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Improving the training quality management system at hcmc college of transport in vietnam

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Graduate Institute of Business and Management


Improving the Training Quality
Management System at HCMC College of
Transport in VietNam

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Masters of Business Administration

Advisor: Dr. Ron Chuen Yeh
Co-advisor: Dr. Nguyen Trung Truc
Graduate Student: Pham Van Tam

December, 2010

Firstly, let me send the thanks to the Managing Board of Hochiminh City University
of Industry, Vietnam, and Meiho University, Taiwan of creating conditions for me to
participate in the training program of the Executive Business Administration Master for
the past two years.
I sincerely extend my appreciation to Dr. Ron Chuen Yeh, the Head of the Graduate
Institute of Business and Management at Meiho University, Taiwan, who always gave
instructions and encouragement to me during my preparation of this research.
I highly appreciate Dr. Nguyễn Trung Trực, the Vice Dean of the Banking and
Finance Faculty of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry, Vietnam, who assisted me

for the completion of this master thesis.
I would like to thank lectures and professors of the Postgraduate Faculty; the
Business Administration Faculty of HUI and professors of MU, who gave much
assistance to us during the courses.
Finally, I would like to express thanks to my family members and my colleagues in
HCMC College of Transport, Vietnam, who spent time to gave me the valuable
information, suggestions and advises so that I can fulfill this thesis.
Sincerely thanks.


Improving the Training Quality Management
System at HCMC College of Transport in
The training quality today has become the most important factor in the
competitive market all over the world and for the process of globalization of the world
economy. Therefore, quality management is a very important duty to ensure the quality
and to improve the training efficiency at colleges and universities, in Vietnam.
However, higher education at Vietnam is facing enormous challenges: the
government methods to manage colleges and universities change very slowly, can not
ensure the required quality of the whole training system, can not promote the creation
from a strong team teachers, administrators and students. Renovation the state
management of higher education is the first step to improve the quality and
comprehensive development of higher education
In this study, the author researched overview about quality management system
of higher education, the model of quality management in the world being more
universities and colleges in Vietnam learn and apply as: Total Quality Management
(TQM), International Standard Organization (ISO) and European Foundation For Quality

Management (EFQM), etc.
Finally, the author studied the factors that affect the quality management system
of HCMC College of transport, Vietnam. From the results of research, the author
proposes some solutions to improve the of quality management system training at HCMC
College of transport, Vietnam.

Keywords: Training Quality, Training, Quality Management Training, Higher education


Improving the Training Quality Management
System at HCMC College of Transport in
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................................... I
Contents ................................................................................................................................. III

................................................................................................................................. VI



Chapter1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Purposes, Objectives and Questions ............................................................... 3
1.3 Research Scope and Limitations..................................................................................... 3

1.4 Definition of Terms ........................................................................................................ 4
1.4.1 Training quality........................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2 Management of training quality............................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review..................................................................................................... 8
2.1 The Rationale for Quality Management Training........................................................... 8
2.1.1 The characteristics of the school system in systems theory..................................... 8
2.1.2 The fundamental difference between school and company..................................... 9
2.1.3 The concept of "process" and "customers" in the field of education..................... 10
2.2 The Quality Management Model .................................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Total quality management (TQM). ........................................................................ 14
2.2.2 Model quality management system ISO-9000....................................................... 16
2.2.3 Quality management model EFQM. ...................................................................... 19
2.3 Quality Assurance Systems of Higher Education Vietnam. ......................................... 22
2.4 Factors Affecting the Quality Management Training................................................... 24
2.4.1 The relationship between training goal and quality management training. ........... 25
2.4.2 The relationship between teaching staff qualification quality management
training. ................................................................................................................. 25
2.4.3 The relationship between teaching courses/syllabus and quality management
training. ................................................................................................................. 26


2.4.4 The relationship between materials facilities and quality management training... 26
2.4.5 The relationship between administrative support and quality management
training. ................................................................................................................. 27
2.5 Research Framework and Hypotheses.......................................................................... 27
2.5.1 Research framework. ............................................................................................. 27
2.5.2 Hypotheses............................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 3 Research Methodology........................................................................................... 30

3.1 Research Process........................................................................................................... 30
3.2 Methods of Investigation .............................................................................................. 32
3.2.1 The object of investigation. ................................................................................... 33
3.2.2 Design questionnaire.............................................................................................. 33
3.3 Formal Survey............................................................................................................... 34
3.3.1 Sample survey........................................................................................................ 34
3.3.2 Process survey........................................................................................................ 34
3.4 Analytical Methods....................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 4 Research Results and Analysis............................................................................... 36
4.1 Analysis Describes the Basic Information of Survey 1 ................................................ 36
4.1.1 Measurement results of research variables. ........................................................... 36
4.1.2 Reliability............................................................................................................... 38
4.2 Analyzing the Correlation between Variables .............................................................. 39
4.3 Analysis of Simple Linear Regression.......................................................................... 40
4.3.1 Testing hypothesis h1: training goal have an influence to the quality
management training............................................................................................. 41
4.3.2 Testing hypothesis h2: professional qualifications of teachers affected to the
quality management training. ............................................................................... 42
4.3.3 Testing hypothesis h3: teaching courses/syllabus influence to the quality
management training............................................................................................. 43
4.3.4 Testing hypothesis h4: material facilities influence to the quality management
training. ................................................................................................................. 44
4.3.5 Testing hypothesis h5: administrative support influence to the quality
management training............................................................................................. 46
4.3.6 Testing hypothesis H6. .......................................................................................... 47
4.4 Analysis Describes the Basic Information of Survey 2 ................................................ 48
4.4.1 Descriptive statistics. ............................................................................................. 48

4.4.2 Reliability statistics................................................................................................ 49
4.4.3 Frequency statistics................................................................................................ 49
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations....................................................................... 54
5.1 Conclusions................................................................................................................... 54
5.1.1 About the quality management system training at the college and university in
vietnam.................................................................................................................... 54
5.1.2 about the implementation of quality management training at hcmc college of
transport. ................................................................................................................. 54
5.1.3 About determined of quality management system training appropriate for hcmc
college of transport. ................................................................................................ 55
5.2 Limitations of Research ................................................................................................ 57
5.3 Recommendations......................................................................................................... 58
References............................................................................................................................... 59
Attachment 1........................................................................................................................... 62


Table 3-1 Summary of Research Methods.............................................................................. 32
Table 4-1 Descriptive Staistics of Questionnaire 1................................................................. 36
Table 4-2 Reliability Statistics of Questionnaire 1 ................................................................. 38
Table 4-3 Reliability Statistics of Variables ........................................................................... 39
Table 4-4 Correlation Coefficient between Variables ............................................................ 40
Table 4-5 Results Analysis of Simple Linear Regression between Training Goal and
Quality Management Training................................................................................. 41
Table 4-6 Results Analysis of Simple Linear Regression between Professional
Qualifications of Teachers and Quality Management Training............................... 42
Table 4-7 Results Analysis of Simple Linear Regression between Teaching
Courses/Syllabus and Quality Management Training ............................................. 44

Table 4-8 Results Analysis of Simple Linear Regression between Material Facilities and
Quality Management Training................................................................................. 45
Table 4-9 Results Analysis of Simple Linear Regression between Administrative Support
and Quality Management Training .......................................................................... 46
Table 4-10 Results Analysis of Simple Linear Regression between Quality Training and
Quality Management Training................................................................................. 47
Table 4-11 Descriptive Staistics of Questionnaire 2............................................................... 49
Table 4-12 Reliability Statistics of Questionnaire 2 ............................................................... 49
Table 4-13 Health ................................................................................................................... 49
Table 4-14 Professional Knowledge....................................................................................... 50
Table 4-15 Working Experience............................................................................................. 50
Table 4-16 Professional Skills ................................................................................................ 51
Table 4-17 Developing in Jobs ............................................................................................... 51
Table 4-18 Active and Creative in work................................................................................. 51
Table 4-19 Compatible Capabilities for Working Environment............................................. 52
Table 4-20 Disciplines ............................................................................................................ 52
Table 4-21 Assessing Students’ Working Capabilities Compared with the Requirements
of the Company........................................................................................................ 52


Figure 1-1 Hierarchy in Quality Management.....................................................................7
Figure 2-1 Structure Diagram of a Professional School as a Social Organization ..............8
Figure 2-2 Diagram of a Process of Production.................................................................10
Figure 2-3 Diagram of the Training Process......................................................................11
Figure 2-4 Schema Quality Management Training ...........................................................13
Figure 2-5 The Circle Deming to Improve Quality ...........................................................15
Figure 2-6 ISO Build Process for Enterprise .....................................................................17

Figure 2-7 Model of the Process of Quality Management System ISO ............................19
Figure 2-8 EFQM Excellence Model.................................................................................21
Figure 2-9 Research Framework........................................................................................28
Figure 3-1 The Research Process.......................................................................................31


Improving the Training Quality
Management System at HCMC College
of Transport in Vietnam
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
The training quality today has become the most important factor in the
competitive market all over the world and the process of globalization of the world
economy. Especially when performing the process to decentralize, in which schools
have a right to select or to build their own training program, to recruit teacher, to build
facilities and to buy equipment, the management quality is a very important duty to
ensure the quality and to improve the training efficiency at colleges and universities.
As of September 2010, Vietnam has 409 higher education establishments
including universities, academies and colleges (Ministry of Education and Training,
Vietnam, 2010). According to the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training: After
23 years of economic reform, higher education in Vietnam has achieved encouraging
results. Millions of college and university level labor, thousands of masters and
doctorate degree labor have been the main force, the core of the process to modernize
and industrialize the country. Number of universities and colleges has increased 3.7
times, number of students has increased 13 times, and number of lecturers has
increased more than 3 times. However, higher education is facing enormous
challenges: the government methods to manage colleges and universities change very
slowly, can not ensure the required quality of the whole training system, can not

promote the creation from a strong team teachers, administrators and students.
Renovation the state management of higher education is the first step to improve the
quality and comprehensive development of higher education (Ministry of Education
and Training, Vietnam, 2009).
On February 27th 2010, the Prime Minister had the directive number 296/CTTTg about higher education reform in the period 2010 – 2012 (Prime Minister,
Vietnam, 2010): After nine years of performing education development strategy from
2001 to 2010, education in Vietnam has gradually developed in size, diversity of


school types and forms of training, social resources are mobilized more and achieved
many positive results, providing a high level of human resources for industrialization
and modernization of the country, contributing to economic growth, social stability,
ensuring the security, solid defense and successful international integration. However,
higher education also revealed many limitations and weaknesses: overall quality of
education remains low, did not match the requirements of social - economic
development of the country; management structure of state for higher education
systems and the management of colleges and universities is still unreasonable for a
long time, not yet strong enough to motivate the ability to create and to be selfresponsible of the teaching staff, administrators and students to innovate strongly,
fundamentally higher education. There are many causes of this situation, but the basic
cause is the weakness state management of higher education and the weaknesses in
the management of universities and colleges.
Therefore the Prime Minister instructed (Prime Minister, Vietnam, 2010): Need
to aware that education scale must ensure and improve the quality of training.
Resolutely stop the uncontrolled training quality situation. Need to create the structure
and motivation in state management and school management to achieve and ensure
the quality of training. Considering the renovation of higher education management
includes state management of higher education and school management is the first
step to create the comprehensive innovation of higher education, which ensure and

improve the quality of training, improve the effect of scientific research in a
sustainable way. Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has also guided
universities and colleges to discuss the thorough implementation of the Directive by
the Prime Minister on the reform of higher education management during the period
2010-2012 (Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam, 2010).
Hochiminh City College of Transport is a public school, founded in October
2008, previously was The Secondary School of Transport controlled by People's
Committee of Hochiminh City. The school was assigned to educate the human
resources in the transportation field to match the requirement to develop the
transportation in Hochiminh City and southern provinces. To perform the new
mission, the College of Transport has established the management structure, invested
material facilities, education program, standardized the output for the training
branches and committed to achieve the training quality that the school announced
with society and students.

Derived from management innovation needs to improve the education quality
and comprehensive development of higher education, this study found that the current
model of school management is no longer suitable. So, this study would like to select
research topic: “Improving the training quality management system at Hochiminh
City College of Transport in VietNam”. Results from implementation of this project
will be an important premise for the school to deploy the project to register the quality
control of education to the Ministry of Education and Training, and to build the
development strategy of the school, period 2011 - 2015, vision to 2020.
1.2 Research Purposes, Objectives and Questions
Purpose of this research is to propose some solutions to improve of training
quality management system at the Hochiminh City College of Transport, Vietnam.
Specifically, the study has three objectives as following:
(1) Review the quality management system applicable to higher education in

(2) Examine the current status of training quality management in Hochiminh
City College of Transport;
(3) Suggest adequate training quality management system for Hochiminh City
College of Transport;
To achieve the objective of the study, collecting data and information will be
used to answer the research questions:
(1) What is the applicable training quality management system at College level
education in Vietnam?
(2) What is the current training quality management performance in the College
of Transport in Ho Chi Minh City?
(3) What is the suitable training quality management system at the College of
Transport in Ho Chi Minh City?
1.3 Research Scope and Limitations
This thesis studies the theory of quality management being applied in the
universities and colleges in Vietnam: Total Quality Management (TQM),
International Standard Organization (ISO) and European Foundation for Quality
Management (EFQM).


The datum from survey, research and evaluate the training quality are done for
the College of Transport in Hochiminh City and its partners only.
1.4 Definition of Terms
1.4.1 Training quality.
Quality issues are always the most important of all universities and
college, and strive to improve the quality of education was always seen as the
most important tasks of any institution any university. Here are six views of
quality in higher education (Department of Testing and Quality Education,

Ministry of Education and Training, 2009). Quality is measured by "inputs".
Some European countries have the view that "The quality of a
university depends on the quality or quantity of that field early on.” This
view is called "Viewpoints resources” means:
Resources = Quality Quality is measured by "output".
A different view of quality tertiary education states that "output" of
higher education is more important than the "input" of the training process.
"Output" is a product of higher education is reflected by the degree of
completion of graduate or capable of providing the training activities of the
school. Quality is assessed by the "added value".
The first three on the quality of higher education that universities,
colleges have a positive impact to students when they create are differences
in the intellectual development of students and individuals. "Value added" is
determined by the value of "output" minus the value of "input", the results
are "value added" that the university has given students and assessed the
quality of higher education. Quality is assessed by "Academic value".
This is the traditional view of universities, mainly based on the
evaluation by experts about the academic ability of teaching staff in each
school in the process of evaluating the quality of training accredited
university, college. This means that the university, college has a team of


professors, Ph.D. east, prestigious science high school is considered high
quality. Quality is assessed by "separate organizational culture".
This view is based on the principle that universities must create
"separate organizational culture" to support the process of continuous
quality improvement. So a school was rated as quality when it has been
"separate organizational culture" with features important to continuously
improve the quality of training. This view implies the assumptions about the
nature of the quality and nature of the organization. This view was
borrowed from the fields of industry and commerce can be difficult to apply
in the field of higher education. Quality is assessed by "Audit".
This view of quality education in the process views within the
university and provide information for decision making. If auditing
financial institutions considering the regime has maintained financial
records are not reasonable, the audit quality concerns see universities and
colleges have to collect enough relevant information and decision-makers
have sufficient information necessary or not, implementation of the
decisions about the quality and efficiency is not reasonable. This view that
if an individual has enough necessary information, they may have been the
correct decision and quality of higher education are evaluated through the
implementation process, and "input" and "output" is the secondary factor. Definition of the Organization of quality assurance in higher
education internationally.
In addition to the above definition of six, International Network of
Quality Assurance in Higher Education (INQAHE) gave two definitions of
quality in higher education is (i) comply with the prescribed standards, (ii)
Achieving these objectives.
First, by definition, should be the benchmarks for higher education in
all fields and to test the quality of a university will be based on the
benchmarks that. When there are no benchmarks for the evaluation of the
quality of higher education will be based on the objectives of each area to

assess. These goals will be established on the basis of level of economic


development - the country's social conditions and characteristics of that
Thus, to assess the quality of a training institution should use the
criteria is available, or use the prescribed standard, or assessing the
implementation of targets set from the beginning of the school.
1.4.2 Management of training quality.
Quality management is a well-organized process to ensure that the
products are suitable for the standards and the requirements of users, before
putting them into use. The quality control which is also included in it commits
to improve quality continuously. The quality management includes the
following activities:
(1) Determining the objectives, and proposing standards which need
(2) To compare the standards to be achieved with the implementation
(3) Improvements for better results.
The oldest measure of quality management is called "quality control".
According to this measure, in production chain is specialized department in
charge of inspection, detected the products are not standard to remove before
supply to customers. This division is usually the last stage of a production
process. For the training and the management of training quality, inspection and
test are the two most suitable methods used widely to consider the
implementation of the standards proposed (Standard of input, standard of
training process and the standard of output), and of activities: enrollment,
academic quality assessment of the subjects, examinations and thesis defense.

Differing from the measures of quality control, the measures which
ensure the quality do the task of preventing the birth of the products are not
standard. The process takes place before and during the production process with
the aim of preventing the fault from the beginning to be overcome in time and
to ensure that the product at the terminal of the production process does not
have an error. The responsibility for the quality of this production belongs to its
own producers. The role of the managers is to ensure conditions for the
implementation of the production process and procedures to supervise the
production process. To achieve the points above, ensuring the quality of

training need to be built into a complete system with specific and strict
operational mechanism, and this system is called quality assurance one.
There are three requisites for a quality assurance system:
(1) Building a diagram of issues with the management.
(2) The process of evaluating the quality and motivating employees
improve the quality continuously.
(3) There are some criteria necessary for comparing the results achieved.
The evaluation of the quality of an institution often uses testing measures
and admits that training institutions that have built up a reliable quality
assurance system to be able to confirm that the quality will make certain
guarantees and through self-assessment and establishment of external experts.


Ensure Quality

Continuous improvement
Control Quality



Figure 1-1 Hierarchy in Quality Management
(Source: Nguyen Tuan Khanh, Quality management in vocational education, 2004)


Chapter 2 Literature Review
By the material has been collected, this chapter focuses on the collection of
theories on the basis of quality management training. From there, research models of
quality management training for the countries in the world. At the same time referring
to the actual situation of quality management training in Vietnam.
The contents of this chapter will include: (1) Theoretical basis for quality
management training; (2) The model of quality management training; (3) Current
status and way of quality management training colleges and universities in Vietnam.
2.1 The Rationale for Quality Management Training
2.1.1 The characteristics of the school system in systems theory.
In 1944, Per Dalin has described the school as the organizational system
in which the development within the parameters depends strongly on external
factors. Four parameters inside (Objective / value; structure; strategy / methods;
relations) are affected by external factors like social conditions, normal
relationship, the relationship of administrative and surroundings. School system
is represented by the diagram below:



The Surroundings

Normal Relationship thưong

Administrative relatonship

Social conditions

Figure 2-1 Structure Diagram of a Professional School as a Social Organization
(Source: Quality Management Vocational School by Karl – Otto Dobber, 2003)


Between school and society is dialectical relationship is a human
resources training school to meet the quality requirements of the society, on the
other hand, the human resources will improve the social impact, creating
products to serve the interests of the people and gradually shift the social
requirements of a higher level. Thus, human resources are key resources with
other resources (financial resources, material resources) to create sustainable
development for society.

However, the quality of human resources, or told other than the training
quality of existing schools need to be considered to model the entire quality
management and the successful management of the quality required to clarify
the fundamental difference between public schools and companies.
2.1.2 The fundamental difference between school and company. The difference.
If comparing two models: the production model and the model
training process for these factors 'input', 'output', 'implementation', the
fundamental differences between the two processes are in the nature and
objects. Objects of the production process is the material, it's influenced by
the conditions included in the production process to become the desired
product. But the object of education is human, although impacts from
conditions outside into well ahead, but if people do not have enough
personal effort to study, change their order to the extent necessary, the
desired training objectives can not be realized; conversely, if there is a
persistent attempt to study, then study whether conditions are adequate but
not value education in the school by bringing still be formed, dominate the
study was that value and gradually form a new capability, new qualities. The same.
On the structure of the apparatus: a school organization or company
should have all the leaders and staff working indirectly and directly to the
creation of products; products are formed through many stages (called
process) is closely related to each other, output of this stage is also the input
of the other stages.
The value of the product or product quality: Although the product is
physical or human the value created by each product must have a process,
product quality is also assessed through the use or also known as customers.

So to product value and quality the company or school must consider each
stage in the process.
The role of leadership: an organization should have the leadership to
guide the organization reach the highest goal and responsibilities of leaders
is to plan strategies for policy development organization and is responsible
directly to the quality, through policies to ensure quality.
The need for a quality assurance system: The trend of globalization
and international integration has posed many challenges for education in
Vietnam. Following the trend of integration and globalization, the
competition between economies is inevitable. Thus competition in training
also certainly occurs with increasingly fierce level. To survive and grow,
managers of universities and colleges must change their ways of thinking,
associated activities of the school towards the labor market, strengthen and
improve the quality of training, enhance the competitiveness of the school.
So ask the school to have quality assurance systems to meet customer
requirements as a quality assurance system in the company today.
2.1.3 The concept of "process" and "customers" in the field of education. The concept of "process".
Process is a set of activities, resources input into output variables.
Modern management focuses in process and not to the final product. For
companies or institutions, the new manager should identified fully and
clearly the process of their organization.
For a business process is expressed as the following diagram:









Figure 2-2 Diagram of a Process of Production
(Source: Dr. Luu Thanh Tam, Quality management according to international
standards, 2003)

Education at the University is shown in the diagram below:




Teachers / Guides
The facilities for
teaching service

The process of
teaching and
(Theory –


progam /
Selection training
methods /



Career Habits


Check /
Diploma /

(Labor Market Outcomes)

Teachers –


- Employment
statuation after
- Labor
- Ability Income
- Career


Figure 2-3 Diagram of the Training Process
(Source: Tran Khanh Duc, Technical teachers, 2002)
Through two diagrams indicate more clearly the difference in product
training process and production process of the business.

For a manufacturing enterprise, the input process is supplied from a
supplier in accordance with technical requirements of the process, also for a
professional school, then head back into include: subject enrollment, staff,
teachers, equipment and materials for teaching and learning.
From the differences in inputs to the process takes place are also
different. In a manufacturing business, in the production process than the
use of human, processing methods have to use the device to impact directly
on the material in a specific production process is for a product. For a
university in the training process took place mainly activities of teachergame via the method of teaching - and other support equipment (Including

teaching facilities and equipment used to practice). The real practice in
universities is a key factor, but not the deciding factor, for students to
practice professional skills. Important issue raised in the training process is
the active role of the teacher-and this is the core to create a product to adapt
to the labor market.
The important difference is the product of a manufacturing business is
only a material product; also the product of the training process is the
knowledge, skills and attitudes of students.
End point of the production process is the use and consumption, while
at the end of the training process is a college labor market. "Customer" in the field of education.
Final stage of the training process at a university is the labor market,
including: employment situation after graduation, labor productivity,
income and ability-oriented professional development in future of students
after graduation. However, during training at a university, if the analysis at
each stage of the process, the customer is not only a labor market or the
business use of students after graduation that must be determined the
students and parents is the first external customers, Now the labor market,

businesses are second external customers; governments, ministries, local are
third external customers, teachers, management team and serve as customer
training inside. Quality management according to the process of training.
Quality management training is an organized process to ensure that
graduates have to achieve the standards set out and in accordance with the
requirements of the business, implements the school's commitment to
quality training for students and social. The quality management training
includes the following main activities:
(1) Identify objectives and define the standards to be achieved.
(2) To compare the standards to be achieved with the implementation
(3) Improvements to have better results.
This is a form of quality management in line with the quality control
training in VietNam. With this form, issue of quality training is imbued in
the sense of all members of the system. This is also in line with the

recommendations of Department of Testing and Quality Education,
Ministry of Education and Training.











Analyze the effectiveness of
training and improvement work



Figure 2-4 Schema Quality Management Training
(Source: Nguyen Tuan Khanh, Quality management in vocational education,2004)



2.2 The Quality Management Model
In recent years, many companies, factories, enterprises, institutions and offices
of the state gradually applied research and quality management models vary
depending on their specific conditions. In this section, the writer focuses on the study
of the quality management model popular in the world. Many universities and
colleges in Vietnam learn and apply the quality management system: ISO, EFQM,
and TQM.
2.2.1 Total quality management (TQM).
Total Quality Management - (TQM) is a form of quality control measures
close to the quality, but is more advanced. With this method, the problem of
product quality was instilled in the consciousness of all members of the
production system, "according to ISO 8402: TQM is a management
organization focused on quality, based on the participation of all members, to
achieve long term success through customer satisfaction and the benefit to the
members of organizations and society " (Luu Thanh Tam, 2003).
Just as a quality assurance system, TQM focuses on five areas: mission
and focus on customers approach the system operation; the strong development
of human resources; thought long term and serve all levels (Sherr & Lozier,
1991, Lewis & Smith , 1994). According to Sherr and Lozier (1991), they are
five main elements affecting the quality improvement in universities: honesty,
sharing opinions, patience, devotedly work, and TQM theory.

Theoretically, TQM requires the participation of all departments and
employees of an organization (Ellis, 1993, 1993a). However, while TQM is
considered an effective system for ensuring quality in the field of business, only
a small number of universities reported that they thought to the possibility of
TQM in school I (Aly & Akpovi, 2001). It showed that the majority of cases
seem to doubt the effectiveness of TQM in professional fields. For the
application of TQM thinking of them, most do so only in the areas of
management because they like business management or in more industrial (Aly
& Akpovi, 2001).
TQM enables organizations to better meet customer needs, enables
organizations to more effective governance, with the motto "do well right from
the beginning to achieve the most economic efficiency." Technical
implementation of TQM is applicable circle Deming quality improvement:

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) to rove leadership placed in the center. Deming
circle shown as follows:











Deming circle

Deming circle improvement
Figure 2-5 The Circle Deming to Improve Quality
(Source: Dr. Luu Thanh Tam, Quality management according to international
standards, 2003)
Starting point of the Deming circle is from the P - (Plan) this step to
determine the objectives and tasks, identifying methods to achieve objectives
and identify specific personnel and coordinate implementation for each work
content. The second step is D - (Do), this is the job step, this step principle of
voluntary attention, positive and creativity of each member in the process of
doing. The third step is the C-Check (check), this step is to check the contents
of performance target, to detect deviations and make timely adjustments in the
implementation process. The last step is A-Act (adjusted); this step corrects
wrong conduct, overcomes leech based prevention activities, and adjusts the fit
test procedure. For improving the Deming circle right in steps (by) those who
requested the job to continue implementing the Deming circle for each job to
make good and efficiency should also be conducted to plan, implement, test and
Summary: TQM is the total quality management system is built on the

following philosophy:
(1) Failed to ensure quality, owns only proceed if the quality management
process that the output of a system covering management, impact on the entire

