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Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 1 MY HOBBIES A.VOCABULARY 1. a piece of cake (idiom). /əpi:s əv keɪk/. dễ ợt. 2.. arranging flowers. /ə'reɪndʒɪŋ 'flaʊər/. cắm hoa. 3.. bird-watching (n). /bɜːd wɒtʃɪŋ/. quan sát chim chóc. 4.. board game (n). /bɔːd ɡeɪm/. trò chơi trên bàn cờ (cờ tỉ phú, cờ vua). 5.. carve (v). /kɑːv/. chạm, khắc. 6.. carved (adj). /kɑːvd/. được chạm, khắc. 7.. collage (n). /'kɒlɑːʒ/. một bức tranh tạo thành từ nhiều tranh, ảnh nhỏ. 8.. eggshell (n). /eɡʃel/. vỏ trứng. 9.. fragile (adj). /'frædʒaɪl/. dễ vỡ. 10.. gardening (n). /'ɡɑːdənɪŋ/. làm vườn. 11.. horse-riding (n). /hɔːs, 'raɪdɪŋ/. cưỡi ngựa. 12.. ice-skating (n). /aɪs, 'skeɪtɪŋ/. trượt băng. 13.. making model. /'meɪkɪŋ, 'mɒdəl/. làm mô hình. 14.. making pottery. /'meɪkɪŋ 'pɒtəri/. nặn đồ gốm. 15.. melody. /'melədi/. giai điệu. 16.. monopoly (n). /mə'nɒpəli/. cờ tỉ phú. 17.. mountain climbing (n). /'maʊntɪn, 'klaɪmɪŋ/. leo núi. 18.. share (v). /ʃeər/. chia sẻ. 19.. skating (n). /'skeɪtɪŋ/. trượt pa tanh. 20.. strange (adj). /streɪndʒ/. lạ. 21.. surfing (n). /'sɜːfɪŋ/. lướt sóng. 22.. unique (adj). /jʊˈni:k/. độc đáo. 23. unusual (adj) /ʌn'ju:ʒuəl/ B.NGỮ PHÁP I. THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN (FUTURE SIMPLE) 1. Cách dùng Cách dùng Dùng để diễn tả một hành động hay sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai. khác thường. Ví dụ. She’ll be back at 6 p.m tonight (tối nay cô ấy sẽ trở về vào lúc 6 giờ) They will help me do exercise (họ sẽ giúp tôi làm bài tập này). Dùng để diễn tả một suy nghĩ, quyết định ngay lúc nói. I will drink water instead of milk (tôi sẽ uống nước thay cho sữa) I think I will teach here (tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ ở đây). Dùng để diễn tả một lời hứa. I promise I will come here tomorrow (tôi hứa tôi sẽ đến đây vào ngày mai) He promises he will marry me (anh ấy hứa anh DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> ấy sẽ cưới tôi) Dùng để diễn tả một lời đề nghị, gợi ý. Will we go for a walk tonight? (tối nay chúng ta sẽ đi dạo nhe) What will we do now? (chúng ta sẽ làm gì bây giờ nhỉ). 2. Dạng thức của thì tương lai đơn. Thể khẳng định. Thể phủ định. I/you/we/they/Danh từ + will + V nguyên số nhiều mẫu. I/you/we/they/Danh từ + will not + V nguyên số nhiều mẫu. He/she/it/Danh từ số ít (will = ‘ll). He/she/it/Danh từ số ít (will not = won’t). Ví dụ:. Ví dụ:. -. I will visit Hue city (Tôi sẽ đến thăm thành phố Huế) She will be fourteen years old on hẻ next birthday (cô ấy sẽ 14 tuổi vào sinh nhật kế tiếp) They will come to the party next Sunday (chủ nhật tuần sau họ sẽ đến bữa tiệc). -. She won’t forget him (cô ấy sẽ không quên anh ấy) Hung will not go camping next week (Tuần tới Hùng sẽ không đi cắm trại) We won’t do some shopping tomorrow. (Ngày mai chúng tôi sẽ không đi mua sắm). Thể nghi vấn Will. I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều He/she/it/Danh từ số ít. Câu trả lời ngắn + V nguyên mẫu?. Yes No. I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều. will won’t. He/she/it/Danh từ số ít. Ví dụ: - Will you go to Ha noi city next month? (tháng sau bạn sẽ đi thành phố Hà Nội à?)  Yes, I will / No, I won’t - Will she meet her boy friend tonight? (Tối nay cô ấy sẽ gặp bạn trai phải không?)  Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t - Will they arrive here next week? (Tuần sau họ sẽ đến đây phải không?)  Yes, they will / No, they won’t. 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết. - Trong câu thì tương lai thường xuất hiện các từ sau: tonight (tối nay), tomorrow (ngày mai); next week/ month/ year…(tuần/tháng/năm sau); someday (một ngày nào đó); soon (chẳng bao lâu); … - Ngoài ra các từ và cụm từ như I think, I promise, perhaps = probably (có lẽ, có thể), ….cũng được dùng trong thì tương lai đơn. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN. Bài 8: Dựa vào từ cho sẵn , viết câu ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) của thì tương lai đơn. 1. He/ be/ back/ before 10 pm. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 2. James/ go shopping/ with you. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> (?) ___________________________________ 3. You/ go out/ with me. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 4. I/ bring/ you/ some apples (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 5. Tomorrow/ be/ a good day. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 6. They/ buy/ new house. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 7. Your family/ travel/ by car. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 8. Jim/ learn/ how to cook. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ Bài 9: Điền “will ” hoặc “shall” vào chỗ trống để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. My parents ________come home today. 2. I think I ________pass the entrance exam. 3. Perhaps Janet________participate in this competition. 4. ________we go out for a walk? 5. She promises me she ________land me her book. 6. ________I help you wash the dishes? 7. I believe Alisa ________be a wonderful teacher in the future. 8. Mr.Vu ________probably bring his son to work today. 9. ________we go to the beach and sinbathe? 10. What ________Tom give you on your next birthday? 11. ________I give you the book? 12. They ________help you when you ask them. 13. ________you help me with this exercise? 14. I don’t think It________rain today. 15. ________you lift this box for me? 16. When I grow up, I ________take care of my parents. 17. In the future, there ________be more cars on the streets. 18. My teacher ________be there in the next five minutes. 19. I hope she ________ get better. 20. ________they prepare dinner tonight? Bài 10: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai đơn. 1. I am hot. I (turn) ________ on the air-conditioner. 2. You (meet) ________many interesting people. 3. ________(you/come) to her birthday party? 4. He wishes he (earn) ________ a lot of money in the future. 5. My sister (turn) ________sixteen tomorrow. 6. Ava (not be) ________with one hour. 7. What ________(you/do) tonight? 8. My father believe that this year the weather (be) ________fine. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 9. The restaurant (serve) ________Thai food in the next few weeks. 10. How long ________(he/stay) in Hanoi? 11. I study very hard. I think I (get) ________ good marks. 12. Tomorrow is my sister’s graduation. I (buy) ________some flowers for her. 13. She thinks she (not stop) ________playing violin in the future. 14. I am sure Mr. Parker (come) ________ 15. Don’t run so fast. You (fall) ________ 16. Are you sick? I (phone) ________the doctor. 17. Don’t worry. Everything (be) ________alright. 18. There (not be) ________any magazines tomorrow. 19. I suppose my father (take) ________me to the theater tomorrow. 20. How long ________ (you voyage/ take)? 21. (there/ be) a lot of people at the concert. 22. Your boss (agree) ________to your brilliant ideas. 23. You (never see) ________this beautiful thing again. 24. ________(your parents/be) at home tomorrow? 25. ________(you/ accept) my invitation? Bài 11: Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp. A B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.. What will you do tonight? Will you come to our party next week? Will he manage to persuade Tom? Will Mrs. Smith visit her son tomorrow? Will Mary and Ann meet each other today? When will he arrive here? Where will Sarah visit this summer? Will thay be late? Will two of you leave soon?. No, he won’t No, they won’t Yes, I will Probably before 6 o’clock Japan I will watch my favorite movie By train Yes, she will Yes, they will. They are in the same class 10. How will you get there tomorrow? j. No, we won’t Bài 12: Sắp xếp các từ sau theo thứ tự đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Promise/ I / never/ lies/ tell/ will/ again/ I. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Busy/ The/ be/ will/ doctor/ today/ probably/ very. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She/ Perhaps/ forgive/ you/ will ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------morning/windy/ tomorrow/ I / will/ think/ be/ it/ not/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this/do/ will/ afternoon/ What/ you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------we/ out/ dinner/ go/ Shall/ for/ tonight? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------come/ I / will/ not/ he/ will/ back/ but/ now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bride/ a/ tomorrow/ charming/ will/ become/ She. DeThi.edu.vn. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you/ do/ me/ Will/ a/ favor? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------think/ We/ he/ propose to/ girlfriend/ will/ his/ tonight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ĐỘNG TỪ CHỈ SỰ THÍCH VÀ GHÉT (VERBS OF LIKING AND DISLIKING) 1. Các động từ chỉ sự yêu, thích phổ biến 2. Các động từ chỉ sự ghét, không thích. Các động từ phổ biến Dislike (không thích), hate (ghét), detest (ghét cay, ghét đắng) Cấu trúc. Dislike/hate/ detest + V-ing. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 13: Viết các động từ trong bảng dưới đây ở dạng V-ing V V-ing V paint. cook. write. make. read. drink. listen. watch. play. see. sit. eat. hit. drive. keep. sleep. V-ing. Bài 14: Chọn và cho đáp án đúng của các động từ trong hộp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. Get – tidy – do – brush – make – go – go – have – meet - eat 1. She doesn’t like ________ her room everyday. 2. Do you like ________to bad at eleven o’clock? 3. My mother dislikes ________up at 7. 4. Does your sister hate________ cold food? 5. Anne’s father loves ________to work by car. 6. I always like ________my homework before 7 o’clock. 7. John likes ________his teeth at noon. 8. Your grandmother hates ________ bread. 9. Does she like________a shower after dinner? 10. Hannah loves________ her friends once a week. Bài 15: Sắp xếp các từ sau để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. classical/ My/ likes/ mother/ to/ music/ . / Listening 2. his/ dad/ car/ . / Ana’s/ washing/ hates 3. traveling/ friend/ by/ loves/ My/ plane/ . / father’s 4. emails/ . / writing/ I/ long/ hate 5. watching/ dislike/ films/horror/ She/ TV/ . / on 6. in/ Tommy/ dancing/ the/ loves/ disco/ . 7. Englihs/ . / My / speaking/ Maths/ loves/ teacher/ 8. doesn’t/ early/ . / friend’s/ sister/ My/ like/ getting/ up 9. the/ I/ getting/ dressed/ mornings/ . / like/ in 10. a/ at/ bath/ aunt/ having/ nights/ . / loves/ James’ Bài 16: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc trong các câu dưới đây 1. I don’t fancy ________(go) out tonight DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 2. He enjoys ________(have) a bath in the evening 3. I dislike ________(wait). 4. She doesn’t like ________(be) on the computer 5. He likes ________(read) magazines. 6. He doesn't like____(talk) on the phone. 7. They like ____ (go) to restaurants. 8. They don’t like _____ (cook). 9. She likes ____(watch) films. 10. I like_____(get) up early in summer. Bài 17: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng 1. Tom (likes / hates) doing homework. He is lazy. 2. She (fancies / doesn't fancy) the idea of staying out too late. It's too dangerous. 3. Most girls (detest / like) cockroaches. 4. Tom (likes/ doesn't like) making models. He never do It 5. We (enjoy/ hate) spending time with Jane. She is very Interesting. 6. Many people (dislike/enjoy) doing morning exercises. It is good for health. 7. Mary always (adores/dislikes) her brother. She often plays with him. 8. I (hate/like) drinking coffee. It is too bitter. 9. I don't (fancy/hate) collecting stamps. I think it's boring. 10. They really (enjoy/dislike) talking with others. They are best friends. BÀITẬP TỐNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 18. Dựa vào bảng dưới đây và hoàn thành câu sao cho đúng arrange flowers. make pottery. climb mountains. Megan. like. love. dislike. Alex and Peter My mother. hate love. detest adore. fancy hate. 1. Megan_____flowers 2. Alex and Peter____ pottery 3. My mother______mountains. 4. Megan_____ pottery 5. Alex and Peter_____flowers 6. My mother______pottery 7. __________Megan______mountains. 8.______________Alex and Peter __________mountains. Bài 19. Cho dạng đủng cùa động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn. 1. I (promise)-----I (not do)_____that silly thing again. 2. My hobby (be)_____reading book. I (continue)_____ reading in the future. 3. Peter really (enjoy)_____music. He (not stop)_____listening to music in thefuture. 4. The train (leave)_____at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. 5.--------------------________(I/bring) you a glass of water? 6. Ann (go)___________to the museum tomorrow. The museum (open)____at 7am and(close)______at 5 pm. 7. _____(you/help) me carry this luggage. It (be) ________so heavy. 8. You (look)_____tired. I (bring)_____you something to drink. 9. He always (try)_____his best. He (be)_____successful in the future. 10. ___________(the airplane/take off) at 6am tomorrow? Bài 20. Chọn và cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong hộp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. Một từ có thể được dùng hơn một lần. go be detest like take lend pass listen 1. ________Tomorrow I_____sightseeing with my friends. I think it_____ beautiful day. 2. _____They______each other. They never talk to each other. 3. ____________________________My mother doesn't like arranging flowers but I______doing it. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 4. _____________Does Mr. Nam like______photos? 5. _______________(you) me your book? 6. ________I seldom_________to______the beach but I______to Sam Son this summer. 7.____________________My teacher thinks that all of us______the test. 8._________________Does your sister adore_______to music?______(she) to the music festival tomorrow? Bài 21. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn. Jim and Jane (1. be)____best friends and they have the same hobby. Both of them (2. enjoy/read)____book in their free time. Jim (3. love/read)______ science books because there are many interesting things. Jim (4. learn)_____--------------------a lot from his books. Jane (5.like)______a different type of book. She usually (6. spend)____hours reading about famous people in history. Jane (7. think)____they are very inspiring. Jim and Jane often (8.talk)_____with each other about the books. Their talk sometimes (9. last)_____for several hours. They (10. agree)_____that reading is very relaxing. Tomorrow the two friends (11. go)_____to a book fair. There (12. be)____a lot of books. Jim and Jane think they (13. buy)_____some books. There (14. be)_____also a meeting of the local reading club. Jane (15. probably join)_____in and (16. have)_____small talks with the book lovers. After the fair, Jim and Jane (17. go)______home and (18. enjoy) ___________their books. Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây: a. Do Jim and Jane share the same hobby? ________________________________ b. Why does Jim enjoy reading science books? ___________________________________ c. What do Jim and Jane talk about? _______________________________ d. When will Jim and Jane go to the book fair? __________________________________ e. What will Jim and Jane do after the fair? _________________________________ C.EXERCISES UNIT 1 I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underline. 1.A. prefer B. better C. teacher 2.A. bear B. hear C. dear 3.A. collect B. concern C. concert 4.A. absent B. government C. dependent 5.A. future B. return C. picture II.Match the noun from the box with the correct.. D. worker D. near D. combine D.enjoy D. culture. athletics. basketball. cycling. football. karate. skating. swimming. tennis. computer games. photos. TV. films. judo. cartoons. bottles. aerobics. stamps. gardening. camping. dolls. music videos. coins. table tennis. gymnastics. 1.go: _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.do: _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.collect: ____________________________________________________________________________ 4.play:______________________________________________________________________________ 5.take:______________________________________________________________________________ 6.watch: ____________________________________________________________________________ DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> III.Put one of the verbs from the box in each blank with the correct form. play. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IV.. read. go. do. listen. collect. The children are a play at the end of term. When did you start antique glass? What kind of music do you to? Irene won’t be able in the match on Saturday. I’ve never skiing. He spent a pleasant afternoon the book. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. basketball music. books photography. chess skating. films swimming. 1. I really like - especially in the sea. 2. I’m interested in . My favourite band is T-ara from Korea. 3. I love . I go to the cinema every weekend. 4. I really like . I don’t play it, but I watch matches on TV. 5. My hobby is . I have a new camera. 6. I love . My favourite writer is To Hoai. 7. I really love in the park with my friends. 8. I like . I play against my dad. I also play against other people on the Internet. V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form. 1. Nam’s friends often (give) him stamps from other countries. 2. My sister (practise) the guitar twice a week. 3. I (see) a film this Sunday evening. (you/ go) with me? 4. They (give) a party next week. 5. The members of the stamp collectors’ club (meet) at the library next Friday. 6. (you/ be) free next Sunday. 7. We (live) near Nam’s house, but we (not see) him very often. 8. Don’t worry. I (go) fishing with you next Saturday morning. VI.Complete the text with the verbs in the box in the correct form. Maybe some verbs can be used more than once. go. play. watch. listen. John has a lot of hobbies. He (1) chess at school and he also (2) skating. After dinner, he (3) for a walk and he (4) to music every evening in his room. John loves sports. He (5) athletics at school, and he (6) football after school. On Saturdays, John and his friends (7) swimming. On Sundays, they (8) basketball in the park. On Sunday evenings, they sometimes (9) a film. VII. Complete the questions, using the verbs from the box in the correct form. do. go. listen. eat. 1. your father like rock music? 2. your parents like on holiday? 3. you enjoy ice-cream? 4. your friends hate their homework? VIII. Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following passage. Coin collecting is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Most coin (1) enjoytrying to have a complete set of a country’s coins. Some people collect coins for pleasure;(2) collect coins in order to sell them later. From coins, we can also (3) somethingabout certain famous people and events in a country’s (4)______.Many beginning collector go tothe bank and buy coins. Then they (5) coins for their collection. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 1.A. collectors B. collecting C. collected D. collections 2.A. another B. other C. others D. the other 3.A. teach B. learn C. give D. offer 4.A. history B. nature C. science D. geography 5.A. look B. see C. watch D. find IX. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). After school Susan goes home to do her model-making. She loves making models. She started about a year ago. She needs about two weeks to make a model. Then she puts it on the shelf in her bedroom. She has about twenty models now. She thinks she will need to get another shelf soon. Last term she tried to start a club for modelmaking at school but the teachers and other children weren’t interested. She thinks she has a lot of fun anyway. True False 1.Susan makes models when she stays at school.   2.She has made her models for about one year.   3.It takes her two weeks to make two models.   4.She will need another shelf for her models soon.   5.Susan tried to start a club for model making and the teachers and other   children were interested in it very much. X. Read the passage, and then choose the best answer. Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is the best all-round forms of exercise. It canhelp to increase your strength and energy, giving you a stronger heart. You don’t carry the weight of your body on your feet when cycling. It is also a good form for people with a pain in your feet or your back. You should start your hobby slowly. Doing too quickly can have bad effects. You should cycle twice or three times a week. If you find you are in pain, you will stop and take a rest. 1. Why is cycling a good form of exercise? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Why might people with a pain in the back go cycling? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.What will happen if you do too quickly? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.How often should you go cycling? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5.What will you do if you find you are in pain ____________________________________________________________________________________ XI. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences. Then, write a paragraph about your hobby or your classmate’s hobby. 1. Name of the hobby: I/ unusual hobby/ collect/ buttons. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.When I started the hobby: When/ I/ ten/ I/ lose/ a cute button/ shirt. ____________________________________________________________________________________ I/ have to/ find/ another/ to replace. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Why I like it: Buttons/ long history. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Buttons/ be made/ different materials. ____________________________________________________________________________________ They/ various sizes/ shapes/ designs/ colours. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Feelings about the hobby: DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Button collecting/ not expensive/ it/ useful/ many ways ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Future: I/ collect/ rare buttons/ other countries. ____________________________________________________________________________________ TEST 1 UNIT 1 I. Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. bird B. girl C. first D. sister 2. A. burn B. sun C. hurt D. turn 3. A. nurse B. picture C. surf D. return 4. A. neighbor B. favorite C. culture D. tourist 5. A. hobby B. hour C. hotel D. hot II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. prefer B. better C. teacher D. worker 2. A. bear B. hear C. dear D. near 3. A. collect B. concern C. concert D. combine 4. A. absent B. government C. dependent D. enjoy 5. A. future B. return C. picture D. culture III.Put the word into the correct column according the underlined part. camera culture signal yesterday. bird natural birthday neighbor. learn heard again turn. first sir word third. /ə/. final girl world assistant /ɜː/. IV. Read the dialogue and fill the correct words in the blanks, use the words in the box. are show Nick: Elena: Mi: Elena: Mi: Elena: Mi: Elena: Mi: Elena:. from collecting. enjoy expensive. climb about. Hi Mi, welcome to our house! Come upstairs! I’ll (1) you my room. Wow! You have so many dolls. Yes. My hobby is (2) dolls. Do you have a hobby? I like collecting glass bottles. Really? That’s very unusual. Is it (3) ? Not at all, I just keep the bottles after we use them. What (4) doll collecting? Is it expensive? I guess so, but all of my dolls (5) presents. My aunt and uncle always give me dolls on special occasions. Your dolls are all very different. Yes, they’re (6) all over the world! DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Nick: Mi: Nick: Mi: Nick:. I don’t know why girls collect things. It’s a piece of cake. Do you have a difficult hobby, Nick? Yes, I (7) mountain climbing. But Nick, there are no mountains around here! I know. I’m in a mountain climbing club. We travel to mountains around Viet Nam. In the future, I’ll (8) mountains in other countries too. V. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. Mr. Porter is nice everyone. 2. Kathy was absent class yesterday. 3. Are you ready the test? 4. I’m angry Greg. 5. I’m mad Peter. 6. Are you afraid dogs? 7. Sometimes people aren’t kind animals. 8. One inch is equal 2.54 centimeters. 9. I’m thirsty a big glass of ice water. 10. Joe has good manners. He’s always polite everyone. 11. I'm not familiar that book. Whose is it? 12. John’s thermos bottle is full coffee. VI. Choose the correct answer in each sentence. 1. Are you interested for/ in photography. 2. This is my best/ favourite book. It’s David Copperfield, by Dickens. 3. I’ve decided to make/ join the local swimming club. 4. Kate usually passes/ spends most of her time reading. 5. Tim has a very interesting fun/ hobby. He builds small boats. 6. What do you like doing in your empty/ spare time? 7. Wendy is a member/ team of the drama club. 8. Anna likes going to the cinema/ cinema. VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Sally and her family love (go) to the park in the summer. 2. Her mum likes (lie) on the blanket and loves (read) her favourite magazines. 3. Anna’s family (like) the park because they love (be) outdoors. 4. I enjoy (collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure. 5. We love (watch) new films, and we (go) to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend. 6. My brother hates (do) the same things day after day. 7. Our uncle (play) badminton once a week. 8. I (collect) a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far. 9. In 2100, people (travel) in flying cars. 10. I’m so hungry, Mum. - I (make) you some sandwiches. VIII. Put the verb in the parentheses into correct tenses. 1. The sun always (rise) in the east. 2. In my country, it (not, rain) much in winter. 3. The moon (move) around the earth. 4. Mai (be) very happy because she has 3 good marks today. 5. I like (play) tennis. 6. My brother (enjoy) playing football. He usually (play) football every afternoon. 7. My brothers (be, not) engineers. 8. Well, he is 40 years old, bald with a moustache. He (have) large ears and he (wear) glasses. 9. They (have, not) any money. 10. Hoa (visit) her parents once a year. IX. Read the text and choose the correct answer. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> If you enjoy cycling for pleasure, doing it in London can be a shock. There are not enough lanes especially for bikes, and making your way through the traffic can be very risky. But if you have great passion, cycling in London can be exciting, and it is an inexpensive way of keeping fit if you live there. Some cyclists don’t mind spending a lot of money on expensive bikes. However, if you just want a basic bike that is only for occasional use, there are many cheap choices. Several markets have cheap bikes on sale which may not be impressive to look at but should be satisfactory. You should buy a cycling helmet if you want to cycle in London. Wearing a cycling helmet is not compulsory in Britain, but it is a good idea to wear one for protection. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Cycling helmets B. Cheap bicycles C. Bicycle markets D. Cycling in London 2. According to the passage, cycling in London is A. easy B. difficult C. tiring D. boring 3. The word “it” in line 3 refers to A. cycling B. passion C. excitement D. doing exercise 4. The difficulty of cycling in London is described in lines A. 2 B. 5 C. 5-6 D. 8-9 5. According to the passage, all the followings are true EXCEPT that A. It is compulsory to wear a helmet when cycling in Britain. B. Some bikes in London are cheap. C. There are not many lanes especially for bikes. D. Some cyclists don’t want to buy expensive bikes. X. Choose the most suitable word for each space. What do you like doing best (1) your spare time? My cousin Paul likes going (2) in the country and (3) photos. Sometimes he (4) with his friends, and they (5) at the park or at the beach. They always (6) a good time. His brother Chris isn’t (7) on walking. He spends most of the (8) at home. 1. A. for B. when C. in D. at 2. A. for walks B. walks C. a walk D. to walk 3. A. making B. having C. taking D. doing 4. A. travels B. gets up C. sees D. goes out 5. A. enjoy B. have fun C. hobby D. go 6. A. have B. make C. do D. like 7. A. interested B. out C. decided D. keen 8. A. other B. time C. people D. money XI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C. or D to fill each blank in the following passage. I have a very interesting and (1) hobby. I make short video clips with my digital camera. It was my birthday present from my parents last year. Since then, I have (2) three short films. It’s great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3) in the films. I have tried to write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, I make copies for the “actors”. Each scene is small and they can look at the words just (4) we start filming. We film at the weekend in my neighborhood, (5) no one has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house. 1. A. enjoyable B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoy 2. A. done B. made C. played D. watched 3. A. scene B. role C. part D. film 4. A. until B. after C. only D. before 5. A. so B. because C. but D. although XII. Use the words and phrases to write a passage. 1. Stamp collection/ be/ interesting hobby. 2. You/ can learn many things, such/ the geography/ a country/ stamps. 3. Postal stamps/ be a source/ interesting facts/ important dates/ every country/ the world. 4. It/ make stamp collecting/ become very popular. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 5. As you look at the pages/ a stamp album, you/ can learn interesting details/ foreign customs/ arts/ literature/ history/ culture. 6. Their colors/ can make/ you feel relaxed/ happy. 7. Collecting stamps/ can become/ a business. 8. If you are lucky/ finding/ special stamp, it/ will bring/ you some money besides knowledge/ pleasure. ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... TEST 2 (UNIT 1) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A. bird B. girl C. first D. sister 2.A. burn B. sun C. hurt D. turn 3.A. nurse B. picture C. surf D. return 4.A. neighbour B. favourite C. culture D. tourist 5.A.hobby B.hour C.hotel D.hot II.Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 6.A. reporter B. collector C. gardener D. newspaper 7.A. stamps B. album C. collector D. mountain 8.A. skating B. climbing C. gardening D. horse-riding 9.A. hate B. enjoy C. love D. like 10.A. unusual B. favourite C. popular D. common III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11.There are many why it is important to have a hobby. A. answers B.reasons C.details D.facts 12.Will you making models in the future? A.pick up B.look for C.take up D.find 13.Do you think that hobby is and boring? A.easy B.difficult C.danger D. interesting 14.I love my sister’s paintings because she is very in using colours. A.careless B.care C.creative D.imagine 15.A hobby helps you to connect with people. A.other B.others C.another D.the other 16.I join a photography club, and all the members love a lot of beautiful photos. A.take B.taking C.make D.making 17.What does your father do his free time? A. in B. at C. on D. while 18.I think a hobby will always give you and help you . A. pleased - relax B. pleasure - relaxed C.pleased - relaxing D.pleasure - relax 19.You can share your stamps other collectors a stamp club. A. with - at B. to - at C. with - in D. to - in 20.I think this hobby does not cost you much, and you need is time. A. most B. all C. some D. all of 21.Nowadays people hours sitting in front of computers. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> A. take B. last C. set D. spend 22.I think you should take up swimming it is suitable for your health condition. A. so B. because C. although D. but 23.My family enjoys because we can sell vegetables and flowers money. A. garden - to B. gardening - for C. gardening - with D. garden - of 24.If your hobby is greeting card making, you can give your to your friends as presents. A. hobby B. money C. greetings D. products 25.My sister’s hobby is sewing, and she can get the sewing patterns from the magazines. A. fashion B. cooking C. sports D. science 26.My brother doesn’t like ice-skating because he thinks it is . A. danger B. in danger C. dangerous D. endangered 27.My sister is very keen on swimming, and she goes swimming three a week. A. time B. a time C. times D. timings 28.We often read the instructions carefully in order to make of the things we like best. A. meanings B. models C. copies D. uses 29.You need to be to follow eggshell carving because it may take two weeks to complete one shell. A. careful B. interested C. fit D. patient 30.If you choose sewing as your hobby, you will your own clothes. A. do B. make C. take D. get IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable hobby. jogging. photography. gardening. basketball. gymnastics. cycling. bird-watching. chess. dancing. ice skating. 1. __________ : a game played by two people on a square board, in which each player has 16 pieces thay can be moved on the board in different ways. 2........: the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive. 3. __________ : a game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring. 4. __________ : the sport or activity of riding a bicycle. 5. __________ : the art of moving your body to music. 6. __________ : moving across ice using special shoes with a thin metal bar fixed to the bottom that you wear to move quickly on ice. 7. __________ : the activity of running at a slow regular speed, especially as a form of exercise. 8. __________ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment. 9. __________ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment, physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes which are intended to increase the body’s strength and the ability to move and bend easily. 10. _________ : the activity or job of taking photographs or films. V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I enjoy (collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure. 2. We love (watch) new films, and we (go) to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend. 3. My brother hates (do) the same things day after day. 4. Our uncle (play) badminton once a week. 5. I (collect) a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far. VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage. I have a very interesting and (1) hobby. I make short video clips with my digitalcamera. It was my birthday present from my parents last year. Since then, I have (2) three short films. It’s great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3) inthe films. I have tried to write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, 1 make copies for the “actors”. Each scene is small and they can look at the words just(4) we start filming. We film at the weekend in my neighbourhood, (5) noone has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 1.A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoyable 2.A. done B. played C. made D. watched 3.A. part B. role C. scene D. film 4.A. before B. after C. only D. until 5.A. although B. because C. but D. so IX. Read the passage carefully, and decide whether the sentences are True or False. Our school has a model club. The members of the club try to make water rockets. The students taking part in the club love discovering new things and learning science subjects. A water rocket doesn’t cost you much. You can use the things you have used such as empty bottles, old tyres of bicycles. The model has two main parts: the base and the rocket. The pump in the base is made up of water pipes and it can increase the pressure of water. The rocket made from empty bottles should have blades in its tail and a pointed head. These parts help the water go in the correct path as the members have planned. When we use the pump to increase the pressure of water, the rocket will take off and fly into the air. Our school club has just won the first prize on making water rockets. 1.The members of the model club have a love of science. ____________ 2.You can use old things to make water rockets. ____________ 3.It is expensive to make water rockets. ____________ 4.The high pressure of water can make the models fly. ____________ 5.We cannot control the water rockets at all. ____________ VIII. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer. Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby. You can learn many things, such as the geography of a country from stamps. Postal stamps are a source of interesting facts and important dates about every country in the world. It makes stamp collecting become very popular. As you look at the pages of a stamp album, you can learn interesting details of foreign customs, arts, literature, history and culture. Their colours can make you feel relaxed and happy. Collecting stamps can become a business. If you are lucky in finding a special stamp, it will bring you some money besides knowledge and pleasure. 1.Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby because . A. you can learn many things such as the geography of a country from stamps B. stamps give you interesting facts and important dates about a country C. it is very important to collect stamps D. A and B are correct 2.All of the following are true EXCEPT . A. stamps can make you relaxed and happy B. stamps can make you know more C. stamp collecting can make you famous D. you can earn money from your collection if you are lucky 3.According to the passage, it is true to say that . A. stamp collecting helps you become rich and famous B. stamp collecting is a very popular hobby C. stamp collectors can earn a lot of money from stamp collecting D. stamp collecting is a hobby that costs you a lot of money 4.The word “business” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to . A. the activity of collecting stamps B. the activity of selling stamps from other countries C. the activity of buying stamps from other countries D. the activity of buying or selling something 5.The main idea of the passage is . A. the history of stamp collecting B. good things from stamp collecting C. the ways of stamp collecting D. famous stamp collectors IX. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given. 1.When/ you/ start/ hobby? DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.We/ find/ make/ models/ very interesting/ because/ we/ should/ creative. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.I/ think/ future/ people/ take up/ more/ outdoor activities. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.My best friend/ not/ like/ mountain climbing/ because/ he/ afraid/ heights. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5.My sister/ enjoy/ cook/ and/ make/ new dishes/ her own. TEST 3 UNIT 1 I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. pottery b. flower c. silent d. service 2. a. girl b. expert c. open d. burn 3. a. sentence b. world c. picture d. dangerous 4. a. surfing b. collect c. concert d. melody 5. a. worst b. learn c. control d. dessert II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. exciting b. excellent c. experience d. expensive 2. a. hobby b. cycle c. bye d. why 3. a. pottery b. collect c. melody d. monopoly 4. a. heard b. bird c. world d. picture 5. a. bird-watching b. children c. school d. challenge III.Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. 1. My father can make beautiful pieces of art ________ empty eggshells. a. of b. from c. in d. into 2. Why don’t you take ________ a new hobby? a. up b. in c. over d. after 3. Collecting cars is a(n) ________ hobby. It costs a lot of money. a. interesting b. cheap c. expensive d. unusual 4. More people are ________ birds today than ever before. a. seeing b. looking c. hearing d. watching 5. Do you enjoy ________ board games? a. play b. to play c. playing d. played 6. Be careful not to drop it; it’s very ________. a. unique b. fragile c. difficult d. unusual 7. Sam and I ________ the same hobby. We both like playing computer games. a. share b. play c. do d. work 8. I hope he’ll teach me ________ to do eggshell carving. a. what b. where c. how d. when 9. ________ have you had your hobby? ~ For three years. a. How much b. How long c. How often d. When 10. ‘I think model making is an expensive hobby.’ ‘________ it’s incredibly cheap.’ a. You’re right b. Certainly c. No matter d. Not at all IV. Choose the correct verb form or tense. 1. I’m told you are ill. I hope you ________ better again. a. will feel b. feel c. are feeling d. don’t feel 2. We were getting tired, so we stopped ________ lunch. a. have b. having c. to have d. for having 3. ______ you ______ to school every morning? a. Does ... walk b. Do ... walk c. Will... walk D. Are ... walking 4. He enjoys ________ cycling at the weekend. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> a. to go b. going c. goes d. go 5. You needn’t wear your coat. It ________ cold today. a. will be b. won’t be c. doesn’t be d. is 6. We ________ swimming because it’s fun and good exercise. a. like b. are liking c. will like d. liked 7. My grandparents don’t like ________ in the city because it’s noisy and crowded. a. live b. lived c. living d. to living 8. Fire needs oxygen to burn. It ________ without oxygen. a. burn b. burns c. don’t burn d. doesn’t burn 9. How much time do you spend ________ the Internet per day? a. surf b. to surf c. surfing d. to be surfing 10. I don’t mind ________ a DVD, but I prefer ________ to the cinema. a. to watch - to go b. watching – go c. to watch – going d. watching – to go V. Put the words into the correct column. skating. camping. football. swimming. stamps. badges. gymnastics. chess. gardening. books. cartoons. crossword. sports. judo. aerobics. jogging. dolls. board games. coins. films. tennis. television. cycling. game shows. PLAY: ________________________________________________________________________ GO: __________________________________________________________________________ DO: __________________________________________________________________________ COLLECT: ____________________________________________________________________ WATCH: VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form or tense of the verb play, go, do or collect. 1. He ________ tennis with his father every Sunday. 2. We ________ camping in Dam Sen Park next Saturday. 3. ________ you ________ coins some day in the future? 4. Do you want ________ a jigsaw puzzle with me? 5. I enjoy________ cycling at the weekend. 6. My uncle ________ karate when he was young. 7. The children ________ volleyball on the beach at the moment. 8. When I’m waiting for the train, I usually ________ crosswords. 9. She dislikes ________ chess because she finds it boring. 10. I ________ books since I was ten years old. VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. photos. fishing. eggshells. music. gardening. painting. model cars. swimming. 1. She usually goes _____________ with her friends in the pool near her school. 2. Sarah likes _____________. She plants lots of flowers and vegetables in her home garden. 3. Every weekend, I go _____________ in my uncle’s boat, or just off the shoreline. 4. In later years, he took up _____________ as a hobby. He drew watercolour landscapes. 5. My hobby is listening to _____________. It can help relax my mind. 6. I have recently started a new hobby – collecting _____________. 7. Most people take _____________ and post them on their social networking accounts. 8. Carving _____________ is a great hobby that can make you happier. VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 1. I _____________ (not visit) my parents very often. 2. ____________________ (Mai/ go) to school every day? ~ No, she (go) _____________ to school from Monday to Friday. 3. The teachers at our school _____________ (give) us lots of homework. 4. My brother _____________ (play) tennis, but he _____________ (not like) it. 5. How often _____________ (they/ go) jogging? 6. We (not study) _____________ chemistry because it _____________ (be) difficult. 7. _____________ (your parents/ watch) TV every night? 8. Mark’s class _____________ (do) sport on Monday and Wednesday. 9. Children often _____________ (use) a computer for school work. 10. Mike _____________ (usually/ not play) computer games during the week. 10. I think people ______________ CDs in 20 years’ time. IX. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Future Simple. 1. I ______________ (listen) to music in my free time. 2. It often (rain) ______________ in the summer. 3. Do you think that he ______________ (recognise) me? 4. We ______________ (not want) to see that film because it looks boring. 5. What time __________ the film __________ (begin)? 6. I promise that I ______________ (not be) late for school again. 7. Simon usually ______________ (do) his homework and ______________ (watch) TV at the same time. 8. The students ______________ (plant) some flowers in the schoolyard tomorrow. 9. Nam and Vinh______________ (play) volleyball three times a week. 10. The train ______________ (leave) at 6 o’clock in the morning. X. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Would you mind _____________ (watch) my bag for a few minutes? 2. I enjoy _____________ (listen) to music while I’m doing the cooking. 3. He wants _____________ (buy) a new computer game. 4. I’d like _____________ (speak) to Mr Davis, please. Is he there? 5. Please avoid _____________ (make) silly mistakes in this exercise. 6. The children would love _____________ (eat) French fries. 7. She really loves _____________ (work) with children. 8. We tried _____________ (call) you but your mobile was off. 9. They intend _____________ (build) houses on the school playing fields. 10. I can’t stand _____________ (do) the washing up. XI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Rossie has a large ______________ of dolls. (collect) 2. A______________ is someone who enjoys watching birds. (birdwatch) 3. My sister’s hobby is ______________.She took a lot of nice photos. (photo) 4. I find woodcarving ______________ because it’s a creative activity. (interest) 5. ______________ eggshells are unique gifts for family and friends. (carve) 6. A hobby is an ______________ that you do for pleasure. (act) 7. I think collecting glass bottles is ______________. (usual) 8. Susan is very ______________ and she paints very well. (create) XII. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions. My name’s Susan. I have two favourite hobbies. My first hobby is reading. I started to do it when I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading. I enjoy reading because it can make me relaxed and calm. Moreover, it can give me an imagination, so I can write books in the future. I can learn the different cultures and customs of other countries in the world, too. My second hobby is gardening. I have made a small garden and planted many beds of flowers. In the spring season, my garden is full of beautiful flowers. I have a separate plot for vegetables – carrots, potatoes, etc. In the DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> evening, I water the plants and remove the weeds. I love sitting in my garden and reading my books. It is very pleasant to be there! 1. What are Susan’s hobbies? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. When did she start reading? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did she feel when she first read a book? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why does she enjoy reading? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. What has she planted in her garden? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. When does she water plants? __________________________________________________________________________ XIII. Fill in each blank with a word from the box. kinds. classify. books. near. name. collection. clean. immediately. Collecting (1) ____________ is my favourite hobby. I started my hobby five years ago. Thefirst item in my (2) ____________ is a book about Doraemon. And now I have a lot of books of all (3) ____________ comics, children’s, history, science, detective, adventure, etc. Whenever I find an interesting book I buy it (4) ____________. I usually buy books in the bookstores (5) ____________ my school and my house. Sometimes my relatives and my friends give me books as a gift. I (6) ____________ my books into different categories and put each category in one corner of my bookshelf with a (7) ____________ tag on it. It takes all my free time to keep everything (8) ____________ and dusted. It keeps me amused for hours, too. XIV. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Our life would be hard without rest and recreation. And people have many different ideas of how to spend their free time. If you enjoy doing a thing or activity in your free time, then you have a hobby. A hobby is an activity, interest, enthusiasm, or pastime that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, done during one’s own time. A person’s hobbies depend on his age, character and personal interests. An interesting thing to one person can be boring to another. That’s why some people prefer reading, cooking, knitting, collecting, playing a musical instrument, photography or playing computer games while others prefer dancing, travelling, camping or sports. 1. A hobby is anything that you enjoy doing in your free time. 2. Different people have the same hobbies. 3. A hobby can provide us with relaxation. 4. Your hobby may be changed as you get older. 5. One person’s hobby may be a boring thing to another person. 6. Playing sports is not a hobby. XV. Write sentences, using the cues given. 1. I/ enjoy/ play / sports/ because/ it/ good/ health __________________________________________________________________________ 2. your children/ go/ camp/every summer holiday? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. I/ think/ photography/ can/ expensive hobby __________________________________________________________________________ 4. my cousin/ give/ me/ book/ gift/ next birthday __________________________________________________________________________ 5. he/ find/ mountain climbing/ dangerous/ so/ he/ not take/ it __________________________________________________________________________ DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 6. I/ hope/ the future/ he/ teach/ me/ how/ do/ eggshell carving __________________________________________________________________________ XVI. Arrange the words to make sentences. 1. hobby/ you/ have/ any / do/? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. his/ do/ what/ your/ brother/ free/ does/ in/ time/? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. he/ summer/ in/ climbing/ goes/ mountain/ the/ usually/. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. friends/ monopoly/ enjoy/ I/ with/ playing/ my/? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. it/ boring/ because/ finds/ time/ models/ Jim/ takes/ lots of/ making/. __________________________________________________________________________ 6. you/ up/ will/ ice-skating/ future/ in/ take/ the/? __________________________________________________________________________ XVII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. What is your hobby? → What hobby ________________________________________________________________ 2. We all find painting interesting because it’s a creative activity. → We all think ________________________________________________________________ 3. It took me three hours to make this pottery jug. → I spent _____________________________________________________________________ 4. My father likes to do gardening at the weekend. → My father enjoys ____________________________________________________________ 5. Why don’t we go swimming this afternoon? → What about _________________________________________________________________ UNIT 2: HEALTH A.VOCABULARY 1. allergy (n) /'ælədʒi/ dị ứng 2.. calorie(n). /'kæləri/. Calo. 3.. compound (n). /'kɒmpaʊnd/. ghép, phức. 4.. concentrate(v). /'kɒnsəntreɪt/. tập trung. 5.. conjunction (n). /kən'dʒʌŋkʃən/. liên từ. 6.. coordinate (v). /kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt/. kết hợp. 7.. cough (n). /kɒf/. Ho. 8.. depression (n). /dɪˈpreʃən/. chán nản, buồn rầu. 9.. diet (adj). /'daɪət/. ăn kiêng. 10.. essential (n). /ɪˈsenʃəl/. cần thiết. 11.. expert (n). /'ekspɜːt/. chuyên gia. 12.. independent (v). /'ɪndɪˈpendənt/. độc lập, không phụ thuộc. 13.. itchy (adj). /'ɪtʃi/. ngứa, gây ngứa. 14.. junk food (n). /dʒʌŋk fu:d/. đồ ăn nhanh, quà vặt. 15.. myth (n). /mɪθ/. việc hoang đường. 16.. obesity (adj). /əʊˈbi:sɪti/. béo phì DeThi.edu.vn.

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