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(dùng để phân loại trình độ trong khn khổ Đề án ngoại ngữ quốc gia 2020)


<b>Giới thiệu về đề thi: </b>

Đề thi gồm 02 phần:


<i>. Phần thi trắc nghiệm</i>

: 120 phút, thi các môn: Nghe (

35 phút + 05 phút để

hoàn thiện câu trả lời); Cấu trúc (25 phút); Đọc (55 phút).


<i>. Phần thi theo hình thức tự luận</i>

: Thi các mơn: Viết (60 phút); Nói (10 phút).


<b>Yêu cầu:</b>


<i>Phần thi trắc nghiệm</i>

: Đề thi phải được đánh số trang, in rõ ràng, in một

mặt trên giấy khổ A4 và được dập ghim thành một tập theo thứ tự từ trang 01

đến hết và theo các phần có thứ tự như sau: Nghe; Cấu trúc; Đọc. Trang số 01

của đề thi phải có phần giới thiệu cấu trúc đề thi và một số thông tin cần thiết

khác. Phần cuối cùng của đề thi phải có chữ “The end ”. Mỗi mơn thi (03

mơn), thí sinh làm bài trên Phiếu Trả lời trắc nghiệm riêng biệt.


<i>Phần thi tự luận</i>



Đề thi môn Viết được thiết kế sẵn trên 02 mặt của 01 tờ giấy A4 (bao

gồm phần đề thi và phần làm bài của thí sinh). Trang 01 có phần đầu

phách để ghi các thơng tin cá nhân và các thông tin khác. Trang 02 có

phần gạch chéo tương ứng với phần đầu phách trang 01 để Hội đồng

chấm thi dọc phách.


Đề thi Nói được mã hoá và in riêng. Tuỳ từng Hội đồng thi để thiết kế số

lượng đề thi Nói, nhưng phải đảm bảo mỗi đề thi Nói khơng được sử

dụng q 02 lần ở một bàn hỏi.


<i>Số lượng đề</i>

: Đảm bảo mỗi thí sinh được phát 01 đề thi ở tất cả các môn



<b>Đề thi các môn phần thi trắc nghiệm:</b>


<i>Định dạng đề từng môn thi</i>



<i>Môn thi Nghe</i>



Thời gian làm bài: Thời gian theo hiệu lệnh trên đĩa CD (


<i>35 phút) </i>


05 phút để thí sinh hồn thành các phương án trả lời của mình.


Cấu trúc đề thi: Gồm 03 phần, 50 câu hỏi với các dạng bài nghe và yêu

cầu khác nhau theo cấp độ khó dần. Phần thi này nhằm đánh giá khả năng

nghe tiếng Anh và nắm bắt được thông tin theo yêu cầu trong đề.


<i>Môn thi Cấu trúc</i>



Thời gian làm bài: 25 phút.

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<i>Môn thi Đọc</i>



Thời gian làm bài: 55 phút.


Cấu trúc đề thi: Gồm 03 đến 05 phần hoặc dạng bài, 50 câu hỏi với các

yêu cầu khác nhau. Phần thi này nhằm đánh giá khả năng đọc tiếng Anh

và nắm bắt các thông tin theo yêu cầu của đề thi.


<i>Phương thức làm bài</i>

: Thí sinh đọc đề thi, nghe, đọc và làm theo các hướng

dẫn phát ra từ cassette hoặc chỉ dẫn trong đề thi, sau đó dùng bút chì tơ kín

01 vịng trịn có chứa chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D mà thí sinh cho là đúng trên

Phiếu Trả lời trắc nghiệm. Số thứ tự câu trả lời mà thí sinh làm trên Phiếu

TLTN phải trùng với số thứ tự câu trắc nghiệm trong đề thi. Câu trả lời hợp

lệ là câu chỉ có duy nhất một vịng trịn có chứa chữ cái được tơ và tơ lấp kín

hết diện tích cả vịng trịn; khơng tơ ra ngồi vịng trịn; khơng gạch chéo

hoặc đánh dấu và các vịng trịn.


<i>Hình thức chấm bài</i>

: Chấm bằng máy qt và phần mềm chấm bài thi trắc

nghiệm chuyên dụng. Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được tính 1,0 điểm, sau đó tổng

điểm thô (raw scores) của các phần thi trắc nghiệm được quy đổi theo bảng

quy đổi thành điểm quy đổi (converted scores).


<b>Đề thi các môn phần thi tự luận:</b>


<i>Định dạng đề từng môn thi</i>



<i>Môn thi Viết</i>



Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút.


Cấu trúc đề thi: 2 phần

<i>Phần 1</i>

: (3 điểm) yêu cầu viết đơn giản như viết thư, email...độ dài tối thiểu

150 từ.

<i>Phần 2: </i>

(6 điểm) yêu cầu viết một bài tiểu luận với 01 chủ đề cho sẵn quen

thuộc như về giáo dục, xã hội , môi trường... độ dài tối thiểu 250 từ.


Môn thi Viết sẽ được chấm theo thang điểm 9 lẻ 0,5. Tỉ trọng của bài viết

Phần 1 là 1/3 và bài viết của Phần 2 là 2/3 tổng số điểm.


<i>Mơn thi Nói</i>



Thời gian làm bài: 10 phút.


Cấu trúc đề thi: Gồm 03 phần (phần chào hỏi và giới thiệu bản thân, phần

tình huống và phần tranh luận theo chủ đề). Phần thi này nhằm đánh giá

khả năng diễn đạt tiếng Anh của thí sinh qua các tình huống giao tiếp và

tranh luận với giám khảo theo chủ đề.


Mơn thi Nói sẽ được chấm theo thang điểm 9 lẻ 0,5.


<i>Phương thức làm bài</i>



<i>Mơn Viết</i>

: Thí sinh sử dụng khả năng và kiến thức của mình để viết bài

luận bằng tiếng Anh theo yêu cầu của đề trên phần giấy trắng có dịng kẻ

cho sẵn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

bày khả năng giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh theo yêu cầu của đề thi, trả lời các

câu hỏi, tranh luận về vấn đề đưa ra trong đề thi với giám khảo hỏi thi

(không có thời gian chuẩn bị).


<i>Hình thức chấm bài</i>




: Giám khảo chấm trực tiếp vào bài thi theo hướng dẫn chấm Viết

dành cho giám khảo. Thang điểm 9 lẻ đến 0,5.



: Giám khảo cho điểm trực tiếp từng thí sinh theo hướng dẫn cho

điểm thi Nói dành cho giám khảo. Thang điểm 9 lẻ đến 0,5.


<b>Hình thức thơng báo kết quả thi:</b>


<i>Cách thức tính điểm phần thi trắc nghiệm</i>



Sử dụng Bảng quy đổi điểm kèm theo đề thi để quy đổi điểm các môn thi

phần trắc nghiệm.


Tổng điểm quy đổi phần trắc nghiệm được tính sang thang điểm 9.


<i>Cách thức tính điểm phần tự luận</i>



Điểm của bài Viết và Nói được chấm theo thang điểm 9 lẻ 0,5.


<i>Cách tính điểm toàn bài: </i>


Điểm phần trắc nghiệm X 2 + điểm Viết + điểm Nói/4 = Kết quả thi


Kết quả thi có thể được tham chiếu sang khung điểm từ A1 đến C2


<i>Công bố kết quả</i>



Kết quả thi của tất cả các thí sinh dự thi được đơn vị tổ chức đánh giá cung

cấp cho đơn vị đề nghị đánh giá nhằm phục vụ cho cơng tác hoạch định

chính sách, bồi dưỡng đội ngũ… . Trên cơ sở kết quả điểm thi tổng hợp đó,

đơn vị tổ chức đánh giá có thể đưa ra các đề xuất về công tác bồi dưỡng

chuyên môn nhằm tư vấn cho đơn vị đề nghị đánh giá.


Mỗi thí sinh tham dự kỳ thi được thông báo kết quả thi trên Phiếu báo kết

quả thi.


Điểm thi có thể được công bố trên website của đơn vị tổ chức đánh giá và

đơn vị đề nghị đánh giá.

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<b>Subject: Listening</b>

<b>Place: </b>

<b>Date: </b>

<b>Time: 30’</b>

<b>Full name: </b>


<b>Reg. No.: ……….</b>



<i><b>Number of Questions: 50</b></i>

<i><b>Approx. Time: 30 minutes</b></i>

<i><b>You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer </b></i>

<i><b>questions on what you hear.</b></i>

<i><b>There will be time for you to read the instructions and you will have a </b></i>

<i><b>chance to check your answers.</b></i>

<i><b>The recordings will be heard only ONCE.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>


<b>PART 1</b>

<b>Listen and circle the best response.</b>

1. (A) Yes, I do. (B) Everyday
(C) Around 4: 30 (D) Very early.

2. (A) At 9:00 (B) I get to school at about 9:00.

(C) Yes, they usually do. (D) Very late.

3. (A) I’m busy this Saturday. (B) I eat lunch.
(C) I clean the house. (D) I’m tired.

4. (A) About 45 minutes (B) 12:30
(C) Soup and a sandwich (D) Fish and chips

5. (A) Not usually (B) On Wednesday night.
(C) No, I don’t. (D) Yes, I do.

6. (A) After 5. (B) Never.
(C) Anytime. (D) Sleeping.
7. (A) Yes, I can. (B) Do you?

(C) Yes, I do. (D) Not many.

8. (A) I like it, too. (B) Really? That’s great.
(C) Sometimes (D) Seldom

9. (A) The gym. (B) Yes, I do.
(C) Hardly ever. (D) None of us.
10. (A) I can play on Tuesday. (B) The golf course

(C) No, I don’t know (D) Yes, I am.
11. (A) How about tomorrow? (B) I’m not bad.

(C) Do you play? (D) So do I.

<b>PART 2</b>

<b>You will hear people giving their telephone numbers. Listen and circle the best response.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>PART 3</b>

<b>Directions: </b>In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two people. You
will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation. You must select the best
response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. Each
conversation will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book.

<b>Conversation 1:</b>

1. Why is the woman going to travel?
(A) To go shopping

(B) To attend a conference
(C) To take a rest

(D) To eat some ice cream
2. Where will the woman travel to?

(A) Nowhere
(B) Her office
(C) New York
(D) We don’t know

3. On what day does the conversation take place?
(A) Tuesday

(B) Wednesday

(C) Thursday
(D) Friday

<b>Conversation 2:</b>

4. How many sisters does John have?
(A) None

(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

5. How many children do John’s parents have?
(A) Three

(B) Four
(C) Seven
(D) Eight

6. How many younger sisters does John have?
(A) None

(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

<b>Conversation 3:</b>

7. What does Tom’s brother do?
(A) He’s a doctor.

(B) He’s a pilot.
(C) He’s a fireman.
(D) He’s a dentist.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

(C) Her brother used to be a doctor.
(D) Her brother is a fireman, too.
9. What does Tom think is possible?

(A) Tom knows the woman’s brother.

(B) Tom’s brother knows the woman’s brother.
(C) Tom has a sister.

(D) The woman will become a doctor.

<b>Conversation 4:</b>

10. Why does the man think it will rain?
(A) He read the weather forecast.
(B) There are a lot of black clouds.

(C) He can see many people with umbrellas.
(D) It has been raining all day.

11. What is the woman’s problem?

(A) She doesn’t want her new shoes to get wet.
(B) She missed the bus.

(C) She doesn’t have an umbrella.
(D) She hates the rain.

12. What will the man do?

(A) Lend the woman an umbrella.
(B) Give the woman a ride home.

(C) Give the woman a ride to the station.
(D) Check the weather forecast.

<b>PART 4</b>

<b>Directions: </b>In this section of the test, you will hear a number of short talks given by a single speaker.
Again, you must answer three questions about what is said in each talk. Choose the most appropriate
response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. Each talk will
be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book.

<b>Talk 1:</b>

1. Where is this announcement being made?
(A) At an airport

(B) In a department store
(C) In a children’s hospital
(D) At a playground

2. How much will a $50 sweater cost now?
(A) $50

(B) $5
(C) $15
(D) $25

3. Who would be most interested in this announcement?
(A) Children

(B) Tourists
(C) Parents
(D) Doctors

<b>Talk 2:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

(D) Main Row

5. What line leads to Seoul soccer stadium?
(A) The brown line

(B) The green line
(C) The white line
(D) The purple line

6. What number is the white line?
(A) Number six

(B) Number four
(C) Number seven
(D) Number three

<b>Talk 3:</b>

7. Where was the dog lost?
(A) Near the park
(B) Outside the city
(C) In the city center
(D) At the beach
8. What colour is the dog?

(A) White with brown paws
(B) Brown with white paws
(C) White with black paws
(D) Black with brown paws

9. How much money will be given for help in finding the dog?
(A) Fifteen dollars

(B) Twenty dollars
(C) Thirty dollars
(D) Fifty dollars

<b>Talk 4:</b>

10. How many people were in the raft?
(A) Ten

(B) Eleven
(C) Eight
(D) Nine

11. Where did they go for food afterwards?

(A) A Mexican restaurant

(B) An Italian restaurant
(C) A Spanish restaurant
(D) A French restaurant

12. What did the speaker think of the day?
(A) He thought it was strange.

(B) He thought it was boring.
(C) He thought it was great fun.
(D) He thought it was unexciting.

<b>PART 5</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

1. (A) nurse (B) teacher (C) social worker (D) secretary
2. (A) sales representative (B) book-keeper (C) shop assistant (D) librarian
3. (A) doctor (B) tour guide (C) driver (D) security guard
4. (A) bartender (B) flight attendant (C) receptionist (D) nurse

5. (A) bank clerk (B) computer programmer (C) engineer (D) postman
6. (A) tailor (B) lorry driver (C) mechanic (D) taxi-driver

7. (A) actor (B) singer (C) office manager (D) university lecturer


02 tasks - 60 minutes

<b>WRITING TASK 1 (1)</b>

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You travelled last week from Singapore to Ho Chi Minh City and your

suitcase was lost. Although you have informed the Lost and Found

Office at the airport, you have heard nothing from the airline company.

Write to the airline company and provide detailed information about

the incident. Describe your suitcase and what was in it and how you

informed the Lost and Found Office. Also, try to figure out what they

are going to do about it.

<b>In NO MORE THAN 150 words, write a letter to the airline company, covering all</b>

<b>the points raised. </b>

<b>WRITING TASK 1 (2)</b>

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You travelled last week on a five-star cruise around South East Asia, yet

you were upset and disappointed with the experience. Write a letter to

the cruise provider and specify about your disappointments (i.e. what

went wrong and how you felt) and what do you want to do about it

(e.g. compensation or apology, etc.)

<b>In NO MORE THAN 150 words, write a letter to the cruise provider, covering all</b>

<b>the points raised.</b>


50 questions - 55 minutes

 <b>Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the blank space in the following</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

Puerto Rico is an island southeast of Florida and north of Venezuela, (1) ______ the
Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It is not far from Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Puerto Rico has many beautiful beaches that (2) ______ for miles along the coast. It also has
mountains and valleys with good land for farming. The climate in Puerto Rico is (3) ______
very warm. It is often humid during the summer months. Many people choose Puerto Rico as a
vacation spot (4) ______ its lovely weather, beautiful coast and interesting history and culture.

Puerto Rico means “rich port” in Spanish. Christopher Columbus landed there in 1493.
Fifteen years later, the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon (5) ______ there with people from
Spain (6) ______ came to live in the New World. Native Indians had lived on the island of
Puerto Rico for hundreds of years. (7) ______, many of them died in wars with the Spanish and
(8) ______ diseases brought from Europe. People from other places, like Africa, also came to
live in Puerto Rico. Today Puerto Rico is an interesting mix of all these cultures. Visitors will
notice the influence of Spain in the food, music, festivals and (9) ______ of the people. And, of
course, the people in Puerto Rico speak Spanish – but they (10) ______ speak English.

 A. among B. between C. across D. above

 A. stretch B. are C. develops D. go

 A. particularly B. unbelievably C. usually D. especially

 A. because of B. thank to C. as D. such as

 A. settled B. came C. went D. moved

 A. whom B. which C. those D. who

 A. Fortunately B. Especially C. Immediately D. Tragically

 A. by B. in C. from D. for

 A. custom B. customs C. many D. much

 A. never B. some time C. sometimes D. also

 <b>Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the blank space in the following</b>


The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously
thought (11) ______ climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported
Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, (12) ______ a rise in sea
levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying,
densely-populated delta regions around the globe.

Rising sea levels are driven by two things: the thermal expansion of sea water, and
additional water (13) ______ melting sources of ice. Both processes are caused (14) ______
global warming. The ice sheet (15) ______ sits atop Greenland, for example, contains (16)
______ to raise world ocean levels by seven meters (23 feet), which would bury sea-level cities
from Dhaka to Shanghai.

Trying to (17) ______ how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is
critically important to (18) ______ climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises,
scientists say. But (19) ______, there has been a perplexing gap (20) ______ the projections of
computer-based climate models, and the observations of scientists gathering data from the

<i>(©AFP 12/23/2008)</i>

 A. due to B. thanks to C. about D. of

 A. makes B. contributing to C. contributing D. leads to

 A. by B. for C. from D. in

 A. of B. from C. to D. by

 A. when B. as C. which D. that

 A. water B. water enough C. enough water D. enough

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

 A. understandingB. understand C. dealing D. deal

 A. anyway B. up to now C. also D. from now

 A. from B. about C. to D. between

 <b>Read the passage and choose the best answer.</b>

Some scientists have predicted that healthy adults and children may one day take drugs to
improve their intelligence and intellectual performance. A research group has suggested that
<i><b>such</b></i> drugs might become as common as coffee or tea within the next couple of decades.

To counter <i><b>this</b></i>, students taking exams might have to take drugs tests like <i><b>athletes</b></i>. There
are already drugs that are known to improve mental performance, like Ritalin, which is given to
children with problems concentrating. A drug given to people with trouble sleeping also helps
people remember numbers.

These drugs raise serious legal and <i><b>moral</b></i> questions, but people already take vitamins to
help them remember things better, so it will not be a simple problem to solve. It will probably be
very difficult to decide at what point a food <i><b>supplement</b></i> becomes an unfair drug in an

 What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. drugs for students B. intelligence and intellectual performance
C. how to become more intelligent D. drugs that improve mental performance

 The word “such” refers to _____

A. adults and children B. the research group that develop the drugs
C. drugs with coffee or tea D. pills that help improve mental performance

 The word “this” refers to _____

A. drug B. performance

C. drug-taking to improve mental performance D. the research group

 According to the passage, which statement is true?

 Only children would take pills to improve their intellectual performance.
 Intelligence pills are already as common as coffee or tea.

 A sleeping pill helps people remember numbers.
 Food supplements are unfair.

 The word “athletes” is the closest in meaning to _____

A. SportspersonsB. healthy adults C. old people D. drug addicts

 According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?
 Students could have to take intelligence drugs tests.
 Vitamins help people remember things better.
 Ritalin improves children’s concentration.

 No drugs can improve people’s mental performance.
 The word “moral” is the closest in meaning to _____

A. valuable B. controversial C. ethical D. illegal

 The word “supplement” is closest in meaning to _____

A. intelligence drug B. addition C. addiction D. supply

 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Tea is as common as coffee. B. Children can’t remember well.

C. Using drugs is unfair. D. Drugs can improve people’s memory.

 The passage would most likely be followed by details about _____

A. Examples of unfair drug in examination B. Vitamins

C. Legal and moral drug D. Examination

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

When gas station manager Roger Randolph realized it was costing him money each time
someone filled up with $4-a-gallon gas, he hung a sign on his pumps: “No more credit cards”.
He may be the first in West Virginia to ban plastic, but gas station operators nationwide are
reporting similar <i><b>woes</b></i> as higher prices translate into higher credit card fees the managers must
pay, squeezing profits at the pump. “The more they buy, the more we lose,” said Randolph, who
manages Mr. Ed's Chevron in St. Albans. “Gas prices go up, and our profits go down”. His
complaints target the <i><b>so-called</b></i> interchange fee — a percentage of the sale price paid to credit
card companies on every transaction. The percentage is fixed — usually at just under 2 percent
— but the dollar amount of the fee rises with the price of the goods or services. As gas tops $4 a
gallon, that pushes fees toward 10 cents a gallon. Now stations, which typically mark up
gasoline by 11 to 12 cents a gallon, are seeing profits <i><b>shrink</b></i> or even reverse.

<i><b>In a good month</b></i>, Randolph's small operation would yield a $60 profit on gasoline sales.
But that’s been buried as soaring prices forced the station to pay about $500 a month in
interchange fees. “At these prices, people aren’t making any money,” said Jeff Lenard,
<i><b>spokesman</b></i> for the Alexandria, Va.-based National Association of Convenience Stores. “It’s
brutal”. Lenard's group reports convenience stores paid roughly $7.6 billion in credit card fees
last year, while making $3.4 billion in profits.

<i>(©AFP 11/02/2008)</i>

 Why do some gas station owners decide not to accept credit cards?

A. They prefer the “instant gratification” of getting cash. B. Credit fraud.
C. High credit card interchange fees. D. Soaring prices

 The word “woes” is closest in meaning to _____

A. joys B. sufferings C. actions D. ban

 According to the passage, what is the average interchange fee paid by gas station owners?

A. About $4 B. About 2% C. 11 to 12 cents D. 10 cents

 How much profit does the average gas station owner make on a gallon of gas?

A. About $4 B. About 2% C. 11 to 12 cents D. 10 cents

 The word “so-called” is closest in meaning to _____

A. suggested B. name C. defined D. commonly named

 The phrase “in a good month” refers to _____

A. the profit of gas business B. a period of time yielding profit

C. a nice month D. a month with soaring prices

 The word “shrink” is closest in meaning to _____

A. become smaller B. decrease C. booming D. opposite

 The word “spokesman” is closest in meaning to _____

A. communicator B. lecturer C. sales manager D. marketer

 Which of the following could be inferred from the passage?
 People are making profits from buying gas with higher prices.

 Gas station owners are making less money from selling gas with higher prices.

 Gas prices are higher due to lower fees of goods and services.

 Gas station owners want to sell less gas.

 The passage would most likely lead to a more specific discussion regarding _____
 Counter-arguments from credit card companies

 Profits of other gasoline station managers
 Spokesman Jeff Lenard

 Roaring prices of goods and services

 <b>Read the passage and choose the best answer.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

night. The <i><b>prefecture</b></i> of Saitama, which borders Tokyo, may follow in the footsteps of the
western city of Kyoto and urge convenience stores to close during late night hours in an effort to
limit carbon dioxide emissions, Japanese media reported.

Kyoto, a former capital, wants to persuade convenience and other 24-hour stores to close
late at night so as to improve evening views of the city and cut down on energy use. The Nikkei
business daily said closures could last from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. The move is strongly opposed by
the industry, which fears a withering impact on an already troubled sector also grappling with
the specter of a higher tobacco tax, which could hit overall sales.

“Even if we only operate the stores for 16 hours, we can't stop the refrigerators,” said
Toshiro Yamaguchi, the president of Seven-Eleven Japan Co, which is owned by Seven & I
Holdings Co Ltd, at a news conference in Saitama on Tuesday. He said such cuts in operating
hours would reduce each store's profit by 20 percent. “If this happens, our current business
model will lose its foundation”.

Analysts said that while it is difficult to estimate the potential impact of the move without
a concrete plan, their overall impression was that <i><b>it</b></i> was likely to be negative. “This could cut
profits and lead to less efficient operations and the increased loss of opportunities," said
Masafumi Shoda, an analyst at Nomura Securities. "But it depends on the store - urban stores do
better than others. There are some in the countryside that are <i><b>inefficient</b></i>”.

Some have suggested that if governments were sincere about reducing carbon emissions
there were much more efficient methods, such as cutting back on the huge number of automatic
vending machines.

<i>(©AFP 10/27/2008)</i>

 Which Japanese city was the first to try to limit convenience store hours?

A. Saitama B. Tokyo C. Kyoto D. Prefecture of Saitama

 What’s the main goal behind the proposal?

A. To give employees more free time. B. To limit carbon dioxide emissions.
C. To sell more tobacco products. D. To limit business hours

 The word “lagging” is closest in meaning to _____

A. moving fast B. straggling C. efficient D. threatening

 The word “prefecture” is closest in meaning to _____

A. A district administered by a prefect B. A land

C. A city D. A commune

 How’s the convenience store sector doing in Japan?

A. The article doesn't say. B. It’s doing great. Business is booming.

C. Not very well. D. It depends.

 According to the article, which convenience stores are generally more successful?

A. The ones in big cities. B. The small ones in the countryside.
C. The ones that sell alcohol. D. The big ones in the countryside.

 According to the convenience store industry, what impact would closing for the night have

on the earnings of a typical store?

 It could cause a 10% increase in sales.
 It could cause a loss of opportunities.
 It could cause a 20% decrease in profits.

 Its effect would be minimal. People would simply shop earlier.
 The word “it” refers to _____

A. potential impact B. overall impression

C. concrete plan D. operation

 Which of the following could be inferred from the passage?

 The governments were not making effort in reducing carbon emissions

 The governments were trying to cut down on automatic vending machines.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

 The word “inefficient” refers to _____

A. capable B. worse C. better D. ineffective


40 questions - 25 minutes

 <b>Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>
 “What’s she like?” - “She __________________”

A. likes going out B. takes after her mother C. is tall D. is kind

 She’s one of the most ____ people I’ve ever talked to. She never says anything _____

A. boring/ interesting B. boring/ interested
C. bored/ interesting D. bored/ interested

 They ______ to make up their mind as soon as possible.

A. must B. ought C. should D. have to

 I have to finish this meeting and get to the airport ______.noon.

A. on B. to C. until D. by

 All of the items with yellow tag ______ discounted 75% for the next 30 minutes.

A. had been B. are being C. will D. had

 No one answered the door when I knocked, so they ______ already left.

A. must be B. have C. must have D. might be

 Peter is going to have a birthday party ______ next Tuesday.

A. on B. at C. the D. Ø

 “______ do you read books?” – “Almost every day”.

A. How long B. How much C. How D. How often

 They believe that the police ______ the thief soon.

A. captures B. captured C. will capture D. have captured

 Sometimes she goes out ______ night ______ Saturdays.

A. at/ in B. at/ on C. on/ at D. on/ on

 Now he ______ a book about American Literature. I don’t believe he will finish it.

A. is writing B. writes C. has written D. wrote

 Would you mind not ______ the radio until I’ve finished this article?

A. turning down B. turning over C. turning on D. turning off

 He is getting ______ and ______

A. more/ more friendly B. friendlier/ friendlier
C. the more friendly/ the more friendly D. more friendly/ friendly

 ____ the way _______ France we had to fly ______ Qatar.

A. On/ to/ across B. From/ to/ over C.In/ from/ over D. On/ for/ to

 The guavas look nice and they ______

A. smelled sweetly B. smelled sweet C. smell sweet D. smell sweetly

 She first ______ this business in 2001.

A. starts B. started C. starting D. have started

 Please return ______ two hours. I will be ready ______ then.

A. around/ until B. on/ till C. after/ by D. in/ by

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

A. ought B. should C. would D. shall

 Helen, what is that terrible noise? Is there ______ on in the street?

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

 Most ______ students couldn’t finish the exam on time.

A. of B. some C. the D. of the

 I remember ______ the package a couple of days before going on holiday.

A. receiving B. to receive C. to be received D. to have received

 It is no ______ in persuading him not to follow her.

A. point B. worth C. use D. one

 It was difficult for her to buy good shoes since she had such a big ______ of feet.

A. size B. form C. amount D. pair

 I bought so many things that I didn’t have enough ______ for all of them.

A. room B. size C. area D. place

 I admire women who can cope ______ both a job and a family.

A. against B. up C. on D. with

 Please make sure to copy carefully ______ the model.

A. with B. from C. by D. on

 Please ______ my best regards to your family!

A. let B. tell C. send D. say

 Don’t sit on the chair ______ the leg is broken.

A. on which B. over which C. of which D. from which

 I wasn’t in ______ of his idea about the renovation.

A. agreement B. content C. satisfied D. favor

 My birthday is on ______ of March.

A. the tenth B. tenth C. ten D. the ten

 “Could you lend me some money?” – “Sorry, I can’t. I’m ______ ”.

A. broken B. breaking C. broke D. break

 I had a mechanic ______ my car yesterday.

A. mend B. mended C. mending D. mends

 Motel rooms must be ______ by noon, but luggage may be left in the lobby lockers with

certain fees.

A. vacated B. abandoned C. left D. stayed

 Some jungle fires are set on purpose.

<i>The underlined phrase can be best replaced with______ </i>

A. at will B. deliberately C. by chance D. spontaneously

 He is said ______

A. to being a very hard bargainer. B. to be a very hard bargainer.
C. being a very hard bargainer. D. a hard bargainer.

 <b>Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closer in meaning to each</b>

<b>of the following statements. </b>

 <i>We will put out to the sea if the weather is good.</i>

 Provided that the weather is good, we will put out to the sea.
 If the weather was good, we would put out to the sea.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

 Provided that the weather were good, we would put out to the sea.

 <i>I write to him almost every day.</i>

 Hardly every day I write to him.

 Hardly a day passes without my writing to him.
 Hardly does a day pass without my writing to him.
 Hardly a day does pass without my writing to him.

 <i>Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date.</i>

 If you told me in advance, I could have avoided that date.
 If you had told me in advance, I could have avoided that date.
 If only you warned, I could have avoided that date.

 If you warned me in advance, I could have avoided that date.

 <i>He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.</i>

 As soon as he walked, he got down to writing the letter.

 No sooner he returned from his walk then he got down to writing.
 No sooner had he returned from his walk then he got down to writing.
 No sooner had he got down to writing, he returned from his walk.

 <i>I was very impressed by his performance.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>


Tell me about yourself / family.
Tell me about your hometown.

What do you like/dislike about your job?

What do people in your hometown do in their free time?

Do you like travelling? Where in your hometown do you think people should visit?
How long have you been learning English?

What do you think is the most difficult aspect of English?

Do you have many friends? What do you do together in your free time?

<b>PART 2: LONG TURN</b>
<b>TOPIC CARD 1</b>

<b> Describe a close friend. </b>

You should say: how long you have known this person
how you met

what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you like him/her.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

 What do you expect in a good friend?

 Which are more important to you – your families or your friends?
 Is it possible to make friends with people of the opposite sex?

<b>PART 2: LONG TURN</b>

<b>TOPIC CARD 1</b>

<b> Describe a close friend. </b>

You should say: how long you have known this person
how you met

what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you like him/her.



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