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Test of English number 1

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Test of English number 1 (7th) I/ Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1) A- minor B- score C- order D- normal 2) A- lunch B- school C- chemistry D- headache 3) A- toothache B- book C- food D- school 4) A- other B- birth C- nothing D- thin 5) A- bike B- time C- dish D- library 6) A- bread B- ready C- breakfast D- realize 7) A- medium B- immediate C- medicine D- intermediate 8) A- think B- thick C- those D- thin 9) A- near B- pear C- wear D- bear 10)A- shut B- luck C- push D- cut II/ Circle the best option and write it up to complete the sentences 1) I’d like… (watch/ to watch/ watched/ watching) cartoon on television. 2) My mother cycles…( slow/slowly/ lately/ fastly). 3) Don’t let children play with the knives. They are…(danger/ dangers/ dangerous/ dangerously). 4) He was absent… (away/from/ at/ for) school yesterday. 5) He didn’t do…( morning exercise/ morning exercises/ exercise morning/ exercises morning) yesterday. 6) Mr. Brown speaks Vietnamese very….(fluent/ fluently/ influent/ fluency). 7) A lot of people love football. ….(So am I/ So do I/ Neither do I/ Neither am I). 8) Tam learns English very… (good/ well/ better/ best). 9) My sister doesn’t like apples and I don’t like peas, …(neither/ either/ too/ so). 10)You ought to….(finish/ finished/ finishing/ to finish) your homework before you play chess. III/ Change the word in brackets to complete each sentence below: 1) There was a good… of meat on the stall: chicken, pork and beef. (Select) 2) Nam is a…. driver. He always makes mistakes. (Care) 3) I love these people because they are very. (Friend) 4) My brother drives faster, but more…. than me. (Care) 5) It is not…. to live in this house. (Comfort) 6) He studies French quite….. (Good) 7) These…. like to go for a walk in this hotel. (Visit) 8) It’s very….to go for a walk after dinner. (Please) 9) Lan sings English songs…. (Beauty) 10) Look at the…..flowers over there. (Color).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> IV/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Write full sentences and underline the verbs). 1) Nam still (do) his homework now. But he (help) you right after he (finish) it ….. 2) Stop! You (not see) the notice board? ............................................................ I see it, but I can’t read it because I (not wear) my glasses. ……………… 3) – Where you and your friend (be) yesterday morning? – We thought we (sit) under the trees in our school to review our old lesson. …………………………. 4) My father usually (have) a cup of tea in the morning but today he (have) a cup of coffee because he (have) some important work to do in his company. ………... 5) Minh (begin) (learn) to swim when he (be) only four years old. ………………. V/ Fill in each blank with ONE suitable preposition. Dear Sally! Thanks…(1) your e-mail. I apologize…(2) not replying sooner, but I’ve been very busy. I had a math exam to do. I’m not very good…(3) math, so I had to do a lot of homework…(4) it. I have to wait for my results- I won’t get them for a week or two. Now I’m free! This evening I’m going to listen to a new CD which Mum bought me today. We went to the shops together…(5) my exam and I was going to pay for it but Mum said she’d buy it for me. She said she was proud…(6) me because I’d worked so hard for my exam. I hope she feels the same when I get the results! How are things…(7) you? Have you got used…(8) your new school yet? I liked the photo you sent me. Does the skateboard you are standing…(9) belong to you? Aren’t you afraid of falling…(10)? I look forward to your next message. Bye for now. VI/ Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Ann was…(1) in Poland…(2) 1867. She learned to read…(3) she was 4 years old. She was intelligent and had an…(4) memory. She finished high…(5) when she was only 15 years old. When she …(6) up, Marie went to Paris….(7) study mathematics and Chemistry at…(8) University. She won the Nobel Prize…(9) Physics in 1903 and 8 years later she received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Marie Curie… (10) in 1934. VII/ Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning: 1- What beautiful flowers! How…. 2- It took me 90 minutes to do this test. I……… 3- What the price of that cake? How…… 4- No one can run faster than me. I am…… 5- Ba is good at cooking. Ba……… 6- It takes us three hours to go shopping. We spend…… 7- My sister is more beautiful than me. I am not……. 8- We have a forty-five-minute test. Our test lasts…. 9- Minh is a skillful soccer player Minh……. 10- It is good to learn English. To learn…….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Test of English 2 (7th) Phonetics I/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently fro the others. 1) A- chose B- close C- lose D- rose 2) A- Pulled B- pushed C- preferred D- raised 3) A- stomach B- much C- change D- chicken 4) A- good B- go C- giraffe D- give 5) A- drive B- exciting C- idea D- display II/ Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 6) A- telephone B- lovely C- personal D- apartment 7) A- orange B- machine C- number D- washing 8) A- favorite B- important C- together D- computer 9) A- serious B- nervous C- improve D- shower 10) A- papaya B- cucumber C- banana D- tomato Vocabulary and structures I/ Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. 1) Did you hear about the fire down the street? There…(was/ had/ is/ were) a lot of news about it on TV last night. 2) Why is Tedy so sad?- Because his bird….(flown/ flew/ fly/ was fly) away. 3) - Who ate all the cookies? – Mary Brown…. (has/ did/ ate/ had). 4) - Which table do you prefer, the round or the square one?- Of the two, the round one is…. (the nicest/ the nicer/ nicer/ a nice one). 5) Why are you moving?- Because our new house has….( a lot of/ more of/ a lot more/ most) space than the old one. 6) - I’m looking for someone to help me get my car out of the snow. – I….(can/ should/ will/ have to) be glad to help you. 7) This perfume is very expensive. – Yes, but it smells….(exceptional good/ exceptionally good/ exceptional well/ exceptionally well). 8) You look nervous. – This thunder makes me…(scary/ scare/ scaring/ scared). 9) - Did you call the dentist for an appointment yet?- ….(If you give/ give/ if you gave/ Unless you give) me the telephone number and I’ll call him now. 10) He’s got his viza and he….(will go/ going to go/ is going/ go) to Chicago tomorrow). 11) Hat shirt doesn’t look to….(suit/ match/ fit/ go with) you. Look for another size. 12) What was wrong with you? Why….(A- had you to; B- did you have to; - must you; D- B & C).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 13) I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember….(A- locking; B- to lock; C- to have locked; D- A & B). 13) I think drivers….(A- had better wear; B- had better to wear; C- should wear; D- A & B) seat belt. 14) I asked two people the way to the station but….(none/ either/ both/ neither) of them knew. 15) ….(A-The most tourists; B- Most of the tourists; C-Most tourists; D- B & C) don’t visit this part of the town. 16) We visited… (Canada and United States/ the Canada and the United States/ Canada and the United States/ The canada and United States). 17) - I can’t open the top of this apple juice. – (Mark have to do/ Make Mark to do/ Have Mark do/ Have mark done) it. 18) So little…. (I know/ I knew/ Do I know/ Did I know) about mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me. 19) The desks and the chairs in our classroom are not so new as…(that/ your; that yours; these/ yours; those/ your) in…… II/ Complete the text with the correct form of the words in Capitals. 1- Suggest 2- Compete 3- Perform 4- Nerve 5- Succeed 6- Self 7- Act 8- Care 9- Piano 10- Example Let me make a (1)….. to help you deal with difficult situations. If, for example, you are taking part in sports (2)…., meeting someone important, or giving a (3)….. in front of a large audience, you will probaly be quite (4)…., and worry that you will not be as (5)….. as you would like to be. What you need to do is to prepare (6)….. thoroughly by running through the whole (7)….. over and over again in your mind, (8)…..going through every detail. For example, a famous (9)…… imprisoned for political reasons, could still play magnificently on his release. When asked how he managed to play so well, his (10)…. Was that he had practiced every day in his mind. III/ Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets so that the meaning stays the same. 1) Can I see if these shoes are the right size?.....(…on..) 2) Don’t eat too much sweets and you won’t have to visit the dentist so often. (..long…). 3) Mandy is excited about going to Greece on holiday. (…looking…) 4) This food has no taste. (…This food… quite…). 5) Luckily, it wasn’t necessary for Jim to take the exam again. (…Luckily, Jim…) 6) “ How often do you brush your teeth, Peter?” asked the dentist… (the dentist wanted to know….). 7) I wasn’t very keen on sports in these days. (I didn’t use….) 8) Would you look at this closely, please? (please… close…). IV/ Fill in each blank with ONE PREPOSITION to complete the sentence. Write your answers in the box below..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 1) What time did you arrive…. the party? 2) The problem is becoming serious. We have to do something….it. 3) There has been a big increase…. the price of petrol recently. 4) If you are interested… applying…. a job, your application must be received….Friday. 5) Is there a bank near here? – Yes, there’s one…. the end of this road. 6) I’m going to complain….. the manager…. it. 7) We traveled….. the 6.45 train, which arrived 30 minutes ago. READING Fill in each numbered gap with one appropriate word. It is a custom in most European countries to…(1) a person’s birthday. …(2) of the family and…(3) friends are supposed to be present at the party. …(4) they cannot come, they may…(5) a gift…(6) post. At the…(7) party, the person who gives that party…(8) all the gifts in front of the guests and thanks… (9) for the gifts. ..(10) they all sing a song “Happy birthday” and start the party….. Writing. I/ Arranged the following sets of words to make meaningful sentences. 1- This/ for/ got/ was/ school/ and/ so/ late/ morning/ breakfast/ no/ late/ for/ had/ he/ time/ Mike/ up/ he. 2- There/ exciting/ couldn’t/ because/ night/ to/ it/ homework/ match/ was/ but/ international/ see/ an/ had/ a lot/ football/ I/ last/ of/ I/ do/ on/ TV/. 3- The/ school/ planting/ pupils/ raising/ waste/ earned/ in club/ chickens/ for/ vegetables/ money/ and/ paper/ their/ by/ collecting/ our. 4- The British/ lot/ they/ time/ sweet/ the/ at/ greatest/ spend/ dentist’s/ a/ eaters/ world/ are/ because/ the/ off// the/ in. II/ Complete the following sentences to form a passage. 1- Nam’s family/ got/ seaside/ July/ last summer holiday……. 2- Train/ full/ but/ all/ find/ seats…….. 3- Stay/ Rang Dong Hotel/ and/ go/ sand/ when/ weather/ good….. 4- Nam/ like/ swim/ and/ his brother……. 5- But/ sister/ like/ look for/ shells/ or/ dig/ sand……… 6) Nam/ want/ do everything/ and/ everywhere/ his brother and sister……..

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