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<b>UNIT 3:</b>



<i><b>Meaning</b></i> <i><b>Example</b></i>

<i>banyan</i> <i>/ˈbanjən/</i> <i>n</i> <i>cây đa </i>

<i>Whenever I think of my hometown,</i>
<i>the image of a banyan appears in </i>
<i>my mind. </i>

<i>blanket</i> <i>/ˈblaŋkɪt/</i> <i>n</i> <i>chăn, mền </i> <i>This old blanket has been along </i>
<i>with me since I was a poor student</i>
<i>blind man's </i>

<i>buff </i> <i>/blʌɪnd mans bʌf/ n</i> <i>trò chơi bịt mắt bắt dê </i>

<i>Bind man's buff is children's </i>
<i>favorite game</i>

<i>buff</i> <i>/bʌf/</i> <i>n</i>

<i>người say mê, </i>
<i>thông thạo (một bộ</i>
<i>môn) </i>

<i>Alan is a tennis buff</i>

<i>collection</i> <i>/kəˈlɛkʃ(ə)n/</i> <i>n</i> <i>bộ sưu tập </i>

<i>He won the fashion award for the </i>

<i>best collection </i>

<i>comment</i> <i>/ˈkɒmɛnt/</i> <i>n</i> <i>lời phê bình, nhận </i>
<i>xét </i>

<i>His critical comments have </i>
<i>contributed to my success </i>

<i>contest</i> <i>/ˈkɒntɛst/</i> <i>n</i> <i>cuộc thi, cuộc đau </i>
<i>tài </i>

<i>There are more and more beauty </i>
<i>contests in Vietnam</i>

<i>entrance</i> <i>/ˈɛntr(ə)ns/</i> <i>n</i> <i>lối vào, cổng </i>

<i>The entrance to the theatre is full </i>
<i>of people </i>

<i>grocery</i> <i>/ˈgrəʊs(ə)ri/</i> <i>n</i> <i>hàng khô, tạp <sub>phẩm </sub></i> <i>Where can I find the grocery?</i>

<i>grocery store /ˈgrəʊs(ə)ri stɔː/</i> <i>n</i> <i>tiệm tạp hóa </i>

<i>Go to the grocery store, you will </i>
<i>find it</i>

<i>hamburger</i> <i>/ˈhambəːgə/</i> <i>n</i> <i>bánh ham-bơ-gơ </i>

<i>This restaurant serves the best </i>
<i>type of hamburger</i>

<i>highway</i> <i>/ˈhʌɪweɪ/</i> <i>n</i> <i>đường cao tốc, <sub>quốc lộ </sub></i>

<i>There have been many accidents </i>
<i>on this highway </i>

<i>journey</i> <i>/ˈd</i>ʒ<i>əːni/</i> <i>n</i> <i>cuộc hành trình, <sub>chuyến đi </sub></i>

<i>He must be very tired after a long </i>

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<i>tasty </i>

<i>pagoda</i> <i>/pəˈgəʊdə/</i> <i>chùa </i>

<i>On his tour around Vietnam, Joe </i>
<i>has seen a number of beautiful old</i>
<i>pagodas </i>

<i>role</i> <i>/rəʊl/</i> <i>n</i> <i>vai, vai trò </i>

<i>Teachers play an important role </i>
<i>in education</i>

<i>route</i> <i>/ruːt/ or /raʊt/ </i> <i>n</i> <i>tuyến đường </i>

<i>He has been on this route </i>
<i>hundreds of times </i>

<i>bus route </i> <i>/bʌs ruːt/</i> <i>n</i> <i>tuyến xe buýt </i>

<i>The bus route number 16 will take</i>
<i>you to the station </i>

<i>roundabout </i>

<i>route </i> <i>/ˈraʊndəbaʊt ruːt/ n</i> <i>tuyến đường vòng </i>

<i>Because of the accident, we had to</i>
<i>go on roundabout route</i>

<i>shrine</i> <i>/ʃrʌɪn/</i> <i>n</i> <i>miếu thờ, điện thờ,<sub>am </sub></i> <i>The pagoda has many shrines </i>

<i>sightseer</i> <i>/ˈsʌɪtˌsiːə(r)/</i> <i>n</i> <i>người ngắm cảnh, <sub>khách tham quan </sub></i>

<i>All the sightseers are interested in </i>
<i>the beauty of this pagoda </i>

<i>snack</i> <i>/snak/</i> <i>n</i> <i>bữa ăn vội, bữa ănqua, món ăn </i>
<i>nhanh </i>

<i>I only have snack at lunchtime</i>

<i>tip</i> <i>/tɪp/</i> <i>n</i> <i>tiền cho thêm, tiền </i>
<i>hoa hồng, tiền boa</i>

<i>She often gives the waiters tips for</i>
<i>the good service </i>

<i>comment</i> <i>/ˈkɒmɛnt/</i> <i>v</i> <i>nhận xét, phê bình </i>

<i>He used to comment people </i>
<i>aggressively </i>

<i>entitle</i> <i>/ɪnˈtʌɪt(ə)l, ɛn-/</i> <i>v</i> <i>đặt đầu đề, đặt tựa</i>

<i>They printed an interesting poem </i>
<i>entitled "The Apple Tree" in a "News" </i>
<i>yesterday </i>

<i>feed(fed/fed)</i> <i>/fiːd/</i> <i>v</i> <i>cho ăn </i> <i>Mai is feeding the chickens </i>

<i>gather</i> <i>/ˈgaðə/</i> <i>v</i> <i>thu hoạch (mùa <sub>màng) </sub></i>

<i>They're gathering flowers in the </i>
<i>field </i>

<i>lie(lay/lain) </i> <i>/lʌɪ/</i> <i>v</i> <i>nằm</i> <i>Don't lie in bed all morning</i>

<i>locate</i> <i>/lə(ʊ)ˈkeɪt/</i> <i>v</i> <i>tọa lạc, xác định vị<sub>trí </sub></i>

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<i>plough</i> <i>/plaʊ/</i> <i>v</i> <i>cày</i> <i>Plough the fields before it is too late</i>

<i><b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. </b></i>

<i>1. </i> <i>A. lunch </i> <i>B. kitchen </i> <i>C. technology</i> <i>D. purchase</i>

<i>2. </i> <i>A. bike</i> <i>B. idea </i> <i>C. opinion </i> <i>D. library</i>

<i>3. </i> <i>A. fasten </i> <i>B. sense</i> <i>C. smell </i> <i>D. rest</i>

<i><b>II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others:</b></i>

<i>4. </i> <i>A. family </i> <i>B. disaster</i> <i>C. buffalo </i> <i>D. several</i>

<i>5. </i> <i>A. country </i> <i>B. cousin </i> <i>C. polite </i> <i>D. borrow</i>

<i><b>III. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences :</b></i>
<i>6. Nam wishes he_________a new school bag. </i>

<i>A. has </i> <i>B. have </i> <i>C. will have </i> <i>D. had</i>

<i>7. I wish I __________the exam. </i>

<i>A. pass </i> <i>B. can pass </i> <i>C. will pass </i> <i>D. could pass</i>

<i>8. He met his friend at 11. 40 so he returned home __________ 11. 40. </i>

<i>A. before</i> <i>B. at </i> <i>C. after</i> <i>D. till</i>

<i>9. He often does his homework __________ the morning. </i>

<i>A. on </i> <i>B. at </i> <i>C. in </i> <i>D. for</i>

<i>10. They usually ride to their home village ________ the summer. </i>

<i>A. in</i> <i>B. on</i> <i>C. at</i> <i>D. for</i>

<i>11. She has worked in this company __________seven days. </i>

<i>A. in </i> <i>B. on </i> <i>C. at </i> <i>D. for</i>

<i>12. Lan invites us to go to her party ___________9. 30. </i>

<i>A. in </i> <i>B. on</i> <i>C. at </i> <i>D. for</i>

<i>13. We will have a meeting ____________Sunday evening. </i>

<i>A. in</i> <i>B. on </i> <i>C. at </i> <i>D. for</i>

<i>14. They wish they ____________my home village some days. </i>

<i>A. visit </i> <i>B. visited </i> <i>C. will visit </i> <i>D. would visit</i>

<i>15. The exercise is very difficult_____________none of us can do it. </i>

<i>A. and </i> <i>B. but</i> <i><b>C. so </b></i> <i>D. because </i>

<i>16. Grocery store is________________. </i>

<i> A. a place where people can buy drugs </i>

<i><b> B. a place where people can buy food and small things </b></i>
<i> C. a place where people can buy stamps and send letters </i>
<i> D. a place where people can take a rest </i>

<i>17. He works _____________ to earn more money. </i>

<i><b>A. part time </b></i> <i>B standard time </i> <i>C. less time </i> <i>D. 8 hours </i>

<i>18. Van is a Vietnamese student. Now he comes to Australia for his studying. He is an _________student. </i>

<i>A. excellent </i> <i>B. elderly </i> <i>C. experienced </i> <i><b>D. exchange</b></i>

<i>19. Nam and Lan can’t go on the picnic with their friends. They wish __________. </i>

<i>A. they can go </i> <i><b>B. they could go </b></i> <i>C. they go </i> <i>D They will go. </i>

<i>20. Maize means ______________________. </i>

<i>A. rice </i> <i><b>B. corn </b></i> <i>C. fruit </i> <i>D. mango</i>

<i>21. The dog is hungry now. Mrs Lien has forgot to ____________it. </i>

<i>A. bring </i> <i><b>B. feed </b></i> <i>C. grow </i> <i>D. raise </i>

<i>22. Nam has a good behavior of protecting the environment around. He always ______all the garbage he sees. </i>

<i>A. ignores </i> <i>B. laughts at </i> <i><b>C. collects </b></i> <i>D. lays out. </i>

<i>23. Where is your home village ?. It is ___________the north of Ho Chi Minh city. </i>

<i>A. on </i> <i>B. at</i> <i><b> C. to </b></i> <i>D. after</i>

<i>24. All rivers here _________to the sea. </i>

<i>A. move </i> <i>B. go </i> <i><b>C. flow </b></i> <i>D. carry along</i>

<i>25. We started to go home __________a visit to Cham temples. </i>

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<i><b>IV. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage :</b></i>

<i>I came to this village five years ago because I wanted to teach people about modern health care. I will</i>
<i>be leaving in about two months. I wish I _(26)__longer, but it’s time for me to go home. My work here has</i>
<i>been very interesting. I am learning so much. I always wish that there __(27)__more hours in the day</i>
<i>__(28)___I could do more works here. Maybe it’s silly, but I worry about ___(29)____will happen to the</i>
<i>villagers after I leave. I wish my students __(30)___all the things I’ve tried ___(31)___them. I’ve become so</i>
<i>close to the people here, I wish I __(32)__them home with me!. But of course that’s__(33)____. I wish more</i>
<i>people ___(34)___ the Peace Corps. It’s so rewarding (satisfying) and there’s so much work to ___(35)___. </i>

<i>26. </i> <i>A. can stay </i> <i><b>B. could stay </b></i> <i>C. stay </i> <i>D. will stay</i>

<i>27. </i> <i>A. are </i> <i>B. is </i> <i>C. will be </i> <i><b>D. would be</b></i>

<i>28. </i> <i><b>A. so that </b></i> <i>B. but </i> <i>C. and </i> <i>D. because</i>

<i>29. </i> <i>A. which </i> <i><b>B. what </b></i> <i>C. why </i> <i>D. when</i>

<i>30. </i> <i>A. remember </i> <i><b>B. remembered </b></i> <i>C. can remember </i> <i>D. will remember</i>

<i>31. </i> <i>A. taught </i> <i>B. teaching </i> <i><b>C. to teach </b></i> <i>D. to teaching</i>

<i>32. </i> <i><b>A. could take </b></i> <i>B. take </i> <i>C. can take </i> <i>D. will take</i>

<i>33. </i> <i>A. possible </i> <i><b>B. impossible </b></i> <i>C. positive </i> <i>D. possessive</i>

<i>34. </i> <i>A. join </i> <i><b>B. would join </b></i> <i>C. will join </i> <i>D. can join</i>

<i>35. </i> <i>A. do </i> <i>B. did </i> <i>C. have done </i> <i><b>D. be done</b></i>

<i><b>V. Choose A, B, C or D to complete these following sentences:</b></i>

<i>36. Everyone was extremely tired after the visit so_____________________. </i>
<i>A. they continued going fishing. </i>

<i><b>B. they slept on the bus on the way home. </b></i>

<i>C. they walked up to visit the shrine on the mountain</i>
<i>D. they played the game “ what song is it ?”</i>

<i>37. . There is an interesting film tonight but Hoa has a lot of homework to do. She wishes _____________. </i>
<i>A. she will watch that film. </i>

<i>B. she can watch that film. </i>
<i>C. she watches that film. </i>
<i>D. she could watch that film</i>

<i>38. “ I wish I could stay in Vietnam for a few months” means ________________. </i>
<i>A. I can stay in Vietnam for a few months</i>

<i>B. I can’t stay in Vietnam for a few months</i>
<i>C. I stayed in Vietnam for a few months</i>
<i>D. I will stay in Vietnam for a few months</i>

<i>39. She doesn’t remember Nam’s phone number. She wishes ________________. </i>
<i>A. she know Nam’s phone number</i>

<i>B. she can know Nam’s phone number </i>
<i>C. she knew Nam’s phone number</i>
<i>D. she knows Nam’s phone number</i>

<i>40. Mr. Lam is hungry now but he has an appointment between 11 am and 1 pm so __________. </i>
<i>A. he can’t have lunch before 1 pm. </i>

<i>B. he can have lunch before 1 pm. </i>
<i>C. he can’t have lunch after 1 pm. </i>
<i>D. he can’t have lunch before 11 pm. </i>



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