Overview 1
Benefits of Using Site Manager 2
Signing Up for Site Manager 4
Creating the Home Page of a Web Site 6
Customizing the Home Page 7
Lab 2: Creating and Customizing a Home
Page Using Site Manager 15
Review 20
Module 2: Creating and
Customizing E-Commerce
Web Sites
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Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites iii
Instructor Notes
This module provides students with the knowledge and skills required to use the
Site Manager service of Microsoft
to create and customize the
home page of a Web site.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Identify the advantages of using Site Manager.
Sign up for Site Manager.
Create the home page of a typical e-commerce Web site by using Site
Select a design for the site by using Site Manager.
Customize the site home page by using Site Manager.
Materials and Preparation
This section provides the materials and preparation tasks that you need to teach
this module.
Required Materials
To teach this module, you need the following materials:
Microsoft PowerPoint
file 1933A_02.ppt
Module 2, “Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites”
Lab 2, “Creating and Customizing a Home Page Using Site Manager”
Preparation Tasks
To prepare for this module, you should:
Read all of the materials for this module.
Complete the lab.
90 Minutes
30 Minutes
iv Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites
Module Strategy
Use the following strategies to present this module:
Benefits of Using Site Manager
Review the uses of Site Manager and explain how Site Manager helps an
online business to create and customize a Web site home page.
Signing Up for Site Manager
Explain how to sign up for Site Manager by demonstrating the process
through simulations. Then, have students practice the sign-up process on the
live site.
Creating the Home Page of a Web Site
First, explain the concept of a home page and describe the basic components
of an ideal home page for an e-commerce Web site. Next, demonstrate the
steps involved in creating a home page by using Site Manager. Finally, have
the students create a home page for the given sample site by using Site
Manager in the lab.
Customizing the Home Page
Review the basic structure of a Web page. Then, explain how customizing
various page elements can enhance the look and feel of the page. Discuss
and demonstrate how Site Manager enables site designers to customize the
content, layout, design, and header and footer of a Web site home page after
it has been created.
Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites 1
Benefits of Using Site Manager
Signing Up for Site Manager
Creating the Home Page of a Web Site
Customizing the Home Page
The World Wide Web has grown exponentially over the past few years. Most
enterprises today are doing business online by creating and hosting e-commerce
Web sites. Because many new online businesses are set up on the Web every
day, it is increasingly challenging for businesses to make their presence felt on
the Web.
offers services that enable you to create, promote, and
manage e-commerce Web sites with ease. The Site Manager service of
Microsoft bCentral helps you to create Web sites.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Identify the advantages of using Microsoft bCentral Site Manager.
Sign up for Site Manager.
Create the home page of a typical e-commerce site by using Site Manager.
Select a design for your site by using Site Manager.
Customize your site home page by using Site Manager.
Topic Objective
To provide an overview of
the module topics and
In this module, you will learn
about Microsoft bCentral
Web services and create an
e-commerce Web site by
using bCentral Site
2 Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites
Benefits of Using Site Manager
The Site Manager service enables you to:
Create customized Web sites without writing code
Immediately preview changes made to a Web site
Specify keywords to describe a Web site
Outsource site creation to professionals, as Site
Manager supports Microsoft FrontPage 2000
Today, almost anyone with a good business idea, a computer, access to the
World Wide Web, and software for creating a Web site can launch an online
business with relative ease and minimal financial investment. However,
creating an e-commerce Web site requires a detailed business plan, a significant
time investment, financial commitment, and extensive research.
The Site Manager service of Microsoft bCentral helps you to quickly establish
an online presence for your business by guiding you through each step of Web
site creation.
To use Site Manager, you need Microsoft Internet Explorer version
4.0 or later. You can also use Netscape Navigator version 4.0 or later.
Site Manager offers the following benefits during site creation:
You can create a customized Web site that meets your business
requirements without writing a single line of code.
Changes that you make to your Web site appear on the Web within 30
minutes. However, you can preview changes you have made to your site
You can apply a design for your site that is suited to your business, by
choosing from the multiple site designs provided by Site Manager. These
designs let you define the colors, fonts, and graphical elements to be used on
all of the pages of your site. In addition to standard designs, you can also
apply custom designs by using Microsoft FrontPage
You can customize your Web page according to your business needs by
choosing a page layout from the any of the six standard page layout families
provided by Site Manager. You can also customize page layout by using
FrontPage 2000.
Topic Objective
To identify the benefits of
using the Site Manager
service to create and build a
Web site.
Microsoft bCentral offers the
Site Manager service, which
enables you to create, build,
and customize an e-
commerce Web site based
on your specific business
Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites 3
Site Manager provides templates for standard Web content pages such as
About Us, Contact Us, and Frequently Asked Questions. You can use these
templates to quickly add standard page types to your Web site.
You can use Site Manager to specify the keywords that describe your Web
site. When a user submits a search parameter to a search engine such as
Yahoo!, the search engine lists all of the Web sites whose keywords match
the parameter.
Because Site Manager supports FrontPage 2000, you can outsource the
creation of your Web site to professionals. After your Web site is created
and customized for you by using FrontPage 2000, you can maintain the site
yourself by using Site Manager to update the site content.
You can get help from the Site Manager customer service team in case
you encounter problems in using Site Manager and its various features.
4 Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites
Signing Up for Site Manager
Information to be entered on the sign-up form includes:
First and last name
User e-mail address
Address, including city and ZIP code
Phone number
Credit card details for payment
To use Site Manager, you must first sign up for the service. If you are using Site
Manager for the first time, you need to fill out a sign-up form by entering
personal details such as the name, e-mail address, state, company name, and
credit card you intend to use. It is important that you enter your e-mail address
for the following reasons:
You use your e-mail address to sign up for bCentral.
After you sign up for Site Manager, bCentral sends your new account
confirmation to the e-mail address you provided.
You should have a personal e-mail account so you can sign up for Site
Manager. If you do not have personal e-mail account, you should register for a
new Microsoft Hotmail
account and then use that e-mail address to sign up for
Site Manager.
To use Site Manager, you must first subscribe to the service by paying a fee.
Payment of fees is part of the Site Manager sign up process. Site Manager
offers you the choice of paying before or after you create the home page of your
Web site. To pay for the Site Manager subscription, you need to specify your
mode of payment.
Your first monthly hosting fees will be charged to the account you
specify during the sign-up process. After your first billing, you may change the
account that you want to be billed.
Topic Objective
To demonstrate the process
of signing up for bCentral
Site Manager to use the
service to create a Web site.
Site Manager enables you
to create an e-commerce
Web site suited to your type
of business. This topic
discusses the steps involved
in signing up for Site
Delivery Tip
In the class, follow the
sequence of steps given in
the site. First create the site
and customize the home
page, and then make the
Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites 5
To sign up for Site Manager, you need to access the site When you click the link for signing up, you
will be taken to the sign-up form. You need to provide the following
information in this form:
Your name
E-mail address
Password, which must be between 6 and 20 alphanumeric characters
Address, including the city and ZIP code
Phone number
Details of payment include the credit card type, number, and expiration date.
You should either print a copy of the invoice, save it on your local
disk, or e-mail it to your account for future reference. The invoice number in
the invoice is important because you will need to refer to it if you correspond
with Site Manager Customer Support.
Delivery Tip
Access the site
om and tell the students that
they should access this site
to sign up for Site Manager.
Then, demonstrate the
procedure for signing up for
Site Manager as a new
member. In the class, some
students may try to sign up
along with you. Remind
them that they should just
watch your demo and sign
up later during their lab
exercises. Also, remind
them that when they do their
lab exercises, they should
save the invoice page on
their machine, or e-mail it to
one of their e-mail