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1.My brother was born in 1990 _______________Bac Giang.(in / on /at /of)

2.I bought this computer 4 days _____________.(ago / now / at the moment / then)
3.Nam suggested ____________ a rest.( take / taking / took / to take )

4.The film started a few minutes sgo,__________? (didn’t it / did it / does it / doesn’t it)
5.There are two tables ___________ the kitchen.( off /at / on / in )

6.The woman ______ is our teacher has been to Canada.( who / whose / which / whom)
7._________he studied hard,he failed his exam.(Although / Because / If / However)
8.Mary is sad__________ she has lost her calculator.(even though/ so /but/ because )
9. The 2014 worlt cup will be held______Brazil. (at/of/on/in)

10. Would you mind_______me a momend? (help/helping/to help/ helped)
11. I asked her if she ________ her final exam. (pass/ to pass/ passing/passed)
12. You don’t like playing chess______? (don’t you/ do you/ have you/ haven’t you)
13. Please turn______ the lights. It’s too dark here. (up/ on/ off/ in)

14. She was happy, _____ nobody sent her birthday cards. (so/ but/ although/ because)
15. That is the man_____ told me the bad news. ( whose/ which/ whom/ who)

16. The air in the city is very_____. (pollute/ polluted/ pollution/ pollutes)

17. – “ Hello, I am Marry ” - “ ” (Nice to meet you! /Who are you ?/Great !/Thank you)

18. Asian people eat rice . Rice in many parts of Asia. (has grown/are grown/ have grown/is grown)
19. I haven’t seen john he got married. (when /until/ since / before)

20.Our flat is very small. We wish we more rooms. (had/ have/ have had/will have)
21. If we go throwing trast , the environment will be polluted. (in/on/ at/ among)

22. She’ll have to look her little children when her parents are away. (about/ on/ after/ off)

23. – “ How long have you learnt English?” - “ .”( since 4 years/for four years/ 4 years ago/within four years)
24. – Lan: “ Bye!” -Lan “ .” (See you lately/ See you later/ Thank you/ Meet you again)

25. Susan studied very well she could pass the exam. (if/ but/ so that/ or)
26. Let’s about my problem. ( talk/ talking/ to talk/ talked)

27. The children are playing in the schoolyard. (happy/ happiness/ happier/ happily)
28. I wish they here tomorrow. (will come/ would come/ came/ to come)

29. Do you know the man you met yesterday?.(whom/ what/ which/ whose)

30. Hung : “ Would you like to have dinner whit me?” _ Lan: “ .”(Yes, I’d like to/I’m very hapy/Yes, it is/ Yes, so do I)
31.We were ________ by the beauty of this city (impress/impressive/impression/impressed)

32. Please be ____________ when you cross this road. (careless/carefree /caring/careful)
33. It took us five hours __________ to Ha Noi. (to drive/ drive /driving/drove)

34. Someone suggested ___________ for a walk. (go/ going/of going/ to go)

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37. She agreed ___________ me with the task. (help/ to help/ helping/ has helping)

38.What did you think of the play?- That was the most ___________ performance I’ve ever seen.
(exciting / excited/ excite/ excitement)

39.The doctor ... me not to stay up too late at night.<b> (</b>advised/ suggested/ insisted /forced)

40. Tomorrow we’ll go to Noi Bai airport to meet Maryam, ________ comes from Malaysia. (who/ whom/ whose/ that)

41. If you get up early, you ... late.<b> (</b>weren’t/ wouldn’t be/ aren’t/ won’t be)

42. It’s very hot today. I wish I... on the beach now. (am/ was/ were/ had been)

43. When he lived in the city, he ... to the theater twice a week.<b> (</b>uses to go/ has gone/ used to go/ was going)
44. If I were a flower, I ... a sun flower.<b> (</b>was/ were/ will be/ would be)

45. She was very _________ in protecting the environment. (interesting/interested/interestingly/interest)
46___________ he didn’t understand the matter,he didn’t ask for help. (However/Although/Because/Therefore)

47. Let me congratulate you _______ your nomination,Tuan. (on/in/at/for)
48. Mary ________ write to me last year. (uses to/used to/was used to/is used to)
49. She asked me if I ___________ pop music . (liked/like/am liking/likes)

50. The building _______ has just been built over there is our new school library. (which/who/whom/whose)
51.You really saw a UFO,Nam,______? (didn’t you/weren’t you/don’t you/do you)

52. She is going to finish her work, ___________ ? (is she/ isn’t she/ will she/ doesn’t she)
53. We couldn’t go out _ ____________the storm. (because/ owing/ as of/because of)

54. _____ it was raining heavily, we went out without a raincoat. (In spite of/Although/ However/ In spite)
55. He is not very good _______ mathematics. (on/ in/ for/ at)

56. Alan and Ted took these photographs _____. (themselves/ herself/ himself/ ourselves)

57. If he ______ soon, he will miss the train. (isn’t coming/ doesn’t come/ won’t come/ didn’t come)

58. People in Isreal are going to celebrate their festival ______ is called Passover. (whose/ who/which/where)
59. ______ I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep so well. (Even though/So/ Therefore/ Because of)

60. She asked me if I ______ a laptop computer the following day. (buy/ will buy/ bought/ would buy)
61. We have learnt English ______ 2001. (for/ since/ in/ during)

62. Your sister works in a foreign company, ______ she? ( isn’t/ didn’t/ wasn’t/ doesn’t)
63. He asked me if I………to school by bike everyday. (am going/ go/ was going/went)
64…….Friday morning, there is a meeting between 8a.m and 11 a.m (In/ For/ On/ At)
65. She was sick yesterday,……….she was absent from shool . (since/ so/ because/but)
66. My father asked us……….too much time playing computer games.

(not to spending/did not spend/not to spend/to not spent)
67. If Mr John……….rich,he would travel around the world. (is/ will be/ was/ were)
68.The book………..is on the table belongs to my brother. (which/ where/ whose/ who)

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