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<b>I. Tập làm quen với tên gọi của biểu đồ:</b>
a. Line graph

b. Bar chart (column chart)
c. Pie chart

d. Table

e. Diagram (pictures)
f. Flow chart

<b>II. Cũng phải biết qua tiêu chuẩn chấm điểm của giám khảo (giống phần ESSAY):</b>
<b>1/ TASK FULFILLMENT: tức là mình phải nhìn vào biểu đồ, có 2 chiều hướng rất rõ</b>
ràng là: TĂNG và GIẢM, mà mình chỉ phân tích 1 mặt TĂNG mà thôi, tức là chưa đáp
ứng được TASK FULFILLMENT này.

<b>2/ REPORT STRUCTURE: tức là phần này người ta sẽ chấm xem cấu trúc nguyên bài</b>
REPORT của mình thế nào. Đoạn văn có mạch lạc ý hay khơng. Đoạn này , đoạn trước
và đoạn sau đó, có match nhau hay khơng. Rồi nhìn tổng qt thì bài REPORT của mình
có đẹp khơng. Đẹp ở đây là thế này, ví dụ:

<i><b>a/ mở bài</b></i>

<i><b>b/ thân bài thường gồm 2 đoạn: 1 đoạn nói về chiều hướng TĂNG, 1 đoạn nói về chiều</b></i>
hướng GIẢM

<i><b>c/ kết luận</b></i>

=> Tức là nhìn vào bài REPORT, thấy bài cân đối.

3/ VOCABULARY: Khi làm REPORT TĂNG / GIẢM này, nhất định phải sử dụng
những từ sau đây:



Went up
Went down
<b>ADVERBS đi kèm:</b>

Sharply = steeply
Gradually = steadily
Slightly = a little


A rise
An increase

A fall
A decrease
A decline
<b>ADJ ĐI KÈM:</b>


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Ví dụ cho cấu trúc: ĐỘNG TỪ - TRẠNG TỪ:

The number of dogs eaten in Korea fell sharply in 2002.
Ví dụ cho cấu trúc: TÍNH TỪ - DANH TỪ:

There was a sharp fall in number of dogs eaten in Korea in 2002.

<i><b>c/ 1 số từ để chỉ sự ổn định (tức là sau 1 thời gian tăng vọt, thì đứng n lại, khơng tăng</b></i>

Beer sales rose sharply and then leveled out / leveled of / remained the same / remained
stable and there was no change / reached a plateau

<i><b>d/ 1 số từ khác:</b></i>

reached a peak : đạt tới đỉnh điểm

fell to a dip/trough: chạm đáy (điểm đáy)

Constituted = made up = accounted for : chiếm (bao nhiêu %)
A constituted 33% of the total

B made up also 33%

C accounted for the highest percentage which was 34%

<b>4/ GRAMMAR – SENTENCE GRAMMAR: phần này người ta chấm xem trình độ</b>
grammar của mình thế nào. Nếu sai grammar nhiều thì khơng chấp nhận

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<i><b>The table shows sources of student income over a ten-year period in the United</b></i>
<i><b>Kingdom. (Nhớ kỹ tên đề bài)</b></i>

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
You should write at least 150 words.

Sources of student income (aged under 26 in higer education)

United Kingdom Percentages

1988/89 1992/93 1995/96 1998/99

Student loan 8 14 24

Parental contribution 32 26 22 16

Grant 38 38 23 14

Earnings 6 7 14 12

Other 24 21 27 34

All income (=100%)
(£ per student per
year at July 1999

4,395 4,048 4,951 5,575

Source: Student income and Expenditure Survey, Department for Education and

<i><b>Paragraph 1: </b></i> <i>Intro what the diagram shows (do not copy the question)</i>
1. Trong phần mở bài, mình có thể bắt chước cấu trúc này:

The diagram shows the trend / a rise / a fall / a change / the percentage.

Nhớ là đừng copy nguyên xi cái đề bài, mà phải biến đổi chút chút:
Ví dụ:

The table shows the trend which took place in student income in the United Kingdom
during the ten-year period from 1988 to 1999. (23 words)

<i><b>2. Paragraph 2 or 3: </b>The body of the report–giving details, numbers </i>

Phần thân bài này, nên chia thành 2 đoạn: 1 đoạn nói về sự gia tăng, 1 đoạn nói về việc

giảm xuống. Nhớ sử dụng những từ ‘tăng-giảm’ và cấu trúc ‘tính danh từ’, ‘trạng
từ-động từ’ như đã đề cập ở bài trước.

Nhớ là chỉ pick up những con số nào tiêu biểu để report thôi, không phải report hết tất
cả các con số. Vì mình chỉ có 20 phút để làm mà thơi.

Ví dụ:

Even though the data of student loan is not presented in 1988/89, there was <i>a dramatic</i>
<i>increase from 8% in 1992/93 to 24% in 1998/99</i>. The percentage of earnings also <i>rose</i>
<i>sharply from 6% in 1988/89 and reached the peak at 14% in 1995/96</i>, then <i>fell slightly</i>
<i>by 2% in 1998/99</i>. (51 words)

On the other hand, there was <i>a steep fall in parental contribution from 32% in 1988/89</i>
<i>to 16% in 1998/99</i>. At the same time, <i>grant went down by 24% from 38% in 1988/89 to</i>
<i>14% in 1998/99</i>. (37 words)

<i><b>3. Paragraph 4 (conclusion): Overall statement about the trend (analysis)</b></i>
Phần kết luận, mình sẽ nói tóm tắt lại xu hướng chung. Có thể bắt chước cấu trúc này:
Overall,… went up… while… went down

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Overall, the annual income per student rose gradually from 4,395 pounds in
1988/89 to 5,575 pounds in 1998/99, and there was a shift from being dependent to
independent of the students at that period. (34 words)

<b>Xem toàn bộ bài viết</b>

The table shows the trend which took place in student income in the United
Kingdom during the ten-year period from 1988 to 1999. (23 words)

Even though the data of student loan is not presented in 1988/89, there was a
dramatic increase from 8% in 1992/93 to 24% in 1998/99. The percentage of earnings
also rose sharply from 6% in 1988/89 and reached the peak at 14% in 1995/96, then fell
slightly by 2% in 1998/99. (51 words)

On the other hand, there was a steep fall in parental contribution from 32% in
1988/89 to 16% in 1998/99. At the same time, grant went down by 24% from 38% in
1988/89 to 14% in 1998/99. (37 words)

Overall, the annual income per student rose gradually from 4,395 pounds in
1988/89 to 5,575 pounds in 1998/99, and there was a shift from being dependent to
independent of the students at that period. (34 words)

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Đề bài là: người ta cho mình nhiều hình nói về tiến trình của 1 việc nào đó. Mình nhìn
vào những hình đó và viết report về những steps của quy trình đó.

Ví dụ:

1/ mở gói lipton ra ; 2/ đổ vào ly ; 3/ cho nước vô, khuấy lên; 4/ cho thêm đá; 5/ uống
I . Như vậy, nhất định bài report phải sử dụng 2 cấu trúc quan trọng sau đây:

1. Sequence markers: Firstly (first of all), in the first step, Next, After that, In the second
stage, Finally, In the final step.

Vì mình đang diễn tả 1 quy trình, nên phải sử dụng sequence markers này để nói lên
trình tự bước thứ 1, bước thứ 2, etc.

Nhưng cũng có 1 số quy trình, khơng có điểm dừng và khơng có điểm kết thúc (mưa =>

rơi xuống đất/ biển => bốc hơi lên => mây => mưa) thì mình sẽ khơng dùng FIRST và
FINALLY. Chỉ chọn đại 1 mốc nào đó, rồi mơ tả tiếp. Bear sẽ post bài này sau để mọi
người rõ.

2. Passive

Sử dụng càng nhiều càng tốt.
II. Cấu trúc của bài process report:
Thường thì chỉ cần 2 phần:

1. Introduction: phần này cũng giống như những phần khác: không được copy y chang
đề, mà phải biến đổi. Có thể dùng mẫu này cho bất kỳ process report nào:
The diagram shows the process of making a cup of tea with a lipton teabag. This report
will discuss the process in stages / in detail.

2. Body: chỉ cần 1 đoạn cho phần thân bài, mô tả rõ từng step của quy trình.
First of all, water is boiled. Next, a tea bag is put in a cup. After that the water is poured
into the cup. After a minute, milk and sugar are added and stirred. In the final step, the
cup of tea is served.

3. Conclusion:

Nếu vẫn chưa đủ 150 words thì mới cần đến phần conclusion này:
Finally, there are 5 steps in making a cup of tea with a lipton tea bag.

Đây chỉ là ví dụ để mọi người rõ cách làm easy như thế nào. Chứ thi mà viết như vậy thì
chưa đủ 150 từ.

Có thể tham khảo nhiều sách dạy viết WRITING dành cho IELTS rất hay:

1. ACADEMIC WRITING PRACTICE FOR IELTS (Tác giả Sam McCarter, chú giải
tiếng Việt: Nguyễn Thành Yến, nhà xuất bản tổng hợp TPHCM, 42.000VNĐ)

2. A BOOK ON WRITING (Tác giả Sam McCarter, chú giải tiếng Việt: Nguyễn
Thành Yến, nhà xuất bản tổng hợp TPHCM, 42.000VNĐ)

3. A BOOK FOR IELTS (Tác giả Sam McCarter, chú giải tiếng Việt: Nguyễn Thành
Yến, nhà xuất bản tổng hợp TPHCM, 78.000VNĐ)

<b>Tăng và giảm</b>
Dùng động từ:

1/ Tăng (increase): rise, augment, grow, go up (v), to be up
- tăng nhanh: soar (v), sky-rocket (v), shoot up (v)

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- leo thang: escalate (v, escalation (n)), climb (v)
- lên tới đỉnh: to reach a peak, peak (v)

2/ Giảm (decrease): fall (v, n), drop (v, n), tumble (v), slump (v), decline (v), go down
(v), to be down

- giảm nhanh: plunge (v), nose-dive (v), plummet
- Thu hẹp (e.g., thị phần): diminish, shrink, contract

- Chạm đáy: to reach/hit rock-bottom, a trough (điểm đáy)

Reduce khác với fall, hay drop ở chỗ to reduce là transitive verb (to reduce ST) trong
khi fall và drop là intransitive verb. Vd: The company reduced their prices, but their
prices fell.

3/ Ổn định: level out (v)
Dùng thêm tính từ/trạng từ:

Chúng ta có thể dùng adj hay adverbs để bổ sung cho động từ.
+ Để chỉ cường độ:

Mạnh: dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), huge (hugely), enormous (enormously),
steep (steeply), tremendous (tremendously)

Nhiều, đáng kể: substantial (substantially), considerable (considerably), significant
(significantly), marked (markedly)

Vừa phải: moderate (moderately)
Nhẹ: slight (slightly)

Ít: small, little

Tối thiểu: minimal (minimally)
+ Để chỉ tốc độ:

Nhanh, thình lình: rapid (rapidly), quick (quickly), swift (swiftly), sudden (suddenly)
Đều: steady (steadily), constant (constantly). Thường dùng kiểu như to remain
unchanged/stable/steady, to stay constant

Dần dần: gradual (gradually)
Chậm: slow (slowly)

Chiếm/bao gồm

Chi tiêu cho quần áo chiếm 20% tổng chi tiêu. Chiếm dịch là: to represent, to constitute,

to make up, to comprise. Bao gồm: to be made up of, to be composed of, to consist of.

Các bạn đọc kỹ phần lý thuyết về PROCESS REPORT ở trên, sẽ rõ.
Chú ý: (1) Sequence markers, (2) passive voice.


After all the photographs on a film have been taken, the reel or cassette is
removed from the camera to be processed.

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Next, the tank is filled with developer, which is a dilute solution of hydroquinone
and sodium sulphite and other chemicals. A thermometer is needed as the developing
time depends on the temperature as well as on the strength of the solution. The film is
turned round from time to time in the developing tank, or the tank is inverted and the
developer must be poured off at the right moment, to avoid over- or under-developing.
Some developers can be reused.

The developed film, which has light and dark parts, must now be wahsed in a 2%
solution of acetic acid to remove all the developer. It is then treated with fixing solution
to remove any undeveloped silver bromide. Before the film is removed from the
developing tank to dry, it is washed in running water. The negatives, when thoroughly
dry, are now finally ready for printing.


Flat tyres are often caused by punctures which leak air with varying degrees of
speed. Punctures which are not huge holes can be repaired. You’ll need a tube patch kit
containing patches, glue, an abrasive surface, e.g. sandpaper, tyre irons and chalk.

You should begin by deflating the tyre. But first of all, it would be a good idea to
check if the flat tyre is just due to a faulty valve. You can do this by replacing a drop of
spit or water on the end of the valve stem. A leaky valve will bubble or spit back. In this
case, just tighten the valve. However, if there is no fault in the valve, you should begin,
as mentioned before, by deflating the tyre. Then you should work the tyre back and forth
with your hands to get the edge of the tyre free of the rim. If this doesn’t work, use the
tyre irons as levers to free the tyre. When the edge is off the rim, you should push the
valve stem up into the tyre, and remove the tube. At this stage, you should inflate the
tube and rotate it past your ear. If you can find the puncture through the hiss of escaping
air, it is a good idea to mark the spot with chalk. If you can’t, then you should place all
of the tube in the water, look for escaping air bubbles, and then mark the spot with the

You can use the sandpaper to rub the spot rough enough and then apply glue to
the spot. You will wait for two or three minutes. When the glue is dry enough, you take
out a piece of patch and put it right on the spot, then press it hard. This is the whole
process of mending a flat tyre.


Modern paper is manufactured from a mixture of various fibres like rags, linen,
wood, waste paper. The main ingredient is, of course, wood pulp produced from
complete trees after the bark has been removed. The main ares of production are
Findland and Canada, where the trees are cut down, taken to the saw mill, and chopped
up. The pieces fo wood are then ground up and mixed with other substances, such as
glue, to make a paper fibre mixture, and then poured out onto wire screens. These are
large areas of wire mesh – sheets of metal with a large number of holes in them. Here
the water is extracted from the mixture, which is dried and passed through many rollers
to press it into shape. This process produces one continuous sheet of paper, which is
wound into a large roll at the end of the manufacturing process.

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A camera is basically a simple instrument. Its name comes from its most
important part, the camera obscura (Latin for dark chamber). Photographs are produced
when rays of light enter this chamber through a small opening (the aperture), and strike
against a sensitive film. The aperture contains a convex lens which refracts the light.
The surface of the film is covered with silver bromide emulsion. This captures the image
which is brought in by the rays of light. The aperture is closed or opened by a shutter,
which is the only moving part in a simple camera. This is mounted behind the lens. It is,
of course, usually closed. In more refined cameras, the speed of the shutter and size of
the aperture can be adjusted, to vary the length of an exposure and the quantity of light
to be allowed in. shorter exposures are needed to photograph moving objects, and a
wider aperture lets in more light on a dull day.


A refrigerator is really nothing more than a box in which articles can be kept at a
cool temperature. The temperature inside the box is regulated by means of thermostat.
Apart from the thermostat, the refrigerator mechanism includes a motor-driven
compressor, a condenser and a set of thin, metal evaporator coils, into which is pumped
a liquid refrigerant called Freon.

When a liquid evaporates, it absorbs heat. The refrigerant used in a refrigerator
has a very low boiling point and it evaporates in the metal coils. As this happens, it
absorbs heat and, as a result, the evaporator coils cool down.

As soon as the temperature inside the refrigerator rises above a predetermined
level, the thermostat causes the motor to start. Freon vapour is drawn from the
evaporator coils by the compressor, reducing the pressure and allowing liquid refrigerant
to move into them. This liquid in its turn evaporates, absorbing heat and cooling the
refrigerator. The cool refrigerant passes through the condenser, where it is changed back

into a liquid form and is eventually forced back into the evaporator coils.

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IELTS 6, Writing test 2

<b>The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England</b>
<b>between 1985 and 2000. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the</b>
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Average distance in miles travelled per person per year, by mode of travel

1985 2000

<i>Walking</i> <i>255</i> <i>237</i>

<i>Bicycle</i> <i>51</i> <i>41</i>

Car 3199 4806

<i>Local bus</i> <i>429</i> <i>274</i>

Long distance bus 54 134

Train 289 366

Taxi 13 42

Other 450 585

All modes 4740 6475


The table shows how the modes of travel change in England between 1985 and

Generally, average distance in miles travelled per person per year by kinds of
travel rose sharply from 4740 miles in 1985 to 6475 miles in 2000. Among all kinds of
modes of travel, there was a decrease in miles traveled by walking, bicycle and local
bus, namely the slight falls in walking (from 255 miles to 237 miles), bicycle (from 51
miles to 41 miles) and a considerable decline in miles traveled by local bus (from 429
miles to 274 miles).

In contrast, there was an increase in miles traveled in the majority of modes of
travel. Specifically, miles travelled by long distance bus and taxi grew dramatically from
54 miles to 124 miles and from 13 miles to 42 miles respectively. Miles travelled by car,
train and other grew gradually from 3199 miles to 4806 miles, from 289 miles to 366
miles and from 450 miles to 585 miles respectively.

Overall, travellers in England tend to travel by moderner modes like taxi, car,
long distance bus, etc as life has improved.

Topic: Writing task 1, Test 1, IELTS 4.

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On average, 11% of all households, comprising almost two milion people, were
in this position. However, those consiting of only one parent or a single adult had almost
double this proportion of poor people, with 21% and 19% respectively.

Couples generally tended to be better off, with lower poverty levels for couples
without children (7%) than those with children (12%). It is noticeable that for both types
of houshold with children, a higher than average propotion were living in poverty at this


Older people were generally less likely to be poor, though once again the trend
favoured elderly couples (only 4%) rather than single elderly people (6%).

Overall the table suggests that households of single adults and those with childern
were more likely to be living in poverty than those consiting of couples.

The graph illustrates the United State and Japan’s proportion of unemployment
during the period from March 1993 to March 1999.

As is shown by the graph, the rate of unemployed labor force in the United State
was much greater at 7%, compared to 2.5% in Japan. However, the unemployment
percentage in the US began to decline slowly since March 1993, and reached at 5% in
the middle of 1996. From them on, this number remained roughly the same – about 5%
until March 1999, although there were minor falls and rises in the unemployment rate.

Meanwhile, after the three years period from March 1993 to March 1996, the
proportion of unemployment grew by 2%, dropped rapidly by 0.5% in 3 months later,
but from summer in 1996 it improved steadily to 5% in 1999.

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The line graph shows changes in the amounts of some different kinds of meat and
fish consumed in a particular European country during the period from 1979 to 2004.

Generally, fish consumption went down slightly and chicken consumption went
up dramatically. Besides, the consumption of beef and lamp showed a downward trend.

In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams

consumed per person per week. Much less fish with just over 50 grams was consumed.
Chicken and lamb were consumed in similar quantities around 150 grams.

Within 25 years, however, the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to
approximately 100 grams and 50 grams respectively. The consumption of fish also
declined slightly to below 50 grams. Fish remained the least popular food but levels of
consumption were the most stable.

On the other hand, the consumption of chicken was contrary to the consumption
of other meat and fish. It showed an upward trend. Chicken overtook lamb in 1980 and
beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to approximately 250 grams per person per week.

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The bar chart illustrates the data about the percentage change in average house
prices in five different cities over a period of 12 years between 1990 and 2002 compared
with the average house prices in 1989.

During the five-year period from 1990 to 1995, the proportion of average house
prices in three countries went down significantly by 5 percent in New York (USA) and
about 7.5 percent in both Tokyo (Japan) and London (UK) while the average prices of
house went up slightly in the remaining two cities Madrid (Spain) and Frankfurt
(Germany) to approximately 1.5 percent and 2 percent respectively.

According to the bar chart, during the next period from 1996 to 2002, the average
house prices decreased only in Tokyo (Japan). In contrast, it increased in the rest of
cities. It went up sharply to 5 percent in New York. There was a slight increase from 1.5
percent in 1990/95to 4 percent in 1996/2002 in Madrid (Spain).

At the same time, it grew about 2 percent in Frankfurt (Germany). It is clear that
London had the largest increase in the average house prices over a period of 6 years. It
rose dramatically by 11 percent.

Overall, over the first period, the average house prices went up in Madrid and
Frankfurt while there was a considerably decrease in the remaining three cities.
However, it had an improvement in the next period with a downward trend only in Japan
and upward trends in the rest cities.

(246 words)

<b>Cambridge IELTS book 7, page 101:</b>

The pie charts compare the amount of electricity produced using five different
sources of fuel in two countries over two separate years.

Total electricity production increased dramatically from 1980 to 2000 in both
Australia and France. While the totals for both countries were similar, there were big
differences in the fuel sources used.

Coal was used to produce 50 of the total 100 units of electricity in Australia in
1980, rising to 130 out of 170 units in 2000. By contrast, nuclear power became the
most important fuel source in France in 2000, producing almost 75% of the country’s

Australia depended on hydro power for just under 25% of its electricity in both
years, but the amount of electricity produced using this type of power fell from 5 to only
2 units in France. Oil, on the other hand, remained a relatively important fuel source in
France, but its use declined in Australia. Both countries relied on natural gas for
electricity production significantly more in 1980 than in 2000.

<b>WRITING TEST 4 – IELTS 7 – TASK 1, PAGE 101.</b>

The pie charts illustrate the amount of electricity produced using five different
sources of fuel in Australia compared with France in the years 1980 and 2000.

Total electricity production increased significantly over a period of 20 years in
both Australia and France. Although the total productions were similar in two countries,
there were some differences in the fuel sources used.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

were composed of about 2%. Australia depended on hydro power for just under 25% of
its electricity in both years.

By contrast, nuclear power became the most popular fuel source in France in
2000. It increased dramatically from over 15% in 1980 to almost 75% of the country’s
electricity in 2000. The amount of electricity produced using hydro power fell from 5 to
only 2 units in France. Oil and coal, on the other hand, together produced only 50 units.
France relied on natural gas for electricity production significantly more in 1980 than in

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Tăng và giảm
Dùng động từ:

1/ Tăng (increase): rise, augment, grow, go up (v), to be up
- tăng nhanh: soar (v), sky-rocket (v), shoot up (v)

- tăng chậm, nhích từng chút một: inch up (v)
- leo thang: escalate (v, escalation (n)), climb (v)
- lên tới đỉnh: to reach a peak, peak (v)

2/ Giảm (decrease): fall (v, n), drop (v, n), tumble (v), slump (v), decline (v), go down
(v), to be down

- giảm nhanh: plunge (v), nose-dive (v), plummet
- Thu hẹp (e.g., thị phần): diminish, shrink, contract

- Chạm đáy: to reach/hit rock-bottom, a trough (điểm đáy)

Reduce khác với fall, hay drop ở chỗ to reduce là transitive verb (to reduce ST) trong
khi fall và drop là intransitive verb. Vd: The company reduced their prices, but their
prices fell.

3/ Ổn định: level out (v)
Dùng thêm tính từ/trạng từ:

Chúng ta có thể dùng adj hay adverbs để bổ sung cho động từ.
+ Để chỉ cường độ:

Mạnh: dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), huge (hugely), enormous (enormously),
steep (steeply), tremendous (tremendously)

Nhiều, đáng kể: substantial (substantially), considerable (considerably), significant
(significantly), marked (markedly)

Vừa phải: moderate (moderately)
Nhẹ: slight (slightly)

Ít: small, little

Tối thiểu: minimal (minimally)
+ Để chỉ tốc độ:

Nhanh, thình lình: rapid (rapidly), quick (quickly), swift (swiftly), sudden (suddenly)

Đều: steady (steadily), constant (constantly). Thường dùng kiểu như to remain
unchanged/stable/steady, to stay constant

Dần dần: gradual (gradually)
Chậm: slow (slowly)

Chiếm/bao gồm



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