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1 so tu de gay nham lan

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Edited by Nguyen Van Son

<b>damage, hurt, injure, wound</b>

<b>Damage means to cause physical harm to a thing or to a part of your body • Fires can damage crops and </b>
animals. • He damaged a knee ligament playing rugby. You do not usually talk about damaging a person.
Use hurt, injure, or wound instead • He was hurt in a climbing accident (NOT He was damaged in a
climbing accident). However, you can talk about damaging an unborn child • German measles in
pregnancy can damage your baby. Use hurt or injure to talk about people suffering physical harm as a
result of an accident, earthquake, hurricane etc • No one was hurt in the car crash. • We hoped he
wasn't seriously injured.!! Do not say 'injure someone's health'. Say ' damage someone's health '.Use
<b>wound to talk about someone being hurt by a weapon such as a gun or a knife • He shot dead three </b>
people and wounded several others. • a wounded soldier

<b>destroy, ruin, spoil</b>



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