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<b>UNIT 3 : AT HOME. LESSON 3 : B1--2</b>
<b>Period 14</b>

<b>A.Objectives: </b>

-By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to count things using numbers from 21 to 100
and pronounce plural nouns.

Practice with There is/ there are...
2. Skills: All four skills are used.

3.Attitude: Hepl them to practice English fluently.
<b>B. Teaching aids:</b>

Textbook, colored chalks, pictures, poster, projector, computer speaker
<b>C. Methods: Board Drill, Realia drill, Dictation lists, picture drill</b>
<b>D. Contents :</b>


<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b> Absent ss:</b>

6A1 ……….. ………

6A2 ... ...

6A3 ……… ……….

<b> Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b> Contents </b>
<b>II. WARM- UP</b> (5’)

Board Drill.

-T: Call 2 Ss to write on board.

<b> Ss: Write the answers in words</b>
-T: Comment and give marks.

<b>Step 1 : Presentation (12’)</b>
Act 1. Pre teach

T. elicits the numbers from sts.
- Listen and give the answers.
- Listen and repeat then copy.

Quy tắc xây dựng các số chẵn chục: đổi các số từ
“13 đến 19” từ đuôi “teen” thành “ty”

-Thirteen (13) – thirty (30)
-fifteen (15) – fifty (50)
Ngoại lệ:

fourteen (14) – forty (40)
twelve (12) – twenty (20)

Quy tắc xây dựng các số không chẵn chục: số chẵn
chục + “-” + số đếm hàng đơn vị

twenty-one , thirty-one , twenty-eight

Check voc : What and where

Listen, read then go to the board and rewrite
<b>Act 2. - T presents how to form plural nouns and </b>
gives Ex.

- T gives the Exercise:

- Give the plural nouns of the words
1.Class -……… classes …….

a .10 + 5 = <i>fifteen</i>

b .40 : 2 = <i>twenty</i>

c. 7 + 5 = <i>twelve</i>

d. 2 + 7 = <i>nine</i>

e. 9 x 2 <i>= eighteen</i>

<b>1. Vocabulary</b>

twenty: 20 sixty: 60 thirty : 30
seventy: 70 forty : 40 eighty: 80
fifty : 50 ninety: 90

one hundred: 100

<b>There is a door in the classroom</b>

<b>There are twenty desks in the </b>

<b>* Một số quy tắc thành lập dạng số </b>

43 <sub>32</sub>



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2.Book -……… books …….
3.School -…… schools …….
4.Bench -…… benches ………

- T introduces the structures: There is / are ….
- T: Show the door and say:

<b>Step 2 : Practice (17’)</b>
Activity 1. Picture drill

- T instructs ss how to do Ex B2

- SS fill the quantity of things in the square of each

- Ss do Ex B2 as told.
- Ask ss to give answers.

- Ask ss to make sentences using
“There is / are ….”

<i>* Ex:</i>

<i>There is a table in the classroom.</i>
<i>There are two students in the</i>

Activity 2. Realia drill: B2 P.36

-Aks Ss to count the items in the classroom
(board, door, window, desk, table, lamp, pen,
pencil, ruler, student, teacher....) and put the
numbers in the boxes.

- Asks Ss to use the structure” There is / there
are ...” to speak out how many items there are in
the classroom.

<b>Step 3 : Production (8’)</b>

Request ss to use the structures above to write
about the things they have counted .

* Change into plural N
1.These are ……… (bench)

2.How many …..are there in your living room?

4.There are five ………on the table. (dish)
5.Three ………are in the room. (lady)
6. Are those your …………. ? (stereo)
7.These are my ……… (bookshelf)
8.Are those ………? chef)

<b>Good class:</b>

- Ask ss to make sentences using There is / are ….
with the real things in the classroom.

<b>IV. SUMMARY </b><i>(1min)</i>

Retell the structures: There is/ there are...
- Count and write numbers from 21 to 100.

Moral lesson: advise ss to protect things at school.
<b>V. HOMEWORK </b>

nhiều của N

a) Thêm “s” sau hầu hết các danh
từ số ít

b) Bỏ “<b>y</b>” và thêm “<b>ies</b>” vào sau
danh từ có kết thúc bằng “<b>y</b>” mà
trước "y" là một <b>phụ âm</b>

<b>a party</b> – <b>some parties</b>

<b>a city</b> - <b>five cities</b>

truoc ng.am chi them S

d) Thêm “s” vào sau những danh từ
kết thúc bằng “o” mà trước "o" là
một nguyên âm(two bamboos)
Thêm "<b>es</b>" vào sau những danh từ
kết thúc bằng “<b>o</b>” mà trước “o” là

một <b>phụ âm (</b><i><b>a tomato)</b></i>

f) Thay "f" hay "fe" bằng "ves" vào
sau hầu hết các danh từ tận cùng
bằng "f" hay "fe"

g- Danh tan cung : ch, sh, x, s, o,
thªm “es”

ex : a bench => benches
a couch => 2 couches

<b>There is + a /an + n…</b>
<b>There are + pl. n …</b>
<b>2/ Practice </b>

1. door 2. Students 1 ruler
1 book 1 table 4 benches
1chair 1 window 1 eraser
4 desks 1 clock 1 board

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- Learn by heart the count numbers 1-100 and how
to add “s” and " es"



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