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Bai tap nang cao tieng anh 12 unit 4

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Unit 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM I. Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. A.academic B.grade C.behave D.examination 2. A.whether B.mathematics C.methodical D.thesis 3. A.choose B.school C.good D.soon 4. A.strugle B.pulish C.compulsory D.curriculum 5. A.education B.certificate C.core D.obstacle II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 1. A. separate B.parallel C.national D.statistics 2. A.algebra B.computer C.September D.disruptive 3. A. magazine B.engineer C.government D.entertain 4. A.aggressive B.politics C.invention D.musician 5. A. primary B.favourite C.effective D.organise III. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences 1. He to report for duty at six o’clock A.already told B.has already told C.was already told D.had already been told 2. We have had our car so we need a lift. A.stolen B.to be stolen C.was stolen D.have been stolen 3. It’s a difficult problem. It needs about very carefully. A.to think B.thinking C.being thought D.to be thinking 4. Twenty workers are reported in the explosion. A.to injure B.to have injured C.to have been injured D.to be injured 5. There was a fight at the party but nobody . A. got hurt B.was being hurt C.have been hurt D. gets being hurt 6. He managed to climb over the wall without . A.seeing B.being seen C.to see D. to be seen 7. each term is by a one-week break called half term. A.lowered B.subtracted C.departed D.separated 8. ‘Independent’ school system in Britain is . A.card-paying B. fare-paying C.fee-paying D.scholarship-paying 9. Active: It is impossible to do this. Passive:A. This can’t be done B.This is impossible be done C.This can’t have been done D.This is unable to be done. 10. Active: Don’t touch this switch. Passive: A.This switch doen’s be touched B.This switch isn’t touched C.This switch isn’t to be touched D.This switch hasn’t to be touched IV. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. 1. The examination paper (score) by machine. The students (tell) their results next week. 2. The project got finished early. The committee (complete) its work three weeks ahead of the schedule. 3. The teacher (assist) by two graduate students during the exam yesterday. 4. During the family celebrstion, the little boy was crying because he (ignore) . He need some attention, too. 5. Jane : Where you (buy) that beautiful necklace? I (not buy) it. It (give) to me for my birthday. You (like) it? 6. Soon after I (apply) for a job with the United Nations two years ago, I (hire) . 7. The crocodiles at the zoo look like statues. They (lie) perfectly still for hours at a time. They have no need to move because they don’t have to hunt their food. They (feed) regularly by the zookeepers. 8. This lovely beach won’t exist forever. Eventually, it probably (erode) away by the sea, and there will be nothing left but bedrock. The geologic forces of nature never stop..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 9. The sun is just one of billions of stars in the universe. As it travels through space, it (circle) by many other celestial bodies. The eaight known planets (hold) in orbit of the sun’s gravitational field. The planets, in turn, (circle) by their own satellites, or moons. 10. Early inhabitants of this region (worship) the sun and the moon. We know this fron the jewelry, scuptures, and other art work archeologists (find) . VI. Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs in the list. Use each verb only one time. All the sentences are passive. do employ memorize notify follow offer paint serve take use 1. Only coffee and desert at the reception yesterday. 2. The vocabulary list by all of the students, and each one scored over 90 percent on the exam 3. You by my secretary next week. 4. The picture is thought by a famous Italian artist. 5. The situation is serious. Something mmust before it’s too late. 6. There was somebody walking behind us. We . 7. It is a big factory. One thousand people there. 8. I remember to Hochiminh city when I was small. 9. John hopes the job by the end of October. 10. Nowadays bicycles widely in the city instead of public transport. VII.Put the following active sentences into passive voice: 1. About two thousand people are watching this programme. 2. Why didn’t they mend the roof before it fell in? 3. You should open the wine one hour before use it. 4. No one has made any comments on the event. 5. I don’t enjoy people beating me at sport in school. 6. They made him surrender his passport. 7. The students suggested making the test easier. 8. It is your duty to make tea at ten o’clock. 9. Everyone thinks that terrorists kidnapped him. 10. We are employing an electrician to install the lights. VII. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences. 1. In Britain education is between the ages of 5 and 16. COMPEL 2. Work experience is an important experience for young people. EDUCATION 3. The between public and private school system in many countries is quite clear. DIVIDE 4. The lecturewe heard last night was very . INFORM 5. The written English is not phonetic, which causes difficult for foreigners. SYSTEM 6. The strike caused widespread to train services. DISRUPT 7. It is not always easy to earn a living as an ART 8. The British government the railways in 1948. NATION 9. The whole trip to Africa was planned with precision. MATHEMATICS 10. He talks so much because he is a . POLITICS VIII. Fill in each numberd blank of the following passage with a suitable word. In countries where parents are legally obliged to make (1) their children receive a satisfactory education, school is compulsory for all children. Pupils usually attend (2) school up to the age of 11 or 12. Then they move on to (3) school, where they stay for the next five years or so. Most schools have (4) at the end of the year to test the pupils’ progress. If pupils’ marks are not good (5) , they may have to do extra work to catch up, and in some countries they (6) the school year. Teachers write reports about their pupils, and these can be discussed with parents. Most pupils attend (7) schools, which are free. However, some parents send their children to private schools, where the (8) may be quite high. If parents work abroad, they may send their children to a (9) school, where pupils live for up to three months at a time. Broaders at these schools usually only go (10) at the end of each term. IX. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Every day one quarter of the total population of Vietnam is directly (1) in formal education and training activities, (2) as students or teachers. Education is an important part of the society. It is a major preoccupation of government and is highly valued and respected (3) in Vietnamese society. The Vietnam education and training sectoris large, present in almost avery village and (4) virtually evry family. There are almost 18 million students in the education system and over 0,5 million teachers and instructors. The (5) of the education system is 5-4-3 i.e, five years of primary education (grade 1-6) (6) by four years of lower secondary (grade 6-9), and three of upper secondary (grade 10-12). Higher eduction programs (7) between two and six years. Government spending (8) education and training grew rapidly during the 1990’s and in 1995 education and training’s share of the overall discretionary State (9) was about 12 percent or about 3.5% of GDP. Household expenditure on education and formal cos-trcovery adds a (10) 2.5% of GDP. Thus, aggregate expenditures of education in 1995 were approximately 6% of GDP with households meeting 43% of overall educational expenditures. 1. A.focused B.included C.involved D.combined 2. A.either B.both C.neither D.also 3. A.performance B.activity C.occupation D.business 4. A.meets B.reaches C.touches D.conquers 5. A.formation B.target C.construction D.structure 6. A.followed B.reduced C.increased D.changed 7. A.extend B.last C.widen D.form 8. A.at B.for C.with D.on 9. A.budget B.loan C.pocket D.allowance 10. A.more B.farther C.further D.fewer X. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. In Australia, each state has its own education system. Within each system there are certain similarities and certain difficulties. Similarities include the fact that each state has twelve years of schooling. At the completion of secondary school, students who wish to attend university must sit for an examination. This is known as the Higher School Certificate, or the matriculation examination. Those who do not matriculate may attend a College of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) or business college. At university students can study for degrees and diplomas. At TAFE or business college they can study for diplomas and certificates. In most sates students study similar subjects, including mathematics, science, history, geography, computer science, art and economics. Different states, however, different examination systems, different awards and different regulations. The number of children who complete high school differ from state to state. In Tasmania, only 37% of students stay at school to year 12, while in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) 82 per cent complete year 12. In the largest state, New South Wales, the rate is 51%, compared with Qeensland and South Australia (66%), Western Australia (59%) and Victoria (57%). The average for the whole of Australia is 58 per cent. Between 20 and 30 per cent of students in Australian schools come from overseas, or have parents who were born overseas. Some children are immigrants, while others come to Austrlia especially to study. Many of these children find the Australian education system very different from their own country. Relationships with teachers are relatively informal, students are encouraged to tlak to each other in class to solve problems and complete learning tasks. In addition, in many schools, uniforms are not compulsory and students are allowed to wear casual clothes. 1. At TAFE or business college, students can study for . A.degrees or diplomas B.degrees and certificates C. diplomas and certificates D.degrees, diplomas and certificates 2. Which state has the lowest percent of students staying at school to Year 12? A.Tasmania B.New South Wales C.Queensland D.Victoria 3. The word “complete” in the fourth paragraph mostly means . A.search B.commence C.cease D.finish 4. How is the relationship between students and teachers in Australia? A.formal B.informal C.friendly D.unfriendly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Students who matriculate are allowed to attend university B.More students from ACT complete secondary school than from any other state. C. Different states in Australia have different axamination systems. D. Students in Australia do not wear uniform. X. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. 1. For a long time the earth was believed to be flat. For a long time people…………………………………………………………………………… 2. They decided to demolish the old theatre. They decided that………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Who feeds the monkeys at the zoo every day? By………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. She like people to call her “star”. She like ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. He was seen to pick up the wallet. People……………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. We are to introduce this speed limit gradually. This speed limit………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Why don’t you get an optician to test your eyes? Why………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. They should have told us how many tables they wanted. We should………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. A machine could do this much more easily. This………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. This box is cleared twice a day by the postman. The postman………………………………………………………………………………………. THE END.

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