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<b>UNIT 4 : BIG OR SMALL ?</b>
<b>LESSON 1 : A1- 2</b>
<b>Period 19 </b>

<b>A.Objectives: </b>

-By the end of the lesson student can talk about Thu, Phong’s school and their own
school.( Position and size).


talk about possession with a description of a school and possessive “ ‘ s”
2.Skills: reading and speaking

3.Attitude: Help them to use English frequently.
<b>B. Teaching aids:</b>

Textbook, lesson plan, pictures, poster, projector, laptop, loudspeaker
<b>C. Methods: matching, word cue, kim’s game</b>

<b>D. Contents :</b>

<b>I : </b>


<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b> Absent ss:</b>

6A1 ……….. ………

6A2 ………….. ………….

6A3 ………. ………..

Teacher & Ss’ activities Content

II. WARM UP (5’)

-Ss work in group

- T shows ss how to play.


Step 1 : Pre Reading (12’
Act 1. Pre teach

- T introduces the lesson.
- T presents the new words.

- Let ss read the new words in chorus and

Listen to T’s situation and guess the

Listen and repeat.

Good class : T introduces the words : new
>< old ; far><near

Check voc : Rub out and Remember
Act 2. Prediction:

- T. sets the scene: This is Phong’s school
and this is Thu’s school. Today we are going
to read about their school. Before reading,
let’s guess and match .

<i>- </i>Students predict about Phong’s school and
Thu’s school by matching. ( individual work
- T. gives feedback.

Step 2 :While Reading (17’) A1. P44
Activity 1. Reading and checking:
Students read the text to check their


- big (adj): to, lớn
- small (adj): nhỏ, bé
- in the country: ở nông thôn
- in the city: ở thành phố
Listen to the instruction

- Phong’s school : small, in the country
- Thu’s school : big, in the city

a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it isn’t.

c. It is in the country.
d. No, it isn’t.

2. Grammar:

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- T gives feedback.
Answer key

Activity 2. Comprehension Questions A2
- T. asks sts to read the questions in turn.
- T.puts sts in close pairs and ask them to ask
and answer the questions in 4 mins.

- T. gives feedback.
Answer key:

a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it isn’t.

c. It is in the country.
d. No, it isn’t.

Model sentences: Elicit from Sts.
Is Phong’s school small?

- Yes, it is.

T explains how to use possessive case and
the structure

- T take note

Step 3 : Post Reading: (8’)
Word cue Drill

- Run through all word cues
- T. models

Example<i>: </i>

S1 : Is Phong’s school big?
S2 : No , it isn’t.

Kim’s game :

- T collects real objects from Ss : pens,
pencils, books, notebooks, school bags,

- Ss remind whose things these are.

<i>- Eg : S1 : Nam’s pencil.</i>
<i> S2 : Tam’s books.</i>
<i> S3 : ...</i>

IV. SUM-MARY <i>(1 min)</i>

- Description of a school .
- Possessive “ ‘ s”.

Moral lesson: Advise ss to protect things at
school and study hard to contribute on their

V. HOMEWORK <i>(2 mins) </i>

<i> Phong’s school</i>

2. Structure<i>: S + be + adj </i>
<i> Phong’s school is small.</i>

* Possessive case: <i>Noun`s noun</i>

Note: “’s” after a person name
ex : Nam’s desk.

My father’s house.
Sở hữu cách (Possessive: ’s )

được dùng để chỉ sự sở hữu hay một mối
liên hệ giữa 2 hay nhiều đối tượng, từ đó
làm rõ thêm cho đối tượng đang được nhắc

Ta viết: (A’s B)

<i>+ B thuộc sở hữu của A, B thuộc về A. (B </i>

<i>thường là chỉ vật.) </i>Linda’s bag

+ B có mối quan hệ nào đó với A. ( B
thường là người.)

Linda’s brother

<i>Nếu N1 tận cùng bằng chữ "s" ta chỉ thêm </i>
<i>dấu ( ' )</i>

<i>Eg.Pupils' books are on the table.</i>

1. Practice
school / big


your house /

your school /
in the country


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