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English 8Tiet 11Language focus

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Week 04 Date of preparing: 17/09/12

Period 11 Date of teaching: 19/09/12


<b>Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS </b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aims:

2. Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk about intentions with ‘be going to’

- Review the adverbs of place.
<b>II. Preparations: </b>Text book.

<b>III. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>1. Warm - up (5’)</b>

* Jumble words:

1. tdeousi = outside
2. siiden = inside
3. hetre = there
4. rehe = here
5. stupairs = upstairs
6. wonstardis = downstairs

- Group works

<b>2. Exercises (35’)</b>

<b>a. Exercise 1: Practice the structure ‘be going</b>

- Ask students to read the situations.

- Remind students the use of the future tense with
be going to.

- Have students practice in pairs.

- Explain vocabulary: fishing rod, action movies,
invited her to …

- Call students to read the answers.
- Check and give the answer.
a. They’re going (to go) fishing.
b. She’s going to read the new novel.

c. She’s going to do her homework (in Math).
d. He’s going to watch an action movie on TV

e. She’s going to give him a birthday present.
<b>b. Exercise 2: Complete the list (questionnaire)</b>
- Ask students to look at and read the


- Ask students to add three more activities to the

- Read the situations.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Pair works.

- Listen and write.
- Read the answers.
- Listen.

- Look and read.

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- Ask students to make a check (<sub></sub>) or a cross (<sub></sub>) in
the ‘YOU’ column.

- Have students practice in pairs.

- Call some pairs to practice before the class.
- Have students ask questions and make a check (<sub></sub>)
or a cross (<sub></sub>) in the ‘YOUR PARTNER’ column.
- Ask students to report the complete


<b>c. Exercise 3: Complete the speech bubbles</b>
- Have students review the adverbs of place:
outside, inside, there, here, upstairs, downstairs
- Have students look at the pictures and ask


1. Who’s this?
2. What is he doing?

3. What game are they playing?
- Explain vocabulary: hide and seek

- Ask students to filling the speech bubbles with
the suitable adverbs of place given in the box.
- Call one or two students to read the answers.
- Check and give the answer.

a. upstairs b. here c. downstairs
d. outside e. there f. inside

- Make a check (<sub></sub>) or a cross (<sub></sub>) in the ‘YOU’

- Pair works.

S1: Are you going to see a movie?
S2: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
- Practice before the class.

- Ask questions and a check (<sub></sub>) or a cross (<sub></sub>)
in the ‘YOUR PARTNER column

- Report the result.

(Nam) /(Lan) is going to ……
- Listen and write.

- Answer the questions.
1. It’s Tuan.

2. He’s looking / seeking for Ba, his cousin.
3. They’re playing hide and seek.

- Listen and answer.
- Pair works.

- Read the answers.
- Listen.

<b>3. Homework (5’)</b>
- Redo the exercises.

- Do exercises 3, 5, 6, 7/p.16-19 (workbook)
- Prepare next lesson: Unit 3: Getting stared,
Listen and Read

<b>IV. Comments:</b>




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