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<b>UNIT 2 : SCHOOL LESSON 1 : A1- 2,4</b>

<b>Period 7 </b>
<b>A. Objectives: </b>


By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to listen and understand the teacher’s commands,
instructions, use simple commands in class.

+ Vocab: Come, sit, open your book, sit down, close your book, stand up .
+ Structures: V (bare inf) + O

2 Skills: Use all 4 skills.
3. Attitude:

- Ss can understand how to command and how to obey.
<b>B. Teaching aids:</b>

Text books, posters, lesson plan, projector, computer speaker

<b>C. Methods: mime drill, Matching, Simon Says, Mapped Dialogue.</b>
<b>D. Contents:</b>

<b>I : ORGANIZATION</b><i>:</i><b> </b>

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b> Absent ss</b>

6A1 …….. ………..

6A2 ... ...

6A3 ……… ……….
<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b> Contents </b>

<b>II. WARM UP</b><i> (5 mins) </i>
<b>Jumble word: (using cards)</b>
<b>-ni meoc</b>

-ist wdon
-adnts pu


<b>Step 1 : Presentation. (12’)</b>
<b>Activity 1. Vocabulary : </b>

Using techniques to present new words

-Ss listen and guess the meaning of the words
ss repeat in chorus/individual

-Ss copy down
<b>Check voc : R..O.R</b>

Activity 2. Presentation text : A1.P20
- Introduce the pictures.

Now, look at these pictures and tell me
<i>where they are </i>

<i>who this woman is, who these children are.</i>
Look at the pictures, listen to T and answer the

- Play the tape ( 2 Ts).

- Get Sts to listen and practice reading.
<b>Step 2 : Practice. (17’)</b>

<b>Act 1. </b> Matching: (A 2 P.21)

- T. lets sts run through and T. models.
<i> a) Open your book.</i>

- T. asks Ss to work individually then in pairs

Come in
- Sit down

- Open your book
- Close your book
- Stand up

<b>1. Vocabulary </b>
- come in : đi vào

- sit down : ngồi xuống
- stand up : đứng lên
- open (v) : mở (sách ra
- close (v): gấp sách lại

- your: cua ban, cua cac ban
<b>=> IMPERATIVES. (câu mệnh </b>


Dạng khẳng định: <b>Vo +…., please.</b>

<b>(Động từ nguyên thể + … .</b>

Dạng phủ định: Don’t + động từ
nguyên thể + … .

<b>*Use: Đưa ra một mệnh lệnh trực </b>
tiếp, u cầu người khác làm gì đó.
<b>2.Practice </b>

 Picture a-Open your book
 Picture b-Sit down

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matching the pictures with suitable imperatives.
- Read the imperative

sentences, then match the pictures with the
imperative sentences individually then pair

- T. corrects.

<b>Act 2: Mime drill: </b>
- T. mimes:

( Open your book.)
( Stand up)

( Come in)……

- Listen to the T then do as teacher’s mime
<b>Act 3: Simon says</b>

T: Guid ss to play game “ Simon says”
+ 10 Ss stand in a circle.

+ Listen to the teacher’s commands. If the T says
“Simon says” Ss do as the commands, if there is no
“Simon says”, no action.

Listen to the instruction.
Play the game in 2 teams
<b>Step 3 : Production (8’)</b>

<i><b>Mapped Dialogue:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to close their books

- Put the poster with the cues on the board
- Elicit the exchanges from Ss

- Have some pairs of Ss practice each exchange
before going on to another exchange

- After finishing the dialogue, asks a good pair to
demonstrate the whole dialogue.

- Call on some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the

<b>*Choose the best answer:</b>

A. Sit down. B. Stand up.

C. Keep silent. D. Raise your hand.

A. Write your name on the board.
B. Clean the board.

C. Sit down. D. Turn on the light.

 Picture d-Close your book
Picture e-Stand up

<b>Miss Hoa</b> <b>Children</b>

Fine....sit …
and open 

...morning, Miss

We are fine....

Yes, Miss !
Yes, Miss!

<i>Miss Hoa: Good morning, children</i>
<i>Children: Good morning, Miss Hoa</i>
<i>Miss Hoa: How are you?</i>

<i>Children: We are fine, thanks . And </i>

<i>Miss Hoa: Fine, Thanks, Sit down</i>
<i>Children: Yes, Miss!</i>

<i>Miss Hoa: And open your books.</i>
<i>Children: Yes, Miss</i>

A. Open the door.
B. Close the window.

C. Come in, please. D. Stand up.

A. Don’t make noise.
B. Please keep silent.
C. Be careful.

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<b>IV. SUMMARY </b> (2 mins)

Ask ss to retell the imperatives.

<b>V. HOMEWORK </b> (1 min)

Request ss to learn newwords by heart.
- Exercise 1 P. 11 (workbook )



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