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SKKN some experience help 6th graders makequestion for the underlined words

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Today, in the integration trend, knowing and using fluent English are putting
out is a requires pressing for people especially students, intellectuals and
businessmen. To meet that requirement, in recent years the Ministry of Education
and Training has continued to be the strategic direction as instead of Text-books,
teaching methods innovation, organization of specialized teacher training. For
general language courses, English in particular, required to be set out as people
learn to use are fluent English in communication. Thus, from program ex Textbook and former method focuses on teaching to learners can read, self study-taught
the grammar translation method, Text- book program was transferred to the new,
new teaching methods-practical method of communication. The replacement
program of Text- book and new teaching methods have much positive effect such
as: teaching process becomes more vivid, the student was confident, more boldly in
communication and some I can use English to communicate in situations in daily
living activities. However any have a point that almost all teachers are noticing that
is: when using Text- book program and new teaching methods, the majority of the
pupils are not mastering the grammatical phenomena.
In the past years, under the direction of the Department of Education and
Training , the innovative teaching methods towards promoting active students has
made use of and got many successful achievements .
In view of MOET direction , secondary English books compiled thematic
standpoint . With the most basic method is to promote positive , proactive learners
and create optimal conditions for training learners develop the ability to use
language for purposes of communication . In the process of learning a foreign
language , students have to be trained and promoted fully 4 skills - speaking listening skills to read and write . In the communication process , students are often
exposed to all dialogue, dialogue in the articles , the questions are extremely
important , and the question is a decisive stage of the communication process.
Moreover, Many students find it difficult to do exercises about making questions
for the undelined words, which mean they don’t really understand the roof of the
problems. Another reason is that making questions helps students to develope their
ability of thought and ability of languages. Because of the importance of

questionaire in the process of communication and doing exersies, so I have been
thinking to find ways to help students improve their ability to communicate with
the topic:
“ Some experience help 6 graders make question for the underlined words”
Even in the first moment of contact with English , students have been
practicing these basic questions like : " How are you ? " , " What's your name ? " ,
"Where do you live ? ' , ... Next students regularly exposed to questioning . In each
class through activities , especially through the active discussion groups

( Groupwork ) and the pair ( Pairwork ) . Therefore, all teachers are already
thinking of guides to assist students with homework questions . However, students
still find it difficult to practice guides, yet highly effective topical should I write
this thesis to the eachers who are teaching English in secondary schools to discuss
unification of teaching students questioning underlined .
I. Rationale
Today language learning has become popular in educational level , fields of
study. Foreign language courses have become indispensable in most secondary
schools across the country . This is also the subject which occupies the third
position , after Mathematics and Language Arts . Therefore, investing in foreign
language learning was very important to parents , and more importantly, since the
school year 2011-2012, the Ministry of Education has officially announced the
implementation blocks including A1 three subjects are : Mathematics - Physics English . This is an opportunity and a challenge for both teachers and learners of
English in particular and in general language .
But not everyone is successful in teaching and learning foreign language because
this is a little discipline required skills , it is not hard enough to lead to success .
There must be a combination of many factors for success .

For secondary school pupils , besides working hard, they should have a great
passion and determination . They must grasp the basic elements of each class , learn
how to synthesize knowledge after each lesson . To use knowledge from which to
do the writing exercises " Make questions for the underlined parts".
This form of exercise is very important to language learners, it helps to
reinforce the learning of new knowledge , it has accumulated knowledge grammar.
But students , especially students in grade 6 have been encountering quite a few
problems with this form of exercise , they are determined not to ask , using
appropriate auxiliary verbs provided for each question, so it’s necessary that all the
teachers should create accents , unique methods in this form of exercise to help
them remember more questioning skills. Further more we should help students get
the best knowledge for different types of writing assignments .
II . Current status of the problem
The questions frequently appear in the units taught in grades 7 through
section “Listen and Read”, “Listen and Read” then answer the questions , the
dialogue article , the critical reading , ... In fact , students often practice affairs
further difficulties , some children do not all lead to low results in learning English
in school subjects . The survey indicated that the quality of the academic year
2020-2021( the first term) are as follows

Class Total Excellent Good
SL %
SL %
SL %
SL %

SL %
6A1 38
13.4 15
39.0 8
21.2 8
21. 2
6A2 34
2.9 10
29.4 9
26.5 10
29. 4
6A3 38
5.2 15
39.0 8
21.2 8
21. 2
Thus the results of our survey show the number of poor students still
accounted for a significant amount . Although this is a key university , high quality
of the district . From the current situations , I found myself necessary to change so
that I can help students to have the best results in this form of exercise .
III . Solution and implementation .

First of all I made some notes to help them realize the requirements of this
type of exercise .
* Introduce some attention when homework question for the underlined
- First of all we must determine the question words .
- Underlined words will never appear in questions .
- If in question :
+ Use verbs often have to borrow auxiliary verb and auxiliary verb to the island
before and after from the subject to ask .
Eg : They play football everyday .
= > What do they play everyday ?
+ If the sentences " verb tobe " , "modal verb " we need only invert verb “be " ,
" modal verb" before and after from the subject to ask :
Eg : She is now planting trees .
= > What is she playing now?
- If the underlined word sentences using the following words , when we turn to the
question corresponding to the following exchange :
1. I, We
=> You
2. me, us
=> you
3. mine, ours => yours
4. my, our
=> your
5. some
=> any
* Introduction to frequently asked words in English :
What : What ( Used to ask for things , things, events ... )
Which : What ( used to ask if there is a choice )
Where : Where ( used to ask for position , place ... )

When : When (Ask for time , time ... )
Who : Who , whom (Ask for )
= > Whom : The person (Ask for the new language only )
Eg : I buy him some books .
= > Who / Whom do you buy any books ( for ) ?
= > Whose : Of whom (Ask for possessive adjectives , possessive , possessive
pronoun )
Eg : This is her pen ?
= > Whose pen is this ?
Why : Why (Ask for reason , cause )
How : What (Ask for adjectives, adverbs , health ... )
How old : Question for age
How tall : asking for the height of the person
How high: ask for the height of the object
How thick : ask for thickness
How thin : ask for thin
How big : ask for big
How wide : ask for the width
How broad : ask for the width
How deep : ask for depth
How fast : ask for speed
How far ... from ... to ... ask for the distance
How long : ask for the length
Eg : This ruler is 20 centimeters long
= > How long is this ruler ?
= > How long : Question for time
Eg : It takes me an hour to do my homework .
= > How long does it take you to do your homework ?

( It took much of your time to do homework ? )
How often do : Ask for the degree , frequency , number of times
Eg : I go to school every day .
= > How often do you go to school ?
How much : Ask for price
Eg : This book is $ 3 .
= > How much is this book ?
= > How much does this book cost ?
= > What is the price of this book ?
How much + N (uncountable nouns ) : Ask for quantity
Eg : There is some water in the bottle .
= > How much water is there in the bottle ?
How many + N ( es , s ) : Ask for the number of countable noun

Eg : There are two pens on the table .
= > How many pens are there on the table ?
I have a pen here .
= > How many pens do you have here ?
What's the weather like ? : Ask the Weather
What color : ask for color
What size: ask for sizes
How heavy : ask for weight
How + do + S +
come ...?
Ask for means

* If the students’ability of thought is low . I ask them to cover part of the sentence
which is underlined and translate it into Vietnamese . And then you 'll find the
words to ask the question what is provided .
* The main solutions of teaching style exercises questions for the underlined
1 . Measure 1: Making a
remember the words to ask :

deep knowledge helps students understand and

Have students do this exercise , the teacher allows the students to inculcate
and question words .
- Step 1 : The teacher suggested writing a second from the board ( what , where ,
how ..... )
- Step 2 : The teacher divide the class into two teams each team one color chalk on
the blackboard to write the words that they have learned to ask , just £ 1 per child
up . The purpose of this work to mobilize all pupils , active and colorful lessons .
- Step 3 : Teacher edit and score points for each team . The team that scored more
words and correct, that team wins .
- Step 4 : Teacher supply the suspension side table to table ( summary)

Question words

1 Who
2 What time
3 What


Mấy giờ
Cái gì

Hỏi người
Hỏi giờ
Hỏi vật, tên, nghề nghiệp

4 When
5 Where

Khi nào
Đâu, ở đâu
Như thế nào

7 How often

Thường không
Cái nào, nào

9 How long
10 How old
11 How far
How much

Bao lâu
Mấy tuổi
Bao xa
Bao nhiêu


How many

Bao nhiêu

Thời gian
Hỏi địa điểm, nơi chốn
Hỏi sức khoẻ, đánh vần, cảm giác,
phương tiện
Hỏi sự thường xuyên
Hỏi sự lựa chọn
Hỏi thời gian
Hỏi tuổi
Hỏi khoảng cách
Hỏi số lượng (danh từ không đếm
được), hỏi giá cả
Hỏi số lượng (d.từ đếm được)

2 . Measure 2: Organizing activities help students identify questions and practice
- Step 1 : The teacher suggested to students repeated using the verb "to be " verb
and often :
+ They have learned the forms of the verb "to be " What is it ? (Is / am / are )

+ When can write into question ( question ) the verb " to be " standing where?
( Before the subject )
+ Verb is often just what the word ? ( The action )
+ When writing to questions they have to do? The teacher writes a few suggestions
from the board ( go , play , read ... )
- Step 2 :
Divide the class into 2 teams and 2 teams of teachers to request the records from
which they have learned . Each wore a distinctive pastel . Note each team only once
on Table 1 children ( the purpose of facilitating all activities are subject to more
exciting classes )
Teachers observe and score points for each team , the team that scored more words
and correct, that team wins .
- Step 3 : Hook side table summarizes how to write questions for the verb "to be "
and auxialary verbs:
Is/ am / are + S (subject)….?

Does/ do + S + V-inf ?
Look at this summary , students quickly identify the location of each type of
writing to questions . And when doing exercises with question words , teachers do
not need much guidance that all students still do .
- Step 4 : Practice Exercises for questioning underlined :
* Question 1 : Her name is Lan

The teacher models and verb landowners
Her name is Lan .
is ( what )
= > What is her name ?
Teachers and students answer questions . Then S1 - S2 , S3 - S4 , respectively
practices .
* Question 2 : She goes to school by car .
The teacher suggested students to find the subject , verbs and question words
(underlined words ) : " by car" just something, students answered only means.
When the media asked , they use words to ask the word , students answer " How" ,
the teacher wrote the word " How" as underlined . In the sentence that uses the verb
"to be "? What do we do ? Students look up a summary and answer the "does /do" .
Ask a student to write the answers on the board .
She goes to school by bike .
= > How does she go to school ?
From verse 3 onwards students do themselves ( work in groups ), teacher goes
around the class to help the weaker students . After students go to board to do ,
teachers correct errors and ask students to work in pairs ( open pair ) S1 - S2 ; S3 S4 ; S5 - S6
In this way , help students remember long sentence structure and practice learned
skills listening , writing and speaking .
3 . Measure 3: Diversification of exercise questions .
To maximize the dynamism and creativity of students, teachers should change this
form of exercise other form of exercise , but also related to the " question words "
from simple to complex forms .
* Type 1 : Merge questions in column A with column B answers appropriately .
For example :


1. What are they going to do this A. for a week
summer vacation?
2. Where is he going to stay?
B. I like warm weather
3. How long are you going to
C. I think it is
D. They’ re going to visit Suoi Tien Park.
4. What are you going to do
E. By train
5. Is it a good movie?

F. Tonight, I’m going to do my

6. How often do you read books?
G. He is going to stay in a hotel.
7. What weather do you like?
H. I read books everyday.
8. How are we going to travel?
Teachers can post homework content is available on the side panel for less timeconsuming . Form students do this exercise easier and less time-consuming , I think
it's the most convenient and neat . Students only need to look at is to know the
answer select questions began to ask very fast . Students vigorous activity .
For example, in column B Question c "fine " about children 's health will choose

the 1 in column A has the word "how " questions of health . Similarly the question
remains the same.
* Type 2 : Fill in the blanks with words to ask :
Teachers also record content into the side panel . Students also based on answers to
questions from to fill the spaces . This form of exercise is simple and less time
consuming .
For example :
1. ………………..is that ? That is a map
2. ………………..are you? Fine, thanks
3. ………………..does your mother travel to work ? By car
4. ………………..is Nam going ? He is going to the zoo.
Answer key: 1 . A map = > What 2 . Fine = > How
3 . By car = > How 4 . The zoo = > Where
* Type 3 : Ask for suggestions in parentheses
This form of exercise is a bit complicated , as group activities , teachers ask quite
good students as leader for the children to show their creativity . Teachers correct
and score.
For example :

He lives at 113 Nguyen Chi Thanh street . ( Use the "Where " to ask )
= > Where does he live ?
* Type 4 : Rearrange the words into complete sentences :
Eg : How old / sister / is / your ?
= > How old is your sisster ?
4 . Measures 4: Coordinate all at the same time listening - speaking - reading writing during practice questions and answers :
Teachers promote group activities , pair , especially games like Lucky
Numbers , preparing teaching aids fully promote the questioning of all the lessons
in the textbook and workbook exercises.

5 . Measure 5: Provide training forms for each type of verb, then the synthetic
form of exercise .
Teachers give homework for each format , ask students to work individually or in
Type 1: Make use of the verb to ask often to complete the following sentence :
1. She went to school by bus yesterday
2. He bought this hat at the shop over there.
3. It took me three hours to finish my homework.
4. I need a phone card to phone my parents.
5. I saw her last night.
6. Her neighbor gave her a nice dress.
7. They returned to America two weeks ago.
8. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster.
9. He traveled to Nha Trang by train.
10. She went to the doctor because she was sick.
11. Nam left home at 7 o’clock yesterday.
12. He taught English in the high school.
13. I did this exercise yesterday.
14. I go to the movie once a week.
15. John went to Viet Nam in 2000.
16. They stay in a hotel.
17. It takes him 20 minutes to go to school by bike.
18. Ba’s American friend, Liz, gives him a lot of American stamps.
19. She needs to buy a phone card because she phones her parent once a week
20. Last week, the dentist filled a cavity in my tooth.


1. How did she go to school yesterday?
2. Where did he buy this hat ?
3. How long did it take you to finish your homework.
4. What do you need a phone card for?
5. Who did you see last night?
6. What did her neighbor give her?
7. When did they return to America ?
8. What did Mrs. Robinson buy?
9. How did he travel to Nha Trang ?
10. Why did she got to the doctor ?
11. What time did Nam leave home yesterday?
12. What subject did he teach in the high school?
13. When did you do this exercise?
14. How odten do you go to the movie?
15. When did John go to Viet nam?
16. Where did they stay?
17. How long does it take him to go to school by bike?
18. Who gives Ba a lot of American stamps?
19. Why does she need a phone card?
20.What did the dentist do last week?
Type2 : Make use question words with the verb " to be " verbs with disabilities to
complete the following sentence :
1. His father is a doctor
2. My best friend is in grade 6
3. The weather is fine in Thanh hoa today
4. My favorite subject is Math.
5. Her address is 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
6. She is tired today.
7. Their sons are in class 6A
8. Minh can play the piano well

9. Nga is in her room now
10. The girls can play soccer.
11. There are four windows in the classroom.
12. This book is 12.000VND
13. We will meet at the coner of the theater
14. It is about 3 kilometers room her house to the school.
15. This table is 2 meters long.
16. My favorite color is pink.
17. Nam’s telephone number is 0124.....
18. Acting is Nga’s favorite pastime.
19. We should go swimming when the weather is hot.

20. Mai is very interested in computers.
1. What is his father? / What is his father’s job?
2. Which grade is your best friend in?
3. What is the weather like in Thanh Hoa today?/ How is the weather in Thanh Hoa
4. What is your favorite subject?
5. What is her address?
6. How is she today?
7. Which class are their sons in?
8. How can Minh play the piano?
9. Where is Nga now?
10. What can the girls play?
11. How many windows are there in the classroom?
12. How much is this book?
13. Where will we meet?

14. How far is it from her house to the school?
15. How long is this table?
16. What is your favorite color?
17. What is Nam’s telephone number?
18. What activity is Nga’s favorite pastime?
19. What should we do when the weather is hot?
20. What is Mai very interested in?
Type 3: Use question words to complete the sentence . Mixtures , students use
both types of verbs: verbs and verbs are usually special .
1. His telephone number is 8 259 640.
2. It’s about two kilometers from my house to the movie theater.
3. I will go camping next Sunday.
4. Her date of birth is on August 21st.
5. She will be fourteen on her next birthday.
6. My father is an engineer.
7. My address is 2/10B Ly Thuong Kiet Street.
8. He works in a hospital.
9. It’s a quarter past ten.
10.We have chemistry on Wednesday and Friday.
11. They are playing soccer in the stadium.
12. My family has lunch at 11:30.
13. Quang is studying Math.
14. The children are going to the museum by bus.
15. The school library has about two thousand books.
16. You can find newspapers on the rack near the librarian’s desk.

17. She goes to school six days a week.
18. We learn how to use a computer in computer science class.

19. Her favorite subject is English.
20. This book is 30.000 dong.
21. They are playing catch in the school yard.
22. I usually talk with my friends at recess.
23. My father is jogging in the park.
24. Classes always begin at seven o’clock.
25. Our school year starts on September 5th.
26. Summer vacation lasts for three months.
27. The longest vacation is summer vacation.
28.I usually visit my grandparents during my vacation.
29. My mother works eight hours a day.
30. Mr. Robinson is an English teacher.
31. I saw her last night.
32. Her neighbor gave her a nice dress.
33. They returned to America two weeks ago.
34. Mr. Robinson bought a poster.
35. My father was in Ha Noi last month.
36. He traveled to Nha Trang by coach.
37. She went to the doctor because she was sick.
38. Nam left home at 7 o’clock yesterday.
39. We met her at the City’s Theater last night.
40. Nga brushes her teeth three time a day.
41. My father was in Ha Noi three weeks ago.
42. Nam plays badminton with Minh.
43. She went the doctor because she had a backache.
44. The students are practicing their English at the moment.
45. He had appointment at 10.30.
1. What is his telephone number?
2. How far is it from your house to the movie theater?

3. When will you go camping ?
4. What is her date of birth?
5. How old will she be on her next birthday?
6. What is your father?What is your father’s job?
7. What is your address?.
8. Where does he work?
9. What time is it?
10.When do we have chemistry?
11. Where are they playing soccer?

12. What time does your family have lunch?
13. What is Quang studying?
14. How are the children going to the museum?
15. How many books does the school library have?
In all types of assignments , homework "Make question for the underlined
words" is the most common . Most of the tests , exams or homework books are the
types of exercises . After teachers let the students complete all homework
questions, teachers should give students a pair activities to increase speaking skill
for them .
Depending students per classroom teacher uses appropriate forms of exercise .
These easy exercise questions teachers should give priority to poor students . If you
get it right , the scores will give on the ordinary test column or remove pre-existing
bad points . It is a source of great encouragement for students to create their interest
in learning and positive ,so lessons are more exciting . At the same time the quality
is increased , moreover the students are interested in learning the skills of listening ,
speaking and writing .
After two years of teaching in accordance with the above-mentioned measures , I

noticed that students are gradually adapting to this type of exercise . The number of
students has decreased markedly weak . Some students are no longer weak layer .
from there I found my method is implemented highly feasible . We wish the
colleagues see and add to this experience so that it is the best quality .
The survey results for the 2020-2021 middle first semester 2020-2021 school year
after using the above methods :
Class Total Excellent Good
SL %
SL %
SL %
SL %
SL %
6A1 38
13.4 15
39.0 8
21.2 8
21. 2
6A2 34
2.9 10
29.4 9
26.5 10
29. 4

6A3 38
5.2 15
39.0 8
21.2 8
21. 2
The results of the middle second semester 2020-2021 school year after using the
above methods :
Excellent Good
Class Total
SL %
SL %
SL %
SL %
SL %
6A1 38
26.3 18
47.3 9
23.7 1
2.7 0
6A2 34

14.7 15
44.1 10
29.4 4
11.8 0
6A3 38
23.7 18
47.3 9
23.7 2
5.3 0
- As you see, the results which acquire in the school year of 2020-2021( the
second term) have been a lot better. Most of the students have known how to do

this kind of exercise. Moreover, the students have mastered the rule simply and
made use of in their conversations. We should make it easier and simpler with the
prolems we need to solve. We should also guide students step by step, from simple
to complex, from easy to difficult, help them self-confident to do exercise and
make questions in communication.
In short, what I have done was not for purposes of effective teaching method
in English to communicate with current textbooks . The problem is with a heavy
article on grammar practice , if not clever teachers to return to the old methods :
analysis of type , sentence analysis , instructor rides exercises in the textbook ,
causing blurred ... functional skills training Listening - Speaking - Reading Writing , did not achieve the goal of helping students practice communication skills
in English . Besides, I am interested in finding out each exercise to pick out a

conducting technical training - classroom appropriately in order to be effective with
each lesson . The flexibility , attention to change procedures , select appropriate
activities , distribution of a reasonable time - stimulate students' interest in learning
is the goal we aim to . And over time, implementing research projects have
achieved the desired results .
During the implementation process , I get support from professional groups ,
I get sympathy and suggestions of colleagues to build upon this study.At the same
time , in the process of implementing threads I also encountered certain
difficulties . It is the abuse of the " good Study Guide " by students makes them
lazy thinking , it's limited facilities : rooms , furniture ... making activities or groups
to conduct in a rather cramped space , ... However, the heart and passion
responsibility - it's finally motivate me try to find the positive direction to complete
the task .
* For professional groups : Organization of thematic reports related topics I have
studied to further promote the positive direction in teaching style exercises “Make
question for the underlined parts” . On that basis, I would have conditions to
promote research , completing more topics , expand the scope of application .
* For the school : No payroll class over 36 students for narrow space will affect the
organization of the classroom activities .
* For local prevention and education : Need to pay more attention to subjects such
as English and learn English movement , creating more favorable conditions for
improving the quality of teaching and learning of English , such as construction
divisions energy , investment audiovisual media such as tapes , projectors , pictures
and reference materials for both teachers and students .


I sincerely thank you !

Certified by Le Dinh Chinh
secondary school principal.

Lê Văn Nguyện

Ngoc Lac, April 20th, 2021.
I hereby declare that this is done by myself.
The implementation

Vũ Thị Dung

1. Basic English lexicology - Hoang Tat Truong
2. M. Lewis and Jimmy Hill (1990) - Practical Techniques of language teaching
Lon Don.
3. Little Wood.W (1981) - communicative language teaching.
4. A Practical English Grammar - Thomson AJ - Martinet V A.
5. Enlish grammar in use – Raymond Murphy
6. A practical English grammar – A.J.Thomson and A.V. Martin
7. Some references on the Internet.

