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English 8

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<b>Date of preparing:………</b>
<b>Period 75</b>


<b>Lesson 1: Getting started – Listen and read.</b>
<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge:aware of how to make accept and decline invitations.</b></i>
<i><b>2. Skills:develop communicative skills.</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude:have knowledge about tourism.show their positive attitude in</b></i>
learning English.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<i><b>1. Vocabulary:(to) include (to) come over</b></i> (to) pick someone up

<i><b>2. Grammar: - Would you like to come and stay with us … ? </b></i>
... you must come over for dinner one night .
- Yes , we’d love to…

That is very kind of you…
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

<i><b>1. Teacher: textbook,lesson plan, cassette, tape, pictures, chalks.</b></i>
<i><b>2.Students:textbooks, notebooks.</b></i>

<b>IV. Techniques: asking, answering, pair work, group work, eliciting, practicing,</b>

<b>V. Times: 45 minutes.</b>
<b>VI. Teaching procedures:</b>

<i><b>1. Organization (2’):</b></i>
<i><b>2. Check-up:no check-up</b></i>
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>


<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>



<b>* Warm-up:Getting started (asking,</b>
<i><b>answering, group work, game)</b></i>

<i><b>Guessing game</b>:</i>

- T: show the pictures to Ss one by one ,
and ask Ss to guess what country it is.
- Ss: work in groups.

- T: give feedback.
<i><b>Chatting</b>: </i>

- T: read an example asking and
answering, then ask ss read again and

make the same dialogue.

- Ss: work in pairs.
- T: call on some pairs.
- Ss: role play.

- T: remark.

<b>Activity 1: Presentation (eliciting,</b>

<b>I. Getting started:</b>
<b>* Guessing game</b>

a) The USA b) Australia
c) Thailand d) Britain
e) Canada f ) Japan
<b>* Ask and answer:</b>

T:Where do you want to visit among
these countries?

Ss: ………..
T: Why ?

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<i><b>practicing, pair work)</b></i>

- T: introduce the situation of the
dialogue. Then have ss listen to the

dialogue, elicit some new words through
explanation, translation.

- Ss: listen.

- T: have ss practice pronunciation.
- Ss: read in chorus then read
individually, finally copy down in their

<i><b>Checking vocabulary:</b></i>
<b>“Rub out and remember”</b>

<i>* True / False Prediction </i>

- T: Set the scene<i> “ Mrs Quyen is going</i>
<i>to the USA for a vacation . She is</i>
<i>ringing her friend , Mrs Smith , to tell</i>
<i>her about the trip . “ </i>

- T: Put the chart on the board and ask
Ss to read the statements

- T: ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if
the statements are true or false.

- Ss: discuss in pairs.

- T: call on some Ss to read their
predictions and write them on the board.

<i><b>(persuade weak & medium Ss give their</b></i>

<b>Activity 2: Practice (pair work,</b>

- T: ssk Ss to read the text in pairs,
check predictions.

- Ss: open their books , listen to the tape
while reading the dialogue .

- T: call on some good Ss to correct the
false statements.

- T: ask Ss to read the dialogue again
and work in pairs to complete the grid
with the information taken from the

<i><b>* Vocabulary: </b></i>

- to include: bao gồm, gồm có.
- to come over : đến thăm nhà ai.
- to pick someone up: đón ai
- abroad (adv): nước ngoài.

 to be/ go/ travel/ live abroad .

<i><b>* Listen and read:</b></i>

<i><b>True/ false predictions:</b></i>

<i>a. Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from</i>
<i>the airport in San Francisco .</i>

<i>b. Mrs Smith invite Mrs Quyen and her</i>
<i>husband to stay with her while they are</i>
<i>in town . </i>

<i>c. Mrs Quyen does not accept Mrs</i>
<i>smith,<sub>s invitation because she wants to</sub></i>

<i>stay with a Vietnamese friend of hers . </i>
<i>d. Mrs Quyen and her husband will be in</i>
<i>the USA for 3 days . </i>

<i>e. Mrs Quyen and her husband will</i>
<i>come over to Mrs Smith,<sub>s place for</sub></i>

<i>dinner one night .</i>

<i>f. Mr Thanh goes abroad for a business</i>
<i>meeting . </i>

<i>+) Answer keys:</i>

1. False  Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs

Smith from Ha Noi
2. True

3. False  … because her

accommodation is included in her tickets
price .

4. True

5. False -> Only Mrs Quyen will come
over to Mrs Smith ,<sub>s .</sub>

6. True

<b>2. Complete Mrs. Quyen’s schedule</b>

Date Mon 25 Tue 26 Wed 27 Thu 28


to San

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- Ss: do the exercise.

- T: call on some Ss to go to the board to
write theinformation in the grid on the
board .

- T: give the feedback.

- T: ask Ss to look at their books and
answer the questions.

- Ss: answer then compare their answers
with their partner.

- T: call on some Ss to answer then give
feedback .

- Ss: copy the keys.

<b>Activity 3: Production (group work)</b>
- T: tell Ss to read the dialogue again
and pick out the statements indicating
the following situations.(call weak &
<i><b>medium Ss read aloud)</b></i>

- Ss: discuss in groups.

- T: call on Ss to give their answers and
have them copy.

- T: have Ss practice structures. (call
<i><b>good Ss)</b></i>

- Ss: present.




<b>4. Answer the questions</b>
Answer key :

a) No , they won,<sub>t . Because they are </sub>

coming on a tour , and their

accommodation is included in the ticket
price , so they will stay at the

b) No, he won,<sub>t . Because he will have a </sub>

business meeting in the evening that day.
c) Mrs Smith will pick her up at her

* Grammar :

1. Invitations: Would you like to come
and stay…?

- Declining invitations: That’s very kind
of you, but we’re coming on a tour. Our
accommodation is included in the ticket

2. Invitations: … you must come over
for dinner one night.

Accepting invitations:Yes, we’d love to
but we…

* Practice:

- Making an invitation.
- Accepting an invitation.
- Declining an invitation.
- Making a complaint.
<b>4. Consolidation (3’):</b>

* IMindMap:

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* Homework:

- Learn vocabulary by heart.

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 12: Speak - Listen .

 <b>Self-evaluation:</b>



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