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<b>Môn: TIẾNG ANH; Khối A1, D1; [29/6/2012] </b>

<i>Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề </i>

<i><b>Họ, tên thí sinh: ... </b></i>

<i><b>Số báo danh: ... </b></i>

<i><b>Select the best choice to complete each of the following sentences which have one missing word or phrases. </b></i>
<i><b>Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

<b>Question 1: </b> Of course I didn‟t break it __________ purpose. It was an accident.

<b>A.</b> by <b>B.</b> with <b>C.</b> from <b>D.</b> on

<b>Question 2: </b> I __________ to the conclusion, after failing to win any matches, that I would do better to give up
playing tennis altogether.

<b>A.</b> drew <b>B.</b> got <b>C.</b> formed <b>D.</b> came

<b>Question 3: </b> A few years after you buy it, a house is usually__________ much more than it originally cost you.

<b>A.</b> expensive <b>B.</b> worth <b>C.</b> worthy <b>D.</b> valueless

<b>Question 4: </b> I‟m so tired that I can‟t __________ what you are saying.

<b>A.</b> take up <b>B.</b> take in <b>C.</b> take over <b>D.</b> take on

<b>Question 5: </b> Although I couldn‟t speak the language, I managed to make myself__________.

<b>A.</b> understand <b>B.</b> understood <b>C.</b> understanding <b>D.</b> to understand

<b>Question 6: </b> To apply for the scholarship, the students are required to write a __________ essay about their future

<b>A.</b> two hundred-word <b>B.</b> two-pages <b>C.</b> double pages <b>D.</b> two hundred words

<b>Question 7: </b> We‟re confident that the future is in our hands, and it is our responsibility to contribute __________ our
own lives.

<b>A.</b> better <b>B.</b> bettering <b>C.</b> to better <b>D.</b>to bettering

<b>Question 8: </b> She is not doing __________ in the garden, just walking about the place.

<b>A.</b> anything <b>B.</b> nothing <b>C.</b> something <b>D.</b> a few

<b>Question 9: </b> __________ someone‟s attention so that we might speak to that person, we can use either verbal or
non- verbal forms of communication.

<b>A.</b> Attract <b>B.</b> To attract <b>C.</b> Attracting <b>D.</b> Having attracted

<b>Question 10: </b>As we‟ve been discussing for two hours without any solution, I‟d like to __________ my own solution to
this problem.

<b>A.</b> come up <b>B.</b> bring down <b>C.</b> put forward <b>D.</b> take in

<b>Question 11: </b>Dave, I really appreciate __________ me. But I think I could manage it myself.

<b>A.</b> you to help <b>B.</b> you helped <b>C.</b> your helping <b>D.</b> that you would help

<b>Question 12: </b>The pirate Jean Lafitte offered his services to the U.S. government in the War of 1812, __________ in
1815, and received a full pardon from President James Madison.

<b>A.</b> fought in the Battle of New Orleans <b>B.</b> the Battle of New Orleans was

<b>C.</b> He fought in the Battle of New Orleans <b>D.</b> the Battle of New Orleans

<b>Question 13: </b>Most of the computers in the laboratory are __________ now.

<b>A.</b> out of order <b>B.</b> out of work <b>C.</b> out of working <b>D.</b> out of function

<b>Question 14: </b>Not until 1865 __________ the first antiseptic treatment on a compound fracture.

<b>A.</b> when Joseph Lister tried <b>B.</b> when did Joseph Lister try

<b>C.</b> did Joseph Lister try <b>D.</b> that Joseph Lister tried

<b>Question 15: </b>He drives so fast that I am afraid one day he will __________ somebody crossing the street.

<b>A.</b> crash down <b>B.</b> knock down <b>C.</b> turn over <b>D.</b> run across

<b>Question 16: </b>The gun went __________ as he was cleaning it but luckily he was not hurt.

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<b>Question 17: </b>Would you please tell me which product is more competitive __________ the quality and the cost?

<b>A.</b> by means of <b>B.</b> in place of <b>C.</b> in terms of <b>D.</b> by way of

<b>Question 18: </b>No witnesses to the murder have come __________ and the police are struggling to solve the crime.

<b>A.</b> around <b>B.</b> forward <b>C.</b> back <b>D.</b> across

<b>Question 19: </b>When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for __________ 15 minutes.

<b>A.</b> another <b>B.</b> others <b>C.</b> other <b>D.</b> the others

<b>Question 20: </b>Under the educational plan proposed by the school board of Rocklyn County, __________ unhappy
with a particular school, they could simply move their children to another.

<b>A.</b> were parents <b>B.</b> when parents <b>C.</b> parents who were <b>D.</b> parents were

<b>Question 21: </b>Therapists are currently using mental imagery in the hope that it might prove __________ in the
treatment of cancer.

<b>A.</b> helpful <b>B.</b> for help <b>C.</b> helpfully <b>D.</b> with the help

<b>Question 22: </b>When __________ impulses from many of the neurons in one part of the brain, and epileptic seizure

<b>A.</b> the simultaneous bursts <b>B.</b> simultaneously burst

<b>C.</b> there are simultaneous bursts of <b>D.</b> simultaneously bursting

<b>Question 23: </b>We can trust Jim. He is the kind of person who always ___________ his promise.

<b>A.</b> stands by <b>B.</b> comes up <b>C.</b> looks up to <b>D.</b> pays back

<b>Question 24: </b>Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt ___________ lonely.

<b>A.</b> nothing but <b>B.</b> everything but <b>C.</b> anything but <b>D.</b> all but

<b>Question 25: </b>Would you be ___________ my letter while I am away?

<b>A.</b> too good as to forward <b>B.</b> as good as forward

<b>C.</b> so good as to forward <b>D.</b> so good as forwarding

<i><b>Read the following passage extracted from www.anujagarwal.hubpages.com and select the best answer to </b></i>
<i><b>each question below. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

Earth is the only known planet in our universe which has most favorable condition for life. It is full of oxygen, water,
and other necessary minerals which are essential for a living. To protect the earth from hazardous gases and
ultra-violet radiations, it has a blanket in the form of <b>‘</b>ozone layer‟. But unfortunately, future of our earth does not look so
promising, this ozone layer is depleting and becoming very thin due to global warming, which is a cause of worry for
us and especially for our future generation. If it continues to fade away like the current situation, there would be a very
destructive impact on the living conditions and environment.

Our earth will get surrounded with toxic gases and living here would be quite difficult for the survivors. These gases
will pollute the air, water and hence we will have less oxygen for us to breathe. Only few places on the earth may left
suitable for living, but that would only be for some more couple of years. The main reason behind depletion of „ozone
layer‟ is lack of green fields. We are cutting more and more trees for the sake of our new roads, tall buildings and
occupying all the space that was meant for nature. Less number of trees and greenery means less oxygen left for us
to have proper and clean breathing. Now asthma and breathe relating diseases are spreading more than earlier days
due to lack of fresh air. We are creating a mess for our elderly life and for our future generations by cutting trees and
wasting water.

As per many surveys, water level is going down minute by minute. Within few years, there will be a time when water

will be in so scarce that there may be fights just for the sake of water. Our future generation may not be able to see as
many water resources as we are seeing today. For them, it might be a precious resource which we used to waste just
like anything. Then water resources, beautiful lakes and rivers would be just a matter of stories and pictures – a thing
of past and history<b>.</b>

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value of this precious resource. But still, we treat all these natural resources as nothing and continue to waste them
without thinking for the coming generations.

There is a famous quote and it seems that someday, it may become true and then we will understand the real value of
nature than money: <i>"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught </i>
<i>will we realize we cannot eat money." </i>

With the lack of water, there would be so many diseases and problems for the coming generation, mainly there will be
skin diseases<b>, </b>kidney problems and the whole world will stink with less water. Already there is adecrease in rainfall
levels since some years and water level in some rivers has gone very low. All this will also affect unemployment, lack
of electricity, and overall it will make the conditions worst for living and our earth will not remain a favorable place to

<b>Question 26: </b>What is the main idea of the passage?

<b>A.</b> Protecting the ozone layer is a major step to help current survivors.

<b>B.</b> Humans are driving themselves to the brink of self-destruction due to their negative activities on Earth.

<b>C.</b> It is widely believed that apart from the ozone layer, the lack of water will definitely lead humans to widespread
diseases and other problems.

<b>D.</b> The decline of water level is merely the cause to the worsening of humans‟ current environment.

<b>Question 27: </b>What is the author‟s view on looking to the future of our world?

<b>A.</b> There is still some positive point for humans to trust in if they are more self-conscious.

<b>B.</b> The current situation predicts deep pessimism about the future.

<b>C.</b> The coming generation will take measures to make sense of what their forefathers are doing now.

<b>D.</b> Global warming will become from bad to worse though our descendants may manage it.
<b>Question 28: </b>What does the word “it” in paragraph 1 refer to?

<b>A.</b> The earth <b>B.</b> The ozone layer <b>C.</b> Global warming <b>D.</b> our coming generation

<b>Question 29: </b>According the passage, why is it said that humans are making a mess for their later life?

<b>A.</b> Together with the destruction of the ozone layer, water pollution and deforestation, which are caused by
humans, are harming them now and later.

<b>B.</b> More and more trees have been cut down to meet humans‟ demands, which helps spreading diseases much

faster than ever before.

<b>C.</b> Fresh air is now in great demand since our Earth is covered with toxic gases and there is no safe place for the
survivors on Earth.

<b>D.</b> However clean and proper the breathing is, humans have to cutting more and more trees for many convenience

<b>Question 30: </b>Which of the following can best replace the word “depletion” in the second paragraph?

<b>A.</b> ascending <b>B.</b> continuity <b>C.</b> endanger <b>D.</b> deficiency

<b>Question 31: </b>What message does the author want to convey through the third paragraph?

<b>A.</b> It is essential to teach our generations about how precious water is to humans‟ life.
<b>B.</b> Immediate actions today will save our images of life in our generations‟ minds.

<b>C.</b> Water resources and beautiful lakes will be only a matter of stories and pictures since they are unreal.

<b>D.</b> The coming generations should fight for the sake of water since it is in great demand for years.
<b>Question 32: </b>What does the word “them” in paragraph 4 refer to?

<b>A.</b> unknown reasons <b>B.</b> lakes and rivers <b>C.</b> our future generations <b>D.</b> natural resources

<b>Question 33: </b>What problem does the author mention if humans have to communicate with their future children about
the environment?

<b>A.</b> The future generation will be aware of the causes of their current situation.

<b>B.</b> The future generation will not be aware of the preciousness of water though they are educated and warned
many times.

<b>C.</b> In some way the future generation will understand why some water is lost due to some unknown reasons.

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<b>Question 34: </b>What does the author imply by mentioning the famous quote in paragraph 5?

<b>A.</b> It is true that money is superior to the value of nature and humans have to accept that fact.

<b>B.</b> Money will be worthless when nature collapses.

<b>C.</b> Nothing is more precious than money and nature since they are both vital.

<b>D.</b> People can have much more things to enjoy their life, not to mention their money.
<b>Question 35: </b>What is the writer‟s emotion in this passage?

<b>A.</b> pessimistic <b>B.</b> discouraged <b>C.</b> regretful <b>D.</b> satirical

<i><b>There is one mistake among four underlined words or phrases in each of the sentences. Find the mistake and </b></i>
<i><b>mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

<b>Question 36: </b>Early in United States history, the rights of woman were championed in Wyoming, the state where they

<b> </b> <b> A </b> <b> B </b> <b> C </b>

were first guaranteed the right to vote.

<b> </b> <b> </b> <b>D </b>

<b>Question 37: </b>Many environmentalists fear that the earth will run out essential natural resources before the end of the

<b> </b> <b>A </b> <b>B </b> <b> C </b> <b>D </b>

twentieth century.

<b>Question 38: </b>Farther evidence is needed to support recent research which suggests that certain chemicals found in

<b> </b> <b>A </b> <b> B </b> <b>C </b>

broccoli may act as cancer preventatives.

<b> </b> <b> </b> <b>D </b>

<b>Question 39: </b>The black cherry tree, from which fine cabinets and furniture is made, is found all across North

<b> </b> <b> A </b> <b>B </b> <b>C </b>

America, from Nova Scotia to Texas.

<b> </b> <b> D </b>

<b>Question 40: </b>Many New England farmers supplement their incomes with the sold of maple syrup tapped from sugar

<b> </b> <b>A </b> <b>B </b> <b>C </b>

maples growing on their farmland.

<b> D </b>

<i><b>Select the best answer that has the closest meaning to the underlined words of each sentence. Then mark the </b></i>
<i><b>letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

<b>Question 41: </b>Animal welfare did not become a so contentious issue until the late 1970s that no experts could see the

<b>A.</b> controversial <b>B.</b> consistent <b>C.</b> significant <b>D.</b> attentive

<b>Question 42: </b>In the first decades of the 20th century, the individual gene could not be seen, but could be worked with

<b>A.</b> blindly <b>B.</b> completely <b>C.</b> productively <b>D.</b> carefully

<b>Question 43: </b>After his failure in the interviewing section, Peter was painfully aware of his own shortcomings since he
had ever been very arrogant.

<b>A.</b> deficiencies <b>B.</b> discouragements <b>C.</b> dissatisfactions <b>D.</b> weaknesses

<i><b>Select the best answer that has the OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined words of each sentence. Then mark </b></i>
<i><b>the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

<b>Question 44: </b>Most of the teenagers who are depressed about their family turn out to be disengaged when facing
social activities.

<b>A.</b> dissatisfied <b>B.</b> bossy <b>C.</b> enthusiastic <b>D.</b> disagreeable

<b>Question 45: </b>The Grand Canyon is a superb example of the long-term effects of erosion.

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<i><b>There is one word missing from each space of the passage. Choose the correct answer to complete the text. </b></i>
<i><b>Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>


Until recently, vegetarianism was fairly uncommon in Britain, and it is still considered strange by some. But since the
1960s its popularity has increased greatly, to the <b>(46)</b>___________ that high street stores stock a huge variety of
products for vegetarians.

The reasons people give for not eating meat are (<b>47</b>)___________. Perhaps most vegetarians do it for moral reasons,
arguing that it is wrong to kill. The opposing point of view is that it is (<b>48</b>)___________ for us to kill for food, and that
we have evolved to do so. Still, there are societies where eating meat is not allowed because it is (<b>49</b>)___________
their religion.

There are other good reasons to (<b>50</b>)___________ meat, one of which is the inefficiency of livestock farming. A single

field of soya bean plants can actually (<b>51</b>)___________ 200 times as much protein as the number of cattle which
could be raised on the same <b>(52)</b>___________ of land, so a vegetarian world might be a world without hunger.

Although it is, in theory, cheaper to eat only vegetables, vegetarianism is most (<b>53</b>)___________ in richer countries
such as Germany and Britain, where many people (<b>54</b>)___________ meat for health reasons. In these countries, at
least, it (<b>55</b>)___________ to be a matter of choice rather than necessity.

<b>Question 46: A.</b> measure <b>B.</b> distance <b>C.</b> length <b>D.</b> extent
<b>Question 47: A.</b> numerous <b>B.</b> lots <b>C.</b> several <b>D.</b> dozens
<b>Question 48: A.</b> real <b>B.</b> natural <b>C.</b> physical <b>D.</b> genuine
<b>Question 49: A.</b> across <b>B.</b> beside <b>C.</b> opposite <b>D.</b> against
<b>Question 50: A.</b> give up <b>B.</b> put down <b>C.</b> cut off <b>D.</b> turn away
<b>Question 51: A.</b> achieve <b>B.</b> produce <b>C.</b> create <b>D.</b> establish

<b>Question 52: A.</b> amount <b>B.</b> total <b>C.</b> area <b>D.</b> size

<b>Question 53: A.</b> popular <b>B.</b> famous <b>C.</b> known <b>D.</b> liked

<b>Question 54: A.</b> exclude <b>B.</b> prevent <b>C.</b> escape <b>D.</b> avoid
<b>Question 55: A.</b> finishes off <b>B.</b> goes through <b>C.</b> turns out <b>D.</b> comes up

<i><b>Read the following passage extracted from www.animals.howstuffworks.com by Jessika Toothman and select </b></i>
<i><b>the best answer to each question below. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

Animals might not be able to speak or master advanced language techniques, but they certainly have other ways of
communicating. Whale song, wolf howls, frog croaks, bird chirps - even the waggle dance of the honeybee or the
vigorous waving of a dog's tail - are among the panoply of ways animals transmit information to each other and to
other denizens of the animal kingdom.

Species often rely on verbal and nonverbal forms of communication, such as calls; non-vocal auditory outbursts, like

the slap of a dolphin's tail on the water; bioluminescence; scent marking; chemical or tactile cues; visual signals and
postural gestures. Fireflies and peacocks are classic examples of brilliant bioluminescence and impressive visual
displays, respectively. Ants use chemical cues (in a process called chemoreception) to help guide their foraging
adventures, as well as for other activities like telling friend from foe, connecting with new mates and marshaling the
colony's defenses.

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hear the warning calls of the Madagascan paradise flycatcher. The two species have nothing in common except for
the fact that they share a general habitat and raptors like to snack on them. So when an iguana hears a bird raise the
alarm among other birds, it likely knows to be on alert for incoming predators, too.

However, as noise pollution interferes with animal communiqués all across the globe, many animals' ability to
communicate effectively comes under fire. Increased shipping traffic over the last century has dramatically affected the
transfer of whale song around the ocean basin. Studies have found that songbirds, too, suffer from noisy (albeit
terrestrial) urban <i><b>environs. Some species have had to modify their singing styles, producing songs that are louder </b></i>
and shriller, in order to be heard above the clamor. Pumped up volume usually leads to simpler and somewhat inferior
styles of singing that female birds seem to find decidedly less sexy.

<b>Question 56: </b>What is the main idea of the passage?

<b>A.</b> Most of the animals have a good command of language techniques to communicate.

<b>B.</b> The interference from humans has contributed to the changes of some animals‟ communiqués.
<b>C.</b> Animals possess a variety of special ways to make them understood among each other.

<b>D.</b> There are some non-verbal techniques that animals use to communicate with each other.
<b>Question 57: </b>It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

<b>A.</b> Honeybees communicate with each other through short quick movements.

<b>B.</b> Wolves and frogs makes high sounds to make them understood.

<b>C.</b> Different species of animals can only transmit the information to their own groups.

<b>D.</b> Non-vocal auditory outbursts are common way of transmitting information among fish.

<b>Question 58: </b>According to the passage, which of the followings belong to a group of animals which can produce and
emit light?

<b>A.</b> dolphins <b>B.</b> peacocks <b>C.</b> ants <b>D.</b> whales

<b>Question 59: </b>Which of the followings is NOT one of the uses of chemical cues from ants?

<b>A.</b> organizing their members so as to be ready for a battle.

<b>B.</b> warning each other of the danger of the enemies.

<b>C.</b> helping the ants follow their adventures.

<b>D.</b> locating their current mates.

<b>Question 60: </b>Which of the followings can best replace the word “acoustic” in the third paragraph?

<b>A.</b> lighting <b>B.</b> verbal <b>C.</b> symbolic <b>D.</b> sonic

<b>Question 61: </b>What does the writer imply by mentioning the bilingualism of some birds?

<b>A.</b> It is the best way for birds to communicate with different kinds of songbirds.

<b>B.</b> It helps prevent the birds from misunderstanding each other.

<b>C.</b> It helps other birds locate where they are, especially in territories of differing songsters.

<b>D.</b> It encourages other birds to communicate with each other even though they are in difference areas.
<b>Question 62: </b>It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that __________.

<b>A.</b> The development of ears in Madagascan spiny-tailed iguanas helps them to communicate with each other

<b>B.</b> Madagascan spiny-tailed iguanas communicate with paradise flycatchers through well-developed ears.

<b>C.</b> Madagascan paradise flycatchers and spiny-tailed iguanas have the same predators.

<b>D.</b> Madagascan paradise flycatchers often alert spiny-tailed iguanas about their enemies.
<b>Question 63: </b>What does the word “they” in the fourth paragraph refer to?

<b>A.</b> species.

<b>B.</b> spiny-tailed iguanas .

<b>C.</b> iguanas and flycatchers.

<b>D.</b> paradise flycatcher and raptors.

<b>Question 64: </b>Which of the followings can best replace the word “environs” in paragraph 5?

<b>A.</b> communications <b>B.</b> territories <b>C.</b> interference <b>D.</b> surroundings

<b>Question 65: </b>According to the passage, what have some sea animals done to react to the increased shipping traffic
in their areas?

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<b>B.</b> Some animals such as whales have to try to transfer the songs over the ocean basin.

<b>C.</b> They have to make a change to their communicating strategies.

<b>D.</b> Some species have to pump up volume to simpler and inferior styles to make them less sexy.

<i><b>Choose the answer that is the best combination of the sentences in each question. Then mark the letter (A), </b></i>
<i><b>(B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

<b>Question 66: </b>Mary was absolutely worn out. Yet she agreed to help her son with his homework.

<b>A.</b>Tired as she was, she agreed to help her son with his homework.

<b>B.</b> Despite of her tiredness, she was eager to help her son with his homework.

<b>C.</b> Even if feeling tired, she agreed to help her son with his homework.

<b>D.</b> She would have helped her child with his homework if she hadn‟t been tired.

<b>Question 67: </b>No one knew the reason why the criminal died. Thus, a group of doctors carried out a surgery in order
to explore it.

<b>A.</b> A group of doctors carried out a surgery in order to explore the criminal.

<b>B.</b> No one knew the reason why the criminal died, which a group of doctor carried out a surgery in order to

<b>C.</b> A group of doctors carried out an exploratory surgery to find out the reason leading to the criminal‟s death.
<b>D.</b> The reason which a group of doctors carried out a surgery in order to explore the criminal‟s death was unknown

to everyone.

<b>Question 68: </b>Public health, nutrition and medicine improved in the twentieth century. As a result, life expectancy also
rose rapidly.

<b>A.</b> Public health, nutrition and medicine improved in the twentieth century, which contributed to rapidly rising life

<b>B.</b> Life expectancy rose rapidly, causing the improvement of public health, nutrition and medicine in the twentieth

<b>C.</b> Due to rapid rise in life expectancy, public, nutrition and medicine showed an improvement in the twentieth

<b>D.</b> The twentieth century saw a rapid rise in life expectancy thanks to improvements in public health, nutrition and

<b>Question 69: </b>In some cultures, looking people in the eye is assumed to indicate honesty and straightforwardness. In
others it is seen as challenging and rude.

<b>A.</b> While looking people in the eye is thought as to show honesty and straightforwardness in some cultures, others
see it as challenging and rude.

<b>B.</b> Honesty and straightforwardness are assumed to be indicated by looking people in the eye in some cultures
and it is seen as challenging and rude in others.

<b>C.</b> Some cultures regarded looking people in the eye honest and straightforward whereas others considered it as a
challenge or rude.

<b>D.</b> It is assumed that looking people in the eye is honest and straightforward in some countries, but other cultures

view it as challenging and rude.

<b>Question 70: </b>Everybody is on the same curriculum. The only thing people can do is to follow the herd.

<b>A.</b> When everybody is on the same curriculum the only thing people can do but to follow the herd.

<b>B.</b> While the only thing people can do is to follow the herd, everybody is on the same curriculum.

<b>C.</b> When everybody is on the same curriculum there is no other choice but follow the herd.

<b>D.</b> However same the curriculum is, following the herd is what people can only do.

<i><b>There are four words in each question. One word has primary stress pattern which is different from that of the </b></i>
<i><b>others. Select the word and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>Question 74: A.</b> radiator <b>B.</b> explanatory <b>C.</b> pharmacist <b>D.</b> irritable
<b>Question 75: A.</b> commentator <b>B.</b> facilitator <b>C.</b> preliminary <b>D.</b> colloquialism

<i><b>Choose the best sentence that has the closest meaning to the original one and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or </b></i>
<i><b>(D) on the answer sheet. </b></i>

<b>Question 76: </b>“Call on my place for a potluck dinner with our friends tonight, won‟t you?” said Jack to his colleague

<b>A.</b> Jack ordered his colleague to call on his place for a potluck dinner with their friends tonight.

<b>B.</b> Jack kindly invited his colleague to come over his place for a potluck dinner with their friends last night.

<b>C.</b> Jack would like to invite his colleague to visit his place for a potluck dinner with their friends the night before

<b>D.</b> Jack suggested going out for his place for a potluck dinner with his friends tonight.

<b>Question 77: </b>“If you pass the university entrance exam, I‟ll give you a ticket for a 4-night trip to Afghanistan”, said the
teacher to his student.

<b>A.</b> The teacher promises to offer his student a ticket for a 4-night trip to Afghanistan if he passed the university
entrance exam.

<b>B.</b> The teacher urged that his student pass the exam so he would be given a ticket for a 4-night trip to Afghanistan.

<b>C.</b> The teacher insisted that he will give his student a ticket for a 4-night trip to Afghanistan if his student passed
the university entrance exam.

<b>D.</b> The teacher said he would give his student a ticket for a 4-night trip to Afghanistan if he passed the university
entrance exam.

<b>Question 78: </b>“I strongly disagree with you on that point because building a park in the city center will make scene
worse”, said the representative to the city council.

<b>A.</b> The representative said he did not strongly agree with the council because building a park in the city center will
make the scene worse.

<b>B.</b> The representative did not approve the council‟s plans on building a park in the city center since it will make the

scene worse.

<b>C.</b> The representative objected to the council‟s plan on building the park since it would worsen the city‟s scene.
<b>D.</b> The representative warned the council about making the scene worse if they built a park in the city center.
<b>Question 79: </b>“Could you please drop by my office and hand in your report by this Friday?” said the manager to John.

<b>A.</b> The manager requested John to hand in his report in her office on Friday at the latest.

<b>B.</b> The manager suggested dropping by her office and handing in his report by that Friday.

<b>C.</b> The manager agreed that John could hand in his report in her office by this Friday.

<b>D.</b> The manager said that the deadline for John to hand in his report would be before Friday in her office.

<b>Question 80: </b>“I think Joe doesn‟t lie to me. He didn‟t arrive at the airport because he got an accident”, said Margaret.

<b>A.</b> Margaret said that she thought Joe did not lie to him because he had got an accident on his way to the airport.

<b>B.</b> Margaret trusted Joe that he had not arrived at the airport on account of an accident.

<b>C.</b> Margaret insisted that Joe had not arrived at the airport because he had got an accident.

<b>D.</b> Margaret added that because of the accident Joe did not arrived at the airport.


<b>(Wish you all greatest success in the next exam and in your future!) </b>


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