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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 3 DIVISION OF LESSONS 1. Period 13 Lesson A 2,3 2. Period 14 Lesson A 1 3. Period 15 Lesson B 1,3 4. Period 16 Lesson B 2,4 5. Period 17 Lesson B 5 6. Period 18 Lesson Language focus 1 Week: 05 Period: 13 Teaching date:. UNIT 3 Lesson : A 1 What a lovely home! I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to introduce their house and give compliments and complaints on the things in the house. II. Language contents 1. Grammar: - What a lovely living room! - What an amazing kitchen! 2. Vocabulary: _ bathroom ,bedroom and kitchen vocabulary. III. Techniques: _ Listen and choose _ Mapped dialogue _ Word Cue Drill , Rub out and remember IV. Teaching aids: _ Pictures/p.29-30 _ An extra-board, a cassette player V. Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I. Warm up Network about the rooms in the house. Kitchen House - Teacher guides his students to Livingroom make a network about the rooms in bathroom the house. Bedroom - He then leads the students in the new lesson.. - Then, he teaches the new words to the students. -The students practice pronouncing those new words chorally and individually.. II. Presentation New words: - bathroom / ´ba:ӨrƱm/ (n) - kitchen / ´kitən/(n) - sink / siŋk/(n) - dishwasher / `di˛wɔə/ (n) - tub / tb/ (n) - dryer / draiə/ (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - washing machine / `wɒiŋ mə`i:n / (n) - refrigerator / ri`fridƷəreitə / (n) - electric stove / i`lektrik stəʊv / (n) * Rub out and remember - He also explains some model * Model sentences: + What a lovely living-room! sentences to the students. + What an amazing kitchen! - Then, the students listen and Listen and choose. A.1/p.29-30 choose the right information about 1. Hoa’s room is bright. It is ______. Hoa. a. black & white b. pink &white c. red & white 2. The bathroom is _____. a. bright b. interesting c. beautiful 3. Hoa’s kitchen is _______. a. delicious b. amazing c. bright  1. b 2. c 3. b III. Practice Read the dialogue A.1/p.29-30 -They read the dialogue and Answer the comprehension questions. answer the comprehension KEY: a. They talk about the bedroom, the questions. bathroom and the kitchen. - Teacher corrects wrong work if b. Because it has nice colors: pink and white. And any. pink is her favorite color. c. There is a sink, a tub and a shower. d. There is a washing machine, a dryer, a refrigerator, a dishwasher and an electric stove. Find exclamatory sentences in the - Next, he asks the students to list all the exclamatory sentences in the dialogue. - What an awful day! dialogue. - What a lovely living-room!... IV. Production Groupwork/ Marks Group 1,2. Choose the odd one out - After that, teacher guides the 1. tub armchair shower sink students to do the further practice. 2. living room kitchen dryer bathroom + Group 1,2: Choose the odd one 3. milk meat orange juice soda out 4. comfortable convenient lovely delicious + Group 3,4 : Answer the questions. Group 3,4. Answer the questions. + Group 5,6: Unscramble the 1. Is there a couch in your living-room? words. 2. Is there a refrigerator in your kitchen? - The students show their work to 3. what are there in your kitchen? the class and the other groups Group 5,6. Unscramble the words. remark their friends’ work. 1. wahsign amhcien _ Teacher corrects the mistakes if 2. idhswaeshr necessary. 3. cleotrenci 4. rerfgireator.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class. - Teacher remarks the students’ learning attitudes and ends the class.. V. Homework - Learn by heart the new words. -Do exercises A 2/p.13. Workbook () - Prepare Unit 3_ B 1,3 (dates and months, review of numbers). VI. Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Week: 05 Period: 14 Teaching date:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> UNIT 3 Lesson : A 2,3 What a lovely home! I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to give compliments and complaints on things by using exclamatory sentences and at the same time, they’ll revise the “ There is/ are..” and “ Are/Is there …” sentences with prepositions of places “ on, in, at, next to, in front of, behind, near, under”. II. Language contents 1. Grammar: _ Complements: + What a delicious meal! _ Complaints: + What an awful restaurant! _ There are two couches in the room.( There is a coffee table). _ Are there any stools in the room? _ Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t. _ Is there a telephone? _ Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t. _ Where is the television? _ It’s on a small table next to the window. 2. Vocabulary: _ Adjectives: + awful, bad, wet, expensive, boring. + amazing, delicious, bright, interesting, great. III. Techniques: _ Picture drill, _ Substitution drill _ Slap the board _ Multiple choice IV. Teaching aids: Pictures/ p. 30-31, an extra-board, posters V. Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I. Warm up Picture drill  Picture of furniture. - Teacher uses some pictures of the Example exchange: furniture in the house to guide the T: What is this? students to do the picture drill. SS: It’s a table. -The students answer the questions. T: What are they? - Teacher asks some more SS: They are armchairs. questions to lead the students in the _ Are they beautiful? _ Is this new? new lesson.  How to give a compliment or a complaint? - Then, he teaches the new words II. Presentation to the students by guiding them to New words: do the multiple choice. - awful / ´ɔ:ful / (a) - great / greit / ( a) 1. The weather is awful today. - bad / bæd / (a) - bright / brait / (a) ( toát / noùng / xaáu ) - expensive / iks´pensiv / ( a) – lovely / ´lvli /(a) 2.That film is very bad. - boring / `bɔ:riŋ /(a) - interesting / ´intrəstiŋ/(a) ( hay / dỡ / ngon) - wet / wet / (a) - delicious / di´liəs / (a) 3. The food is expensive in the city. ( ñaét / laïnh / noùng) Matching the following nouns with the above 4. The film is very boring. verbs. ( ngon / chaùn / deã thöông) 1._____ day 2. ____ movie 3. _____ party 5. The swam is wet. 4. ______restaurant 5. ______dress.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> ( ấm áp / nhẹ / ẩm ướt ) 6. The party is great. ( tuyệt vời / chán / tệ) 7. The room is bright. ( đẹp / sáng / đen)… -The students practice pronouncing the new words chorally and individually. - Then, he guides his students to match the adjectives with the nouns. - Next, the students do the practice by writing exclamatory sentences and do the picture drill. - Teacher corrects the wrong if any.. - After that, teacher guides the students to do the further practice. + Group 1,2: Make exclamatory sentences using the given words. + Group 3,4 :Write the sentences using prepositions. + Group 5,6:Choose the odd one out. - The students show their work to the class and the other groups remark their friends’ work. _ Teacher corrects the mistakes if necessary. - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class. - Teacher remarks the students’ learning attitudes and ends the class.. Week: 05 Period: 15 Teaching date:. UNIT 3. 6.____ room 7. ____ house 8. _____dinner. IV. Practice Write exclamatory sentences. A.2/p.30-31. a. Complaints Sample sentence: What a wet day! b. Compliments Sample sentence: What a great party! Complaints or Compliments depend on the type of the adjective. Picture drill A.3/p.31 With “There is/ are”. Example exchange: S1: Is there a picture? S1: Are there any chairs? S2: Yes, there is. S2: Yes, there are. S1: Where is it? S1: Where are they? S2: It’s on the wall. S2: They are around the table. IV. Production * Group 1,2. Make exclamatory sentences using the given words. 1. big house 4. bright room 2. lovely living room 5. interesting film 3. amazing kitchen 6. kind man * Group 3,4. Write the sentences. Language focus 4/p.39 _ Prepositions. * Group 5,6. Choose the odd one out. 1. lovely white black yellow 2. bad boring beautiful awful 3. ruler pencil bed room eraser 4. worker brother father sister 5. in on near where V. Homework -Learn by heart the new words. - Do exercise __ - Prepare Unit 3_ A.1( Read the dialogue between Hoa and Lan and find out what rooms there are in Hoa’s house and write down the exclamatory sentences in that dialogue).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Lesson : B 1 HOA’S FAMILY I. Aim: The students read a dialogue about Hoa’s family for main ideas, details and job vocabulary. Then, they will be able to talk about their own families. II. Language contents 1. Grammar: - Simple present tense - Hoa’s father is a farmer. - Her mother does the housework. 2. Vocabulary: _ raise, take care of, cattle, a journalist, its, a newspaper III. Techniques: _ Rub out and remember _ Listen and Fill _ Survey _ Matching IV. Teaching aids: Pictures of Hoa’s parents , an extra-board, a cassette player V. Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I. Warm up Picture/ p.35 - Teacher guides his students to - What is hoa’s father’s / mother’s job? guess about Hoa’s family. - Where does he / she work? - What about her brother’s / sister’s? - Then, he teaches the new words II. Pre-teach to the students. New words: -The students practice pronouncing - raise / reiz / (v) - on the farm / ɒn ðə fa:m / those new words chorally and - cattle / ´kætl / (n) - a housewife / ə´haʊswaif/ individually. - work / wз:k / (v) - Then, the students play the rub - help / help / (v) out and remember game * Rub out and remember - Then, the students are guided to * Matching B. 3/p.35 do the matching. 1. A farmer a. writes for a newspaper. - They work in pairs. 2. A doctor b. works on the farm. - Teacher corrects wrong work and 3. A journalist c. teaches in a school. guides the students to pronounce 4. A teacher d. take care of sick people. those words. III. While-reading. Listen and Fill Hoa’s Jobs Where to work? Are they happy? -The students listen and fill in the Father table. Mother At home & on the farm - They listen to the tape twice. Sister. - Then, the students read the dialogue and do some more activities. -Teacher guides and corrects wrong work if any.. * Dialogue B.1/p.33 * True or False statements 1. Hoa’s mother is a doctor. F 2. Hoa’s mother does the housework and helps on the farm. T 3. Hoa’s father is a farmer. T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - After that, teacher guides the students to practice the language in groups. + Group 1,2: Matching + Group 3,4 :Gap-fill + Group 5,6:Write about your family. - Teacher goes from to group to monitor and give helps. - The students show their work to the class and the other groups remark their friends’ work. _ Teacher corrects the mistakes if necessary.. 4. Hoa’s sister is 9 years old. F 5. Hoa’s father works in a hospital. F 6. Hoa’s parents are happy. T * Matching those statements with the questions in the textbook /p.33-34 IV. Post-reading/ Groupwork/ Marks Group 1,2.Matching 1. A doctor a. teaches in a school 2. A truck driver b. take care of sick people. 3. A singer c. writes for a newspaper. 4. A teacher d. drives a truck. 5. A fireman e. fights fire. Group 3,4.Gap-fill 1. Hoa’s ____ is a farmer. 2. He _____ on the farm. 3. Her mother is a _________. 4. And her sister is _____. She is a _____. Group 5,6 Write about your family. 1. What does your father do? 2. Where does he work? 3. What does your mother do? 4. How old is your sister? V. Homework - Write about your family. - Prepare Unit 3_ B2,4( Lan’s family, job, age, working place..). - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class. - Teacher remarks the learning the students’ attitudes and ends the class. VI. Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Week: 06 Period: 16 Teaching date:. UNIT 3 Lesson : B 2, 4 Lan’s family I. Aim: The students practice reading a text about Lan’s family for main ideas and details and then listening for personal information before talking about their families. II. Language contents 1. Grammar: _ Lan has an elder brother..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> _ He writes for a Hanoi newspaper 2. Vocabulary: _ take care of, sick, teach, a journalist, a newspaper. III. Techniques: _ Mapped dialogue, Open prediction _ Listen and Fill _ Survey, Write it up IV. Teaching aids: _ Pictures of Lan’s family/p.34 _ An extra-board, a cassette player V. Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I. Warm up Talk about Hoa’s family. Her father is a farmer - Teacher guides the students to and he works on a farm. Her mother …. talk about Hoa’s family.  Pictures of Lan’s family. - Teacher uses the pictures of Lan’s 1. What about Lan’s family? family to introduce the new lesson 2. What does her father/ mother/ brother do? and leads the students in that new 3. Where does he/ she work? one. * Matching - The students do the matching 1. A farmer a. writes for a newspaper. between jobs and places of work. 2. A doctor b. works on the farm. 3. A journalist c. teaches in a school. 4. A teacher d. take care of sick people. II. Pre- reading New words: - Then, he teaches the new words - take care of / ´teik keər əv / (v) to the students. - sick / sik / (a) -The students practice pronouncing - teach / ti:t / (v) those new words chorally and - a journalist / ə ´dƷз:nəlist / (n) individually. - a newspaper / ə ´nju:z˛peipə/(n) - The students make an open Open prediction about Lan’s family Lan’s Jobs Where they work? prediction about Lan’s family. Father. Mother Brother. - Next, the students read the text and check their prediction. - They then pratice the mapped dialogue in pairs. - Teacher asks some pairs to perform their work in front of the class.. III. While - reading Text B2/p.34 Read and check their prediction Mapped dialogue Nam Lan How many….Lan’s family.? There are 4….family. What …..Lan’s father do? Is Lan’s ….a doctor, too? Where ….she teach? And what … Lan’s…do?. He..a doctor…hospital No, she..teacher. She….in a school. He ….a journalist..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Next, they listen and fill in the table.. Listen and Fill B.4/p.35 Answer key: Tom Susan 26 19 Teacher Journalist At a high school. - After that, teacher guides the students to do the group work. + Group 1,2: Write about their father. + Group 3,4 : Write about their mother. + Group 5,6: Write about their sister. - The students show their work to the class and the students remark their fiends’ work. _ Teacher corrects the mistakes if necessary. - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class. - Teacher remarks the learning the students’ attitudes and ends the class.. Bill 20 Nurse. write for a magazine. in a hospital. IV. Post- reading Group 1,2. Write about your father 1. How old is he? 2. What does he do? 3. Where does he work? Group 3,4 Write about your mother 1. How old is she? 2. What does she do? 3. Where does she work? Group 5,6. Write about your sister 1. How old is she? 2. What does she do? 3. Where does she work? V. Homework - Language focus 6/p.41 Occupations -Do exercises _____. Workbook () - Prepare Unit 3_ B.5/p.35 (Comparatives, flats in Ha Noi). VI. Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 06 Period: 17 Teaching date:. UNIT 3 Lesson : B. 5 I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use comparatives and superlatives of irregular adjectives ( e.g good – better – the best) and long adjectives ( expensive – more expensive – the most expensive)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> II. Language contents 1. Grammar: _ The apartment at number 40 is better. It’s more expensive. _ The apartment at number 79 is the best. It’s the most expensive. 2. Vocabulary: _ an apartment, suitable, good – better- the best. _ expensive – more expensive – the most expensive III. Techniques: _ Listen and Fill _ True/false statements, Matching _ Written exercise IV. Teaching aids: _ A cassette player _ An extra-board V. Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I. Warm up - Teacher guides his students to Comparatives make sentences using comparatives Nam 1m35 Ba 1m46 Tam 1m65 o o of adjectives. Hanoi 30 C HCM 35 C Hue 38oC Example sentences: - Then, he sets up a situation to Ba is taller than Nam. lead the students in the new lesson. Tam is taller than Ba. ( Mr. Robinson and his family want Tam is the tallest. to rent a flat in Hanoi to live). II. Presentation New words: - an apartment / ən ə´pa:tmənt / (n) - Next, he teaches the new words to - good – better- the best the students. - expensive –more expensive –the most expensive -The students practice pronouncing - cheap – cheaper – the cheapest * Listen and Fill. B5/p.35-36 those new words chorally and The apartment No of bedrooms Expensive ? individually. Number 27 - Teacher guides the students to Number 40 listen and fill. Number 79. - Teacher guides the students to read the dialogue and do the True /false statements. - Teacher corrects wrong work if necessary. - After that, the students do the matching in pairs. - Some pairs of students perform their work in front of the class. - Teacher corrects wrong work if any.. * Presentation dialogue B.5/p.35-36 Check their listening III. Practice True or False statements. 1. The apartment at number 40 is the cheapest.( F) 2. The apartment at number 79 is the most expensive.( T) 3. The apartment at number 27 is the best one.(F) 4. The apartment at number 27 is the most suitable for John and his family.(T) Correct wrong ones: 1. Number 27 3. Number 79 * Matching.Those statements with questions a)-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - After that, teacher guides the students to do the group work. - Teacher goes from group to group to monitor and give help. - The students show their work to the class and the students remark their fiends’ work. _ Teacher corrects the mistakes if necessary. - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class. - Teacher remarks the learning the students’ attitudes and ends the class.. b)/p.36 KEY: a. 1, b. 2, c. 3, d.4 d. It has two bedrooms. IV. Production Written exercise. Superlatives 1. Sydney / biggest / Australia 2. Tokyo / most expensive / world. 3. He / best / student / in his class Suggested sentences: 1. Sydney is the biggest in Australia. 2. Tokyo is the most expensive in the world. 3. He is the best student in his class. V. Homework -B.2,3/p.16.Workbook - Language Focus 1,5/p.39-40 - Prepare Unit 3 Language focus 1( simple present tense, will future, prepositions). VI. Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Week: 06 Period: 18 Teaching date:. UNIT 3 Lesson : LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 I. Aim: The students do the further practice in present simple tense, the will future and prepositions. II. Language contents 1. Grammar: _ Simple present tense _ The will future _ Prepositions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 2. Vocabulary: Review of vocabulary from unit 1 to unit 3. III. Techniques: _ Picture drill _ Word cue drill _ Matching IV. Teaching aids: _ An extra-board V. Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content I. Warm up - Teacher guides the students to do Ordinal numbers: 1st  31st rewrite the ordinal numbers. II. Language focus 1 * Activity 1 SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE - Teacher explains the use and Language focus 1.1/p.38 form of the simple present tense to I, You, We, They go / play / live… the students. He , She, Nam, Lan goes / plays / lives… - The students work in pairs Key: completing the language focus a. is , lives, are , goes 1.1/p.38. b. are , eat , rides , catches * Activity 2 WILL FUTURE - Then, teacher guides the students Language focus 1.2/p.38 to write the things Nam will do and Key: things he will not do. - He will do his homework. - Teacher corrects wrong work if - He will see a movie. necessary. - He will write to his grandmother. - He won’t tidy the yard. - He won’t watch TV. - He won’t meet Minh. * Activity 3. PICTURE DRILL - PREPOSITIONS - Then, he guides the students to do Language focus 1.4/p.39 the picture drill. Posters of prepositions: on, in front of, under, - Teacher goes from one student to behind, next to. the another to monitor and give Key: helps. a. It’s under the table. - Teacher corrects wrong work if b. it’s in front of the chair. necessary. c. It’s behind the TV. d. It’s next to the bookstore. e. It’s on the couch. * Activity 4 MATCHING Language focus 1.6/p.40 A B - After that, the students do 1. He fights fires. a. a farmer matching about jobs. He’s very brave. 2. She works in a hospital. b. a journalist She makes sick people well. 3. She works in a school. c. a fireman.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class. - Teacher remarks the learning the students’ attitudes and ends the class.. She teaches students. 4. He lives in the countryside. d. a teacher He grows vegetables. 5. He goes to many places. e. a doctor He writes for a newspaper. KEY: 1. c 2.e 3.d 4.a 5.b III. Homework -B.4/p.17 and A3/p.14. Workbook - Review Unit 1,2,3 - Prepare for the coming 45-minute test ( to be, wh-questions,. IV. Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Week: 07 Period: 19 Teaching date: A 45-MINUTE TEST I. Aim: This test checks the students’ understandings of the present simple tense, Whquestions, comparatives and simple future tense through different kinds of tasks: Multiple choice, correcting the deliberate mistakes, reading text and answering the questions. II. Table of detailed creteria of the test..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Contents. Realization. Through grasping. Low-leveled application. High-leveled application. III. TASK. I. Choose the best option for each answer.( 2 ms ) 1. Everyday, Mr. Tan ____ to work by bike. A. go B. going C. goes D. is going 2. I ___ in class 7A. A. be B. is C. am D. are 3. _____ is your telephone number?_ It is 839225 A. what B. why C. where D. who 4. Lan is a teacher. She ___in a primary school. A. teach B. teaching C. teacher D. teaches. II. Correct the underlined word in each sentense.( 2 ms) 1. She live in Hanoi. 2. How long is it from your house to the school? 3. What do your father do? 4. Lan and Nga is students. III. Circle the correct ones.( 2 ms) 1. Winter is ( cold than / colder than / the coldest ) Summer. 2. Cars are ( more expensive/ expensive/ the most expensive) than bikes. IV. Read the passage and decide if the statements are True( T) or False( F). ( 2 ms) Lan lives in a small village not far from Hanoi. Her house is not very big but it is quite clean. It is an old farmhouse. There is a large garden with a lot of beautiful plants and colorful flowers. There are six rooms in the house – a living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. She really likes the house and the village is nice, too. It is very quiet and her neighbors are very friendly. Questions: 1. Lan lives in the city. 2. Her house is old and clean. 3. There are five rooms in her house. 4. The village is very noisy. V. Answer the questions. ( 2ms) 1. What does your father do? _____________________________________. 2. How old will you be on your next birthday? _____________________________________. IV. Answer Key: I. 1.C 2.C. 3.A. 4.D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> II. 1. lives 2. far 3. does 4. are III. 1. colder than 2. more expensive IV. 1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F V. 1. My father / He is { a farmer} 2. I will be {14} on my next birthday. V. Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 07 Period: 20 Teaching date: TEST CORRECTION I. Aim: To help the students know how to do the test correctly and guide them to do it better next time. II. Language contents 1. Grammar: - Present simple tense - Simple future tense - Wh-questions - Comparatives 2. Vocabulary: Revise former vocabulary III. Techniques: IV. Teaching aids: An extra-board V. Procedure Teacher’s and students’ activities Content TEST CORRECTION I. Present simple tense Form: - Teacher re-explains the use and I, You, We, They go / play / live / am/ are.. form of the simple present tense to He , She, Nam, Lan goes / plays / lives / is.. the students and gives some E.g: I play soocer. examples to demonstrate the She plays soccer. simple tense. Key: - The students and their teacher 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D give the answer to the first part II. Present simple tense together. 1. lives 2. far 3. does 4. are - Then, teacher guides the students III. Comparatives to answer the other parts of the test. Short adjectives: _er. Long adjectives: more + adjectives Key: 1. colder than.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 2. more expensive IV. Reading text 1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F V. 1. My father / He is { a farmer} 2. I will be {14} on my next birthday. Homework Unit 4 A 1,2,4 {telling the time, school vocabulary and present simple tense}. - Finally, teacher guides them what to prepare at home for the coming class. - Teacher remarks the learning the students’ attitudes and ends the class. VI. Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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