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<b>* NEW WORDS: </b>

<b>- To stir: </b>

<b>Tr n</b>


<b>Tuesday, March 20th<sub> , 2012</sub></b>

<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>= to mix </b>

<b>- A mango: </b>

<b>Trái xoài</b>

<b>- Mixture ( n ): </b>

<b>Hỗn hợp</b>

<b>- To peel:</b>

<b>Gọt vo</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>


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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>
<b>Did you go to school yesterday ?</b>

<b>No. I didn’t.I had a toothache.</b>
<b>Why ?</b>

<b>Because I ate too much candy.</b>

<b>Oh. I don’t like candy.</b>

<b>I don’t, either.</b>

<b>Do you like fruits ?</b>
<b>Yes. I do</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Did you do your homework last night ? </b>

<b>No. I didn’t. I watched TV last night.</b>

<b>Did you eat dinner at home on Wednesday? </b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Did you go to school yesterday? </b>

<b>No. I didn’t. I went to the movie theater.</b>

<b>Did you watch a video on the weekend ? </b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Did you play basketball yesterday? </b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>A little </b>

<b>A lot of / lots of</b>

<b>Too much</b>

<b>A little coffee</b> <b><sub>A lot of tea</sub></b>

<b>A little sugar</b> <b>A lot of salt</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Mrs Quyen: Lan, add some salt to </b>
<b>the vegetables,please.</b>

<b>Lan: ……….or……….?</b>

<b>Mrs Quyen: Only………. I think</b>

<b>a little</b>

<b>a lot of</b>

<b>a little</b>

<b>Dr Le: You must drink ……….. </b>
<b>water everyday.</b>

<b>Ba: Yes, doctor</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Mr Nhat: stop, please. That is </b>
<b>………. coffee</b>

<b>Waitress: I’m sorry sir. I’ll clean the </b>
<b>table for you.</b>

<b>too much</b>

<b>MInh: Can you give me some paper, </b>
<b>Nam ?</b>

<b>Nam: I’m sorry. I only have……….. </b>
<b>And I need it</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Mangoes</b> <b>bananas</b> <b>papaya</b>

<b>corn</b> <b>Spinach </b> <b>potatoes</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>


• <b><sub>500 grams of cucumbers</sub></b>
• <b><sub>2 onions</sub></b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Add mix peel</b> <b>slice stir</b> <b> wait wash</b>

<b>a/- ……….the onions.</b> <b>b/- ………..the cucumbers </b>
<b>and onions</b>

<b>c/- ………..the cucumbers </b>

<b>and onions</b> <b>d/- ………..the slices</b>

<b>Peel </b> <b>Wash </b>

<b>Slice </b>

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<b>UNIT 12: LET’S EAT</b>

<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. ( pages 123-128)</b>

<b>Add mix peel</b> <b>slice stir</b> <b> wait wash</b>

<b>e/- ………..a little salt, sugar </b>
<b>and vinegar to the mixture</b>

<b>f/- ………..the mixture.</b>

<b>g/- ………..for five minutes and the </b>
<b>salad is ready to serve.</b>

<b>Add </b> <b>Mix </b>



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