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Test 1 English 8

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<i><b>Period 1</b></i> <i><b> Preparing day:12 /9/ 2011</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day: 16/9/ 2011</b></i>

<b>Revision – English Grammar</b>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss can revise some old vocabulary and structures in English 6 and English 7.Ss can put the
correct form of the verbs in somes tenses.

<b>B. The content. </b>

The present simple tense. (thì hiện tại đơn)The present progressive tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
<i><b>a.Usage: - Diễn tả thói quen, hành động xảy ra thường xuyên, lặp đi lặp nhiều lần ở hiện tại.</b></i>
Eg1. He often (be) very hungry every morning./Eg2. I always (be) happy when I get good marks.
Eg3. They sometimes (be) late for school. Eg4. Nam often (go) to school by bike.

Eg5. I (watch) TV every night. Eg6. The children (play) football every afternoon.
<i><b>- Diễn tả 1 chân lý, 1 sự thật hiển nhiên.</b></i>

Eg1. The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west./Eg2. The earth (go) round the sun.
<i><b>- Được dùng để nói về thời gian, thời khóa biểu hay 1 lịch trình nào đó.</b></i>

Eg1. The train (leave) for London at 12.30.

<i><b>b.Form: (to) be: (am / is / are)</b></i> <b>Verb:</b>

<b>+) S + am / is / are +………..</b> <b>+) S + V (s, es) +…</b>

<b>-) S + am not / isn’t / aren’t +…..</b> <b>-) S + don’t / doesn’t + V (bare)</b>

<b>?) Is / Are + S + …?</b> <b>? ) Do / Does + S + V (bare)…?</b>

<b>Yes, S + am / is / are.</b> <b>Yes, S + do / does.</b>

<b>No, S + am not / isn’t / aren’t.</b> <b>No, S + don’t / doesn’t.</b>
<i><b>c. Spelling :Nếu chủ ngữ là I / WE / YOU / THEY thì động từ chỉ việc phá ngoặc.</b></i>
<i>Nếu chủ ngữ là HE / SHE / IT / LAN thì động từ phải chia ở dạng thêm S, ES.</i>

<i>Thông thường ta chỉ việc thêm S vào sau độngt từ thường. LEARN - LEARNS</i>
<i>Nếu động từ tận cùng là O, S, SH, CH, X, Z thì ta thêm ES.GO - GOES</i>
<i>Nếu động từ tận cùng là Y khi đó xảy ra 2 trường hợp:</i>

<i>Nếu trước Y là 1 nguyên âm thì ta thêm S như bt. STAY - STAYS</i>

<i>Nếu trước Y là 1 phụ âm thì ta chuyển Y thành I rồi thêm ES. STUDY - STUDIES</i>
<i><b>d. Note: Cách phát âm S, ES, </b></i>

Cách phát âm S, ES là / S /, / Z /, / IZ /

- Phát âm là / S / khi động từ có tận cùng là: f, k, p, t

- Phât âm là / Z / khi động từ có tận cùng là: b, d, g, l, m, n, v, r, y
- Phát âm là / IZ / khi dộng từ tận cùng là: s, sh, ch, x, z

<i><b>e. Adverbs:Today, now (đối với động từ to be),Every +, once / twice a week / month</b></i>

Always, usually, often, sometimes, never, frequently (thường xuyên), occasionally (thỉnh thoảng),
seldom = rarely (hiếm khi)

<b>II. The differences between present simple and present progressive:</b>

Present simple Present progressive

1. Hành động có tính bền vững, ln ln
đúng theo thói quen, phong tục và khả năng:
- I work in New York.

2. Nhận thức, tình cảm, tình trạng xảy ra lúc
đang nói: I know you are busy now.

3. Thời khoá biểu, lịch trình các chương

The train for Hanoi leaves at 7.30 tonight.
4. Chân lý hiển nhi ên:

- It rains a lot in HCM City.

1. Hành động có tính tạm thời, không thường xuyên:
(today, this week, this year...)

- I’m working in New York for a few weeks.

2. Khơng dùng thì này với các hoạt động nhận thức,
tình cảm, tình trạng, sở hữu, tồn tại: see, think,
believe, feel, look smell, taste, hear, expect, assume
3. Kế hoạch, sự sắp xếp cho tương lai gần:

- She is arriving at 11 o’clock.

4. Dùng kèm với ALWAYS diễn tả sự phàn nàn:

He is always coming to class late.

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<i><b>a.Usage: Dùng để diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định ở hiện tại.</b></i>

Eg1. The children (play) football now./ Eg2. I ( not cook) dinner in the kitchen at the moment.
Eg3. Lan (write) a letter to her friend now? /Eg4. Mr. Nam (run) to the bus station very quickly

Dùng để diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra đã được sắp sẵn trong tương lai.

Eg1. He (come) tomorrow. Eg2. They (go) fishing next weekend.
Dùng với ALWAYS để phàn nàn về 1 hành động lặp đi lặp lại (thường là thói quen xấu)

Eg1. He always (lose) his keys. Eg2. They always (forget) their homework.

+ ) S + am / is / are + V-ing

- ) S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + V-ing
? ) Is / Are + S + V-ing ?

+ ) S + am / is / are always + V-ing

- ) S + am not / isn’t / aren’t always + V-ing
? ) Is / Are + S + always+ V-ing ?

<i><b>c. Spelling- Thông thường ta chỉ việc thêm ING vào sau dộng từ thường. LEARN - LEARNING</b></i>
<i> + Nếu động từ tận cùng là E ta bỏ E rồi thêm ING như bt. LIVE - LIVING</i>

<i> + Nếu động từ có 1 âm tiết có tận cùng là 1 phụ âm mà trước nó là 1 ngun âm thì ta phải gấp</i>

<i>đơi phụ âm rồi mới thêm ING.RUN - RUNNING</i>

<i> + Nếu động từ tận cùng là IE ta đỏi IE thành Y rồi thêm ING như bt.LIE - LYING</i>

<i> + Nếu động từ có 2 âm tiết hay nhiều hơn 2 âm tiết có tận cùng là 1 phụ âm trước nó là 1</i>
<i>nguyên âm và trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết cuối thì ta phải gấp đơi phụ âm cuối ròi thêm ING như bt.</i>

<i>- Một số động từ chỉ cảm giác, nhận thức, tri giác như: Be, hear, see, understand, know, like,</i>
<i>want, glance (Nhìn thống qua), feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember, forget,</i>
<i>belong to, believe. Ta khơng dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn mà phải dùng thì hiện tại đơn để diễn tả. </i>
<i><b>d.Adverbs. now, right now, at the moment, at this time, at present, Look !, Listen! Be careful!,</b></i>

<i><b>2. The present perfect (Thì hiện tại hồn thành)</b></i>
<i><b>a. Usage.</b></i>

<i>1.Thì hiện tại hồn thành diễn tả những hđ, sv xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không rõ thời gian.</i>
Eg1. They (meet) that person. Eg2. He (lose) his key.

<i>2. Thì HTHT diễn tả những hđ, sv xảy ra trong quá khứ và còn tiếp tục ở hiện tại sd với FOR +</i>
<i>period of time.</i>

Eg1. I (teach) English at NG secondary school for 2 months.
Eg2. My father (work) in the factory for 10 years.

<i>3. Thì HTHT diễn tả hđ, sv xảy ra bắt đầu từ 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ và còn tiếp tục ở hiện tại</i>
<i>sd với SINCE + point of time.</i>

Eg1. We (study) E since 2005. Eg2. Lan (be) to Kim Lien since yesterday.

<i>4. Thì HTHT diễn tả hđ, sv vừa mới xảy ra dùng với JUST. (JUST luôn dùng trong câu khẳng</i>
<i>định và luôn đứng giữa HAVE / HAS và P2).</i>

Eg1. They just (meet) that person. Eg2. Tom just (come) to Hoa’s house.

<i>5. Thì HTHT diễn tả hđ, sv diễn ra trong khoảng thời gian vẫn còn ở hiện tại dùng với TODAY,</i>

Eg1. You (see) Lan today? Eg2. There (be) 3 accidents here this month.

<i>6. Thì HTHT diễn tả hđ, sv đã xảy ra trong qk nhưng thời điểm không rõ ràng đi với ALREADY</i>
<i>(đã rồi) RECENTLY = LATELY (gần đây), BEFORE ( trước kia)</i>

Eg1. He already (do) his homework. Eg2. They (see) this film 3 times before.
Eg3. I (read) a newspaper about you recently.

<i>7. Thì HTHT diễn tả những hđ, sv chưa diễn ra dùng với YET (chưa, vẫn chưa) </i>

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<i>8. Thì HTHT diễn tả hd, sv bắt đầu trong qk và kéo dài đến hiện tại dùng với UP TO NOW, SO</i>

Eg1. Up to now we (visit) 3 countries in the world. Eg2. He (earn) 100,000,000 dollars so far.
<i>9. Thì HTHT diễn tả những điều chưa bao giờ làm từ trước đến nay dùng với NEVER</i>

Eg1. I (never be) to the United states. /Eg2. Tom (never see) Vnamese films.
<i>10. Thì HTHT dùng để hỏi xem hđ, sv đó đã từng xảy ra chưa dùng với EVER</i>
Eg1. You (ever read) this book? /Eg2. This is the most interesting film I (ever see).
<i>11. Thì HTHT dùng với IN THE PAST / LAST + 2 months / 3 years.</i>

<i> FOR THE LAST / PAST + 2 months / 3 years.</i>
Eg1. There (be) a lot of changes in town in the last 2 years.

<i>12. Thì HTHT dùng với THIS IS THE FIRST / SECOND/ THIRD + time</i>
Eg1. This is the second time I (visit) Phong Nha cave.

Eg1. I (not see) my sister for ages. / Eg2. They (read) that story several times.

<i><b>b, Form. + ) S + have / has + Ped/3</b></i>
- ) S + haven’t / hasn’t + Ped/3
?) Have / Has + S + Ped/3…..?
<i><b>3. The past simple tense. (Thì quá khứ đơn)</b></i>

<i><b>a.Usage.Thì QK diễn tả hđ, sv đã xảy và kết thúc trong quá khứ.</b></i>
<i><b>+) Xét với động từ (TO BE)</b></i>

Eg1. It (be) hot yesterday morning. Eg4. He ( not be) late for
school yesterday morning

Eg2. I (be) in Ha Long Bay last weekend. Eg5. You (be) ill yesterday ?
Eg3. They (be) in Ho Chi Minh City in 2007.

<i><b>+ Xét với động từ thường.</b></i>

Eg1. I (go) to Ha Noi yesterday. Eg4. He (not get) up early yesterday
Eg2. He (watch) TV last night. Eg5. They (live) in Hue last month?

Eg3. They (take) me to the zoo.
<i><b>b, Form</b></i>

<b>+ ) I / He / She / It + was …</b> <b>(+ ) S + Ved / Cột 2 bảng động từ bất quy tắc….</b>
<b> We / You / They + were …..</b>

<b>- ) S + wan/t / weren/t …..</b> <b>- ) S + didn’t + V (bare)…</b>

<b>? ) Was / Were + S …….?</b> <b>? ) Did + S +Ved +……?</b>

<i><b>c, Spelling: Cách thêm ED vào sau động từ theo quy tắc.</b></i>

<i>Thông thường ta chỉ việc thêm ED vào sau động từ thường. LEARN - LEARNED</i>
<i>Nếu động từ có tận cùng là E ta chỉ việc thêm D.LIVE - LIVED</i>

<i>Nếu động từ có 1 âm tiết mà kết thúc là 1 phụ âm trước nó là 1 nguyên âm thì ta phải gấp đội</i>
<i>phụ âm rồi thêm ED.STOP - STOPPED</i>

<i>Nếu động từ có 2 hay nhiều hơn 2 âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết cuối có kết thúc là 1 phụ</i>
<i>âm trước nó là 1 nguyên âm thì ta phải gấp đội phụ âm rồi thêm ED.PERMIT - PERMITTED</i>
<i>Nếu động từ có tận cùng là Y thì có 2 trường hợp sau:</i>

<i>Nếu trước Y là 1 nguyên âm thì ta thêm ED như bình thường.STAY - STAYED</i>
<i>Nếu trước Y là 1 phụ âm thì ta chuyển Y thành I rồi thêm ED.TRY - TRIED</i>
<i><b>d, Adverbs.</b></i>

Yesterday, last + night / week / year…., In + năm tháng đã qua, Khoảng thời gian + ago.
<i><b>e, Pronunciation /Cách phát âm ED là / T /, / ID /, / D /</b></i>

<b>Phát âm là / T / khi động từ có tận cùng là: c (s), f, gh (f), k, p, s, sh, ch: LOOK – LOOKED,</b>

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<i><b>a, Usage + ) Thì QKTD diễn tả những hđ, sv đang diễn ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong QK,</b></i>
<i><b>hoặc 1 hành động đang xảy ra thì 1 hành động khác xảy đến, hoặc các hành động song song</b></i>
<i><b>xảy ra cùng lúc.</b></i>

<b>+ ) QKTD diễn tả hđ, sv xảy ra và kéo dài trong 1 khoảng thời gian trong QK.</b>
Eg1. Yesterday, Mr Nam (work) in the library all the morning.

Eg2. We (clean) the house from 3 p.m to 6 p.m yesterday.
Eg3. They (repair) your house all the morning yesterday?
Eg4. Lan (not study) English from 7 a.m to 10 a.m last Sunday.

<b>+ ) QKTD diễn tả hđ, sv xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong QK.</b>
Eg1. Lan and Hoa (do) their homework at 6 p.m last Monday.

Eg2. I (practise) English with my friend at that time.

<b>+ ) QKTD diễn tả hđ, sv đang xảy ra thì 1 hđ khác bất ngờ xảy đến.</b>
Eg1. Last night when I (do) my homework, the electricity (go) off.
Eg2. As you (cross) the street, the policemen (shout) at us.

Eg3. I and Mai (learn) our lessons when Lan (come).

<b>+ ) QKTD diễn tả 2 hay nhiều hđ, sv song song xảy ra cùng 1 lúc trong QK.</b>

Eg1. Last night, while I (go) swimming at the pool, my father (visit) the city museum, my mother
(take) some photos, my younger brother and sister (ride) wood horses.

<i><b>b, Form. + ) S + was /were + Ving…..</b></i>
- ) S + wasn’t / weren’t + Ving…..
? ) Was /Were + S + Ving…?

<i><b>c, Adverbs.</b></i>

From ……to……, at + số giờ…….+ yesterday / last Sunday, At that time, when , while, as
<i><b>6. The past perfect tense. (Thì q khứ hồn thành)</b></i>

<i><b>a, Usage. QKHT diễn tả những hđ, sv xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ. Hành</b></i>
<b>động xảy ra trước dùng QKHT, hành động xảy ra sau dùng thì QKĐ.</b>

Eg1. I (turn off) the lights before I (go) to bed.
Eg2. I (go) to bed after I (turn off ) the lights.
<i><b>b, .Form. + ) S + had + p2….</b></i>

<b>- )S + hadn’t + P2…..</b>
<b>? ) Had + S + P2….?</b>
<i><b>c, Adverbs. Before, after, when, by the time, as soon as</b></i>

<i><b>Period 2</b></i> <i><b> Preparing day:19 /9/ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 13 /9/ 2011</b></i>

<b>Correct Tasks - English Grammar</b>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss can revise some old vocabulary and structures in English Grammar.Ss can put the
correct form of the verbs in somes tenses.

<b>B. The content. </b>

The present simple tense. (thì hiện tại đơn)The present progressive tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp

<i><b>Ex 1. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn.</b></i>
1. Helllo.This is Dr Smith’s office. Who (speak)?

2. Hurry up! The train (come).

3. It is a lovely day. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing).
4. The earth (go) round the sun.

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She (cook). She usually (cook) dinner for her family.
7. In the evening he often (play) chess with his door neighbor.
8. They (build) a new hospital in my town now.

9. Your mother always (have) a rest after lunch?
10. Look at the boys! They (hurry) home after school.
11. In the evening he often (play) chess with his neighbour.
12. They (build) a new hospital in my town now.

13. My father always (have) a rest after school?
14. She is very lazy. She never (wash) the foor.

15. Look at these boys! They (hurry) home after school.
16. Your mother usually (catch) the 8. 10 bus?

17. Your sister (wait) for her friend at the station now?
18. he usually (smile) at his wife when he (come) home.
19. Mrs. Lan (use) the computer now?

Yes, she usually (use) it for her work.
20. Minh sometimes (miss) his bus.

21. My uncle often (watch) TV in the evening. But right now he (send) a letter.
22. They (have) breakfast now? No, they (sleep).

23. My father always (relax) at the weekend.
23. You can’t see Tom now. He (have) a bath.

24. Tom can’t have the newspaper now because his aunt (read ) it.
25. I’m busy at the moment. I (redecorate) the room.

26. The kettle (boil) now. Shall I make the tea?

<i><b>Ex 2. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành.</b></i>
1. We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far.

2. He (visit) his friends recently?

3. You (see) her today? No. I (not see) her yet.
4. She already (do) her homework.

5. They never (do) aerobics in their life.

6. Tom, I (not see) you for ages! Where you (be)?
7. He is the most kind – hearted man I ever (meet).
8. There (be) 5 accidents on this street in the past 3 days.
9. Is this the first time you (visit) our country?

10. We (not meet) Lan since we (leave) school.
11. My wife and I (be) there severl times in the past.
12. I (buy) a new shirt last week but I (not wear) it yet.

13. We (just move) to a new house but we (be) dissatisfied with it.
14. They (attend) Quang Trung School since last year.

15. Ba (collect) stamps since 1995.

<i><b>Ex 3. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì QKĐ hoặc QKTD.</b></i>
<i><b>1.</b></i> Mother (sleep) when her son (phone).

<i><b>2.</b></i> He (talk) on his mobile phone while he (drive) yesterday.
<i><b>3.</b></i> Yesterday it (rain) all the morning.

<i><b>4.</b></i> What you (do) from 7a.m to 10a.m last Monday?

<i><b>5.</b></i> Nga and Hoa (walk) with their new friends while Lan (write) a letter to her pen pal.
<i><b>6.</b></i> You (talk) to your grandmother at 8 o’clock last night?

<i><b>7.</b></i> Hoa (eat) dinner when the phone (ring).
<i><b>8.</b></i> I (cook) meal when my mother (come) in.

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<i><b>Ex 4. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.</b></i>
1. My father told me (not stay) up too late.

2. Would you mind (look) after the house while I am away?
3. Jane hopes (become) a lawyer.

4. They decided (move) to a new house last week.
5. I can’t (finish) my work before noon.

6. My mother advises me (learn) these new words by heart.

7. I want (visit) my grandfather.

8. Would you like (go) to the cinema with me tonight?
9. How about (go) to Dong Xuan market?

10. They told me how (make) the cake.

11. I don’t know where (go) on holiday this summer.
12. Please tell me how (get) to the railway station.
14. Lien can’t decide where (eat) out tonight.

15. The teacher let the students (decide) where (go) camping.
<i><b>Ex 5. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.</b></i>

1.She was really………by the beauty of thecity. (impress)
2. She made a deep….. on the members of her class. (impress)
3. Their …..made me happy. (friendly)

4. Many…..come to Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum every day. (visit)
5. We enjoyed the……atmosphere in Ha Noi. (peace)

6. Ha Noi is not…..from Kuala Lumpur. (different)
7. The girls went to see……places in HCM. (fame)

8. The …..language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia. (nation)
9. In Malaysia….is free. (educate)

10. What is the main language of….at that school? (instruct)

<i><b>Period 3</b></i> <i><b> Preparing day: 25 /9/ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 30 /9/ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Revision – English Grammar</b></i>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss can revise some old vocabulary and structures in English 7 and English 8.Ss can put the
correct form of the verbs in somes tenses.

<b>B. The content. The future simple tense. (Thì tương lai đơn) wish- clause,too/ enough...to/ for</b>
<i><b>I The future simple tense. (Thì tương lai đơn)</b></i>

<i><b>a, Usage :Thì TLĐ dùng để diễn tả những hđ, sv sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai với thời gian được xác</b></i>
<i><b>định thường bao hàm ý khơng chắc chắn, diễn tả sự tiên đốn, diễn tả ý định, diễn tả lời hứa</b></i>
<i><b>và diễn tả hđ sẽ được làm ngay tại lúc nói.</b></i>

<b>+ ) Diễn tả hđ, sv sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai với thời gian ddcj xác định nhưng bao hàm ý không</b>
<b>chắc chắn.</b>

Eg1. I (go) to Ha Noi next week. /Eg2. We (not visit) Ha Long Bay next week.

Eg3. They (build) a new school in my village in 2010. /Eg4. Lan (have) an English test

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Eg2. A: I need some money.

B: Don’t worry I (lend) you some money.

<b>+ ) Diễn tả lời hứa.Eg1.Thanks. I (call) you soon. /Eg2 I promise I (phone) you as soon as I</b>

<b>+ ) Diễn tả hđ, sv sẽ được làm ngay tại lúc nói. Eg1. The phone is ringing. I (answer) it.</b>
Eg2. I’m too tired to walk to my home. I think I (get) a taxi.

<i><b>b, .Form. + ) S + will + V (bare)……</b></i>
<b>- ) S + won’t + V (bare)…..</b>
<b>? ) Will + S + V (bare)……?</b>

<i><b>c, Adverbs: Tomorrow, Next + week / month…., In + năm, tháng sắp tới</b></i>

Probably (adv): có lẽ, Sure (adj): chắc chắn, (to) expect: mong, đợi, (to) think: nghĩ
(to) believe: Tin tưởng

<i><b>II.Wish-Clause (to)be. Eg1. I am not a doctor.</b></i>

- I wish I were a doctor. /- Lan wishes she were a doctor.

Eg2. I am a bad student. - I wish I weren’t a bad student. (I wish I were a good student)
- Lan wishes she weren’t a bad student.

S + am / is / are + ….
S1 + wish (es) + S2 + weren’t +……

S + am not / isn’t / aren’t +…
S1 + wish (es) + S2 + were +….

<b>Note: Với tất cả động từ to be đều phải chuyển thành WERE</b>
<i><b>2. Xét với động từ thường (V)</b></i>

Eg1. I don’t have a computer./ I wish I had a computer. /Lan wishes she had a computer.

Eg2. I live in the countryside./I wish I didn’t live in the countryside.

Lan wishes she didn’t live in the countryside.

S + don’t / doesn’t + V (bare) +….
S1 + wish (es) + S2 + V (ed) +….

S + V (s, es) +….
S1 + wish (es) + S2 + didn’t + V +….

<b>Note: Đối với động từ thường phải lùi lại 1 thì.</b>
<i><b>3. Xét với động từ khuyết thiếu. (modal verb)</b></i>

Eg1. I can’t swim./ I wish I could swim. /Lan wishes she could swim.

Eg2. I will have an important test tomorrow./ I wish I wouldn’t have an important test tomorrow.
Lan wishes she wouldn’t have an important test tomorrow.

S + can’t + V (bare) +….
S1 + wish (es) + S2 + could + V (bare)…
S + can + V (bare)

S1 + wish (es) + S2 + couldn’t + V (bare)…

<b>Note: Đối với động từ khuyết thiếu ta chỉ việc chuyển sang quá khứ thể đối ngược của động</b>
<b>từ trong câu thực tế. /Cách lùi thì động từ trong câu ước:</b>

<b>Câu thực tế</b> <b>Câu ước</b>

1. HTĐ: S + V (s, es)

2. HTTD : S + am / is / are + Ving
3. HTHT : S + have / has + P2
4. QKĐ : S + was / were /. V (ed)
5. TLĐ : S + will + V (bare)

- > QKĐ : S + V (ed)

- > QKTD : S + was / was + Ving
- >Q KHT : S + had + P2

- > QKHT : S + had + P2

- > TLĐ ở QK: S + would + V (bare)
<b>Ngoài ra ta cịn có 1 số từ, cụm từ cũng diễn tả điều ước sau.</b>

Eg1. I don’t have a sister.

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I would rather
If only

<b>S + wish (tôi ước)</b> <b> were</b>

<b>S + would rather (Tôi thich hơn) + S2 +V (ed)</b>

<b>IF only (giá mà)</b> <b> could</b>

<b> III - Comebine two sentences using enough...to, too ....to</b>

<b>A – Xét enough là 1 trạng từ. </b>Nếu enough là 1 trạng từ thì nó ln đứng sau 1 tính từ hoặc 1

trạng từ khác để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ hoặc trạng từ đó.

<i><b>1. Xét 2 câu chung chủ ngữ.</b></i>

Eg1. Lan is very clever. She can make a shirt. > Lan is clever enough to make a shirt.
Eg2. They aren’t very old. They can’t go to school alone.

Eg3. Lan works very hard. She can pass the exam easily.
Eg4 They didn’t get up early. They couldn’t get the first bus.
<b>S + (to)be (not) + adj + enough + to – infinitive.</b>

<b> S + V (not) + adv + enough + to – infinitive </b>

Note: Câu 1 bỏ very, too, so, quite nếu có, enough đặt ngay sau tính từ và thay cho dấu chấm.
Câu 2 bỏ chủ ngữ, bỏ trợ động từ (can / can’t / could / couldn’t…..) chọn động từ chính và thêm
(to) vào trước.

<i><b>2. Xét 2 câu khác chủ ngữ</b></i>

Eg1. The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it. > The ice is thick enough for us to walk on it.
Eg2. The weather wasn’t very warm. They couldn’t go swimming.

<b>S + (to)be (not) + adj enough + for + me / us / you / them / him / her / it + to – infinitive</b>
Note: Câu 1 bỏ very, too, so, quite nếu có, enough đặt ngay sau tính từ và thay cho dấu chấm.
<i><b>Câu 2 chủ ngữ được chuyển sang làm tân ngữ và thêm for vào trước, bỏ trợ động từ , chọn</b></i>
<i><b>động từ chính và thêm (to) vào trước.</b></i>

<i><b>B – Xét Enough là 1 tính từ.</b></i>

<b>Nếu enough là I tính từ thì nó thường đứng trước danh từ và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.</b>

Eg1. I have money. I can buy that house. /I have enough money to buy that house.
Eg2. Mai doesn’t have many books. She can’t do that kind of exercise..

<b> S + V + enough + Noun + to – infinitive</b>
<b> don’t / doesn’t + V</b>

<b> didn’t</b>

<b>Note: Ở dạng này thì 2 câu cùng là khẳng định, hoặc cùng là phủ định.</b>

- 1)Nguyên tắc thứ nhất:

Nếu trước tính từ ,trạng từ có : too, so, very, quite ,extremely... Trước danh từ có many, much, a

lot of, lots of thì phải bỏ.

He is very intelligent. He can do it. ->He is very intelligent enough to do it (sai)

->He is intelligent enough to do it.(đúng)

He has a lot of money .He can buy a car. >He has enough a lot of money to buy a car.(sai)
->He has enough money to buy acar.(đúng)

<i><b>- 2) Nguyên tắc thứ hai:Nếu chủ từ hai câu giống nhau thì bỏ phần for sb</b></i>
ex:Tom is strong. He can lift the box. ->Tom is strong enough for him to lift the box.(sai)

->Tom is strong enough to lift the box.(đúng)

The weather is fine. Mary and her little brother can go to school.

->The weather is fine enough to go to school.(sai)

->The weather is fine enough for Mary and her little brother to go to school.(đúng)
Tuy nhiên nếu chủ từ câu sau có ý chung chung thì cũng có thể bỏ đi.

ex:The sun is not warm .We can't live on it.

->The sun is not warm enough to live on.(we ở đây chỉ chung chung, mọi người)

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Nếu chủ từ câu đầu và túc từ câu sau là một thì phải bỏ túc từ câu sau
ex:The water is quite warm .I can drink it. ->The water is warm enough for me to drink it.(sai)
->The water is warm enough for me to drink .(đúng)
<i><b>2. Xét 2 câu khác chủ ngữ</b></i>

Eg1. This task is very difficult. We can’t finish on time.
This task is too difficult for us to finish on time.

Eg2. The hall was very crowded. He couldn’t get a good seat.
Eg3. The radio speaks very quickly. I can’t hear anything.
Eg4. Mai sang very tinily. The children couldn’t hear.

<b> S + (to) be + very + adj. S + can’t / couldn’t....+ V (bare)...</b>

<b>S + (to) be + too + adj + for + (me / us / you / them / him / her ) + to – infinitive</b>
<b>S + V + very + adv. S + can’t / couldn’t....+ V (bare)...</b>

<b>S + V + too + adv + for + (me / us / you / them / him / her ) + to – infinitive</b>
Note: Câu 1 bỏ very, so, quite, rather nếu có thay bằng too. Thêm for vào dấu chấm.

Câu 2 chủ ngữ được chuyển sang làm tân ngữ và đặt ngay sau For., bỏ trợ động từ (can’t /
couldn’t…..) chọn động từ chính và thêm (to) vào trước.

Cũng giống như enough, too...to có các nguyên tắc sau

<i><b>-1)Nguyên</b></i> <i><b>tắc</b></i> <i><b>thứ</b></i> <i><b>nhất</b></i> <i><b>:</b></i>

Nếu trước tính từ ,trạng từ có :too ,so ,very , quite ,extremely... thì phải bỏ.

Eg1. He is so weak .He can't run. -> He is too weak to run.
<i><b>- 2) Nguyên tắc thứ hai: Nếu chủ từ hai câu giống nhau thì bỏ phần for sb</b></i>

The test is very dificult. They can’t do it in 45 minutes.

The test is too difficult for them to do in 45 minutes.
<i><b>3) Nguyên tắc thứ ba:Nếu chủ từ câu đầu và túc từ câu sau là một thì phải bỏ túc từ câu sau</b></i>
The coffee was very hot .I could drink it. -> The coffee was too hot for me to drink.
( Bỏ it vì it cũng đồng nghĩa với coffee )

<i><b>Nếu trong câu 2 không chứa các trợ động từ khuyết thiếu thì ta phải chuyển động từ chính về</b></i>
<i><b>dạng gốc rồi mới thêm to</b></i>

<b>II – Nối câu dùng Too ....to (quá ...đến nỗi không thể)</b>
<i><b>1. Xét 2 câu chung chủ ngữ.</b></i>

<i><b>2.</b></i> Eg1. He is very short. He can’t play basketball. / He is too short to play basketball.
Eg2. Nam looks very unhappy. She can’t go to party tonight.

Eg3. They seem hungry. They can’t work.

Eg4. Tom ran very slowly. He couldn’t become the winner.
Eg5. Mr. Long sings badly. He can’t become a singer.

<b>S + (to) be + very + adj. S + can’t / couldn’t....+ V (bare)...</b>

<b> S + (to) be + too + adj + to – infinitive</b>
<b> S + V + very + adv. S + can’t / couldn’t....+ V (bare)...</b>
<b> S + V + too + adv + to – infinitive</b>
Note: Câu 1 bỏ very, so, quite, rather nếu có thay bằng too.

Câu 2 bỏ chủ ngữ, bỏ trợ động từ (can’t / couldn’t.) chọn động từ chính và thêm (to) vào trước
<i><b>2. Xét 2 câu khác chủ ngữ Eg1. This task is very difficult. We can’t finish on time.</b></i>

This task is too difficult for us to finish on time.

Eg2. The hall was very crowded. He couldn’t get a good seat.
Eg3. The radio speaks very quickly. I can’t hear anything.
Eg4. Mai sang very tinily. The children couldn’t hear.

<b> S + (to) be + very + adj. S + can’t / couldn’t....+ V (bare)...</b>

<b>S + (to) be + too + adj + for + (me / us / you / them / him / her ) + to – infinitive</b>
<b>S + V + very + adv. S + can’t / couldn’t....+ V (bare)...</b>

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Note: Câu 1 bỏ very, so, quite, rather nếu có thay bằng too. Thêm for vào dấu chấm.

Câu 2 chủ ngữ được chuyển sang làm tân ngữ và đặt ngay sau For., bỏ trợ động từ (can’t /
couldn’t…..) chọn động từ chính và thêm (to) vào trước

<i><b>IV: Các bước chuyển sang câu bị dộng</b><b> .</b><b> </b></i>

Bc1.Xác định thành phần câu: S, V, O, ADV OF FRE, ADV OF PLACE, ADV OF TIME(nếu

Bc2. Chuyển O trong câu chủ động sang làm S trong câu bị động. (nếu ME – I, US – WE,
<i><b>YOU – YOU, THEM – THEY, HIM – HE, HER – SHE, IT - IT).</b></i>

Bc3. Xác định xem động từ chính của câu chủ động ở thì nào thì mượn động từ (to) be tương
<i><b>ững với chủ ngữ ở thì đó. Động từ chính được chuyển sang QKPT. </b></i>Bc4. Chuyển S của câu
<i><b>chủ động sang làm O của câu bị động khi đó xảy ra 4 trường hợp sau.</b></i>

Trường hợp 1. Nếu S là các đại từ nhân xưng (I, WE, YOU, THEY, HE, SHE, IT, SOMEONE,
<i><b>đi khơng cần dùng BY.</b></i>

Trường hợp 2. Nếu chủ ngữ là các danh từ riêng, chức danh chỉ nghề nghiệp thì dung BY
<i><b>+DTR / CDNN đó.</b></i>

Trường hợp 3. Nếu S và O chỉ cùng 1 đối tượng mà có sd các ĐTSH có DT kèm theo (HIS,
<i><b>HER, THEIR) thì khi chuyển lên làm S phải thay các ĐTSH đó + DTR’s.</b></i>

Trường hợp 4. Nếu S là NOONE, NOBODY, NOTHING thì trợ động từ mượn vào câu bị động
<i><b>phải chuyển sang phủ định.</b></i>

<b>* Khi trong câu chủ động có 2 loại O thì O chỉ người gọi là O gián tiếp (indirect object), O</b>
<b>chỉ vật là O trực tiếp (direct object) khi đó ta cá 2 cách chuyển sau:</b>C1.Ta thường chuyển O
<i><b>gián tiếp lên làm S trong câu bị động, khi đó làm như bình thường.</b></i>

C2. Nếu O trực tiếp lên làm S thì sau QKPT của 1 số động từ sau phải có TO rồi mới đến O
<i><b>gián tiếp.</b></i>

1.ask – asked 3. give – given 5. show – showed 7. pay - paid

2. tell – told 4. send – sent 6. teach - taught 8. offer - offered 9. lend – lent

* Nếu trong câu chủ động mà có chủ ngữ là DTR hay chức danh chỉ nghề nghiệp mà có
<i><b>nhiều loại trạng từ khi khi chuyển sang câu bị động nó sẽ có vị trí như sau.</b></i>

<b>ADV (frequent) + P2 + ADV (place) + by + O + ADV (time)</b>

<i><b>1. Thì hiện tại đơn. Eg1. Lan often helps me do the difficult exercises.</b></i>
Eg2. The builders build a new house. /Eg3. Someone sell flowers here.
<b> A: S + V (s, es) + O</b>

<b> P: S + am / is / are + P2 + (by + O )</b>

<i><b>2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn. Eg1. The builders are building a new house now.</b></i>
Eg2. Mr. Nam is repairing some televisions at the moment.

<b> A: S + am / is / are + Ving + O</b>

<b> P: S + am / is / are + being + P2 + (by + O)</b>

<i><b>3. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành. Eg1. The builders have built a new house for 5 months.</b></i>
Eg2. Mr. Nam has repaired some televisions since yesterday.

<b> A: S + have / has + P2 + O</b>

<b> P: S + have / has + been + P2 + (by + O)</b>

<i><b>4. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn. Eg1. The builders were building a new house when I came.</b></i>
Eg2. Mr. Nam was repairing some televisions at that time.

<b> A: S + was / were + Ving + O</b>

<b> P: S + was / were + being + P2 + (by + O)</b>

<i><b>6. Thì q khứ hồn thành Eg1. The builders had built a new house before we came.</b></i>
Eg2. Mr. Nam has repaired some televisions before we came back.

<b> A: S + had + P2 + O</b>

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<i><b>7. Thi tương lai đơn.Eg1. The builders will build a new house next 5 months. /Eg2. Mr. Nam</b></i>
will repair some televisions tomorrow.

<b>A: S + will + V (bare) + O</b>
<b>P: S + will be + P2 + (by + O )</b>

<i><b>8. Một số động từ khuyết thiếu .Eg1 The builders can build a beautiful house. /Eg2. The builders</b></i>
must build a new school. Eg3. The builders are going to build a new school.

<b> A: S + can / could must / have to / had to may / might + V (bare) + O</b>
<b>ought to / should/ am / is / are going to </b>

<b> P: S + can / could + be + P2 + (by + O)</b>
<b> must / have to / had to</b>

<b> may / might</b>

<b> ought to / should</b>
<b> am / is / are going to</b>
<i><b>9 .The past simple: A: S + Ved/2</b></i>

<i><b> P : S + was/were +Ved/3 +(by + O)</b></i>
<b>Passive voice – Question forms</b>

<i><b>A. Yes / No questions</b></i>

<i><b>1. Thì hiện tại đơn. Eg1. Does Lan often helps you do the difficult exercises?</b></i>
Eg2. Do the builders build a new house near your house?

Eg3. Does someone sell flowers here?

<b> A: Do / Does + S + V + O ?</b>
<b> P: Are / Is + S + P2 + (by + O )?</b>
<i><b>2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.</b></i>

Eg1. Are the builders building a new house now?

Eg2. Is Mr. Nam repairing some televisions at the moment?
<b> A: Are / Is + S + Ving + O?</b>

<b> P: Are / Is + S + being + P2 + (by + O)?</b>
<i><b>3. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành.</b></i>

Eg1. Have the builders built a new house for 5 months?

Eg2. Has Mr. Nam repaired some televisions since yesterday?
<b> A: Have / Has + S + P2 + O?</b>

<b> P: Have / Has + S + been + P2 + (by + O)?</b>
<i><b>4. Thì quá khứ đơn.</b></i>

Eg1. Did the builders build a new house 5 months ago?
Eg2. Did Mr. Nam repair some televisions yesterday?
<b> A: Did + S + V + O?</b>

<b> P: Was / Were + S + P2 + (by + O)?</b>
<i><b>5. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.</b></i>

Eg1. Were the builders building a new house when I came?
Eg2. Was Mr. Nam repairing some televisions at that time?
<b> A: Was / Were + S + Ving + O?</b>

<b> P: Was / Were + S+ being + P2 + (by + O)?</b>
<i><b>6. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành</b></i>

Eg1. Had the builders built a new house before we came?

Eg2. Had Mr. Nam repaired some televisions before we came back?
<b> A: Had + S+ P2 + O?</b>

<b> P: Had + S + been + P2 + (by + O)?</b>
<i><b>7. Thì tương lai đơn.</b></i>

Eg1. Will the builders build a new house next 5 months?
Eg2. Will Mr. Nam repair some televisions tomorrow?

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<b> P: Will + S + be + P2 + (by + O )?</b>

<i><b>8. Một số động từ khuyết thiếu.</b></i>

Eg1. Can the builders build a beautiful house?
Eg2. Must the builders build a new school?

Eg3. Are the builders going to build a new school?

<b> </b> <b>A: Can / Could + S + V (bare) + O?</b>
<b> Must / </b>

<b> May / Might</b>
<b> Ought to / Should</b>
<b> Am / Is / Are going to</b>

<b>P: Can / Could + S + be + P2 + O?</b>
<b> Must / </b>

<b> May / Might</b>
<b> Ought to / Should</b>
<b> Am / Is / Are going to</b>

<i><b> Period 4</b></i> <i><b> Preparing day: 4 /10/ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 7 /10/ 2011</b></i>

<b> Correct Tasks - English Grammar Notes</b>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss can revise some old vocabulary and structures in English Grammar.Ss can put the
correct form of the verbs in somes tenses.


<i><b>Ex 1: Combine two sentences using Enough...to,too ....to</b></i>
1. I am very tall. I can reach the ceiling.

2. The story is quite short. We can read it in one hour.

3. The girl is very intelligent. She can do that exercise in 3 minutes.
4. Mai is very good. She can pass the examination easily.

5. This machine is not powerful. It can’t plow the hard soil.
6. Nam isn’t big. He can’t wear that clothes.

7. Your bag isn’t big. They can’t put the groceries in it.
8. The film was very good. Lan could see it through.
9. His parents are rich. They can buy a new car.

10. Phong and Thu aren’t tall. They can’t play basketball.
11. Hung is very hungry. He ate three loaves of bread.
12. Hoang was very foolish. He told lies to the police.
13. I am very thirsty. I will drink two glasses of water.
14. The water here is unsafe. We can’t drink it.

15. The plane is very fast. It can reach the island in two hours.
16. These oranges are very sweet. We can eat them.

17. Some students walk very slowly. Their teacher can meet thom on their way home.
18. We went very early. we could get good seats.

19. He is rather rich. He can help you with the money.

20. Jack is very har – working. He often make his progress in his study.
<i><b>Ex 2 Combine two sentences using Too ....to.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

2. My grand father is very old. He can’t walk without a walking stick.
3. This road is very dangerous. She can’t go out at night.

4. Nam plays chess very badly. He can’t take part in our club.
5. My two- month baby sister is very yong. She can’t sit herself.
6. It’s very cold. We can’t go out tonight.

7. He is very proud. He can’t do that work.

8. That piece of wood looks very hard. It can’t be broken easily.
9. She is very eager. She can’t wait for you.

10. It’s very dark. The students can’t look at the board.
11.The tooth is very decayed. It can’t be kept.

12. The girl is very sick. She can’t do the work herself.

13. These clothes are very expensive. They can’t be sold esily.
14. This bag was very heavy. Mai couldn’t carry it.

15. The train ran quite quckly. we couldn’t catch it.
16. The man is old. He can’t cycle.

17. The water in this pool is very dirty. They can’t drink.
18. This room is very dark. we can’t study.

19. Lan usually speaks English very quickly. I can’t hear.
20. The shelf is very high. The boy can’t reach.

<i><b>Ex 3. Write sentences with“ I wish”</b></i>

1. She isn’t a doctor. 2. They don’t come here on time.

3. It rains heavily. 4. She won’t go to HN with me tomorrow.
5. Tom can’t help me. 6. My sister isn’t here.

7. He never goes to school on time. 8. He fails the final examination.
9. I’m sorry I can’t help you. 10. It will rain tomorrow.

11. I hate having to wear my crash helmet whenever I ride my motorbike to school.
12. I am not used to the noise in the city. 13. I don’t have a big dictionary.
14. It’s a pity that my room is too small. 15. I don’t know anyone in this class.
16. What a pity! You aren’t here with us. 17. The naughty boys always draw on the wall.
18. I’d like my father to give up smoking. 19. He doesn’t help his mother with housework.
20. I must go now. 21. He always goes to school late.

22. My brother is too short to play basketball. 23. I don’t have enough money to help you.
24. I don’t know many people in Ha Noi. 25. It’s hot today.

26. I can’t have a new computer 27. I don’t stay in Hue

28. It rains soften here 29. I can not go fishing with my friends
30. I don’t Know how to swim 31. I don’t remember Hoa’s phone number

32. I can not see the film “Spiderman” with you now becase I’m busy

33. I have to do a of homework today. 34. He doesn’t drive a car
35. Lan doesn’t speak English well 36. Nam doesn’t pass the exam
37. He will be a farmer 38. They won’t come here on time

39. Hoa can go abroad 40. The students don’t learn English well
<b>Ex 4. Change these following sentences into passive voice </b>

Mary does some exercises everyday.

1. My aunt makes good cakes...

2. Workers repair the roof of my school...
3. The new teacher teaches English here...
..Sleepy drivers often cause accidents...

English people like football...
4. Alice visits her grandparents every week. ...

5. My grandfather keeps old photographs in those boxes .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

Monica found the car...

7. A violent storm destroyed the fishing village...
The lawyer made the decision. ...

.Did your daughter eat that pie? What plays did Shakespear write / Her husband didn’t love her
They invited a lot of people to their party last night...

Christopher discovered America in 1492. ...
8. Last night, our grandmother told us a very interesting story

9. A policeman took him to the police station. ...
10. They have not used this machine for ages...

11. Peter has sung this song. ...

12. They have paid doctors a lot of money. She has eaten all the eggs. ...
Famous engineers have designed the air craft.

13. Have several people just seen the accident?...
14. The news has surprised me. ... John has broken my watch.
15. Who has written that novel? ...Nobody has seen Tim

since he left school in 1990. Peter is writing a letter to his friend. ..
My friends are making some phone calls in the evening...

16. Bad drivers are causing many accidents...
17. Alex was preparing that report when I came to see him. ...
18. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon...
19. Waiters and waitresses were serving customers. ...
20. Was Mary helping her mother in the kitchen at that time? ...
The children are eating a lot of sweets. ...

What were you doing at this time yesterday?...

21. You must keep dogs in the garden...
We will issue the library cards soon. ...
... ...
Passengers shouldn’t throw away their tickets. ... Candidates may not use dictionaries.
A machine could do this much more easily.

.... His family will see him off at the airport. ...

22. He’s a dangerous man. They ought to lock him up. ...
23. People must hand in their weapons. ...

.. Thuy has to finish her homework tonight. ...
Ex 5. Viết các câu sau sang dạng câu bị động.

1. They learn English all over the world.
2. You must do this work right now.
3. Mrs. Mai sold her house last year.

4. Nam always finishes his homework on time.

5. This boy broke the window and took some pictures.
6. We will meet him at the airport.

7. They have known him well.

8. They don’t plant rice in that country.
9. Mai gave Tam a ticket to the concert.

10. They should build a bridge across the river.
11. Quyen can do these exercises easily.

12. Mr. Green often took his children to the zoo last year.
13. They are repairing my piano at the moment.

14. The principle has just changed the date of the meeting.

15. We will meet Maryam at the Airport station.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

18. Nobody could help Lan.

19. They are interviewing the president on TV at the moment.
20. They deliver the post twice a day.

21. My father took the old man to the hospital.

22. The workers were repairing the traffic lights at 7 a. m yesterday.
23. Somebody has opened this letter.

24. We have invited all the students in the school.

25. They send two million books to America every year.
26. We check every car engine carefully.

27. I will return the book to you tomorrow.

28. Nobody has seen Peter since the day of the party.
29. Mr. and Mrs. Ba have told the children about the party.
My parents have just given me 2 tickets to the concert.

31. They are going to build a new school in my neighborhood
32. Noone can answer this question.

33. Lan and Hoa have decorated their house recently.
34. People must not leave bicycle in the hall.

35. You should open the window because it’s very hot here.

36. The workers are building a supermarket on our street.
37. You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30 p.m.

38. People say that he is intelligent.
39. Tom was writing two poems.

40. Someone had invented electric lights before I was born.
41. People know that Japan has produced a wide range of cars.
42. Our teacher used to bid us talk in class.

43. She is running her own company.

44. Visitors must leave umbrellas and raincoats in the cloak room.
45. He isn’t going to buy that house.

46. This terrorist has kept 3 hostages for a week.
47. People say that the president is visiting our city.
48. Don’t let others see you.

49. He likes people to call him “sir”.

50. Cows were eating grass on the meadow.
<i><b>Ex 6*. Chuyển các câu sau sang bị động.</b></i>

1. Are you going to grow flowers in the front garden?

2. Do they teach English here? 3. Did your teacher give you some exercises?
4. Will the buses bring the children home? 5. How can they open this safe?

6. Have they changed the window of the laboratory?

7. Why didn’t they help him?

8. Who has made the offer?

9. Is Mr. Baker writing a report about the market situation in the Far East?
10. Did Alexandra invent the telephone?

11. How often do you take the dog out for a walk?

12. Will your brother give you a large doll on your 12th<sub> birthday?</sub>

13. When will you return the book to me?

14. How many books do they send to America every year?
15. Had you seen Peter before he came back to VN?
16. Has anybody told you what to do?

17. Did they make jeans 200 years ago?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

20. What language do people speak in this country?

21. How many trees will they cut down to build that fence?
22. When did you see him in the bank?

23. How many days did Mr. Ba spend finishing the work?
24. When will you have bought a new house?

25., When did you receive my letter?
26. Have you finished your task recently?

27. Haven’t you found out information about the trains of HN yet?
28. Did nobody take English books away?

29. Do people use milk for making butter and cheese?
30. Had they repaired that house before you rented it?
31. How do you make a survey?

32. Will you post this letter on the way to work?

33. Was Mai taking care of the baby girl while her mother was cooking dinner?
34. How many ways can you solve this Math exercise

35. Were they holding a meeting at 7 a. m yesterday?

<i><b>Period 5</b></i> <i><b> Preparing day : 10 /10/ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day : /10/ 2011</b></i>

<b>Revision – English Grammar</b>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss can revise some old vocabulary and structures in English 8 and English 9.Ss can put the
correct form of the verbs in somes tenses.

<b>B. The content.:Used to và to be used to / get used to/ Comparision of adj and adv</b>
<b>1.Used to: thường, đã từng trong quá khứ.</b>

a. Usage: Dùng để diễn tả những sự việc thường được làm trong quá khứ mà hiện tại không
<i><b>tồn tại nữa hoặc ít xảy ra ở hiện tại.</b></i>

b. Examples and structures. Eg1. + ) Lan used to (play) tennis when she was young. ( play)
- ) Lan didn’t use o play…..? ) Did Lan use to play……?/Yes, she did./ No, she didn’t.
Eg2. They used to (live) in the countryside.

<b>+ ) S + used to + V (bare)…..</b>
<b>_ ) S + didn’t use to + V (bare)…..</b>

<b>? ) Did + S + use to + V (bare)…..?/ Yes, S + did./ No, S + didn’t.</b>

Used to chỉ được dùng ở thì quá khứ, nó được coi như lag một động từ thg do vậy khi chuyển
<i>sang phủ định ta mượn didn’t. Khi chuyển sang câu hỏi ta mượn Did lên trước chủ ngữ.</i>

<b>2. To be used to: quen dần</b>

a. Usage: Dùng để diễn tả mình hay ai đó đã quen với việc gì, làm gì sau 1 thời gian thử thách
<i><b>nhất định.</b></i>

b. Examples and structures. Eg1. Jane is used to (drive) on the left.(+ ) Jane is used to driving on
the left. /_ ) Jane isn’t used to driving on the left.

? ) Is Jane used to driving on the left?/ Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.
Eg2. They are used to (go) swimming in the morning.

<b>+ ) S + (to)be + used to + Ving…</b>
<b>- ) S + (to)be not + used to + Ving…</b>

<b>? ) (To) be + S + used to + Ving…?/Yes, S + (to) be./ No, S + (to) be not.</b>

<i> Trong to be used to thì Used to được coi là giới từ nên khi chuyển sang phủ định ta thêm not</i>
<i>vào sau to be, khi chuyển sang câu hỏi ta mượn Tobe lên trước chủ ngữ.</i>

<b>3. To get used to: quen dần</b>

Eg1: Jane gets used to (drive) on the left./(+ ) Jane gets used to driving on the left.
- ) Jane doesn’t used to driving on the left.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

Eg2. They get used to (go) swimming in the morning.
<b>+ ) S + get / got used to + Ving…..</b>

<b>-) S + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t + get used to + Ving…</b>

<b>? ) Do / Does /Did + S + used to + Ving……?Yes, S + do / does / did.</b>

<i>Trong to get used to thì get được coi là động từ thg, used to được coi là giới từ nên khi chuyển</i>
<i>sang câu phủ định ta phải mượn don’t / doesn’t / didn’t cà get đưa về dạng gốc. Khi chuyển sang</i>
<i>câu hỏi ta mượn Do / Does / Đi lên trước chủ ngữ.</i>

<b> 4. Prepositions of time: “ in , on, at, after, before, between ”</b>

o <b>In (vào) + (second / minute / hour / day / week / month / seasons / year )</b>
In 20 seconds, she will leave here./They start working in spring and end in summer.

 She always gets up at 5.00 in the morning. /I was born in 1978.
o <b>On (vào) + (holidays / days in a week / date)</b>

 We are going to have a party for my mom on March 8.
 He has Math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
o <b>At ( lúc ) + ( hour time )- Minh goes to sleep at 10.00 p.m.</b>
o <b>After (sau) + (second/minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year)</b>
o <b>before ( trước ) + (second / minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year)</b>

 After 20 seconds, she will leave here.

 They start working before Spring and end after Summer.
 She always gets up after 5.00 .

<b>Between …..and (giữa .và .)They will build my house between January and</b>
September .*Danh từ: - Làm chủ ngữ trong câu. Đứng sau tính từ Đứng sau mạo từ: a / an /

- Đứng sau các đại từ bất định: some, any, a few....Đứng sau các đại từ sở hữu: my, your, their...
- Đứng sau hay trước các danh từ để tạo thành từ ghép.

<b>*Động từ: - Đứng sau chủ ngữ. Đứng trước tân ngữ. Đứng sau trạng từ. </b>
Đứng đầu câu trong câu mệnh lệnh. Đứng sau trợ động từ.

<b>*Tính từ: Đứng sau tobe và một số động từ chỉ cảm giác, nhận thức.</b>
- Đứng giữa a / an / the và danh từ. Đứng giữa đại từ sở hữu và danh từ.
<b>*Trạng từ: - Đứng sau hoặc trước động từ để bổ nghĩa cho động từ.</b>
- Đứng ở đầu câu và sau nó là 1 dấu phẩy.

*Khi từ trong ngoặc được chọn là danh từ thì ta phải căn cứ vào động từ để xác định nó là danh từ số ít
hay danh từ số nhiều

*Khi từ trong ngoặc được chọn là động từ thì ta phải xem trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong câu xem nó ở thì nào
để xác định thì cho đúng.

**Khi từ trong ngoặc được chọn là tính từ thì ta phải xem danh từ chỉ người hay vật để chọn là Ing hay

<b>5. Comparision of adj and adv</b>

Cấp so sánh: 1. So sánh hơn: So sánh hơn của Adj, trạng từ ngắn
So sánh hơn của tính từ, trạng từ dài

2. So sánh hơn nhất: So sánh hơn nhất của Adj, trạng từ ngắn So sánh hơn nhất của Adj, trạng từ

3. So sánh bằng, khơng bằng:So sánh bằng của tính từ, trạng từ

So sánh khơng bằng của tính từ, trạng từ. So sánh giống nhau. So sánh khác biệt
<i><b>2. So sánh hơn nhất</b></i>

Là so sánh giữa 1 người, 1 vật với 1 tập thể người hay 1 tập thể vật khi có chung 1 đặc điểm.
<i><b>a.So sánh hơn nhất với tính từ ngắn, trạng từ ngắn</b></i>

Eg1. Lan / short / in my class -> Lan is the shortest in my class.
Eg2. I / thin / in my family

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>S + am / is / are (not) the + short adj+est + in / on / at + common Noun.</b>
Eg4. Lan / sing / good / in my class. ->Lan sings the best in my class.
Eg5. I / speak English / fast / in my class.

<b>S + V + the + short adv+ est + in / on / at + common Noun.</b>
<b>Note:/Cách thêm EST vào sau tính từ, trạng từ ngắn</b>

<i><b>1.Thông thường ta chỉ việc thêm EST vào sau tính từ, trạng từ ngắn. Tuy nhiên những tính từ</b></i>
<i><b>mà có tận cùng là er, ow, y, le. te, ure thì ta coi chúng như TTngắn và thêm EST như bt.</b></i>

<b>Clever – cleverest /Narrow - narrowest</b>

<i><b>2. Những tính từ có tận cùng là e ta chỉ việc thêm ST.</b></i>

<b>Large – largest/ Noble – noblest (quý phái) /Wise – wisest</b>

<i><b>3. Những tính từ có 1 âm tiết mà kết thúc là 1 phụ âm trước nó là 1 ngun âm thì ta phải gấp</b></i>
<i><b>đơi phụ âm rồi thêm EST.</b></i>

<b>Red – reddest / Hot – hottest</b>

<i><b>4. Những tính từ có kết thúc là y khi đó xảy ra 2 trường hợp:</b></i>

<b>+ Nếu trước Y là 1 nguyên âm thì ta chỉ việc thêm est. Gray – grayest</b>

<b>+ Nếu trước Y là 1 phụ âm thì ta chuyển y thành I rồi thêm est. Happy – happiest</b>
<b>5. Một vài trường hợp ngoại lệ.</b>

<b>1. good – best 3. little – least 5. old – oldest (già nhất) / Eldest (lớn nhất </b>
<b>2. bad – worst 4. much / many – most) 6. far – farthest (xa nhất về khoảng cách)</b>

<b> Furthest (xa nhất về khoảng cách, xa hơn về suy nghĩ)</b>
<i><b>b. So sánh hơn nhất với tính từ dài.</b></i>

Eg1. Lan / intelligent / in my school. ->Lan is the most intelligent in my school.
Eg2. I / generous / in my family. Eg3. The flowers / beautiful / in the shop.
<b> S + am / is / are (not) + the most + long adj + in / on / at + Common Noun.</b>

Eg4. Mr. Ba / drive / carefully / in his family. Eg5. The students / sing / loudly / at school.
<b> S + V + the most + long adv + in / on / at + Common Noun.</b>

<i><b>3. So sánh bằng, so sánh không bằng, Là so sánh sự bằng nhau giữa 2 người hay 2 vật với nhau.</b></i>
<i><b>a. So sánh bằng với tính từ.</b></i>

Eg1. Lan / tall / Mai -> Lan is as tall as Mai.
Eg2. I / intelligent / you -> I am as intelligent as you.
Eg3. The buildings in Ha Noi / high / those in HCM city.

<b> S + am / is / are + as + adj + as + N / Pronoun..</b>
<i><b>b. So sánh không bằng với tính từ.</b></i>

Eg1. Lan / not tall / Mai -> Lan is not as tall as / so

Eg2. I /not intelligent / you -> I am not as intelligent as you./ so
Eg3. The buildings in Ha Noi / not high / those in HCM city.

<b> S + am / is / are + not + as / so + adj + as + N / Pronoun..</b>
<i><b>c. So sánh bằng với trạng từ.</b></i>

Eg1. Mr. Nam / work / carefully /my father. /-> Mr. Nam works as carefully as my father.
Eg2. You / speak English / fast / Mrs. Huong. / ->You speak English as fast as Mrs. Huong.
<b> S + V + as + adv + as + Noun / Pronoun.</b>

<i><b>d. So sánh không bằng với trạng từ.</b></i>

Eg1. Mr. Nam / not work / carefully /my father./->Mr. Nam doesn’t work as carefully as my

Eg2. You / not speak English / fast / Mrs. Huong./->You don’t speak English as fast as Mrs.

S + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t +V (bare) + as / so + adv + as + Noun / Pronoun
<b>** So sánh khác biệt.</b>

Eg1. Lan is tall. Hoa is short. Lan is different from Hoa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<i><b>* Cách chuyển từ so sánh hơn sang so sánh khơng bằng và ngược lại.</b></i>
<i><b>1.Với tính từ. Eg1. Lan is taller than Mai - Mai is not as tall as Lan.</b></i>
Eg2. My bag is bigger than your bag. Your bag...

Eg3. This car is more comfortable than that one.That car...
Eg4. HN capital is more famous than HD city.HD city...
<b>S + (to)be + ADJ er + than + N / Pro.</b>

<b> more adj</b>

<b>S + (to)be not + as + adj + as + N / Pro.</b>

<i><b>2. Với trạng từ. Eg1. I study harder than Lan. Lan doesn’t study as hard as I</b></i>

Eg2. Mr Ba drives more carefully than we. / Eg3. Mai can play chess better than Tam.
Eg4. We behave more generously than Mr. Ba.

<b>S + V / can V + ADv er + than + N / Pro.</b>
<b> more adv</b>

<b>S + don’t / doesn’t / can’t V + as + adv + as + N / Pro.</b>

- Nếu trong câu so sánh hơn và hơn nhất có từ 2 tính từ hay 2 trạng từ trở lên thì ta cần chú ý đến
các chú ý sau:

<i>+ Nếu ở so sánh hơn có 2 tính từ, trạng từ ngắn thì ta chỉ việc thêm đi ER vào sau mỗi tính từ</i>
<i>hay trạng từ ngắn đó; nếu là 2 tính từ, trạng từ dài thì ta thêm MORE vàot rước tính từ hay trạng</i>
<i>từ dài đứng đầu; nếu có 1 ngắn, 1 dài thì ngắn ta thêm ER vào sau, dài ta thêm MORE vào trước.</i>
<i>+ Nếu ở so sánh hơn nhất có 2 tính từ, trạng từ ngắn thì sau động từ TO BE ta thêm THE và ta</i>
<i>chỉ việc thêm đuôi EST vào sau mỗi tính từ hay trạng từ ngắn đó; nếu là 2 tính từ, trạng từ dài thì</i>
<i>ta thêm MOST vàot trước tính từ hay trạng từ dài đứng đầu; nếu có 1 ngắn, 1 dài thì ngắn ta</i>
<i>thêm EST vào sau, dài ta thêm MOST vào trước.</i>

Write sentenses QKĐ sang HTHT và ngược lại.

1. S + began / started + to- infinitive / Ving……5 years ago.
S + have / has + P2 ………for 5 years.

2. S + Began / started + N ………..5 years ago.
S + have / has + begun / started + …..for 5 years.
3. S + began / started + to – inf / Ving + when + clause.
S + have / has / +P2 + since + clause.

4. S + last + V (ed) + ….5 years ago.
S + haven’t / hasn’t + P2 …. for 5 years.

5. How long ago + did + S + begin / start + to – inf / Ving…..?
When did

How long + have / has + S + P2 +…….?
<b>5 years ago –> for 5 years.</b>

<b> In May - > since May</b>
<i><b>1. Mind + Ving . Eg1. Can you pass me these books?</b></i>

- Do you mind passing me these books? Would you mind passing me these books?
<b>Can / could you + V (bare)...?</b>

<b>Do / Would you mind + Ving...?</b>
<i>Khi dùng cấu trúc này thì chủ ngữ ở câu cho trước phải là You</i>
<i><b>2. Mind + If + Clause .Eg1. Can I borrow your books?</b></i>

- Do you mind if I borrow your books? Would you mind if I borrowed your books?
Eg2. Can you help me do this exercise?

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- Do you mind if you help me do this exercise?

- Would you mind if you helped me do this exeercise?
<b>Can / Could + I + V (bare)...?</b>
<b>Do you mind if I + V (s, es)...?</b>
<b>Would you mind if I + V (ed)...?</b>
<b>Can / Could you + V + me + V (bare)...?</b>
<b>Do / Would you mind + Ving...?</b>
<b>Do you mind if I + V (s, es)...?</b>
<b>Would you mind if I + V (ed)...?</b>

<i><b>Period 6</b></i> <i><b> Preparing day : /10/ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day : /10/ 2011</b></i>

<b>Revision – English Grammar</b>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss can revise some old vocabulary and structures in English Grammar.Ss can put the
correct form of the verbs in somes tenses.

<b>B. The content </b>

<i><b>Ex 1: Viết câu ở dạng so sánh hơn.</b></i>

1. I / short / my brother 2. HD / small / HN

3. Her shoes / expensive / his 4. Mr. Jones / drive / carefully / his wife.
5. Russia / big / Canada. 6. Football / popular / table – tennis.
7. These exercises / seem / easy / those ones. 8. This car / fast / yours.

9. English / difficult / Chinese. 10. Today / cold / yesterday.
<i><b>Ex 2. Viết câu ở dạng so sánh hơn nhất.</b></i>

1.Russia / large / country / in the world. 2. She / careful / student / in my class.
3. Ronaldinho / good / footballer / in the world. 4. Phil / haapy / person / I know.

5. These shoes / expensive / of all. 6. HCM city / big / city / in VN.
7. This / interesting film / I ever / see. 8. Hoa / pretty / girl / in her group.
9. Mr. Pike / generous / person / in my town. 10. This experience / bad / I / ever / have.
<b>Exercises: Ex 1. Viết câu ở dạng so sánh hơn nhất.</b>

1.Russia / large / country / in the world. 11. Mr Nam/ work / hard / in his office.
2. She / careful / student / in my class. 12. My father / play chess / bad in his group.
3. Ronaldinho / good / footballer / in the world. 13. Health and happiness / important/ in life.
4. Phil / happy / person / I know. 14. What / high / mountain / in the world?
5. These shoes / expensive / of all. 15. Amazon / long / river / in the world?
6. HCM city / big / city / in VN. 7. This / interesting film / I ever / see.

8. Hoa / pretty / girl / in her group. 9. Mr. Pike / generous / person / in my town.

10. This experience / bad / I / ever / have. 11. Mr Nam/ work / hard / in his office.
<i><b>Ex 2. Viết câu ở dạng so sánh bằng hoặc không bằng.</b></i>

1.HN / noisy / HCM city. 6. This pen / good / that one.

2. Today / not cold / yesterday. 7. We /can repair this computer /fast / the mechanic
3. My bag / not expensive / his. 8. She / cook/ well / me.

4. Their house / big / our house. 9. Learning English / not difficult / Chinese.
5. I / not work /carefully / you. 10. The sun / hot / the moon.

<i><b>Ex 3. Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu.</b></i>

1.Peter is the ……. person that we know. (happier / happiest)
2. Of the four dreess, I like the ………. one (better /best)

3. The museum is the ………away of the 3 buildings.(farther / farthest)
4. Peter’s car is…..than Bill’s. (faster / fastest)

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7. English is ……to learn than German. (easier / easiest)

8. China is the country with the ………population. (larger / largest)
9. Jane is the …..athletic of all the women. (less / least)

10. My sister’s much……..than me. (taller / tallest)
<i><b>Ex2. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.</b></i>
1. We used to…………in a big city. ( living, lived, live)
2. She gets used to…..a motorbike. ( driving, drove, drive)
3. He is used to ………up early now. (getting, got, get)

4. His grandma used to…..everything without the help of modern equipment. (doing, did, do)
5. Did he use to………….up late? (staying, stayed, stay)

6. We are used to………..in the library. (working, worked, work)
7. She used to……….all her homework on mornings. (doing, do, does)
8. He gets used to………on the floor. (sleep, sleeping, slept)
9. We used ………in a small village. (live, living, to live)

10. They are used to ………..at night. (work, working, to work).
<i><b>Ex 3. Dùng V-ing hay Infinitive để hoàn thành câu.</b></i>

1.Jane had to get used to ………on the left. (drive)

2. Bill used to………very fit. Now he’s in terrible condition. (be)
3. When I was a child, I used to…………swimming everyday. (go)
4. It took me a long time to get used to…………..glasses. (wearing)

5. They used to …………..a cinema on this corner but it was knocked down. (be)
6. I’m a boss. I’m not used to………told what to do. (be)

7. You’ll have to get used to…………. less if you want to lose weight. (eat)
8. I used to ……….Ann but now she gets on my nerves. (like)

9. Rom got tired very quickly. He wasn’t used to………so fast. (run)
10. My father gets used to………..newspapers in the morning. (read)
11. Tom used to…………..a lot of coffee when he was a student. (drink)
12. The children used to………..swimming in the afternoon. (go)

13. Is Lan used to……….to Maryam? (write)

14. He used to…………to the cinema on the weekends. (go)
15. Are they used to…………fishing on the weekends? (go)
<i><b>Ex 4. Chọn đáp đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.</b></i>

1. They are used to / used to go to Dalat in Summer.
2. They are used to / used to playing soccer in the park.
3. I am used to / used to getting up early.

4. Tom is used to / used to do his homework in the evening.
5. Lan is used to / used to writing to Maryam.

6. He is used to / used to work at night.

7. Do they use to / Are they used to watching TV?
8. Is she used to / Did she use to playing badminron?
9. My father is used to / used to come home late.

10. She is used to / used to go swimming in the afternoon.
<i><b>Ex 1. Past Simple → Present Perfect</b></i>

1. I didn't call her up 2 days ago.I haven't………

2. Did you finish the test an hour ago? Have………?
3. I started playing tennis last year. I've………
4. He began to use the computer when he was 19.He has………

5. She didn't learn hard in 2005. She hasn't……….

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9. Did Dad start to work here when I was born? Has………?
10. When did you first see her? How long………?

11. The last time We saw her was 2 months ago .We haven ‘t
12. Tom did not work here when I met him on the street .Tom has

13. This is the first time he forgot his bag. He has never……….
14. Children began to play games at 9pm . Children have………..

<i><b>Period 7</b></i> <i><b> Preparing day : /10/ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day : /10/ 2011</b></i>

<b> Revision – SO...THAT; SUCH....THAT</b>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss can revise some old vocabulary and structures in English Grammar.Ss can put the
correct form of the verbs in somes tenses.

<b>B. The content </b>

<i><b>I – Nối câu dùng SO...THAT ( quá.... đến nỗi). Mệnh đề sau That gọi là mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ</b></i>
kết quả do hành động của mệnh đề chính gây ra.

<i><b>1. xét với tính từ.</b></i>

Eg1. I am very busy. I have no time to go out with you.-.>I am so busy that I have no time to go
out with you.

Eg2. It was too dark. We couldn’t see her.

Eg3. The little girl looks very unhappy. We all feel sorry for her.

Eg4. The soup tastes very good. Everyone will ask for more.

Eg5. The exercise is very difficult. I can’t do it. Eg6. The food is very hot. We can’t eat it.
<i><b>S + (to)be / look / seem... + so + adj + that + clause.</b></i>

Note: Câu 1 có very, too, quite, rather... thì ta bỏ đi thay thế bằng So nếu khơng có thì đặt ngay
<i><b>sau tính từ. That thay cho dấu chấm. Câu 2 giữ nguyên và đặt ngay sau That.</b></i>

<i><b>2. Xét với trạng từ. Eg1. Mary studies very hard. Her mother is very proud of her.</b></i>
Mary studies so hard that her mother is very proud of her.

Eg2. The actors and actresses acted very well. The audience was moved to tear. When did you
first know her ? How long …………?Eg3. The student had behaved very badly. He was
dismissed from the class.

Eg4. Nam ran very quickly. Nobody could follow him.

Eg5. He spoke too quickly. I can’t hear him. Eg6. The bus drives very fast. They can’t catch it.
<i><b> S + V + so + adv + that + clause.</b></i>

Note: Câu 1 có very, too, quite, rather... thì ta bỏ đi thay thế bằng So nếu khơng có thì đặt
<i><b>ngay sau trạng từ. That thay cho dấu chấm. Câu 2 giữ nguyên và đặt ngay sau That.</b></i>

<i><b>3. Xét với danh từ.</b></i>

<i><b>a. Với danh từ đếm được. </b></i>

Eg1. The Smiths had many children. They formed their ơn baseball team.
The Smiths had so many children that they formes their ơn baseball tem.
Eg2. There were many people in the room. We couldn’t move.

Eg3. I had few job offers. It wasn’t difficult to select one.
Eg4. La has few friends. She often feels alone.

<i><b>S + (to) be + so many / few + Noun(s,es) that + clause.</b></i>
<i><b> V</b></i>

<b>Note: Câu 1 đặt So vào trước many / few. That thay cho dấu chấm.Câu 2 giữ nguyên và đặt</b>
<i><b>ngay sau That.</b></i>

<i><b>b. Với danh từ không đếm được.</b></i>

Eg1. He has much work to do. He can’t go to the cinema with us.
He has so much work to do that he can’t go to the cinema with us.

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Eg4. The baby girl eats little rice everyday. She is very thin.

Eg5. He bought lots of books .He didn't know where to put them.
->He bought so many books that he didn't know where to put them.
<i><b>S + (to) be + so much / little+ Noun (không đếm được) that + clause.</b></i>

<i><b> V</b></i>

<b>Note: Câu 1 đặt So vào trước much / little. That thay cho dấu chấm.</b>

<i><b>Câu 2 giữ nguyên và đặt ngay sau That.Nếu có a lot of ,lots of thì phải đổi thành much, many</b></i>
<i><b>II – Nối câu dùng SUCH...THAT ( quá.... đến nỗi)</b></i>

<i><b>1.Xét với danh từ đếm được số ít.</b></i>

Eg1. He is a very lazy boy. No one likes him. ->He is such a lazy boy that no one likes him.
Eg2. It was an amazing place. Liz wanted to go there again.

Eg3. The road is very narrow. It’s difficult for two cars to pass each other.
-> It is such a narrow road that it’s difficult for two cars to pass each other.
Eg4. The house is very expensive. We can’t buy it.

<i><b>S + (to) be + such ( a/an) + adj + N( đếm được số ít) + that + clause</b></i>

<i><b>S</b></i> <i><b> + V</b></i> <b>Note: </b> <b> Câu 1 bỏ too, so, very, quite </b>

<i><b>+ Do đây là danh từ là số ít nên ta phải dùng (a/an) và đặt ngay sau Such trước tính từ.</b></i>
<i><b>+ Nếu sau adj không có danh từ thì lấy danh từ ở đầu câu rồi đặt vào sau tính từ.</b></i>
Eg3. The road is very narrow. It’s difficult for two cars to pass each other.

Sau từ narrow khơng có danh từ nên phải đem từ road đặt sau từ narrow. Do từ Road đếm được
nên ta phải mượn a vào trước từ narrow.

<i><b>2.Xét với danh từ đếm được số nhiều. Eg1. They are very lazy boys. No one likes them.</b></i>
->They are such lazy boys that no one likes them.

Eg2. They were amazing places. Liz wanted to go there again.

Eg3. The roads are very narrow. It’s difficult for two cars to pass each other.
They are such narrow roads that it’s difficult for two cars to pass each other.
Eg4. The houses are very expensive. We can’t buy them.

Eg5. They are such beautiful pictures. Everybody will want one.
<i><b>S + (to) be + such + adj + N( đếm được số nhiều) + that + clause</b></i>
<i><b>S + V</b></i>

<b>Note: Câu 1 bỏ too, so, very, quite + Do đây là danh từ là số nhiều nên ta không phải dùng</b>
<i><b>(a/an). Nếu sau adj khơng có danh từ thì lấy danh từ ở đầu câu rồi đặt vào sau tính từ.</b></i>
Eg3. The roads are very narrow. It’s difficult for two cars to pass each other.

Sau từ narrow khơng có danh từ nên phải đem từ roads đặt sau từ narrow. Do từ Roads đếm được
nên ta không phải mượn a vào trước từ narrow.

<i><b>3.Xét với danh từ không đếm được.</b></i>

Eg1. It is delicious food. We ate all of it. -> It is such delicious food that we ate all of it.
Eg2.The coffee is too hot .I can't drink it. ->It is such hot coffee that I can't drink it.
Eg3. Her voice is very soft .Everyone likes her. ->She has such a soft voice that everyone likes

Eg4. This is difficult homework. We can’t finish it.

Eg5. He bought many books. He didn't know where to put them.
-> He bought such a lot of books that he didn't know where to put them.

Eg6. He invested much money. We couldn’t imagine.

<i><b>S + (to) be + such + adj + N( không đếm được) + that + clause</b></i>
<i><b>S + V</b></i>

<b>Note: Câu 1 bỏ too, so, very, quite + Do đây là danh từ không đếm được nên ta không phải</b>

<i><b>dùng</b></i> <i><b>(a/an).</b></i>

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<i><b>Cấu</b></i> <i><b>trúc</b></i> <i><b>tương</b></i> <i><b>đồng</b></i> <i><b>giữa</b></i> <i><b>So...</b></i> <i><b>that,</b></i> <i><b>Such</b></i> <i><b>...that</b></i>

<b>S/it +( to) be/ V + such + (a/an)+ adj + noun + that + a clause</b>
<b>S + (to) be / V + so + adj + a / an + Noun + that + clause.</b>
Eg1. It was a hot day .We decided to stay indoors.

It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.
It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.

Eg2. It was an interesting book. He couldn’t put it down.
It was such an interesting book that he couldn’t put it down.
It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down.

Eg3. It is a difficult exercise. We can’t do it.

Eg4. We bought a modern car. We couldn’t dream.
<i><b>Note: Khi nối câu ta cần chú ý đến các nguyên tắc sau.</b></i>

- Đối với các từ nối như: so...that, such....that, so that , in order that, and, not only....but also, both
...and thì các câu gần như được giữ nguyên.

- Đối với các từ nối như: in oder to. so as to, too...to, enough ...to thì câu 2 phải bỏ chủ ngữ hoặc
chủ ngữ được chuyển sang làm tân ngữ sau đó chọn lấy động từ chính.

<b>Revise condition 1, 2</b>
<b>*Câu điều kiện loại I</b>

<i><b>1. Usage: Câu điều kiện loại I dùng để diễn tả hành động, sự việc có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hay</b></i>
<i>tương lai. (đây là câu điều kiện có thật). Câu điều kiện gồm 2 mệnh đề. Mệnh đề phụ là mệnh đề</i>
<i>chứa If còn mệnh đề kia là mệnh đề chính. Hai mệnh đề này có thể đổi chỗ cho nhau nếu mệnh</i>
<i>đề phụ đứng trước thì hết nó là dấu phẩy. Nếu mệnh đề chính đứng trước thì 2 mệnh đề được nối</i>

<i>liền nhau.</i>

<i><b>2. Examples and structures:</b></i>

<i><b>a, Khi 2 mệnh đề chính, phụ đều ở khẳng định.</b></i>

Eg1. I (stay) at home if it (rain) Eg2. Lan (get) good grade if she (study) hard.
Eg3. If they (study) hard, they (get) good grades.

Eg4. I (be) very happy if you (come) to my house.
Eg5. If you (be) good to me, I (be) good to you.

<b> Main clause If clause</b>
<b>S + will + V(bare) if + S + am / is / are</b>
<b> V (s, es)</b>
<i><b>b, Khi 2 mệnh đề chính, phụ đều ở phủ định.</b></i>

Eg1. I (not stay) at home if it (not rain). Eg2. Lan (not get) good grade if she (not study) hard.
Eg3. If they (not study) hard, they (not get) good grades.

Eg4. I (not be) very happy if you (not come) to my house.
Eg5. If you (not be) good to me, I (not be) good to you.
<b> Main clause If clause</b>

<b>S + will + not (won’t) + V(bare) if + S + am / is / are + not</b>

<b> don’t / doesn’t + V (bare)</b>
<i><b>c, Khi mệnh đề chính là phủ định, mệnh dề phụ ở khẳng định.</b></i>

Eg1. I (not go) out if it (rain). Eg2. Lan (not get) good grade if she (study) lazily.

Eg3. If they (study) lazily, they (not get) good grades.

Eg4. I (not be) very happy if you (come) to my house late.
Eg5. If you (be) bad to me, I (not be) good to you.

<b> Main clause If clause</b>
<b>S + will + not (won’t) + V(bare if + S + am / is / are</b>
<b> V (s, es)</b>

<i><b>d, Khi mệnh đề chính là khẳng định, mệnh dề phụ ở phủ định.</b></i>

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Eg4. I (be) very happy if you (not come) to my house late.
Eg5. If you (not be) bad to me, I (be) good to you.

<b> Main clause If clause</b>

<b>S + will + V(bare ) if + S + am / is / are + not</b>

<b> don’t / doesn’t + V (bare)</b>

<b>Note: 1.Câu điều kiện với việc xảy ra thường xuyên có sử dụng các trạng từ thường xuyên.</b>
Eg1. If Mai (have) enough time, she usually (walk) to school.

Eg2. They sometimes (watch) TV if they (finish) their homework.
Eg3. If it (not rain), I often (not stay) at home.

Eg4. If they (not get) good marks, they often (not be) happy.

<b> Main clause if clause</b>

<b>S + always / usually / often / sometimes / never + V (s, es) if + S + V (s, es)</b>

<b> don’t / doesn’t + V (bare) am / is / are</b>
<i><b>2. Câu điều kiện với dạng câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu.</b></i>

Eg1. If you (go) to the post office, please (mail) the letter for me.
Eg2. (stop) smoking if you (want) to be more healthy.

Eg3. (not smoke) if you (stay) here.
Eg4. (not call) me if you (see) him.
<b> Main clause if clause</b>
<b> V (bare) if + S + V (s, es)</b>
<b> Don’t + V (bare)</b>

<b>*Câu điều kiện loại II</b>

<i><b>1. Usage: Câu điều kiện loại II dùng để diễn tả hành động, sự việc không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại</b></i>
<i>hay tương lai. (đây là câu giả định). Câu điều kiện gồm 2 mệnh đề. Mệnh đề phụ là mệnh đề</i>
<i>chứa If còn </i>

<i>mệnh đề kia là mệnh đề chính. Hai mệnh đề này có thể đổi chỗ cho nhau nếu mệnh đề phụ đứng</i>
<i>trước thì hết nó là dấu phẩy. Nếu mệnh đề chính đứng trước thì 2 mệnh đề được nối liền nhau.</i>
<i><b>2. Examples and structures:</b></i>

<i><b>a, Khi 2 mệnh đề chính, phụ đều ở khẳng định.</b></i>

Eg1. I (stay) at home if it (rain) Eg2. Lan (get) good grade if she (study) hard.

Eg3. If they (study) hard, they (get) good grades. Eg4. I (be) very happy if you (come) to my
house. Eg5. If you (be) good to me, I (be) good to you.

<b> Main clause If clause</b>
<b>S + would + V(bare) if + S + were</b>
<b> V (ed)</b>
<i><b>b, Khi 2 mệnh đề chính, phụ đều ở phủ định.</b></i>

Eg1. I (not stay) at home if it (not rain) now.

Eg2. Lan (not get) good grade if she (not study) hard this semester.
Eg3. If they (not study) hard, they (not get) good grades.

Eg4. I (not be) very happy if you (not come) to my house.
Eg5. If you (not be) good to me, I (not be) good to you.
<b> Main clause If clause</b>
<b>S + would + not (wouldn't) + V(bare) if + S + were + not</b>
<b> didn't + V (bare)</b>

<i><b>Period: 8 </b></i> <i><b> Preparing day : /.../ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day : /.../ 2011</b></i>

<b> Tasks – SO...THAT; SUCH....THAT</b>

<i><b> Ex 1. Nối câu dùng SO...THAT; SUCH....THAT</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

2. That old man is very weak. He can’t work now.

3. The “ Titalic” film is very interesting. We can see it many times.
4. She gives Tom easy exercises. He can do them in only 15 minutes.
5. These boxes were vey heavy. They had to ask for our help.

6. She was very tired. She didn’t want to do anything.
7. The man was very friendly. Everybody liked him.
8. He was very late. He missed the first train.

9. We tried to learn English hard. We could pass the exams.
10. He saved money. He didn’t buy anything.

11. The students read many books. They would be able to report them in class.
12. The book looked very interesting. He decided to read it.

13. The ground is very narrow. We can’t play football there.
14. This exercise is difficult. None of us can do it.

15. The film was very boring. We didn’t want to see it.

16. Mrs. Baker was very tired. She couldn’t walk any further.
17. He was very hungry. He ate all of the cake.

18. Peter was very thirsty. He drank two glasses of water.
19. This book story is interesting. I read it all night long.
20. These students are too smart. They always get good marks.
21. The sun shone brightly. Maria had to puton her sunglasses.
22. Dean was a powerful swimmer. He always won the races.
23. There were few students registered. The class was cancelled.
24. The house was beautiful. I took a picture of it.

25.This coffee is strong. I can’t drink it.

26. This is a good film. I want to see it again and again.
27. There was a lot of food. Everyone ate too much.

28. There were a lot of guests. Thre wasn’t enough food.
29. I ate a lot of sandwiches. I felt uneasy.

30. David has a lot of work to do. He can’t come tonight.
31. He was very sick. He was sent to the hospital.

32. It was very dark. He couldn’t see anything.

33. He has very wide knowledge. We can’t help admiring him.
34. His conduct is very good. All his teachers love him.

35. Mary has baeutiful voice. We all like to hear her sing.
36. John is still very weak. He can’t walk without a stick.

37. My father has a very good health. He seldom takes any medicines.
38. There is too much noise. We can’t learn our lessons.

39. My friend is very strong. He can lift up the table himself.
40. Bill is an intelligent boy. He is always at the top of his class.
<i><b>Ex 3. Nối các cặp câu sau dùng từ nối trong ngoặc.</b></i>

1.The movie was boring. We went home before it finished. (so...that) / (such....that)
2. Mai openedthe door. Mai greeted the guests. (and)

3. We started the trip very early. We reached the village before noon. (so that) / (so as to)
4. Liz saw some wild ducks. She took some photos of them. (and) / (so)

5. Hoa is very sick. She can’t sit up. (so...that)/ (too....to)

6. Ba felt tired and hungry. Lan felt tired and hungry, too. (both...and)/ (and)

7. We enjoyed the fresh air in the countryside. We enjoyed the food there. (both....and) / (and)
8. The water is very cold. We can’t swim in it.(too...to) / (so...that)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

12. The book looked quite interesting. We decided to read it. (so....that) / (such...that)
13. The sun is not warm. We can’t live on it. (enough...to

14. Tom works hard. He wants his parents to be happy. (so as for....to) / (so that)
15. We had wonderful memories of that place. We decided to return. (such...that)
<i><b>Ex 1. Cho dạng đúng của động từ dưới đây theo câu điều kiện loại 1.</b></i>

1. If it (be)_________fine tomorrow morning, we (go)__________ on a picnic.
2. What (happen)________ to her if she (read)_________ in a bad light?

3. It’s raining. You (get)__________ wet if you (go)________ out.
4. If we (go)___________ to HN, where we (stay)_____________?

5. If she (not come)________________ soon, we (not wait)_____________ for her.
6. We (be)____________ very surprised if he (not get)___________ that job.
7. if I (need)__________ any help. I (ask)______________ you?

8. If you (pass)____________ the post office, (send)____________ this letter for me.
9. She (be)_____________ healthy if she (drink)___________ a lot of milk.

10. If he (have)_____________ enough money, he (buy)___________ that new motorbike.
11. What you (do)_________- if you (have)__________ spare time?

12. If Loan (not learn)___________ hard, she (fail)____________ in the exam.

13. You (be)______________ late for school if you (not get)_____________ up early.

14. I (buy)_______ some pens if I (pass) __________by the stationer’s.

15. If An (have) ______________spare time, she usually (walk) ____________to school.
16. If you (go)____________ to the market, please (buy)___________ me some vegetables.
17. (not call)______________me if you (see)__________ a ghost.

18. If you (be)__________ kind to me, I (be)____________ kind to you.

19. (phone)______________ the doctor if your parents (not feel)________ well.
20. If my headache (disappear)__________, I can (play)_______________ tennis.
<i><b>Ex 2. Supply the correct verb form.</b></i>

1. If it (rain),I will stay at home. 2. If you like to come, I (get)_a ticket for you.
3. We (call)__ the Fire Brigade if the house were on fire.

4. If you (see)____him, tell him to write to me. /5. If he (start) _now, he may be there in time.
6. She could have seen you if she (come)_____here earlier.

7. If the test is difficult, they (not do)_____it in 15 minutes.

8. If she (not have)_____much money, she couldn't buy this house.

9. If you (go)___away, please write to me. /10. If you (be)__in, I should have given it to you.
11. If he (eat)___________another cake, he will be sick.

12. If men (be)____________only more reasonable, there would be no more war.
13. I (not/ do)______________that if I (be)____________you.

14. It will be impossible for me to finish my work if you (not/ cease) ___________ this chatter.
15. If he (take)___________my advice, everything can go well.

16. I would have come sooner if I (know)_______________you were here.

17. He never does his homework. If he (do)__his homework, he (not/ worry) __about his

18. It’s too bad we lost the game. If you (play)______________ for us, we (win)

<b>.Period: 9 </b> <i><b> Preparing day : /.../ 2011</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day : /.../ 2011</b></i>

<b>Direct & Indirect speeches: </b>

<b>1. Usage:- Là câu thuật lại yêu cầu của ai đó.</b>
<b>2. Examples and structures:</b>

<i><b>a, Câu yêu cầu gián tiếp khẳng định. Eg1.“Can you give me some money?” Lan said to her</b></i>
mother. -> Lan asked her mother to give her some money.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

Eg3. “Can you wait for me here, Tam?” Tien said to him.
<b> “Can / Could + S + V (bare)……….?” S + said to + O.</b>
<b> S + asked + O + to – infinitive.</b>

Eg4. " Would you mind giving me the book? " Lan said to me.
Lan asked me to give her the book.

Eg5. " Would you mind opening the door? " Minh said to her sister.
Eg6. " Would you mind cleaning the floor? " I said to Hoa.

<b> “Would you mind + V ing……….?” S + said to + O.</b>
<b> S + asked + O + to – infinitive.</b>

<i><b>b, Câu yêu cầu gián tiếp phủ định.</b></i>

Eg1. “Can’t you give him some money?” Lan said to her mother.
Lan asked her mother not to give him some money.

Eg2. “Couldn’t you smoke here?” Minh said to Ha.

Eg3. “Can’t you wait for me here, Tam?” Tien said to him.

<b> “Can’t / Couldn’t + S + V (bare)……….?” S + said to + O.</b>
<i><b> S + asked + O + not to – infinitive</b></i>

<b>.II. Câu mệnh lệnh gián tiếp.</b>

<b>1. Usage:- Là câu thuật lại mệnh lệnh của ai đó.</b>
<b>2. Examples and structures:</b>

<i><b>a, Câu mệnh lệnh gián tiếp khẳng định.</b></i>

.Eg2. “Give Lan dictionary?” Minh said to Ha/.Eg3“Wait for me here, Tam?” Tien said to him.
<b> “V (bare)………., please” S + said to + O.</b>

<b> S + told + O + to – infinitive.</b>
<i><b>b, Câu mệnh lệnh gián tiếp phủ định.</b></i>

Eg1. “Don’t give him some money?” Lan said to her mother.

Lan told her mother not to give him some money./ Eg2. “Don’t smoke here?” Minh said to Ha.
Eg3. “Don’t wait for me here, Tam?” Tien said to him.

<b> “Don’t + V (bare)……….” S + said to + O. - > S + told + O + not to – infinitive</b>
<b>III: Direct & Indirect speeches:( Lời nói trực tiếp & lời nói gián tiếp)</b>

<b>Lời nói trực tiếp :Được đặt trong dấu ngoặc kép,được sử dụng khi chúng ta muốn lặp lại/ hoặc</b>
trích dẩn nguyên văn lời của ai đó.

<b>1. Usage: Lời nói gián tiếp Là thuật lại , thơng báo lại lời nói/ câu nói của ai đó.</b>
<b>2. Examples and structures.Câu trần thuật gián tiếp</b>

<i><b>a, Xét với động từ (to) be. Eg1. “I am a good student.” Lan said.</b></i>

Lan said that she was a good student./ Nam said that he………

Eg2.“Hoa is an intelligent student.”Lan said./Eg3 “We are learning E now.” The students said.
Eg4. “I am not going to visit Hoa’s family.” I said.

<b> S1 + said (that) + S2 + are / aren’t - > were / weren’t……….</b>
<b> is / isn’t, am / am not - > was / wasn’t………..</b>
<i><b>b, Xét với động từ thường. Eg1. “I live far from my school.” Huong said.</b></i>
Huong said that she lived far from her school.

Eg2. “I lived far from my school.” Huong said.
Huong said that she lived far from her school.
had lived……..

Eg3. “We come from Australia.”The children said /.Eg4. “I don’t understand what you say.” Mai
said. /Eg5. “They didn’t go to the zoo because it rained yesterday.” Lan said.

<b> S1 + said (that) + S2 + V (s, es) - > V (ed / cột 2)……….</b>

<b> V (ed) - > had + P2………..</b>

<i><b>c, Xét với động từ khuyết thiếu. Eg1. “My mother can cook very well.”Ha said.</b></i>
-> Ha said that her mother could cook very well.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

Eg4. “All of us should work harder this semester.” I said.

<b> S1 + said (that) + S2 + can / can’t - > could / couldn’t……….</b>
<b> could / couln’t - > could / couldn’t………..</b>

<b>d. Yes /No questions: S + asked/ wanted to know + O + If/ whether + Clause</b>
Eg1. An asked “ Do you like to live in HN, Anh?”

 An asked Anh If he liked to live in HN.

<b>e. Wh- Questions: who, whom, what, why, where, when , how, which...</b>

S + V + O +Wh - Qs + Clause. Eg. I asked H “ Why do you like to learn E?”
<b> -> I asked H why she liked to learn E.</b>

<b>f. Câu mệnh lệnh, cầu khiến, lời mời, lời khuyên, lời đề nghị... </b>

<b> S +told, asked, advised, invited, requested,ordered + Sm to do smt/ not to do smt.</b>
“ Don’t talk in class, Q ‘’Teacher reminded ->’Teacher reminded Q not to talk in class

<b>Note: - Nếu trong câu trực tiếp mà động từ khuyết thiếu đã ở dạng quà khứ thì ta giữ nguyên khi</b>
chuyển nó sang gián tiếp.

- Khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp sẽ có sự thay đổi về chủ ngữ, thì của động từ, tân ngữ,
trạng từ chỉ thời gian, trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn và các đại từ chỉ định.

a, Thay đổi chủ ngữ, tân ngữ: chủ ngữ, tân ngữ được thay đổi theo chủ ngữ của lời tường thuật.
<b>Cách đổi sang câu tường thuật 1.Đổi đại từ 2. Đổi thì của động từ</b>

<i><b>3.</b></i> Đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn

<b>I. Đổi đại từ:1 Ngôi thứ nhất đổi sang ngôi thứ ba tương ứng với chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề chính</b>

2. Ngơi thứ hai đổi ra một ngơi nào đó để cùng một ngơi với tân ngữ trong mệnh đề chính:Ex1:

-She said to me, “you are late.” Ex2: - He said to me, “I love you.”

- She said to me I was late. - He said to me he loved me
3. Ngôi thứ ba giữ nguyên không đổi:

Ex: - She said, “he is my English teacher.”
- She said he was her English teacher.
II. Đổi thì của động từ:

<i><b>Direct</b></i> <i><b>Indirect</b></i> <i><b>Examples</b></i>

1. Simple present: 1. Simple past: He said, “I feel sick.”
He said he felt sick.
2. Present continuous: 2. Past continuous:

He said, “I am writing a letter.”

<i><b>Direct</b></i> <i><b>Indirect</b></i> <i><b>Examples</b></i>



he / she
him / her
his /her
his / hers

himself / herself


<i>He said, “ <b>I</b></i> go to school”.
<i>He said <b>he</b></i> went to school.

<i>He said, “My mother gave <b>me</b></i> a gift.”
<i>He said his mother had given <b>him</b></i> a gift.
<i>She said, “I have lost <b>my</b></i> keys.”

<i>She said she had lost <b>her</b></i> keys.

<i>She said, “this is your book and that is <b>mine</b></i>.”
<i>She said that was your book and that was <b>hers.</b></i>

He said, “ <i><b>we</b></i> are lucky this time”.
->He said <i><b>they</b></i> were lucky that time.
She said, “he goes with <i><b>us</b></i>.”

->She said he went with <i><b>them</b></i>.
They said, “<i><b>our</b></i> house is nice.”
->They said <i><b>their</b></i> house was nice.

S + V1, Vs, Ves S + V2, Ved

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

He said he was writing a letter.
3. Present perfect: 3. Past perfect:

He said, “I have seen that film”.
He said he had seen that film.

4. Simple past: 4. Past perfect:

She said,” I bought it in 1980.”
She said she had bought it in 1980.

5. Past continuous: 5. Past perfect continuous: He said, “I was living in Paris

He said he had been living in …

6. Will / won’t
7. Can / can’t
8. May / may not
9. Must / mustn’t

10. should = ought to
11. shall / shan’t
12. could / couldn’t

6. Would / wouldn’t
7. Could / couldn’t
8. Might / mightn’t

9. Had to / Wouldn’t /
didn’t have to

10. should / shouldn’t
11. should / shouldn’t
12. could / couldn’t

He said, “I will go to Japan in

He said he would go to Japan ….
(had done,would,could, should,
ought to, might) - > No change

III. Thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian.

<i><b>Direct speech</b></i> <i><b>Indirect speech</b></i>

1. Today
2. tonight
3. now
4. right now
5. tomorrow

6. next / on Monday

8. last Monday / week / year /
9. ago

that day
that night

the next day / the following day
the next monday

the day before / the previous day
the Monday / week / year before

<b>IV. Thay đổi trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn. Here - > there</b>

<b>V. Thay đổi đại từ chỉ định. This - > that/There - > those</b>
1.‘It’s important.’- > She said that it was important.

2. ‘ They are going to be late’ <sub></sub> She said that they were going ……
3. ‘ I’ve done the letters.” <sub></sub> She said that she had done ……

4. I don’t know <sub></sub> She said that she didn’t know.

Period: 9 <i><b> Preparing day : /.../ 2011</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day : /.../ 2011</b></i>
<i><b> Unit 5: The media .Tag questions</b></i>

- Câu hỏi đuôi là một dạng câu hỏi rất thông dụng trong tiếng Anh. Mặc dù câu trả lời cho câu
hỏi đuôi cũng giống như câu trả lời cho câu hỏi YES-NO, nhưng câu hỏi đuôi có sắc thái ý

nghĩa riêng biệt.

- Câu hỏi đi được thành lập sau một câu nói khẳng định hoặc phủ định, được ngăn cách bằng
dấu phẩy (,) vì vậy người đặt câu hỏi đã có thơng tin về câu trả lời. Tuy nhiên, thường thì người
hỏi khơng chắc chắn lắm về thông tin này. Nếu người hỏi chắc chắn, tự tin rằng mình đã có
thơng tin về câu trả lời nhưng vẫn hỏi thì khi chấm dứt câu hỏi đi, người hỏi sẽ lên giọng. Sau
S + have, has + V3, Ved S + had + V3,Ved

S + V2, Ved S + had + V3, Ved

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

đây là cách thành lập câu hỏi đuôi cho các tất cả các thì ta đã học:
<b>* Nguyên tắc chung khi lập câu hỏi đuôi: </b>- Nếu câu trần thuật là câu khẳng định, thì câu hỏi

đi phải ở thể phủ định và ngược lại.

<b>Cấu tạo của câu hỏi đuôi:</b>- Câu hỏi đuôi gồm một trợ động từ tương ứng với thì được dùng
trong câu nói trước dấu phầy, có NOT hoặc khơng có NOT và một đại từ nhân xưng tương ứng

với chủ ngữ của câu nói trước dấu phẩy.

<b>* Thí dụ:</b> - YOU ARE AFRAID, AREN'T YOU? (Anh đang sợ, đúng không?)
- YOU DIDN'T DO YOUR HOMEWORK, DID YOU? (Bạn đã không làm bài tập nhà, đúng

<b>* Cách thành lập câu hỏi đi cho các tất cả các thì ta đã học: </b>

<b>I – Với động từ (to) be</b>: <i><b>*1. Hiện tại đơn với TO BE:</b></i>


<i><b>** 2. Hiện tại tiếp diễn :</b></i>Eg1. - HE IS PLAYING TABLE TENNIS, ISN’T HE ?


<i><b>** 3. Quá khứ đơn với động từ TOBE, </b></i>Eg1. - HE WAS FRIENDLY, WASN'T HE ?

<i><b>** 4. Quá khứ tiếp diễn</b></i>


<b>S + (to) be ..., (to) be + not + S ?</b>
<b>(DTR, ĐTNX) (luôn viết tắt) (ĐTNX)</b>

<b> S + (to) be not..., (to) be + S ?</b>
<b>II – Với động từ thường</b>

<i><b>*****1.</b></i> <i><b>Hiện</b></i> <i><b>tại</b></i> <i><b>đơn</b></i> <i><b>với</b></i> <i><b>TO</b></i> <i><b>BE:</b></i>

<i><b>Thì quá khứ đơn với động từ thường: </b></i>Eg YOU WENT TO SCHOOL, DIDN'T YOU ?


<b> S + V (s,es, ed) ..., don’t / doesn’t / didn’t + S ?</b>

<b> S + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t + V (bare)..., do / does / did + S?</b>

<i><b>* Thì hiện tại hoàn thành </b></i>Eg1. - THEY HAVE LEFT, HAVEN'T THEY?



<i><b>** Thì q khứ hồn thành: </b></i>Eg1. - THEY HAD LEFT, HADN'T THEY?<b> </b>


<b> S + have / has / had + P2 ..., haven’t / hasn’t / hadn’t + S?</b>

<b> S + haven’t / hasn’t / hadn’t + P2 ..., have / has / had + S?</b>

<b>III – Với động từ khuyết thiếu:</b><i><b>** Thì tương lại đơn</b></i>


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<i><b>** Với các động từ khuyết thiếu:</b></i>


<b>*Những</b> <b>trường</b> <b>hợp</b> <b>đặc</b> <b>biệt</b> <b>cần</b> <b>lưu</b> <b>ý:</b>

<i>** <b>USED TO: từng (diễn tả thói quen, hành động thường lập đi lập lại trong quá khứ)</b></i>

- Trường hợp này, ta cứ việc xem USED TO là một động từ chia ở thì q khứ. Do đó, câu hỏi

đuôi tương ứng chỉ cần mượn trợ động từ DID


<i><b>** HAD BETTER: </b></i> HAD BETTER thường được viết ngắn gọn thành 'D BETTER, nên dễ
khiến ta lúng túng khi phải lập câu hỏi đuôi tương ứng. Khi thấy 'D BETTER, chỉ cần mượn trợ

động từ HAD để lập câu hỏi đi.


<i><b>** WOULD RATHER: </b></i> WOULD RATHER thường được viết gọn là 'D RATHER nên cũng dễ
gây lúng túng cho bạn. Chỉ cần mượn trợ động từ WOULD cho trường hợp này để lập câu hỏi
đuôi. Thí dụ: + YOU'D RATHER GO, WOULDN'T YOU?

<b>Notes:</b> <i><b>1.Nếu phần trần thuật là khẳng định thì phần đi là phủ định và ngược lại.</b></i>

<i><b>2. Nếu động phần trần thuật ở thì nào, dạng nào (to be, V, M.V) thì phần đi mượn trợ</b></i>
<i><b>động từ khẳng định hay phủ định ở chính thì đó, dạng đó.</b><b> Phần đi nếu ở dạng phủ định</b></i>
<i><b>thì thường được rút gọn (n’t). Nếu khơng rút gọn thì phải theo thứ tự: auxiliary + subject +</b></i>
<i><b>not? </b></i>

(He saw it yesterday, didin’t he / did he not?)

<i><b>3. Nếu phần trần thuật chứa các từ: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never thì trợ động từ</b></i>
<i><b>ở phần đ ln ở dạng xác định.</b></i>

Eg1. You never come to English class, do you?/ Eg2. I am rarely late for school, am I?

<i><b>4. Chủ ngữ của phần trần thuật là ĐTNX thì chủ ngữ ở phần đuôi được lặp lại các ĐTNX</b></i>
<i><b>ấy. Tuy nhiên nếu là DTR thì khơng được dùng DTR ấy mà phải chuyển sang ĐTNX tương</b></i>

Eg1. She goes to school today, doesn’t she?/ Eg2. Lan goes to school today, doesn’t she?

<i><b>5. Nếu chủ ngữ của phần trần thuật là đại từ bất định thì ta chuyển nhu sau:</b></i>

Everybody = every one

Nobody = noone they

somebody = someone

Nothing,Something It. This , That - > it/ These , those - > they

<i><b>6. Một vài trường hợp đặc biệt</b></i>

1, I am - aren’t I /2, I am not - > am I

3, Câu mệnh lệnh mang tính chất lời mời ta dùng Won’t you?
=>Eg1. Come in and sit dơwn, won’t you?

4, Câu mệnh lệnh mang tính chất yêu cầu ta dùng Will you? /Eg1, Stand up, will you?

5) Câu đầu là I WISH: Dùng MAY /Eg1. - I wish to study English, may I ?

6) Chủ từ là ONE: Dùng you hoặc one /Eg2. One can be one’s master, can’t you/one?

7) Câu đầu có MUST: /Must có nhiều cách dùng cho nên tùy theo cách dùng mà sẽ có câu hỏi

đi khác nhau

- Must chỉ sự cần thiết: => dùng needn’t /Eg1. They must study hard, needn’t they?

- Must chỉ sự cấm đoán: => dùng must / Eg2. You mustn’t come late, must you ?

- Must chỉ sự dự đoán ở hiện tại: => dựa vào động từ theo sau must

Eg3. He must be a very intelligent student, isn’t he?

- Must chỉ sự dự đoán ở quá khứ ( trong công thức must +have+ p.p) : => dùng [ ] là have/has

Eg4. You must have stolen my bike, haven’t you?

8) Let đầu câu: /Let đầu câu có nhiều dạng cần phân biệt:

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- Let trong câu xin phép (let us /let me ): dùng will you ?

Eg2. Let us use the telephone, will you? Eg3. Let me have some drink, will you?
- Let trong câu đề nghị giúp người khác (let me): dùng may I ?

Eg4. Let me help you do it, may I ?

9) Câu cảm thán: Lấy danh từ trong câu đổi thành đại từ, [ ] dùng is, am, are

Eg1. What a beautiful dress, isn’t it? Eg2. What a stupid boy, isn’t he?
Eg3. How intelligent you are, aren’t you?

10) Câu đầu có I + các động từ sau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume, fancy, imagine,

reckon, expect, seem, feel + mệnh đề phụ: Lấy mệnh đề phụ làm câu hỏi đuôi.

Eg1. I think he will come here, won’t he? Eg2. I don’t believe Marycan do it, can’t she?

Cùng mẫu này nhưng nếu chủ ngũ không phải là I thì lại dùng mệnh đề đầu làm câu hỏi đuôi.

Eg1. She thinks he will come, doesn’t she?

11) Câu đầu có It seems that + mệnh đề . Lấy mệnh đề làm câu hỏi đuôi.

Eg1. It seems thatyou are right, aren’t you?

12 ) Chủ ngữ là mệnh đề danh từ: - Dùng it

Eg1. What you have said is wrong, isn’t it?

Eg2. Why he killed himself seemsa secret,doesn’t it?

You have two children, haven’t you? (British English: OK, TOEFL: NOT)
You have two children, don't you? (Correct in American English)
* There is, there are và it is là các chủ ngữ giả nên phần đuôi được phép dùng lại there hoặc it
giống như trường hợp đại từ làm chủ ngữ

Những lỗi sai thường gặp khi làm bài tập câu hỏi đuôi

<i><b>1) Nhầm</b><b> 's</b><b> thành </b><b>is</b><b> :</b><b> Cả </b></i>is và has đều có cách viết rút gọn là 's , tuy nhiên theo thói quen
cứ thấy 's là cho rằng đó là is rút gọn nên khi đem ra phía sau chỗ [] người làm "phục
hồi" chúng thành chữ is.

<b>2)</b> Cách khắc phục lỗi này: Nếu nhìn thấy phía sau có p.p ( động từ cột 3 hoặc thêm ed) thì
nên xem lại nếu khơng phải câu bị động thì 's đó chính là has.

<i><b>2) Khơng nhận ra</b><b> 'd :</b><b> </b></i>'d là viết tắc của would hoặc had, do đó nếu người làm khơng cẫn thận
sẽ lúng túng và chọn [] sai. Cách khắc phục lỗi này:

- Nếu nhìn phía sau có better/ p.p thì 'd đó là viết tắt của had - Nếu phía sau có rather / like /
love thì 'd là viết tắt của would

<b> </b>

<i><b>Period: 10 </b></i> <i><b> Preparing day : /.../ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day : /.../ 2011</b></i>
<b> </b>

<b>Tasks – Tag Questions</b>

1. You take sugar in tea,...? 2. The lift isn't working today,...?
3. It never works very well,...? 4. Everybody realized the danger,...?
5. There was a lot of noise,...? 6. Nobody complained,...?
7. Mary hardly ever cooks,...? 8. They don't allow pet dogs in this shop,...?
9. Nothing went wrong,...? 10. He never takes advice,...?
11. There used to be trees here,...? 12. I am too impatient,...?
13. You wouldn't tell anyone,...? 14. Don't drop that vase,...?
15, Let's go out tonight,...? 16. Open the door,...?
17. Sue doesn't know Ann,...? 18. There is an exam tomorrow,...?
19. We've seen that movie,...? 20. He'd never met her before,...?

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31/ He couldn't repair the broken vase,..?

32/ They started working for the company a year ago,...?
33/ John failed to find the source of the Nile River,...?

34/ Mrs. Smith is the owner of the car,...?

35/ Nobody can deny that she is a beautiful singer,...?
36/ She knows a lot more about it than I do,...?

37/ The bread wasn't fresh enough for us to eat,...?

38. Nobody was injured in the accident, ... ?
39. Something was wrong with the machine, ... ? 40. I'm too fat, ... ?
41. Tom and Bill have hardly done their homework, .. ? 42. Nothing can stop us now, ... ?
43. He has to work hard to support his family, ... ? 44. Let's go for a walk, ....?
45. Everyone will agree to our suggestion, ... ? 46. That is a true story, ... ?
47. No salt is needed, ...? 48. Listen to me carefully, ... ?
49. The man who is standing over there works at a factory, ... ?
50. I'm not sure that is the right answer, .... ? 51. You've never been there, ...? 52.
You used to be in the army, ... ? 53. They ought to be here by now, ... ?
54. You had better get the work finished by Tuesday, ... ?
55. It might have been a ghost, ... ? 56. It couldn't have been done by animals, ... ?
57. It's a pity that Seila didn't know about it, ... ? 58. You have heard about that,....?
59. Nam did the work well,...? 60. He didn’t have to speak to me,...?
61. He won’t fall down,...? 62.You would’t like the window open,...?
63. He used to beat his wife,...? 64. She came very late,...?
65. Come and see me tomorrow,...? 66. I’d better go,...? 67.
There’s an examination tomorrow,...? .68. You can’t play tennis today,...? 69. She’s
been studying English for two years,...?

70. Your brother doesn’t like watching TV,....? 71. Let’s listen to the radio,...?
72. Mary is reading a book in her room,...?/ 73 .His parents won’t buy him a new game,....?
74 .You’ve just used the computer,....? 75. Turn off the television,...?

76. I’m late for the party,...? 77. They never go to the theatre..? 78.
His mother is very proud of him,...? 79. The lift isn’t working today,...?

80. Nothing could be done,...? 81. Everybody is here,...?
82. He didn’t wake up this morning,...?

83. Baird didn’t produce the first TV picture before 1920,...?
83. There are many interesting programs tonight,...?

84. Linh didn’t feel confident in her favorite clothes, ..._?
85. The two cities are not the same in some ways, ____?

86. Her listening isn’t excellent, _....____?.87. Maryam couldn’t stay for longer time, _...__?
88. My sister has to make this room tidy, ___?

89. This poet has mentioned the ao dai in poems, __?

90. Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school, _..._?

91. Nobody wrote poems yesterday, _._?/ 92. There are many religions in Malasia, ____?
93. His children may swim, _._? 94. Nam and Binh have to study harder, _._?
95. Women to day often prefer to wear modern clothing at work, _.__?

96. The Parkers had a picnic on the river bank, __.__?

97. Our teachers have taken inspiration from some minorities, ___.__?

98. Everything was OK, ______? 99. Oh, hurry up, ________?
100. Hung and I can eat those cakes, __? 101. You won’t be late, _____?
102. Ba’s village lies near the foot of the moutain, __...___?

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106. Those men never worked on a farm, ____...____?
107. People of different ages like this magazine, _....__?

108. I am wearing wrong shoes, ____? 109. Interactive TV is available now, ____?

110. He did not miss the train, ____? 111. Someone feels tired after the trip, ____?
112. Hanh and you like living in a dormitory on campus, _....__?

113. Their son doesn’t have much time on computer, ____? 114. Mr. White is a tailor, …?
115. It isn’t ready yet, ………....? 116. I am clever, ………..?

117. We must hurry, ………….? upload.123doc.net. They won’t stop long,

119. You asked for mustard, ……..? 120. She speaks too quickly, ……..?
121. He will arrive soon, ……….? 122. The milk may be sour, ……..?
123. Tom doesn’t like ham, ……..? 124. They told me a lie, …………?
125. It can’t be so bad, ………....…? 126. It was a pity, ……….……?

127. Jack is joining the club, ……….? 128. You mustn’t do that again, …………?
129. You ought not to eat that, ….…? 130. They have sold the house, ………?
131. Our team won the prize, …………..? 132. You are leaving here tomorrow, ……?
133. You can’t come next week, …….? 134. You ought to leave now, …………?
135. He should have come home earlier, …? 13 6. He daren’t do it, ………?

137. Go and get me some aspirins, ………? 138. We need some more sugar, ………?
139. I may open it, ………? 140. You’d better keep quiet, ………?
141. He used to live near here, ………? 142. Open it for me, ………?

143. Let’s sing it again, ………? 144. He shouldn’t put so much salt in it, ……?
145. Going swimming in the summer is very interesting, ………?

146. Let’s dance together, ………? The party is so wonderful.

147. Don’t talk in class, ………? The teacher is explaining the lesson

148. Nobody understands what the lady over there says, ………?
149. The woman seldom writes poems and stories, ………?

150. Nothings makes you bored, ………? You always look happy.

<i><b>Period: 11 </b></i> <i><b> Preparing day :.... /... / 2011</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Teaching day : /.../ 2011</b></i>
<i><b> Tasks- Direct speech into reported speech</b></i>

<i><b>Ex 1. Change this direct speech into reported speech:</b></i>

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17. “They would help if they could” - > She said __________________________________
18. “I’ll do the washing-up later” - > She told me __________________________________
19. “He could read when he was three” - > She said ________________________________
20. “I was sleeping when Julie called” - > She said __________________________________
<i><b>EX 2. Change the sentences into the speech.</b></i>

1.“ I want my room to look nice at the festival” Hoa said...
2. “ We are going to the rice – cooking contest. “ Said Hoa...
3. “ You have to take at the least two bottles of water.” Tam’s father said...
4. “ I will clean all the class windows. “ said Hoang...
5. “ Help me to hang this picture, ba” said Mai...
6. “ We can come on Monday, “ Mr. and Mrs. Lee said...
7. “ My brother doesn’t like eating sticky rice cake.” Said Hoan...
8. “ Don’t throw that bottle away. We can renew it” said Mr. Quang...
9. “ I am decorating our house.” Loan said to Nhung...
10. “ These rooms are cleaned every day by my sister.” said the boys...
11. He said, “I don’t know what happened.”...
..12. She said, “I went to the doctor yesterday.”...

13. He said, “I have a toothache.”...

14. She said, “I’ll write him a prescription.”...
15. They said, “We’re going to the drugstore.”...
16. He said, “The doctor gave me some pills.”...
17. She said, “I go to the supermarket every day.”...
18. He said, “I have received the envelope.”...
19. They said, “We visited Cannery Row.”...
20. She said, “I feel very sick.”...

21. He said, “I bought some popcorn.”...

22. They said, “We’re flying to California.”...
23. He said, “I’m cutting off the main valve.”...
24. “If you are late tomorrow, I am going to fire you,” he said…..………
25. “I’m telling you that I didn’t break that window”, the boy said …..………
26. “I’m going to change the wheel on my car myself,” said Hang.…..………
27. “It’s certainly essential to take a long –term view of the situation,” The boss said

28. “I passed my driving test first time,” said Sam.…..………
29. “It’s the first time I’ve flown”, Ha said.…..………

30 “I can’t work at all! My typewriter isn’t working properly,” shesaid…..………
31 “I think you should try to be more punctual,” she said to Ha…..………
32 “You can’t park here” the police said.…..………

<i><b>Ex 3. Change the reported Requests and Orders</b></i>

1. “Please help me carry this” - > She asked me _________________________________

2. “Please come early” - > She _______________________________________________
3. “Please buy some milk” - > She ______________________________________________
4. “Could you please open the window?” - > She __________________________________
5. “Could you bring the book tonight?” - > She ___________________________________
6. “Can you help me with my homework, please?” - > She _________________________
7. “Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?” - >She__________________________
8. “Would you mind passing the salt?” - > She ____________________________________
9. “Would you mind lending me a pencil?” - > She _________________________________
10. “I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?”She ____

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17. “Don’t do that!”- > She ______. 18. “Eat your dinner!”- > She _______
19. “Don’t make a mess!” - > She ___. 20. “Do the washing-up!” -> She ____
21. Ha said to Mai: “ Don’t touch the electric wires”

22. “Please, don’t tell anyone the news,” Ha said to her sister.
23. “Don’t drive so fast” Ha said to Minh.

24. “Please remove your shoes before entering” Ha said to Hang.
25. “Ba, don’t interrupt me when I’m meditating” Ha said to Ba.
26. “First switch on, then wait for 2 minutes” Ha said to Nhung.
27. “Hanh, take the man to the cells” Ha said to Tung.

28. “Don’t forget to write me a letter every week” Ha said to her friend.
29. Ha said: “Don’t make so much noise, Hieu”

30. Ha said to Mai: “You’re going to post the letter, don’t forget.”
<i><b>Ex 4. Change these direct questions into reported speech:</b></i>

1. “Where is he?” She asked me _______________________________________
2. “What are you doing?”She asked me __________________________________

3. “Why did you go out last night?”She asked me _______________________

4. “Who was that beautiful woman?” She asked me __________________________________
5. “How is your mother?” She asked me ____________________________________

6. “What are you going to do at the weekend?” She asked me ______________________
7. “Where will you live after graduation?” She asked me _______________________

8. “What were you doing when I saw you?” She asked me ____________________________
9. “How was the journey?”She asked me _______________________________

10. “How often do you go to the cinema?” She asked me __________________________
11. “Do you live in London?”She asked me ___________________________________
12. “Did he arrive on time?” She asked me ____________________________________
13. “Have you been to Paris?” She asked me __________________________________
14. “Can you help me?” She asked me ________________________________________
15. “Are you working tonight?” She asked me _____________________________
16. “Will you come later?” She asked me _______________________________
17. “Do you like coffee? She asked me ______________________________
18. “Is this the road to the station?” She asked me

19. “Did you do your homework?”She asked me

20. “Have you studied reported speech before?”She asked me
<i><b>Ex 5 . Chuyển các câu sau sang câu trực tiếp:</b></i>

<i>E.g:</i> <i>Mary said, she didn’t know why the car had hit her. </i>
<i>Mary said: I don’t know why the car hit me.</i>

1. He said he didn’t know what had happened.

2. She said that she had gone to the dentist yesterday.
3. She said the doctor had written her a prescription.
4. He said that he had a toothache.

5. She said she went to the museum every day.
6. They said they were going to the supermarket.
7. She said that the doctor had given her some pills
8. He said he had received the report.

9. They said they had visited the aquarium.
10. He said that he was feeling sick.

11. She said she had bought some bread.

12. He said that he was turning off the television.
13. They said they were driving to Chicago.

Ex 5. Chuyển các cau sau sang câu yêu cầu gián tiếp.

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2. “ Could you stop talking in the class, please?” the teacher said to her students.
3. “ Can you buy me some food on your way home? ”my mother asked me.
4. “ Could you please open the door for me?” the man asked me.

5. “ Can you type these documents right now?” he said to his secretary.
6. “ Would you mind lending me some money?” she said to Hoa.
7. “ Would you pass my suitcase, please?” he asked me.

8. “ Would you take the children to the school for me?” she said to Miss. Le.
9. “ Can’t you give Tim this toy?” she said to Lan.

10. “ Would you mind turning down the radio?” Miss Jackson said to Mary.
11. “ Can you explain this word for me?” Trang asked Lien.

12. “ Couldn’t you speak quickly?” I asked the foreigner.
13. “ Can’t you borrow my dictionary, Quang?” Hoa said.

14. “ Could you translate each sentence into Vietnamese?” My brother said to me.
15.“ Can you repeat what you have said, Mr. Minh?” Tim said.

16. “Could you please open the window?”I said to Hoa

17. “Could you bring the book tonight?” The teacher said to me.
18. “Can you help me with my homework, please?” Hoa said to me.

19. “Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?” Mr Ba said to the waiter.
20. “Would you mind passing the salt? ” my mother said to me.

21. “Would you mind lending me a pencil?” Lan said to me.
<i><b>Ex6 . Chuyển các câu sau sang câu mệnh lệnh gián tiếp</b></i>
<i><b>.Eg1. “Give me some money?” Lan said to her brother</b></i>
-> Lan asked her brother to give her some money.
1. “Sit down, Mary” he said to her.

2. “ Don’t go near the sea, children.” Their mother said to them.
3. “ Don’t be late for school.” Tim’s father said to him.

4. “ Be quite, children.” The librarian told them.
5. “ Don’t shoot, man.” The officer said to a man.

6. “ Don’t use the telephone after eleven o’clock.” The landlady said to me.
7. “ Leave your keys on the desk, please” the receptionist told us.

8. “ Finish your job tonight, please” my boss said to me.
9. “ Open the door, please” Nam said to Lan.

10. “ Hurry up.” He said to me.

11. “ Do this test again, please” Mr. Hung said to Lan Anh.
12. “ Go out of here, children.” The guard said to them.

13. “ Please give the manager this document. “ the man said to his secretary.
14. “ Don’t lend Harry any money.” I said to Lan.

15. “ Please don’t drink any wine more.” Mr. Ba’s wife told him.
16. The doctor said to the patient. “ Take a deep breath.”

17. “ Make an appointment with the dentist” My mother told me.
18. “ Please wait for me here” the manager said to Huong.

19. “ Study harder.” Lan’s mother said to her.

20. “ Take the children to the school for me” she said to her brother.
21. “ carry my suitcases.” The women said to the porter.

22. “ Describe your car.” Policeman told a man.
23. “ Don’t hurt yourself.” Mother said to the boy.

24. “ Give me your money.” The robber said to the woman.
25. “ Don’t park here.” The man said to us.

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29. “ Hurry up! Don’t miss the bus.” The man said to his daughter.

30. “ Tidy your room, don’t waste your time.” The woman told her children.
1. “Please help me carry this” She asked me ___________________________
2. “Please come early” She /3. “Please buy some milk” She _

4. “Could you please open the window?She /5. “Could you bring the book tonight?” She
6. “Can you help me with my homework, please?” She

7. “Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?” She ______
8. “Would you mind passing the salt?” She

9. “Would you mind lending me a pencil?” She _____

10. “I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?” She

11. “Do your homework!” She told me ____/ 12. “Go to bed!”She

13. “Don’t be late!” She ____ 14. “Don’t smoke!”She __________
15. “Tidy your room!” She ________ 16. “Wait here! She

17. “Don’t do that!” She _________ 18. “Eat your dinner!” She ___
19. “Don’t make a mess!” She _________/ 20. “Do the washing-up!”She.

<i><b>Period: 12 </b></i> <i><b> Preparing day :.... /... / 2011</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching day : /.../ 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Verb forms</b></i>

<b> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to review Verb forms, conditional sentences,</b>
wish, reported speech and Passive voice,

<b>II/Language content: grammar</b>

<b>III/ Teaching aid: English grammar in use</b>
<b>IV/ Teaching method: Individual</b>

V/ Procedures:
<b>A/ VERB FORMS</b>

<b>1. VERB + V-ING: Một số động từ theo sau bởi một động từ khác thêm - ing</b>
<b>Stop: thơi khơng (làm gì nữa)</b>

<b>Finish: làm xong / hồn thành</b>
<b>Delay: hỗn lại</b>

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<b>Mind: bực mình / khó chịu / bị làm phiền</b>
<b>Suggest: đề nghị</b>

<b>Fancy: tưởng tượng / đinh ninh </b>
<b>Imagine: tưởng tượng / hình dung</b>

<b>Miss </b>


: hối tiếc , ân hận, hối hận (đã làm gì trong quá khứ)
: thừa nhận , thú nhận . nhìn nhận

: phủ nhận (một lời tuyên bố / môt yêu cầu / môt sự buộc tội / một
trách nhiệm

: tránh xa / tránh làm gì
: tính đến / cân nhắc kỹ
: luyện tập / rèn luyện
: bỏ sót / bỏ lỡ / bỏ qua
: hoãn lại

: liều / làm liều / đánh liều
Eg : My father gave up smoking two years ago

Why do you keep (on) looking at your watch


<b> Tell : bảo (ai làm gì). Ask : yêu cầu (ai làm gì)</b>
<b> Remind : nhắc Force : buộc, bắt buộc </b>
<b> Order : ra lệnh Warn : báo trước, cảnh báo</b>

<b> Invite : mời Enable : khiến, giúp, tạo điều kiện cho </b>
<b> Persuade : thuyết phục Get (= persuade) : thuyết phục</b>

<b> Teach (how) : dạy (ai cách làm gì) Urge : thúc giục, cố thuyết phục</b>

- Một số động từ được theo sau bởi to – infihitive

<b>Decide </b>

: đồng ý / tán thành

: từ chối, khước từ, cự tuyệt (sự chấp thuận / sự nâng đỡ / sự chophép)
: hứa

: đe doạ, doạ
: đề nghị
: cố gắng
: xoay xở

: thất bại, không . . .

: quyết định

: dự trù, dự định, trù liệu

: chuẩn bị sẵn, sắp đặt sẵn, thu xếp trước
: hy vọng

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<b>Pretend </b>

<b>Afford /Tend </b>

: giả vờ

Eg: As it was late, we decided to take a taxi home

They agrred to lend me some money/ He pretended to sleep when his mother entered
- Sau những động từ sau, chúng ta có thể dùng các từ để hỏi (What / Where / How v.v) +
to infinitive( Remember ask know learn show understand explain forgot decide tell
Eg: We asked how to get to the station Ask Tom . He’ll tell you what to do

He explained (to me) how to change the wheel of the car

<b>**. UNLESS = IF . . . . .NOT : Eg : These plants will die unless you water them regularly</b>
<sub> These plants will die if you do not water them</sub>

<b>**. a. provided ( that ) , providing ( that ) , on condition ( that ), as long as , so long as : </b>
<b>miễn là / b. suppose, supposing : giả sử là c. in case : nhỡ mà , trong trường hợp, phòng</b>
khi d. even if : ngay cho là, dù là

Eg : I will accept the job provided the salary is satisfactory ( thoả đáng )

In case I forget, please remind me of my promise

<b>**. Present wish: S (1) + wish , S(2) + past subjunctive</b>
Eg: I don’t have enough time to finish my homework

<b>**. Past wish: S (1) + wish, S(2) + past perfect / could have + PP </b>
Eg : John was punished by the teacher yesterday

He wishes he hadn’t been punished by the teacher yesterday

<b> b / VERB + (OBJECT) + TO – INFINITIVE</b>

Want : muốn Ask : yêu cầu, đề nghị Expect : trông mong, trông đợi
Help : giúp, giúp đỡ Mean ( = intend ) : có ý định

Would like : muốn Would prefer : thích hơn

Eg: Verb + to – infinitive - I asked to see the manager / He would like to come
“Coffee or tea?” - “I’d prefer tea, thanks”

Verb + object + to infinitive: - I asked Tom to help me
- We expected him to be early - He would like to come

* Chú ý: Sau động từ help, chúng ta có thể dùng to – infinitive hoặc bare - infinitive
Eg: Can you help me (to) move this table?

<b>INFINITIVE:- Các động từ sau đây thường theo sau bởi tân ngữ và động từ nguyên mẫu có</b>

<b>Advise : khuyên, khuyên bảo, khuyên nhủ Recommend : giới thiệu, tiến cử, đề nghị</b>
<b>Encourage : khuyến khích, động viên Allow( = permit ) : cho phép</b>

Consider : xem xét , tính đến, cân nhắc kỹ

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* Nếu sau các động từ như: advise, recommend, encourage, allow, permit và consider,
khơng có tân ngữ hay tân ngữ được hiểu ngầm thì động từ theo sau động từ này ln ở dạng có
<b>– ing Eg: He doesn’t allow smoking in his house</b>

I wouldn’t recommend staying at the hotel* Nếu các động từ advise, allow, permit,
<b>recommend, consider, encourage ở dạng bị </b>

động “be + Vp2” thì chúng ta dùng “to – infinitive” sau những động từ đó./Eg : We are advised
to go to the dentist every six months We were allowed to cross the area

<b> d/ VERB + OBJECT + BARE – INFINITIVE: Make, let và have là các động từ đòi hỏi tân</b>
ngữ và động từ ngun mẫu khơng có “to” theo sau

Eg : Hot weather makes me feel uncomfortable (a) makes me feel = causes me to feel
I only did it because they made me do it (b) made me do it = forced me to do it
She wouldn’t let me read the letter (c)) : let me read = allow me to read
We had a mechanic repair our car (d)) : had a mechanic repair = got a mechanic to repair

<b> Verb + What / Where / How / Whether / etc. + to – infinitive : Ask , decide , know ,</b>
<b>remember, forget , explain , understand</b>

Tom explained (to me) how to change the wheel of the car
I don’t know Whether to go to the party or not

Verb + O + What / how / where + to – infinitive. Show tell ask -> Tom explained
(to me) how to change the wheel of the car I don’t know Whether to go to the party or not
Verb + O + What / how / where + to – infinitive

Show tell ask _> Eg: Can you show me how to change the film?
Ask Jack. He’ll tell you what to do.

<b>C/ CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: - Câu điều kiện thường có mệnh đề chính (main clause)</b>
và một mệnh đề phụ (surbordinate Clause / if clause). Mệnh đề phụ có thể được đặt trước mệnh
đề chính. Có 3 loại câu điều kiện chính

<i><b> * Type 1: Real situation in the present or in the future</b></i>

+ Những câu điều kiện loại này có thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
If – clause Main clause

If + S + V ( simple present ) , S + V (simple present) <sub> express the truth</sub>

S + V (simple future) Imperative sentence
Eg: If I have time, I shall visit you You will be late for class if you do not hurry
If you go to the post office, remember to buy me some stamps

If you are right, I am wrong

* Lưu ý: Thay vì dùng Simple future chúng ta có thể dùng can, may, must + verb (without
To) Eg: If you try hard, you can pass the exam

<i><b>* Type 2: Unreal situations in the present or in the future </b></i>

If – clause Main clause

If + S + V ( past subjuntive ), S + V ( present conditional)

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cả các ngơi . Present Conditional có dạng SHOULD, WOULD, COULD, MIGHT, MUST +
VERB (without TO)

Eg : If I were you, I must help him / She would speak English better if she had more practice
If We didn’t have a test tomorrow, we would go on a picnic

- Thay vì dùng Past Subjuntive, chúng ta có thể dùng WERE TO hoặc SHOULD + VERB
(without TO) để nhấn mạnh sự nghi ngờ, không chắc chắn

Eg: If I were to / should see you, she would be very surprised

* Type 3: Unreal situations in the past If – clause Main clause

If + S + V (past perfect subjuntive), S + V (perfect conditional)
- Đây là những câu điều kiện trái ngược với thực tế ở quá khứ

Past Perfect Subjunctive ( quá khứ hồn thành giả định ) được cấu tạo giống thì Past Perfect
-Present Conditional hay còn gọi là Modal Perfect có dạng SHOULD, WOULD, COULD

Eg : We asked how to get to the station Have you decided Where to go for your holiday ?

Eg : If I had known she was sick, I should have visited her
He would have been angry if you had not told him the truth

<i><b>Period: 13 </b></i> <i><b> Preparing day :.... /... / 2011</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching day : /.../ 2011</b></i>
<b>. </b>

<b>Tasks - Conditional sentences</b>

<b>* .Conditional sentences. </b>

19. What (you/ do)_______________if she refuses our invitation?

20. If today (be)______________Sunday, we (go)_____________to the beach.
21. They (make)______________fewer mistakes if they were more careful.

22. Unless they (pass)______________their examinations, they would join the army.
23. You (be)_______________ill if you drink that water.

24. If Tom (go)____________to bed earlier, he would not be so tired.
25. Had we known your address, we (write)_______________you a letter.
26. If it’s raining heavily, we (not/ go)_______________for a donkey ride.
27. If he (try)______________hard, he’ll pass the examination.

28. I could understand the French teacher if she (speak)__________________more slowly.
29. If we (invite)_____________her, she might go dancing with us.

30. These plants will die if you (not/ water)_______________them regularly.
31. If she (not/be)____________busy, she would have come to the party.

32. If I (finish)______________the work in time, I (go)_____________to the football game.
33. If I (know)_______________she was ill, I (visit)_____________her.

34. I would not have got wet if I (wear)______________a raincoat.

35. If you (see)_____________Mary today, please (ask)____________her to call me.

36. My dog always wakes me up if he (hear)________________strange noise.

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39. If I (know)………..his address, I’d give it to you.
40. If the weather were nice, we (have)……….a picnic.

41. If he works more slowly, he (not make)………so many mistakes.
42. She will fail the exam if she (not study)……….harder.

43. If someone (give)………….you a helicopter, what would you do?
44. If she (win)………a big prize in a lottery, she will give up her job.
45. I will give the book to you if I (finish)………..it tomorrow.

Ex 1. Make sentences with Mind : 1. Could you show me the way to the post office?

2. Can I use your pencil? 3. Can I play your guitar?

4. Could you turn off the T.V? 5. Could you tell me how to write a book report?
6. Could I bring these flowers home? 7. Could you fix this broken chair for me?
8. Can I get some orange juice for my friends?

9. Could you make me a birthday cake?/10 Can you give me some advice on learning English?

Ex2. Put verbs into correct forms.

1. Would you mind if I (take) a poto? 2. Do you mind if my friends (join) in our trip?
3. Would you mind (open) the door? 4. Would you mind if she (take) these books home?
5. Do you mind if we (get) a taxi to town? 6. Do you mind (help) her to finish her work?
7. Would yu mind if he (ride) your bike? 8. Would you mind if I (stay) with you for a week?
9. Would you mind if she (ask) you for some information?

10. Do you mind (buy) me some sandwiches?

<b>Ex 3. Rewrite the sentences.1Going fishing with friends at weekends is interesting. </b>
-> It is...

2. It is good to jog in the morning. Jogging...
3. He was examined by the doctor. The doctor...

4. To help mum with housework is a good activity at home. It is...

5. People think that doing morning exercises is good for health. It is...
6. Parents ought to send their children to school. Children...

7. His mother punished him because of his laziness. He...
<i><b>**Choose the option that best completes each sentence</b></i>

1. My friend_..._ to the museum last weekend. (goes,. went , had gone , have gone )
2. Thu and Lan___ close friends for years. ( are , were , had been , have been)
3. Our Singaporean_.._ to visit our school last year. ( is coming , came, came ,have come)
4. We___ Malaysia last summer .( visited , were visiting , are visiting ,. have visited )
5. The students used to__. football in that stadium. ( played, play , playing, are playing
6. Her parents want him_._ some good books to read. A. to choose B. choose C. chose

D. choosing

7. Would you like__ and visit my country? ( come, coming , to come , came)
8. The children______________ their parents for a long time.

A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen C. don’t see D. haven’t see
9. I and Kenny____________ penpal friends since I____________ Singapore.

A. are-visit B. were-visited C. have been-visited D. were-have visited

10. My children are lucky_____ the chance to visit the capital again.

A. have B. having C. are having D. to have

11. The children enjoy___ with their friends through computers.

A. to chat B. chat C. chatting D. chatted

12. Her father used to_____ abroad for his business.

A. travelling B. travelled C. travel D. is travelling

13. The kids_____ that show before.( didn’t see , don’t see , aren’t seeing ,. haven’t seen)
14. How often______________ you______________ sports? –Twice a week.

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15. How long_______________ you_____________ for me?-For an hour.
A. did-waited B. do-wait C. have-waited D. have-wait

16. Since the worldwide recession of the 1990’s, the sail of jeans__________ growing.
A. stopped B. was stopped C. was stopping D. has stopped

17. In some countries, ___ uniforms is compulsory in schools.( wear,. to wear, wearing , wore
18. Vietnamese women__ very proud of their “ao dai”.( are, were ,. had been , have been )
19. Vietnamese women can continue________ the unique and fashionable “ao dai”.

A. to wear B. wear C. wore D. wearing

20. Ba said he__ some good marks last semester. ( gets , got , getting , have got)
21. The word jeans comes from a kind of material that___________ in Europe.

A. made B. had made C. was made D. are made

22. Different styles of jeans______________ to match the 1960’s fashions.
A. designedB. are designed C. were designed D. had designed

23. The ao dai_____ for years ( A. is modernized C. has been modernized
B. was modernized D. has been modernized

24. A new hospital___ next year. ( is built , will be built , has been built , will build )
25. Food___ direct to the market by trucks.( delivered, deliver , can be delivered, delivers )
26. The house has____ after the fire.(. to rebuild , to be rebuilt, be to rebuilt , rebuilt

27.All the homework____ at home.( should do, should done, should be done, should be doing
28. The application form______________ to the university before May 31st<sub>. </sub>

A. must send B. sent C. must be send D. must be sent
29. Traffic rules_____ strictly.( followed ,. must followed, must be followed,. must follow)
30. Students_____________ to participate in the after school activities.

A. encourage B. is encouraged C. are encouraged D. encouraged

31. Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner,_____? (does she, doesn’t she, didn’t she ,don’t she
32. Tam didn’t go to school yesterday,___?( did he,. didn’t he , doesn’t he,does he )

33. They will buy a new computer,__ ? (. will they, don’t they, didn’t they , won’t they)
34. She can drink a lot of tomato juice everyday,_ ?( doesn’t she, can’t she, could she, can she
35. Your children don’t watch TV three hours a day,_____?

A. don’t they B. do they C. won’t they D. will they

36. Let’s dance together,__ .. .? The party is so wonderful. ( shall we, shan’t we, will
you , won’t you)

37. Don’t talk in class,____ you? ( do , don’t , will, won’t)

38. I am a new worker here,_____? (. am I ,. am not I , are I, aren’t I)

39. Going swimming in the summer is very interesting,__--? ( is it,. isn’t it, are it, aren’t it)
40. Your teacher writes poems or stories,____she?( A. don’t ,B. won’t ,C. didn’t ,D. doesn’t
151. You have read this article on the website, ………?

152. You don’t read this article on the website, ………?

153. She never tells the truth, …? 154. He should stay in bed,... ?
155. She has been studying English for two years,...?
156. There are only twenty-eight days in February,...?
157. It’s raining now,...? 158. You and I talked with the professor yesterday,...?
159. You won’t be leaving for now,...? 160. Jill and Joe haven’t been to VN,...?

<b>đề kiểm tra học kì i </b>–<b> mơn tiếng anh 9</b>

<b>I - give the correct form of the verbs </b>

1. I can (speak) both English and French. _____________________________
2. We (go) school 6 days a week._____________________________________
3. My father used to (live) in city._____________________________________
4. You (see) the footballmach lastnight ?_______________________________
5. Nam (buy) anew dictionary yesterday.________________________________

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2. I don’t have a car .I wish I ....one . (a - have ,b - didn’t have ,c – had)

3. Many students enjoy ...videogames. (a - to watch ,b - watching , c – watch)
4. She said she ...wearing uniform. (a - like , b - likes , c – liked)

5. More and more people liked wearing....in the 1970s. ( uniform, jeans , casual clothes )

<b>III-Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks. There are three words that you</b>
<b>don’t need to use:</b>

<i><b>Know knows understand things subjects written</b></i>
<i><b>many to friendship in what</b></i>

English is a very useful language. If we ____1____English, we can go to any countries we
like. We will not find it hard to make people understand ____2___we want to say. English also
helps us to learn all kinds of___3___ . Hundreds of books are____4____ in English everyday
in___5___ countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge____6____ all
corners of the world. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better
____7____and____8____ among countries of the world.

<b>IV-Rewrite the sentences.</b>

1. Our team doesn’t play well today. =>I wish

2. They built this house in 1995. =>This house _____________

3. “Can you speak Chinese?” Mai asked .=> Mai asked me_________________
4. Today isn’t Sunday. We can’t go for a picnic. => If today _________

<b>V - Use these sets of suggested words to make meaningful sentences:</b>
1.Tom/ Jack/ go/ movies/ last week.

2.Students/ said/ they/ not/ happy/ hear/ news.

<b> I-Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:</b>

1. I wish it (be/ not) dark now. _____________________________________
2. You (write) a letter to him yet?.__________________________________
3. The book (publish) in 1998._____________________________________
4. She wishes she (can/ cook) better in the future_______________________
5. They (build) this house since 2001. ________________________________
6. This bike (buy) by my father for a year. _____________________________

<b>II-Choose the best answer:</b>

1. We will visit her (on/ in) Tuesday afternoon.
2. They had an (enjoyable/ enjoying) day.

3. She looks very beautiful, (doesn’t she/ does she)?
4. I enjoy (listen/ listening) to music.

5. Lan has met Mai (since/ for) last week.
6. She said she (liked/ like) reading books.

<b>III-Change the sentence into reported speech:</b>
1.“What is the content of the book?”. She asked me.
2. “Do you like English?” He asked me.

3. “We may have new jobs” They said.

4. “How do you often go to school?” She asked me.
IV-Match A with B to make the full sentence:


1. If you want to learn English well,
2. It was hot,

3. Ba was lazy,
4. If he gets up early,

a. so he failed the exam.
b. you should practice it more.
c. so we went swimming.
d. he will not go to school late.

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<i><b> Teaching day : 27 /12./ 2011</b></i>

<b> Correcting the Test</b>

<b>Test- 1:</b>

<b> I. Phonetics. A. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part</b>
<i><b>pronounced differently from the rest (5pts)</b></i>

1. a. crack b. category c. cabbage d. nature

2. a. divide b. edit c. tropical d. hiker

3. a. solar b. solid c. hobby d. model

4. a. dump b. truck c. reduce d. rubbish

5. a. bill b. plumber c. bulb d. label

<i><b>B. Underline the stressed pattern of the following words.(10pts)</b></i>

1. media 6. informative 11. development 16. recycle
2. musician 7. necessary 12. garbage 17. plastic
3. material 8. mountainous 13. sewage 18. energy
4. majority 9. character 14. environment 19. politeness
5. opposite 10. mausoleum 15. pollute 20. prohibit
<b>II. Grammar and use of English</b>

<i><b>A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.(20pts)</b></i>

1. We’re disappointed that people have _____ this area.(. spoiled, bored, disturbed , broken
2. We should fine heavily anyone using ___ to catch fish.(. electric, electrical. electricity,

3. If we ______ trash, it will pollute the air.(. collect,. burn, reuse,. pump)

4. We shouldn’t use too many plastic bags because they are very hard to ____________

a. soften b. heat c. melt d. dissolve

5. We must ___ the amount of water our family uses every day(lower, reduce,lessen, cut down
6. A ___ faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month.( running, cutting, dripping,dropping
7. All the houses in our village will be ____by solar energy.(heated, heightened,. frozen,

8. I suggest that Minh ____ a good dictionary.( buys,. has to buy, will buy,. should buy)

9. If we ___ wasting electricity, we will have to pay a lot next month.( turn on, go on, come on
d. live on )

10. I suggest ___ sheets with single printed page for drafting. (keep,. to keep, keeping, kept )
11. I usually write emails or ___ with my friends about our hobbies.(. chat, tell,. swear,. surf
12. Today the Ao Dai is both traditional and ____(. funny, fashionable,. moveable ,. comic)
13. Maryam wanted to ___ Lan to Kuala Lumpur.(. correspond,. meet,. offer,. invite)

14. I wish I ______ very far from school.(. don’t live,. won’t live, haven’t live,. didn’t live
15. A new supermarket ____ in our town.(. is build, is being built, has built ,. was building)
16. We should use public buses ____of motorbikes or car.(. instead, because, in spite, change )
17. We can save natural ___ by using solar energy.(. products , forests,. wild lives , resources)
18. Tom failed the exam ____ he was lazy.( such,. that ,. like . as)

19. We were thirsty. _, the water in the stream was polluted (However, Therefore,. So, Because
20. Do you think it’s good if we burn trash to reduce the ____________ of garbage?

a. lots b. measure c. number d. amount

<i><b>B. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.(10pts)</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

1. a. taken b. spent c. used d. got
2. a. end b. exhaust c. finish d. destroy

3. a. will b. would c. can d. should

4. a. use b. using c. used d. usage

5. a. it b. this c. they d. there

6. a. in b. for c. since d. at

7. a. want b. ask c. require d. demand

8. a. last b. long c. tow d. widen

9. a. In addition b. Together c. According d. Follow

10. a. it b. which c. who d. where

<i><b>C. Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate preposition.(10pts)</b></i>
1. She is very interested ____ history. 2. They took part ______ most of the games.

3. All buildings in Sweden will be heated ____________ solar energy in 2015.
4. He gave me advice ____________ how to save water.

5. I’m worried____________ my most recent water bill.

6. If we keep ____________ littering the environment will become seriously polluted.
7. If we use much pesticide ____________ vegetables, the vegetables will become poisonous.

8. The baby laughed happily as she played ____________ her toys.
9. This street used to be covered ____________ trash.

10. I’d like you to divide ____________ four groups.

<i><b>D. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following five sets of</b></i>
<i><b>words and phrases five complete sentences. (5pts)</b></i>

1. I/ write/ thank/ book/ send/fifteenth birthday.

2. I/ like/ very much/ and help/ me/ much/ in my study/ 3. How/ your study/ now.

4. You/ do/ well/ school/?/ 5. I/ look forward/ hear/you

<i><b>E. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to make complete sentences.(10pts)</b></i>
1. We should do something to give our part to the poverty ____________. (Reduce)
2. Please do me a favor! I need your ____________. (Advise)
3. You can make ____________ now. (Suggest)
4. The Internet is a wonderful ____________ of modern life. (Invent)
5.She,uses,the,Internet,for____________. (Communicate)
6. ____________, I remembered to bring my umbrella. < Luck >.
7. The drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their ____________. (Refresh)
8.Ihave read the ____________ on the paper. (Advertise)
9. The Internet also has its ____________. (Limit)
10.I,use,the,Internet for my ____________. (Educate)
<i><b>F. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning. (10pts)</b></i>
1. They are going to repair the building next week.-> The building

2. I didn’t have time to finish my English test yesterday.-> If
3. The water was so hot that I couldn’t drink it.-> It was such

4. The question was very difficult, so the boy didn’t understand it.- > The question was too
5. He can’t get access to the Internet as he doesn’t have a computer.-> If

6. “ Have you ever been to Ho Chi Minh City?”-> He asked me
7. The last time I saw her was when I was in Moscow. -> I haven’t

8. Did you buy this house five years ago? YOu...?
9. “Did you buy this book yesterday?” -> She asked me

10. Nobody told me about that decision. -> I...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>Test- 2</b>

<b>: I. Phonetics.A. Pick out the word which the underlined part has a pronunciation</b>
<i><b>different from that of the others words in the same line: (5pts)</b></i>

1. a. head b. feather c. reading d. leather

2. a. breath b. bath c. soothe d. thought
3. a. lane b. man c. hat d. hand

4. a. hour b. honor c. honest d. honey

5. a. line b. middle c. life d. kind

6. a. gave b. slave c. hat d. escape

7. a. seat b. meadow c. feature d. teach

8. a. washed b. cooked c. wanted d. hoped

9. a. cow b. know c. own d. bowl
10. a. best b. frequently c. red d. head
<i><b>B. Underline the stressed syllable of the following words. (5pts)</b></i>

1. remember 6. succeed 11. toothpaste 16. balloon
2. believe 7. description 12. holiday 17. depend

3. introduce 8. machine 13. development 18. advertisement
4. explain 9. understand 14. vegetable 19. headache

5. museum 10. sometimes 15. content 20. surprise

<b>II.Grammar: A Choose the best answer.Circle the letter before the word you choose. (20pts)</b>
1. We took _______ in most activities of our school. (. notes ,. part, . care, . rest )

2. Please show me your library card before __ any books.( lending,. borrowing, selling, asking
3. The book describes adventures that happened _______ .

a. at a long time b. a long time ago c. in the very old d. an old time ago

4. All the rooms in this hotel are __( condition, conditioners, conditioning,

5. Could you _______ me how the machine works? (. show, indicate,. explain,. draw)

6. I ___ the heat because I had been living there for a long time.( used to, was used to,. be used to
,. was used of

7. The purpose of the examination was to _______ the students’ knowledge of the subject.

a. try b. inspect c. prove d. test

8. Jane ___spending the afternoon at the swimming pool.( urged,. encouraged, suggested

9. I can not go ___ this afternoon. I have to do my homework.

a. nowhere b. everywhere c. somewhered. anywhere

10. You have got a scholarship; you are luckier ___( as I, than me, than I, as me )

11.We went to the railway station to ___ to our friends.( set on, say goodbye, wave at, see off )

12. Each of the girls _______ a lot of toys .( has , have , having. to have )

13. I’m very _______ to meet you again. ( please ,to please, pleasing , pleased

14. I have never experienced ____ before (.so hot weather, such hot weather ,.such a hot
weather ,.a such hot weather

15. He worked in Paris _______ the war.( between, when, among, during )

16.It’s about time he __ to look after himself.( learnt, has learnt, was learning,. were learning )
17. The question is easy enough, but __students could answer it.(. few, a few,. less,. little
18. When _ waste paper, we can save much money and labor.

a. co-operating b. destroying c. recycling d. creating

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

2. They arrived _______ London when it was dark./ 3. _______ the time the book is finished,
he will have found a agent. 4. This house consists _______ five rooms.
5. They often march to show their solidarity _______ May Day.

6. Long ago parts of the land were covered _______ sea.

7. Workers all _______ the world have the same interests and feelings.
8. May Day is a good occasion _______ them to show this unity.
9. I am tired _______ working in the countryside.

10. According _______ the mother, what will happen if the pollution goes on?
C. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word form the box. (10pts)

looked discouraged Modern systems appear by middle a first However
<b>TRAFFIC LIGHTS : The first traffic signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It</b>

was installed outside the House of Parliament in 1686. It (1) _______ like railway signal of the
time and was operated by gas. (2) _____, it exploded and killed a policeman and the accident (3)
_______ further development until cars became common. (4) ______ traffic lights are an
American invention. Red-green (5) _____were installed in Cleverland in 1914. Three-colour
signals, operated (6) ____ hand from a tower in the (7) ______ of the street, were installed in
New York in 1918. The(8)______ lights of this type to (9) ______ in Britain were in London.
Automatic signals were installed (10) _______ year later.

<i><b>D. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following five sets of</b></i>
<i><b>words and phrases five complete sentences. (5pts)</b></i>

1. I/ write/ thank you/ lovely flowers/ you/ send me/ eighteenth birthday.
2. I/ have/ wonderful party/ nearby restaurant/ my birthday.

3. We/ invite/ about thirty/ my friends/ have/ dinner first.
4. After dinner/ we/ dance/ restaurant/ close/ midnight.

5. I/ look forward/ see you/ when you come here/ holiday/ next summer.
E. Rearrange into correct order to make a logical dialogue. (5pts)

1. Thank God! I was worried.

2. Well, you are lucky, your classmate found it.
3. Where did you lose it?

4. Excuse me, I lost my school bag this morning.
5. Here it is. He gave it to me an hour ago.
6. In the classroom 10A. I left it in the desk.

<i><b>F. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to make complete sentences.(10pts)</b></i>

1. After their summer holidays, the children looked ________________ < HEALTH >.
2. Time passes ________________ when you are alone . < SLOW >.
3. Don’t do things ________________ from others. < DIFFER >.
4. We have a class ________________ every month. < DISCUSS >.
5. The people in your country are very warm and ________________ < FRIEND >.
6. She told us about the________________ of English in every day life. < IMPORTANT >.
7. She has just had an ________________ book to read . < INTEREST >.
8. Ho Chi Minh City is an important ________________ centre of Vietnam. <COMMERCE>.
9. It is really an ________________ Monument. < IMPRESSION >.
10. Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and water ________________ <POLLUTE >.
<i><b>G. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning. (10pts)</b></i>
1. My father used to play football when he was young.-> My father doesn’t

2. Jane gave me a present on my last birthday.-> I was ………
3. “Let’s go swimming”-> She suggests

4. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”-> He

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

7. It is a three-hour drive from Hanoi to Namdinh.-> It takes
8. It’s a pity you didn’t tell us about this.-> I wish ……..
9. They think the owner of the house is abroad.-> The owner

10. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was very rough. -> The sea was too

<i><b>A. Pick out the word which the underlined part has a pronunciation different from that of the</b></i>
<i><b>others words in the same line: (5pts)</b></i>

1. a/ sit b/ hidden c/ limb d/ time

2. a/ sure b/ sun c/ soap d/ soar

3. a/ marked b/ needed c/ kissed d/ watched
4. a/ breath b/ bath c/ soothe d/ thought

5. a/ cows b/ knows c/ works d/ rose

<i><b>B. Underline the stressed syllables of the following words. (5pts)</b></i>

1. sportsmanship 6. ceremony 11. principal 16. mechanic
2. atmosphere 7. together 12. interested 17. countryside
3. throughout 8. experiment 13. instrument 18. perform
4. committed 9. stadium 14. uniform 19. newspaper
5. competition 10. librarian 15. international 20. excited

<b>II. GRAMMAR : A. Choose the best answer. Circle the letter (a, b, c or d) before the words</b>
<i><b>you choose.(20pts): 1. The house … Shakespeare was born is open to the public.( where, which,</b></i>
that, when

2. If he spoke English more slowly, he ………. so many mistakes.

a. will not make b. wouldn’t make c. didn’t make d. made
3. A … was a person who went through city streets shouted the latest news.

a. town crier b. magician c. singer d. clown
4. They are playing …… Liverpool players.( against, versus, to, of )

5.All competitors take . in the Olympic Games in the spirit of sportsmanship( role, play,turn, part
6. Traffic rules … by all people.( must be obeyed,. must obey,. must obeyed, must have obeyed
7. The scientists are doing their research work in the ……( museum, theater , laboratory, market )

8. There is now much .. water in the lake than there was last year.( lesser, less, fewer, few )
9. There you are! I …… for two hours. Where have you been?

a. am waiting b. wait c. waited d. have been waiting
10. He is … to see that film.( not enough old, old not enough, not enough, not old enough )
11. The weather was ………… bad ………….. we couldn’t go out.

a. such/that b. too/that c. such a/that d. so/that

12 When the teacher …. the classroom, all the students stood up. came, arrived, went, entered )
13. I wish I .. more attention to English lessons at school.( had paid, paid, have paid. pay

14.She ... go fishing with her father when she was young.( used to, is used to, was used
to,used to going

15. It took him three weeks .. how to swim.( learn,. learning, to learn , to learning )
16. The more a car costs, ….. it goes.( faster, the faster ,. the more fast, the more faster
17. I couldn’t go to the party ……… of a sudden cold.( as, because, in spite ,. that
18. After a lot of difficulties, he … to open the door.(. succeeded, could, tried,. managed
19. When he …. school, John decided to study language.( left , went to,. ended, stopped
20. Next summer, we’re … a new house built in this area.( making, deciding, settling, having )
<i><b>B. Complete the following sentences with suitable prepositions. (10pts)</b></i>

1. Sally’s parents gave her a PC …… her birthday. 2. The flight … Moscow lasted three and a
half hours. 3. The Johnsons have lived in that house … twenty years.

4. How long have you been waiting … me? 5. What’s she … ? She’s tall and nice.
6.The road in front ….. your house is being repaired.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

8. They have been .. from home for a long time.

9. The Thames is a beautiful river which flows ……. London.

10. What will happen to the boy if he keeps ………. asking such questions?
<i><b>C. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. (10pts)</b></i>

more which television that than programs pictures news viewers people

Television is an important invention of the twentieth century. It has been so popular (1)
……. now we can’t imagine what life would be like if there were no (2) ……….... Television is a
major means of communication. It brings (3) ………… and sounds from around the world into
millions of home. Through television, (4) ……… can see and learn about people, places and
things an faraway lands. Television widens our knowledge by introducing us to new ideas (5)
…….. may lead us to new hobbies and recreation. In addition to the (6) ……, television provides
us with variety of (7) ……. that can satisfy every taste. Most (8) ….. now like to spend their
evenings watching television. It is (9) ……. convenient for them to sit at home watching
television (10) …… to go out for amusements elsewhere.

<i><b>D. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following five sets of</b></i>
<i><b>words and phrases five complete sentences. (5pts)</b></i>

1. when I/ station/ train/ already/ leave. 2. He/ wish/ watch/ football match/ last night
3. It/ take/ 2 hours/ fly/ Hanoi/ HCM City. 4. This book/ interesting/ that/ read/ twice
5. I/ not cook/ well/ mother

<i><b>E. Rearrange the words or phrases of sets of words to make complete sentences. (5pts)</b></i>
1. apples/ fridge/ are/ the/ How many/ there/ in/ ?

2. February/ my father’s/ on/ is/ 2nd<sub>/ birthday.</sub>

3. please/ cinema/ can/ to/ the/ you/ way/ the/ me/ tell?

4. kind/ it/ very/ is/ him/ me/ help/ to/ of. 5. house/ built/ this/ was/ ago/ years/ five
<i><b>F. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to make complete sentences.(10pts)</b></i>

1. Conversation is one of the most enjoyable forms of ………. . <ENTERTAIN >.
2. He cycled ………..….. and had an accident. < CARE >.
3. Many people would rather be ………. and rich. < FAME >.
4. These students are very ……….. in science books. < INTEREST >.
5.This film made me feel.. EXCITE/.6.This question is not good. It is an …. to
ask./IMPORTANT . 7. The furniture makes his house …………..BEAUTY >.

8. In this area, people don’t like playing tennis. It is an ………..……sport.<POPULAR>.
9. Air ……….……. makes us unhealthy. < POLLUTE > .
10. If wild animals had more …………..….……., they wouldn’t be in danger. <PROTECT>.
<i><b>G. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning. (10pts)</b></i>
1. The car was so expensive that he didn’t buy it.-> The car was too

2. I advise you to put your money in the bank.-. You’d
3. The town was nearer than we thought.-> The town wasn’t .
4. I’m sorry I can’t swim.-> I wish ………..
5. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.-> This is the first

6. “How many survivors are there?” asked the journalist.-> The journalist wanted to know
7. It was such rotten meat that it had to be thrown away.-> The meat was

8. You can’t visit the United States unless you get a visa.-> If you
9. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter-> Peter asked if
10. She started working as a secretary five years ago.-> She has

<i><b>ĐỀ 1:HSG-I Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.(1p)</b></i>

1 A. files B. tomatoes C. plates D. miles

2 A. hear B. near C. bear D. clear

3 A. arrived B. mentioned C. ended D. loved

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

5 A. fashion B. label C. baggy D. casual

<b>II. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.(1p)</b>

1 A. comprise B. compulsory C. primary D. collection

2 A. objection B. opinion C. religion D. optional

3 A. climate B. design C. region D. comic

4 A. engineer B. attention C. pioneer D. volunteer

5 A. awful B. empty C. delicious D. lovely

<b>III: Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences, write A, B, C, D</b>

<b>on your answer sheet.( 4p)</b>

1.I am sure he did not do it …… purpose. (A.in ,B. with ,C. for , D. on )
1. We’<sub>ll have an English test… November 18</sub>th<sub>. (A. in ,B. on ,C. at ,D. of)</sub>

2. If only I…… speak English well. (A. can, B. could ,C. may ,D. will)

3. Mr. Brown has been working much too…. recently(A hardly,B.harder,C.hard, D more hard
4. It took him all his life…. that book . (A. writing ,B. wrote ,C. to write ,D. written

5. Truyen Kieu, ………. by Nguyen Du , is liked by most Vietnamese people.

A. wrote B. was written C. writing D. written

6. The valuable pictures in my house..last year.(A. steal ,B. stole,C. was stolen ,D. were stolen
7. A computer can gather a lot of…………for many different………A.informations/purpose

B. informations/ purposes,C. information/purposes, D. information/ purpose
8. His parents think, it is time he..married. (A. got ,B. will get ,C. gets, D. would get
9. My favorite……at school is math .( A.topic ,B. subject ,C. class ,D. teacher
<b>III.</b> <b>Provide the correct form of the words in brackets.(2p)</b>

1. The……….conditions in Viet Nam improved ( ECONOMY)
2. It is ………to eat too much sugar and fat ( HEALTH)
3. What a …………armchair! ( COMFORT)/ 4-(ADD)

4. This article gives us ……..information about the current environmental problem solving.
5. I think you should say a few words of………. (EXPLAIN)

IV: Choose the underlined word or phrase ( A, B, C, D) that needs correcting.(2p)

1. That boring film began two hours ago but it didn’t finish yet.


2. Mai didn’t go to the zoo with her friends last Sunday because her sickness.
3. Jim was upset last night because she had to do much homeworks.


4. You can see that the room has been beautiful decorated for Christmas.

5. Everyone in the neighborhood are pleased about the new shopping mall.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

is…(17)……….the children like, not something…(18)………….to wear, and it is also…
(19)…………than school uniforms……(20)………

1 A. wearing B. dressing C. wear D. dress

2 A. keen in B. keen on C. eager in D. eager on

3 A. like B. to be like C. alike D. to be alike

4 A. each other B. another C. themselves D. theirselves

5 A. what poor they are B. what poors they are C. how poor they are D. how poor they were

6 A. left over B. taken off C. put off D. given up

7 A. to wear B. wear C. wearing D. what they wear

8 A. that B. which C. what D. as

9 A. an own uniform B. a uniform of their own C. a proper uniform D. a uniform of his own
10 A. London school B. London’<sub>s school</sub> <sub>C. school of London</sub> <sub>D. school at London</sub>

11 A. on B. by C. in D. which

12 A. to die than B. to die that C. die that D. die than

13 A. anyone B. no one C. none D. someone

14 A. than B. that C. from D. to

15 A. must B. can C. could D. may

16 A. ought B. should C had D. would

17 A. a one what B. a one that C. one what D. one that

18 A. it had been B. they have been forced C they have been

D. it has been forcing

19 A. much more cheaper B. much more C. are used to be D. more cheaper cheaper

20 A. used to be B. use to be C. are used to be D. are usually being

*Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the

sentence printed.(3p)

1“ Why don’t we paint the wall light blue instead of green?” said Tuan. Tuan suggested
2.The bookshelf was so high that the children couldn’t reach it. It was………..
3.Food can’<sub>t be sold on the sidewalk. They………</sub>

<i><b>4.</b></i> When did you start to listen to classical music? How long………
5.Please keep silent in the classroom. I would rather you……….

<b> VII. Write a passage (from 100 to120 words) to tell about the benefits of the Internet.(3p)</b>

- You should mention:

+ the Internet as a source of information.
+ the Internet is a source of entertainment.
+ The Internet as a means of education.

<i><b>Period: 16 </b></i> <i><b> Preparing day : 2 / 1 / 2012</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching day : 10 /.1 / 2012</b></i>

<b> Correcting the Test</b>

<i><b>Test- 2 - HSG:</b></i>

<i><b>A - Phonetics</b></i>

<i><b>:</b><b> </b></i> <i><b>Choose one word (A, B, C, or D) whose underlined part is pronounced</b></i>
<i><b>differently from the rest in each group.(0.5 pst).</b></i>

1. A. school <i><b>B. chair</b></i> <i><b>C. chaos</b></i> <i><b>D. chemist </b></i>

2. A. government <i><b>B. moment</b></i> <i><b>C. comment</b></i> <i><b>D. development </b></i>

3. A. massage <i><b>B. garbage</b></i> <i><b>C. village</b></i> <i><b>D. language </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

5. A. needs <i><b>B. meets</b></i> <i><b>C. learns</b></i> <i><b>D. plays </b></i>
<i><b> B </b></i>

<i> – </i>

<i> Grammar – Vocabulary – Language functions</i>


<i> </i>

<i><b> Question I:Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence below.(1.5 pts).</b></i>

1. Mrs. Hoa is very………….. She goes to the church every morning.

<i><b>A. religious </b></i> <i><b>B. religiously C. religion</b></i> <i><b>D. religionist</b></i>
2. Each of the football players……….over 150 pounds.

<i><b>A. weigh</b></i> <i><b>B. weighs</b></i> <i><b>C. weights</b></i> <i><b>D. are weighing</b></i>

3. If only that day……Sunday, we would have gone swimming.A.is <i><b>B was C. were D. had been</b></i>
4. What have fashion designers done to………the Ao dai?

<i><b>A. modern</b></i> <i><b>B. modernize </b></i> <i><b>C. modernization</b></i> <i><b>D. modernist</b></i>
5. It’s high time you…………. a new motorbike instead of your old motorbike.

<i><b>A. buy </b></i> <i><b>B. is buying </b></i> <i><b>C. bought </b></i> <i><b>D. was buying</b></i>

6. We really prefer going by motorbike to going by bus because it is more…….
<i><b>A. convenient </b></i> <i><b>B. inconvenient </b></i> <i><b>C. conveniently </b></i> <i><b>D. inconveniently</b></i>
7. Last night someone broke into our house. Oh, dear,………..?

<i><b>A. has anything taken,B. is anything taken ,C. was anything taken ,D. were anything taken</b></i>
8. In a few days, the children visited many…………..places in Ho Chi Minh City.

<i><b>A. interest</b></i> <i><b>B. interesting </b></i> <i><b>C. interested </b><b>D. interests </b></i>
9. Levi Strauss……….. jeans for workmen before I was born.

<i><b>A. has invented</b></i> <i><b>B. invented </b></i> <i><b>C. invents </b></i> <i><b>D. had invented</b></i>

10. My elder brother is a businessman. He ………… to many countries in the world.

<i><b>A. has gone</b></i> <i><b>B. has been </b></i> <i><b>C. goes </b></i> <i><b>D. went</b></i>

11. Peter said that New York…… bigger than London.(A. is, B. are ,C. was ,D. were
12. If you ……….ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.

<i><b>A. arrive </b></i> <i><b>B. arrived </b></i> <i><b>C. had arrived </b></i> <i><b>D. was arriving</b></i>
13. She persuaded herself that life was worth., not something boring.

<i><b>A. living </b></i> <i><b>B. to live </b></i> <i><b>C. to living ,D. live</b></i>

14. She doesn’t enjoy looking…………. the children. (A. for ,B. in ,C. after ,D. at
15. These clothes need…………. immediately otherwise they will smell.

<i><b>A. washed </b></i> <i><b>B. be washed </b></i> <i><b>C. to wash </b></i> <i><b>D. washing</b></i>

Question II: Provide the correct form of the words given (0.5 pts).
1. The little village is very quiet and ………….. at night. (PEACE)
2. ………….are trying to find out new stars. (SCIENCE)
3. Her sister plays the violin very ……… (BEAUTY)

4. We are proud of our… (FRIEND)/ 5. Your bedroom needs…immediately. (DECORATION)
<i><b> Question III. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence (A, B, C or D).</b></i>
<i><b>Find the mistake and correct it. (0.5 pst)</b></i>

1. Look at the two dictionarys and you will see they are the same in some ways.
2. Nam enjoys to be encouraged if he gets good marks.


3. He walked very slowly as if he worked hard the whole day.


4. Hoang has felt much better when he took the pill.

5. After living in London for 2 months, my sister got used to drive on the left.

<i><b>Question IV: Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B (0.5 pt)</b></i>

<i><b>Column A</b></i> <i><b>Column B</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

again….Anyway, how long are you going to be in

2. Will you be free on Saturday night?
3. Let’s do something special, shall we?

4. Excuse me, can you tell me where I can cash a
traveler’s cheque?

5. I’d like to cash a traveler’s cheque, please?

b. Well, I haven’t got anything planned…

c. I’ll be here until Saturday – the conference finishes on
Saturday at about 5 pm so I thought I’d stay and go back
the next day.

d. May I see your passport, please?

e. Yes, if you just go to the “Foreigner” counter….
f. I really enjoy staying at home.

<i><b>C – Reading.</b></i>

<i><b> Question I. </b><b>Read the paragraph carefully and fill each gap with a suitable</b></i>

<i><b>word (1.5 pts)</b></i>

Last Sunday, I …(1)… on an excursion to Oxford. I got up very….. (2)….. and…..(3)….. a
bus, ……(4)…..I arrived there on time. In the …..(5)….,I visited the National Gallery, Big Ben
and the Hype Park. In the afternoon, I.. (6)…a dictionary and a small disc with the words “Oxford
University”. I met some English students in the bookshop. I was happy to …..(7)…..speaking …..
(8)….. with many foreigners. ……(9)…. I felt a bit tired, I had a /( an )…..(10)…..day.

1………2. ………3. ……4.…………5.………6……..7. .8...9. ………10...
<i><b> Question II: Read the following passage and answer the questions below. (1.5 pts)</b></i>

<i><b>A Special Present</b></i>

Three and a half years ago Mr. Bell received a lovely present from his young grandson. The
boy had had a lovely holiday by the seaside and had bought his grandpa a present. It was a
polished sea – snail which had been stuck on the top of an oyster and another shell. Mr. Bell was
very pleased with his gift and put it on the shelf. While he was dusting one morning, he
accidentally knocked the polished snail off the oyster. He went to find some quick – drying glue.
When he came back, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The snail had moved along the shelf. It was
alive! “It must have been asleep all these years and the shock woke it up” Mr. Bell said. He put
the snail in a paper bag to show his friends. At first they thought the story was complete nonsense
until they saw the snail. The poor creature was so hungry, it had eaten a hole in the bag. Mr. Bell
gave it a big meal of fresh cabbage leaves which it really enjoyed. “These creatures”, a scientist
explained, live on the seashore and don’t lead a fast life. They can sleep for years without eating”.

1. Did Mr. Bell receive a lovely present three and a half years ago?

2. How did he feel when he received it?

3. Why did he have to find some quick – drying glue?

4. Was the present both lovely and strange? Why do you think so?
5. What did a scientist say about the present?

<b>D - Writing</b>

<i><b> Question I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the</b></i>
<i><b>same as the sentence printed before it. (1.5 pts)</b></i>

1. Nam keeps forgetting his homework. - > Nam is……….
2. Please don’t make any noise, I am very tired.- > I’d rather………
4. He couldn’t afford to buy the car. - > The car……….

5. It took us 3 hours to open the door. - > We spent……….

6. If I had much time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend.. - > Unless……

7. Walking in the rain gives my younger brother a pleasure. - > My younger brother enjoys……
8. Mark is too young to get married. - > Mark isn’t………

9. Minh began to collect stamps in 1999.- > Minh has………

10. Nobody has watered the flowers in the garden for many weeks.-> The flowers…….

<i> Question II: Last summer you had a holiday by the sea. Write a passage (100 - 120 words)</i>

<b>about your holiday. The following questions may help you. (2.0p)</b>

- When and where did you go ? Who did you go with ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<b> Test- 3 </b>

<b>A: Phonetics: Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from</b>
<b>the others. (0.5pts)</b>

1. A. equal B. fashion C. champagne D. match

2. A. economy B. occasion C. freedom D. logical

3. A. invite B. river C. shrine D. primary

4. A. encourage B. proud C. enough D. young

5. A. invited B. arrived C. mentioned D. loved

<b>B: Grammar – Vocabulary. Question I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes</b>
<b>each sentence. (2.0pts)</b>

1. She speaks Chinese as ______ as I do

A. good B. better C. very good D. well

2. Jim is five centimeters ______ than Tom.

A. taller B. tallest C. high D. tall

3. The harder she works, the _______ money she earns

A. better B. much C. more D. less

4. Lucy answered the questions _______ than Sarah.

A. intelligent B. more intelligently C. most intelligent D. more intelligent
5. I knew they were talking about me ______ they stopped when I entered the room.

A. because B. so that C. despite D. therefore

6. The librarian told us not ______ reference books out of the library.

A. to take B. taking C. take D. took

7. When I came to visit her last night , she ______ a bath .

A. had B. was having C. were having D. is having

8. He has really worked hard so far, ______ he?

A. does B. has C. doesn’t D. hasn’t

9. Nobody liked the film, ______ ?

A. does he B. doesn’t he C. did they D. didn’t they

10. ______ the students in my class enjoy taking part in social activities.

A. Many B. Most C. Most of D. The number of

<b>Question II. Provide the correct form of the words in brackets. (0.5p)</b>

1. It’s very __ to live in damp room.( HEALTH ), 2. He was punished for his ___(LAZY)
3. I believe you because I know you are ______. (TRUTH)

4. He drives so _______ that he is sure to have an accident. <b>(CARE )</b>
5. Ba has a large _______ of foreign stamps. <b>( COLLECT)</b>

<b>Question III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting</b>
<b>and corrects it (1.0p)</b>

1. She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview.


2. The children are very boring and they don’t know what to do .
3. Do you know how getting to the post office from here?

4. Tom wishes his neighbors don’t make so much noise.


5. I will lend you this money if you will promise to pay it back.
<b> A </b> B C D

<b>C – Reading.Question I. Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the passage ( 1 pt </b>
<b> Ba’s home (1)………..lies near the foot of a (2)………and by a river.</b>

Getting to the village is an interesting (3)……….. People have a chance to (4)
……….between the green paddy fields, cross a small bamboo forest before they reach a
big old banyan tree at the (5)……….to the village.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

Question II : Read the passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. (1.0 pt
I live in a small village (1)____ Henfield - there are about 500 people here. I love it because it
is (2) ____ and life is slow and easy. You never (3) ____ queue in shops or banks. The village is
clean - people (4) ____ it and don’t throw their rubbish in the streets. The air is also (5) ____
because there’s not much heavy traffic. It’s much more (6) ____ here than in a city . Everyone
knows everyone and (7) ____ someone has problem, there are always people who can help .There
aren’t (8) ____ things I don’t like about Henfield. One thing is that there’s not much (9) ____ in
the evening - we haven’t got any cinemas or theaters. Another problem is that people always talk
about (10) ____ and everyone knows what everyone else is doing. But I still prefer village life to
life in a big city.

1. A. was B. is C. called D. name

2. A. quietly B. quiet C. noisy D. noisily

3. A. had B. should C. wait D. have to

4. A. look after B. find C. think D. look for

5. A .dirty B. not clean C. clean D. dizzy

6. A . friendly B. unfriendly C. boring D. uninteresting

7. A .if B. and C. so D. but

8. A. much B. a little C. a few D. many

9. A. doing B. to do C. jobs D. things

10. A. another B. every one C. each other D. any one

<b>Question II: Read the passage and choose the best answer. (1.0 pt)</b>

Out in the Pacific Ocean, 3,700 kilometers from Los Angeles, are the islands of Hawaii,
the fiftieth state of the United States, with its area of 16,700 square kilometers. The first
Hawaiians arrived from other Pacific islands sometime around 100 AD. Then in 1778, Captain
Cook visited Hawaii. He put the islands on his maps of the Pacific Ocean. Then more ships knew
Hawaii and began stopping there for supplies.

In 1820, a small group of people from the eastern United States came to teach the
Hawaiian people about Christianity. They started farms to grow sugar cane and pineapples.
Because there were not enough people to do all the farm work, farm owners brought in Asians
-Chinese, Japanese, and Filipinos.

Later Koreans, Portuguese, and Puerto Ricans also came. More people came from the US
mainland and from other Pacific islands, and Hawaii became an island with traditions from
several countries. People from the various nation groups have married each other, so today the
groups are partly mixed.Hawaiians are very friendly and always welcome visitors. They celebrate
traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino holidays as well as holidays from The United states.
Hawaii is known as the Aloha State. “Aloha” mean “hello”, “goodbye”, and “I love you” in

1. Hawaii is ... square kilometers in area. ( A. 3,700 B. 1,820 C. 16,700 D. 2,500
2. More ships knew Hawaii through ... and stopped there for supplies.

A. Japanese visitors, B. Christopher Columbus,C. Captain Cook’s maps D. Christians.

3. In the early 19th century, many Asians were taken to Hawaii ...

A. to go fishing, B. to be holidaymakers, C. to visit attractions , D. to do the farm work.
4. Today the various national groups are ...

A. completely mixed , B. living in different societies,C. partly mixed ,D. completely separated.
5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Captain Cook came to Hawaii in 1778/B. All Hawaiian people have come from Asia .

<b>C.Hawaii is the fiftieth state of the United States.,D Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean 3,700</b>
kilometers from Los Angeles.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

3. She knows a lot more about it than I do .I don’t know ...
4. Unless he phones immediately, he won’t get any information. If ...
5. “ Would you like to go with me to the market , Mai ? ”- Ha said -> Ha invited ...
<b>Question II: Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following</b>
<b>sets of words and phrases that together make a complete paragraph. (2.0p)</b>

1. Bill Gates / born/ 1995/ Washington State. He/ grow up/ rich family.

2. His parents/ send/ he/ private school .There/ he/ meet/ business partner/ Paul Allen.
3. When/ they/ be/ 8th grade, they/ write/ programs/ business/ computers.

4. 1973/ Gates/ be accepted/ Harvard University. Parents/ happy.

5. Two years later/ Gates/ drop out/ of Harvard/ work/ computer program/ his friend Allen.
6. 1975 / they/ create / company/ Microsoft/ sell/ their product.

7. A few years later/ Microsoft/ become/ giant company.

8. By 1990/ Gates/ the youngest/ billionaire/ the United States/ age of 34 .
9. He/ achieve/ success/ a lot of hard work . He/ be/ “ King of Software ”
10. By 1997, he/ the richest/ man/ United States.

<b>Test-4: A. PHONETICS: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently</b>
<b>from the others in each group: (5 pts)</b>

1. A. campus B. relax C. locate D. fashion
2. A. qualify B. baggy C. grocery D. scenery

3. A. gather B. there C. ethnic D. although
4. A. ploughed B. published C. ordered D. prayed

5. A. exchange B. reach C. chance D. champagne

<b>I. Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences: (10 pts)</b>
1.Viet got up late ... he couldn'<sub>t catch the first bus. ( A. then ,B. so ,C. as ,D. when</sub>

2. He can'<sub>t earn money... he has no job. (A. unless ,B. until ,C. if ,D. without</sub>

3.Long wishes he... have to clean all the windows.(A. don'<sub>t ,B. doesn</sub>'<sub>t ,C. wasn</sub>'<sub>t ,D. didn</sub>'<sub>t</sub>

4. We met a lot of people... our holiday.( A. during B. while C. for D. at
5. "Where are you going next Sunday?" he asked me.

A. He asked me where am I going next Sunday. B. He asked me where I am going next Sunday.
C. He asked me where was I going the following Sunday.

D. He asked me where I was going the next Sunday.

6. Never put ... till tomorrow what you can do today.( A. off B. over C.back D. away

7. Throughout history, the moon has inspired not only song and dance...( A. and also poetry and
prose/B. but poetry also prose. C. together with poetry and prose/D. but poetry and prose as well.
8. Either John or his brothers... the keys to the car.

A. has taken B. have taken C. has been taken D. have been taken

9. The house needs... A. to repaint B. repainted C. to be repainting D. repainting
10. The teacher said, with a smile ... her face, that the students all passed the exam.

A. on B. in C. over D. above
<b>II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (5 pts)</b>

1. Listen to those people! What language they (speak)...?
2. Where you (go) ... if you had a lot of money?

3. Did you advise him (join) ... in the talent contest?
4. We (make) ... to work hard last week by the teacher.
5. Nothing (do)... since I moved here.

III. Find the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting and correct it. (10
1. Could you tell me how much does it cost and where to buy it?


<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

3. Getting enough sleep is important in order not fall asleep in class.

4. This hotel has been already in business for fifty years.

5. Did he used to live with them until he moved down to London?
<b>IV. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets: (5 pts)</b>

1. My first... of her is very good.(IMPRESS).2. The house is ... into five rooms. (DIVISION)
3. The ... of the family made her sad. (SEPARATE)

4. Do you think God listens to our...? (PRAY)/ 5. Is English compulsory or....?(OPTION)

<b>C. READING.I. Fill in the blank of the following passage with ONE suitable word :( 5 pts)</b>
I strongly believe that it is important to wear uniforms when students are at school. Firstly,
uniforms (1)... the children to take pride in being students of the school they are going to
because they are wearing uniforms with (2) ... bearing their school'<sub>s name.</sub>

Secondly, wearing uniforms helps students feel (3) ... in many ways. They all start from
the same place no matter they are (4)... or unwealthy. They are really friends to one
another (5) ... one school roof.

<b>II. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow: (25 pts)</b>

Advertisements are very important in the modern world. Often your T- shirt or jeans show the
name of the company that made them. This is a popular from of advertising. A special picture or
symbol, called logo, is sometimes used.

You see logos on many different products. The idea of a logo is that whenever you see it, you
think of that product or company.

Many people like to buy a product because it is made by a certain company. Some people only
buy a product that is made by a famous company. People wear clothes and carry bags that have a
famous label to show that they are fashionable and have good taste.

It is very common to see advertisements on TV and hear them on the radio. Most advertisements
are only a few seconds long but very attractive. Sometimes, the advertiser uses a slogan because
it is easy to say and easy to remember.

The idea of advertisements is to try to make you buy the product. They sometimes show rich
and famous people using that product. The message is, if you want to feel rich and famous, and
then buy this product.

<i><b>a. Choose the most suitable ending to each of the following sentences. (10 pts</b><b> )</b><b> </b></i>

1.A logo is a...A. company'<sub>s name,B. special company,C.type of product,D. company symbol</sub>

2.A popular form of advertising is to...A. wear jeans, B. use logo,C. watch TV, D. use different

3.A good slogan is....A. easy to remember, B. useful to produce,C. simple to make,D. easy to buy
4. The main purpose of an advertisement is to...A. sell you something you do not want
B. make you feel rich and famous, C. make you buy the product, D. pay the TV station

<i><b>b. Answer the following questions. (15 pts)</b></i>
1. What do your T-shirt or jeans often show?

2. Why do people wear clothes and carry bags that have a famous label?
3. Where do people often see and hear advertisements?

<b>D. WRITING.I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly</b>
<b>the same as the sentence printed before it: (15 pts)</b>

1. Practice speaking everyday or you can'<sub>t improve your English.-> If...</sub>

2. John lives in a small flat and he doesn'<sub>t like it.->John wishes...</sub>

3. "Do your grandparents still live in Nha Trang now?" said Nam to me. -> Nam asked...
.4. Spending the weekend in the countryside is very wonderful.-> It'<sub>s...</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

II. Write a letter to a language center and ask for some information about an English course
<b>of listening and speaking. Follow these questions. (15 pts)</b>

- Where did you see the advertisement? - Why do you want to attend the English course of
listening and speaking? - What information do you want to them to send you?
- When are you ready to come for an interview at the center?


<b>A Phonetics: Circle the letter before the word that has the different underlined sound. (1pt)</b>

1. A. exam B. France C. national D. ability

2. A. remote B. respond C. control D. notice

3. A. pagoda B. category C. suggest D. regular

4. A. government B. moment C. comment D. development

5. A. ethnic B. there C. gather D. although

<b>B: Grammar - Vocabulary: Question I: Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the</b>
<b>following sentences.</b>

1. The stamp collection made him .... famous in the country.(A. be B. to be C. been,D. being
2. Millions of Christmas cards ... last month.(A. send,B. sent,C. were sent, D. are sent
3. The book... of five chapters.(A. comprises, B. consists ,C. makes, D. has

4. Is anyone... to fish in this river?(A. born, B. let, C. allowed, D. admitted
5. This is the first time I ... the experiment on plant breeding.

A. have done B. do C. would do D. did

6. I usually ... jeans and a T-shirt on the weekend.(A. put on B. take,C. get, D. wear
7. Hardly ... believes that.(A. somebody, B. anybody, C. everybody, D. all
8.He speaks... good English that it is a pleasure to talk to him.(A so,B.such,C such a.,D.very
9. If I ... here, I'd like to be in Paris.(A. am not,B. weren't,C. hadn't been, D. haven't been
10. It often... a lot in June and July.(A. rained, B. is rained, C. raining, D. rains

<b>Question IV: Each of the following sentences has an error marked A, B, C or D. Identify the</b>
<b>errors and correct them.</b>

1. My father said he use to collect stamps in his free time when he was a boy.


2. He always comes to class late, but this morning, everybody was surprised to see him in class
after /D class time. A B C

3. I wish they will be here next time.


4. Peter got dress quickly and went to school.
5. The flowers shouldn't cut in this garden.


<b>Question V: Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets.</b>

1. People in the country are very open and... (FRIEND)

2. Air ... is a big problem in the city. (POLLUTE)

3. Television is one of the most important ... of the 20th<sub> century.</sub> <sub>(INVENT)</sub>

4. Relax for some minutes and you'll feel more... (COMFORT)

5... English is very interesting. (STUDY)

<b>Question VI: Read the text and answer the questions given.</b>

The country is more beautiful than a town and more pleasant to live in. Many people think
so, and go to the country for the summer holidays though they cannot live there all the year
round. Some have a cottage built in a village so that they can go there whenever they can find the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

The village green is a wide stretch of grass, and houses or cottages are built round it.
Country life is now fairly comfortable and many villages have water brought through pipes into

each house. Most villages are so close to some small towns that people can go there to buy what
they can't find in the villages shops.

1. What do many people think of the country?

2. Where can some people go whenever they can find the time?
3. Does almost every village have a church?

4. How is the country life now?

5. Are you enjoying your life in the countryside? Why or Why not?
<b>Question VII: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each space.</b>

On the weekend I went (1)...for a new pair of jeans. There were so many different types, I
didn't know which ones to choose. A (2)...came over and asked me if I needed any help.
"Why don't you (3)...a few pairs?" she suggested.

"Good idea," I replied." Then I can see if they (4)...me."

"There's a (5) ...just over there," she said. After deciding which pair I liked best, I checked
the label to see how much they (6)...They were quite cheap so I decided to buy two pairs. I took
them to the man at the (7)... "Can I (8) ... by cheque or credit card?" I asked. "Yes,
of course", he replied "Would you like me to put your (9) ... in the bag? You should keep it
in case you want to bring them (10) ..."

1. A. to shop B. shopping C. to buy D. buying

2. A. assistant B. receptionist C. customer D. shop assistant

3. A. try on B. try out C. take off D. put on

4. A. match B. pass C. harmonize D. fit

5. A. changing room B. checking room C. shelf D. window

6. A. price B. cost C. have D. costs

7. A. till B. desk C. door D. shelf

8. A. afford B. get C. pay D. buy

9. A. recipe B. list C. jeans D. receipt

10. A. out B. back C. again D. away

<b>Question VIII: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the</b>
<b>same as the sentence printed before it.</b>

1. Why don't you buy them this picture as a wedding present, John?->Maria suggested...
2. The elephant is the heaviest animal in the world.-> No animal...

3. My mother is quite different from my grandmother.-> My grandmother is not...
4. How long have you studied medicine?-.>When...?

5. It's a pity our teacher isn't here at the moment.-.>I wish...
6. What is the distance between Hue and DaLat?-> How...?

7. The train was so crowded that I couldn't get a seat.-> There were...
8. Because the weather was cold, they had to cancel their picnic.-> The weather

9. "I must go now," the father said to us.-> The father said

10. They often went to Vung Tau at weekends.-> They used...

<b>Question IX: You are on your holiday in Hanoi. Write a letter to your parents about your</b>
<b>trip using the following word cues.</b>

1. I / arrive/ Ha Long Bay / 7a.m yesterday. 2. I / stay/ nice hotel/ not far/ city center.
3. I / already visit/ Thien Cung cave / some places of interest here.

4. Tomorrow/ go on a trip/ Cuc Phuong forest.

5. I / never / be there / before/ I / excited/ trip/ not sleep.

6. I / be home/ Monday, November 30th. 7. I / tell you/ more/ trip/ when/ be in Hue.
8. I / hope/ you well.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<b>TEST- 6: A. PHONETIC: Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced different</b>
from the other in each group.( 1pt).

1. A. climate
2. A. called
3. A. beach
4. A. religion
5. A. ghost

B. comprise
B. answered
B. lead
B. secondary

B. office

C. notice
C. enjoyed
C. great
C. design
C. long

D. divided
D. worked
D. pleased
D. region
D. modern

<b>I. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. ( 1pt).</b>
1. A good letter needs perfect………..

A. introduce B. introduction C. introducing D. introductory
2. You look hot in that coat. Why don’t you……… it……….?

A. put / on B. put / away C. take / off D. take / out

3. He stopped………. two years ago.

A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoking D. smokes

4. Jack studies badly, in ……… he is very lazy.

A. add B. addition C. beside besides

5. I’m used to …….. in the early morning.

A. read B. reading C. is reading D. is read

<b>II. In each of the following sentences, there is a mistake in the four underlined parts. Find</b>
<b>and correct it. ( 1 pt).</b>

1. I wish you will stop smoking. I’m worried about you.

2. My boss is very young. He is 8 years old younger than I am.
3. Will the new road being built soon?


4. The harder she works the much money she earns.

5. My family used to be having dinner at 7 o’clock in the evening.
<b>III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. ( 2 pts).</b>
1. We have to follow all of Uncle Ho’s………….. ( teach).
2. They admire the …….. ( attract) of her hair.

3. The soccer players have played……….. ( beauty).

4. ……….. ( Malaysia) lectures use English when adressing to their students.

5. Tam’s mother gave him a handkerchief with his name………. ( embroider) in blue thread.
<b>C.READING: I. Read the following passage and answer the questions below.( 4pts)</b>

Malaysia is a tropical paradise with breathtaking natural beauty, interesting cultures and
friendly people. Malaysia is easily accessible from the major cities in the region and the rest of
the world. The new Klang International Airport at Sepang serves over 40 international airlines
and several domestic airlines, while Port Klang situated about 41 kilometers from Kula Lumpur,
the country’s capital, is the main port of call for cruise liners. Malaysia has a combined
population of 25,720000 people. Although Malay is the official language, English is widely
spoken, especially in business, and English language is a compulsory subject in all schools. As a
visitor to Malaysia, you will have the opportunity to experience and appreciate its rich historic
and cultural heritage, exotic culinary delights, shopping splendors, nature – based adventures, and
.fun- filled activities. The warm and hospitable nature of Malaysians will make your stay in
Malaysia both pleasant and enjoyable

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

3. How many international airlines does the new Klang international airport at Sepang serve?
4. Do all students in Malaysia have to study English?

5. What will make your stay in Malaysia interesting?
<b>D. WRITING</b>

<b>I. Rewrite these sentences sothat the sencond sentence means exactly the same. ( 2 pts).</b>
1. John smoked a lot a year ago, but now he doesn’t smoke any more.-> John used………
2. The teenagers aren’t buying that model these days.-> That model……....

3. It’s a pity. The weather isn’t better today.-> If only ………..

4. How long have they done their homework? -> How long has………..?
5. We are sorry that we won’t be able to help you.-> We wish………
<b>II. Combine the two sentences into one, using the guided words in brackets.( 2pts).</b>

1. She has a lot of friends. They can help her whenever she needs them.( such…….. that)
2. There isn’t enough light in the room. We can’t study our lesson.( enough …… to)
3. He doesn’t like school. He is interested in Maths. ( but).

4. Lan is very intelligent. She is also beautiful. (not only...but also)
5. They got up late. The missed the first bus this morning. ( because).

<b>III. Write a paragraph of about 80- 100 words with the following topic sentence. Use the</b>
<b>outline given ( 4pts). Vietnamese women should wear the ao dai at work.</b>

<i><b>* Wearing ao dai: - encourage / feel proud/ the traditions and customs /the country.</b></i>
- make / beautiful and charming ( mentioned in poems, stories/ songs.)
- practical / not need/ think / what to wear.

<b> TEST- 7: A. PHONETIC</b>

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronouned differently from that of the other words
1. A. reduce B. produce C. productive D. union

2. A. architect B. mankind C. band D. hand

3. A. sacred B. tired C. needed D. wanted

4. A. gratitude B. working C. time D. building
5. A. shore B. short C. shorthand D. observe

<b>B. VOCABULARY-GRAMMAR:I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each</b>

1. The selling price of that house and...23,000 USD

A. many furniture,C. many furnitures,B. some furniture, D. some furnitures
2. Every girl ought to learn... to cook.( A. where, B. what, C. when D. how
3. His name was on the ... of my tongue, but I just could't remember it.

A. tip, B. point, C. edge,D. end

4. It's was very ....of him to share his food with the poor man.
(A.wicked, B.generous,C.general, D. great

5. I would's waste time ...that document if I was you

A. to reading B. read C. reading D. to ge read
6. The children refused...to school in the afternoon

A. returning B. return C. to be returned D. to return
7. The doverment supplied the victims...food and water(A. to, B. with ,C. on, D

8. Her reaction was the....to what I had expected(A. opposite,B. apposite,C. opposition
9. As the circus was still closed. We looked round the shop to ... time

A. use B. gain C. kill D. spend

10. Our school is... at the corner of a busy street(A. put , B. placed, C. stood , D. situated,D.exact
<b>II. Each of the following sentences has an error marked A, B, C or D. Identify the errors</b>
1. Driving cars at very high speeds are extremly dangerous


<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

3. David feels strongly again after his illness but he still cannot work hard

4. There maybe many as six guests to dinner


5. They worked hard so as they might be well prepared for the examination

6. Today most everything seems more expensive than usual

7. He speak so good English that it is a pleasure to talk with him

8. The virgin forests of Vietnam are home to some the most unusual animal species that
can be found anywhere

9. For most of their history, especially since the 1890's, New York City has been

undergoing major ethnic population changes / D

10. Thanksgiving is a holiday which is celebrated only by Americans, and is a time for

thefamily to together/D

<b>C. READING: I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the passage</b>

Television is one of the man's most (1)...means of communication. It brings events and
sounds (2)...around the world into millions of homes. A person with a television set
can sit in his house and watch the president making a (3)...or visit a foreign country. He
can see a war being (4)...and watch statemen try (5)...about peace. Though
television, home viewers can see and learn about poeple, place, and things all over the world. TV
event take its (6)... out of this world. It brings them coverage of America's astronauts as
the satronauts explore outer space.

In (7)...to all these things, TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are
(8)... to entertainment programs than any other kind. The programs include
action-packed dramas, light comedies, (10)...events and motion pictures.

1. A. importance B. important C. unimportance D. unimportant

2. A. from B. at C. in D. to

3. A. speak B. speaking C. speech D. spoken

4. A. fight B. find C. found D. fought

5. A. bring B. brought C. bringing D. to bring

6. A. viewers B. seers C. lookers D. watchers

7. A. add B. edit C. addition D. editor

8. A. made B. designed C. did D. built

9. A. many B. much C. more D. most

10. A. sport B. sporting C. sported D. sportier

<b>II. Put the sentenses in order to make meaningful dialogue</b>
1. Yes, my name's Harry James. I've been with the doctor for years
2. Yes, Mr James. What's your problem?

3. Hello. Dr Robinson's practice. Can I help you?
4. Yes, I see. What's your address, Mr James?

5. It's my arm. It's swollen. I think it's broken. You see, I was putting the kettle on and I slipped
on the floor in the kitchen.

6. It's Holly Tres, 17 London Road, Hastings.
7. And do you have a phone there?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

10. No, I don't. I'm calling from my sister's.

D,WRITING:Read the first sentence,& then complete the second sentence with the same

1. No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information - Nothing...
2. Spending the weekend in the countryside is very wonderful. - It's...

3. Nga is pleased to meet her aunt again soon. - Nga is looking...

4. The last time we visited Kuala Lumpur was two years ago. - It's...
5. If Hong doesn't study harder, she'll fail the exam. - Unless...
<b>II. Complete each of the following sentences , using the words given.</b>

1. sister/ wear/ new ao dai/ only twice/ since/ she buy/ it.

2. we/ not used/ wear / jeans/ when/ study/ primary school.
3. Liz/ wish/ she/ be going/ Hanoi/ parents/ next Sunday.
4. lot/ new styles/ clothes/ design/ his shop/ every week
5. wear/ uniforms/ encourage/ students/ proud/ school

<b>TEST- 8: I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced</b>
<b>differently from the rest.</b>

1. A. chair B. cheap C. chemist D. child

2. A. hour B. here C. hello D. house

3. A. gone B. done C. won D. one

4. A. question B. nation C. correction D. pollution
5. A. Janet’s B. Judith’s C. Phillip’s D. John’s
<b>II. Choose the best anwer for each of following sentences.</b>

6..my students are familiar with this kind of activities.( A.Most,B. Most of,C. A few,D. Few
7. I remember…..to the zoo before. (A. being taken,B. taking,C. be taking,D. to make
8. We spent half a year….this house.(A. for building,B. build ,C. building ,D. builds
9. Our village had………….money available for education that the schools had to close.

A. so little B. so few C. so many D. so much

10. I was responsible to my mother…………..looking after our pets while she was at work.

A. because B. of C. for D. with

11. Mexico City, ….is the fastest growing city in the world, has a population of over 10 millions.

A. where B. whose C. which D. what

12. We have no money, …..Tom has some.(A. either,B. but,C. or, D. so

13. They left the room…..they had finished the exam.(A. while,B. soon, C. duringD. as soon as
14. The government………...the earthquake victims with food, clothes and medicine.

A. gave B. provided C. offered D. carried

15. Don’t spend your money.. Save it!(A. waste,B. to waste,C. wasteful,D. wastefully

16. My parents always let me …..what I think I should.(A. to do,B. do,C. doing,D. for doing
17. When the storm………this area tomorrow, it will bring it great destructive force.

A. is going to reach B. is reaching C. reaches D. will reach
18. When I returned, I found that my car………away.

A. had been towed B. had been towing C. has been towed D. has been towing
19. This building used to be a library,…it?(A. doesn’t,B. didn’t,C. isn’t, D. wasn’t
20. Because of the bad health, he ………….smoking last year.

A. has given up B. gave up C. has gave up D. has given
21. He must have known about it, ….he?(A. mustn’t,B. must ,C. hasn’t, D. has

22. Harry used to be very poor, but now he ………his own home.

A. has B. had C. is having D. was having

23. He……for the exams at the moment. I don’t think he can join us in our picnic.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

26. We spoke quietly…disturb anyone.

A. not in order to,B. so as not to,C. so that we should,D. in order that we
27. The more waste paper we recycle,………A. the more tree we preserve

B. the most trees we preserve,C. the best trees we preserve,D. the least trees we preserve
28. This tool is dangerous…it is used carefully.(A. whether,B. if,C. unless, D. or

29. Most children feel….on New Year’s Eve.(A. excited,B. exciting,C. excite,D. excitement
30. I don’t know what you think about Tom’s work, but in my……….it’s very good.

A. feeling B. idea C. thought D. opinion

31. I….sport to keep fit, not because I like it.(A. so,B. practice, C. make, D. train

32. There are a lot of people…London everyday.(A. visit,B. to visit,C. visiting, D. have visited
33. My brother enjoys…..the mountain very much.(A. climb,B. climbed,C.climbing,D.climbs
34. If I see David, I’ll invite him……dinner.(A. at,B. to, C. for, D. in

35. This device is ………grinding meat.(A. in,B. on,C. for, D. to
36. You have to study hard to……….your classmates

A. catch sight of B. feel like C. get in touch with D. keep pace with
37. The police want………..anything suspicious.

A. that we reported B. us reporting C. us to report D. we report
38. …..with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.(A. Dissatisfying thoroughly,B. To dissatisfy

thoroughly,C. To be thoroughly dissatisfied, D. Being thoroughly dissatisfied

39. We can’t have our car now;……at the garage.

A. it’s still repairing ,B. it’s still repaired ,C. it’s still being repaired,D. it’s still being repairing
40. She practices playing the piano………than I do.

A. more regularly B. quite regularly C. as regularly D. most regularly
<b>III. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in capitals.</b>

Ex: 0. You must be careful when you open that door. CARE
41.We are very impress by the………. of your town’s people. FRIEND
42.Should English be a……… foreign language in Vietnam? COMPEL
43.Is Buddhism the country’s……… religion of Thailand? OFFICE
44.Liverpool is an ……… city in the north of England. INDUSTRY
45.This handbook give us………. information about ASEAN countries ADD
46.Our school has a lot of …………. teachers. QUALIFY
47.When you take an exam, you are an……… EXAMINE
48.We could see some strange………….. on her face. EXPRESS
49.Your English is much better, but there’s still a room for………... IMPROVE
50.You should write a letter of………… to that institute. INQUIRE

<b>IV. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find and correct it.</b>
Ex: 0. My brother are going to study in New York next month->Answer: B is going


51. I haven’t seen my grandparents since a quarter of a years.
52. A new shop was opening on Main Street last week.

53. His teacher encouraged him taking part in the competition.

54. My family used to be having dinner at 7 o’clock in the evening.

55. I wish I can go with you to the countryside next week.
<b>V. Fill in each blank with one suitable words.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

cotton was a great luxury, more expensive than silk,…….(58).…..so many workers were needed
to pick it. …..(59)…..,a huge increase in the number of slaves in the American South….(60)…..in
much greater cotton production and a fall…...(61)…....the price. This, and the new technology of
the industrial…….(62)…..., made cotton the cheapest fabric in history. By 1820, cotton…..(63)
…..more money for the United States than tobacco, and more money worldwide than sugar.
Many Southern farmers and plantation ……(64)…… believed that slave labor was …...(65)…..
for them to make money growing cotton.

<b>VI. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of</b>
<b>words and phrases, sentences with together make a complete letter.</b>

Dear Sir, 66. I/ see/ school’s advertisement/ TV/ last night.………
67. I/ interested/ learn English/ and/ I / like/ information/ school.……….

68. I/ study/ English/ four years/ but/ want/ improve/ speaking/ and/ listening/ skill.…………
69. I/ be/ very grateful/ if/ you/ send/ details/ courses/ fees.………

70. Look/ forward/ hear/ you/ soon.………..
Your sincerely, Nguyen Thanh Nhan


<b>A. Phonetics</b>

I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from
<b>the rest. Write A,B,C or D on your answer sheet.(5pts)</b>

1. A environment B. government C. comment D. development
2.A. Hamburger B. logical C. religion D. teenager
3. A. kitchen B. history C. time D. finish
4 A.started B. needed C. protected D. stopped
5. A.flood B.cook C good D.foot

<b>II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. Write A,B , C</b>
<b>or D on your answer sheet.(5pts)</b>

1. a. economic b. encourage c. embroider d. experience
2. a. compulsory b. convenient c. correspond d. communication
3. a. symbol b. novel c. admire d. gather

4.a. advance b. relax c. religion d. climate
5. a. destroy b. table c. window d. homework
<b>B. vocabulary and grammar</b>

I. Choose the best option from A,B,C or D to complete the following sentences;(10pts)
1. He's not interested...working on the farm(A on B. at C. in D. for
2. When you phoned me, I ..my homework.( A. was doing,B. did, C. am doing, D have done
3. The air is polluted...there is too much traffic(A. because,B.therefore , C.however , D. but
4. He asked me who editor of this book...? (A. is B. are C. were D. was

5. We should ... all the lights before going out(A. turn on,B. turn off ,C. turn over ,D. turn up
6. Three thousand cars...next year

A. imported B. will imported C. are going to imported D. will be impored

7. He's used to. early to do morning exersises. (A. getting up,B. get up,C. got up, D. geting up
8. Would you mind if I ...your morbile? (A. use, B. used, C. using ,D. to use

9. They worked hard...they might be well prepared for the examination.
A. because B. since C. then D. so that

10. My teacher always expected me...well in exams(A. doing ,B. to do, C. do, D. does
<b>II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:(5 points)</b>

1. How many times you (be) ...to Van Mieu?
2. She would rather he (come) ...here on time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

<b>III.Find the underlined word orphrase in each sentence that needs correcting and correct it (10</b>
pts) 1. His teacher encouraged him taking part in the competition

2. Nam asked Lan what can he do to help her

3.Learn English is very interseting

A b C

4. Everyone felt tired, because they sat down to have a rest.

5. Since the age of ten, he lived in this town with his gradparents.


<b>Iv. Give the correct form of the words in the blankets (5pts)</b>
1. she made a deep...on the members of her class (IMPRESS)

2. Trinh Cong Son was a fine ...He composed a lot of beautiful songs(MUSIC)
3.Actually, she is a ...teacher(QUALIFY)

4.He was absent from the class yesterday because of his...(SICK)
5. The teacher asked us to do the ... in the book(PRACTISE)

<b>C. Reading: I. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words(5pts).</b>
Language is a mean of communication so each nation has its own...1...However some
nations have the same language. Accordind to the speakers' use of language, it is called the first,
second or ...2...language. Among the languages used by most people in the ....3...is
English. This doesn't mean that English is ...4... by greater numbers ...5... any other
languages. However it is the most international of language because it provides ready access to
the world scholarship and worls trade. That is the ...6.... why millions of men and... 7...try to
master it

<b>II.Read the following passage and answer the question below.(25pts)</b>

Tropical rain forests are found in Amazon region of South America central America, Africa,
and Southeast Asi. Rain forests are very important to the world's climate. The Amazon rain
forests alone receive about 30 to 40 percent of the total rainfall on Earth and produce about the
same percentage of the world's oxygen. Some scientists believe that the decreasing size of rain
forests will affect the climate on the Earth, making it uncomfortable or even dangerous for life.
Saving our rain forests is an international problem. One country or even a few countries can not
solve the problen alone. The nations of the world must work togerther to find a solution before it
is too late.

1. Where are tropical rain forest found?

2. How are rain forests to the world's climate?

3. How much percent of the world's oxygen does Amazon rain forest produce?
4. What do scientists think about the decreasing size of rain forests?

5. Is saving our rain forests only a national problem?

<b>D. WRITING:I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the</b>
same as the sentence printed before it: (10pts)

1. I'd rather read newspapers than watch TV -> I prefer...

2. Spending the weekend in the countryside is very wonderful. ->It's...
3. Practice speaking everyday or you can't improve your English ->If...

4. We didn't enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain. -> The heavy rain prevented...

5.The visitors spoke so quickly that I couldn't understand what he said -> The visitors spoke too..
<b>II.Write a short paragraph to persuade students to wear uniform to go to school, using the</b>
<b>given words.(20pts)</b>

- I think/ cshool students/need /wear/uniforms/ when/they/ be/ school
-Firstly/they/encourage/students/ be/pround/their school

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

-Finally/students/not have/think/what /wear everyday

<i><b> Đáp án-1</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b>Câu</b></i> <i><b>Đáp án</b></i> <i><b>Điểm</b></i>

<b>I</b> 1C 2C 3C 4B 5B ( 0.2 for<sub>each)</sub>

<b>II</b> 1C 2D 3B 4B 5C ( 0.2 for<sub>each)</sub>

<b>III</b> 1D 2D 3B 4C 5A

6D 7D 8C 9A 10B

(0, 4 for
<b>IV</b> 1.economic 2.unhealthy3.comfortable 4.additional


( 0.4 for

<b>V</b> 1D→ hasn’t finish 2C→ because of3. D→ homework 4. C→ beautifully
5. C→ is

( 0.4 for

<b>VI</b> 1A<sub>11C 12D 13D 14C 15D 16A 17D 18B 19C 20A</sub>2B 3C 4A 5D 6D 7B 8C 9B 10A ( 0.2 for<sub>each)</sub>


1. Tuan suggested painting the wall light blue instead of green.
2. It was such a high bookshelf that the children couldn’t reach it.
3. They can’<sub>t sell food on the side walk.</sub>

4. How long have you listened to classical music?
5. I would rather you kept silent in the classroom.

( 0.6 for


Main ideas:

- A source of information: get the latest local and global news, check the
weather; book the ticket; buy things…

- A source of entertainment: listen to music,; read novels, poem; do virtual

- A source of education: class on-line; school on-line; learn English, lookup



<b>Đáp án-2</b>

<b>Câu</b> <b>Đáp án</b>

<i><b>Question I (0.5 pt) 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. d</b></i>
<i><b>Question II (1.5 pts)</b></i>

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D
<i><b>Question III (0.5 pts)</b></i>

1. peaceful 2. Scientists
3. beautifully 4. friendship
5. decorating

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>




<i><b>Question IV (1 pts) 1. B. dictionarys - > dictionaries</b></i>
2. A. to be - > being 3. B. worked - > had worked
4. C. when - > since 5. D. drive - > driving

One correct option gets


One correct option gets


<i><b>Question I ( 1 pts)</b></i>

1. went 6. bought
2. early 7. practise
3. took 8. English

4. so 9. Although / Though
5. morning 10. nice / wonderful / exciting
<i><b>Question I (1.5 pts)</b></i>

1. Yes, he did.

2. He was very pleased ( when he received it).

3. Because while he was dusting one morning, he accidentally
knocked the polished snail off the oyster.

4. Yes, it was. Because it was alive, / it had moved along the
shelf / and it had eaten a hole in the bag.

5. A scientist said that “These creatures live on the seashore and
don’t lead a fast life. They can sleep for years without eating”.

<b>Question II : (2.0 points) (1p for each correct answer). 1.</b>
<b>Content: 1.0 points: Cover all suggested ideas and add some</b>
more ideas.- 0.25 point for mentioning idea 1,2,3,5

- 0.75 point for idea : 4

2. Language : <b>- 1.0 point : - 0.5 points for correct grammar</b>
(tense, prep, articles....)

- 0.5points for vocabulary (wide range of vocabulary,
spelling / use suitable connectives...)

One correct word gets 0.1

Sentence 1, 2, 3: each of
them gets 0.25 pts.

Sentence 4 gets 0.45 pts
Sentence 5 gets 0.3 pts

Key-3: A: Phonetics: 1.0 point ( 0.1p for each correct answer)
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A

<b>B: Grammar – Vocabulary: Question I : 2.0 points (0.2p for each correct answer)</b>
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A

6. A 7. B 8. D 9.C 10. C

<b>Question II : 0.5 points (0.1p for each correct answer)</b>

1. unhealthy 2. laziness 3. truthful 4. carelessly 5. collection
<b>Question III : 1.0 point (0.1p for each correct answer) </b>

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B
6. C 7. B 8.D 9. B 10. D

<b>C: Reading: Question I : 1.0 points (0.1p for each correct answer)</b>

1 –village ,2 – mountain, 3 – journey, 4 – travel, 5 - entrance ,6 – shrine,7 – fresh,8 - boat
9 – bank,10 - place

Question II: (1pt): 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
<b>Question III : 2.0 points (0.4p for each correct answer)</b>

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B

<b>D: Writing: Question I : 1.0 points (0.1p for each correct sentence)</b>
<b>1.</b> I haven’t seen him since 1995.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>3.</b> I don’t know as much about it as she does.

<b>4.</b> If he doesn’t phone immediately, he won’t get any information.
<b>5.</b> Ha invited Mai to go with her to the market.

<b>Question II : 2.0 points (0.2p for each correct answer)</b>

<b>1.</b> Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family.

<b>2.</b> His parents sent him to a private school. There he met his business partner, Paul Allen.
<b>3.</b> When they were in the eighth grade, they were writing programs for business computers
<b>4.</b> In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy.

<b>5.</b> Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his
friend Allen.

<b>6.</b> In 1975, they created a company called Microsoft to sell their product.
<b>7.</b> A few years latter Microsoft became a giant company.

<b>8.</b> By 1990, Gates was the youngest billionaire of the United States at the age of thirty - four,
<b>9.</b> He achieved his success with a lot of hard work. He was the “ King of Software ”.

<b>10.</b> By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States.
<b>KEY- 4: A. Phonetics</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group: </b>
Tổng 5 điểm, mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 1 điểm. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group: (5 pts)</b>
Tổng 5 điểm, mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 1 điểm. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5.C
<b>B. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY. Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the</b>
<b>following sentences: (10 pts).Tổng 10 điểm, mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 1 điểm.</b>

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. A

<b>II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (5 pts). Tổng 5 điểm, mỗi câu chia đúng cho 1 điểm.</b>
1. are they speaking 2. would you go 3. to join

4. were made 5. has been done

<b>III. Find the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting and correct it. (10</b>
<b>pts) .Tổng 10 điểm, mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 1 điểm, sửa đúng cho 1 điểm.</b>

1. C. does it cost--> it costs 2. D. slow --> slowly

3. D. not fall--> not to fall 4. B. has been already--> has already been
5. A. Did he used--> Did he use

<b>IV. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets: (5 pts) .Tổng 5 điểm, mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 1</b>


<b>C. READING: I. Fill in the blank of the following passage with ONE suitable word :( 5 pts)</b>
.:1. encourage ,2. labels, 3. equal, 4. wealthy , 5. under

<b>II. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow: (25 pts)</b>

<i>A. Choose the most suitable ending to each of the following sentences. (10 pts ) </i>
Tổng 10 điểm, mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 2.5 điểm. 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C

<i>B. Answer the following questions. (15 pts). Tổng 15 điểm, mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 5 điểm.</i>
1. They often show the name of the company that made them.

2. Because they want to show that they are fashionable and have good taste.
3. They often see and hear advertisements on TV and on the radio.

<b>D. WRITING:I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly</b>
<b>the same as the sentence printed before it: (15 pts) </b>

1. If you don'<sub>t practice speaking English everyday, you can</sub>'<sub>t improve your English.</sub>

2. John wishes (that) he didn'<sub>t live in a small flat.</sub>

he lived in a bigger flat. / large(r) flat.

3. Nam asked me if/ whether my grandparents still lived in Nha Trang then.
4. It'<sub>s very wonderful to spend the weekend in the countryside.</sub>

5. Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again soon

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<b>* Suggested writing: Tổng 15 điểm</b>
Dear Sir,

I saw the advertisement of the English courses in your language center in Viet Nam News last
week.(2pts). I started learning English when I was in grade 6 but I can not speak and listen to
English well (3 pts). I decide to attend the English course of listening and speaking in two
months (June and July) (3 pts).

Could you please send me details of the course and fee? <b>(2 pts) I can come for a test or an</b>
interview at any time if necessary. (2pts)

I am looking/ look forward to hearing from you soon.

Nguyen Van Hoa. (3pts)
KEY- 5

<b>Question Key</b> <b>Point</b>


(1,5 pts) Mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 0,3 điểm.1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 1,5 pts

(1,5 pts)

Mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 0,3 điểm.

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A

1,5 pts

(3 pts) Mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 0,3 điểm1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. B 10.

3 pts


(1,5 pts) Mỗi phát hiện đúng cho 0,1 điểm, sửa đúng cho 0,2 điểm.1. B -> used to 2. D -> before
3. C -> would be 4. B -> dressed 5. C -> be cut

1,5 pts


(1,5 pts)

Mối từ đúng cho 0,3 điểm

1. friendly 2. pollution 3. inventions 4. comfortable 5. Studying

1,5 pts

(2 pts) Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,4 điểm. Riêng câu 5 trả lời đúng ý đầu tiên cho<sub>0,2 điểm, đúng ý thứ hai cho 0,2 điểm.</sub>
1. They (Many people) think the country is more beautiful than a
town and more pleasant to live in.

2. They (some people) can go to a cottage built in a village.
3. Yes, it does.

4. The country life is now fairly comfortable and many villages
have water brought through pipes into each house.

5. Students' answers

2 pts


(3 pts) Mỗi lựa chọn đúng cho 0,3 điểm.<sub>1.B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7.A 8. C 9. D 10. B</sub> 3 pts

(4 pts) Môi câu đúng cho 0,4 điểm.<sub>1. Maria suggested John that he should buy them this picture as a</sub>
wedding present.

2. No animal in the world is heavier than the elephant.
3. My grandmother is not the same as my mother.
4. When did you start to study medicine?

5. I wish our teacher were here at the moment.
6. How far is it from Hue to Da Lat.

7. There were so many people (such a lot of people) on the train
that I couldn't get a seat.

8. The weather was cold, so they had to cancel their picnic.
9. The father said to us that he had to go then.

10. They used to go to Vung Tau at weekends.

4 pts


(2 pts) 1. I arrived in Ha Long Bay at 7 a.m yesterday. (0,3 pts)<sub>2. I'm staying in a nice hotel, not far from the city center. (0,2 pts)</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

3. I have already visited Thien Cung cave and some places of
interest here. (0,3 pts)

4. Tomorrow I'm going on a trip to Cuc Phuong forest. (0,2 pts)
5. I have never been there before, so I'm so excited about the trip
that I can't sleep. (0,3 pts)

6. I'll be home on Monday, November 30th. (0,2 pts)

7. I'll tell you more about the trip when I'm in Hue. (0,2 pts)
8. I hope you are both well. (0,3 pts)

<b>Đáp án-6</b>

<b>Câu</b> <b>Đáp án</b> <b>Điểm</b>

<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

I. ( 1pt)

1- C 2- D 3- C 4 - B 5 -A 0,2 pt x 5 = 1<sub>pt</sub>

II. ( 1pt)

1- A 2 - C 3- C 4 - B 5 - B 0,2 pt x 5 = 1<sub>pt</sub>

<b>B. </b>

I. ( 1pt)

1- B 2- C 3- C 4 - B 5 - B

0,2 pt x 5 = 1

<b>II. ( 1pt)</b>

1- A ( will stop -> would stop) 2- B ( 8 years old -> 8 year- old)
3- C ( being built -> be built ) 4- B ( much -> more )

5- B ( be having -> have)

0,2 pt/ 1

<b>III. ( 2pts) 1- teachings</b>
2- attraction 3- beautifully

4- Malaysian 5- embroidered 0,4 pt/1

<b>IV. ( 2pts)</b>

1- John used to smoke a lot.

2- That model isn’t being bought these days by the teenagers.
3- If only the weather were/ was better today.

4- How long has their homework been done?
5- We wish we would be able to help you.

0,4 pt
0,4 pt
0,4 pt
0,4 pt

<b>C. READING</b>

<b>I. ( 2pts):</b>

1- b 2- d 3- a 4- e 5- c 0,4 pt x 5 = 2pts

<b>II. ( 4 pts).1- It is easy to travel to Malaysia from the major cities in the</b>
region. 2- The people are friendly.

3- The new Klang international Airport at Sepang severs over 40
international airlines. 4- Yes, they do.

5- Friendly Malaysians will make our stay in Malaysia interesting.

<b>I. ( 2pts).1- She has so many friends that they can help her whenever she</b>
needs them. 2- There is so little light in the room for us can’t study our

3- He doesn’t like school but he is interested in maths.

4- It’s such an interesting novel that I read it again and again.
5- Because they tried their best to complete the course, they passed

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

<b>D. WRITING</b> .II. (4pts).Vietnamese women should wear the ao dai at work.

My opinion is that Vietnamese women should wear the ao dai at work.
Firstly, the ao dai encourages Vietnamese women to feel proud of the
traditions and customs of the country.

Secondly, wearing the ao dai makes them more beautiful and charming.
We know that the beauty of Vietnamese women in the ao dai has been
mentioned a lot in poems, stories and songs for centuries.

Thirdly, wearing the ao dai is very practical. When they go to work, they
don’t think of what to wear every day.

In conclusion, when going to work, Vietnamese women should wear the ao dai

<b> Câ</b>

<b>u</b> <b> Đáp án –TEST 7</b> <b> Điểm</b>

1đ <b>A- Phonetic (1pt)1.C</b> 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 1đ


<b>B- Vocabulary-grammar(4pts)</b>

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D

1.C 2.B 3.A 4B 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 2 đ<sub>2đ</sub>


<b>C- Reading (3 pts) 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5. D</b>
6. A 7. C 8.B 9. C 10.B

3 -1 - 2 - 5 - 4- 6 - 7 - 10 - 8 - 9

1 đ

<b>D- Writing (2pts) 1. Nothing can be done unless we are given more</b>

2. It's very wonderful to spend the weekend in the countryside
3. Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again soon
4. It's two years since we last visited Kuala Lumpur
5. Unless Hong study harder , she'll fail the exam

1. My sister has worn her new ao dai only twice sinse she bought it
2. We didn't used to wear jeans when we studied at primary school

3. Liz wishes (that) she were going to Hanoi with her perents next Sunday
4. A lot of new styles of clothes are designed by/in his shop every week
5. Wearing uniforms encourages ss to be/feel proud of their school

0,2 đ
0,2 đ
0,2 đ
0,2 đ
0,2 đ


<b><sub>Đáp án- test 8</sub></b>


<b>Từ câu: 1-40</b>
<b>Mỗi câu đúng</b>
<b>cho 1 = 40</b>

1. C 11. C 21. A 31. A
2. A 12. B 22. A 32. C
3. A 13. D 23. B 33. C
4. A 14. B 24. D 34. B
5. D 15. D 25. B 35.C
6. B 16. B 26. B 36. D
7. A 17. C 27. A 37. C
8. C 18. A 28. C 38. D
9. A 19. B 29. A 39. C
10. C 20. B 30. D 40. A

<b>cho 1</b>
<b>= 40</b>

<b>Từ câu </b>
<b>41-câu 70</b>

<b>Mỗi câu</b>
<b>đúng cho 2</b>

<i>41. friendliness 42. compulsory 43. official 44. industrial</i>
<i>45. addition 46.qualified 47. examinee 48. expression</i>
<i>49. improvement 50.inquiry 51.C: for 52. B: was opened</i>
<i>53. C: to take part 54.B: have 55. B: could 56. far 57. started</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

<b>điểm = 60</b>

<i>58. because 59.since 60. was 61.in 62. revolution 63.had made</i>
<i>64. owner 65. necessary</i>

<i>66. I saw your school’s advertisement on TV last night.</i>

<i>67. I am interested in learning English and I would like some information</i>
<i>about your school.</i>

<i>68 I have studied/ have been studying English for four years, but I want to</i>
<i>improve my speaking and listening skill.</i>

<i>69. Iwould be very grateful if you could send( me) details of courses and</i>

<i>70. I look/ am looking forward to hearing from you soon.</i>


<b> KEY- 9: A. Phonetic</b>

I. (1x5= 5) 1. c comment 2. c religion 3. c time 4. d stopped 5. a flood

<b>II (1x5=5) 1. a.economic 2.c correspond 3.c admire 4. d climate 5.a destroy</b>
<b>B. Vocabulary and grammar: I (1x10=10d)</b>

1.c in 2. a. was doing 3. a. because 4. d. was 5. b. turn off

6. d will be imported 7. a getting up 8. c using 9. d so that 10. b to do
<b>II (1x5=5d)</b>

1. How many time have you been to Van Mieu?
2. She would rather you came here on time

3. The teacher asked her why she didn't do the test.

4. The ao dai has been mentioned in poems and songs for many centuries, and nowadays they are
worn by many Vietnamese women at work

5. Nothing will be given to you if you don't study hard

<b>III. ( 2x5=10d) 1. c-> take part in,2. B-> he could,3. A-> learning 4. B-.> so , 5. C-> has lived</b>
<b>IV. (1x5=5d) 1. impression/ 2. musician/ 3. well-qualified/ 4. sickness / 5. practice</b>

<b>C. Reading: I.(0,7x7=5)</b>

1. language, 2. foreign ,3. world, 4. spoken,5. than 6. reason 7. women

<b>II (5x5=25d)1. Tropical rain forests are found in amazon region of South America central</b>
America, Africa,and Southeast Asia

2. It is very important to the world's climate.

3. It produces about 30 to 40 percent of the world's oxygen

4. The scientists think that the decreasing size of rain forests will affect the climate on the Earth.
5. No, it isn't . it is an international problem

<b>D. Writing: I(2x5=10d) 1. I prefer reading newspapers to watching TV</b>
2. It's very wonderful to spend the weekend in the countryside

3. If you don't practice speaking everyday you can't improve your English
4.The heavy rain prevented us enjoying the trip

5. the visitors spoke too quickly for me to understand what he said
<b>II. (4x5=20d) </b>

-I think school students need to wear uniforms when they are at school.
Firstly, they encourage the students to be proud of their school.

Secondly, wearing them helps the students feel equal in many ways.
Finally, the students don't have to think of what to wear everyday.
Therefore, uniforms should be worn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

2. S + V + adv = S + V + with + N

3. S + remember + to do Sth = S + don’t forget + to do Sth
4. S + be + adj = What + a + adj + N!

5. S + V + adv = How + adj + S + be
6. S + V + adv = How + adv + S + V!
7. S + be + ing-adj = S + be +ed-adj
8. S + V = S + be + ed-adj

9. S + V + Khoảng thời gian = It + take + (sb) + Khoảng thời gian + to + V
10. S + be + too + adj + to + V = S + be + so + adj + that + S + can’t + V
11. S + V + too + adv + to + V = S + V + so + adv + that + S + can’t + V
12. S + be + so + adj + that + S + V = S + be + not + adj + enough + to + V

13. S + be + too + adj + to + V = S + be + not + adj + enough + to + V 14. S + V + so + adv +
that + S + V = S + do/does/did + not + V + adv + enough + to + V

15. Because + clause = Because of + noun/gerund
16. Although + clause = In spite of + Nound/gerund
17. Although + clause = Despite + Nound/gerund
18. S + V + N = S + be + adj

19. S + be + adj = S + V + O

20. S + be accustomed to + Ving = S + be used to +Ving /N
21. S + often + V = S + be used to +Ving /N

22. This is the first time + S + have + PII = S+be + not used to + Ving/N

23. S + would prefer = S + would rather S + Past subjunctive (lối cầu khẩn)
24. S + like ... better than ... = S + would ... than ...

25. S + prefer = S + would rather + V

26. S + V + O = S + find + it (unreal objective) + adj + to + V
27. It’s one’s duty to do sth = S + be + supposed to do sth

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

29. Imperative verb (mệnh lệnh)= S + should (not) + be + PII

30. Imperative verb (mệnh lệnh)= S + should (not) + do sth
31. I like sth = S + be + fond of + sth
32. I + let + O + do sth = S + allow + S.O + to do Sth
33. S + once + past verb = S + would to + do sth.

34. S + present verb (negative) any more = S + would to + do sth.
35. S + V + because + S + V = S + V + to + infinitive

36. S + V + so that + S + V = S + V + to + infinitive
37. S + V+in order that+S+V = S + V + to + infinitive
39. S + V + and + S + V = S + V + both ... and

40. S 38. To infinitive or gerund + be + adj = It + be + adj + to + V
+ V + not only ... + but also = S + V + both ... and

41. S + V + both ... and ... = S + V + not only ... but also...
42. S + V + O/C and O/C = S + V + not only ... but also...
43. S + V + and + S + V = S + V + not only ... but also...

44. S1+simple present+and+S2+simple futher =If+S1 + simple present + S2 + simple futher.
45. S1+didn’t + V1 + Because + S2 + didn’t + V2 = If Clause

46. Various facts given = Mệnh đề if thể hiện điều trái ngược thực tế.

47. S1 + V1 + if + S2 + V2(phủ định)= S1 + V1 + Unless + S2 + V2 (khẳng định)
48. S + V + O = S + be + noun + when + adj clause.

49. S + V + O = S + be + noun + where + adj clause.
50. S + V + O = S + be + noun + whom + adj clause.
51. S + V + O = S + be + noun + which + adj clause.

52. S + V + O = S + be + noun + that + adj clause.
53. S + V + and then + S + V = S + V + when + S + V

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

55. S + V + and + S + V = S + V + if + S + V

56. S + V + if + S + V (phu dinh) = S + V + unless + S + V (khang dinh)
57. S + be + scared of sth = S + be + afraid of + sth

58. Let’s + V = S + suggest + that + S + present subjunctive
59. In my opinion = S + suggest + that + S + present subjunctive
(quan điểm của tôi)

60. S + advise = S + suggest + that + S + present subjunctive
61. Why don’t you do sth? = S + suggest + that + S + present subjunctive
62. S + get + sb + to do sth = S + have + sb + do sth

63. S + aks + sb + to do sth = S + have + sb + do sth
64. S + request + sb + to do sth= S + have + sb + do sth
65. S + want + sb + to do sth = S + have + sb + do sth

66. S + V + no + N = S + be + N-less. 67. S + V + O =
S + be + N + V + er/or. 68. S + be + adj + that clause = S



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