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English 9Tiet 73Review

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Week 35 Date of preparing: 06/05/12

Period 73 Date of teaching: 08/05/12


<b>I. Objectives:</b>


Educational aims:

2. Teaching aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss can review tenses and rewrite the sentences
<b>II. Preparations:</b> Textbook

<b>III. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1. Exercises (40’)</b>
<b>a. Exercise 1: (15’) Tenses</b>

- Give the correct form of the verb given in the brackets
1. My dad (not like) ………. coffee, he never (drink)
………. it

2. Ba is short. He wishes he (be) ………. taller

3. This house is empty. It (not live) ………. in for many

4. I hate (get) ………. up early in winter

5. Traditionally, the <i>aodai</i> (wear) ………. by both men

and women

6. This is my house. I (live) ………. here for 7 years
7. I’m busy at the moment. I (clean) ………. the floor
8. Where ………. you (spend) ………. your holiday last

9. I (see) ………. Nam while I (go) ………. to school
yesterday. We (say) _____ hello and (walk) ………. the
rest of the road to school together

10. My brother is a teacher. He (work) ………. in a
school in the city center

11. Listen! They (sing) ………. an English song

12. I’m sitting in class right now. I (sit) ………. in class at
this time yesterday

13. I’m sure you will have forgotten me by the time I (be)
………. back in 5 years

14. Up to now, our teacher (give) ………. our class five

15. Trung is used to (get) ………. up early every morning
- Call some Ss to correct

<b>b. Exercise 2: (25’) Rewrite the sentences</b>
1. Has someone booked the seats yet?

Have ………?
2. I said to Mrs Hoa, “What sports do you often play?”

- Work in individually
- Do exercises

- Correct
- Work in pairs
- Do exercises

<b>Will / shall + </b>

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I asked Mrs Hoa ………
3. “Is there a TV in the bedroom?”, I asked the landlady
I asked the landlady ……….
4. “Let’s go to the cinema”, Lien said

Lien suggested ………..
5. What a pity, I can’t speak English

I wish I ………..
6. “ I going to Hanoi tomorrow”, he said

He said that ………
7. The poor farmer was tired but he keep working
In spite ……….
8. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you

If I ………
9. I last met him two months ago

I haven’t ………
10. If you don’t try hard, you will not pass your final

Unless ………
- Call some pair to get feedback

<b>2. Homework (5’)</b>
- Learn by heart the forms and uses
- Do more exercises in workbook

<b>IV. Comments:</b>




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