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anh 6

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<b>The first semester</b>

<i><b> /><i><b> (Google gõ: thcs nguyen van troi q.2 )</b></i>

<i><b>WEEK 1:</b></i>
<b> Period 1.</b>

<b>Hướng dẫn ôn tập và hướng dẫn học môn Tiếng anh 6</b>

<b>A. The aims and Objectives:</b>

- Hepl Ss have general knowledge of a new subject and know how to study EL 6. Ss know the
contents of the “ Tieng Anh 6”.

- By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to understand Sth about EL,know how to learn
English effectively, know the content of “Tieng Anh 6”.

<b> * Knowledge:</b>

To present the subject, student book, homework book, the way how to learn English
<b> * Skill:</b>

Speaking, listening .
<b>B. Teaching procedure:</b>
<b> I/ Preparation:</b>

- Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, posters,text book, work book.
- Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks.

<b> </b> <b>II. Checking:</b> -Not check
<b> C/ New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Sơ lược về môn Tiếng Anh và SGK</b>(10ms<b>)</b>

How many units are there in English book?
Presents how many lessons in each unit

EL là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới hiện nay…
<b>2.Cấu trúc SGK Tiếng Anh 6(10ms)</b>

- T asks Ss to open their books.

T introduces the strucsture of the “Tieng Anh 6”.
- Sách gồm 16 đơn vị bài học (16 unit)

Mỗi bài gồm 2-3 phần(A-B-C).

3.Giới thiệu cách học môn Tiếng Anh:

- T introduces to Ss some ways of learning EL.
* <b>Present the class statements(10ms) </b>

-Teacher statements:
+ Stand up, please
+ Go to the board, please
+ Come back your seat, please.
+ Write down, please

+ Hand up, please
+ Keep silent, please

+ Repeat/ again Listen and repeat

There are 16 units
From 5 to 6 lessons
Repeat in chorus

- Ss open the book

Do following teacher statements
- Listen and give ideas.

- Take notes( Ss discuss in pairs
to decide some best ways of
learning El.)

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+ Give me some examples
+ Learn by heart vocabulary
+ Answer the questions

 <b>Gives the class regulations:(5ms)</b>
(By Vietnamese)

Asks the students to rebuild the class regulations

- Copy down on the notebook

<b>III. Consolidation:(5)</b>

Asks them to learn by heart the class|<sub> statements</sub>
<b>IV. Homework:(3ms)</b>

<b>-</b> Learn by heart all old structures grammar
<b>-</b> Preparing new lesson : Unit 1 (A1-4)
<i>WEEK 1:</i>

<b>Period 2.</b>

Unit 1: Greetings
<b>Lesson 1: A1-4</b>
<b>A/The aims and Objectives:</b>

<b>-</b> By the end of this lesson, ss are able to use “Hi, Hello”, “I’m / My name’s …,

to know greeting each other and introduce theirselves (name), Numbering from 0 to 5<b>,</b>to introduce
themselves correctly and fluently. Threy use numbers from 0 to 5 to count.

* Knowledge:

<b>To present: - Hello/ Hi / I am ..../ My name is...to introduce yourself</b>
<b> -Number 0-5</b>

* Skill: - Develop 4 skills: L,S R,&W.
<b>B/Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I/ Organization:</b>
<b>-</b> Greeting(1m)
<b>-</b> Check attendance

<b> II/ Preparation:</b>

- Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, posters.
- Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks.

<b> </b> <b>III/ Checking:</b> -Not check
<b> C/ New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Presentation1 (10ms)</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: (vocabulary)</b>
<b>-</b> T. Elicits vocabulary
<b>-</b> Present these vocabulary:
Hello: xin chào (Translation)
Hi: xin chào (Translation)
Name: tên (Translation)
Is/ Am: là (Translation)
I: tơi, tớ, mình(Translation)
+Checking: R.O.R

+Dialogue build: Lan is talking to Nga,Ba is talking to

-T elicits the dialogue.
a.Lan: Hi, I am Lan
Nga: Hi, I am Nga

b.Ba: Hello, My name is Ba
Nam: Hello, My name is Nam

- T asks Ss to fill in the blank.

Listen and repeat in chorus and individually
Copy down

SS play a game – work in pair

Ss work in pair to introduce yourself for

Hi, I am Lan

SS listen and repeat in chorus and individually
And then copy down on their notebooks
-SS work in group: A-B

-Each group has 6 students

Write the letter on their notebook in teacher|<sub>s </sub>

 Keys:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

- T Helps Ss practice dialogue in pairs
<b>2. Presentation (15ms)A2,4(11)</b>

- T asks Ss to work in groups of 4, Ss greet &
introduce themselves. T checks some pairs.
* Presentation 2:


+ Pre teach: Present number 0-5:
- Oh: 0/ - One:1

- Two:2/ - Three: 3
- Four: 4/ - Five: 5
+Checking: Slap the board.

+Dictation:T reads: Oh- Five- One- Two- Four….
+Words cue drill:

Use some words cue to write telephone numbers
And make a dialogue:

<b> T: Quang Ninh, please.</b>
<b> S: Oh- Three- Three</b>

-T asks –Students anwer in chorus
-Calls some pairs to act out.

+ Hello.My name’s <b>Ba</b>

<b> </b>


<b>-</b> Retell briefly the ways of greeting and introducing oneself &numbers from 0 to 5.

Guessing game: uses the words cue drill cards-Students guess the numbers

He says Yes/No

S1: Oh- Three- Three
S2: No

S3: Oh-Five- One-One
S2: Yes


+ Leart by heart vocabulary and cardinal numbers
+ Do exercises 1,2 page 4(Homework book)
<i>WEEK 1:</i>

<b>Period 3.</b>

<b>Unit 1: Greetings</b>
<b>Lesson 2: A5-8</b>
<b>A.The aims and Objectives:</b>

- By the end of this lesson, ss are able to use “How are you?- I’m fine,thanks” to greet fluently, Ss
can count & write from 6 to 10 correctly and quickly.

(Ask and answer the question: How are you? And the anwer : Iam fine, thanks
Number from 6 to 10.)

<b>*Knowledge</b>:To present: - How are you? “I am five, thanhs”to greet each other
<b> -Number 6-10</b>

<b>*Skill:</b> Develop 4 skills.
<b>B/Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I/ Organization:</b> (1m) – Greeting & Check attendance
<b> II/ Preparation:</b>

- Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, posters.(jumbled words)
- Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks,do homeworks.

<b> </b> <b>III/ Checking:</b> -T sticks the poster on the bb.

<b>1.</b> rofu = 2.loelh = 3.enma = 4.ether = 5.ifev =
<b>-</b> T asks Ss to rearrange the letters to make them meaningful words .

<b>-</b> T devides Ss in to 2 teams. One by one to go to the bb to write .T corects and finds out the
winner .

<b>Quang Ninh</b>


<b>Hue </b>


<b>Quang Tri</b>

<b>053</b> <b>Da Nang</b>


<b>Ha Noi</b>

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<b>*Answer keys</b>: 1.four; 2.hello; 3.name; 4.three; 5.five
<b>*** New lesson:</b>

these telephone numbers: 820.029 / 950.443 / 22.653 /
621.590 / 510.682 / 768.527.

<b>3.Further practice:(7ms)</b>+Work square(poster).
<b>- Then T controls and corects.</b>

<b>F</b> <b>S</b> <b>E</b> <b>O</b> <b>T</b>

<b>I</b> <b>N</b> <b>I</b> <b>N</b> <b>e</b>

<b>V</b> <b>T</b> <b>G</b> <b>X</b> <b>n</b>

<b>E</b> <b>w</b> <b>H</b> <b>O</b> <b>o</b>

<b>G</b> <b>O</b> <b>T</b> <b>E</b> <b>l</b>

<b>T</b> <b>F</b> <b>O</b> <b>U</b> <b>r</b>

<b>s</b> <b>i</b> <b>x</b> <b>v</b> <b>n</b>

<b>s</b> <b>e</b> <b>v</b> <b>e</b> <b>n</b>


Work in group(2 groups)

-Go to the boarb and circle the word that they
find on the work square.

Anwer key:

Five, Two, Eight, Ten<sub></sub>
Nine, Ten, Four, One<sub></sub>


<b>III.Consolidation:(3ms)- How to ask &answer about health</b>
Ask them to learn by heart the numbers 0-10

<b>IV.Homework:(2ms)</b>Do the numbers3,4 page 5(Homework book).

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- Pepare for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 2:</i>

<b>Period 4</b>

<b>Unit 1: Greetings</b>
<b>Lesson 3: B1-3</b>

- By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to use “Good afternoon / good morning/ bye” to greet
one another and count- Write numbers from 10 to 15 correctly and fluently.

- T Helps Ss develop 4 skills (Develop’s Ss speaking skill.)
<b> *Knowledge:</b>

<b>To present: - Good morning/ good afternoon to greet each other/Number 11 to 15.</b>
<b> B/Preparation:</b>

- Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, posters,picture cues(4), Cards(5)
- Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks,do homeworks.


<b>I. Organization:</b> (1m) – Greeting & Check attendance
<b>II. Checking up:</b> (5ms)

a)T asks S1 to write how to ask and answer about the health on the bb. And then read aloud.
b) T asks S2 write numbers from 6 to 10 and then read aloud.

 <b>Keys:a)</b>S1- Hi. How are you? <b>b</b>) 6.six /7.seven / 8.eight / 9.nine / 10.ten.
S2 – I’m fine, thanks. And you?

S1- Fine ,thanks.
<b>-</b> T corrects and gives marks
<b>III.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Presentation (10ms)</b>

+ Pre teach: Present these vocabulary:

Good morning:chào(Buổi sáng)- picture -visual
Good afternoon:chào (Buổi chiều) )- picture
Good everning: chào (Buổi tối)

Good night:Chúc ngủ ngon- Meaning- trans
Good bye:Chào tạm biệt ( Mine- Situation)
Children:Trẻ em( picture- visual)

We: (pro) Chúng tôi, chúng tớ
+Checking: R & R.

<b>2.Practice:(5ms)</b>( B1,2(14,15)

*:T elicits 5 pictures B1& helps Ss practise greeting one
another in pairs.

Eg: S1- Good morning ! S2- Good morning ! Picture

-T runs through the pictures.

<b>*B3(P15)(5ms)</b>:Presentation dialogue - T sets the scene:
Miss Hoa is talking to her Ss.

T helps Ss read dialogue (a) P 15 in chorus, T-wc,
S-S,Groups of 3,or groups of table…

Listen and repeat in chorus and individually
Copy down

Work individually

-Go to the board and write down.
- work in pairs

- Ss listen.

-Read in chorus, Half – half, T- Ss, groups
of table or groups of 3.

-Work in pairs
Example Exchange:
S1: Good (morning)
S2: Good (morning)

<b>-</b> Ss translate dialogue in to

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-T asks Ss to translate dialogue in to vietnamese
(Note:We are = We’re).

<b>*B4(P16) (4ms)*</b>Practice:T sets the scene: Lan meets
Nga when she goes to school.

- T asks Ss to fill in the gaps.Then T checks some pairs.
T gives answer keys.

<b>*.Practice:(6ms)</b>- T elicits numbers from 11 to 15
+Word cues drill :Run through the cues, asks Ss
calculate & give result s.Let’s practise in pairs.

-T gets feedback .

Eleven: 11 / Twelve: 12 / Thirteen: 13
Fourteen:14 / Fifteen: 15

<b>3.Further practice:(5ms)</b>

+Dictation: Teacher reads: Six, twelve, two, five,
thirteen, eight, eleven, four,fourteen, seven, ten, fifteen,
one, three, oh, nine


S1: Seven and eight?
S2: Fifteen


+ Nga: Good afternoon,Lan.
+ Nga: I’m fine, thanks

<b>-</b> Practice in pairs.

<b>-</b> Listen and repeat in chorus
<b>-</b> Ss work individually to read

numbers from 0 to 15 in the

following ways:

+ oh,one,two,three..
+ oh, two,four,six…
+ one, three,five,seven…

<b>-</b> Ss listen and write. Work

<b>III.Consolidation:(2ms</b>): - Asks Ss sums up the main contents of the lesson: “ to great one another,
numbers from 0 to 15”

<b>IV.Homework:(1ms) : </b>

-Ask them to learn by heart the numbers 0-15 & vocabulary.

-Do the numbers1,2 page 6(Homework book).Prepare for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 2:</i>

<b>Period 5</b>

<b>Unit 1: Greetings</b>
<b>Lesson 4: C1-2-3</b>
<b>A/The aim and Objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims: </b>

- Help Ss use “ How old are you?- I’m …” to talk about ages, count & write numbers from 16 to
20. Develop 4 skills.

<b>II.The objectives</b>:

-By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to use “How old are you? – I’m + ages.” To talk
about the ages and contrast with “ How are you?”.

- Ss can count from 16 to 20 correctly and fluently
- Develop’s Ss speaking and reading skill.

<b> *Knowledge:</b>

To present: -“How old are you” to talk about age and contrast with “How are you”
-Number 16 to 20

<b> B/Preparation:</b>

- Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, posters,picture cues,Cards(2)
- Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks,do homeworks.


<b>I. Organization:</b> (1m) – Greeting & Check attendance

<b>II. Checking up:</b> (5ms) nine

-T asks S1 to write vocabulary on board. eight

- T asks other Ss to write numbers: network three

10 + 2




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<b>* Keys:</b> + vocabulary of last lesson.

+ Numbers: one, two,three,… four one
<b>-</b> T corrects and gives marks.

<b>III.New lesson:</b> <b>eleven (…)</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>T</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Presentation (10ms)</b>

+ Pre teach:
Present numbers:

Sixteen: 16 / Seventeen: 17

Eighteen: 18 / Nineteen: 19/ Twenty: 20
<b>-</b> Retell the numbers from 0 to 15.
+Checking: Slap the boarb.

<b>* C3(P18):</b>

<b>+ Presentation</b>: -T sets the scene: Nga & Lan meet

their teacher, Mrs Hoa.Ba meets Phong 1st<sub> time.</sub>
- Ss listen to the dialogue and read silently.
T helps Ss practise dialogue : T-S; Ss-Ss; pairs…
-T gives instructions.

Teacher contrast with “ How are you?”
<b>*Model sentence:</b>

<i><b>How old are you? </b></i>
<i><b> I am (12) years old</b></i>

-T concept check meaning, form…

<b>a)</b>Pelmanism:- T. runs through the cards.
-T finds out the winner.


<b> Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty</b>
a b c d e

16 17 18 19 20
<b>* Practice:</b>

- Word cue drill.

T runs through the cues.

16 17 18 19 20…

-T models: T: How old are you?

S: I’m <b>/12/</b>

-T helps Ss practise speaking :T-Ss;Ss-Ss;pairs...
<b>3.Further practice</b>:(8ms:)

<b>*C5 P. 19</b>

-T guides Ss to play: “bingo”(Number 0-20)

Teacher reads : 10, 7, 19, 20, 6/ 8, 11,13, 15, 0/ 16, 12,
1, 17, 3/ 5,4,2,18,15/ …..

-T finds out the winner.

-Let Ss draw a square with numbers: 0-20.





Listen and repeat in chorus and works

Copy down

Work individially

-Go to the boarb and write down

-Ss play the game with two teams.
- Translate in to Vietnamese .
-Work in pairs

-Work in group to find the words with
the number

-Work in pairs to ask and answer the

-Write the number after listening.
-Work in individially

<b>-</b> Listen and repeat in chorus.

<b>-</b> Ss practise speaking:
half- hafl; pairs, T-Ss…
<b>III.Consolidation:(2ms) </b>

- T sums up the main contentsof the lesson.

- Remember the numbers & ways to talk about the ages

-Ask them to learn by heart the numbers 0-20<b>.</b>

<b>- </b>How to ask and answer about ages

-Doing the numbers1,2 page 6(Homework book)
-Prepare for next lesson.

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<b>Unit 1: Greetings</b>
<b>Lesson 5: C4 - 5</b>
<b>A/The aims and Objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims</b>: - To help Ss use numbers from 0 to 20, give telephone numbers.
- Develop 4 skills.

<b>II. The objectives</b>:

<b>-</b> By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to count numbers from 0 to 20 and read the telephone
numbers fluently & correctly.

<b>B/Preparation</b>: T: Lesson plan,extra board(survey), shark attack.
S: Do homework, books & notebooks.


<b>I.Organization</b>(1’) –Greeting & Check attendance.

<b>II.Checking up + Warm up</b>(5’) - T helps Ss play : Shark attack.
<b>-</b> T explains the rules of the game.

<b>-</b> T gives a cue: This is a noun that has 6 leters.

<b>-</b> Asks Ss guess the letters.T corrects and give answer keys.

<b> III. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>T</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Presentation (10ms)</b>

+Checking: Slap the boarb:


<b>a)Pelmanism</b>:- T. runs through the cards.
-T finds out the winner.

<b> Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen </b>

d c e b a
16 17 18 19 20
<b>b)jumbled words</b>:

+ ETGIH= eight + THRTENIE= thirteen
+TW EELV= twelve + EELVEN=eleven
+ TWNETY=twenty +FOTEENUR= fourteen
+S EEVN= seven +NIETENEN=nineteen
-T asks Ss to rearrange the letters to make the
words meaningful.T devides Ss in to 2 teams.
T checks the words and finds out the winner

<b>* Guessing game</b>: T asks Ss to write 1 number on a
piece of paper.The rest of the class guess.

Eg. “Three?” – Yes/No
<b>3.Further practice</b>:(8ms)

*Dictation and picture cue drill: - T reads the
following telephone numbers, asks Ss write down.
04842689 054752590

091569742 0511854347
085571321 071837598
033632437 012541659.

-T checks Ss’ writing by asking as follows:
T: “What’s your number?

S: Oh-two-four…

-T helps Ss practise: T-WC, half – half, pairs…




Listen and repeat in chorus and individially
Copy down

Work individially

-Go to the boarb and write down

-Work in group to find the words with the

Work individially

-Go to the boarb and write down

-Work in individially then play a game in 2

- Copy answer keys.

*Play a game: Guessing game.

1 person go to the board & the others guess
the numbers.

<b>-</b> Work in pair to ask and answer the
telephone number


S1: What is your number?
S2: (oh-five- one-one, eight-two)

-Ss write down on their notebook.



<b>6</b> <b>9</b> <b>7</b>


<b>5</b> <b>15</b>

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<b>4.Survey:-</b>T shows a poster.

<b>Name</b> <b>Telephone numbers</b>
Mai 02403859077

Lan 02403828115

-Asks Ss go around, asks information & fill in the

* Models: S1: What’s your name?
S2:My name’s ____

S1: What’s your telephone number?
S2: 02403 859077.

-T gets feedback.


-Work individually

<b>-</b> Practice read the telephone

-Ss go around the room and ask

<b>-</b> Fill in the grid
<b>-</b> Work individually.


- Retell the main points of this lesson.( Numbers from 0 to 20,How to ask and answer the
telephone numbers)


<b> </b> -Ask them to learn by heart the numbers 0-20.
-Doing exercises C1-7 page 8-12 in work book.
-Preparing new lesson: Unit 2: A1-4.

<i>WEEK 3:</i>
<b>Period 7</b>

<b>Unit 2: at school</b>
<b>Lesson 1: A1-4</b>
<b>A/The aims and Objectives:</b>

<b> I.The aims</b>: - To help Ss use classroom imperative : “come in/ open your book/…”
- Develop 4 skills.

<b> II.The objectives</b>: - By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to use classroom imperatives
correctly and fluently, understand T’s requests well.(T’s commands).


<b>Classroom imperative to understand the teacher|<sub>s command s:</sub></b>
<b>Come in / Sit down / Stand up / Open your book /Close your book.</b>
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, extra board(warm up)
<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks.
<b>C/ Procedure: </b>

<b>I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and check attendance.
<b>II.Checking up(5’)</b> – T hangs a poster:

a)9 – 5 = b) 16+2= c)4-4= d) 20-7=
e) 8: 4= f) 5+3= …..

(eight divide by four makes two)

- T asks 2 Ss to give the results on board : S1: a,b,c / S2: d,e,f.
- T corrects and give answer keys. Then gives them marks.
<b> III. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>• Revision: (5ms)</b>

*Noughts and crosess:

9-5 20-7 10+2

17+1 6+5 6+8

3-3 6×3 5+3

<b>1.Presentation (8ms)</b>
+ Pre teach:

(To) come in:đi vào



<b>-</b> Play a game in two teams
<b>-</b> Then copy down answer keys

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

(To) sit down:ngồi xuống
(To) Stand up :đứng lên

(To) open your book :mở sách ra
(To) close your book: gáp sách lại
* Checking: R & R

<b> 2 .Presentation text</b>: <b>A1 P.20</b>.

- T sets the scene: At the classroom, teacher says sth
to her Ss.

T elicits 6 pictures & helps Ss practise these sentences.
- Concept check:

+ Asks Ss to translate these sentences in to

+ Use: imperatives.

 <b>3.A2(p.21</b>) - Match and write:

<b>*Practice</b>:- T helps Ss read 5 phrases in the box &
runs through 5 pictures.

- T asks Ss to match the imperatives with the pictures.
- T gets feed back.

+Mime drill: - T asks Ss to look at T’s actions and
says:Teacher mines:

* come in / sit down / Stand up /
open your book / close your book
+Simon sayS: A3 p.22:

-T helps Ss play “ Simon says” to practise the

<b>4.Further practice:(7ms)</b>

*Mapped dialogue: - T elicits the dialogue & helps Ss

practise dialogue: in pairs, T- WC, half-half…

(T sets the scene: Miss Huong & Ss are greeting one

S1: Good morning!

S2: Good morning, Miss Hoa!
S1: How are you?

S2: We are fine. How are you?
S1: Fine, thanks. Sit down
S2: Yes Miss

S1: And open your books
S2: Yes Miss




-Copy down.

 Come back your seat.
 Clap your hand

Work individially

-Go to the boarb and write down
<b>-</b> Listen and practice

<b>-</b> Ss translate in to Vietnamese

<b>-</b> Read 5 phrases in the box.
<b>-</b> Work individually

-Match the imperatives with the
pictures.Work in pairs.

*Student say:

come in/ sit down / Stand up
open your book / close your book

<b>-</b> Look at T’s actions then say in

Ss practice the dialogue in pairs,
T - WC; half – half…

Miss Hoa Children

How are …?

… fine.How …?

Fine, thanks…

<b>III.Consolidation:(1m</b>)- Retell the main points of this lesson.

<b>IV.Homework:(1m)</b> -Ask them to learn by heart the teacher|<sub>s commands</sub>
Do the numbers1,2 page 6(Homework book).Prepare for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 3:</i>

<b>Period 8</b>

<b>Unit 2: at school</b>
<b>Lesson 2: B 3,4,6</b>
<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<i><b>I.</b></i> <b>The aims</b>

<b> - </b>To help Ss learn the alphabet and ask ,answer about name, spell the name: “What’s your
name? – My name’s… / How do you spell it / your name?”

- Develop 4 skills.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues.

<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b>I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and check attendance.
<b>II.Checking up(</b>5’)

- T calls 2 Ss come to the board and write the classroom imperatives.
-T corrects and gives marks .

<b>* keys</b>: - Come in, sit down, stand up …
<b> III. New lesson</b>:<b> </b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>T</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
 <b>Revision:(2ms)</b>

Simon says the teacher’s command:
- come in/ sit down/ Stand up/
- open your book/ close your book

+ Pre teach(Vocabulary):
- T elicits vocabulary :
The ABC: <b>- A B C D E F G</b>

<b> - H I J K L M N O P </b>
<b> - Q R S T U V W X Y Z.</b>
-(to) spell: đánh vần

- How do you spell it? Bạn có thể đánh vần nó khơng?
+T helps Ss read the alphabet again.


- T presentation dialogue.

T sets the scene: <i>The T meets one of her Ss and ask her </i>
<i>some questions.</i>

-T helps Ss read dialogue : T-WC ; pairs.
- Let Ss practise the dialogue in pairs
- T helps Ss select out model sentences:
T<i>: What’s your name?</i>

<i><b> Lan</b>: My name’s Lan.</i>

<i> <b>T</b> : How do you spell it/ your name?</i>
<i><b> Lan</b>: L-A-N,Lan.</i>

-Concept check: meaning,use,form.
<b>* Use</b>: asks and answer about name.
<b>* Form</b>:-What’s your name?

- My name’s + tên mình.
- How do you spell it?
<b>* Practice</b>:Word cues drill.
-T runs through word cues.

Khoa Mai Lam Son Loan
-T models:

<i><b> S1: What’s your name?</b></i>
<i><b> S2: My name’s Khoa.</b></i>
<i><b> S1: How do you spell it?</b></i>

<i><b> S2: K-H-O-A,Khoa.</b></i>

-T helps Ss practise speaking : T-WC; half-half; pairs.
-Asks Ss practise in pairs,ask and answer the real name.
Then T gets feedback.

<b>* Production</b>:

- Let Ss listen to the ABC song.






Whole class do after teacher saying

Listen and repeat in chorus
<b>-</b> Work individially
Copy down

<b>-</b> Listen and read the
dialogue in pairs.

Listen and repeat in chorus.

-Listen and copy down.
Work individially

<b>-</b> Copy down on their

<b>-</b> Work individually.

Copy down.

<b>-</b> Practise in pairs the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b> III.Consolidation:(2ms)</b>

- Retell the main point of this lesson<b>.</b>

- T sums up: ask and answer about name, how to spell names.
<b> IV.Homework:(2ms</b>)

<b>-</b> Ask them to learn by heart vocabulary,the alphabet song,
How to ask and answer about name, then spell name.
- Do the numbers1,2 page 6(Homework book).

- Prepare for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 3:</i>

<b>Period 9</b>

<b>Unit 2: at school</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B1,2,5,6</b>
<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<i><b>I.</b></i> <b>The aims : -</b>To helps Ss asks and answer about Where they live :
“where do you live? – I live in/ on/ at …”

<b>-</b> To help Ss practise 4 skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to ask and answer the questions :
“where do you live? – I live in/on…” correctly and fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD.
<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b>I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b>II.Checking up(</b>5’)

- T calls 2 Ss come to the board to read aloud the alphabet.
- Other gives his/her name and spell it.

<b>* keys</b>: - A/B/C/D/E/F/G ….

<b> </b>- What’s your name? – My name’s Lan.
- How do you spell it? - L-A-N,Lan.
+ T corrects and gives marks.
<b> III. New lesson</b>: (37’)

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>T</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
 <b>Presentation:</b> Pre-teach:(5ms)

<b>1/Vocabulary</b>: - T elicits vocabulay.
(to) Live: sống (trans)

(in) a house: ngôi nhà - Picture
(on) a street:con đường- Draw
(in ) a city:thành phố – (trans)
(at) 12 THD street (trans)

<b>*Checking:</b>Matching: SS match the words in English
and the words in VietNamese

<b>• Presentation dialogue:</b>

<b>2. B1(p23</b>): - T sets the scene: Lan meets a school boy
on a street(Nam).They are talking to each other.

- Asks Ss listen to the dialogue and repeat. Let Ss
practise speaking in pairs.

- T selects out model sentences and write on board.
<b>Model sentences:</b>

A: Where do you live?
B: I live on Tran Phu street

In: a house/ a city/ Hue/ Viet nam.

Concept check:meaning,form,use .

<b>* Use</b>: Hỏi và trả lời nơi bạn em or ai đó sinh sống.


Coppy down and repeat in chorus.

-Go to the boarb and match
<b>-</b> Work in pairs
Example exchange:
S1: Where do you live?
S2: On (Le Loi street)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>3.Practice:(8ms) </b> T runs through these cues:
+Word cue drill:

A city/ HCM city/ a house
Ha noi / Le loi street
Hung vuong street
<b>+Noughts and crossess:</b>

<b>A house</b> <b>Lach Tray</b> <b>Trang Tien</b>

<b>A street</b> <b>Da Nang</b> <b>A city</b>

<b>Dong Hoi</b> <b>Hang Bong</b> <b>Hung Vuong</b>

-T models: + Where do you live?
I live <i>in a house </i>

T helps Ss practise asking & answering : Ss-Ss;
T-Ss; pairs.

 <b>Production:</b>
+ <b>B2(p24</b>):

T helps Ss read the sentences p.24 and asks them to
learn by heart at home.

+ <b>B4(p25):</b>

- T runs through the questions from a) to d).
- Asks Ss to write the answer on their notebooks.
- T gets feedback.

a) My name’s .. c) I live in/on…
b) I’m 12. d) L-a-n,Lan




answer following Example exchange:
S1: Where do you live?

S2: On (Le Loi street)

-Ss enjoy the game. ( in 2 group)
<b>-</b> Play agame in 2 teams

Listen and repeat in chorus and

Copy down

Work in group to guess the leters of
the words

Coppy down

-Work in groups of 4 or 3
<b>III.Consolidation:(1m</b>) – Retell the main points of this lesson.

- T sums up: Where do you live? – I live in/ on…

<b> </b> -Ask them to learn by heart the form and vocabulary

-Do the exercises 3 on page 12; 6 p.13 (Homework book).
- Prepare for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 4:</i>
<b>Period 10</b>

<b>Unit 2: at school</b>
<b>Lesson 4: C1</b>
<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims: </b>

<b>-</b>To helps Ss use “This/That is …” in possitive statements and Y/N questions:

“ Is this/Is that your + N ? – Yes, it is./ No,it isn’t.” to talk about people and things at school.
<b>-</b> To help Ss practise 4 skills.


<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use: “This/That is …” and Yes/No questions: “Is
this/that your +N? – Yes it is / No, it isn’t.” correctly and fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD.
<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b>I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b>II.Checking up(</b>5’) -T hangs a poster ( 3 questions) then asks 2 Ss to go to the board and
answer the questions: a) What’s your name?

b) How do you spell it?
c) Where do you live?
-T corrects and give marks .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>T</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

<i><b>+Pre teach(Vocabulary)</b></i>

- T elicits vocabulary on the board.
(a) student: học sinh(example)
(a) teacher: giáo viên(example)
(a) school: trường học(example)
(a) class: lớp học (example)

(a) Classroom: phòng học (explain)
(a) desk: bàn học(Realia)

<b>* Check: R & R</b>

<b>2/ C1(p.26):</b>*<b>Presentaion dialogue</b>: <i>-T sets the scene: </i>
<i>Ba introduces about his school and his class; He is </i>
<i>talking to Nam. Asks Ss to listen to the radio and repeat </i>
<i>in chorus.</i>

<i>- T helps Ss select out the model sentences:</i>
*a) This is my school/ father.

That is my desk/ mother.
*b)Is this/that your teacher/desk?

<b>-</b> Yes,it is /No, it isn’t.

+ Concept check: meaning,form,use.
-T asks Ss to translate in to vietnamese.

<i><b>* Form: </b></i>

<i><b>a) Giới thiệu người or vật ở gần hay ở xa:</b></i>
<i><b>This / That + is+ my + N(số ít)</b></i>

<i><b>b) Hỏi đốn và trả lời về người or vật ở gần/ xa:</b></i>
<i><b>+ Is this/ that + your + N( vật số ít)?</b></i>

<i><b>Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t.( isn’t = is not).</b></i>
<i><b>+ Is this/that + your + N ( người số ít)?</b></i>
<i><b>Yes,he/she is / No, he/she isn’t.</b></i>

 <b>3/Practice</b>:<b> </b>Word cue drill:
- T runs through the word cues.

<i>a) This/school (√ ) b) That/class(x)</i>
<i>c)This/classroom (√) d) That/book(x) </i>
<i>e)This/teacher/he(√) f)That/student/she(x) </i>
+ <i>T models</i>:

<i>- <b>This is my school.</b></i>

<i><b> Is this your school ? Yes,it is.</b></i>
<i><b>-That is my student.</b></i>

<i><b>Is that your student? No,she isn’t.</b></i>
T helps Ss practise: T-Ss; half-half;pairs.
T gets feedback.

<b>*Further Practice:(20ms):</b>Realia drill:

Tasks Ss to point at real things in and around the
classroom , then practise as word cues.( ruler,eraser,
pen,book,..) – T goes around & helps Ss.Then T checks
some pairs.

Eg:<i>T:Is this your desk? S: Yes, it is</i>





Listen and repeat in chorus and

Copy down

Work in individially to match the
word in English with the words
in Vietnamese

-Listen to and repeat the radio in

- work individually.

<i>- Ss select out the model </i>

Work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions and the word cues
<b>-</b> Copy down form on their


<b>-</b> Work individually.

Work in chorus, Work in pairs

Copy down then practise in pairs
<b>-</b> Practise

Ss to point at real things in and
around the classroom , then
practise as word cues.
(ruler,eraser, pen,book,..)
Work in pair

<b>III.Consolidation:(3ms) </b>

– Retell the main points of this lesson.

-T sums up: giới thiệu người/vât ở gần /xa;Hỏi đoán người/vật ở gần/ xa và trả lời.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

-Doing the number 1, 2 p 14, 15.(Homework book)

- Prepare for next leson.

<i>WEEK 4:</i>
<b>Period 11</b>

<b>Unit 2: at school</b>
<b>Lesson 5: C 2 - 4.My School</b>
<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims: </b>-

<b>-</b>To helps Ss use the questions: “What is this/that?” And answer : “It is a/an + N (số ít)”
-To help Ss develop 4 skills.


-By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use structure: “What’s this/that? - It’s a/an + N(số ít)” To
talk about things in classroom.Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, real things(aclock,school bag,pencil…).
<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks, school things.

<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up(</b>5’) -T asks 2 Ss to go to the board to do the homework:
a)this/classroom(√) b) That/student/ he(x)

-T corrects and give marks .

<b> * Keys:</b> a) This is my classroom.

Is this your classroom? –Yes, it is.
b)That is my student.

Is that your student? – No, he isn’t.
<b> III. New lesson</b>: (35’)

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>T</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Presentation:(15ms) </b>

– T elicits vocabulary on board.

<b>+Pre teach:</b>Use pictures and realias to present

(a) door: cöa chÝnh/ (a) window: cửa sổ
(a) board: bảng/ (a) clock: đồng hồ
(a) waster basket: Thùng rác

(a) school bag: cặp sách

(a)pencil: bút chì/ (a) pen: bút mực
(a) ruler: thước kẻ / (an) eraser: cái tẩy.
+<b>Checking:</b> R & R.

+Dialogue build:- T elicits dialogue.

<i>T: What is this/that?</i>

<i>S:It is a door/an eraser.</i>



<b>-</b> Listen and repeat in chorus.
<b>-</b> Work individually.

<b>-</b> Copy down on the notebooks.
<b>-</b> Retell some words

Work in group

Teacher Class
What…? It is….
How do….?


<i>T: How do you spell it?</i>

T helps Ss practise dialogue: T-Ss; half-half; pairs.
Then T asks Ss to complete the missing words: this,
it, is, spell.

- Concept check:

+ Meaning: T asks Ss translate dialogue in to

+ Form: What’s this/that?
<b> It’s+a/an+N(số ít)</b>

+Use: Hỏi và trả lời về tên đồ vật ở gần or xa.

- Ss practice the dialogue: T-Ss;
half-half; pairs.

Ss to complete the missing words: this,
it, is, spell.

<b>-</b> Ss practice in pairs

<b>-</b> Play a game in 2 teams.
SS must find out the words in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b>2.Practice:(17ms</b>): - T asks Ss to practise asking and
answering with real things in or around class in
pairs; T- Wc ; …

<i>Eg: What’s this? – It’s a ruler.</i>
<b> *Wordsquare:</b>

-Presents the wordsquare & asks Ss to work in pairs
to find out the words by circling the word.

-Devides the class into two groups to practice.
- Corrects & comments.

<b>3.Further practice:(7ms)</b>
<i><b> Lucky number:</b></i>

- Introduces the requirement & helps Ss to play the
game in groups.

-Corrects & comments
<i><b>* Questions:</b></i>

1. How do you spell DESK ?

2. How do you spell CLASSROOM ?

4. How do you spell CLOCK ?
5. How do you spell PENCIL ?
6. How do you spell RULER ?

8. How do you spell ERASER ?

10. How do you spell WINDOW ?



- Playing the game in groups by
answering the questions.

-Correcting the mistakes.

<b>-</b> Playa game in two teams
 Keys:

1.a/ 2.b/ 3.<sub>⋆</sub> / 4.c/ 5.d/ 6.e/ 7.<sub>⋆</sub>/ 8.f/
9.<sub>⋆</sub>/ 10.g.

<b>III/Consolidation.(3ms)</b>Asks Ss to give the questions used to talk about things in the

classroom:‘What’s This/That ?- It’s a/an…’ Then T asks Ss to summarise the general idea of the

<b>IV.Homeworks: (2ms)-</b>Study the ‘What’s This/That ?’ ‘ It’s a/an…’ to talk about things in
the classroom.

- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures .

- Do exercises in page 15-16 in workbook, ex 4 in page 10-11(VBT).
- Prepare pictures of things in the house.

<i>WEEK 4:</i>
<b>Period 12</b>

<b>Unit 3: at home</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A1-2. My house.</b>
<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>

<b>-</b>Teach Ss “Wh- questions” with “these/ those” “What are these/those?” And answer : “They are +
N (s/es)”. And know about living room vocabulary, to talk about things in the house.

<b>-</b> To help Ss develop 4 skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice: “What’s this/that? - It’s a/an + N(số ít)”/
“What are these/those?” And answer : “They are + N (s/es)” And livingroom vocabulary to
talk about things in the house.Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, real things(aclock,school bag,pencil…), picture

<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks, school things.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

-T corrects and give marks .
<b> * Keys:</b> a) What’s this? – It’s a ruler
b) What’s is that? – It’s an eraser.

<i><b> III. New lesson</b><b> : (35’) </b><b> – In last lesson, We know how to ask and answer about the name of a thing. </b></i>

<i>Today, we learn how to ask and answer aboutb names of things ( plural N)</i>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>T</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

+Pre teach:(Vocabulary) Use pictures and realias
to present vocabulary:

(<i>a) lamp: đèn điện ( explain )</i>
<i>(a)bookshelf: Giá sách( explain )</i>

<i>(a) chair: ghế tựa<b> /(</b>a)couch: ghế dài (visual)</i>
<i>(an) armchair: ghế bành(có tay vị 2 bên)</i>

<i>(a)</i> <i>table: bàn (có thể dùng làm bàn ăn)</i>
<i>(a) T. V: Ti vi (explain)= Television</i>
<i>(a) stool: ghế đẩu ( trans)</i>

<i>(a) stereo: radio,đài (realia)</i>
*Check: matching.


- Listening to
- Repeat in chorus.
- work individually

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the
meaning & the prounciation by matching
the words & the pictrures.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

<b>2/ A2(p31</b>): * Presentaion text: This is Nam house.
Here’s the livingroom. Hung is asking Nam about
things in the livingroom.

-T runs through pictures.Then elicits model
sentences: T- Wc ; pairs, individually.
+<b>Model sentences:</b>

<i><b>What is this?/that?</b></i>
<i><b> It is a table</b></i>

<i><b> What are these?/those?</b></i>
<i><b> They are tables</b></i>

<i>- concept check:meaning,form, use </i>
<i>+ Form: <b>What are these/those?</b></i>
<i><b> They are + N(e/es)</b></i>

<i>Use : The ways to asks and answer about the </i>
<i>name of things ( near or far)</i>

<i>* Note: This/that( singular)</i>

<i> => These/those ( plural) </i>

+Picture drill: A1,2. P31:- T runs through picture
and asks Ss listento the radio.

Eg: S1:What is this? - S2: It is a….
S1:What are those? - S2:They are …….

- Introduces the example exchange & Hepls Ss to
practise asking and answering about things in A1.
<b>*A2:</b> T helps Ss practise using structure:

-What are these? – Theyare tables
- What are those? – They are …

- Asks Ss practise: T-WC; half-half; open pairs,
close pairs.( 1 St points at things in picture A2)
- T gets feedback, corrects the mistakes.




- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copy down on the notebook.

Listen and repeat in chorus and work

-Practicing in two groups. Correcting the

Work in group (2 group)
- Reading the text.

- Correcting the pronunciation.
<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
Work in pairs.

<b>-</b> Copy down on the notebook.

<i><b>Thông thường thêm “s” vào sau dt số ít, </b></i>
<i><b>những dt có tận cùng là: o/x/ss/ch/sh/.. + </b></i>
<i><b>“es”. Nếu kết thúc là “f” thì chuyển F→ </b></i>
<i><b>V+ es.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>4*Further practice</b>: - T explains to Ss the rules of
adding “s/es” after singular noun to make them
plural nouns

<b>III. Consolidation.(2ms)</b>

T sums up: ‘Wh- questions with (This/that) These / Those & living- room vocabulary.
- Asks Ss to summarise the general idea of the lesson.

<b>IV. Homeworks: (1m)</b>

Learn by heart ‘Wh’ questions with (This/that) These / Those & living- room vocabs.
Learn the model dialogue by heart.

- Prepare pictures of things in the house for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 5:</i>

<b>Period 13</b>

<b>Unit 3: at home</b>
<b>Lesson 2: A3-4. My house.</b>
<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>

- To Help Ss use family vocabulary,possessive pronouns(đtsh: your/my/his/her…).
Questions: Who is this? / Who is that? – It is …

<b>-</b> Develop 4 skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use family vocabulary , then Ss practise asking and
answering questions: “Who’s this? Who’s that? – It’s her/ his …”.

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, real things(aclock,school bag,pencil…), picture

<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks, school things, their photographs.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up(</b>5’)

-T asks 2 Ss to go to the board to practise asking and answering with word cues:
a)What/this?/television. c)What/that?/lamp.

b)What/these?/stool. d)What/those?/bookshelf
-T corrects and give marks .

<b> * Keys:</b> a) What’s this? – It’s a television/ b)What are these?- They are stools.
c) What’s is that? – It’s a lamp/ d)What are those? – They are bookshelves.
<b> III. New lesson</b>: (35’)

* In last lesson, We learn how to ask and answer names of things.Today we learn how to ask and
answer with: “Who is this/that? – It is…”

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>I. Presentation :(8ms)</b>

<b>1.Preteach</b>: -T elicits vocabulary on the board .
- Family: gia đình (situation)

- Father : bố, ba (visual )

- Mother: mẹ (visual )
- Sister : chị gái, em gái (…)
- Brother: anh trai,em trai(…)
- My

- His family/father/

- Her mother/brother/sister
- Your

*Check: mathing.

<b>2/A3(p32)(10ms): - </b>Presentaion text:

T sets the scene: This is Ba.He is talking about his family

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the

-Copying the words.

- Listening to the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

-Asks Ss listen to the radio once,then twice.Then asks them
listen to and repeat the text in chorus.

a) T hangs a poster and show a grid:
<b>Ba's family</b>

<b>Tªn</b> <b>Quan hƯ</b> <b>T</b>


<b>NghỊ nghiƯp</b>

<b>Ba</b> - 12 Student

Nga Mother - Teacher

Ha Sister 15 student

Lan farther - Docter

Asks Ss read the dialogue silently for details & fill in the
grid individually.(5’)

- T gets feedback.

b)Elicits the dialogue on the board: Dialogue build
S1: who's this/that? - S2: It's <b>his</b> mother
S1: What's <b>her </b>name? - S2: Her name<b>'s</b> Nga
-Asks Ss fill in the dialogue: <b>his/her/mother/is.</b>

<b>* Cocept check: </b>Meaning,use,form.

<i><b>+ Form: Who + is + this/that?</b></i>
<i><b> It’s his/her + N(số ít)</b></i>

<i><b> What + is </b><b>+ his/her name?</b></i>
<i><b> His/Her name + is + tên.</b></i>

<b>*II/practice(12’)</b> -Word cues drill.
- T runs through the cues.

-Correcting pronunciation & the

* Look at the grid:

Ss read the dialogue and then fill in
the grid .

<b>-</b> Work individually.
<b>Mai Ba</b>
Who’s this/that?

It’s__ mother
What’s _ name?

Her name’s_
-Work individually then share with
their partners.

Example Exchange:
S1: Who's that?

S2: That's his mother/father/sister
S1: What's his/her name?

S2: His/her name's Nga/Ha/Lan

Ss draw their family.
S1: Who's this?
S2: It's my...

S1: What's his/her name?
S2: His/her name's ...

<i>Nga</i> <i>Ha</i> <i>Ba</i>

<i>Mother(35)</i> <i>Father(40)</i> <i>Brother(14)</i>

<i>*T models :- Who is that ?</i>
<i> It’s her mother</i>

<i>-Helps Ss practise the dialogue : T-Wc ; half-half ; open</i>

<b>III/ Production</b>:(8ms)

- Picture drill( Ss’ photographs)

Asks Ss use their photos to practise speaking in pairs/groups

of 4.

( as the dialogue in « practice »).

<b>-</b> T gets feedback : check some pairs.

- Asks Ss retell the main points of this lesson.

- Asks Ss to explain the way to use who's this/ that?.
- Asks Ss to summarise the general idea of the lesson.

<b>V.Homework</b>: (1m) – Ss learn by heart vocabulary and structures “ Who’s …?”
- Study the possessive pronouns.

- Prepare for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 5:</i>
<b>Period 14</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>
<b>I.The aims:</b>

- To Help Ss know the way to count things using numbers from 21 to 100and Ss know how to
pronounce plural nouns.

<b>-</b> Develop Ss’ 4 skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to count things using numbers from 21 to 100 and

pronounce plural nouns.

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, real things(aclock,school bag,pencil…), picture
A1, 3 cards: /s/; /z/;/iz/.

<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks, school things.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up(</b>5’)

-T asks1 St to go to the board to write vocabulary and read them aloud.
- Other to ask and answer the qs using card: Ba/brother, 12

-T corrects and give marks .

<b> * Keys:</b> a) Who’s this? – It’s her brother.
What’s his name? - His name’s Ba.

How old is he? – He’s 12 years old.
<b> III. New lesson</b>: (35’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

Revision some of the numbers from 0 to 20: 0, 1,
…..9/10/7/25/5/29/1/15….20 (2’)

<b>* Preteach: (vocabulary</b>)

-Use the card to present voabulary:

<i>+ Thirty:30 / Forty: 40 /Fifty: 50/ Sixty:60</i>
<i>Seventy:70/ Eight:80/ Ninety: 90.</i>

<i>One hundred:100</i>

<i>+ twenty-one/ twenty-two…</i>
<i>+ Thirty-one/ thirty-two…</i>
<i>* check: what and where.</i>

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the


+Snakes and ladder: B1 P.35

-Gives instructions. Help Ss play a game in groups of

+Realia drill: B2 P.36.

<b>-</b> Asks Ss to practise speaking(use real things
around the classroom)

<b>Eg: -</b>S1: There is one door.
S2: And there are 22 desks
<b>4.Further practice:(8ms</b>):
-T runs throught the pics in B2.

Ss count things in the pictures and fill in to boxes
below the picture.Then check Ss’ answer.

+Dictation lists:

T reads: Desk, rulers, benches, students, tables, books,
clocks, couches, door, windows, houses, lamps

<b>-</b> Helps Ss pronounce the plural nouns
<b>-</b> Gives the rules of ending sounds:/s/;/z/;/iz/.
+ /s/ :nouns ending in: Ks,ps,ts

+ /iz/:nouns ending in: ches,shes,ses,ges,xes,zes.
+ /z/: the rest nouns.

-Read the list of words: desks,rulers….

- T asks Ss put the words in 3groups according to the

-T gets feedback.

A= 1 B D F H I K N O P Q R S T U V
W S Y Z= 26

Listen and repeat in chorus and individially
Copy down

- Listening to the words.
- Repeat the words in chorus.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Copying the words.

Work in groups of 4
Work in pairs

<b>-</b> Play agame in table
S1: There one door

S2: And there are 22 desks
-Work in pairs

-Work in individially
Students write:

/s/ /z/ /iz/
desks Rulers Benches
Students Tables Couches

Books Doors Houses
Clocks Windows



- Retel the main points of this lesson.

- Asks Ss to give the pronunciation of plural nouns (/s/, /z/, /iz/ ).
- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.


- Study the pronunciation of plural nouns (/s/, /z/, /iz/ ).

- Learn by heart the numbers from 21 to 100 and write detail: Twenty- one; twenty – two…
- Exercise: 1 & 2 .P 21. Workbook.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<b>Period 15</b>

<b>Unit 3: at home</b>
<b>Lesson 4: B3-6. Numbers.</b>
<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>

- To Help Ss make questions about quantities using: “How many+ N(s/es)+ are there?” and further
practise numbers to talk about things in the classroom, livingroom and family.

<b>-</b> Develop Ss’ 4 skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use questions and answers with “ How many..?.Ss
use numbers to talk about things around them fluently.

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, pictures.
<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks,pictures.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up(</b>5’)

-T asks Ss to make 5 sentences using: There is/are + số lượng + N(s/es).
-T corrects, remarks and give marks .

<b> * Keys:</b> - There is one book./There are 5 coaches./ There is …
<b> III. New lesson</b>: (35’)

<b>* I</b>n last lesson, We learned how to make sentences with: “ There is/are+ quantities+ N(s/es).
Now we are going to learn the way to make questions and answer with

<i>“ How many + N(s/es)+are there?- There is/are..”</i>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>*.Revision (5ms)</b>+Chain game: B2 P.36

Students use the information they have filled in B2P.36 to
describe their classroom to check the form “There is. There

Example:- S1: There is one door

S2: There are one door and six windows


+Preteach(vocabulary): T elicits vocabulary and write on the

-(a) bookcase = (a) bookshelf (synanym).
- How many…?Bao nhiêu..? (trans)
People(n) người.

*check: R & R

<i><b>2/Presentation text: B3 P.37</b></i>
- Ask and answer about quantities.

-Dialogue build,point at real things to elicit the dialogue .
Help Ss read dialogue

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text.
- Asks Ss to read the text in individual.
- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

-Present the text by T reads the model and gives the
structures and gives the new structure

+Model sentences:

Nam:How many doors are there ?

Lan: There is one in my family
are eight

- Concept check meaning,form..

Work in individially

<b>-</b> Listen and repeat in chorus.
<b>-</b> Copy down .

<b>-</b> Work individually
-Listen and repeat in chorus and

- Reading the dialogue in individual.
-Correcting the pronunciation.

-Ss fill in the blanks: many/are /there/is.
Copy down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>


How many+N(s/es)+ are there?
There are/ is+ Number+ n

- Gives the usage(by Vietnamese)

+Picture drill:(B2 P.36 & B5 P.37) –T runs through
pictures.Help Ss practise speaking:T-WC/half-half

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice.
- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in
chorus & in individual.

<b>4.Production:(7ms</b>)- T elicits the table

+S urvey: Copy the survey on the board and make up the

S1: How many people are there in your family?
S2: There are ..

- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.

S1: How many desk are there ?
S2: There are six?

Ss to make sentences for the next.

Name In your

family? In your house? In your classroom?

people Chairs lamps tables desks windows students

Ba 3


- Asks Ss to give the questions & the numbers to talk about things in the classroom, the living-room
& the family. How to ask and answer about quantities.

S1: How many doors/desks are there ?
S2: There is one/ There are [two]

- Asks Ss to summarise the general idea of the lesson.

- Learn by heart ‘How many…are there ?’ questions & the exchange.
- Exercise: 3 & 4. P 22. Workbook.

- Prepare the picture on page 38.
<i>WEEK 6:</i>

<b>Period 16</b>

<b>Unit 3: at home</b>
<b>Lesson 5: C1-2-4.</b>

<b> A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>

- To Help Ss read a text for details and talk about jobs.
<b>-</b> Develop Ss’ 4 skills.


<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read and understand the text about Lan’s family, Ss
will be able to ask and answer questions about jobs.

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently, especially reading skill.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>: ( dạy máy- CNTT)

<b> - T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, pictures.
<b> - Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks,pictures.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up(</b>5’)

a)Questions: -T shows the picture of C1(38) and asks Ss to answer the Qs.
1.How many tables are there?/.2.How many armchairs are there?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<b> * Keys:</b> 1. There is one. 3.There are two
2.There is one. 4. There are four.
- T corrects and give marks.

<b> III. New lesson</b>: (35’)

<i><b> In last lesson, We learned the way to make questions and answer with “ How many + N(s/es)</b></i>
<i>+are there?- There is/are..”. Today, we are going read the text about Lan’s family.</i>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

+Write it up: From survey lesson 4
Ask students to talk : “There are/ is...”
<b>1.Pre- reading:(12ms)</b>

+Pre teach(Vocabulary):
(an) engineer(picture): kĩ sư
(a) doctor (picture):bác sĩ
(a) nurse (picture):Y tá

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning &
the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.

-Introduces the requirement (luat)& ask Ss to work in
individual to find out the jobs.

-Asks Ss to compare in pairs.
-Asks Ss to give the information.
-Corrects & comments.


a)<b>Open prediction</b>:Asks Ss look at the picture C1 &
guess information to fill in the table:

<b>Lan|<sub>s family</sub></b>

How old..? What does he/she do?
Father 40 an engineer
Mother 35 a teacher
Brother 8 a student

- T gets feedback.
<b>3.While reading(20ms</b>)
– Asks Ss listen to the disc

Asks students to read C1 P.38 to check their

+Noughts and crosses:

T asks questions from a) to h) in C1 P.38

<b>b) Comprehension questions:</b>

-Asks Ss read the text again & answer the Qs in pairs.
-Gets feedback

Eg: a)How many books are there in Lan|<sub>s living room?</sub>
- There are four people in her family

<b>c) Hỏi và trả lời về nghề nghiệp:</b>
<i>*T models: + What does he/she do?</i>

<i> - He/she is a teacher/an engineer.</i>
<i>+ What do you/they do?</i>

- Listening to the words.

- Repeat in chorus then in individual.
- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Copying the words.

- Working in individual to find out the jobs &
comparing in pairs.

- Giving the information & correcting.

Working in pairs to guess about Lan’s family:
How old...?

What does he/ she do?

Reading C1 P.38 to check their predictions
Working in groups to ask and anwer the
question in C1 P.38

<i><b>- Repeat in chorus then in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
<b>-</b> Play agame: Lucky numbers.
- Answer all the questions from a) to h)
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
<b>* Keys: </b>

b) He is forty.
c) He is an engineer
d) She is thirty five
e) She is a teacher
f) He is eight
g) He’s a student

h) They are in the livingroom.

*Eg: This is song’s family.There are four
people in his family: his father;his mother;his
sister and him.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<i> - I’m a student / They are students</i>
<b>*.Post reading:(7ms) </b>

– Talk about song’s family.
+Word cue drill: C2 P.39.

(T runs through the family as C1).
- Asks Ss look at the family tree(p39).

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat
in chorus

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups
& in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
+Transformation writing

years old.This is his mother. She’s a
nurse.She’s thirty nine.His sister is
fifteen.She’s a student.

-Ss to make sentences for the next

Ss transform the sentences in C1.P.38 with the
information in C2P.39 to write about Song|<sub>s </sub>

<b>IV.Consolidation:(1m) </b>

– How to introduce about someone’s family.
How to ask and answer about jobs.

Check the form : “How many...? - There is/are....”

- Learn by heart cabulary & structures of this lesson.
- Do the exercse 3 P.22 in workbook.

- Prepare for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 6:</i>

<b>Period 17</b>

<b>Grammar practice</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>- To Help Ss further practise the uses of “To be” ,imperative,numbers, question words,
“There is/There are…” and furniture vocabulary.

<b>-</b> Develop Ss’ 4 skills.

<b>II.Objectives:- </b>By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use “to be”, imperative, numbers from
0 to 100, Qs words( What / Where/ How/ How many…),“There is/There are…” and furniture

<b>-</b> Read and understand the text about Lan’s family, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions
about jobs.

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently, especially reading skill.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, pictures.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks,pictures.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up(</b>5’) - T calls 2 Ss to read the introduction of song’s famly.(may be sing that song).-
Then T corrects and gives marks.<b> </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b>: (35’)

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Grammar: </b>*<b>TO BE:(7ms)</b>

+Gap fill: Grammar practice 1-3 P.40

<b>-</b> Retell the forms of theVerbs : "To be”
*<i>Subjects: I/we/you/they/he/she/it</i>

<i>*To be: am/ is/ are.</i>

<b>2/Exercises:</b> * word cues drill:
<b>*Ex1-3(40) </b>– T helps Ss do exercise

Answer keys:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

- T gets feedback.

- T explain and model: <i>They are teachers.</i>
They/teachers ; We/student ; She/ a nurse
<i><b> He/ an engineer ; I/ a student ; They/ sister</b></i>
<i><b>You/12 ; We/brother ; She/ a doctor</b></i>

-Introduces the game & helps Ss to play in two groups
by choosing the cue & making question.

-Corrects & comments the game.

<b>*IMPERATIVE:(10ms</b>)- Asks S look at the
picture(p41) and answer the question in pairs.
+Gap fill: Grammar practice 4 P.40

-Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in
individual to fill in the gaps.

-Asks Ss to compare in pairs.
-Asks Ss to give the information.
-Corrects & comments.

+Simon says

<b>*Question word:(10ms</b>)

+Gap fill: Grammar practice 6 P.41.

– Retell the questions words they’ve learned

<b>* Answer keys:</b> Song|<sub>s a student and he is 12. There</sub>

are 4 people in Song|<sub>s family : his farther, his mother,</sub>
his sister and him. His farther is name is Kien.He is 42
and he is a doctor. His mother|<sub>s name is Oanh. she is</sub>
39 years old and she is a nurse. His siter|<sub>s name is Lan.</sub>
She is 15 and she is a student.

*Ex7(42)- Asks Ss to write the words for the numbers
& write the numbers for the words.

- Asks them to make questions for answer given:
a.12 b.4 c.Kien d.42 e.a doctor
f.Oanh g.39 h.a nurse i.Lan J.a student

+Bingo: T reads: seventeen, seventy, eleven, one
hundred, thirty, sixteen, forty, fourteen, three,

<b>*Furniture:(10ms) </b>– Elicits the picture quiz
+Crossword Puzzle: - T explains how to play a
game.Grammar practice 10 P.43. Asks Ss fill in the
picture quiz in group of 4.

+Guessing game: example exchange:
S1: Is it a TV?/ S2: No, it is not
<i> S3:Is it a chair?/ S2: Yes, it is</i>
+T/F repetition drill: picture B5 P.37
There is a TV./ There are 3 stools
There are 4 people

There are 2 armchairs and 2 chairs
There are 7 books./ There are 2 lamps
There is a lamp./

There is a steeo and a telephone

3./ a) are – am; b) is – is.
c) is – isn’t ; d) are – aren’t.
- Work individually.

- Work in group to make sentences with To

<b>-</b> Working in individual to fill in the gaps.
-Comparing in pairs & giving the information.
4/Answer keys:

a) come in ; b) sit down.
c) open your book ; e) stand up.
d) close your book.

*Answer keys:

a) What - is ; b) Do - live.
c) Who - is ; d) What - is.
Work in individially

+Anwers key:
1.How old is Song?

2.How many poeple are there in his family?
3.What is his farther|<sub>s name?</sub>

4.What does he do?

5.What is his mother|<sub>s name?</sub>
6.How old is she?

7.what does do?

8.Whatis his sister|<sub>s name?</sub>
9.What does she do?
T- whole class

SS choose 9 numbers
Work in groups
Work in pairs:

SSdraw their own pictures of furniture on
scrap of paper and ask following the example


<b>IV.Consolidation:(2ms</b>)- T sums up the main contents of this lesson
- Check the form : “How many...?/ There is/are....”


<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<i>WEEK 6:</i>
<b>Period 18</b>

<b>Written test (45’)</b>
<b>English 6. No 1</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>- To Help Ss have a chance to test their knowledge of English in units1,2,3.

<b>- </b>By the end of the test, ss will be able to know their knowledge about units 1,2,3.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan,paper tests.

<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, pens and some school things
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up</b>

<b>III/ The contents of the test</b>
<b>Kiểm tra lấy đề phòng ra.</b>
<b>*Đề tham khảo</b>

I.C hoose the best answer : a, b,c or d? (2,5M)
<b>1</b>.This is my...

<b>a</b>.hello <b>b</b>.hi <b>c</b>.family <b>d</b>.fine
<b>2.</b>We are in the ...

<b>a</b>.living room <b>b</b>.window <b>c</b>.table <b>d</b>.door

<b>3.</b>There are four...in my family: my father, my mother, my brother and I.

<b>a</b>.dogs <b>b</b>.people <b>c</b>.window <b>d</b>.chairs

<b>4</b>. My mother is thirty-five...old.

<b>a</b>.year <b>b</b>.years <b>c</b>.age <b>d</b>.ages

<b>5</b>. She is a...

<b>a</b>.doctors <b>b</b>.engeneer <b> c</b>.teachers <b>d</b>.student
<b>6.</b> We...on Tran Hung Dao street..

<b>a</b>.address <b>b</b>.is <b>c</b>.live <b>d</b>.are

<b>7.</b> ...are you? I am fine, thanks.

<b>a</b>.Where <b>b</b>.what <b>c</b>.How <b>d</b>.Who

<b>8.</b> Is this ... friend? -Yes, he’s my friend.

<b>a</b>.his <b>b</b>.her <b>c</b>.my <b>d</b>.your

<b>9.</b> This is...eraser ?

<b>a.</b> on <b>b</b>. an <b>c. </b>a <b>d</b>.in

<b>10</b>. What is your...? -My name is Lan.

<b>a</b>.name <b>b</b>.student <b>c.</b>teacher <b>d</b>.friend

III.Match the pairs of sentences (1,5M)


<b>1.</b>What is this? a. Yes,it is.
<b>2</b>.Are these your pens? b. It’s a book.

<b>3.</b>Is that your house? c.I live on Tran Phu street.
<b>4.</b>Who is that? d. No, it isn’t. It’s his ruler
<b>5.</b>Where do you live? e. No, there aren’t.

<b>6.</b> Is this your ruler? f. That’s Mai
<i><b>II.</b></i> <b>Write the dialogues in the correct order</b>. <b>(3ms) </b>
Children: We’re fine, thank you. How are you?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

Children: Bye.

Miss Hoan: Fine, thanks. Good bye.
Children: Good afternoon, Miss Hoan.
Miss Hoan: How are you today?

Children: ...
Miss Hoan: ...
Children: ...
Miss Hoan: ...
Children: ...
Miss Hoan: ...
<b>II.Write the words for the numbers. ( 1 M )</b>

<b>a</b>. 15 = ...; <b>c</b>. 28 = ...
<b>b</b>. 30 = ...; <b>d</b>. 59 = ...

<b> V.Put the words in the corects order. (2ms)</b>
<b>1</b>. / many / how / are / people / there / ? /.

<b>2 </b>. / my / this /teacher / is / .

<b>3</b>. / an / he / engineer / is /.

<b>4</b>. /name/ her/ is / Nga/.


<i>WEEK 7:</i>
<b>Period 19</b>

<b>Unit 4: Big Or small</b>
<b>Lesson 1: A 1-4</b>

<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>- To Help Ss read and understand the paragraphs about phong’s school and Thu’s
school, practise the possessive case( so huu cach), Yes/ No questions. and “or” qs.

Develop reading skill.

<b>II.Objectives:- </b>By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read the paragraphs about Thong’s
school and Thu’s school fluently.

Ss know how to describe location and size of school, use possessive case: N’s+ N ; Yes/ No Qs;
“or” qs and Where is your school? In the country

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently, especially reading skill.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, pictures.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks,pictures.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up</b>: No check.

<b> III.New lesson: (38’)</b>

<i> - Today, We’re going to read the paragraphs about Phong’s school and Thu’s school.</i>
<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>I/Pre teach: (Vocabulary)(7’)</b>

-Big:(realia) to, lớn

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

-In the city(Picture): ở thành phố
-In the country: (Picture)Ở nông thôn
-Or : hoặc , hay.(trans)

 Is your school in the country or in the city?
(Trg học của bạn ở miền quê hay ở thành phố?)
+Checking: R & R.

* <b>A1(44).(4’)</b>

+ Matching(T hangs a poster).

-T sets the scene: Use 2 pictures.T runs through the
words/ phrases:

Big Phong|<sub>s school</sub> <sub>small</sub>
In the country Thu’s School In the city
-Ask Ss to share their ideas with their partners.
- Get feedback.

<b>II/ While-reading</b>:(20’)

- Ask Ss to read A1,3(p.44-45) Then to check their

- Get feedback.

*Comprehention Qs(p.44).T runs through 4 questions.

Ask Ss to read A1 again and answer questions in pairs.
Get feedback.(give answer keys).

<b>*Ex A3(p.45) </b>– Ss read the paragraph again & answer
Qs in pairs(There are 4 qs).

-Get feedback.

 a)There are eight.
 b)There are 400
 c)There are twenty

 d)There are nine hundred.
<b>III/Post reading(8ms)</b>

<b>Ex 4(46)</b>-Elicit model sentences:

<b>Yes/No qs and Or qs. </b>Then answer the qs.
 Practice: In pairs using word cues:
+Yes/ no questions answer drill:

Phong|<sub>s school</sub>

Thu|<sub>s school In the country?</sub>
Your school Big/ small?
Your brother|<sub>s school In the city?</sub>
Your sister|<sub>s school</sub>

<b>-</b> T checks some pairs, and corrects.

Copy down

Read the text and check their preditions
Work in groups(Answer the questions in A2
P.44 from a to d

Work in groups.

a) Yes, It is b) No, it isn’t.
c) It’s in the country./ d) No, itisn’t.
*S1:Is Phong|<sub>s school small?</sub>

S2:Yes, it is

S1:Is Thu|<sub>s school small?</sub>
S2:No, it is not.

 Form: Tobe + S + ..?
<b>-Yes, S+ tobe./No, S + tobe+not.</b>
<b>* To be + S + … or ….?</b>

<b>- Chọn 1 trong 2 để trả lời.</b>

<b>*Where is your school?- It is in the …</b>
* Formation of <b>possessive case</b>:

- sở hữu cách với “ 'S” chỉ dùng cho người

và con vật,được đặt sau danh từ chỉ quyền
sở hữu.

eg: Mary’s house, Thu’s book…
 N’s+ S


- Nếu chủ từ là số ít, ta viết: “ 'S”
- Nếu chủ từ là số nhiều ta viết “ S' ”.
Eg: Parents' bag/ Lan’s ruler…

<b>-</b> Ss copy down. Work individually.
<b> </b>

<b> VI.Consolidation:(2ms)</b>

- Retell the main points of this lesson.

- How to describe location and size of school, possessive case, Y/N qs and or qs.

- Ss learn by heart vocabu,read A1-3 again.
- Do exercises A2-3(44-45)

-Write Y/N qs using word cues in post reading.
-Prepare for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 7:</i>
<b>Period 20</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>- To Help Ss listen to the dialogue betweenThu and Phong; ordinal numbers from 1st
to 10th<sub> ; “Which” - qs. Develop Ss’ 4 skills, especially listening skill.</sub>

<b>II.Objectives:- </b>By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to listen and understand the contents of
the dialogue between Thu and Phong. They are talking about their schools and their classes.Ss
understand “which” – qs; ordinal numbers from 1st<sub> to 10</sub>th<sub> .</sub>

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently, especially listening skill.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>: <b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, pictures.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks,pictures.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up(5’) Warm up:</b>

 Pelmanism:<b> I Thu He You She // His My Your Her Thu|s</b>
Ask 3 Ss to make qs and answer using word cues:

a)Ha’s school/ big ? / yes.
b)Your house/ in the city? / No.
c) Your school/ big or small?/ small.

<b> Keys:</b> a) Is Ha’s school big? – Yes, it is. b) Is your house in the city ? – No, it isn’t.
c) Is your school is big or small? – it’s small.

- T corrects and give them marks

<b> III.New lesson: (35’)Today, We’re going to listen to the dialogue between Thu and Phong </b>
<b>about their schools and classes.</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

<b> Pre teach( vocabulary)(7’)</b>T elicits vocabulary and
ordinal numbers:

-Floor(n) sàn nhà, tầng.(Trans)(The first floor:tầng 1)
-Grade(n): Khối lớp(trans)

The sixth floor: (Picture):tầng 6

<b>*Check</b>: matching.

<b>2. Pre-Listening: (8’) B1(p.47):</b> T hangs a poster.
<b>+Predict dialogue</b>:T sets the scene: Thu and Phong are
talking to each other about their school and classes.
<b>Then model sentences</b>:- give form.

-Show the dialogue with some missing words.
-Ss guess the missing words individually.
<i>*Thu: Hello, which grade are you in?</i>
<i><b>Phong:I am in grade...(1)...</b></i>
<i><b>Thu: And which class are you in?</b></i>
<i><b>Phong:...(2)...What about you?</b></i>
<i><b>Thu: Iam in grade...(3)...,class...(4)...</b></i>
<i>How many floors does your school have?</i>
<i><b>Phong:..(5)...It is asmall school.</b></i>

<i><b>Thu: My school has ....(6)...floors and my classroom is </b></i>
<i>on the ...(7)...floor. </i>

<i>Where is your classroom?</i>
<i><b>Phong: It is on the...(8)...floor.</b></i>
-Ask Ss share with theirs partners.
T gets feedback.

Listen and repeat in chorus and

Copy down

Work in groups of 3.
-Listen to and guess.
-Work individually.

-Ss listen and check their predictions.
-Ss share their ideas with their

Ss work in pairs

*Model sentences:
<b>Which + n+ tobe+…?</b>

<b>* Where is her/his classroom?</b>
<b>It is on the first floor.</b>


S1: Which grade is Thu in?
S2:She is in grade 6

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>While listening:(13’)</b>Asks ss to listen the text B1 P.47 to
correct their predictions.

-Get feedback

<b>Keys: </b>1.6 / 2.6A/ 3.7/ 4.7C/
5.two/ 6.four/ 7.second/ 8.first.

<b>*</b>Grid: B2 P.48: Complete the table. T runs through the
table.Ask Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the table.
Get feedback.

Name Grade class Classroom’s floor

Thu 7 7C 2nd

Phong 6 6A 1st

You 6 6E 1st

<b>3.Post listening:(7’)</b>* <b>Ex 3(p.48):-</b>Write it up
Eg: I’m in grade 6.I’m in class 6E. My school has 2
floors and my classroom is on the first floor.

-Call 2 or 3 Ss to read their writings loudly.
- T corrects.

*<b>Ex 5(P.48)- </b>Complete the dialogue

Ask Ss look at the dialogue in the text book:(have 7
gaps).Ask Ss fill in the dialogue.

Get feedback.

S2:It is on the first floor.
 Give answer keys.
<b>-</b> Listen and check.
<b>-</b> Give ideas.

<b>-</b> Look at the text book .
<b>-</b> Listen and fill the table.
<b>-</b> Work individually.
Ss write 3 sentences about themselves
Work individaully. Then read aloud.
-Work in pairs.

Give answer keys:

1.small/ 2.does/ 3.has/ 4.are/
5am/ 6.is/ 7.on.

<b>IV/Consolidation</b>: - Retell the main points of this lesson.

*T sums up: Ordinal numbers/ Which grade/class are you in? – I’m in grade/class…

Which floor is your classroom? – It’s on the … floor.

<b>V/ Homework:-</b> Learn by heart vocabulary and some structure grammar. Do exercises B1,3,5.
- Prepare for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 7:</i>
<i> Period 21</i>

<b>Unit 4: Big Or small</b>

<b>Lesson 3: C 1-2.Getting ready for school.</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>- To Help Ss use the vocabulary of routines to talk about habitual(thoi quen)actions,
make positive statement with “I”, use simple present tense .

<b>II.Objectives:- </b>By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use simple present tense with the first
person(singulara) and vocabulary of routines: Iget up.I get dressed….

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently, especially listening skill.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan,poster, word cues, cassette,CD, pictures.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books and notebooks,pictures.
<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up(5’)</b>

 T calls some Ss to answer the questions:

1. which grade are you in?. / Which class are you in?. / 3.Which floor are you in?
<b>Keys:</b>1. I’m in gade 6; 2. I’m inclass 6C/D/E; 3. It’s on the first floor.

- T corrects and give them marks
<b> III.New lesson</b>: (35’)

<i><b>Today, We learn how to describe everyday activitives.</b></i>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

(to)Get dressed: mặc quần áo (picture)

(to)brush my/your teeth:đánh răng của tôi/bạn(mime)
(to)wash my face:rửa mặt của tôi(mime)

(to)have breakfast:ăn sáng(picture)
(to)go to school: đi học(trans)
<b>*Check</b>: Matching

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps SS
to repeat ( 2 times ).

<b>2*Presentation text: C1.P.49(10’)</b>

-Dialogue build: set the scene: A friend wants to know
about your routines.

T elicits dialogue and write on the bb

<i><b>+Model sentences:</b></i>

<i><b>A:What do you do every morning?</b></i>
<i><b>B: I get up</b></i>

<i><b> brush my teeth</b></i>
<i><b> have breakfast</b></i>

* Concept check: meaning, form,use.
<b>*Form: </b>

<b>What do + s(we/you/they) + do…?</b>
<b> S(we/you/they)+ V + …</b>

<b>*Use: Ask and answer about your friend routines</b>

<i>a.Word cue drill:T runs through the cues and models:</i>
S1:What do you do every morning?

S2:I get up

S2:What do you do then?

<b>...up ... . .. .dressed ...teeth </b>
<b>... ...face .... . .breakfast ...school</b>

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to
practice.Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to

repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in
pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
<i>b.Write it up: C3 P.49</i>

+Write 5 sentences about what YOU do every morning.
Begin with:

Every morning, I get up. Then I...
<b>*Further practice:(7ms)</b>

+Chain game:
S1:I get up

S2: I get up and brush my teeth

S3: I get up, brush my teeth and I get dressed

-T checks some groups and corrects.

- Repeat the words in chorus & in

- Give the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copy the words Correcting the mistakes.
Listen and repeat in chorus and

Copy down

- Read the dialogue in individual.
-Correct the pronunciation.

Work in pairs to practice the form:
Work in pairs to practice the model


S1:What do you do every morning?
S2:I get up

S2:What do you do then?
-Ss work in group of 7.s

<i><b>- Repeat in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Make sentences for the next cues.
- Practice in groups & in pairs .
-Correct the pronunciation.

-Work in pairs to practice the exchange
- Play in pairs & correcting the mistakes.
- Practise speaking in groups of 4

<b>IV/Consolidation(1’): </b>

- Retell the main points of this lesson.

- T sums up the main contents of the lesson: talk about routines
<b>V/ Homework(1’</b>):

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

<b>-</b> Write 4 sentences telling what they do every morning( I get up.I get dressed. Then I…
<b>-</b> Prepare for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 8:</i>
<b>Period 22</b>

<b>Chuẩn bị bài kiểm tra</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>-</b> Help Ss know their test rerult and find out their mistakes and draw out their experiences for the
next tests.

<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to do a test correctly and correct their
mistakes.Ss consolidate their knowledge from unit 1 to unit 3.

<b>-</b> Develop Ss’ skills of doing a test.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan,Keys of the test, posters.
<b>Ss’</b>: Revise units 1-2-3.

<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up(5’)</b>

<b>• </b>T calls some Ss to answer the questions:

1.which grade are you in?. / 2.Which class are you in?. / 3.Which floor are you in?
<b> • </b>What do you do every morning?

<b>Keys:</b>1. I’m in gade 6; 2. I’m inclass 6C/D/E; 3. It’s on the first floor.
<b>-</b> I get up / I brush my teeth. / …

- T corrects and give them marks
<b> III. Contents:</b>

<b>-</b> T gives the aims of the lesson.

<b>-</b> Remarks in general( good and bad points)

<b>A/ Good points:</b> - Đại đa số các em biết cách trình bày bài kiểm tra,biết cách trình bày dạng bài
tập,Trình bày sạch sẽ khoa học(nêu tên 1 số em tiêu biểu).

Nhiều học sinh làm bài tốt,viết chữ đẹp, đạt điểm cao.
<b>B/ Bad points</b>:

Bên cạnh các em tốt cũng có nhiều em viết chữ cịn q ẩu, tẩy xóa nhiều trong bài kiểm tra,hiện
tương dùng bút xóa tràn lan. Một số bạn chưa chăm học, những cấu trúc câu, ngữ pháp không
thuộc nên không áp dụng để làm bài tập, bài tập chia động từ Tobe chưa thạo, cách chuyển ngôi
chưa tốt, dẫn đến điểm chưa cao( nêu tên những trường hợp điểm kém, cụ thể tên)

-Cần rút kinh nghiệm cho những bài tập sau này.

* Giáo viên trả bài và chữa bài cho học sinh (T gives the test back to students and correct the test).

<b>C/ Answer keys:</b>

<b>-</b> <b>Đáp án của bài kiểm tra của phòng giáo dục.</b>
<i>WEEK 8:</i>

<b>Period 23</b>

<b>Unit 4: Big Or small</b>

<b>Lesson 4: C 1-3,6.Getting ready for school.</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>I.The aims:</b>- To Help Ss make positive statements with “ He/She’’ to talk about present habitual

<b>II.Objectives:- </b>By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to make positive statements with
“He/She’’ to talk about present habitual actions fluently(hanh dong thoi quen).

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up: Test 15’</b>

<b> III.New lesson</b>: (30’)

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Vocabulary: revision (6’)</b>

Explain about the way changes from “ my” become “

his/ her/ your”.

<b>-</b> (to) brush your teeth / his/her teeth
<b>-</b> (to) wash your/his / her face.
<b>-</b> (to) say “hello” to classmate.
<b>2.Presentation: (8’)</b>

<b>*Presentation text: C1</b>

<b>-</b> T elicits the pictures and text.
Elicit model sentences and write on bb.

 <i><b>Model sentences:</b></i>

<i><b>S1: What does Ba/ he/she do every morning?</b></i>
<i><b>S2: Ba gets up. He brushes his teeth.</b></i>

She has breakfast.
<i><b> She goes to school.</b></i>

<b>-</b> Explain the use and form:
 <b>Form: </b>

<b>What does + he/she + do …?</b>
<b> He / She + V-s/es.</b>

<b>*Practice : Word cue drill</b>


<b>-…….... up - …….dressed - ………teeth</b>
<b>- ……..face - …..breakfast - ……school</b>
<b>- … His classroom - …hello to his classmates</b>

-Run through those cues.

*Model: ask and answer about Ba
<i> T : What does he do every morning?</i>

<i>Ss: He gets up.</i>

<i>T : What does he do then?</i>
<i>Ss: He gets dressed.</i>

<b>-</b> Help ss practice speaking: T – WC , half – half
, open pairs , closed pairs.

*Correct Ss’pronunciation os other errors if necessary.
<b>3.Production: C3-6 : Write it up. (6’)</b>

<b>-</b> Ask ss to write 5 sentences about Ba. Begin

<i><b> Every morning, Ba gets up. He gets dressed …</b></i>
<b>-</b> Let Ss write individually.

<b>-</b> Correct Ss’ mistakes.

Listen and repeat.

Copy down on the notebook.
<b>-</b> Listen and repeat.

<b>-</b> Look at the pictures and practise,
give model sentences.

<b>-</b> Copy.

Ss ask and answer about Ba
<b>-</b> Read loudly.

<b>-</b> Listen and repeat.

<b>-</b> Practise speaking.

-Write individually. Ss to write 5
sentences about Ba. Begin with:
Every morning, Ba gets up. He gets
<i><b>dressed …</b></i>

-One St to go to the board to write about

<b>-</b> Others to write on their notebook.

<b>IV. Consolidation: (1’)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>What does he/ she do ….?</b>
<b>He/She + V-s/es…</b>

<b>V. Homework: (1’)</b>

- Ss finish their writing , learn by heart structues.
- Do exercises in workbook.

- Prepare for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 8:</i>

<b>Period 24</b>

<b>Unit 4: Big Or small</b>

<b>Lesson 5: C 4,5,7.Getting ready for school.</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

- To Help Ss practise telling the time.

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practise asking and answering about the time fluently:
What time is it? – It’s ten fifteen/ half past ten/ ten o’clock.

<b>-</b> Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently(expecially speaking)
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books, revise numbers.

<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up: </b>- Ask 2 SS to answer the Qs :

1. What does Ba do every morning?
2. What does he do then?

*keys: 1. He gets up
2. He gets dressed.

- T corrects ,remark and give marks.

- Revise the cardinal numbers: one/ two / three…
<i><b> III.New lesson(35’):</b></i>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

+Number dictation:<i>T reads and Ss write : one ten, </i>
<i>fourty thirty, five twenty, three fifteen, six forty, seven </i>
<i>forty five, ten thrirty, twelve twenty five, eleven fifty, two</i>
<i>fifty five.</i>

<b>+Pre teach(Vocabulary): (9’)</b>
-The time: thời gian(example)
<i>-Ten oclock: 10 giờ đúng(trans)</i>

<i>-half past ten: 10 giờ 30’, 10 rưỡi.( visual)</i>
<i>-(to) be late for: trễ, muộn.(situation)</i>
<i>-Past: qua, hơn.(trans)</i>

*Eg .“We are late for school”

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using
the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

<b>+Checking: What and where</b>

<b>2*Presentation dialoguge : C4 P.50.(7’)</b>

<b>-</b>Set the scene: Hoa meets Ba at the schoolgate. Ss listen
to the dialogue between Hoa and Ba then repeat aloud.
<b>+Model sentenses:</b>

<i><b>S1: What time is it?</b></i>

Work in individially

Listen and repeat in chorus and individially
Copy down

- Repeat the words in chorus & in

- Give the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copy the words Correcting the mistakes

Work in groups.

- Copy down the new structures .
- Work individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<i><b>S2:It is eight oclock / eight fifty/ half past eight.</b></i>

Use: Ask and answer about the time.

<b>a/</b> Ask & answer about the timeusing a clock( with
different period of time):

2.10 ; 1.30 ; 11.0 ; 9.45 ; 5.15; 8.25. …
<i>* Model</i><b>:</b> - What is the time? / What time is it?
It’s two ten.

- Practise asking answering about the time:
T-WC; half- half; open pairs, close pairs.
<b>b/</b> Word cues drill: Run through the cues:
Get up / 5.45 Go to school / 6.15

Have breakfast / 6.00 Go home / 10.00
*Model:S1:What time do you get up?
<i> S2:At five fourty-five</i>

<b>*Further practice:(8ms)C7(51)(</b>
-Write the answer .

- Ask Ss to read C6(51) again.

Translates C6 in to vietnamese

Ask Ss to write the answer of C7 in notebook.(about

Eg: + I get up at …

+ I have breakfast at …

<b>+Noughts and crosses:(If have more time)</b>

<b>6.10</b> <b>6.30</b> <b>4.45</b>

<b>7.00</b> <b>11.00</b> <b>11.30</b>

<b>3.15</b> <b>8.20</b> <b>9.40</b>

<b> It’s + số giờ + o’clock.</b>
ex :9.00 - It’s nine o’clock
* <i>cách trả lời giờ hơn</i>

<i><b> </b></i><b>It’s + số giờ + số phút</b>
ex: 6.20 – It’s six twenty
<i>* Cách trả lời giờ rưỡi</i>
<b> It’s half past + số giờ</b>
<b> ( It’s + số giờ + thirty) </b>
<b> </b>ex: 8.30 – It’s half past eight.
( It’s eight thirty )

Listen and repeat in chorus and individially.

Work in pairs to practice example exchange.
<i><b>- Repeat in chorus & in individual.</b></i>

- Make sentences for the next cues.
- Practice in groups & in pairs .
-Correct the pronunciation.
Work in pairs to practice

Work in groups to ask and answer the
questions about the time

<b>III.Consolidation:(2ms) - </b>Asks Ss to give the questions & answer to talk about the time.
<i><b> What time is it ?- It’s ten o’clock / ten fifteen / half past ten.</b></i>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>IV.Homework:(1m)</b>- Study the model exchange.

- Exercise: write about your family member’s routines.

- Prepare the picture on page 52 & the things you usually do in a day.
-Do number 3 P.41/4 P.42.

<i>WEEK 9:</i>
<i> Period 25</i>

<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

- To Help Ss consolidate the structure and vocabulary in unit 4. To help practise writing and speaking

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practise using structures fluently:
<i>Where is/are…? It is /They are ….in (the)…</i>

<i>How many + Ns + are there …? There are../There is …+so luong + N(s).</i>
<i>Which grade/class/floor + are you in? I’m in …</i>

<i>Present simple tense(ordinary Verb) : S+V(s/es)…</i>

<i> Asking and answering about the time:What time is it? – It’s ten fifteen/ half past ten/o’clock. </i>

-Ss practise 4 skills correctly and fluently(expecially speaking and writing skills)
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<b>C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up: (8’)</b>- Ask 2 SS to answer the Qs :

1.What does Ba do every morning?What does he do then?
2. Ask and answer the Qs about the time:Ba/ get up/ 6.00.
*keys: 1. He gets up/ He gets dressed.

2. What time does Ba get up? –He gets up at 6.00
- T corrects ,remark and give marks.

<b> III.New lesson(34’</b>):

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>I/Revision: (14’)</b>main structures in unit 4

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to give main structures in unit 4
<b>1.Numbers</b>:(ordinal numbers) from 1st<sub> to 10</sub>th<sub> .</sub>
- One st read & one st write ordinal numbers on bb
T corrects.

<b>2.How many…?</b>- Ask Ss to give the form:
<i>How many + N(s/es)+ are there..?</i>

<i>There is one/a (n)/There are + số lượng+ N(s/es).</i>

<b>3.Where is/are…?</b>It’s../They are in(the)…
<b>4.Which class/grade/floor are you in?</b>I’m in…
<b>5.Present simple tense(ordinary verb):</b>

Ask Ss give the form:<b> S+ V(s/es)…</b>
*I/we/you/they/Lan and Ba + V
*He/ she/it/Mai+ V(s/es)
- Give example

<b>II/Exercises(</b> 9’)

<b>*Ex1: Put the verbs in the correct form: </b>

– T helps Ss do the exercises,run through sentences.
1. He(have) breakfast at 6.10

2. Miss Nga ( brush) her teeth at 5.45
3. She (wash) her face at 5.50.

4. She( go) to school at 6.55.
5. She (get) dressed at 6.20

6. Mr.Minh (live) with his family in the country.
7. Mai and Ba(go) to school at 6.40

-Ss do the execises individually
- T gets feedback.

-Introduces the game & helps Ss to play in two groups
by choosing the cue & making question.

-Corrects & comments the game.

<b>*IMPERATIVE(4’)</b>Asks S look at the picture(p41) and
answer the question in pairs.

+Gap fill: Grammar practice 4 P.40

-Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in
individual to fill in the gaps.

-Asks Ss to compare in pairs.
-Asks Ss to give the information.
-Corrects & comments.

<b>*Question word:(6ms</b>)

+Gap fill: Grammar practice 6 P.41.

– Retell the questions words they’ve learned

*Ex7(42)- Asks Ss to write the words for the numbers
& write the numbers for the words.

-Ss retell the main structures grammar of uint

- Work individually.

<b>-</b> Working in individual to fill in the gaps.

-Comparing in pairs & giving the information.
Eg:- I get up.

He gets up

Work in individially

- Work in group to make sentences with To

- Do the exercises.

<b>EX2:Anwers the questions:</b>
1.How old is your father?(40)

2.How many poeple are there in his family?(4)
3.What is your farther|<sub>s name?</sub>

4.What does he do?(farmer)
5.What is your mother|<sub>s name?</sub>
6.How old is she?(35)

7.what does she do?(farmer)

8.What is your brother/sister|<sub>s name?</sub>
9.What does he/she do?(student)
10.Where is your school?(city)
11.Is it big or small?(big)

12. How many Ss are there in your classroom?

13.What time do you go to school?(6.15)
14.Which floor are you in?

T- whole class

SS choose 9 numbers
Work in groups
Work in pairs:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

- Asks them to make questions for answer given:
<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>: (1’)

-Retell the main points of this lesson.
<b>V/ Homework(1’)</b>

<b>-</b> Do all exercises, learn by heart vocab and some structures grammar.

<b>-</b> Prepare for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 9:</i>
<b>Period 26</b>

<b>Unit 5 : Things I do</b>
<b>Lesson 1: A1-2.My day</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

- To Help Ss revise how to describe everyday routines with subject “I”, “she”, Ss ask and answer
about what a person does everyday.

Develop 4 skills correctly and fluently.

-By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able touse present simple tense to describeeveryday routines with
“I,She” . Ss practise asking answering about what a person does everyday fluently:+ What
<i><b>does she/ he do every day / every morning / every afternoon?</b></i>

<i><b> She / he + V(s/es)…</b></i>
-Ss practise 4 skills fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>: -Computer and projector

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books, revise unit 4

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up: (10’) *Warm up</b>: T give cues, Ss make some qs and answer:
5.56’ <b> 12.30’ 2.9’ 2.55’ 5.4’</b>

Model:What time is it?
It’s five-fifty six

-T asks some Qs about the time
- Ask 2 SS to answer the Qs :

1.What time do you go to school?
2. What time does Ba go to school?
*keys: 1. I go to school at …
2. He goes to school at ….
- T corrects ,remark and give marks.
<b> III.New lesson(34’):</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

<b>+Pre teach:(Vocabulary)</b>-T elicits vocabulary on the

(to) play games: chơi trò chơi (situation)
(to) do your homework: làm bài tập của (bạn)


- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>+Checking:</b> Slap the board together with:
<i>go to school / Have breakfast / Get up</i>

Copy down

- Repeat in chorus . Work in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<b>*Presentation text: (8’)A1 P.52(picturer story)</b>
- T elicits 4 pictures.

Help Ss tell a story using subject: “ I ”
<i>Eg: Every day I get up at 6.00.. …</i>
<i>Every evening I do my homework. ….</i>

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to tell a story using subject “Nga”
<i>Eg:Everyday Nga gets up at six ….</i>

Help Ss read and listen to A1

<b>2/A2 P.53 a-d: (7’)</b>T run through the questions

-Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to
answer. Then give the keys.

 Questions: In the Ss’book

- Revision:Use present simple tense to talk about
somebody’s routines then ask Ss give model .

<b>* EX4:</b>Substituation drill( hang poster)
- Help Ss say out a St’s routines as follows:
Everyday, I get up at six o’clock.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups
& in pairs .

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments
<i>Teacher :Every day I get up at six </i>

I brush my teeth / I wash my face/ I get dressed
I have breakfast / I go to school / I play games
I do my homework.

S1: What time do you get up?
S2: 5.30

Name Get up Have breakfast
Vien 5.30 6.15

... ...


afteroon(15.30) Everyevening(19.30)
- Reading the dialogue in individual.
- Answer the questions, work in pairs
<b>*Model </b>

 <i><b>Everyday I go to school.</b></i>
<i><b> she goes </b></i>

<b>+ S + V / V(s/es)…</b>

-Working in pairs to answer. Then giving the

1./ Everyday she gats up .

2./ Everyday morning she goes to school.
3./ Everyday afternoon she plays games.
4./ Everyday evening she does her


- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss
to repeat in chorus & in individual.

<b>- </b>Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
<i>Students :Every day Nga gets up at 6</i>
She brushes her teeth

She washes her face……

*Play game Do your home work
4.30 7.00

<b>IV.Consolidation:(2ms</b>)- Retell the main points of this lesson.
-Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

Write it up: Or ss orally report back:

Every morning, Vien gets up at five thirty. He has breakfast at six fifteen

- Study model sentence & the vocabulary.

- Write about your daily routine, using the substitution drill.
- Prepare the picture on page 53 for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 9:</i>

<b>Period 27</b>

<b>Unit 5 : Things I do</b>
<b>Lesson 2: A3-4.My day</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

- To Help Ss use questions and answers with subjects “she/he” to talk about somebody’s
routines(present simple tense).

Develop 4 skills correctly and fluently.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<i><b>+ What does she/ he do every day / every morning / every afternoon?</b></i>
<i><b> She / he + V(s/es)…</b></i>

-Ss practise 4 skills fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>: -Computer and projector

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books, revise unit 4

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up: (6’) </b>

- Ask SS to give the correct form of the verbs:
1. She (have) breakfast at 6.30

2. I (play) games every afternoon.

3. He (do) his homwork every evening.
4. She (wash) her face / She (get) dressed.
*Keys: 1.has / 2.play / 3. Does / 4. Washes/gets.
- T corrects ,remark and give marks.

<b> III.New lesson(34’):</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

+Pre teach(Vocabulary) – Elicit vocabulary

<i> (1)(to) listen to music:(picture): nghe nhạc</i>
<i> (3)(to) watch T.V: :(picture) xem ti vi</i>

<i>(2)(to) do the housework:(picture) làm công việc nhà</i>
<i>(4) (to) read: :(picture): đọc</i>

<b>+Checking: ordering </b>
<i><b>+Ordering vocabulary:</b></i>

T reads: Every morning, Lan gets up and listen to music.
every afternoon she comes home and does the housework.
then she watches T.V . Every evening she reads and does her

<b>+Presentation text:(5’) A3 P.53</b>:(Here are some Ss and their
routines after school.

- Ask and answer about the routines after school

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text.
- Asks Ss to read the text in individual.
- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
<b>*Form:-</b><i><b>What do/does + S + do + after school?</b></i>
<i><b> S+ V / V(s/es)…</b></i>


+Picture drill: A3 P.53.-T run through the cues

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice.
*Model: A:What do you do after school?

<i> B: I watch TV.</i>

<i>A:What deos Lan do after school? </i>
<i>B:She do his homework.</i>

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in
chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks Ss’ practicing in groups & in
pairs .

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
<b>3.Further practice:(7ms)</b>

+Noughts and crosses:

<b>He/play games</b> <b>She/brush her</b> <b>Lan/ do the house</b>

Listen and repeat in chorus . Work

Copy down

- Copying down the words listening to
the sentences & take note the right

- Checking & correcting
Answer keys:

<i>1..(to) listen to music </i>
<i> 3. (to) watch TV</i>

<i>2.(to) do the houseworks </i>
<i> 4.(to) read</i>

- Reading the dialogue in individual.
-Correcting the pronunciation.
<b>*Model sentence:</b>

- What does Ba do after school ?
<i><b>He watches TV.</b></i><sub> </sub>

<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
<b>Model sentence:</b>

<b> - What does [Ba / Lan…] do after </b>
<b>school ?</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b>teeth</b> <b>work</b>
<b>Ba/ get dressed</b> <b>Nam/ go to</b>


<b>Thu/ do her</b>
<b>She/ wash her</b>


<b>He/ Have</b>

<b>Mai/listen to</b>
*Example exchange:

<i>S1: What does Ba do every morning?</i>
<i>S2: [ He gets dresses ].</i>

<b>-</b> Working in groups to choose the cue
& make the question & the answer.
Teacher- whole class

<b>IV.Consolidation:(2ms</b>)- Retell the main points of this lesson.

-Asks Ss to give the model sentence used to talk about other’s daily routine:
<i> - What does [Ba/Lan…] do after school ?</i>

–[ He/She] watches TV.
-Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
Write it up: Or ss orally report back:

Every morning, Vien gets up at five thirty. He has breakfast at six fifteen.

- Study model sentence & the vocabulary.
- Write about your family members daily routine.
- Prepare the picture on page 54 & 56.

<i>WEEK 10:</i>
<b>Period 28</b>

<b>Unit 5 : Things I do</b>
<b>Lesson 3: A5-6.My day</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

- To Help Ss practise simple present tense with “yes/no questions” to talk about somebody’s

Develop 4 skills .

-By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to practise the simple present tense with “yes/No”
questions to talk about routines fluently.

<i><b>Do/Does + s + V(infi)..?- Yes,s+ do/does. No,S+ donot/doesnot.</b></i>
-Ss practise 4 skills fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>: -Computer and projector

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books, revise unit 4

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up: (6’) </b>

<b> III.New lesson(34’):</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>*Revision</b>:(3ms)<b>+Pelmasim: </b>

<b>1. Go to do listen to watch</b>
<b>2. school homework music TV</b>

<b>+Pre teach: (Vocabulary</b>)

(to) play volleyball: Chơi bóng chuyền

(to) play football (soccer):Đá bóng
(to) play sports: Chơi thể thao
(a) girl: Cô gái, cô bé, bạn gái

Work in 2 groups
- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in
individual. Correcting the mistakes.
- Giving the meaning & the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using
the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps Ss
to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes.
- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.

-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words
+Checking: R.O.R

+Presentation dialogue: A5 P.54: Show the pictures
- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue.
- Asks Ss practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs.

- Introduces the model exchange & helps Ss to practice in
groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

+Grid: asks ss to read the dialogue and make a grid about
Nga, Thu, Lan, Vui, girls with answer key(*)

 Survey:

Name Volleyball Football

Vui 

Nga 

Lan 

Thu 


+Yes/ no question answer drill: A6 P.53.Show a picture
then Introduce the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in
chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in

pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
<b>Example exchange:</b>

<i>a,S1:Do you play sports?</i>
<i> S2: Yes, I do/ No, I don|<sub>t</sub></i>

<b>3.Further practice:(7ms)</b>

<b>Find someone who? Name opinions </b>

...watches T.V Ba √

...Plays football
...does the housework
...Plays volleyball
...listen to music

-Gives the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to
interview each other by making the Yes / No question &
fill the information in the table.

-Examples with Ss & fill the information in the table .
- Asks Ss to go around & ask the other.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in
pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Practicing the dialogue in groups & in

-Correcting the pronunciation.
*Model sentence:

 <i>Do you / they play volleyball ? </i>
 <i>-Yes, I / they do.; No, I / they don’t.</i>
 <i>Does she / he play soccer ?</i>

 <i>-Yes, she / he does ; No, she / he </i>

-Filling in the table in individual,

- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
Example exchange:

S1: Do you / they play volleyball ?
S2: Yes, I / they do.; No, I / they don’t.
S1: Does she / he play soccer ?

S2: Yes, she / he does; No, she / he

<b>-</b> Working in to work in individual to
interview each other by making the Yes /
No question & fill the information in the

<b>-</b> Going around & ask the other to get the
information to fill the information in the

<b>Example exchange:</b>
S1:Do you watch T.V?
S2: Yes, I do

S1: What is your name?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>


- Retell the main contents of the lesson.
- Ask Ss give the form of yes/ no questions

- Learn by heart vocabulary and some structures grammar.
- Do exercises in workbook

- Prepare for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 10:</i>

<b>Period 29</b>

<b>Unit 5 : Thing I do</b>
<b>Lesson 4: B1-3</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

- To Help Ss read and understand a picture story about Ba’s daily activities using present simple
tense. Develop 4 skills.

By the end of this lesson ss will be able to practice simple present tense by reading a picture
story about Ba|<sub>s daily routines</sub>

-Ss practise 4 skills fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>: - Computer and projector

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books, revise unit 4

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up: (6’) </b>– Questions: Ask Ss to ask and answer using Yes/No qs.
1.You / listen to music / yes

2. She / play / volleyball / No

*Keys: 1. Do you listen to music ? Yes, I do.

2. Does she play volleyball? No, she does not.

- Corrects , remarks and give marks.

<b> III.New lesson(34’):</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>*Revision</b>:(3ms)+Jumbled words:

- okhueowsr= housework
- tislen= listen / - ader= Read
- ypal= Play / - cthaw= Watch
<b> 1.Pre- reading</b>

<b>*Pre teach :(Vocabulary)</b>

(to) take a shower: tắm vòi hoa sen(picture)
(to) eat: ăn (mine)
(to) start: bắt đầu (meaning)
(to) finish :kết thúc (antonym of start)
(to) have lunch :ăn trưa (picture)
(to) go to bed: đi ngủ (picture)
(a) Quarter: 1/4 , 15 phút ( explain)
<b>+Checking</b>: what and where

<b>+Open predition:B2 P.57: </b><i>Set the scene: You are going to </i>
<i>read about Ba’s routines.(Run through the table(57)</i>

-Introduces the pictures & asks Ss to guess the times on which
Ba does his daily routine & fill in the table part 2 on p 57.
-Asks Ss to give their prediction.

- Get feedback.

<b>Presentation text: B2 – P56.</b>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text.
- Asks Ss check their prediction.

Work in 4 groups

Listen and repeat in chorus and

Copy down
Work in groups

-Guessing the times on which Ba does
his daily routine & fill in the table part 2
on page 57.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

- Corrects & comments.
<b>Grid: B2 – P57.</b>

-Asks Ss to read the dialogue in & fill in the table in individual.
<b>2. While reading:(15ms)</b>

+Read the text about Ba & check their predictions.
To fill in the tables about Ba and Their friends(you)
Get feedback

<b>3.Post reading:(8ms)* B3(57) Questions and answers</b>

+ Ask ss to complete the last column in the B2 table(about me)
+Asks ss to do B3.P.57 – Read questions loudly.

-Gives the requirement & ask Ss to work in groups of tables to
ask each other the questions :

a./ What time does Ba get up / Go to school / have classes /
Have lunch / Go home / Go to bed ?

b./ What time do you get up / Go to school / have classes /
Have lunch / Go home / Go to bed ?

& fill the answers in the box on the grid .

- Asks Ss to report the information about their friends.
-Corrects & comments.

<i><b>a) </b></i><b>Answer:</b>

<i><b>+ Ba get(s) up at 6.00.</b></i>
<i> go(es) to school 6.45.</i>
<i> has/have classes 7.00 – 11.15.</i>
<i><b> + I has / have lunch 11.30.</b></i>

<i> go(es) home 5.00.</i>
<i> go(es) to bed 10.00</i>

<i><b>b)Survey:-Ss use qs in B3-b to ask their friends to fill in the</b></i>
table B2 about “Me”

- Get feedback

Eg: What time do you get up?
I get up at half past five.

- Giving their prediction.
- Reading the text<b> .</b>

- Checking the prediction.

<b>Action</b> <b>Time</b>

<b>Ba</b> <b>You</b>

Get up 6.00 6.15

Go to school 6.45
Classes start 7.000
Classes finish 11.15
Have lunch 11.30

Go home 5pm

Go to bed 10pm

-Filling in the table in individual,
correcting<b> .</b>

Read the text in individially
Work in pairs

Work in individially
Work in pairs
<b>* Survey:</b>

-Working in groups to ask each other
the questions fill the answers in the box
on the grid

- Reporting the information about their

<b>III.Consolidation:(2ms) </b>

<b>- </b>Asks the form of yes/ no question

- Asks Ss to give the questions & answers used to ask & answer the time to do the daily routine:-
<i><b>What time does Ba get up ?</b></i>

<i><b> - He gets up</b></i>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

- Study the questions & answers used to ask & answer the time to do

the daily routine. Do Exercise: write the time on which your family members do their daily
routines ( base on the table B2 P 57).Write a passage about themselves using the informations in

column “me” of B2.

- Prepare the picture on page 58 for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 10:</i>

<b>Period 30</b>

<b>Unit 5 : Things I do</b>
<b>Lesson 5: C1</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>-</b> By the end of this lesson ss will be able to talk about school timetable with have and don|<sub>t have</sub>
fluently, to practise school subjects vocab with “what do we have to day? – We have …” -Ss
practise 4 skills fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>: - Computer and projector

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books, revise unit 4

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up: (6’) </b>– 2 Ss to go to the board and writing about themselves.B2.

<b>Keys</b>: - I get up at half past five.I go to school at sixfifteen.I have classes at 7 o’lock.I have
lunch at aquarter to twelve. <b>…</b>

- Corrects , remarks and give marks.

<b> III.New lesson(34’):</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

<b>+Pre teach: (vocabulary)</b>

-(a) timetable(realia): thời khóa biểu
- English (Translation): Tiếng Anh
-Math(Realia): Mơn Tốn

- Literature(realia): Mơn ngữ văn
- History(Realia): Môn lịch sử
- Geography (Realia): Môn địa lí
- Monday (Realia)Thứ hai

<b>*Check:</b> Introduces the words by explaining the
meaning, using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words
<b>+Checking: ordering vocab</b>

Reads: first we have literature. Then we have

Goegraphy . At 8 .40 we have English and then we have
math. At 10.15 we have history . this is our timetable on

<b>+Presentation text: C1 P.58:</b>Ask and answer about the
school timetable:

Set the scene: They are Ba and Hoa.They are talking
about their timtable.

Listen to the conversation(twice) then read whisper
- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text.

- Checks S’s reading & the ordering.

- Introduces the model sentence & helps Ss to practice
in groups & in pairs.

- Corrects & comments.
+Word cue drill:

<b>English/ 7.00 Math/ 8.00</b>
<b>Literature/ 8.40 History/ 9.35</b>
<b> Geography/ 10.15 </b>

<b>3.Further practice:(7ms)</b>

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in
individual. Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

Listen and work in individially
-Marking the vocabularies in order.
<b>-</b> Giving their ordering.

3. English 4.Math 1.Literature
5.History 2.Geography 6.Monday

- Reading the text & practicing the model in
groups & in pairs.

- Checking the ordering.

* Model sentence

-What do we have today ? (?)
- We have English (+).

- I don’t have my timetable (-).
<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
-Correcting the pronunciation.
* Example exchange:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

+Mapped dialogue:

What...today? History
What time....start? 7.50

Do we...literature... 8.40 No, ...English
What time...finish... 9.25

What .... at 9.35? Geography
Do we....math? yes, ...1015

+ Devide the class in to 4 groups. Each group has to
dictation the following sentences.

G1: On Monday, we have history.It starts at one p.m and
finishes at two- forty.

G2: We have EL.It starts at one fifty – five and finishes
at two forty.

G3: We have Math.It starts at two forty and finishes at
three thirty – five.

G4: We have physics.It starts at three forty five and
finishes at four thirty.

T checks and decides the winner

<i> S1: What time does it start ?</i>

<i> S2: [ 7.00 ]. </i>

- Listening to the dialogue.

- Practicing the dialogue in chorus.
- Practicing the dialogue in pairs.

-Correcting pronunciation & the mistakes
Example exchange:

S1: What do we have today ?
S2: We have history.

S1: What time does it start ?
S2: At 7.15

S1: Do we have literature at 8.40 ?
S2:No, we don’t. We have English.
S1: What time does it finish ?
S2: At 9.25


Asks the way to use Have/ Do not have

- Asks Ss to give the questions & answers used to ask & answer the school timetable:
<i>-What do we have today ? (? )- We have English (+).</i>

<i>- I don’t have my timetable (-).</i>
- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

<b>IV.Homework:(1m) </b>
- Study the model sentence.

- Exercise: write about your school timetable.Prepare the calendar on page 59 for next lesson.
<i>WEEK 11:</i>

<b>Period 31</b>

<b>Unit 5 : Things I do</b>
Lesson 6: C2-3.
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

-To teach Ss the day of the week & Wh-qs : “When do/does +S + have + school subject ?
S + have/has +it + on + days of the week..”.To talk about the weekly timetable.

To help Ss develop 4skills.(especially speaking skill)

-By the end of this lesson ss will be able to talk about the weekly timetable with has/ does not
have, days of the week vocabulary.

Ss practice 4 skills fluently.

<b>B/ Preparation</b>: - Computer and projector

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books.

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Warm up: Play agame : Hang man(6’) – Literature; History ; Math.</b>

<b>III.New lesson(34’):</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>

<b>+Pre teach</b>: (Vocabulary)
-Monday: Thứ 2

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

-Wednesday: :(realia): Thứ 4
-Thursday: :(realia): Thứ 5
-Friday: :(realia): Thứ 6
-Saturday: :(realia): Thứ 7
-Sunday: :(realia): CN

+ Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.

*<b>Checking</b>: Listen and read .sing a song follow the
video clip.

+Predict dialogue:(answer key C3.P.59)

-Introduces the dialogue & asks Ss to work in pairs
to predict the missing words of the dialogue & fill

-Asks Ss to give their prediction.

-Introduces the dialogue & helps Ss to check their

-Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs.
-Corrects S’s pronunciation.

Nga: When do we have...?
Ba: We have it on...and...
Nga: When do have...?
Ba: We have it on...and...
Nga: Does Lan have math on...?
Ba: ...

+Board drill:

- Introduces the timetable & the example exchange
& Helps Ss to practice.

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups
& in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

+Asks ss to fill in their real timetable( only five
subjects they have learn in English) in C2 P.59
- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
individual to write about their weekly timetable.
- Asks Ss to give their timetable.

- Corrects & comments.
+Asks ss to write :

We have math on ...and..., ..

Listen and repeat in chorus and individially
Copy down

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

work in individially to match the words in
English with the words in VietNamese

-Predicting the missing words of the dialogue &
filling in.

- Giving & Checking their prediction.
- Practicing the dialogue in pairs.
-Correcting pronunciation.

 Dialogue: ( With answer keys )
Nga: When do we have ( history ) ?

Ba: We have it on (Tuesday) & (Thursday).
Nga: When do we have ( math ) ?

Ba: We have it on (Mon),( Wed) & (Fri).
Nga: Does Lan have math on (Friday)?.
Ba: ( No, she doesn’t ).

Predict the missing words in groups
- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
-Correcting the pronunciation.
* Example exchange:

S1: When do we have Math ?

S2: On Monday, Wednesday & Saturday

- Working in individual to write about their
weekly timetable.

- Giving the timetable.

* Example sentence: We have math on ….,…
and …… We have English on ….etc.

<b>IV.Consolidation:(1m</b>): -Retell the main points of this lesson.
Asks the way to use Has/ Does not have

- Ask Ss to give the questions & answers used to ask & answer the weekly timetable:
S1: When do we have Math ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

- Study the model sentence.

- Exercise: write about your weekly timetable.
- Prepare for next lesson.

<i>WEEK 11:</i>
<b>Period 32</b>

<b>Grammar practice</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

-To teach Ss the day of the week & Wh-qs : “When do/does +S + have + school subject ?
S + have/has +it + on + days of the week..”.To talk about the weekly timetable.

To help Ss develop 4skills.(especially speaking skill)

- By the end of this lesson ss will be able to practice in simple present tense, tell the time,
adjective with be, question words, school subjects, days of week.

*Revise present simple tense:

<b>1)To be: +</b> S + am/is/are… / <b> -</b> S + am/is/are + not …

<b>?</b> Am/Is/Are + S …? – Yes,S+am/is/are: - No,S+am/is/are + not.
<b>?</b> Wh-question words + am/is/are +S…?

<b>2) Ordinary verb: +</b> S + V / Vs / V(es)… <b>[ 0 / x / ss / ch /sh + es]</b>
<b>- </b>S + do not / does not + V (infinitive) …

<b> ? </b>Do /Does + S + V(infinitive)….?- Yes,S+do/does ; - No,S+ do / does + not.
<b>?</b> Wh –question word + do /does,+ S + V(infinitive) …?

Ss practice 4 skills fluently.
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books.

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up:</b>

<b> III.New lesson(34’):</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Telling the time</b>(10M)+Realia drill:

Grammar practice:2 P.60
+ What time is it? –It’s …

- Introduces the example exchange & the picture
then helps Ss to practice.

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups
& in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

T reads: 1.45, 5.30, 8.15, 8.50, 12.00, 6.20, 3.30,
11.15, 10.25, 3.5, 2.40, 6.30, 9.00, 4.35.

<b>2.Question words(10m).</b>
+Grammar practice<b>: 4 P.61</b>

+ Ask Ss give question words:What ,where, when,
how, who, which, why.

-Ask Ss discuss in pairs and fill in the gaps.
-Get feedback.

a) where b) How c) what
d) How e) which f) which
+Noughts and crosses:

<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
-Correcting the pronunciation.
Example exchange:

S1:What time is it?
S2: It is seven

+-Practice in groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

Le loi street / 2 floors / N-G- A
Literature / 5.30 / Grade 6
Tuesday / 7.00 / I play football
Asks ss to make questions

<b>3.Adj with be (10m)</b>
Grammar practice: <b>3 P.61</b>

+Word cue drill: Run through the cues.
House school city

country street Family living room
Example exchange

S1: Is your {house} big?
S2: Yes,it is /No it is not.
<b>4.Present simple tense(10)</b>
+Find Someone who… ?

Name Find Someone who…?

...gets dressed
...go to bed at 10.00
...eats a big breakfast
...have lunch

...plays volleyball after school
...does the housework

-Gives the requirement & asks Ss to work in
individual to interview each other by making the Yes
/ No question & fill the information in the table.
-Examples with Ss & fill the information in the

- Asks Ss to go around & ask the other.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups
& in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments
<b>+word cue drill</b>:

Mon / Tue/ Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat
- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups
& in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

-What do you do in the afternoon ?

Work in pairs

<b>-</b> Working in to work in individual to interview
each other by making the Yes / No question &
fill the information in the table.

<b>-</b> Going around & ask the other to get the
information to fill the information in the table

<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
-Correcting the pronunciation.
Example exchange:

S1: What do you have on Monday ?
S2: We have [math] & {English].
S1: Do you have [history] on Monday ?
S2: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

<b>III.Consolidation(2m):-</b>Retell the main points of this lesson.
Do grammar practice 1 P.60 and 5-7 P.61

- Asks Ss to summarize the use of all the grammars.
<b>IV.Homework(2m) : </b>- SS finish their exercises in P.60,61
- Study the grammar & the model sentences.

- Prepare the picture on page 62.
<i>WEEK 11:</i>

<b>Period 33</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

<b>-</b> Help Ss read the text about where Thuy lives. Ss develop 4skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of this lesson ss will be able to read and understand the text describing where Thuy
lives,revise present simple tense with Wh-qs, Who’s that?, who are those?, town and country

<b>-</b> -Ss practice 4 skills fluently.(especially reading and speaking skills)
<b>B/ Preparation</b>:

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books, revise unit 4

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up: (6’) </b>– 2 Ss to go to the board and put the verbs in correct form:
<b>1.</b> Every evening,my father(watch )……. TV.

<b>2.</b> Nam (be) ………… my friend.He ( play) ………… soccer everyday.
*Keys: 1. Watches 2. Is/ plays

- Corrects , remarks and give marks.
<b> III.New lesson(34’)</b>:

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
<b>1.Pre reading</b>(8ms)

<b>+Pre teach(Vocabulary)</b>
A lake: (Picture):Hồ
A river:(Picture): Sông
A tree: (Picture): cây

A flower: (Picture) : Bông hoa
A rice paddy: (Picture): Cách đồng
A park: (Picture): Công viên

- Introduces the words by explaining the
meaning, using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
+Checking: What and where:

+Open prediction:

<b>What are near Thuy|<sub>s house?</sub></b>
<b>2.While reading(18ms)</b>

+Check their predictions: Asks ss to read the text
in A1 P.62: Our house

+Ordering vocabulary: P.62:

T reads thesecond bubble aloud: “ It is beautiful
here .There is a river and……near our house.”

Answer key: a lake-2 Trees-4
A river-1 Flowers-5
A rice paddy-6 A park-3
+Matching: Asks ss to read the text again and
guess the meaning of these words from context
and match(with anwer key)

Near khách sạn
A yard Xinh đẹp
Beautiful gần nhà
A hotel Sân

+Comprehension questions: A1P.62 Questions:

-Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

-Ss enjoy the game.

- Predicting “What’s near Thuy’s house” &
write 3 things in their books.

- Giving the prediction.
- Reading the text<b> .</b>
- Checking the prediction

-Matching the meaning of the words from the

-Comparing & giving the information.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

pairs to answer. Then give the keys.
-Corrects & comments.

 Questions:
1./ How old is Thuy ?
2./ What does she do ?

3./ What’s her brother’s name ?
4./ How old is he ?

5./ Where does Thuy live ?

6./ What’s there, near Thuy’s house ?
<b>3.Post reading (7ms)</b>

+Picture drill:P.62 or P.63

- Introduces the pictures 0n page 62/63 & the
example exchange & Helps Ss to practice.

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to

repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments
+Write it up: A3 P.63

 Answer:

1./ She is twelve years old.
2./ She is a student.

3./ Her brother’s name is Minh.
4./ He is twenty.

5./ Thuy lives in a house.

6./ A lake, a rice paddy, a park, a river, a hotel
<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>

- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
*Example exchange:

A: What’s that ?
B: It’s a [river].

A: What are those ?
B: They are [trees].

Asks again vocabulary

- Asks Ss to give the questions & answers used to ask & answer about the things:

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

- Study the vocabulary & the exchange.
- Exercise: write what’s near your house.
<i>WEEK 12:</i>

<b>Period 34</b>

<b>Unit 6 : places</b>
<b>Lesson 2: A4-5.Our house</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>-</b> To help Ss know the ways to describe places where they live.
<b>-</b> To help Ss develop 4 skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of the lesson ss will be able to describe places where they live using town and
country vocabulary: There is / there are … near …

<b>-</b> Ss practice 4 skills fluently.(especially reading and speaking skills)
<b>B/ Preparation</b>: <b> Computer and projector</b>

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books.

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up: (6’) Jumble words:</b>

<b>1.Yard / 2.hotel / 3.river / 4.lake / 5.park / 6.trees / 7.rice paddy.</b>
- Corrects , remarks and give marks.

* Revision words:
<b> III.New lesson(34’)</b>

A: What’s that ?
B: It’s a [river].

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>TEACHER'S activitives</b> <b>STUDENTS' activities</b>
 <b>Presentation:</b>

(a) village : làng

(a) town : phố , thị trấn, thị xã.
* Listen: A4(64):

Ask Ss guess the words and then listen and check their

Ask Ss listen twice.

-Get feedback
a) hotel

- Set the scene : near our house, there are many things,
now look at the pictures and describe

<i><b>Eg: There is a hotel near our house.</b></i>
<i><b>There are trees near our house.</b></i>
* Revision:

<b>There is + a/an + n - số ít</b>

<b>There are + n - số nhiều.(V s/es).</b>
<b>* Practice: </b>

- run through 6 pictures: a hotel / trees / ….
Ask Ss write sentences as model sentence.
<i><b>There is … /;There are …</b></i>

<b>-</b> T-WC, individual.
Write, T corrects mistakes.

 There are trees near my house
 There is a lake near our house
 There is a school near our house
 There is rice paddy near my house

 There are trees and flowers in the park near my

 <b>Note: </b>

/s/:khi từ có tận cùng là âm /t/, /p/, /f/, /k/, /th
/iz/: tận cùng là các chữ cái:ce x, z, sh, ch, s, ge.
/z/: Các âm còn lại

-Listening to the tapecript

<b>-</b> Write the words they hear
<b>-</b> Work individually

- Copying down the words listening to the
sentences & take note the right order.

- Checking & correcting
- Do exercises 5(P.64)
- Work in groups of 3 or 4

*Answer keys:

<i><b>There is a hotel near my house</b></i>

<i><b>There is a park near our house</b></i>
<i><b>There is a river near my house</b></i>

 Write about some places near their house
- Work individually

-Working in pairs to answer. Then giving
the keys.

<b>IV. CONSOLIDATION(1’) : </b>-T sums up:
How to describe place using :

<b>There is … / There are…</b>
-Retell /s/ ;/ Iz/ ; /z/

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

- Study model sentence & the vocabulary.
- Do exercises

- Prepare for next lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>


Units / 'ju:nits/ Stops / stɒps/ Topics / 'tɒpiks / Laughes / lɑ:fs/ Breathes / bri:ðs/
- /iz/:Khi từ có tận cùng là các âm /s/, /z/, /∫/, /t∫/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ (thường có tận cùng là các chữ cái ce, x, z,
sh, ch, s, ge)


Classes / klɑ:siz/ washes /wɒ∫iz/ Watches / wɒt∫iz/ Changes /t∫eindʒiz/
- /z/:Khi từ có tận cùng là nguyên âm và các phụ âm hữu thanh còn lại


Plays / pleiz/
Bags / bægz/
speeds / spi:dz/
<i>WEEK 13:</i>
<b>Period 35</b>

<b>Unit 6 : places</b>
<b>Lesson 3: B1-3(p 65-67)</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<b>-</b> To help Ss read and understand the text about Minh and where he lives,town vocabulary and
prepositions of places.

<b>-</b> To help Ss develop 4 skills.

<b>-</b> By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the details & town vocabulary &
prepositions of place(next to, in,near..)

<b>-</b> Ss practice 4 skills fluently.(especially reading and listening skills)
<b>B/ Preparation</b>: <b> Computer and projector</b>

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books.

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.
<b> II.Checking up: (6’) </b>

<b>EX6(64)</b> : R and R dialogue.

-Elicit the dialogue, rub out nouns,call Ss write them again
- Corrects , remarks and give marks.

<b> III.New lesson(34’)</b>

<b>TEACHER'S activities</b> <b>STUDENTS' activities</b>
<b>**PRE-READING :</b>

<b>1.Vocabulary( 8’)</b>

(a)book) store (n); Cửa hàng sách(Visual )
(a) restaurant (n); Nhà hàng (picture)
(a) temple (n); Miếu thờ (picture)
(a) hospital (n); Bệnh viện (picture)
(a) factory (n): Nhà máy (picture)
(a)museum (n):Bảo tàng(picture)

(a)stadium (n): Sân vận động (example)

(a) neighborhood: vùng lân cận, hàng xóm.(trans)
- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
<b>+Check :</b>Slap the board

<b>* True / False prediction:6’</b>

-Introduces the statements & ask Ss to work in pairs
to predict what is near Minh’s house.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in
individual. Correcting the mistakes.
- Giving the meaning & the

- Copy down the words.

-enjoying the game.

- Working in pairs to predict.
- Comparing their prediction.
-Giving their prediction.

* Statements: Near Minh’s house
1./ There is a restaurant.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

-Asks Ss to compare their prediction.
-Asks Ss to give their prediction.

*Answer keys: 1./ T; 2./ F; 3./ T;
<b>*WHILE-READING: 10 M.</b>

<b>2.Presentation text: B1-P65.</b>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text.
- Asks Ss check their prediction.

- Corrects & comments.

<b>* Comprehension questions: B1-P66.</b>

-Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to
choose the True / False statements & complete the
sentences.Then give the keys.

-Corrects & comments.

 True / False statements: B1-P66
1./ Minh lives in the country.

2./ There are four people in his family.
3./ Their house is next to a bookstore.
4./ There is museum near their house.

 Complete the sentences:

1./ Minh & his family live in the ...
2./ On the street, there is a...,a...& a...
3./ His mother works in a...

4./ His father work in a ...
<b>**.POST -READING (10 M)</b>
<b>3. Dictation: B3 - P67.</b>

- Reads the words in the box & asks Ss to listen &
rewrite the words they hear.

- Asks Ss to compare their copying.

- Reads the words again to help Ss to check.
- Asks Ss to give the words they copied.
-Corrects & comments

3./ There is a hospital.
- Reading the text .

- Checking the prediction.

-Working in pairs to answer. Then giving
the keys.

5./ Minh’s mother works in a factory.
6./ Minh’s father works in a hospital
Answer key:

1../ F; 2./ T; 3./ F; 4./ T; 5./ F; 6./


Answer key:

1./ Minh & his family live in the CITY.
2./ On the street, there is a


3./ His mother works in a HOSPITAL.
4./ His father work in a FACTORY.

Listening & rewriting the words they

- Comparing their copying.
- Checking the words.

-- Asks Ss to give the words they copied.

a Museum Stadium Temple Hospital

b Restaurant Store Bookstore Factory

c Park River Lake Yard

d Hotel House Street Tree

<b>IV. Consolidation(2’)</b>- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

Retell the text about Minh and where he lives, how to describe places and surroundings . Revision
present simple

<b>V. Homework (2’)</b>

Learn by heart vocabulary and read a text again, finish all exercises.
- Exercise: write about your house and you family members.
- Prepare the place vocabulary.

<i>WEEK 13:</i>
<b>Period 36</b>

<b>Unit 6 : places</b>

<b>Lesson 4: C1,2.Around the house</b>
<b>A/The aims and the objectives:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

<b>-</b> By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to listen,read,and understand the paragraph and know
some prepositions of position.And use preposition to describe the position of the house.
<b>-</b> Ss practice 4 skills fluently.(especially reading and listening skills)

<b>B/ Preparation</b>: <b> Computer and projector</b>

<b> T’s</b>: Lesson plan, word cues, a clock,cassette player and CD,poster.
<b>Ss’</b>: Do the homeworks, EL books.

<b> C/ Procedure:</b>

<b> I.Organization(1’)</b> – Greetings and checking attendance.

<b> II.Checking up: (6’) </b>

T helps Ss revise the following words using the game: “Boardback”
<b>+ a hotel + a lake + a hospital + a yard </b>
<b> + a rice paddy + a factory + a flower </b>
- Corrects , remarks and give marks

<b> III.New lesson(34’)</b>

<b>TEACHER'S activities</b> <b>STUDENTS' activities</b>

<b>1.Vocabulary: </b>

- in front of:((prep.) Ở phía trước(example)
- behind(prep.) phía sau (relia)

- to the left of…/ to the right of…: (prep.): phía bên trái
của / phía bên phải của ….(example)

- Look at (v) nhìn vào(trans)
- (a) Well: cái giếng( visual )
- (a) mountain : núi( visual )
- Tall (adj) Cao ( antonym)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps Ss to
repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes.
- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.

<b>+Check:R and R</b>

<b>2. Presentation text: C1 - P68.</b>

<b>set the scene: </b>There is a house and something around
(picture Page 68)

-Ask Ss to listen and read the text and underline the

<b>*PRACTICE (15 M)</b>

<b>3. Comprehension questions: C1 - P68.</b>
* Example exchange;

S1: Where is the tree ?
S2: It’s [next to] the house.

- Introduces the text & helps Ss to read in groups & in pairs.
- Corrects S’s pronunciation & mistakes.

-Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to
answer. Then give the keys.

-Corrects & comments.

 Questions:

1./ Where is the yard ?
2./ Where are the tall trees ?
3./ Where are the mountains ?
4./ Where is the well ?

5./ Where are the flowers ?
6./ Where is the house ?

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Giving the meaning & the

- Copying the words.

- Practicing in groups & in pairs by
repeating the position of the tree.
- Corrects the pronunciation &

* next to the house/ near the house
<i> in front of the house</i>

<i> behind the house </i>
<i> to the left of the house </i>

<i> to the right of the house </i>

- Reading the text in groups & in pairs.
- Corrects the pronunciation &


-Working in pairs to answer. Then
giving the keys.

 Answer:

1./ It’s in front of the house ?
2./ They are behind the house ?
3./ They are behind the tall trees ?
4./ It’s in to the left of the house?
5./ They are to the right of the house ?
6./ It’s behind the yard ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b>* Picture drill. C1 - P68.</b>

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice.
- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in
chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in
pairs .

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
<b>*Further practice(7’)</b>

<b>+ C2(69): </b>Run through the 3 qs and 6 pictures

Ask Ss to listen and match the Qs with the right pictures
(the right answer)

-Get feedback
* Write it up:

Ask Ss to write sectences describing the house they’ve

Model: Ba lives in abeautiful house. There is/are ….
- Let Ss write and check some Ss

S1: Where are the [mountains] ?
S2: They are [behind] the tall trees.

 Keys:
a) Picture A
b) Pic B
c) Pic B

 Eg:This is Ba’s house. To the
left of the house , there is …
-Write individually


-Asks Ss to give the model sentence used to ask the position of thing near their house & the
preposition of places:

S1: Where are the [mountains] ?
S2: They are [behind] the tall trees.
-Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

<b>V.Homeworks: (2M)</b>

- Study model sentence & the preposition.
- Write about thing near your house.
- Prepare the picture on page 70.

<b>Lesson: 5: Around the house (C4-5) P.68-69</b>
Period: 36

<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to practice in “WHERE IS/ WHERE ARE...” questions & answer with town
vocabulary & preposition of place to describe a street. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to
describe a street



-Reading a text to know more about the describing the place

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>II.Checking</b>: -Do not check
<b>III.New lesson:</b>


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>

the drug store: tiệm thuốc tây (picture)
the toystore: tiệm đồ chơi (picture)

the movie theater: rạp chiếu phim (picture)
the police station: đồn công an (picture)
the bakery: tiệm bánh mỳ (picture)
between(prep.) ở giữa (example)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

opposite(prep.) đối diện (example)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>+Check vocabulary</b>.

-Slap the board

<b>2. Presentation text: C3 - P70.</b>

- Introduces the text & helps Ss to read in groups &
in pairs.

- Check S’s reading & Corrects S’s pronunciation &

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

-Enjoying the game.

- Reading the text in groups & in pairs.
- Corrects the pronunciation & mistakes.
<b>II.PRACTICE Time: 15 M.</b>

<b>3. Picture drill. C4 a) - P70.</b>

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups
& in pairs .

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
<b>4. Guessing game: C4 b) - P71. </b>

- Asks Ss to write a place in the picture on page 70
on a piece of paper.

- Asks Ss to make Yes/ No – questions to guess the
place in the paper & change the role.

- Comments the game.
 Example:

It’s opposite the movie theater. What is it ?
It’s is the police station.

Yes, that’s right.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
*Example exchange:

S1: Where are the [...] ?
S2: It’s opposite the...
It’s between the ...and the...

- Writing a place in the picture on page 70 on a
piece of paper.

- Making Yes/ No – questions to guess the place
in the paper & change the role.

* Statements:

1./ It’s opposite the bakery.

2./ it’s between the bakery & the drugstore.
3./ It’s next to the bakery.

4./ It’s opposite the bookstore.
5./ It’s next to the movie theater.
<b>III.PRODUCTION Time: 10 M</b>

<b>5. Survey: C5 -P71.</b>

-Gives the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to
interview each other about the places near their house
& take note the information & fill in the table.

-Asks Ss to report the information.
- Corrects & comments.

- Working in pairs to interview each other about
the places near their house & take note the
information & fill in the table.

-Reporting the information.
* Example exchange:

S1: What’s [in front of] your house ?
S2: [ A rice paddy].

Name In front of be hind opposite to the left of to the right of Near

<b>IV. CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

-Asks Ss to give the questions & model sentence used to ask & answer the position of things near the
house & the preposition of places:

S1: Where are the [...] ?
S2: It’s opposite the...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

-Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>V.Homeworks: (TIME: 2M)</b>

- Study model sentence & the questions.

- Consolidate all the model sentences & the grammars & redo the exercise
in the student’s book to prepare for the forty-five minute test.

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 13</b>

<b>Written test</b>
<b>Time: 45minutes</b>

<b>Period: 37</b>


Check their knowlegde from untit 1 to unit 6 by doing a paper test


<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>
<b>I.Settlement:</b> -Greeting

-Check attendence

<b> II.Checking:</b> -Not check
<b> III.New lesson:</b>

I.C hoose the best answer : a, b,c or d? (2,5M)
<b>1</b>.This is my...

<b>a</b>.hello <b>b</b>.hi <b>c</b>.family <b>d</b>.fine
<b>2.</b>We are in the ...

<b>a</b>.living room <b>b</b>.window <b>c</b>.table <b>d</b>.door

<b>3.</b>There are four...in my family: my father, my mother, my brother and I.

<b>a</b>.dogs <b>b</b>.people <b>c</b>.window <b>d</b>.chairs

<b>4</b>. My mother is thirty-five...old.

<b>a</b>.year <b>b</b>.years <b>c</b>.age <b>d</b>.ages

<b>5</b>. She is a...

<b>a</b>.doctors <b>b</b>.engeneer <b> c</b>.teachers <b>d</b>.student
<b>6.</b> We...on Tran Hung Dao street..

<b>a</b>.address <b>b</b>.is <b>c</b>.live <b>d</b>.are

<b>7.</b> ...are you? I am fine, thanks.

<b>a</b>.Where <b>b</b>.what <b>c</b>.How <b>d</b>.Who

<b>8.</b> Is this ... friend? -Yes, he’s my friend.

<b>a</b>.his <b>b</b>.her <b>c</b>.my <b>d</b>.your

<b>9.</b> This is...eraser ?

<b>a.</b> on <b>b</b>. an <b>c. </b>a <b>d</b>.in

<b>10</b>. What is your...? -My name is Lan.

<b>a</b>.name <b>b</b>.student <b>c.</b>teacher <b>d</b>.friend

III.Match the pairs of sentences (1,5M)


<b>1.</b>What is this? a. Yes,it is.
<b>2</b>.Are these your pens? b. It’s a book.

<b>3.</b>Is that your house? c.I live on Tran Phu street.
<b>4.</b>Who is that? d. No, it isn’t. It’s his ruler
<b>5.</b>Where do you live? e. No, there aren’t.

<b>6.</b> Is this your ruler? f. That’s Mai
III.Write the words for the numbers. ( 1 M )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

c./ 30 = ………..…; d./ 100 = ……..………..;
IV.Fill in the gaps with the suitable words . ( 1,5 M ).

My (1) ………is Lan. I (2) ……… twelve years old. I am (3)
……….. student and I am (4) ………. grade 6. I am now live

(5) ………….. Huong Phung. There (6) ……….…. four people in my family.
V.Complete these sentences. (2M).

a./ Come……….…; b./ ………morning ;
c./ Sit ………..…; d./ ……….your book ;

e./ Open ………book ; f./ ………afternoon ;
g./ ……….up ; h./ ……….. night ;

VI.Write the questions and the answer with “HOW MANY” (1M).

a./ board / one: ………..……….…;
b./ students /twenty

c./ ruler / three: ………...………..……..………..……….…;

d./ school – bag: ….………..………..……….…;
VII.Put the words in the corects order. (0,5m)

<b>1</b>. / many / how / are / people / there / ? /.

<b>2 </b>. / my / this /teacher / is / .


<b>Can improved:</b>


<b>Kiểm tra 1 tiết</b>
<b>Time: 45minutes</b>

<b>Period: 38</b>


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from the text.


<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>
<b>I.Settlement:</b> -Greeting

-Check attendence
<b> II.Checking:</b> -Not check

<b>Teacher/<sub> s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students</sub>/ <sub> activities</sub></b>
I.Choose the best answer : a, b,c or d? (2,5M)


<b>1</b>.How many peolpe are ...?

<b>a</b>.this <b>b</b>.that <b>c</b>.there

<b>2.</b>We are ... the living room.
<b>a</b>.in <b>b</b>.on

<b>c</b>.at <b>d</b>.into

<b>3.</b>There ... four peolpe in my family: my father,
my mother, my brother and I.3:...


<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

<b>a</b>.is <b>b</b>.are
<b>c.</b>am <b>d</b>.does

<b>4</b>. ...is that? - That is Lan.
<b>a</b>.Where <b>b</b>.what

<b>c</b>.How <b>d</b>.Who

<b>5</b>. She is a...

<b> a</b>.doctors <b>b</b>.engeneer
<b> c</b>.teachers <b>d</b>.student

<b>6.</b> We...on Tran Hung Dao street..

<b>a</b>.lives <b>b</b>.is

<b>c</b>.live <b>d</b>.are

<b>7.</b> ...are you? I am fine, thanks.
<b>a</b>.Where <b>b</b>.what

<b>c</b>.How <b>d</b>.Who

<b>8.</b> Is this ... friend? -Yes, he’s my

<b>a</b>.his <b>b</b>.her
<b>c</b>.my <b>d</b>.your
<b>9.</b> This is...eraser

<b>a.</b> on <b>b</b>. an
<b>c. </b>a <b>d</b>.in

<b>10</b>. What ...your name? -My name is Lan.

<b>a</b>.is <b>b</b>.are

<b>c.</b>am <b>d</b>.does

II.Match the pairs of sentences (1,5M)


<b>1.</b>What is this? a. Yes,it is.
<b>2</b>.Are these your pens? b. It’s a book.
<b>3.</b>Is that your house? c.I live on

Tran Phu street.
<b>4.</b>Who is that? d. No, it isn’t.

It’s his ruler
<b>5.</b>Where do you live? e. No, they aren’t.
<b>6.</b> Is this your ruler? f. That’s Mai
<b>III.Write the words for the numbers. ( 1 M )</b>

<b>a</b>. 15 = ...;

<b>c</b>. 28 = ...
<b>b</b>. 30 = ...;

<b>d</b>. 59 = ...

<b>III. Write the dialogues in the correct order</b>. <b>(1m)</b>
Children: We’re fine, thank you. How are you?
Miss Hoan: Good afternoon, children.

Children: Bye.

Miss Hoan: Fine, thanks. Good bye.
Children: Good afternoon, Miss Hoan.
Miss Hoan: How are you today?

<b>IV. Read. Then write the answer</b>.(2ms)

I am Nam. This is my family. We are in our
yard. There are five people in my family: my father,
my mother, my brother, my sister and me. My father is
forty-two. He is a doctor. My mother is thirty-nine.
She is a nurse. My brother is ten. My sister is twelve.







1:...b... 2:...e...

3:...a... 4:...f... 5:...c...



Miss Hoan: Good afternoon, children.
Children: Good afternoon, Miss Hoan.
Miss Hoan: How are you today?

Children: We’re fine, thank you. How are

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

They are students.

1. How many people are there in his family?
2.How old is his father?

3.what does he do?

4what does his mother do?

<b> VI.Put the words in the corects order. (2ms)</b>
<b>1</b>. / many / how / are / people / there / ? /.
<b>2 </b>. / my / this /teacher / is / .

<b>3</b>. / an / he / engineer / is /.

<b>4</b>. /name/ her/ is / Nga/.


1There are five people in my family.
2.He is forty-two.

3. He is a doctor.
4.She is a nurse.

1.How many people are there?
2.This is my teacher.

3.He is an engeneer
4.Her name is Nga.

-Prepare new lesson: Unit 1: A1-2
<b>D.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 7: The world of work</b>
<b>Lesson 1: Is your house big? (A1-2)</b>

<b>Period: 39</b>

<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to listen to a dialogue & read a letter about a house. By the end of this lesson, Ss will
be able to understand the detail of the dialogue & the letter.


: -Reading and listening a text to know more about the describing the place

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>II.Checking</b>: -Do not check
<b> </b>III.New lesson:



1.True / False statement prediction: (Grid)

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs
to predict which the statements is true or false.
- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys &

- Working in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false.

- Comparing & Giving the keys.

Yes No

…big ? √

…small ? √

…a yard ? √

…a well ? √

…flowe s √

… tre s


<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

2. Presentation dialogue: A1-P72.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue &
get the details.

- Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue & check the
prediction & Corrects.

- Listening to the dialogue & getting the details.
- Listening to the dialogue & checking the

3. Vocabulary: Slap the Board.

a garden (n);
a vegetable (n);
a photo (n).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
4.True / False statement prediction:

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs
to predict which the statements is true or false.
- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys &


* Answer keys:

1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T;

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Working in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false.

- Comparing & Giving the keys.
* Statements:

1. The house is in the country.
2. There is a river near the house.
3. There’re trees to the left of the house.
4. There’re two gardens.

5. Presentation text: A2-P73.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the letter & get the

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the letter.

- Corrects comments.

6. Comprehension questions: A2/P73.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs
to match the questions to the answers.

- Helps Ss to correct & comments.

a. Is there a flowers garden in front of the house ?
b. Is the house beautiful ?

c. Is there a flowers garden behind the house?
d. Is there a lake to the right of the house?
e. Is Nga in the city ?

- Reading the letter & get the details.
- Giving the main idea of the letter.

- Working in pairs to match the questions to the

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
A. Yes, it is.

B. No, it isn’t.
C. No, she isn’t.
D. Yes, there is..

E. No, there isn’t.

 Answer:

a –D; b – A; c – E; d – E; e – C.

Time: 5 M

7. Transformation writing:

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in
individual to change the underlined information to
describe their own house & then draw a picture of it
as a photo .

- Asks Ss to give their information & comments.

- Writing in individual & giving the information.
* My house:

There’s a flowers garden in front of the house.
There’s a vegetable garden behind the house. To
the left of the house, there’s a lake. To the right
of the house, there are tall trees. Here is a photo.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

V. Homeworks ( Time: 2 M ):

: - Study the vocabulary & the content of the letter.

- Prepare the picture on page 74.

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 14</b>

<b>Unit 7: The world of work</b>
<b>Lesson 2: Is your house big? (A3-5)</b>

<b>Period: 40</b>
<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to practice in facilities vocabulary with ”IS THERE A/ ARE THERE ANY…?” &
short answer to describe the town. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to describe the town where
they live.


: -Reading and listening a text to know more about the describing the place

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>II.Checking</b>: -Do not check
<b>III.New lesson:</b>


1. Vocabulary: Slap the Board
a bank (n);

a clinic (n);

a post office (n);
a supermarket (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words
2. Presentation dialogue: A1-P72.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue.
- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Introduces the model sentence & helps Ss to

- Checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs.
- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.


- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Practicing the dialogue in pairs
-Correcting the pronunciation.

- Practicing the model sentence in groups & in

* Model sentence:

- Is there a yard ? - Yes, there is.
well ? - No, there isn’t.
-Are there any flowers ? – Yes, there are.
trees ? – No, there aren’t.

3. Picture drill: A3b) – P74.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation
* Example exchange:

S1: Is there [a hotel] near your house ?
S2: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

S1: Are there any [shops] near your house ?
S2: Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.


4. Survey:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
groups to ask & answer about the other’s house &
take note the information into the table.

- Asks Ss to compare & report the information.
- Comments S’s information.

- Working in groups to ask & answer about the
other’s house & taking note the information into
the table.

- Comparing & reporting the information.

There is a lake………..
There are flowers……….
There is a well…………
There are tall trees…………
There is vegetable garden………..
There are shops………….


- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
V.Homework: ( Time: 2 M ):

- Study the vocabulary & example exchange
- Using the survey to write about your house.

- Prepare the picture on page 76 & read the texts at home.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 7: The world of work</b>
<b>Lesson 3: town or country? (B1-3)</b>

<b>Period: 41</b>
<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to read a text about Ba’s & Chi’s house to understand the differences between town
& country. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the detail of the text & compare the
life in city & the country.

-Helps Ss to practice in integrated skill to describe the place where they live. By the end of this
lesson, Ss will be able to describe the place where they live.


: -Reading and listening a text to know more about the describing the place

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>II.Checking</b>: -Do not check
<b> </b>III.New lesson:


1. Vocabulary: RoR.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

an apartment (n);

paddy field = rice paddy (n);
noisy ≠ quiet (adj);

a zoo (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Kim’s game: B1 – P76/77.

- Introduces the pictures & asks Ss to look at the
pictures to remember things in these picture.

- Hides the pictures & asks Ss to talk about the
things they saw. Using this model sentences:

- Comments the game.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Looking at the pictures to remember things
in these picture.

- Talking about the things they saw. Using
the model sentences:

* Model sentences:

1) + “There’s a zoo, a post office…..”
+ “There’s a lake, a river…..”

2)S1: Do you live in town ?
S2: No. I live in the country.
S1: Does he live in town ?
S2: No. He lives in the country.

3. Presentation text: B1 – P76/77.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the texts about Ba’s
& Chi’s house & get the details.

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the letter.
- Corrects comments.

4. Comprehension questions: B1 – P76.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs
to ask & answer the questions to the answers.
- Helps Ss to correct & comments.

* Questions:

a. Does Ba live in town ?
b. Does he live in a house ?
c. Is it noisy ?

d. Does Chi live in town ?
e. Are there any stores ?
f. Is it quiet ?

- Reading the letter & get the details.
- Giving the main idea of the letter.

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the
questions to the answers.

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
* Answer keys:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

2. Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.
- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

Town / country
House / apartment
Lake / river

Hospital / factory

- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation
* Example exchange:

S1: Do you live in town ?
S2: No. I live [ in the country ].
S1: Do you live near [ a lake ] ?
S2: No. I live [ near a river ].

Supermarket / market
Shop / paddy field

Zoo / museum

In town In the country

… it’s noisy

…we live in an apartment
…there aren’t any paddy fields
…there is a zoo

… there are shops

… etc.

… it’s quiet
… etc.


- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
V.Homeworks: ( Time: 2 M ):

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the texts.

- Exercise: write a short paragraph to compare the differences

between town & country base on the information you have compared .
- Prepare the pictures on page 76 & 77.

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 7: The world of work</b>
<b>Lesson 4:On the movie( C1-3)</b>

<b>Period: 42</b>
<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to practice in Simple present with ‘How’ questions & “by car / by bike / by train

…” to talk about transportation. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their moves.

: - Simple present with ‘How’ questions & “by car / by bike / by train …”

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

Revision ( 5 M ) : Guessing game

- Asks Ss to choose a place in town ( factory;
museum; post office; …) & complete the
sentences strip & play the game in groups.
- Corrects & comments.

Model sentence: B4 – P77.

<i>S1: Do you live near a part ?</i>
<i>S2: No, I don’t.</i>

<i>S1: Do you live near a bank ?</i>
<i> S2: Yes, I do..</i>

<b>III.New lesson:</b>


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>


by car ;
by bus;
by bike;
by motorbike;
by train;
by plane

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the pictures on P78/79.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>2. Presentation text: C1-2/ P78-79.</b>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text.
- Asks Ss read the text in silence.

- Introduces the model exchange & helps Ss to
practice in groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Reading the text in silence.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs.
-Correcting the pronunciation.
<b>*Model sentence:</b>

<i><b>How do you go to school ?</b></i>
<i><b> does he work ?</b></i>

<i><b>I travel / go by bike.</b></i>
<i><b>He travels / goes car.</b></i>
<b>II.PRACTICE Time: 10 M.</b>

<b>3. Substitution drill: C1-2/ P78-79.</b>

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
* 11 pictures cues:

<i>Lien; Thu; Tuan; Hoa; Huong; Mr. Nam; Mrs. Lan;</i>
<i>Mr. Ba; Miss. Hoa; Mr Kim;</i>

<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation
* Example exchange:

<i> S1: How does [Lien] go to school ?</i>
<i>S2: She goes by [bike].</i>

<i>S1: How does [Mr. Nam] travel to work ?</i>
<i>S2: He travels by [train].</i>

<b>III.PRODUCTION Time: 10 M</b>
<b>4. Noughts & Crosses:</b>

- Introduces the content & helps Ss to practice the
game in two groups.

- Asks Ss to choose the name to make the question
& answer.

- Practicing the game in two groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

- Corrects & Comments the game.

Mrs. Dung Mrs. Lan Mr. Hai

<i>Lien</i> <i>Thu</i> <i>Tuan</i>

<i>Mr. Ba</i> <i>Mr. Kim</i> <i>Miss. Hoa</i>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2M ):</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>V.Homeworks: ( Time: 2M ):</b>

- Study the vocabulary & example exchange

- Read the text C4 – P80 at home & prepare the times you do your daily routine
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 15</b>

<b>Unit 7: The world of work</b>
<b>Lesson 5:On the movie( C4-5)</b>

<b>Period: 43</b>

<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to read a text about Hoang’s daily routine for further practice in Simple present
habitual actions. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the detail of the text talk
about their daily routine.

: - Simple present.


Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b> Find someone who(5m)</b>

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work
in groups to ask & answer about the time & the
transportation & fill the name into the table.
- Asks Ss to compare & report the information.
<b>- Comments S’s information.</b>

<i><b>Find someone who…</b></i> <i><b>Name</b></i>

<i>…gets up at 5.30</i>
<i>…gets up at 6.00</i>

<i>…walks to school</i>
<i>…goes to school by bus</i>
<i>…goes to school by bike</i>

<b>III.New lesson:</b>


<b>I.PRE-READING Time: 10 M.</b>
<b>1. Open prediction:</b>

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
individual to predict what time Hoang does the
following things.

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction.
- Comments S’s prediction.

- Working in individual to predict what time
Hoang does the following things.

- Comparing & giving their prediction.

<i><b>What time?</b></i>

<i>He gets up</i> <i>5.30</i>

He leaves the house <i>6.30</i>

<i>School starts</i> <i>7.00</i>

<i>School ends</i> <i>11.30</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

<b>II.WHILE-READING Time: 15 M</b>
<b>2. Presentation text: C4 – P80.</b>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text & get the
details & check the prediction.

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the text.
- Corrects comments.

<b>3. Comprehension questions: C4 – P80.</b>

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs
to match the questions to the answers.

- Helps Ss to correct & comments.
* Questions:

<i>a. What time does Hoang get up ?</i>
<i>b. What time does he go to school ?</i>
<i>c. Does he go to school by car ?</i>
<i>d. Does he walk to school ?</i>
<i>e. What time do classes start ?</i>
<i>f. What time do they end ?</i>

- Reading the text & getting the details &
checking the prediction

- Giving the main idea of the letter.

- Working in pairs to match the questions to the

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
* Answers:

<i>a. Hoang gets up at 5.30.</i>
<i>b. He goes to school at 6.30.</i>
<i>c. No, he doesn’t.</i>

<i>d. Yes, he does.</i>

<i>e. Classes start at 7.00.</i>
<i>f. They end at 11.30</i>
<b>III.POST- READING Time: 10 M</b>

<b>4. Survey:</b>

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
pairs to ask each other about the time they do these
things & fill the information into the table.

- Asks Ss to compare & report the information.
- Comments S’s information.

- Working in pairs to ask each other about the
time they do these things & filling the
information into the table.

- Comparing& reporting the information.
<i>What time ?</i>

<i>Name…</i> <i>Name…</i>

<i>Get up</i>
<i>Go to school</i>
<i> Classes start</i>
<i>Classes end</i>
<i>Go home</i>
<i>Have lunch</i>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>V.Homeworks: ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the text.
- Write about your time to do your daily things.
- Prepare the picture on page 82.

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 8: out and about</b>

<b>Lesson 1: what are you doing?( A1-3)</b>
<b>Period: 44</b>

<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to practice in Present progressive positive statements with “I/ She/ he ” to talk about
actions happening now. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about actions happening now.

<i><b> </b></i><b>I.Knowledge</b>:

: - Present progressive positive statements with “I/ She/ he ”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>III.New lesson:</b>


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>

(to) play video games;
(to) ride a bike;
(to) drive;

(to) wait for.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the pictures on P78/79.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.

<b>2. Presentation text: A1- P82 (Top 3 Pictures</b>
<b>only ).</b>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text.
- Asks Ss read the text in silence.

- Introduces the model exchange & helps Ss to
practice in groups & in individual.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
- Introduces the form & use of the grammar.
* <b>Present progressive positive statements:</b>
<b>+ Form: I/ He/ She + tobe + V-ing.</b>

<b>+ Use: Talk about happening things.</b>

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in
individual. Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Reading the text in silence.

- Practicing in groups & in individual.
-Correcting the pronunciation.

<b>*Model sentence:</b>

<i><b>I ’m [am] playing games</b></i>
<i><b>He/ She ’s is riding a bike.</b></i>
<i><b> driving.</b></i>
<b>II.PRACTICE Time: 15 M.</b>

<b>3. Picture drill: </b>

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

<i><b>* </b></i><b>Note</b><i><b>: using the pictures on page 82 for the cues.</b></i>

<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation
<b>* Example exchange: </b>

<i><b> a) I’m [walking to school ].</b></i>

<i><b>b) He’s / She’s [waiting for a bus].</b></i>
<b>III.PRODUCTION Time: 10 M</b>

<b>4. Noughts & Crosses:</b>

- Introduces the content & helps Ss to practice the
game in two groups.

- Asks Ss to choose the name to make the question
& answer.

- Corrects & Comments the game.

- Practicing the game in two groups.

- Choosing the name to make the question &

Walk to school Drive a bus Travel by bus

<i><b>Wait for a train</b></i> <i><b>Ride a bike</b></i> <i><b>Play a game</b></i>

<i><b>Go by plane</b></i> <i><b>Drive a car</b></i> <i><b>Ride a motorbike</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

- Asks Ss to give the form & use of the Present progressive positive statements with “I/ She/
he ” to talk about actions happening now:

* <b>Present progressive positive statements:</b>
<b>+ Form: I/ He/ She + tobe + V-ing.</b>

<b>+ Use: Talk about happening things.</b>
<b>V. Homeworks( Time: 2 M ): </b>

- Study the vocabulary & example exchange.

- Exercise: Write five sentences about things are happening.
- Read the text A1 – P82 at home & prepare the pictures on P82.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 8: out and about</b>

<b>Lesson 2: what are you doing?( A2,4-7)</b>
<b>Period: 45</b>

<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to practice in Present progressive with “WH - question” with she / he / they to talk about
actions happening now. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask & answer about actions
happening now.

<i><b> </b></i><b>I.Knowledge</b>:

- Present progressive positive statements with “I/ She/ he ”
-“WH - question” with she / he / they .


Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>III.New lesson:</b>


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>
<b>1. Presentation text: A2 / P83 .</b>

Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text.
- Asks Ss read the text in silence.

- Introduces the model exchange & helps Ss to
practice in groups & in individual.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
- Introduces the form & use of the grammar.
* <b>Present progressive WH- question:</b>
<b>+Form: What + tobe + I/ He/ She+ V-ing?</b>
<b> We/ You/ They </b>
<b>+ Use: Asking about things happening now.</b>

- Reading the text in silence.

- Practicing in groups & in individual.
-Correcting the pronunciation.

<b>*Model sentence:</b>

<b>- What ‘s (is) he / she doing ?</b>
<b> are you / they</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>II.PRACTICE Time: 15 M.</b>
<b>2. Picture drill: </b>

Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to


- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss in the whole class & checks S’s
practicing in groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

<i><b>* </b></i><b>Note</b><i><b>: using the pictures on page 83 for the cues.</b></i>

<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.

- Practicing in groups with teacher & in closed
pairs .

- Correcting the pronunciation
* Example exchange:

+ Teacher – whole class drill:
a) S1: What‘s he doing ?

S2: He is doing his homework.
+ Closed pair work drill:

b) S1: What are they doing ?

S2: They’re waiting for a bus.

<b>3. Answer given: A6 - P85.</b>

- Gives the answers on the board & asks Ss to read
the text in part 6 on page 85 & work in pairs to
make the questions .

- Asks Ss to compare the questions.

– Asks Ss to give the questions by role playing in

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & Comments the

* Answer given:

a) Mr. Ha is a businessman. He is going to Hanoi.
b) Miss. Hoa is a teacher. She is going to school.
c) Mr. Tuan & Mrs. Vui are doctors. They are

going to the hospital.

- Reading the text in part 6 on page 85 &
working in pairs to make the questions .

- Comparing the questions.

– Giving the questions by role playing in

- Correcting the pronunciation & Commenting
the questions.

* Question keys:

a) Who is this / Who are they ?
b) What is he / she doing ?
are they

c) Where is he/she going ?
are they

d) How is she / he traveling ?
are they

<b>IV. CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

- Asks Ss to give the form & use of the Present progressive with “WH - question” with she /
he / they to talk about actions happening now

* <b>Present progressive WH- question:</b>

<b>+Form: What + tobe + I/ He/ She+ V-ing?</b>
<b> We/ You/ They </b>
<b>V.Homeworks ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Study the grammar & the example exchange.
- Exercise: 1-P72; 2-P72; 3-P73;

- Read the text B1 – P86 at home & prepare the pictures on P86.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 16</b>

<b>Unit 8: out and about</b>
<b>Lesson 3: A TRUCK DRIVE ( B1)</b>

<b>Period: 46</b>
<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to read a picture story about a truck driver. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be
able to understand the main ideas & get some information about the text.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

: - Present progressive positive statements with “I/ She/ he ”
-“WH - question” with she / he / they .


Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b> III.New lesson:</b>


Time: 10 M.

1. Vocabulary: - Matching.

a truck driver (n); quầy bán thực phẩm
a farmer (n); người lái xe tải
a foodstall; dỡ hàng xuống
(to) load chất hàng lên
(to0 unload; đến

(to) arrive at; nông dân

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the


- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
by matching the words to the meaning & the

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Ordering statements .

- Gives the un-order statements about the text &
asks Ss to work in groups to guess the order of these

- Asks Ss to compare their ordering.
- Asks Ss give their ordering.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Giving the meaning by matching & the
pronunciation & Correcting the mistakes.
- Copying the words.

- Working in groups to guess the order of
these statements.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

- Comments S’s ordering.
* Statements:

1. going to Hanoi.

2. Meeting the farmer.
3. Having breakfast
4. Going to a farm

5. Loading vegetable in the truck
6. Unloading the truck

I think I read

a c


3. Presentation text: B1 – P86.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the story about the
truck driver & get the details.

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the letter.
- Asks Ss to check their ordering.

- Corrects comments.

4. Comprehension questions: B1 – P87.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs
to match the questions to the answers.

- Helps Ss to correct & comments.
* Questions:

a. What does Mr. Quang do ?
b. Where is he going at 5.am ?
c. Who is waiting for him ?
d. Where is he taking vegetables ?
e. What is he doing at 7.00 ?
f. Where is he eating ?

- Reading story & get the details.
- Giving the main idea of the letter.
- Checking the ordering.

* Answer keys:

a: 4; b: 2; c: 5; d: 1; e: 6; f:3.

- Working in pairs to match the questions to
the answers.

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
* Answers:

a. He is a truck driver.

b. He is going to a farm.
c. A farmer is waiting for him.
d. He’s taking vegetables at the farm
e. He is eating his breakfast.

f. He’s eating at the foodstall.

5. Chain game:

- Introduces the requirements & helps Ss to play
the game in the whole class by talking about Mr.
Quang routine.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments the

- Playing the game in the whole class by
talking about Mr. Quang routine.

-Correcting the pronunciation &
commenting the game.

* Example:

S1: Mr. Quang gets up at 5.00 in the

S2: Mr. Quang gets up at 5.00 in the morning
and he is going to a farm.

S3: …

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
V. Homework ( Time: 2 M ):

- Study the vocabulary & the main idea of the story.
- Exercise: 1-P73; 2-P74 workbook;

- Read the text C1-P89 at home & prepare the road sign.
C.Can improved:


<b>Unit 8: out and about</b>
<b>Lesson 4: ROAD SIGNS. (C1-2)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

- Helps Ss to practice in “CAN / CAN’T” statements & traffic vocabulary. By the end of
this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about what you are allowed & not allowed to do on the road.

: - “CAN / CAN’T”


Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>III.New lesson:</b>


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 10M.</b>
1 Vocabulary: Slap the board.
a policeman (n);

difficult (adj);
a sign (n);
one-way (n);
(to) park;
(to) go straight.
(to) turn left / right;

Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation & gives example.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning

& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Noughts & Crosses:

- Introduces the name of the places & divides Ss
into two groups to practice by making questions &
answers about what people doing.

- Asks S’s to give the answer keys by role-playing
in pairs.

- Corrects & comments the game.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual
& Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Working in groups to make questions &
answers about what people doing.

- Giving the answer keys by role-playing in

- Correcting S’s pronunciation.
* Example exchange:

S1: What is he doing ?

S2: He’s driving a car..

(drive) a car (ride) a bike (walk)

(ride) a motorbike (park) (wait for ) a bus

(turn) left (go) straight (turn) right

<b>II.PRACTICE Time: 20-M</b>.<b> </b>
3. Presentation text: C1 – P89.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text.
- Asks Ss read the text in silence.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
4. Comprehension questions:

- Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in
pairs to answer the questions.

- Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects.
* Questions:

a. What does Hoan do ?

- Reading the text in silence.
-Correcting the pronunciation.

- Working in pairs to answer the questions.
- Giving the answers & correcting.

* Answers:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

b. Is his job difficult ?. Tell me why ?
c. What does this sign mean ?

* Note: Points to the road signs & asks Ss to
explain the meaning.

2. Picture drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss in the whole class & checks S’s
practicing in groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

b. Yes, it is. Because it is …….
c. You can park here.


- Repeating in chorus & in individual.

- Making sentences for the next cues.

- Practicing in groups with teacher & in closed
pairs .

- Correcting the pronunciation
* Example exchange:

a) S1: What does this sign mean ?
S2: He is doing his homework.

3.Complete sentences: C2-P89-90.

- Introduces the requirements & the road sign then
asks Ss to add CAN or CAN’T to the gap base on
the signs .

– Asks Ss to give the keys by role playing in

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & Comments the

- Adding CAN or CAN’T to the gap base on the
signs .

– Asks Ss to give the keys by role playing in

-Correcting the pronunciation.
* Answer keys:

a. can; b. can’t; c. can; d. can’t.

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.

- Asks Ss to give the traffic vocabulary & the road signs. & explain the meaning.
V. Homework ( Time: 2 M ):

- Study the vocabulary & the example exchange.
- Exercise: 1- 2-P75 workbook.

-Read the text C3 – P90 at home & prepare the pictures on P90 & the road signs..
C.Can improved:


<b>Unit 8: out and about</b>
<b>Lesson 5: ROAD SIGNS. ( C1-2.) </b>

<b>Period: 48</b>
<b>A.Objectives</b>: :

- Helps Ss to read a text about road signs to understand MUST & MUSTN’T for
obligation / prohibition. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the detail of the text
talk about the obligation / prohibition.


: - MUST & MUSTN’T for obligation / prohibition.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<b>I.PRE-READING Time: 15M.</b>

1. Vocabulary: - Matching.
dangerous (adj);

an accident (n);
an intersection (n);
(to) go fast (v);
(to) warn us (v);
(to) help us (v);
(to) slow down (v);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then

helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the
meaning by matching the words to the meaning &
Corrects the pronunciation.

2. Wordsquare:

- Introduces the wordsquare & asks Ss to work in
groups to find out the 20 words related to the

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction.
- Comments S’s the game.

* Answer key:

road signs; accident; travel; us; left; right;
go fast


warn; stop; turn; car; ride; go; drive;
help; straight; dangerous.

2. True / False prediction:

- Introduces the statements & asks Ss to work in
pairs to look at the pictures on page 90 & choose
the correct statements for each one

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction.
- Comments S’s the game.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Giving the meaning by matching & the
pronunciation & Correcting the mistakes.

- Working in groups to find out the 20 words
related to the traffic.

- Comparing & giving their prediction.










- Working in individual to look at the picture in
C4-P90 & choose the correct statement for each

- Comparing & giving their prediction.
a. Slow down

Go straight Don’t turn leftb. Turn left Go straight or turn leftc. Turn right Don’t go straightd. Slow down
e. Park here

Don’t park here

f. Cars & trucks go here
Motorbike go here

g. Don’t go straight
Don’t turn right or left

h. Park here
Don’t park here
<b>II.WHILE-READING Time: 15 M</b>

3. Presentation text: C3 – P90.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text & get the

details & check the prediction.

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the text.
- Corrects comments.

* Answer keys:

- Reading the text & getting the details &
checking the prediction

- Giving the main idea of the letter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

e. Don’t park here f. Cars & trucks go here g. Don’t turn right or left h. Park here
<b>III.POST- READING Time: 10 M</b>

4. Word cue drill: C4-P91.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
* Example exchange:

S1: What does this sign mean ?
S2: You must [slow down].


- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
V.Homework ( Time: 2M ):

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the road signs.
- Prepare for the grammar practice.

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 17</b>

<b>Grammar practice </b>
<b>Period: 49</b>

- Helps Ss to further practice in Simple present vs. Present progressive. By the end of the
lesson, Ss will be able to use these grammars completely .


: - Simple present vs. Present progressive.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence

<b>III.New lesson:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 10 M</b>.<b> </b>
1. Revision:

- Asks Ss to give the form & use of the Simple
present vs. Present progressive


* Present simple: S + V-s / es + O.
* Use: Talk about things happen regularly.
* Present progressive: S + tobe + V-ing.
* Use: Talk about thing happening now.
- Corrects & comments.

- Giving the form & use of the Simple present
vs. Present progressive.

- Giving example.
* Example

- I go to school.

- I am going to school.:

<b>II.PRACTICE Time 20 M .</b>

1. Present progressive with I / She / He.
* Chain game:

- Introduces the topic & asks Ss to practice in groups,
using the past simple to talk about their vacation.
- Asks Ss to give the answers.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

2. Present progressive with all persons
* Complete the sentences: GP 2 – P92.

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in
pairs to use the verbs in the parentheses to complete
the sentences in present progressive.

- Asks Ss to compare the keys.

- Asks Ss to give the keys by repeating in chorus.
Then corrects S’s pronunciation.

* Cues:

a. Minh….his bike. ( ride )
b. They ……for a bus. ( wait )
c. She ……TV. (watch )
d. We ……soccer. ( play )
e. He ……to music. ( listen )
f. They ……to school. ( walk )
g. He …… to Hanoi. ( travel )

- Practicing in groups, using the past simple to
talk about their vacation.

- Giving the answers.

- Correcting the pronunciation.
* Model sentences:

S1: I’m watching TV.

S2: She is watching TV & I’m playing video

S3: She is watching TV, he is playing video
games & I’m …etc.

-Working in pairs to use the verbs in the
parentheses to complete the sentences in
present progressive.

- Comparing the keys & give the keys.
- Correcting the keys.

* Answer keys:

a. Minh is riding his bike.
b. They are waiting for a bus.
c. She is watching TV.

d. We are playing soccer.
e. He is listening to music.
f. They are walking to school.
g. He is traveling to Hanoi.
<b>III.PRODUCTION Time: 10 M.</b>

3. Present simple vs. Present progressive:
* Contrast: GP 5 – P94.

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in
pairs to use the verbs in the parentheses to complete
the sentences in present progressive & in simple

* Example:

- (play) They play volleyball everyday.

They’re playing volleyball now.
- Asks Ss to compare the keys.

- Asks Ss to give the keys
- Corrects & comments.

a. (ride) She …her bike to school.

-Working in pairs to use the verbs in the
parentheses to complete the sentences in
present progressive & in simple present.

- Comparing the keys & give the keys.
- Correcting the keys.

* Answer keys:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

b. (go)
c. (walk)
d. (drive)

She …her bike now.

We …to school by bus everyday.
We …to school by bus now.
I …to school everyday.
I …to school now.
He … his truck.

He … his truck at the moment.

She is riding her bike now.

b. We go to school by bus everyday.
We’re going to school by bus now.
c. I walk to school everyday.

I’m walking to school now.
d. He drives his truck.

He’s driving his truck at the moment

- Asks Ss to summarize the lesson.
V.Homework ( Time: 2M ):

- Study the grammar & the modal sentence & do the exercises at home.

- Prepare for the grammars: Preposition of places; Must & Can; & Questions word for the next
grammar practice: 3- 4- 6 – 7/ P 93-94..

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Review(1) </b>
<b>Period: 50</b>

- Helps Ss to further practice with making suggestions, arrangements & accepting the
invitation. By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly.


: - Making suggestions, arrangements & accepting the invitation

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> </b>III. New lesson

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students'activities</b>
1. Present simple tense.

a. With (to) be:(20ms)

-T asks ss to remember the way to use the structure,use.
-T calls some ss to go to the board and write.

-T controls and corrects with ss.

-T asks Ss to give the structures and the way to use them.

Khẳng định: S + (to) be +(a/an) + O.
Phủ định: S + (to) be-not +(a/an) + O.
Nghi vấn:(to) be + S +a/an + O ?.
Trả lời: Yes, S + (to)be

No, S + (to) be-not
-T asks ss to give more example

1.They are students.
2.He isnot an engineer.
3. Are they students ?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t
T controls and corrects.

-Ss remember and answer the question
of teacher.

-Ss give examples.
+ He is a teacher.
+ Nam isnot a student.
+ Is she tall?

Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t.

- Ss take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

I + am = I’m

She,He,It + is = she’s; he’s; it’s

You, They, We + are = you’re; they’re; we’re.

-T aks ss to work in groups of 4 to do the exercises.
-T asks ss the way to do.

- T calls ss to go to the board write the answer.
-T comment and correct.

a.điền: am, is, are vào chỗ trống.(10ms)
1. He...a nurse.

2.They ...doctors.
3.Peter...a student.

4.I...small but my father...big.
5.Miss Mai...always early.

6. We... teachers and they ...workers.
b. Change 6 sentences into negative sentenses.(10ms)

1. He isn’t a nurse.
2.They are not doctors.
3.Peter is not a student.


- Introduces the way to practice & devides the class into 2
groups to practice.

- Helps Ss to practice.

-Calls ss to go to the board to write the answer.
- Corrects & comments

Practicing in groups.

1. He is a nurse.
2.They are doctors.
3.Peter is a student.

4.I am small but my father is big.
5.Miss Mai is always early.
6. We are teachers and they are

-Ss go to the board write the answer.
- Correcting the answer keys.

Practicing in groups.

-Ss go to the board write the answer

1. He isn’t a nurse.
2.They are not doctors.
3.Peter is not a student.
- Correcting the answer keys
IV. Consolidation.(1ms)

-T calls some Ss to read again the model sentences and th cocept check.

-Preparing the simple present tense .
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Review(2) </b>
<b>Period: 51</b>

- Helps Ss to further practice with making suggestions, arrangements & accepting the
invitation. By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly.


: - Making suggestions, arrangements & accepting the invitation

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students'activities</b>
<b>1.Present simple tense.</b>

a. With regular verbs.:(20ms)

-T asks ss to remember the way to use the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

-T controls and corrects with ss.

-T asks Ss to give the structures and the way to use


Khẳng định: S + V(s/es) + O.

Phủ định: S + don’t/doesn’t + V(inf) + O.
Nghi vấn: Do/ Does + S + V(inf) + O ?.
Trả lời: Yes, S + do/does

No, S + don’t/ doesn’t.
-T asks ss to give more example


1.They play chess.
2.He works in a hospital.
3. Does nam like oranges?
Yes, he does
No, he doesn’t.
T controls and corrects.

She,He,It + V(s/es)
You, They, We + V(inf)
<b>2.Exercise: </b>

a.Put the following verbs in simple presnt.(20ms)
-T aks ss to work in groups of 4 to do the exercises.
-T asks ss the way to do.

- T calls ss to go to the board write the answer.
-T comment and correct.

1. The swimming bath...(open) at 9:00
and ...(close) at 18:30 every day.

2.I have a car but I...(not-use) it very often.
3.I...(play) the piano, but I...
(not-play) very well.

4.I don’t understand the word”decide”.
What...(“decide”/ mean)?

5.I ...(work) in a bank.
Nam...(work) in an office

-Ss give examples.
+ He teaches in a school..
+ Nam doesn’t play volleyball..
+ Do you want to learn English?
Yes, I do/ No,I don’t.


- Ss take notes.

- Ss copy the notes and learn by heart.

Practicing in groups.


1. opens...closes
2.don’t use

3.play...don’t play.
4.does the “decide” mean?
5.work...doesn’t work...
-Ss go to the board write the answer.
- Correcting the answer keys.

IV. Consolidation.(1ms)

-T calls some Ss to read again the model sentences and th cocept check.

-Preparing the simple present tense .
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 18</b>

<b>Review(3) </b>
<b>Period: 52</b>

- Helps Ss to consolidate the grammars to prepare for the first final semester test. By the end
of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate the grammar to prepare for the first final semester test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> </b>III. New lesson


1.Gaps fill: 1 / P 40.

-Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in
individual to fill in the gaps.

-Asks Ss to compare in pairs.
-Asks Ss to give the information.
-Corrects & comments.

-Introduces the game & helps Ss to play in two
groups by choosing the cue & making question.
-Corrects & comments the game.

- Working in individual to fill in the gaps.
-Comparing in pairs & giving the information.
*Answer keys:

1./ am – am – are – is – are.
2./ am – is – is – are – are.

3./ a) are – am; b) is – is.
c) is – isn’t ; d) are – aren’t.
2. Noughts & Crosses:

- Playing in two groups.

They/teachers We/students She/a nurse

He/an engineer I/a student They/sister

You / 12 We/brothers She/a doctor

3. Present progressive :

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text.
- Asks Ss read the text in silence.

- Introduces the model exchange & helps Ss to
practice in groups & in individual.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
- Introduces the form & use of the grammar.
* Present progressive :

+ Form: I/ He/ She + tobe + V-ing.
We/ You/ They

+ Use: Talk about things happening now..

- Reading the text in silence.

- Practicing in groups & in individual.
-Correcting the pronunciation.

*Model sentence:

I ’m [am] playing games

He/ She ’s [ is] riding a bike.
We/ you/ ‘re (are) playing they.


4. Yes / No question Answer drill: A6-P55.
- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss
to practice.

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
3. Find someone who:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work
in groups using the example exchange to ask &
answer about the place where they live & fill the
name into the table.

- Asks Ss to compare & report the information.
- Comments S’s information.

* Example exchange: (Picture on P36)

S1: Do you / they play volleyball ?
S2: Yes, I / they do.; No, I / they don’t.
S1: Does she / he play soccer ?

S2: Yes, she / he does; No, she / he doesn’t
- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.

- Working in groups using the example exchange to
ask & answer about the place where they live & fill
the name into the table.

- Comparing & reporting the information.
* Example exchange:

S1: Do you live in town ?
S2: No, I don’t. / Yes, I do.
S1: What your name ?
S2: My name is…

S1: How do you spell it ?

Find someone who lives… Name

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

…in the country
… near a lake
…next to a market
…opposite a paddy field

…near a post office

- Asks Ss to summarize the lesson.
V.Homework ( Time: 2M ):

- Study the grammar & the modal sentence re-do the test at home.
- Prepare for the First final semester test.

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Review(4) </b>
<b>Period: 53</b>

- Helps Ss to consolidate the grammars to prepare for the first final semester test. By the end
of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate the grammar to prepare for the first final semester test.

- The present progressive tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)

-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> </b>III. New lesson

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students'activities</b>

-T asks ss to remember the way to use the

-T calls some ss to go to the board and write.
-T controls and corrects with ss.

-T asks Ss to give the structures and the way to use


Khẳng định: S + (to) be +V-ing + O.
Phủ định: S + (to)be-not + V-ing+ O.
Nghi vấn: (to) Be + S + V-ing + O ?.
Trả lời: Yes, S + (to)be

No, S + (to)be-not

Use: Diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra tại thời điểm

*Thường dung với các trạng từ:

Now, right now, at the moment, at present.
-T asks ss to give more example


1.They are playing chess now.
2.He is working in a hospital now.
3. Is Nam doing his homework?
Yes, he is

-Ss remember and answer the question of

-Ss give examples.

+ He is teaching in a school at the moment.
+ Nam isn’t playing volleyball at present...
+ Are you studying now?

Yes, I am/ No, I am not.

- Ss take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

No, he isn’t
T controls and corrects.

I+ am + V-ing

She,He,It + is + v-ing

You, They, We + are + v-ing
<b>2.Exercise: </b>

a.Put the following verbs in present progressive

-T aks ss to work in groups of 4 to do the exercises.
-T asks ss the way to do.

- T calls ss to go to the board write the answer.
-T comment and correct.

1. The swimming bath...(open) now
2.They...(play) the piano now

3.Lan...( not-work) in a bank at the

4. Nam...(work) in an office at present.
5.Look! It...(snow).

b. Use the verbs given in present progressive tense to
complete the following sentences.(12ms)

-T aks ss to work in groups of 4 to do the exercises.
-T asks ss the way to do.

- T calls ss to go to the board write the answer.
-T comment and correct.

read rain become Shine get listen
1.The cost of living...higher.

2.George now can speak French fluently. His

3.Keep silent, please. I...to the teacher.
4.We can go out because it...

5.Where’s your father? – He...a
newspaper in his room.

6.It’s very hot today. The sun...above.

Practicing in groups.

1. is opening
2.are playing
3.isn’t working
4.is working
5.is snowing

-Ss go to the board write the answer.
- Correcting the answer keys.

Practicing in groups.

-Ss go to the board write the answer

1. is becoming
2.is getting
3. am listening
4. is raining
5. is reading
6. is shining

- Correcting the answer keys.
<b>IV. Consolidation.(2ms)</b>

-T calls some Ss to read again the model sentences and th cocept check.

-Preparing the present progressive tense
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>The first term examination</b>
<b>Time: 45minutes</b>

<b>Period: 54</b>
<b>WEEK: 19</b>

<b>Unit 9: the body </b>

<b>Lesson 1: parts of the body.( A1-2)</b>
<b>Period: 55</b>


- Helps Ss to practice in nouns to talk about the parts of the body. By the end of this lesson,
Ss will be able to talk about the parts of their body.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

- The present simple tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> </b>Asks Ss some questions about the function of their parts of the body.
<i><b>? What does your head/ hands/ legs/ … for ?</b></i>

<b>-</b> Corrects S’s answers & comments.
<b> III. New lesson :</b>


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>


<i><b> his head / chest;</b></i>

<i><b> his shoulders/ arms / hands</b></i>
<i><b> legs/ feet / fingers / toes. </b></i>

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>2. Rub out and Remember:</b>

- Introduces the words & helps Ss to read to

- Erasers the words in un-order & asks Ss to read.
- Asks Ss to rewrite the words in the circle

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

<b>-</b> Reading the words to remember.
- Rewriting the words in the circle.

<b>- </b>Correcting the pronunciation & the mistakes.
<i><b>his head his chest; his toes.</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b>his shoulders his arms his hands</b></i>
<i><b> his legs his feet his fingers </b></i>
<b>II.PRACTICE Time: 10 M.</b>

<b>3. Picture drill: A1 - P 96.</b>

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in

groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

<i><b>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</b></i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation
* Example exchange: A2-P97.
<i> S1: What is that ?</i>

<i>S2: That is his head.</i>
<i>S1: What are those ?</i>

<i>S2: Those are his shoulders.</i>

<b>3. Wordsquare:</b>

- Introduces the word-square & asks Ss to work in
groups to find out the 14 hidden words.

– Asks Ss to give the words in two groups by
circling the words & put them into a present
progressive statement & write on the board.

- Corrects & Comments the game.

- Working in groups to find out the hidden words.
- Giving the words in two groups by circling the

words & put them into a present progressive
statement & write on the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

* Answer keys:



<b>A</b> <b>K</b> <b>L</b> <b>A</b> <b>C</b> <b>T</b> <b>F</b> <b>E</b>

<b>T</b> <b>R</b> <b>A</b> <b>V</b> <b>H</b> <b>A</b> <b>O</b> <b>W</b>

<b>F</b> <b>I</b> <b>N</b> <b>G</b> <b>E</b> <b>R</b> <b>O</b> <b>T</b>

<b>H</b> <b>D</b> <b>R</b> <b>I</b> <b>S</b> <b>M</b> <b>T</b> <b>O</b>

<b>Q</b> <b>E</b> <b>M</b> <b>A</b> <b>T</b> <b>S</b> <b>T</b> <b>E</b>

<b>O</b> <b>R</b> <b>R</b> <b>H</b> <b>A</b> <b>N</b> <b>D</b> <b>S</b>

<b>S</b> <b>H</b> <b>O</b> <b>U</b> <b>L</b> <b>D</b> <b>E</b> <b>R</b>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>V. Homework: ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Study the vocabulary & example exchange.
- Exercise: A1- P84. Workbook.

- Read the text A3 – P97 at home & prepare the pictures on P97.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 9: the body </b>

<b>Lesson 2: parts of the body.( A1-2)(cont.)</b>
<b>Period: 56</b>


- Helps Ss to practice in adjectives to describe physical appearance. By the end of this lesson, Ss
will be able to describe theirs physical appearance.


- The present simple tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> </b>

Hang man.

<b>-</b> Introduces the symbols & asks Ss to
give the letters to form the words.
- Corrects S’s answers & comments.

<b>--- ( fingers)</b>

<b>--- (chest) ---- (arm) </b>
<b>---- (feet) ---- (legs)</b>
<i><b>III.</b></i> <b>New lesson</b> :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>

tall  short (adj);
fat  thin (adj);
heavy  light (adj).

- Introduces the words by explaining the
meaning, using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the
meaning & the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>2. Noughts & Crosses:</b>

- Introduces the cues & divides the class into two
groups to play the game.

- Corrects & Comments the game.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

<b>-</b> Playing the game.

- Corrects & Comments the game.

<b>tall</b> <b>big</b> <b>Fat</b>

<b>small</b> <b>thin</b> <b>Short</b>

<b>quiet</b> <b>light</b> <b>heavy</b>

<b>II.PRACTICE Time: 10 M.</b>

<b>3. True / False repetition drill: A4 –P98.</b>

- Reads the cues & asks Ss to repeat in chorus if
the cue is true & keep silent if the cue is false.
- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
<b>* Teacher:</b>

<i><b>- Repeating if the cue is true & keep silent if the cue</b></i>
is false.

- Correcting the pronunciation
<b>* Student:</b>

<i><b>P. a:</b></i>
<i><b>P. b:</b></i>
<i><b>P. c:</b></i>
<i><b>P. d:</b></i>

She’s thin
<i><b>He’s thin</b></i>
<i><b>He’s small</b></i>
<i><b>She’s thin</b></i>

<i><b>She’s tall</b></i>
<i><b>He’s short</b></i>
<i><b>He’s tall</b></i>
<i><b>She’s tall</b></i>

<i><b>He’s fat</b></i>
<i><b>He’s heavy</b></i>

<i><b>She’s short</b></i> <i><b>She’s fat</b></i>



<i><b>Repeat </b></i>
<i><b>Repeat </b></i>

<i><b>Repeat</b></i> <i><b>Repeat</b></i>

<b>3. Prediction: A4 – P98.</b>

- Introduces the pictures & asks Ss to work in
individual to predict the adjectives to fill in.

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction .
- Helps Ss to listen to the tape & check their

- Corrects & Comments S’s prediction.
<b>4. Grid: With answer keys.</b>

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to listen
to the tape & write the order of the people

- Asks Ss to compare & give their information.
- Corrects & Comments S’s information.

- Working in individual to predict the adjectives to
fill in.

- Comparing & give their prediction.
<b>* Answer:</b>

<i><b>Pa. Thin / light; Pb. Fat / heavy.</b></i>
<i><b>Pc. Tall / heavy; Pd. Short / fat.</b></i>

- Listening to the tape & writing the order of the
people described.

- Comparing & giving their information.

<i><b>Tall ? short ? thin ? fat ?</b></i> <i><b>Listen</b></i>

<i><b>Picture a</b></i> <i><b>( thin - tall )</b></i> <i><b>4</b></i>

<i><b>Picture b</b></i> <i><b>( short – fat )</b></i> <i><b>3</b></i>

<i><b>Picture c</b></i> <i><b>( tall – fat )</b></i> <i><b>2</b></i>

<i><b>Picture d</b></i> <i><b>( short – fat )</b></i> <i><b>1</b></i>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

- Study the vocabulary & example exchange.
- Exercise: A3 & 4- P84. Workbook.

- Prepare the pictures on P100.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 9: the body </b>
<b>Lesson 3: faces(b1)</b>

<b>Period: 57</b>

- Helps Ss to practice in face vocabulary ( nouns & adjectives )to describe people’s faces. By the
end of this lesson, Ss will be able to describe their faces.


- The present simple tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> Pelmanism.</b>

<b>-</b> Introduces the words & asks Ss to choose the pairs of antonym adjectives.

<i><b>FAT </b></i> <i><b>TALL HEAVY </b></i> <i><b>BIG</b></i> <i><b>NOISY</b></i>

<i><b>THIN</b></i> <i><b>SHORT</b></i> <i><b>LIGHT</b></i> <i><b>SMALL</b></i> <i><b>QUIET</b></i>

- Corrects S’s answers & comments.
<b> </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>
<b>1.Vocabulary:</b> <b>ROR</b>.

<i><b> his eyes/ ears/ lips/ teeth </b></i>
his hair/ nose/ mouth.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning &
the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>2. Slap the board.</b>

- Introduces the picture of the people’s face & divides
the class into two groups to play the game.

- Corrects & Comments the game.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

<i> His eyes his hair</i>

<i><b>His nose </b></i>

<i><b> His lips his teeth his ear</b></i>

<b>3. Presentation text: B1 – 100.</b>

- Introduces the six pictures on page 100 (a – f) &
helps Ss to practice.

- Checks S’s practicing in individual.
- introduces the model sentence.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Practicing in individual.
- Correcting the pronunciation.

 <b>Model sentences:</b>

<i><b>a round face - an oval face</b></i>
<i><b>full lips - thin lips</b></i>

<i><b>long hair - short hair</b></i>

<b>4. Word square.</b>

- Introduces the wordsquare & divides the class into
two groups & asks them to find out the 17 hidden
words in the square.

- Asks Ss to give the words.
- Corrects & comments.
* Answer key:

<i> hair; fat; see; the; mouth; out; heavy.</i>
<i> ear; arm; near; toe; to; feet; </i>

<i> teeth; fingers.</i>
<i> nose; eye.</i>

- Finding out the 17 hidden words in the square.
<b>- Giving the words.</b>

<b>H</b> <b>A</b> <b>I</b> <b>R</b> <b>X</b> <b>P</b>

<b>N</b> <b>E</b> <b>F</b> <b>A</b> <b>T</b> <b>I</b>

<b>E</b> <b>O</b> <b>Y</b> <b>F</b> <b>E</b> <b>N</b>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>S</b> <b>E</b> <b>E</b> <b>G</b>

<b>R</b> <b>T</b> <b>H</b> <b>E</b> <b>T</b> <b>E</b>

<b>M</b> <b>O</b> <b>U</b> <b>T</b> <b>H</b> <b>R</b>

<b>H</b> <b>E</b> <b>A</b> <b>V</b> <b>Y</b> <b>S</b>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 </b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b> V.Homework: ( Time: 2 M ):</b> <b> </b>

- Study the vocabulary.

- Exercise: B1 & 2- P85. Workbook.
- Prepare the pictures on P101.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 20</b>

<b>Unit 9: the body </b>
<b>Lesson 4: faces(b2-3)</b>

<b>Period: 58</b>

- Helps Ss to practice in adjectives of color to describe features. By the end of this lesson, Ss will
be able to describe their features.


- The present simple tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

-Check attendence

<b>II- Revision Jumbled words.</b>

<i><b>-</b></i> Gives the jumbled words & asks Ss to put the letters into the right order to form the correct

<i><b>Yees = eyes;</b></i> <i><b> hari = hair; </b></i> <i><b> cefa = face; </b></i>
<i><b>Spli = lips</b></i> <i><b> dreshouls = shoulders. sone = nose</b></i>
- Corrects S’s answers & comments.

<b> III. New lesson :</b>
<b> 3. New lesson :</b>


<b>I.PRESENTATION Time: 15 M.</b>
<b>1.Vocabulary:</b> <b>ROR</b>. <b>B2.P101.</b>
black; gray; red; blue;
brown; white; yellow; green

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning &
the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>2. Finding friends:</b>

- Introduces the requirements & the table then asks Ss
to make sentences:

 <i><b>She has brown hair.</b></i>
 <i><b>She has green eyes. Etc…</b></i>

- Asks Ss to go to the board & take note their friends
appearances & Comments .

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.

- Copying the words.

- Making sentences:

 <i><b>She has brown hair.</b></i>
 <i><b>She has green eyes. Etc…</b></i>

- Going to the board & taking note their friends

She/ has… <i><b>eyes</b></i> <i><b>hair</b></i> <i><b>lips</b></i> <i><b>teeth</b></i>

<i><b>black </b></i>
<i><b>gray </b></i>
<i><b>blue </b></i>

<i><b>red </b></i>
<b>3. Dialogue build: B3 – 101.</b>

- Read the dialogue & presents the symbols for the
words & asks Ss to repeat to remember the dialogue.
- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs.
- Asks Ss to build the dialogue.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Repeating the dialogue to remember.

- Practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs.
- Building the dialogue.

- Correcting the pronunciation & building the

* Dialogue:

<i>Hoa: I have a new doll.</i>
<i>Mai: What color is her hair ?</i>
<i>Hoa: It’s black.</i>

<i>Mai: What color are her eyes ?</i>
<i>Hoa: They are brown.</i>

<b>2. Picture drill: B3/ P 101.</b>

- Introduces the example exchange & the pictures then
helps Ss to practice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to repeat
in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups &
in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

<i>* Note: Using pictures of the four dolls on page 101.</i>

- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
* Example exchange:

<i>S1: What color is her hair ?</i>
<i>S2: It’s black.</i>

<i>S1: What color are her eyes ?</i>
<i> S2: They are brown.</i>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>V. Homework: ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Study the vocabulary & the model sentences.

- Prepare the pictures on P 100 & 101 for B1 – 4 – 5 - 6.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 9: the body </b>

<b>Lesson 5: faces(4-6)</b>

<b>Period: 59</b>

- Helps Ss to further practice in body vocabulary to describe people. By the end of this lesson, Ss
will be able to use body vocabulary to describe people.


- The present simple tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :


<b>I.PRE-READING Time: 10 M.</b>
<b>1. Vocabulary: ROR.</b>

<i><b> round – a round face; </b></i>
oval – an oval face
full/ thin – full/ thin lips;

long/ short – long/ short hair.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
<b>2. Prediction: B4 – P 101.</b>

- Introduces the close text & asks Ss to work in
pairs to predict the information to fill in the gap.
- Asks Ss to give their information.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

- Comments the information.

* Answer key:

<i>* Miss Chi is tall and thin. She has a round face,</i>
<i>long black hair, brown eyes, a small nose, thin lips</i>
<i>and small white teeth.</i>

- Giving the information.
- Commenting the information.

<i>* Miss Chi is ___ and thin. She has a ___ face,</i>
<i>___ ___ hair, ___ eyes, a ___ nose, ___ lips</i>
<i>and small ___ teeth.</i>

<b>II.WHILE-READING Time: 15 M</b>
<b>3. Presentation text: B4 - P101.</b>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the texts about
Miss. Chi & correct their prediction.

- Asks Ss to compare their information.
- Corrects comments.

<b>4. Comprehension questions: B1 – P76.</b>

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs
to ask & answer the

- Helps Ss to correct & comments.
<i>* Questions:</i>

<i>a. Is Miss. Chi’s hair long or short ?</i>
<i>b. What color are her eyes ?</i>

<i>c. Are her lips full or thin ?</i>
<i>d. What color is her hair ?</i>
<i>e. Is her nose big or small </i>

-Reading the texts about Miss. Chi &
correcting their prediction.

- Comparing their information.

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the

- Correcting the answer keys & Commenting.
<i>* Answer keys:</i>

<i>A. Chi’s hair is long.</i>
<i> B. Her eyes are brown. </i>

<i>C. They are full.</i>
<i>D. Her hair is black.</i>
<i>E. Her nose is small.</i>

<b>5. Survey:</b>

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in
pairs to asks & answer something about themselves

& take note into the table.

- Asks Ss to give their information & comments.

- Working in pairs to asks & answer something
about themselves & take note into the table.
- Giving their information.

My partner My Mum My Dad My Brother My Sister

<i>Body</i> <i>Thin</i>

<i>Face</i> <i>Round</i>

<i>Hair</i> <i>Short - black</i>

<i>Eyes</i> <i>Etc…</i>


<b>IV. CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2M)</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>V.Homework ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the texts.

- Exercise: write a short paragraph to describe people using the survey.
- Prepare the pictures on page 104 & 106.

<b>VI.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 10: staying healthy </b>
<b>Lesson 1: how do you feel? (a1,2,5)</b>

<b>Period: 60</b>

- Helps Ss to practice in talking about how we feel using adjectives of Physical state. By the end of
this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about how we feel.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

- The present simple tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision ( 5 M ) : Picture cues.</b>

- Asks Ss to work in pairs, take it in turn to point at the different picture on page 104-105 & ask
and answer. Using the exchange: S1: What’s this color ?

S2: It’s green.

- Corrects & comments.

<b> </b>
<b> III. New lesson</b> :



<i> hungry (adj); thirsty (adj); </i>
full (adj); tired (adj);
hot (adj); cold (adj);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Matching:

- Presents the words & the meaning into two column

then asks Ss to work in individual to match the
word to its meaning.

- Corrects & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Copying the words.

- Working in individual to match.
hungry (adj);

thirsty (adj);
full (adj);
tired (adj);

<i> hot (adj); </i>
cold (adj);

l ạnh



3. Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
4. Picture drill: A1-P104 + A5-P106

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

* Example exchange:

<i>S1: How do you feel ?</i>
<i>S2: I’m [ hungry].</i>

<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.



* Example exchange:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

5. Matching:

- Introduces the requirements & asks Ss to listen to
the tape & match the right name with the pictures on
page 106.

- Asks Ss to compare & give their matching.
- Helps SS to correct & comments.

- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.

- Listening to the tape & matching the right name

with the pictures on page 106.

- Comparing & giving their matching.

4. Guessing game:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to write their
physical state on a piece of paper then ask the other
to guess.

- Helps Ss to play the game.
-Corrects & comments.

- Writing their physical state on a piece of paper
then ask the other to guess.

- Playing the game.
* Example exchange:

<i>S1: Are you thirsty ?</i>
<i>S2: No, I’m not.</i>
<i> S1: Are you hot ?…</i>

- Asks Ss to give the way to ask & answer about their physical state.
<i>S1: How do you feel ?</i>

<i>S2: I’m [ hungry].</i>

<i>S1: How does he/she feel ?</i>
<i>S2: He/she is [ hungry].</i>
<i>S1: How do they feel ?</i>
<i> S2: They are [ hungry].</i>
V.Homework ( Time: 2M ):

- Study the model sentences & the vocabulary.
- Exercise: 1-P87. Workbook.

- Prepare the picture on page 105 & what you like to eat or drink.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 21</b>

<b>Unit 10: staying healthy </b>
<b>Lesson 2: how do you feel? (a3-4)</b>

<b>Period: 61</b>

- <i><b> Helps Ss to read a dialogue to recognize polite offers & requests with “What would you</b></i>
like ?” & “I’d like some/ a/ to…”. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to recognize the polite
offers & requests.


- The present simple tense.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<i><b>IV.</b></i> <b>New lesson :</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

1. Vocabulary:

<i> Some Orange Juice = A Drink (N); </i>
<i> Some Noodle (N); (To) Like .</i>

<i> (To) Want = Would Like; </i>

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Predict Dialogue:

- Introduces the open dialogue & asks Ss to work in
pairs to predict the suitable words to fill in the gaps
to complete the dialogue.

- Asks Ss to give their prediction.
- Comments their prediction.

- Repeating The Words In Chorus & In

- Correcting The Mistakes.

- Giving The Meaning & The Pronunciation.
- Copying The Words.

- Working In Pairs To Predict The Suitable
Words To Fill In The Gaps To Complete The

- Giving Their Prediction.
* Open Dialogue:

<i>Nam: How Do You Feel ?</i>

<i>Lan: I’m ………And………</i>
<i>Nam: What would you like ?</i>

<i>Lan: I’d like some……… What about you ?</i>
<i>Nam: I’m…… I’d like some………</i>

3. Presentation dialogue. A3-P105.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the dialogue
between Nam & Lan & get the details.

- Asks Ss to check their prediction.
- Corrects comments.

4. Matching:

- Introduces the poster & asks Ss to read the
dialogue again & match the key words to the

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys.
- Helps Ss to correct & comments.

- Reading the dialogue.
- Checking their prediction.

- Working in pairs to read the dialogue again &
matching the key words to the people.

- Comparing & giving the keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

<i>A drink</i>
<i>To sit down</i>


<i>hot</i> <i>Nam</i> <i>Ba</i>

5. Mapped dialogue:

- Introduces the dialogue & helps Ss to read to

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in

- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Reading the dialogue to remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<i>…fell ?</i>
<i>…like ?</i>
<i>… orange juice.</i>

<i>…cold + hungry</i>
<i>…some noodles…fell ?</i>

<i>…like ?</i>

* Example exchange:
<i>S1: How do you fell ?</i>
<i>S2: I’m cold and hungry.</i>
<i>S1: What would you like ?</i>

<i>S2: I’d like some noodles. How do you fell ?</i>
<i>S!: I’m thirsty.</i>

<i>S2: What would you like ?</i>
<i>S1: I’d like some orange juice.</i>
<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson & give the form of the polite offers &
requests with “What would you like ?” & “I’d like some/ a/ to…”.

<b>V.Homework ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Study the vocabulary & the dialogue.

- Exercise: 2-P87- workbook.

- Prepare the pictures on page 110 & the menu.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 10: staying healthy </b>
<b>Lesson 3: food and drink (B1-3)</b>

<b>Period: 62</b>

- Helps Ss to practice in Some / Any with There is / There are, positive, negative & Yes / No
questions to talk about food & drink . By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to use these grammars
to talk about food & drink correctly.


- The present simple tense.

<i><b> Some / Any with There is / There are, </b></i>
Positive, Negative & Yes / No questions

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>Networks.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to
give the food & drink that they usually

- Comments.


<i><b>rice meat</b></i>

<i><b>Milk a drink</b></i>
<b> </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :


1.Vocabulary: - ROR.

an apple (n); an orange (n);
a banana (n); some water (n).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,

using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Dictation list:

- Presents the words & the table then asks Ss to
listen & put the words into the correct column.
- Asks Ss to compare & giving their list.
- Helps Ss to check & Corrects & comments.
* Teacher reads:

An apple; An orange Rice; Water Milk Vegetables
Meat; Noodle; Bread Banana

<i>Hot drink; Cold drink</i>

3. Presentation dialogue: B2-P109

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue &
introduces the model sentence.

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

4. Comprehension:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to tick what
for lunch on the list.

- Asks Ss to compare & give the key.
- Corrects & comments.

-Copying the words.

- Working in individual to list.


<i>Hot drink</i>
<i>Cold drink</i>

<i>An apple</i>
An orange


<i>Meat; Noodle</i>
- Listening & Practicing the dialogue

-Correcting the pronunciation.
* Model sentences:

<i>(+) There is some rice</i>
<i>(?) Is there any rice ?</i>
<i>(-) There isn’t any rice.</i>
<i>(+) There are some rice</i>
<i>(?) Are there any rice ?</i>
<i>(-) There aren’t any rice.</i>
- Ticking what for lunch on the list.

- Comparing & giving the key.

Meat 
Rice 

Fruit 
Water 

5. Picture drill: B1-P108

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

Example exchange:

<i>S1: Is there any… ?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, there is some…</i>
<i> No, there isn’t any…</i>
<i>S1: Are there any… ?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, there are some…</i>
<i> No, there aren’t any…</i>
<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs.
- Correcting the pronunciation.

- Asks Ss to give the way to use Some / Any with There is / There are, positive, negative & Yes / No
questions to talk about food & drink

V.Homework ( Time: 2M ):

- Study the model sentences & the vocabulary.
- Exercise: 1-2-3 P91 &92. Workbook.

- Prepare the picture on page 112 & what you like to eat or drink.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

<b>Unit 10: staying healthy </b>
<b>Lesson 4: food and drink (B4-5)</b>

<b>Period: 63</b>

- Helps Ss to practice in uncountable & plural Food & Drink nouns, polite requests “I’d like
some…” & polite offers “What would you like ?” . By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to use
uncountable & plural Food & Drink nouns, polite requests “I’d like some…” & polite offers “What
would you like ?” correctly.


- The present simple tense. “What would you like ?” - “I’d like some…”

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure</b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :


1.Vocabulary: - ROR.

<i> some chicken/ fish/ meat/ rice</i>
fruit/ milk/ vegetable
(a vegetable).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Matching / Grid:

- Presents the tape & the table then asks Ss to listen
& match the names of the people with what they
would like.

- Asks Ss to compare & giving their matching.
- Helps Ss to check & Corrects & comments.
2. Presentation dialogue: B4-P110.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue &
introduces the model sentence.

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Copying the words.

- Working in individual to match.

a b c d e f g h

Nhan x x

Tuan x x

Huong x x

Mai x x

- Listening & Practicing the dialogue
-Correcting the pronunciation.
* Model sentences:

- I’d like some chicken/ fish/ meat/ rice
fruit/ milk/ vegetable

3. Picture drill: B4-P110 & B5-P111.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in

Example exchange:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments. - Correcting the pronunciation.

4. Chain game:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to talk about
what they would like in turn.

- Helps Ss to play the game.
-Corrects & comments.

- Talking about what they would like in turn.
- Playing the game.

* Example:

<i>S1: I’d like some fish.</i>

<i>S2: I’d like some fish & some vegetable.</i>
S3: I’d like some fish & some vegetables &
some orange juice.


- Asks Ss to give the uncountable & plural Food & Drink nouns, polite requests “I’d like some…” &
polite offers “What would you like ?”.

V. Homework ( Time: 2M ):

- Study the model sentences & the vocabulary.
- Exercise: 1-2 P88. Workbook.

- Prepare the picture on page 108 & what you like to eat or drink.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK: 22</b>

<b>Unit 10: staying healthy </b>

<b>Lesson 5: MY FAVORITE FOOD ( C 1-5).</b>
<b> Period: 64</b>


- Helps Ss to practice in speaking about favorite food & drink to contrast “Would you like…?”
& “Do you like…?”. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their favorite food &


- The present simple tense. “Would you like…?” & “Do you like…?”.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.

B.Teaching procedure:

I.Settlement: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
II- Revision

III. New lesson :


1.Vocabulary: - ROR.

my favorite food/ drink;
some carrots/ beans/
peas/ iced tea.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Picture drill: B1-P108

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
3. ROR dialogue: C2-P112.

- Introduces the dialogue by giving the symbols for
the words & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue.
- Helps Ss to read the dialogue in chorus to

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in

- Introduces the model sentence.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

* Example exchange:
<i> S1: What are these ?</i>

<i> S2: They are beans. What are those?</i>
<i> S1: They are carrots.</i>

<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs.
- Correcting the pronunciation.
- Listening & Practicing the dialogue
-Correcting the pronunciation.
* Model sentences:

<i>S1: Do you like vegetables ?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.</i>

<i>S1: Would you like some vegetables ?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, I would. / Yes, please.</i>

<i> No, I wouldn’t. / No, thank you</i>

4. Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to


- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

<i>beans</i> <i>peas</i> <i>carrots</i> <i>milk</i>

<i>iced tea</i> <i>oranges</i> <i>rice</i> <i>apple</i>

Example exchange:

<i> S1: Do you like [ beans ] ?</i>
<i> S2: Yes, I do. / [No, I don’t ].</i>

<i> S1: Would you like some [ beans ] now ?</i>
<i> S2: No, thank you./ Yes, please.</i>

<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs.
- Correcting the pronunciation.


5. Survey:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
pairs to interview each other about their favorite
food & drink using the given question & take note
the information into the table.

- Asks Ss to report the information about their
friends using the model.

- Corrects & comments.

- Working in pairs to interview each other &
taking note the information into the table.

- Reporting the information about their friends.
<i>* Question: Do you like chicken ?</i>

<i>* Feedback: Nam likes chicken & orange but he</i>
<i>doesn’t like fish…</i>

<i>Name</i> Likes… <i>Doesn’t like…</i>

<i>Nam</i> <i>Chicken & orange</i> <i>Fish</i>


- Asks Ss to contrast “Would you like…?” & “Do you like…?”
V.Homework ( Time: 2M ):

- Study the model sentences & the vocabulary.
- Exercise: 4-5 92. Workbook.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>


<b>Unit 11: what do you eat? </b>
<b>Lesson 1: at the store (A1)</b>

<b> Period: 65</b>

- Helps Ss to practice in quantifiers ( a kilo of…) & containers ( a bottle of…) to talk about
people buy at the store. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about quantifiers &


- The present simple tense. Quantifiers & Containers.
<b>II.Skill:</b> Speaking, writing, reading and listening.

<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :


1.Vocabulary: - ROR.

some eggs/ chocolates;
some oil/ beef/ soap/

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Matching.

- Introduces the phrases & the pictures then asks Ss
to work in individual to match the picture to the
correct word .

- Asks Ss to compare their matching & match.

- Corrects & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Copying the words.

- Working in individual to match the picture to
the correct word .

<i>grams of</i>
<i>a kilo of</i>
<i>a can of</i>
<i>a bar of</i>
<i>a box of</i>
<i>a tube of</i>
<i>a packet of</i>

<i>a dozen</i>
<i>a bottle of</i>

3. ROR dialogue: A1a-P114.

- Introduces the dialogue by giving the symbols for
the words & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue.
- Helps Ss to read the dialogue in chorus to


- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in

- Introduces the model sentence.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
4. Picture drill: A1b-P115.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Listening & Practicing the dialogue
-Correcting the pronunciation.
* Model sentences:

<i>S1: Can I help you ?</i>

<i>S2: Yes. A bottle of cooking oil, please.</i>
<i>S1: Here you are.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>


- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
5. Substitution drill:

- Introduces the requirement & helps Ss to read the
model then reads the substituted words & asks Ss to
read the substitution sentence.

- Asks Ss to practice in individual.

- Corrects the pronunciation & comments.
* Teacher reads:

<i> water; oil; soap; peas; beans; coke; chocolates;</i>
<i>eggs; tea; noodles</i>

<i>S1: Can I help you ?</i>

<i>S2: Yes. A bottle of cooking oil, please.</i>
<i>S1: Here you are.</i>

<i> S2: Thank you.</i>

<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs.
- Correcting the pronunciation.

Reading the model & the substituted words
-Reading the substitution sentence.

- Practicing in individual.

- Correcting the pronunciation & the

* Ss repeat:

I’d like a bottle of water, please.
I’d like a bar of soap, please.
<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2M ):</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the lesson.
<b>V.Homework ( Time: 2M ):</b>

- Study the model sentences & the vocabulary.
- Exercise: 1-2 P.93. Workbook.

- Prepare the picture on page 116 & Things on page 117.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 11: what do you eat? </b>
<b>Lesson 2: at the store (A2)</b>

<b> Period: 66</b>


- Helps Ss to listen to a dialogue for specific information about quantities for food shopping. By
the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the detail about quantities for food shopping.

-‘Can I help you ?’; (to) want…; (to) need….;

How much…? (uncountable noun; How many…? (countable noun)..

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<i><b>Dictation lists: with "How much...?" " How many...?"</b></i>

T reads: oranges, meat, milk, bread, carrots, chocolates, beef, chicken, rice, eggs, apples, soap.
<i><b>Answer key:</b></i>

How much....?: meat, milk, bread, beef, chicken, rice, soap.

How many....? :oranges, carrots, chocolates, eggs, apples<b> </b>
<b> III. New lesson</b> :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

1<b>.Presentation dialogue</b>.

A2 P.116

From the dialogue, T sets a sence to give the model

1)I need/ want some beef.
How much do you need/ want?
2)I need/ want some eggs.
How many do you need/ want?

"Blackboard drill"

T shows the way to ask ss practice well.

Example exchanges:
S1:I need some beef.

S2:How much do you want?
S1:Three hundred grams, please.

-T controls and corrects.
<b>III.Production (10ms)</b>
"Role play"

T asks each ss writes a shopping list. In pair, ss take it
in turns to be the storekeeper and the customer.

Storekeeper Customer

Can I help you? I want/ need....
How much/

many...? I'd like....
Anything else? Do you have



...Thank you !
-T corrects.

-Ss read the dialogue and answer the
questions of the teacher.

-Ss give the concept check.

-Ss read the key words and practice well.

-Ss practice in pair.

-Take notes.

-Ss work in role to practice well.

-Take notes.
<b>IV. Consolidation.(2m)</b>

-T calls some Ss to give the main ideas in this lesson.

-Doing exercise : A3 in the notebook.
-Preparing: Unit 11: B1, 3-4

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>WEEK 23</b>

<b>Unit 11: what do you eat? </b>

<i><b>Shopping list</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

<b>Lesson 3: at the store (A3-4)</b>
<b> Period: 67</b>


- Helps Ss to listen to a dialogue for specific information about quantities for food shopping. By
the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the detail about quantities for food shopping.

-‘Can I help you ?’; (to) want…; (to) need….;

How much…? (uncountable noun; How many…? (countable noun)..

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :



1.True / False statement prediction: (Grid)

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs
to predict which the statements is true or false.
- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys &

- Working in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false.

- Comparing & Giving the keys.

Yes No

…big ? √

…small ? √

…a yard ? √

…a well ? √

…flowers ? √

… trees ? √

2. Presentation dialogue: A1-P72.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue &
get the details.

- Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue & check the
prediction & Corrects.

- Listening to the dialogue & getting the details.
- Listening to the dialogue & checking the

3. Vocabulary: Slap the Board.

a garden (n);
a vegetable (n);

a photo (n).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
4.True / False statement prediction:

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs
to predict which the statements is true or false.
- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys &

* Answer keys:

1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T;

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.

- Copying the words.

- Working in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false.

- Comparing & Giving the keys.
* Statements:

1. The house is in the country.
2. There is a river near the house.
3. There’re trees to the left of the house.
4. There’re two gardens.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the letter & get the

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the letter.
- Corrects comments.

6. Comprehension questions: A2/P73.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs
to match the questions to the answers.

- Helps Ss to correct & comments.

a. Is there a flowers garden in front of the house ?
b. Is the house beautiful ?

c. Is there a flowers garden behind the house?

d. Is there a lake to the right of the house?
e. Is Nga in the city ?

- Reading the letter & get the details.
- Giving the main idea of the letter.

- Working in pairs to match the questions to the

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
A. Yes, it is.

B. No, it isn’t.
C. No, she isn’t.
D. Yes, there is..
E. No, there isn’t.

 Answer:

a –D; b – A; c – E; d – E; e – C.

Time:5 M

7. Transformation writing:

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in
individual to change the underlined information to

describe their own house & then draw a picture of it
as a photo .

- Asks Ss to give their information & comments.

- Writing in individual & giving the information.
* My house:

There’s a flowers garden in front of the house.
There’s a vegetable garden behind the house. To
the left of the house, there’s a lake. To the right
of the house, there are tall trees. Here is a photo.

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
V.Homeworks ( Time: 2 M ):

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the letter.
- Prepare the picture on page 74.

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 11: what do you eat? </b>
<b>Lesson 4: at the canteen (b1,3,4)</b>

<b> Period: 68</b>

- Helps students will be able to practice in Offers and Requests for Food and Drink.

- The present simple tense. “Would you like…?” & “Do you like…?”.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
B.Teaching procedure:

I.Settlement: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
II- Revision

III. New lesson :

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students'activities</b>


<b>1.Kim's game</b>.(10m)
B1 P.119.

T asks Ss play it in team to taking it in turns to fill
up the lists on the board.

- Asks Ss to give their information & comments.
There's a.. There's There are

-Ss enjoy the game.

-Ss play it in team to taking it in turns to fill up the
lists on the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

some.... some....
-can of soda -rice - vegetables

.... -milk -apples

...etc ...etc. ...etc.
-T corrects.


B4 P.120. T shows the way to ask ss to play.
- Asks Ss to give their information & comments.

a b c d e f g h i j k l

2 4 1 5 7 3 6 8

-T corrects.

3<b>.Word cue drill.(10m)</b>

T shows the way to ask ss to practice well.
- Asks Ss to give their information & comments.

bread/ milk fish/ soda

noodles/ water chicken/ iced tea
rice/ orange juice beef/ vegetables/

Example exchanges: B2 P.120

S1:What would you like for breakfast?
S2:I'd like some bread and some milk.

T controls and corrects.

- Asks Ss to give their information & comments.
1.Chain game

S1: I'd like some fish.

S2: I'd like some fish and some rice.

S3: I'd like some fish and some rice and a coke.


- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

- Working in pairs to match the questions to the

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

- Working in pairs to match the questions to the

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
-Ss read the word cues and practice well
-Ss work in groups.

- Working in groups to match the questions to the

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
<b>IV. Consolidation.(2m)</b>

-T calls some Ss to give the main ideas in this lesson.
<b>V.Homework (2m)</b>.

-Doing exercise : B1-2 in the workbook.
-Preparing: Unit 11: B5,6

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 11: what do you eat? </b>
<b>Lesson 5: at the canteen (b4-5)</b>

<b> Period: 69</b>

- Helps students will be able to talking about price for Food and Drink with " How
much/ many...?"


- The present simple tense. “How much/many...?

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students'activities</b>


T elicits to teach vocab.
-Fifty =50

-a hundred ( two hundred....) =100 ( 200)
-a thousand ( two thousand....) = 1.000 ( 2.000)
-Seven thousand five hundred = 7.5000.

2.Checking vocab.
-Slap the board.

100 200 5.000
250 6.200

<b>1.Blackboard drill.</b>

T shows the way to practice.
100 50 200

150 350 750

1.000 2.000 5.000 4.200
7.500 9.500 2.300 10.000

2.Noughts and crosses.

2.500 dong 500 dong 3.000 dong
4.800 dong 10.000

dong 1.000 dong
1.200 dong 8.500 dong 5.000 dong
<b>Example exchange:</b>

S1: How much is it?

S2: It's two thousand five hundred dong.
<b>*Pre-teach</b>.P. 121

-a cake ( n) picture
-a sandwich : (n) picture
-a fried rice (n) axplaination
-an iced cream (n) explaination.
-a bowl of (n) picture.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps
SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning &
the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
*<b>Picture drill</b>. B5-6 P.121

Ex: S1: How much is a fried rice?

S2: It's two thousand five hundred dong.

<b>III.Production." survey"(5m)</b>

T asks ss to fill the survey according to Real price they
know, not the price in the texbook.

How a a an a a Tieng Anh 6

-Guess the words- listen and repeat.
- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

-Ss enjoy the game.

-Listen- understand and practice well.

- Working in pairs to match the questions to
the answers.

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting
- Working in pairs to match the questions to
the answers.

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Copying the words.

-Look at the picture and practice well.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

h is
it ?


l of


ruler scho

... .... ... ... ... 11.200 dong
-T controls and corrects.

<b>IV. Consolidation.(2m)</b>

-T calls some Ss to give the main ideas in this lesson.

-Doing exercise : B3-4 in the workbook.
-Preparing: Unit 11:Grammar practice
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<i><b>THE END</b></i>
<b>WEEK: 24</b>

<b>Grammar practice</b>
<b> Period: 70</b>

- Helps students will be able to further practice in Likes and Dislikes , Countability,
Adjectives, Questions, Quanlitifies.


- Simple present tense
-Present progressive.

-Likes and Dislikes , Countability, Adjectives, Questions, Quanlitifies

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students'activities</b>
<b>I.Likes and Dislikes.(20ms)</b>

1.Find someone who.

T shows the way to ask ss to practice.

- Gives the content of the exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys & explains the
reason how to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.

Find someone who... Name

....likes fish Lan

....doesn't like chicken ...

....likes bread ....

....doesn't like rice ....

....likes milk ...

....doesn't like soda ...
...Doaesn't like vegetables. ...

-Listen and practice. - Working in pairs to
match the questions to the answers.

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

S1: Do you like fish?

S2: yes, I do.

S1: What your name?
S2: My name's Lan.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

2.Write it up.

Grammar practice 2 P.122 with "a" "an" "some"
- Gives the content of the exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys & explains the
reason how to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.
a: a sandwich, a banana...
an: an orange, an ice cream....
some: some noodles, some fish....
-T corrects.

3.Guessing game.

- Gives the content of the exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys & explains the
reason how to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.


<i><b>I'd like some milk.</b></i>

S1: Would you like a sandwich?
S2: No, I wouldn't.

S1: Would you like some milk?
S2: yes, I would.


<b>II Adjectives.(20ms)</b>

1.Grammar practice 3 P.123.

- Gives the content of the exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys & explains the
reason how to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.
T shows the way to practice.

tall long hot fat heavy weak
short short cold thin lihgt strong
2.Question words.

Grammar pracrice 4 P.123

- Gives the content of the exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys & explains the
reason how to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.

3.Present simple $ present progressive.
Grammar practice 5 P.123.

- Gives the content of the exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys & explains the
reason how to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.

"lucky number"

1.What does cooking oil come in?
2.What does tea come in?


4.What does soap come in?

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

-1 or 2 ss go to the boad then play the game.
- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

- Working in pairs to match the questions to
the answers.

- Giving the answer keys.

- Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

-Ss play in groups ( 2 groups)

-Do the exercises.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

5 What does soda come in?

7. What does iced tea come in?
8.What do noodles come in?
-T corrects.

-Take notes.
<b>IV. Consolidation.(2m)</b>

-T calls some Ss to give the main ideas in this lesson.

-Doing exercise : P.122-123 in the text book.
-Preparing: Unit 12:A1-2

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<i><b>THE END</b></i>
<b>Written test</b>

<b> Period: 71</b>

- Helps students will be able students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from
unit 9 to unit 11.


- Simple present tense
-Present progressive.

-Likes and Dislikes , Countability, Adjectives, Questions, Quanlitifies

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :

Full name : …………...………

Class :6...
<b>I.</b> <b>Choose the best answers (4ms) </b>

1. Is her hair short ?

-No,it isn’t . It’s ……….

A,short B,long C,black D,yellow 1...
2. Is your mother thin or fat ?

- She is ………..

A, light B,thin C,tall D,heavy 2...
3. Thanh has ………

A,oval face B,an oval face C, a face oval D,round face 3...
4. What color are her eyes ?

-They’re ……….

A,long B,round C,black D,small 4...
5. I have………..hair.

A,long black B,a long black C,black long D,a black long 5...
6. ………….does he feel ?

A,How B,What C, How much D, How many 6...
7. ………you like noodles?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

A, cold B, hot C, hungry D, thirsty 8...
9. What would you like …………dinner?

A,in B,on C,at D,for 9...
10. There aren’t ……….apples on the table

A,any B,some C,a D,an 10...
11. Can I ……… you?

A,have B,help C,has D,do 11...
12. How ………..milk do you want?

A,many B,much C,some D,any 12...
13. I’d like ……….bananas,please.

A,any B,some C,an D,a 13...
14. How many oranges do you want?

A,Half a kilo B,A half kilo C,Dozen D,A kilos 14...

15.Can I help you ?

-………..of cooking oil,please.

A, A tube B, A kilo C, A bar D, A bottle 15...
16. A fried rice ……….2,500d

A, is B,are C, do D ,does 16...
<b>II. Put </b><i><b>a/an/some/any</b></i><b> (1m)</b>

1. There is ……….. bar of soap. 1: ...
2. I’d like ………….apple. 2: ...
3. Is there ……….. milk ? 3: ...
4. There are ………..bananas 4:...
<b>III. Put the words in the right groups (2ms)</b>

green head toe chicken Face

black finger egg red

1. Color :………
2. Body : toe, ………..
3. Food :………..

<b>IV. Give the correct tense of the verbs in the bracket (1,5 ms)</b>
1. He ………..( ride ) his bike everyday.

2. Lan ……….( watch ) television now

3. You can ………..(park ) here

4. My father...(walk-not) to school everyday, he ...(go) to school by

5. They...(wait) for a bus at the moment.
<b>V . Make complete sentences (1,5ms)</b>

1.What/ she/ would like/ dinner ?


2. How / beef/ he / want ?

3. How/ oranges/ she / want?


<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

<b>Period: 72</b>

- Helps students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from the text.

- Simple present tense
-Present progressive.

-Likes and Dislikes , Countability, Adjectives, Questions, Quanlitifies

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students'activities</b>
<b>I.Choose the best answers (4ms) /Time: 10m</b>

<b>1.</b>Is her hair short ?

-No,it isn’t . It’s ……….

A,short B,long C,black D,yellow
2. Is your mother thin or fat ?

- She is ………..

A, light B,thin C,tall D,heavy
3. Thanh has ………

A,oval face B,an oval face C, a face oval D,round face
4. What color are her eyes ?

-They’re ……….

A,long B,round C,black D,small
5. I have………..hair.

A,long black B,a long black C,black long D,a black long
6. ………….does he feel ?

A,How B,What C, How much D, How many
7. ………you like noodles?

A,What B,Are C,Would D,Which
8. I’m ………..I’d like some fish and rice

A, cold B, hot C, hungry D, thirsty
9. What would you like …………dinner?

A,in B,on C,at D,for
10. There aren’t ……….apples on the table

A,any B,some C,a D,an
11. Can I ……… you?

A,have B,help C,has D,do
12. How ………..milk do you want?

A,many B,much C,some D,any
13. I’d like ……….bananas,please.

A,any B,some C,an D,a

14.How many oranges do you want?

A,Half a kilo B,A half kilo C,Dozen D,A kilos

15.Can I help you ?

-………..of cooking oil,please.

A, A tube B, A kilo C, A bar D, A bottle
16. A fried rice ……….2,500d

A, is B,are C, do D ,does

- Gives the content of the
exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer
keys & explains the reason how
to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.



- Gives the content of the
exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer
keys & explains the reason how
to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.

1.A 2.AN 3.ANY

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>


<b>II. Put </b><i><b>a/an/some/any</b></i><b> (1m) /Time: 5m</b>

1.There is ……….. bar of soap. 1: ...

2.I’d like ………….apple. 2: ...
3.Is there ……….. milk ? 3: ...
4.There are ………..bananas 4:...
<b>III. Put the words in the right groups (2ms)/ Time: 5m</b>

green head toe chicken Face

black finger egg red

1.Color :………
2.Body : toe, ………..
3.Food :………..

<b>IV. Give the correct tense of the verbs in the bracket (1,5 </b>
<b>ms) /Time: 10m</b>

1. He ………..( ride ) his bike everyday.
2. Lan ……….( watch ) television now
3. You can ………..(park ) here

4. My father...(walk-not) to school everyday,
he ...(go) to school by motorbike.

5. They...(wait) for a bus at the moment.
<b>V . Make complete sentences (1,5ms) /Time: 10m</b>
1.What/ she/ would like/ dinner ?

2. How / beef/ he / want ?

3. How/ oranges/ she / want?

exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer
keys & explains the reason how
to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.

1.Color: green, black,red
2.Body: toe,head,face,finger

- Gives the content of the
exercise & helps Ss to

- Asks Ss to give the answer
keys & explains the reason how
to choose the keys.

- Corrects & comments.

1.rides 2.is watching 3.park
4.doesn’t walk /goes
5.are waiting


1.What would she like for

2.How much beef does he want?
3.How many oranges does she

<b>IV. Consolidation.(2m)</b>

-T calls some Ss to give the main grammar in this lesson.

-Doing exercise : P.122-123 in the text book.
-Preparing: Unit 12:A1-2

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<i><b>THE END</b></i>

<b>WEEK: 25</b>

<b>Unit 12: sports and pastimes</b>
<b>Lesson 1: What are you doing? (a1-2)</b>

<b>Period: 73</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>


-Present progressive.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> </b>Jumbled words.

<i><b>-</b></i> Gives the jumbled words & asks Ss to put the letters into the right order to form the correct

Torps = sport; bolfatol = football; belvalylol = volleyball;
Mage = game; sucim = music; lietoseniv = television
- Corrects S’s answers & comments.

<b> III. New lesson</b> :


1.Vocabulary: - ROR.

<i>(to) swim; (to) play badminton; </i>
<i>(to) jog; (to) do aerobics;</i>
(to) skip; (to) play table tennis;.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the situation.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning
& the pronunciation.

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Dictation list:

- Presents the words & the table then asks Ss to
listen & put the words into the correct column.
- Asks Ss to compare & giving their list.
- Helps Ss to check & Corrects & comments.
* Teacher reads:

play football; jog; do aerobics; play tennis; play
table tennis; play volleyball.

3. Presentation dialogue: A1-P124.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue &
introduces the example exchange.

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Copying the words.

- Working in individual to list.

2 people 1 person

- Listening & Practicing the dialogue
-Correcting the pronunciation.

*Example exchange:

<i>S1: What are they doing? </i>
<i>S2: They’re playing soccer.</i>
<i>S1: What is She / he doing ?</i>
<i>S2: She / he skipping.</i>

4. Picture drill: A1-P124.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs.
- Correcting the pronunciation.
*Example exchange:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments. <i> S2: She / he skipping.</i>
III.Further practice Time: 10 M

5. Noughts & Crosses:

-Gives the requirement & asks Ss to work in groups
to choose the picture & make the question & the

- Corrects & comments.

- Working in groups to choose the cue & make
the question & the answer.

*Example exchange:
<i>S1: Picture C.</i>

<i>S1: What are they doing? </i>
<i> S2: They’re playing soccer.</i>

Picture C <i>Picture A</i> <i>Picture B</i>

<i>Picture F</i> <i>Picture D</i> <i>Picture E</i>

<i>Picture H</i> <i>Picture G</i> <i>Picture I</i>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2M ):</b>
- Asks Ss to summarize the lesson.
<b>V.Homework(Time: 2M):</b>

- Study the model sentences & the vocabulary.
- Exercise: 1-2 P.103. Workbook.

- Prepare the pictures on page 125 .
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 12: sports and pastimes</b>
<b>Lesson 2: What are you doing? (a3-5)</b>

<b>Period: 74</b>

- Helps Ss to read a short text about sport, & practicing “WHICH” questions with simple
present tense. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about people regular exercise.


<i><b> “WHICH” questions with simple present tense.:</b></i>

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> </b>Slap the board.

<b>-</b> Introduces the words & helps Ss to practice in two groups.

Mơn bóng bàn mơn cầu lơng đi bộ thể dục bóng đá

Mơn bóng chuyền nhảy dây bơi mơn quần vợt

<b>-</b> Comments the game.
<b> </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :


1. Open predict:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
pairs to predict what sport Lan & Nam like (3
each ).

- Asks Ss to give their prediction.
- Comments their prediction.

- Working in pairs to predict what sport Lan &
Nam like (3 each ).

- Giving Their Prediction.

Lan Nam



2. Presentation text. A4-P126. - Reading the text.- Checking their prediction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text about Nam
& Lan & get the details.

- Asks Ss to check their prediction.
- Corrects comments.

3. Comprehension questions:

- Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in
pairs to answer the questions.

- Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects.
4. Picture drill: A3-P125.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to

repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Giving the answers & correcting.
* Questions:

<i>a. Which sport does Lan play ?</i>
<i>b. Does Lan play tennis ?</i>
<i>c. Which sport does Nam play ?</i>
<i>d. Does Nam play table tennis ?</i>
* Answers:

<i>a. Lan swim, does aerobics & play badminton.</i>
<i>b. No, she doesn’t.</i>

<i>c. Nam plays soccer, table tennis, & jogs. </i>
<i>d, Yes, he does.</i>

<i>- Repeating in chorus & in individual.</i>
- Making sentences for the next cues.

- Practicing in groups with teacher & in closed
pairs .

- Correcting the pronunciation
- Practices with Ss in the whole class & checks S’s

practicing in groups & in pairs .

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
5. Survey:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
pairs to ask each other about the sports they do &
fill the information into the table.

- Asks Ss to compare & report the information.
- Comments S’s information.

* Example exchange:

<i> S1: Which sport do you do ?</i>
<i> S2: I [ play soccer ] & [ swim ].</i>

- Working in pairs to ask each other about the
sport they do & filling the information into the

- Comparing& reporting the information.
* Example exchange:

<i> S1: Which sport do you do ?</i>
<i> S2: I swim.</i>

<i> S1: What else ?</i>
<i> S2: I play volleyball.</i>

<i> S1: Do you play table tennis ?</i>
<i> S2: Yes, I do.</i>

<i>Name</i> Sport

<i>Hoa</i> <i>Swim</i> <i>volleyball</i> <i>Table tennis</i>

<b>IV.CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2</b>

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson
<b>V.Homework Time: 2m: </b>

- Study the vocabulary & exchange.
- Exercise: 3-4-P104- workbook.

- Prepare the pictures on page 127& what you do in your free times.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 12: sports and pastimes</b>
<b>Lesson 3: free time (b1-3)</b>

<b>Period: 75</b>

- Helps Ss to write a short text about what they do in their free time. By the end of this lesson, Ss
will be able to write a short text about what they do in their free time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

- Simple present tense

-Present progressive.

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

Guessing game.

I……..in my free time * Example:

S1: Do you play ….in your free time ?
S2: No, I don’t.

S1: Do you watch TV ?
S2: No, I don’t

- Introduces the words & helps Ss to practice in
two groups.

- Comments the game.
<b> III. New lesson</b> :



free time;
(to) go fishing;
(to) go to the movie.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning,
using the pictures on P78/79.

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then
helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the

- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
2. Picture drill: B1-P127.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to
repeat in chorus & in individual.

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in
groups & in pairs.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.

3. Transformation writing - B1-P127.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
pairs to change “ I “ to the name of people in the

- Asks Ss to compare & give their writing.
- Corrects & comments.

- Listening to the words.

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual.
Correcting the mistakes.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs.
- Correcting the pronunciation.
*Example exchange:

S1: What does Phuong do in his free time?
S2: He goes to the movie.

- Working in pairs to change “ I “ to the name of
people in the pictures.

- Comparing & giving their writing.

* Answer :

a. Phuong goes to the movie.
b. Ly watches TV

c. Nam reads

d. Lan listens to music.
e. Tuan goes fishing.
f. Long play video games.

Time: 15 M
4. Pyramid:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in
individual to write 3 things about what they do in
their free time & put all their sentences together on
a poster.

- Asks Ss to report their information.
- Comments.

* Example:

- Working in individual to write 3 things about
what they do in their free time & putting all the
sentences together on a poster.

- Reporting the information.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

+ Individual writing:

( San writes ) I watch TV, I go fishing & I play

( Thuy writes ) I watch TV, I go to the park & I play

( Chinh writes ) I listen to music, I play football & I
watch TV.

San, Thuy & Chinh watch Tv
San & Chinh play football
San goes fishing

Thuy goes to the part & ply badminton
Chinh listens to music

<b>IV. CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 2 M )</b>

<b> </b>- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson.
<b>V.Homework ( Time: 2 M ):</b>

- Study the vocabulary & exchange.
- Exercise: 1-2-P104-105 workbook.
- Prepare the pictures on page 128 & 129.
<b>C.Can improved:</b>



<b>Unit 12: sports and pastimes</b>
<b>Lesson 1: What are you doing? (a1-2)</b>

<b>Period: 72</b>

- Helps students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from the text.

- Simple present tense
-Present progressive.

-Likes and Dislikes , Countability, Adjectives, Questions, Quanlitifies

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :
<b>C.Can improved:</b>



<b>Unit 12: sports and pastimes</b>
<b>Lesson 1: What are you doing? (a1-2)</b>

<b>Period: 72</b>

- Helps students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from the text.

- Simple present tense
-Present progressive.

-Likes and Dislikes , Countability, Adjectives, Questions, Quanlitifies

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Unit 12: sports and pastimes</b>
<b>Lesson 1: What are you doing? (a1-2)</b>

<b>Period: 72</b>

- Helps students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from the text.

- Simple present tense
-Present progressive.

-Likes and Dislikes , Countability, Adjectives, Questions, Quanlitifies

Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
<b>B.Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: -Greeting(1m)
-Check attendence
<b>II- Revision </b>

<b> III. New lesson</b> :
<b>C.Can improved:</b>


<b>Period 80</b>

<b>Unit13 </b>
<b>activities and the seasons</b>
Lesson 2: A2-3 (*P. 135)
<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk about your favourite weather and contrast it with
‘’What is the weather like?’’

<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges : </b>What weather do you like?
<b> </b>What is the weather like?
<b> II. Skill</b>: Speaking

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan, .
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

<b> I. Settlement</b>


Check attandence
<b>II.Checking : </b>

Asks Ss to make question and the answer from cues :
Can tho / hot

. <b> III. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>1. Revision : </b>

<b>Wordsquare </b>

_ Asks Ss to find out vocab from wordsquare


<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>





Listen to the tape to correct their

-Ss listen and then practice in pairs
Ss copy down on their notebook
Work in pairs to practice following
example exchange: S1:What weather do
you/ they like?

<b>S</b>2 : I / Theylike [hot] weather

Work in pairs to make the dia

S1: What is the weather like in Ha noi?
S2: It’s cold

S1: What is the weather like in Can tho?
S2: It’s hot

S1: What weather do you like?
<b>S</b>2 : I like cold weather
S1: come to Ha noi

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>


<i><b>Answer keys </b></i>

<b>: </b>
 Spring

<b>: </b>

 go, got, me, sea,on,summer,season
<b>: </b>

 fall,cold,warm,cool,weather
<b>2 Presentation:A3 P 135</b>

-T reads the text ,then asks Ss to practice
<b>Model sentences :</b>

What weather do you like?
<b> </b>I like hot weather

What is the weather like today ?
<b> </b>It’s cold

<b>3. Practice : Picture drill/ Word cue drill</b>
<b> A3 P135</b>

-Asks Ss to practice in pairs following example

S1 : What weather do you/ they like?

<b> S</b>2 : I /Theylike [hot] weather
a.She /like/ hotweather

b. I /like /cool
c. Huy/like/ warm
<b>4. Further practice :</b>
<b>Mapped dialogue:</b>
<b>-</b>Asks Ss to make the dia

Can tho Ha noi<sub></sub> <sub></sub> <sub></sub>
....Hanoi? ...cold
. .. Can tho ?
...hot ...like?
...cold . ...hanoi?
...like? ...hot...
....can tho

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:

 Asks Ss to write the model sentences.
<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 13 Lesson 3
 Do ex 2,3 P 108 (work book)
<b>Period 81</b>

<b>activities and the seasons</b>

Lesson 3: A4-5 (P. 136)

<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use ‘’when ‘’ clauses in positive statements and ‘’Wh’’

<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges : </b>What questions
<b> II. Skill</b>: Speaking

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan, .
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

<b> I. Settlement</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

Check attandence

<b>II.Checking : </b>

Asks Ss to make question and the answer from cues :
She/like/ hot

<b>. </b> III. New lesson:

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>1 Presentation:</b>

<b>Networks </b>go for a walk listen to music
read a book watch TV fly kites

<b> </b>

play soccer<b> Pastimes </b>go swimming
<b>Predict </b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to predict what Ba does when it’s hot/ cold/

<b>Answer keys :</b>

a. when it’s hot He goes camping.
<b>b.</b> when it’s cold he plays soccer
<b>c.</b> when it’s cool he goes jogging
<b>d.</b> when it’s warm he goes fishing
<b>Presentation Text : A4 P136</b>

-T reads the text ,then asks Ss to read and check their
predictions .

<b>Model sentences :</b>

what does Ba do when it’s hot?
Do you

He goes swimming .
I go

<b>3. Practice : Word cue drill</b>

-Asks Ss to practice in pairs following example exchange:
S1 : When it’s cold do you jog?

<b> S</b>2 : Yes, I do / No,I don’t
a.cold / go jogging ?

b. cool/ do aerobics?
c. hot / go swimming?
d. warm / go to the park?
<b>4. Further practice :</b>

<b>Transformation writing:</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to change the text about Ba to write about
themselves ,using ‘I’ following example :

when it’s hot I ...
when it’s cold .I....
when it’s cool.I...
when it’s warm I...

- Then Asks Ss to swap their writing on the board , read
their‘s partner’s text then write about their partner,using

Ss work in individually to write

- go joging , go fishing , play

- do aerobics, go camping

Work in groups to predict what Ba
does when it’s hot/ cold/ cool/warm

Listen to the text, then read to
correct their precdictions

-Copy down the model sentences

Work in pairs to practice following
example exchange:

S1 : When it’s cold do you jog?
<b> S</b>2 : Yes, I do / No,I don’t
Work in pairs to change the text
about Ba to write about

themselves ,using ‘I’ following
example :

when it’s hot I ...
when it’s cold ...
when it’s cool...
when it’s warm ...

Then swap their writing on the
board , read their‘s partner’s text
then write about their partner,using

He/She following example :

when it’s hot She ...
when it’s cold he...
when it’s cool. she...
when it’s warm he...
<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:

 Asks Ss to write the model sentences.
<b>V. Homework:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

<b> Period 82 </b>

<b>Unit13 </b>
<b>activities and the seasons</b>

<b>Lesson 4: B1 (*P. 138-9)</b>

<b> By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to further practice in advs of frequency, Simple present ,</b>
<b>sports vocabulary,season</b>

<b>I, Knowledges</b>: sports, seasons vocabulary
advs of frequency

<b>II,Skills:</b> Speaking
<b>III,Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence
<b> II,Checking</b>. Check the form

What do you do whene it's hot?
<b> </b>III,New lesson:

Teacher's activities <b>Students' activities</b>

-<b>1 Matching </b>:
-Asks SS to match
<b> </b>

<b>2 Presentation:</b>
<b>*</b>Pre -teach:

(to) play basketball:
( to) go sailing:

T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and
then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check : What and Where</b>

play basketball go sailing

<b> cold hot warm weather</b>
Presentation : B1 P 138

<b>-</b>Reads the text , then asks Ss to practice the text
<b>2.Practice:Answer given:</b>

<b>Asks Ss to make questions for the answer</b>
<b>a. We often play volleyball?</b>

<b>b. They sometimes go sailing </b>
<b>c. I often go swimming </b>

<b>d. She usually plays badminton</b>

Work in individually to match

Listen and repeat in choral, in
groups, in individually

Then copy down on their

Work in groups to play this

Listen and practice the text
Work in individually to make

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

<b>e. We always play basketball</b>
Answer given:

<b> a.What do you do in the spring?</b>
<b> b. What do they do in the fall?</b>
<b> c. What do you do in the summer ?</b>
<b> d.What does do in the fall?</b>

<b> e.What do you do in the winter? </b>
3 Production :

Lucky Numbers

<b>-Asks Ss to play the game by answer the questions</b>


<b>1 What is the weather like in winter ?</b>
<b>2 What do you usually do in the winter?</b>
<b>3 What do you usually eat in the winter?</b>
<b>4 LN</b>

<b>5 What is the weather like in the spring ?</b>
<b>6 LN</b>

<b>7 Where do you usually go in the summer ?</b>
<b>8 What weather do you like ?</b>

<b>9 What fruit do you like ?</b>
<b>10 LN </b>

<b>11 What is the weather like in the fall ?</b>
<b>12 What sports do you do in the winter?</b>

Work in groups to answer the

Example :
1 It's cold

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>
<b>V, Homework:</b>

10 Do ex 1,2 P 111-112
11 Prepare Lesson 5 B2

<b>Period 83</b>
<b>Unit13 </b>
<b> activities and the seasons</b>

<b>Lesson 5: B2 (*P. 139)</b>

<b> By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk write activities you do in different season</b>
<b>I, Knowledges</b>: temperature and seasons vocabulary

What 's the weather like ?
<b>II,Skills:</b> Writing

<b>III,Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

<b> </b>III,New lesson:

Teacher's activities <b>Students' activities</b>

-<b>1 Pre-Writing:</b>

*Brainstorm: <b>watch TV</b>


summer and seasons winter

play in the park go swimming go jogging
hot winter

Board drill : B2 P. 139

<b>-A</b>sks Ss to practice the structure
<b>S1 : </b>What do you do in the summer ?
S2 : I often play tennis

<b>Survey :</b>

Asks SS to fill in the table by asking and answering follwing example:


Go camping
A picnic hot drink

S1; Which season do you like ?
S2;: Fall

S1: What's the weather do you like in the fall
S2: It's cool

S1: Where do you usually do you go ?
S2: to the mountains

S1: What do you usually do there ?
S2: I go camping with my friends
S1: What do you usually eat or drink ?

S2 We usually take a picnic and a lot of hot drinks
Write it up:

- Asks SS to write about the friends following example

Hoai likes the fall whene the weather is cool.She usually goes camping

<b>Work in groups to write </b>

Work in pairs to practice
the structure

<b>S1 : </b>What do you do in the
summer ?

S2 : I often [ play tennis ]

Work in pairs to ask and
answer follwing example
Practice the dialogue


Work in groups to write
about the friends following

Hoai likes the fall whene
the weather is cool.She
usually goes camping

IV Consolidation:
<b> Check the vocab</b>

<b>V, Homework:</b>
12 Do ex 4

- Prepare Unit 14 Lesson 1 A1-3 (P 140-141)
<b>Period 84</b>

<b>Unit14 </b>
<b>making plans</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A1 (*P. 140-141)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

<b>I, Knowledges</b>: ''going to , positive statements and Wh 'questions
<b>II,Skills:</b> Speaking

<b>III,Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence
<b> II,Checking</b>. Check the form

What do you do when it's hot?
<b> </b>III,New lesson:

Teacher's activities <b>Students' activities</b>

-1<b> Presentation:</b>
<b>*</b>Pre -teach:

the summer vacation ( translation) : kỳ nghỉ hè
the citadel (picture): thành nội

(to) stay with ( someone): ở với ai

(to) stay for ( aweek/a day): ở bao nhiêu ngày
my uncle (example): chú, bác tôi

my aunt (example): cơ, dì tơi
(to ) visit ( translation): thăm

T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in
chorus and then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check : Ordering vocabulary A 1 p 140</b>
<b>-</b>T reads the text aloud

Answer keys :

1 the summer vacation 4(to) stay for ( aweek/a day
6 the citadel 6 my uncle

3 (to) stay with someone 5 my aunt 2 (to ) visit
Presentation dialogue : A1 P 140

<b>-</b>Reads the text , then asks Ss to practice the text
<b>- </b>Then asks some questions

Answer keys :

Visit Hue , with her aunt and uncle, one a week , visit the

<b>Model sentences </b>:

What are you going to do ?

I'm going to visit Hue
She's stay for a week

<b>Work Cue Dril</b>l<b>:</b>

<b>Asks Ss to make questions follwing example exchange :</b>
<b>S1: What are you going do this summer ?</b>

<b>S2: I'm going to visit [Hue ]</b>

3 Further practice :

Find S.O who

<b>-Asks Ss to play the game following example exchange :</b>
<b>S1: This summer vacation , are you going to [ stay at </b>
<b>home ] ?</b>

<b>S2: Yes,I"m / No, I'm not </b>
<b>Find someone who is going to</b>
<b> Name </b>

Listen and repeat in choral, in groups, in

Then copy down on their notebooks

Work in individually to listen to the text
to order vocab

Listen and practice the text
Work in individually
answers questions

<b>Copy down the form</b>

<b>Work in pairs to answerfollowing </b>
<b>example exchange :</b>

<b>S1: What are you going do this </b>

<b>summer ?</b>

S2: I'm going to visit [Hue ]

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

<b>,, stay at home</b>

<b>... visit an aunt or uncle </b>
<b>... visit a new city</b>

<b>...stay in a hotel</b>

<b>.. camp in the mountais</b>
<b>..stay in a tent </b>


<b>S1: This summer vacation , are you </b>
<b>going to [ stay at home ] ?</b>

S2: Yes,I"m / No, I'm not

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>
<b>V, Homework:</b>

13 Do ex 1,2 P 114
14 Prepare Lesson 2 A4-5

<b>Period 85</b>

<b>Unit 14 : making plans</b>

<b>Lesson2 : A4-5 P 142-143</b>
<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the details text and practice ‘’going to ‘’ future
and sequencing words: first, then, next, after that, finally.

<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> ’going to ‘’ future and sequencing words: first, then, next, after that, finally.
<b> II. Skill</b>: Speaking

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan, spare table.
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

<b> I. Settlement</b>
<b>II.Checking : </b>
. <b> III. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>1. Pre- reading</b>


- The beach (example )
- A temple ( picture)

T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress

T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check : Matching </b>

Asks Ss to match the word in the column A with the word in the column

Ha long bay

Ben thanh market

Nha trang
The beach
HCM city
The citadel
Quang ninh
Ngoc son temple

Ha noi
Ordering :

-T says : Phuong and Mai are going to visit the five places you’ve
matched in the summer vacation

<b>1 2 3 4 5</b>
<b>2. While –reading :</b>

-Ss listen and repeat in
chorus and then

Ss copy down on their

Work in groups to play
this game

Ss listen and order the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>

<b> A4 - P 142</b>

-Reads the text , then asks Ss to practice the text ,
-Asks Ss to read the text to check their order the places

then asks Ss to fill in the correct order in the column one of the gird
below with answer keys

Places to visit
Where to stay
How long
What to do


After that
Ha long
Ha noi
Nha trang

<b>4. Post reading :</b>

<b>TRansformation writing:</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to change information from the text on P.142 change Phuong
and Mai to “ I” and replacecing their vacation plan with the student’s
own plans

<b>Keys</b> : I ...

practice the text

Then fill in the correct
order in the column one
of the gird below in

Work in individually to
change information from
the text on P.142 change
Phuong and Mai to “ I”
and replacecing their

vacation plan with the
student’s own plans

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:

 Asks Ss to write vocabulary.
<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 14 Lesson 2
 Do ex 3 P 114 (work book)

<b>Period 86</b>

<b>Unit 14: making plans</b>
Lesson3 :B1--4 P 144-145
<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to further speaking to talk about plans for the near future
<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> ‘’going to ‘’ future

<b> II. Skill</b>: Speaking

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan,.
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

<b> I. Settlement</b>
<b>II.Checking : </b>
<b> . </b> III. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1.Review </b>

<b>Finding friends :(</b>with answer keys<b> )</b>

Asks Ss to complete the table following example exchange :
S1: What are you going to do tomorrow?

S2: I’m going to [do my homework]

My friend
A soocer match
A movie

Work in individually
to complete the table

following example exchange :
S1: What are you going to do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>

My mon







<b>2 Practice :</b>
Predict dialogue :

-Asks Ss to predict the dialogue

Tuan: What are you going to do tonight?
Lan: I;m going to ...

Tuan : What are you going to do tomorrow ?

Lan: It’s Sunday .I’m going to ...Then we’re going
to ...what about you?

Tuan : Tonight , I’m going to ... tomorrow, I’m going

Mapped dialogue
B2 P 144

-Asks Ss to make the dialogue
<b>Example exchange :</b>

.... tonight ? ...see a movie
. . ... tonight ?
...help my Mom

...tomorrow? ... go walking
. ...tomorrow?
..play volleyball

S1: What are you going to do tonight ?

S2: I;m going to see a movie .What are you going to do tonight ?
S1: I;m going to help my mom .What are you going to ?

S2: ect...
<b>4.Chain game :</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to practice in pairs ,using the sentences
<b>Example exchange :</b>

S1: On Sunday morning I’m going to go shopping

S2: On Sunday morning I’m going to go shopping and on Sunday
afternoon I’m going watch TV.

Work in pairs to predict the

Ss copy down the dialogue
and Then fill in the gaps in
pairs then practice the dia in

Work in groups to play this

<b>Example exchange :</b>

S1: On Sunday morning I’m
going to go shopping

S2: On Sunday morning I’m
going to go shopping and on
Sunday afternoon I’m going
watch TV.

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 14 Lesson 4
 Do ex 1,2 P 115-116 (work bo

<b>Period 87</b>
<b>Unit14: making plans</b>

<b>Lesson 4 B5-6 (*P. 145-146)</b>

<b> </b>By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to further listening and reading practice with 'going to<b> ' </b>
<b>I Knowledges</b>: ''going to ''.

<b>II Skills:</b> reading and listening
<b>III Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence
<b> II,Checking</b>. Check the form

What are you going to do tomorrow?
<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>
-1<b> Review :</b>

<b>Survey </b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to practice the structure
<b> </b>What are you going to do ....

On Sunday
On Saturday

In the summer vacation

<b>2 Pre -reading </b>
<b>*</b>Pre -teach:

(to ) bring ( translation): mang
(to ) take a photo (mime): chụp ảnh
a camera ( picture/ realia): máy ảnh
T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and
then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check : what and where</b>

Bring take a photo a camera
Pre questions

<b>-</b>T says : Minh and his friends are going to have a picnic
1 Where are they going to ?

2 What three things are they going to bring ?
3 What are they going to there?

3 While -reading :

_T reads the text ,asks Ss to read to check their prediction
Answer keys :

1 .near a lake 2 .a camera , food and drink 3. take a photos
4 Pre-listening:


Work in pairs to practice the

<b> </b>What are you going to do ?

Listen and repeat in choral, in
groups, in individually

Then copy down on their

Work in groups tp play this

Work in individually to these
answer questions

Listen and check their
prediction ,then practice the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

Things to bring for
a camping vacation

-Then asks Ss to predict these things Vui,Ly ,Lan,Mai and Nga bring
Vui a ball

Ly a camera
Lan some food
Mai some drink
Nga a tent
5 While-listening :

B6 P.145

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to listen to the tape to check their prediction
Answer keys :

Vui: a tent ,some food
Ly : a camera

Lan : a ball

Mai and Nga : some drink

Then predict these things
Vui,Ly ,Lan,Mai and Nga

Work in pairs to listen to the
tape to check their prediction

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>
<b>V, Homework:</b>

15 Do ex 3,4 P 115
16 Prepare Lesson 5

<b>Period 88</b>
<b>Unit14: making plans</b>

<b>Lesson 5: C1-3 (*P. 147)</b>


<b> </b>By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to make suggestions with ‘Let’s..’’ and respond, further
practice in ‘want to (do)<b> ' </b>

<b>I Knowledges</b>: '‘Let’s..’’ ‘want to (do) ' .
<b>II Skills:</b> Speaking

<b>III Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting
Check attandence
<b> II,Checking</b>. AsksSs to write vocabulary
<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>
<b>1 Presentation :</b>

<b>*</b>Pre -teach:

by minibus ( example) : bằng xe buýt nhá
a pagoda ( picture): chùa

too ( synonym very ) : rất
too far ( example ) : rất xa

T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check : ROR</b>

by minibus a pagoda too far
<b>Pre questions </b>

<b>-T says : </b>Ba,Lan and Nam are going to have a picnic
1 Where are they going to go ?

Listen and repeat in choral, in
groups, in individually

Then copy down on their

Work in groups tp play this

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

2 How are they going to travel?
Presentation dialogue

_T reads the dialogue ,asks Ss to check their prediction

<b>Answer keys</b> :

1 Huong pagoda 2 by minibus

_Asks Ss to answer the questions C2 P .148 in the text book
<b>Answer keys :</b>

a Nam wants to go to Hue

b Nga wants to go to Huong pagoda
c Lan wants to walk

d Because it’s too far
e By bike

f Because it’s too hot

g Ba wants to travel by minibus

 Model sentences :

-17 Let’s go camping
Walk there
-18 That’s a good idea
-19 No,I dont’ want to
<b>2 Practice : Picture drill </b>

<b> </b>C3 a-f P.148-149 with work cue Yes/no

Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange

S1: Let’s go to the beach

S2: That’s a good idea/ No I dont’ want to
<b>3 Production :</b>

<b>Mapped dialogue </b>

You Your friend
See a movie no..go to the beach
No...too hot

Go to the museun Yes ...walk
No..go by minibus Yes

answer these questions by

Listen and check their
prediction ,then practice the

Work in pair to answer the

Listen and copy down

Work in pairs to practice the
structure following example

S1: Let’s go to the beach
S2: That’s a good idea/ No I
dont’ want to

Work in pairs to make the

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>
<b>V, Homework:</b>

20 Do ex 5 P 115
21 Prepare Lesson 6

<b>Period 89</b>
<b>Unit14: making plans</b>

<b>Lesson 6: Grammar practice (*P. 150-153)</b>

<b> </b>By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to further practice in Present simple,Adv of
frequency,Present progressive ,’going to ‘’ future and the weather

<b>I Knowledges</b>: Present simple,Adv of frequency.

Present progressive ,’going to ‘’ future and the weather .
<b>II Skills:</b> Speaking and writing

<b>III Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures

Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence

<b> II,Checking</b>. Asks Ss to write vocabulary
<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>


Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange
S1: What sports do you like ?

S2: Football

S1: What sports don’t you like ?
S2: swimming

Like.... ...don’t like...<sub></sub> <sub></sub> <sub></sub> <sub></sub>

<sub> </sub>

 

 

 
Football <sub></sub>
Swimming <sub></sub>

-Asks Ss to write it up following example exchange
Ha likes football but she doesn’t like swimming
2 <b>Adv of frequency:</b>

Asks Ss to play the game STB

luôn không bao giờ thỉnh thoảng
hai lần một tuần thường xuyên một lần trong năm

<b>3Grammar practice :</b>

Asks Ss to play the game noughts and crosses following example

S!: How often do you [go to the movie ]?
S2 : Twice a week

TV? The movies ? the store?
Swimming ? your mom? Fishing?
Table tennis? Caping ? badmonton ?
<b>4 Future ‘going to ‘’ :</b>

<b>Picture drill 4 P.151-152 </b>

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange
S1! What are you going to do ?

S2 : I’m going to [ play football
5 <b>Present progressive :</b>

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange
S1 : Hung usually[ gets up at 6 ]

S2: That’s right but today he is ] [getting up at 7]
a. get up at 6/get up at 7

b. go to school/ go camping

c. have rice for lunch/ have a picnic
<b>6 future plans and the weather </b>
<b>-</b>Asks Ss to answer the questions
1 Where are you going to do ?
2 Who are you going to with ?

3 What season are you going to go in?
4 What ‘s the weather like then?

5 What are you going to bring with you ?

<b>Example : </b>I’m going to go to Sapa with my friends. We are going to in
the spring .It’s cool but we like cool weather ...

Work in pairs to practice the
structure following example

S1: What sports do you like ?
S2: Football

S1: What sports don’t you like ?
S2: swimming

Work in individually to write it
upfollowing example exchange
Ha likes football but she doesn’t
like swimming

Work in groups to play this game

Work in groups to play this game
following example exchange
S!: How often do you [go to the
movie ]?

S2 : Twice a week

Work in pairs to practice the
structure following example

S1:What are you going to do ?
S2 : I’m going to [ play football ]
Work in pairs to practice the
structure following example

S1 : Hung usually[ gets up at 6 ]
S2: That’s right but today he is ]
[getting up at 7]

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>

Present simple,Adv of frequency.

Present progressive ,’going to ‘’ future and the weather
<b>V, Homework:</b>

<b>22</b> Prepare unit 15 Lesson

<b>Period 90 </b>
<b>45 minute test</b>

A. <b>Objectives</b>: By the end of the lesson , T can check Ss’ understanding and help Ss review the

structures they’ve learned

<b>I . Knowledge</b>: vocab and structures in unit 12-14
<b>II. Skills</b> : writing

<b>III. Preparation</b>: test papers
<b>B. Contents:</b>

<b>I Choose a,b,c or d to complete the sentences (4ms) </b>
1, How ...do you go to the zoo ? Twice a week.

a, often b, long c,old d, many
2, She ...sports . a ,likes b, like c, is liking d, liked
3, They ...playing soccer. a, is b, are c, am d, going
4, I’m going to stay.... a week . a, in b, at c, from d, for

5, ....is the weather like in Hue? a, when b, what c, where d, how
6, Let’s ...to the cinema . a, go b, going c, goes d, to go
7, How ...is the cake ? a , long b, much c, many d, often
8, He ...TV at the moment a ,watches b, watch c, watching d, is watching

<b>II Put the verb in the correct tense ( 1 m)</b>
1, We...(play) volleyball now.

2, This summer vacation, Hoa ...(be) going to visit Ngoc Son temple.
3, How ...Lan...(travel) to school?

4, I usually ...(go ) camping in the summer .

<b>III Match the questions in colum A with the answer in the colum B (3ms):</b>

1 How often do you go fishing ? a , He watches TV
2, What weather does she like? b , I’d like some milk .
3, What does Ba do when it’s cold ? c, Once a week

4, What does he do in the morning d, She likes cool weather
5, What would you like? e, Two kilos

6, How much rice do you want? f, He plays tennis when it’s cold
<b>IV Read the passage andwrite T(true ) and F (False) (1 m):</b>

Nga is a teacher,so she is free in the summer. She’s going on vacation this summer. First, she is going to
visit Ha long bay. She is going to stay in a hotel for two days. Then she is going to visit Da lat for three days.
Finally she is going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh city.They are going to walk along Sai gon river .
She is going to travel by coach.

1, She is going to visit Ha long bay first, then Ho Chi Minh city and finally in Da lat.
2, She is going to travel by coach.

3, She is going to visit Da lat for three days.

4, She is going to visit her uncle in Ho Chi Minh city.
<b>V Write 5 adv of frequency (1m)</b>

... ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

<b>Class : 6</b>

<b>Mark Teacher’s mark</b>

<b>I Choose a,b,c or d to complete the sentences (4ms) </b>

1, How ...do you go to the zoo ? Twice a week.

a, often b, long c,old d, many
2, She ...sports . a ,likes b, like c, is liking d, liked
3, They ...playing soccer. a, is b, are c, am d, going
4, I’m going to stay.... a week . a, in b, at c, from d, for

5, ....is the weather like in Hue? a, when b, what c, where d, how
6, Let’s ...to the cinema . a, go b, going c, goes d, to go
7, How ...is the cake ? a , long b, much c, many d, often
8, He ...TV at the moment a ,watches b, watch c, watching d, is watching
<b>II Put the verb in the correct tense ( 1 m)</b>

1, We...(play) volleyball now.

2, This summer vacation, Hoa ...(be) going to visit Ngoc Son temple.
3, How ... ...Lan...(travel) to school?

4, I usually ...(go ) camping in the summer .

<b>III Match the questions in colum A with the answer in the colum B (3ms):</b>


1 How often do you go fishing ? a , He watches TV
2, What weather does she like? b , I’d like some milk .
3, What does Ba do when it’s cold ? c, Once a week

4, What does he do in the morning d, She likes cool weather
5, What would you like? e, Two kilos

6, How much rice do you want? f, He plays tennis when it’s cold
<b>IV Read the passage andwrite T(true ) and F (False) (1 m):</b>

Nga is a teacher, so she is free in the summer. She’s going on vacation this summer. First, she is going to
visit Ha long bay. She is going to stay in a hotel for two days. Then she is going to visit Da lat for three days.
Finally she is going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh city.They are going to walk along Sai gon river .
She is going to travel by coach.

1, She is going to visit Ha long bay first, then Ho Chi Minh city and finally in Da lat.
2, She is going to travel by coach.

3, She is going to visit Da Lat for three days.

4, She is going to visit her uncle in Ho Chi Minh city.
<b>V Write 5 adv of frequency (1m)</b>

<b>Period 92</b>

<b>Unit 15 : countries</b>
<b>Lesson 3 :A5 P 156</b>
<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a post card about being on vacation

<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> Countries, nationalities and languages vocabulary<b> </b>
<b>II. Skill</b>: writing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

<b>I.</b> <b>Settlement </b> Greeting

Check attandence
<b>II.</b> <b>Checking : </b>

<b> . III. </b>New lesson:

Teacher’s activities <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1 Revision :</b>
<b>Work cue drill:</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to pratice the structure following example exchange :
S1: Where is Hoa from ?

S2: She is from Viet nam

S1: What language does she speak ?
S2 : She speaks Viet namese .

a. Hoa/Viet nam
b. Tomiko/ Japan
c. Jo/ Australia
d. John/ Britain
<b>e.</b> Susan/ Canada
<b>2.Pre-writing :</b>

A post card (real):

(to )be on vacation (Example ):

wet (example) :

a lot of (synonym: many):
interesting places (example):

T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus
and then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
T asks Ss to copy

Check: What and where

be on vacation wet interesting places
a lot of

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to read the text to answer the questions (with answer
keys a. Who is the post card from ? ( Nhan)

b. Where is he ? ( in london)

c. What is the weather like? (cool and wet
d. Is he travelling by train ? ( no,by bus )
e. Who’s the postcard to ? ( Minh )

 Matching

-Asks Ss to put the words into three columns (with answer keys)

Country City interesting places
Japan Tokyo Mount Fujiama
Viet nam Hue The citadel
The USA New york The statue of Liberty
China Beijing The great wall
<b>2 While-writing :</b>

Transformation writing”
-Asks Ss to write
3 Post –wrting :

-T corrects their mistakes

Work in pairs to pratice the
structure following example
exchange :

S1: Where is Hoa from ?
S2: She is from Viet nam
S1: What language does she
speak ?

S2 : She speaks Viet namese .

Ss listen and repeat in chorus
and then individually

Ss copy down on their notebook
Work in groups to play this


Work in pairs to read the text to
answer the questions (with
answer keys

Work in individually to
put the words into three

Work in groups to write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

<b>V. Consolidation</b>:
 Vocabulary
<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 15 Lesson34
 Do ex 1,2 P 115-116 (work book)

<b>Period 93</b>
<b>Unit15: countries</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B1 P. 158</b>

<b> </b>By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to compare places ,using the comparative and superrlative
adj of one syllable.

<b> I Knowledges: </b>comparative and superrlative adj of one syllable.
<b>II Skills:</b> Speaking

<b>III Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence

<b> II,Checking</b>. Asks Ss to write vocabulary
<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>
<b>1 Revision: Matching</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to choose the adjs which best describe the cities (a
city can have more than one adj

hot Hue
wet HCM city
cold Hoi an
big Sapa
small Ha noi
<b> </b>long xuyen
<b>2 Presentation :</b>

<b>Presentation Text </b>

-Reads the text, asks Ss to practice
<b>Models :</b>

1: Adj + er : smaller, cloder
2: Adj +est : smallest. clodest

Double last letter +er : thinner, bigger
<b>3 Practice: word cue drill</b>

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange
S1 : Hanoi is bigger than Da nang

S2: But HCM city is the biggest

a. Da nang Ha noi HCM city (big)
b. Ha noi Uong bi Sapa (clod )
c. Vinh Long xuyen Hoi an (small)
d. Ha noi Can tho Hue ( wet)
<b>4 Further practice : Answer given</b>

_T gives the answer asks Ss to make questions with answer

a. Phanxipang What’s the tallest mountain in Viet nam?
b.The Mekong What’s the biggest river in Viet nam?

c. Hue What’s the wettest city in Viet nam?

Work in individually to choose the
adjs which best describe the cities
(a city can have more than one adj )

Listen and copy down the models

Work in pair to practice the
structure following exaple exchange
S1 : Hanoi is bigger than Da nang
S2: But HCM city is the biggest

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

d. Sapa Whast’s the clodest town in Viet nam?
e. HCM city What’s the biggest city in Viet nam?

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to play Noughts and crosses by comparing their home
town with towm in the box

Ha noi Hue Sapa
HCM city Da nang Hoi an
Hai phong Can tho Da lat

Ha noi is bigger than Quang tri

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>
Check the models

<b>V, Homework:</b>

23 Do ex 1,2 P 129
24 Prepare Lesson 4

<b>Period 94</b>
<b>Unit15: countries</b>

<b>Lesson 4: B2-5 P. 159-161</b>

<b> </b>By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to read facts about famous places in the world and practice

<b> I Knowledges: </b>comparative .
<b>II Skills:</b> Reading and Speaking
<b>III Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting
Check attandence

<b> II,Checking</b>. Asks Ss to write the sentences from the cue words
Ha noi / small/ Hcm city

HCM city /biggest city
<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>
<b>1 Revision: Lucky numbers </b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to play this game by asking and answering

1. What’s the biggest city in Viet nam ? (HCM )
<b>2.</b> What’s the biggest city in Britain? (Lon don)
<b>3.</b> What’s the biggest city in Japan ? ( Tokyo)
<b>4.</b> LN

<b>5.</b> What’s the tallest mountain you know?
<b>6.</b> LN

<b>7.</b> What’s the wettest you know?

<b>8.</b> Which one ‘s colder : Can tho or Sapa?
<b>2 Pre-reading :</b>

<b>*</b>Pre -teach:

high (example) : cao
long (mime) : dài
thick (example): dày

Work in groups to play this game

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

a million (translation) : một triệu

-T uses the techniques to elicit each word

-T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in
chorus and then individually

-T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
-T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check :</b> Wordsquare
_Asks Ss to find out the words


Keys :

wet, big, thick, long, longer, old, high

over,big, do, no

cool tall cold

  


_Asks Ss to put the cities in order : biggest first
<b>3While-reading :B2 P.159</b>

-Asks Ss to read the text to check their order
<b>Keys : </b>

Listen and repeat in choral, in
groups, in individually

Then copy down on their notebooks

Work in groups to find out the

Work in individually to put the
cities in order : biggest first

Work in individually to answer the
questions in B2 P.159

Work in individuallylook at the text
to guess the meaning of

1 a population 2 the capital city 3
a building

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>


-Asks Ss to answer the questions in B2 P.159

Answer Keys <b>: </b>
a.No,it is not

c. Tokyo is bigger than London

<b>4 Post -reading : guess from the cotext</b>

-Asks Ss to look at the text and pictures to guess the
meaning of

1 a population 2 the capital city 3 a building
4 kilometers 5 meters 6 a structure

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>

Check vocabulary
<b>V, Homework:</b>

25 Do ex 3 P.129-130
26 Prepare Lesson 5

<b>Period 95</b>
<b>Unit15: countries</b>

<b>Lesson 5: C1-2 P. 162-164</b>

<b> </b>By the end of this lesson Ss will be describe Viet nam use “ lots of...” as a quantitier
<b> I Knowledges: </b>Lots of , Geography vocabulary .

<b>II Skills:</b> Speaking and writing
<b>III Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence

<b> II,Checking</b>. Asks Ss to write vocabulary
<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>
<b>1 Revision: Slap the board </b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to play this game by listening and slapping in the

beautiful green rivers lakes

beaches fields

<b>2 Presentation :</b>
<b>*</b>Pre -teach:

a forest (picture): cánh rừng
a desert ( translation): ss mạc
(to ) rain ( picture ): mưa
great (a) (example): vĩ đại, to lớn
lots of ( synonym: alot of ,many) : nhiều
-T uses the techniques to elicit each word

-T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in
chorus and then individually

-T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
-T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check :</b> R.O.R

Work in groups to play this game

Listen and repeat in choral,
in groups, in individually
Then copy down on their

Work in groups to play this game
Work in individually to read the
text to answer the question

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

-Asks Ss to read the text to answer the question

What are the 6 ‘natural features’ Lan tells us about ?
<b>Keys : </b>

<b> 1 </b>mountains 4 rain
2 rivers 5 forest
3 lakes 6 forest
<b>Model sentences :</b>

We have lots of mountains, rivers, forests.

<b>3 Practice : Picture drill </b> C2 P.164

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example
exchange :

S1 : Does Viet nam have lots of [ mountains ] ?
S2: Yes, it does .

T/F repetition drill:

-Asks Ss to listen and repeat if the sentences which T reads
is right and keep silent if it wrong

Example :

T : There are lots of beaches in Da nang
<b> </b>There are lots of forests in Ha noi
There are lots of lakes in Ha noi
<b>4 Production : Noughts and Crosses</b>

<b>-Asks Ss to </b>practice the structure following example
exchange :

S1: Are there any[ forests] in Viet nam?
S2: Yes/ No, there are.

Mountains rivers forests
Beaches rain building
Trees interesting places lakes

Listen and copy down it
Work in pairsto practice the
structure following example
exchange :

S1 : Does Viet nam have lots of
[ mountains ] ?

S2: Yes, it does .

Listen and repeat if the sentences
which T reads is right and keep
silent if it wrong


Work in pairs topractice the

structure following example
exchange :

S1: Are there any[ forests] in Viet

S2: Yes/ No, there are.

<b>IV Consolidation:</b>

Check vocabulary and the structure have lots of + nouns
<b>V, Homework:</b>

27 Do ex 1,2 P.130
28 Prepare Lesson 6

<b>Period 96</b>
<b>Unit15: countries</b>

<b>Lesson 6: C3 P. 165</b>

<b> </b>By the end of this lesson Ss will be understand the text about the world’s great rives and mountains to
skim for details and get further practice in using comparatives and superlatives

<b> I Knowledges: </b>.comparatives and superlatives
<b>II Skills:</b> Reading

<b>III Preperation: </b>

Teacher: Lesson plan , pictures
Students: Book


<b>I,Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence

<b> II,Checking</b>. Asks Ss to write sentences with the cue words
Viet nam /have /lots of/ rain

<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>
<b>1 Revision: Wordsquare</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>






the words

Listen and repeat in choral,
in groups, and in individually
Then copy down on their

Work in groups to play this game

Work in groups to predict these
sentences are T or F

Work in pairsto read the text to
check their predictions and then
read the text again to answer the

question in the text book

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

<b>Answer keys :</b>

great, long world girl

  

meters, rain, high, China, of, or

river, rivers starts, beach, tree, in, lots , on

<b>2 Pre-reading:</b>
<b>*Pre -teach:</b>

the sea (picture): biển
Tibet ( translation):

(to ) flow to ( mime): chảy
North Afica: Bắc mỹ

-T uses the techniques to elicit each word

-T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus
and then individually

-T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
-T asks Ss to copy

<b>Check :</b> What and Where

the sea Tibet North Afica
<b>T/ F predictions:</b>

-Asks Ss to predict these sentences are T or F
1<b>. </b>There are two great rivers in viet nam.

2 The Red river is longer than the Mekong river .
3 The Red river and the Mekong both start in China
4 The longest river in the world os not in Viet nam
5 Phanxipang is the hightest mountain in the world
<b>3While -reading : C3 p.165</b>

-Asks Ss to read the text to check their prediction s
<b>Answer keys </b>: 1T 2F 3F 4 T 5 F

-Asks Ss to read the text again to answer the question in the
text book C3 P. 165

<b>Answer keys </b>

a.The Mekong river

b. The Mekong starts in Tibet

c. The Nile river is the longest in the world
d. The Nile river flow to the Mediterrrannean sea
E Moun Everest is the highest mountain in the world
f Phanxipang is the highest mountain in Viet nam
<b>4 Post-reading : Lucky number</b>

-Asks Ss to play this game by amswering these questions .
a. LN

b. What are the two great rivers in Viet nam ?
c. Where does the Red river start ?

d. LN

e. What does the Red river flow to ?
f. W hat does the Nile start and flow to ?
g. LN

h. Make a sentences about the lonhest river in Viet nam?
<b>IV Consolidation:</b>

Check vocabulary
<b>V, Homework:</b>

29 Do ex 3 P.130

30 Prepare unit 16 Lesson 1

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

<b>Unit 17: Man and the environment</b>
Lesson 1 :A1-3 P 166-167

<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk about food with countable and uncountable quantifiers
<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> a lot, a little, a few

<b>II. Skill</b>: speaking

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan,.
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

<b> I. Settlement</b>
<b>II.Checking : </b>
<b> . </b> III. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1 Revision :</b>
<b>Jumble Words:</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to rewrite the words in the order

toespota <b>= </b>potatoes , gegs = eggs , werflos = flowers
motatoes = tomatoes , icer = ucer , nonios = onions
tableveges = vegetables

<b>2.Presentation :</b>

<b>Presentation text : A1 p.166</b>

<b>-</b>Reads the text, asks Ss to listen to the text and practice the text

Model sentences :

a. How much rice is there ?
<b> </b>There is some
<b> </b>A lot of

<b> </b>A little rice
b. How many eggs are there ?

There are some

Alot of eggs
A few

<b>3 Practice : Matching A3 P.167</b>

- Asks Ss to match the sentences to the
<b>Answer keys</b> : 1 d 2 f 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 e

<b>Picture drill</b>:

A1 p.166 and A3 P.167

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange :
S 1: How much rice is there?

S2: There is alot/ lots

S1: How many onions are there ?
S2 : There are a few

<b>4 Production</b> :

Chain game :
-Asks Ss to play chain game

Example : S1 : There is a little rice

S2 : There is a little rice, and some tomatoes

S3 : There is a little rice, some tomatoes and a few eggs

Work in groups to rewrite
the words in the order
Ss listen , and practice the
text ,then give examples
Ss copy down on their

Work in pairs to match

Work in pairs to to practice
the structure following
example exchange :
S1: How much ricwe is

S2: There is alot/ lots
S1: How many onions are
there ?

S2 : There are afew

Work in groups to play chain

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:
 Vocabulary
<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 15 Lesson34
 Do ex 1,2 P 115-116 (work book)

<b>Period 98</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

Lesson 2 :A2 P 166-167
<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas of the text about
farming and getting further practice in alot, alittle, a few

<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> a lot, a little, a few
<b> II. Skill</b>: reading

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan,.
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Settlement: </b>Greeting

Check attandence

<b>II.Checking : </b>

<b> . </b> III. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1 Revision :</b>

<b>Noughts and crosses :</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to play the game ,use ''There [is a little rice]''
a dozen eggs two potatoes 1/2 a glass of milk
1/2 kilo onions 100 g rice 4 kilos vegetables
1 kilo fruit 2 tomatoes 2 flowers
<b>2.Pre-reading :</b>


animals (picture):
a buffalow (picture):
a cow (picture):
( to ) flow (picture):
(to ) pull a cart (picture):
(to ) grow (picture):
(to ) procedure (picture):

<b>-</b> T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus
and then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
T asks Ss to copy

Check: Net work

animals grow on the farm

fruit / rice / vegetables procedure
*<b>open -prediction </b>:

-Asks Ss to predict 6 things Mr Hai has on his farm and 5 things
he has procedures with answer keys

Mr Hai has Mr Hai procedures
1 paddy fields rice

2 a small vegetable field vegetables
3 fruit trees fruit
4 buffalow milk
5 cows eggs
6 chickens

<b>3 While -reading:</b>

-Asks Ss to reads the text to check their predictions.
- asks Ss to read the text again to answer the questions
<b>3 Practice : Matching A3 P.167</b>

- Asks Ss to match the sentences to the picture
<b>Answer keys</b> : 1 d 2 f 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 e

<b>Picture drill</b>:

A1 p.166 and A3 P.167

Work in groups to play the game
,use ''There [is a little rice]''

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and
then individually

Ss copy down on their notebook

Work in individually to write vocab

Work in groups to predict 6 things
Mr Hai has on his farm and 5 things
he has procedures

Listen and reads the text to check
their predictions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange :
S 1: How much rice is there?

S2: There is alot/ lots

S1: How many onions are there ?

S2 : There are afew

<b>4 Production</b> :

Chain game :
-Asks Ss to play chain game
Example : S1 : There is a little rice

S2 : There is a little rice, and some tomatoes
S3 : There is a little rice, some tomatoes and a few

structure following example
exchange :

S1: How much rice is there?
S2: There is alot/ lots

S1: How many onions are there ?
S2 : There are a few

Work in groups to play chain game

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:
 Vocabulary
<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 15 Lesson34
 Do ex 1,2 P 115-116 (work book)

<b>Period 99</b>

Lesson 3 :A4-5 P 168

<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas in terms of cause and
effectof the text about the environment

<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> Why ...? Because ...
<b> II. Skill</b>: reading

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan,.
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

II. <b>Settlement: </b>Greeting

Check attandence
<b>II.Checking : </b>Asks Ss to write voca
<b> . </b> III. New lesson:

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1 Revision :matching </b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to match Viet namese with EL words
the population rừng forests


the world nông dân farmer
grow dân số fields
con vật

food thức ăn animals
thế giới

<b>2.Pre-reading :</b>

land (picture): đất đai
plants(picture): thực vật
( to )burn (picture): đốt cháy
(to ) destroy( translation): phá hủy

(to ) cut down (synomyn: grow ): chặt phá
in danger( example): mối nguy hiểm
<b>-</b> T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in
chorus and then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress

Work in groups to match Viet
namese with EL words

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and
then individually

Ss copy down on their notebook

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>

T asks Ss to copy

Check: What and where

land plants burn

destroy in danger cut down

 <b>ordering</b>:

-Asks Ss order the words

1.produce 2.cut down 3. more food 4. burn
<b>5</b>. grow 6. make new fields <b>7. </b>animals and plants in

<b>3 While -reading: A4 p. 168</b>

-Asks Ss to reads the text to check their predictions.
- asks Ss to read the text again to answer the questions
<b>Answer keys</b> :

1. Because we grow trees
<b>2.</b> Because we need wood

<b>3.</b> Because we are destroyingthe forests
<b>4 Post -reading : Picture story </b>

Asks Ss to retell story,using their words

Work in groups order the words
5-3- 2- 6 -1-7

Listen and reads the text to check
their predictions

Then answer the questions

Work in groups to retell
story,using their words

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:
 Vocabulary
<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 16 Lesson4
 Do ex (work book)

<b>Period 100</b>

Lesson 4 :B1 P 169

<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas about the pollution
<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> pollution vocabulary

<b> II. Skill</b>: reading

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan,.
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

III. <b>Settlement </b>Greeting

Check attandence
<b>II.Checking : </b>Asks Ss to write voca

<b> . </b> III. New lesson:

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1 Revision :STB</b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to play this game

phá hủy đốn cây sản xuất con vật
mối nguy hiểm đốt cháy cây đất đai
<b>2.Pre-reading :</b>


The enviroment (trasnlation): môi trường
The ocean (synomyn: sea ): đại dương
( to) pollute (example):ô nhiễm

(to) waste (translation): lãng phí
the air(example): khơng khí

Work in groups to match Viet
namese with EL words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>

coal( realia): than đá
oil( realia): dầu
gas (translation): ga
power (example ):

<b>-</b> T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and
then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress
T asks Ss to copy

Check: What and where

gas oil coal
the air waste ocean power

<b>Pre questions -Predict </b>:

-Asks SS to predict the answers with answer keys
1.What are we destroying ?

- forests, wild animals, plants
2.What are we wasting ?
- water, coal, oil , gas
3. What are we polluting ?

- the air, the land, the rivers, the oceans
<b>3 While -reading: B1 P.169</b>

-Asks Ss to reads the text to check their predictions.
- asks Ss to read the text again to answer the questions
<b>Answer keys</b> :

<b>4.</b> a. Because we are destroying
<b>5.</b> b. Gases is polluting the air
<b>6. 4 Post -reading : Write it up </b>

-Asks Ss to use the predict pre questions to make a list of ‘’ don’ts ‘’
<b>Example </b>: Don’t destroy our environment

Don’t destroy the forest
Don’t destroy the plants
<b> </b> Don’t destroythe wild animals
Don’t waste water

Don’t pollute the air
Don’t pollute the oceans

then individually

Ss copy down on their notebook

Work in groups to play this game

Work in groups to predict the

Listen and reads the text to check
their predictions

Then answer the questions

Work in groups to use the predict
pre questions to make a list of ‘’

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:
 Vocabulary
<b>V. Homework:</b>

 Prepare Unit 16 Lesson 5
 Do ex (work book)

<b>Period 101</b>

Lesson 5 :B2 P 170-171

<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to give advice about protecting the environment
<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b> Should and shouldn’t.

<b> II. Skill</b>: Speaking

<b> III. Preparation</b> : Book, board, lesson plan,.
<b>B. Procedures:</b>

IV. <b>Settlement: </b>Greeting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>

<b> . </b> III. New lesson:

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1 Revision :Noughts and crosses </b>

<b>-</b>Asks Ss to play this game by using ‘’Don’t ...’’
plants water the air
power wild animals the oceans
forests coal trash

Example : Don’t destroy plants
<b>2.Presentation :B2 P.170-171</b>

-Reads the text , asks Ss to guess the new words from context with
answer keys

(to) throw = ném
(to) pick = nhặt

(to) damage= phá hủy, làm hỏng
(to) keep off = tránh khỏi

(to) save = tiết kiệm
(to) collect = thu gom

-Asks Ss to match the rulres with these signs
<b>Answer keys :</b>

a- picture c b- picture f c- picture a d- picture h
e- picture e f- picture b g - pictureg h- picture d
*Model sentences :

We should collect paper
Save water

We shouldn’t throw trash on the streets
damage trees.

<b>3 Practice: </b>

-Asks Ss to match and write these sentences with should and

<b>7. Example :</b>

8. We should collect paper

Should damage trash

9. collect trees throw paper
Shouldn’t save flowers

11. pick bottles and cans
<b>Picture drill </b>:

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example
S1: We shouldn’t [ damage trees ]

S2: That’s right

<b>4 Further practice : Noughts and crosses </b>
-Asks Ss to play this game

damage save waster
destroy pollute collect
throw cut down pick
Example : We should/shouldn’t ....

Work in groups to play this game
by using ‘’Don’t ...’’

Example : Don’t destroy plants

Ss listen and guess the new words
from context

Work in individually tomatch the
rulres with these signs

Listen and copy donw the sentences
Work in individually to match and
write these sentences with should
and shouldn’t

We should collect paper
We shouldn’t throw trash

Work in pairs to practice the
structure following example
S1: We shouldn’t [ damage trees ]
S2: That’s right

Work in groups to play this game

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:
 Vocabulary
<b>V. Homework:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

<b>Period 103</b>

<b>Lesson 5 :B2 P 170-171</b>

<b>A Objective</b>:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to further practice present simple and progressive ,
comparative and superlatives, quantifiers and countability.

<b>I</b>.<b>Knowledges :</b>

Country, natural features, farming and environment vocabulary.
<b> II.Skill</b>:

Speaking and writing
<b> III.Preparation</b> :
Book, board, lesson plan,.
<b>B. Procedures :</b>

<b>I.Settlement: </b>Greeting

Check attandence
<b>II.Checking : </b>

<b> . </b> III. New lesson:

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1. Countries and Languages:</b>
<b>*Simple present :</b>

<b>-</b>Trecalls the way to use this tense
Form: S + V-s/es

Uses: miêu tả hành động thường xuyên xảy ra
Countries and Languages


-Ask ss to do exercise 1p.174 (text book)

a.Are... from/ Am not/ speak

c.Is Chinese e.Is Vietnamese
d.Is Japanese f.Is American

<b>2.Present simple and present progressive:</b>
+Mapped dialouge:

<sub></sub> <sub></sub>
<b>...name</b>? Susan
...Live ? London
...Stay now? Hanoi
...do ? Teacher
What....teach ? English

...teach you? No, ...Mr Hai
Answer key:

1.What is her name?
2.Where does she live?
3.Where is she staying now?
4.What does she do?

5.What does she teach?
6.Does she teach you?

-ask ss to do the exercise 2 P.174 (text book)
<b>3.Adj: Comparative and superlatives:</b>

-Asks Ss to complete the table and then complete the passages.

T-Whole class

Work in groups to to do exercise
1p.174 (text book)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>


a. The Mekong river is long. The Amazon river is ...than the
Mekong. The Nile river is...river in the world.

b. The Great Wall of China is long. It is... ... structure in the

c. Sears Tower in Chicago is tall, but it isn’t .... ... building in
the world. Petronas twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur is .... than
Sears Tower. It is ... ... building in the world.

d. Ha noi is gig, bt it is not the .... city in Viet nam. HCMC
is ... than Hanoi. It is ... city invietnam. But Mexico city is..
...city in the world.

Work in individually to complete
the table and then complete the



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