <b>C. can</b> <b> D. should</b>
<b> 10. Is she going to ………you this summer ?</b>

<b> A. visited</b> <b>B. visiting</b> <b>C. visits</b> <b>D. visit</b>

<b> 11. Where’s the stress of the word “generous” ?</b>

<b> A. First</b> <b>B. Second</b> <b>C. Third</b> <b>D. First & second</b>
<b> 12. Did someone help Ba draw that picture ? No, he did it ………</b>

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<b> </b>

<i><b> I. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.</b></i>

<b> a , with , near , when , changed , called</b>

<b> Many years ago, Daniel used to live ………..his parents, brothers and </b>

<b>sisters……….the market in ……….town ………Fouyah in Liberia. Then one </b>
<b>day, ………he was just 10, something happened ………..his life forever.</b>

II. Read the passage and do the task.

<b>On March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh. He was a scotsman although </b>
<b>he later emigrated, tirst to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s. </b>

<b>In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon Bell started experimenting </b>
<b>with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. This led to the invention of the telephone. Bell </b>
<b>and assistant, Thomas Watson conducted many experiments and finally came up with a device which </b>
<b>they introduced in 1876. Bell said on the phone: Mr watson, come here. I want you. This was the first </b>
<b>message. </b>

<b>Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to the public at countless exhibitions, and </b>
<b>1877 the first telephone was in commercial use.</b>

<b>TRUEor FALSE</b>

<b>………..1. Alexander G. bell was born in Canada.</b>
<b>………..2. He went to the USA before going to Canada.</b>

<b>………..3. He worked with deaf-mute patients in a hospital in Boston.</b>
<b>………..4. Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant.</b>

<b>………..5. Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1877.</b>
<b>………..6. Bell invented the telephone.</b>

<b>D. WRITING:(2MS)</b>

<b> Read the passage below. Write the telephone message.</b>

<b> A woman telephoned Kingston Junior High School at 8 a.m on September 6. Her name is Mrs </b>
<b>Mary Nguyen, and she wanted to speak to Mr Kelvin, the principal. But he was out. So Miss Anderson </b>
<b>took a message. Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to make an appointment to see him at 9.45 on Tuesday. She </b>
<b>said Mr Kelvin could reach her at 64683720942.</b>


<b> DATE:………...TIME:………</b>
<b> FOR:………</b>
<b> MESSAGE:………..</b>
<b> ………</b>
<b> ………</b>
<b> TAKEN BY:……….</b>



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