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SKKN promoting boldness in english communication for students at quang xuong II high school through alternative activities in the learning process

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The writer: Nguyen Thi Hang
The Post: Teacher
Innovation of subject: English

THANH HOA , 2021

1.1. Rationale
1.2. Aims of the study
1.3. The object of the study
1.4. Research methods
2.1. Theoretical Background
2.1.1. Definition of speaking skill
2.1.2. Methods of teaching
2.1.3. Characteristics of speaking skill

2.2. The real situation of the matter
2.3. Alternative activities are applied for promoting boldness in
English communication
2.3.1. Applying game “mind- map” for a presentation about
advantages and disadvantages of using technology devices (unit 5grade 10).
2.3.2. Using game “finding synonyms and antonyms”.
2.3.3. Cross-border classroom
2.3.4. Interdisciplinary combination
2.3.5. Movie dubbing
2.4. The effectiveness of experiential initiative.





English is the official language of more than 53 countries and territories,
and is the official language of the EU and is the third most widely used
language in the world. After Chinese and Spanish (due to differences in the
population of the countries used).
Learning another language besides your mother tongue always gives
you many difficulties, so to learn English well requires you to have quite clear
motivations. Or if you want to study abroad, you must learn English to be
able to follow the content of the training program.
Employers will want to choose a candidate with good English skills,
than a candidate who can't use or is very bad at this language. When you
graduate and want to work in a good company, have a good salary and a
stable environment, what employers will ask of you: definitely cannot ignore
the requirement: know how to use English. Even if you work for a Japanese
company, or any other multinational, if you know English, and preferably
fluently, you will still be given priority.
However, their speaking skill of students at Quang Xuong II High school
is still very weak. They are afraid of speaking because their vocabulary is still
limit, afraid of making mistakes, afraid of being laughed. The quality of
students' English learning is still so low, partly because of the student's ability

(due to the low quality of the students' input), partly because the teaching
methods of the teachers are not suitable, partly because the students do not
have a environment to promote language competence and a playground
suitable to the characteristics of the subject. Therefore, it is very necessary
and urgent to improve the quality of English speaking in schools.
The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are
all interconnected. Proficiency in each skill is necessary to become a wellrounded communicator, but the ability to speak skillfully provides the speaker
with several distinct advantages. The capacity to put words together in a
meaningful way to reflect thoughts, opinions, and feelings provides the
speaker with these important advantages. Here are some of the specific
reasons why English learners are encouraged to speak in English
Organizing lessons to practice speaking English can be a big challenge
for both teachers and students . Therefore, besides the lectures in the textbook
program, we also integrate other activities to increase the courage in English
communication of students at Quang Xuong II High school. In this situation,
I try my best to find out effective activities to improve student’s speaking
From the above reasons, I have boldly presented the experience
initiative: “ Promoting boldness in English communication for students at


Quang Xuong II High school through alternative activities in the learning
1.2. Aims of the study
With a view to building a language environment to help students practice
their language skills in a natural and exciting way. Creating opportunities for
creative experiences, enhance students' interest, and encourage self-study.
Creating a place to exchange, learn and exchange English learning

experiences for those who love, want to practice skills in using English as a
communication tool. Relieving stress after studying by different activities.
Building a healthy, vibrant and rewarding playground, improving the use of
English in practice.
To suggest some recommendations on how to use five stimulating
activities: games, video, role play to enhance their learners in speaking skills
and develop communicative skills.
1.3. The object of the study
The study was conducted at Quang Xuong II High school for students in
grade 10, 11, 12. Five classes 10C3, 10C10, 11B2, 11B5, 12A2 were asked to
participate in the study.
1.4. Research methods
To conduct the study, a lot of methods are used. However, the main ones
are connection, observation and experiment.
2.1. Theoretical background
Speaking seems to be the most important skills of all the four skills
(listening, speaking, reading and writing) because people who know a
language are usually referred to as speakers of that language (Ur, 1996). The
major goal of all English language teaching should be to give learners the
ability to use English effectively, accurately in communication (Davies &
Pearse, 1998). However, not all language learners after many years studying
English can communicate fluently and accurately because they lack necessary
We need linguistic competence, an adequate vocabulary and mastery of
syntax to speak in another language (Nunan, 1999). However, linguistic
competence is not sufficient for someone who wants to communicate
competently in another language. According to Nunan Asian Journal of
Educational Research Vol. 3, No. 2, 2015 ISSN 2311-6080 Multidisciplinary
Journals www.multidisciplinaryjournals.com 9 (1999), the speaker needs

communicative competence which includes not only linguistic competence
but also a range of other sociolinguistic and conversational skills which help
him/ her know how to say what to whom and when. Johnson (1995) claims
that the second language students need communicative competence to
participate in and learn from their classroom experience.


At Quang Xuong II High School, the students are not good at English.
They can pass exams easily but they find it difficult to use English to
communicate. Especially, they are afraid of speaking English in class due to
various reasons such as ; psychologically shy, reserved, afraid that friends will
laugh when they say the wrong thing. Due to the large class, teachers are less
able to practice skills for each student. Organizing speaking practice will help
overcome these limitations.
To help the students improve their speaking skills, it is necessary to find
ways to help them overcome their problems. Moreover, the teachers need to
know the factors that affect their students’ speaking performance so that they
can deal with these factors to help the students improve their speaking
2.1.1. Definition of speaking skill
There are many definitions of speaking according to experts. Harmer
(2007:284) states speaking is the ability to speak fluently and presuppose not
only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process
information and language, on the spot while Quianthy (1990:7) defines
speaking as the process of transmitting ideas and information orally in variety
of situations.
Nunan (in Kayi, 2002:1) defines speaking as the use of language quickly
and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called as fluency.

Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of
verbal and non verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. (Chaney, 1998:13)
Therefore, the researcher concludes that speaking is the ability to
produce the language and share ideas.
Learning speaking is not similar with writing. Therefore learn and
practice the language through speaking also will be different. In spoken
language, we do not only need the competence to master and understand the
language, we also need to learn culture, gestures, and the expression which
give added meaning to the words or sentences An intonation pattern can also
show the feeling of the speaker. It may express some kinds of expression, like
as show the anger, happiness sadness and etc..
2.1.2. Methods of teaching speaking skill
Now many linguistics and ESL teachers agree on that students learn to speak
in the second language by "interacting". Communicative language teaching
and collaborative learning serve best for this aim. Communicative language
teaching is based on real-life situations that require communication. By using
this method in ESL classes, students will have the opportunity of
communicating with each other in the target language. In brief, ESL teachers
should create a classroom environment where students have real-life
communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral
language. This can occur when students collaborate in groups to achieve a
goal or to complete a task.

Activities to promote speaking.
+ Discussion : After a content-based lesson, a discussion can be held for
various reasons. The students may aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas
about an event, or find solutions in their discussion groups. Before the
discussion, it is essential that the purpose of the discussion activity is set by

the teacher. In this way, the discussion points are relevant to this purpose, so
that students do not spend their time chatting with each other about irrelevant
+ Role play: One other way of getting students to speak is role-playing.
Students pretend they are in various social contexts and have a variety of
social roles. In role-play activities, the teacher gives information to the
learners such as who they are and what they think or feel. Thus, the teacher
can tell the student that "You are David, you go to the doctor and tell him
what happened last night, and…" (Harmer, 1984)
+ Information Gap: In this activity, students are supposed to be working in
pairs. One student will have the information that other partner does not have
and the partners will share their information. Information gap activities serve
many purposes such as solving a problem or collecting information. Also,
each partner plays an important role because the task cannot be completed if
the partners do not provide the information the others need. These activities
are effective because everybody has the opportunity to talk extensively in the
target language.
+ Reporting: Before coming to class, students are asked to read a newspaper
or magazine and, in class, they report to their friends what they find as the
most interesting news. Students can also talk about whether they have
experienced anything worth telling their friends in their daily lives before
+ Interview: Students can conduct interviews on selected topics with various
people. It is a good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to students so that
they know what type of questions they can ask or what path to follow, but
students should prepare their own interview questions. Conducting interviews
with people gives students a chance to practice their speaking ability not only
in class but also outside and helps them becoming socialized. After
interviews, each student can present his or her study to the class. Moreover,
students can interview each other and "introduce" his or her partner to the

+ Brainstorming : On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited
time. Depending on the context, either individual or group brainstorming is
effective and learners generate ideas quickly and freely. The good
characteristics of brainstorming is that the students are not criticized for their
ideas so students will be open to sharing new ideas.
2.1.3. Characteristics of speaking skill


Young learners are like sponges, they soak up everything we say and
how we say it. Thus clear and correct pronunciation is of vital importance,
since young learners repeat exactly what they hear. What has been learned at
an early stage is difficult to change later on. One rule that applied here is
slowly and steadily through constant revision and recycling. With the help of
mixed activities, such as dialogues, chants, songs, poems and rhymes,
students speaking abilities grow, their pronunciation gets better and their
awareness of the language improves. When applying video techniques in
classroom it may help the learner to develop their speaking skill and we have
keep in mind that interaction and dissection is importance way in learning.
Therefore, increased oral emphasis should be included in our teaching to give
the students as much speaking time as possible [1. p. 22].
In recent teaching context, a lot of attention has been paid to design
activities which focus more on tasks that are balanced between the need to
achieve fluency and accuracy. These criteria are also based upon in the
assessment of the oral skills.
Fluency: The main goal teachers wish to achieve in teaching the
productive skill of speaking is oral fluency; it is the main characteristics of the
speaker performance. The ability to express oneself in an intelligible,

reasonable and accurate way without too much hesitation; otherwise the
communication will break down because listeners will lose their interest.
To achieve this goal, the teachers then should train learners to use their
personal language freely to express their own ideas and then avoid imitations
of a model of some kind.
Many of foreign language speakers think of fluency as the ability to
speak fast, that is why they start speaking rapidly without pauses. Thornbury
[2. Р. 56] argues that speed is an important factor in fluency and pausing too,
because speakers need to take breath. Native speakers also need to pause from
time to time in order to let the interlocutors catch what they said.
However, a frequent pausing is an indication that the speaker has
problem of speaking. In such cases Thornbury suggests what is called “tricks”
or production strategies, i.e. the ability to fill the pauses. The most common
pause fillers are "uh” and "um”, vagueness expressions such as“ short of and“
I mean". Another device for filling the pauses is the reputation of one word
when there is a pause.
Accuracy: Nowadays most foreign language teachers emphasized the term of
accuracy in their teaching because learners seek more to be fluent and they
forget about being accurate. Without structuring accurate speech, speakers
will not be understood and their interlocutors will lose interest if they perform
incorrect utterances each time. Therefore, paying attention to correctness and
completeness of language form is of more importance for oral proficiency.


Therefore, learners should focus on a number of things in their
production of the spoken language, mainly, the grammatical structure ,
vocabulary and pronunciation.
Grammar: The grammatical accuracy refers to the range and the appropriate

use of the learners’ grammatical structure that involves the length and the
complexity of the utterances in addition to the ability to use the subordinating
clauses. The grammar of speech differs of that of writing.
Vocabulary: Achieving accuracy in terms of vocabulary refers to the
appropriate selection of words during speaking. Students often find
difficulties when they try to express what they want to say, they lack the
appropriate vocabulary, and they sometimes use words incorrectly like in the
case of synonyms which do not carry the same meaning in all contexts.
Students then, have to be able to use words and expiration accurately.
Pronunciation: English language has been long considered by either native
speakers or nonnative speakers as a difficult language because of its
pronunciation. Learners, then who want to develop their speaking skill in
English should practice pronunciation overall. They should be aware of the
different sounds and their features and where they are made in one’s mouth;
they have also to be aware of where the words should de stressed, when to use
raising intonation and when to use a falling one. All these issues give them
extra information about how to speak English effectively and help to achieve
the goal of a better understanding of spoken English
2.2. The real situation of the matter.
Quang Xuong II High school is situated in Quang Ngoc, Quang Xuong
district. The school currently has 31 classes. With the great care of the school
administrators to the quality of English subject, rooms are equipped with
enough TV for learning and teaching English but the school does not have a
specialized English classroom. Inadequate facilities for the school's English
learning such as lack of connection of Internet.
Despite the difficulties in life, some of the parents and children have
been aware of the importance of learning English, which is a big advantage
for English teachers here. However, The rest of students’ parents are farmer
or worker, the family's economic conditions are still very difficult, parents
only worry about working and earning money. They let their children learn by

themselves, which has a great impact on the students' learning spirit
English is a difficult subject, requiring students to work hard and be
gifted in languages, so most students are afraid to study. Many children are
timid, not bold, afraid of mistakes and passive when speaking English in front
of teachers and friends. Moreover, students' parents have not paid proper
attention to the subject, so improving the quality of the subject is extremely
The reality of the quality of English language learning in recent years of
the majority of students at Quang Xuong II High School is still very poor.

Although they have studied English for four years at the lower secondary
level, by the time they enter the 10th grade, many of them do not know how
to write and speak an English word, or do not know the distinction between
different types of words: noun, verb, adjective. According to the actual survey,
the percentage of students achieving the average score or higher in English at
Quang Xuong II High School is only below 55% of the average of
competitions such as: admission to grade 10, midterm and final quality,
After orienting the activities, with the number of 192 students in all three
grades 10, 11 and 12. With the help of teachers in the English department, I
conducted a survey test for speaking skill. And the results are as follows:
Table 1: The results of survey about the English speaking skill of
students at the beginning of the 2020 - 2021 school year (192 members)




































2.3. Alternative activities are applied for promoting boldness in English
communication of students.
2.3.1. Apply game “mind- map” for a presentation about advantages and
disadvantages of using technology devices (unit 5- grade 10).
Mind mapping is a technique that can help students become more
effective English learners. It helps students to improve their vocabulary,
grammar, and creative thinking. Students don’t need to learn those endless
lists of vocabulary by heart or worry about understanding every single
element of grammar. This technique can make their language learning process
simpler and more interesting. Mind maps are also tools that can improve

learners’ English in a way that feels more natural and in a way that reflects
how learners’ brain really works.
In order to use this technique, I divided the class into four groups, each
group presented the advantages and disadvantages of a device such a smart
phone, TV, computer and so. Before showing the presentation, I guided
students to find out some questions:
What can a computer/ a smart phone/ a TV do to help us in our daily
Why is a computer/ a smart phone/ A TV a miraculous device?

And these are answers of groups.
Group 1: benefits of using smart phone
The advent of smart phone technology modernized communications. It
has paved the way to SMS, text messaging, call, video chat, and apps that
allow people to instantly communicate to everyone across the globe. The
smart phones also make it convenient for people to surf the web. According to
a study, 10% of the total time spent by people on smart phones is used in
opening browsers to surf the internet. With this, people have easy access to
information. Smart phones are also viewed as a source of entertainment –
games, music, movies, and books.
Group 2. Disadvantages of using smart phone
Nowadays I saw lots of students who are distracted by mobile phones. I
think they love it because they can download so many games. They spend
most of their time playing games, which is harmful for their health. Moreover,
Through mobile phones, they can search lots of bad stuff. Nowadays almost
all the students are addicted to porn videos and some other porn activity

websites. In the 21st century, the sexual activities and violent acts are
considerably growing day by day. That is really bad. And the last, Now
students spend their free time with the mobile phone, either playing games or
chatting with friends via mobile phones. They have no connection with other
Group 3: benefits of using computer
Computer can help us- update the latest news, visit shop, offices and
places of scenic beauty, read newspaper and magazines without paying
money, receive and send email at home, chat and make friends in different
countries, buy everything by ordering through computer and the last we can
relax by playing games or listening to music.

The presentation of group 3 about the advantages and disadvantages of
using computer.
2.3.2. Using game “finding synonyms and antonyms”.

Playing a game of “closet and opposite words” with other students
helps students learn more words while enjoying the game.
One person says a word, and the other calls out a word with the opposite
meaning or closet meaning. For instance, player one says "hot", so player two
says "cold". Or player two might think of different words that also mean cold,
like "freezing" or "chilly". Not every word has an opposite of course, so stick
to words that do.
In order to play this game, I choose 10 students. One will read each
word, the other will find the closet words or opposite words. If he/she can't
answer, he/she will be hit in the head. These words I prepared for students.
Closet words

Go on

Make out
Very rapidly
Up set


Some images of game “finding synonyms ”
Opposite words



Some images of game “finding antonyms”
2.3.3. Cross-border classroom
It is a model of schools around the globe connected by many subjects
such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, History...,
through a group of teachers in the country and the world. This class is

different from regular online classes in English centers, private classes in that
it is a free model and cross-country connection between educational
The superiority of the "cross-border classroom" is the source of reliable
and reputable foreign teachers. They are teachers of schools around the world,
all verified through Microsoft's innovative teacher forum. When participating
in an educational forum, students can choose the right teacher and subject for
their students.
Through this class, students have the opportunity to learn not only their
English knowledge, increase their practical listening and speaking skills, but
also cultural exchanges with teachers and foreign friends. Teachers can
improve their expertise, foreign language ability, and ability to cooperate with
domestic and international teachers.
The initial result when implementing this model is that, students are
bolder and more confident in communicating in English and Vietnamese, and
their listening and speaking skill scores have changed positively. In particular,
students can be proactive in using modern teaching applications to access
knowledge. Presentation ability, ability to work in groups, work
independently, problem-solving skills, develop critical thinking... are more
and more clearly demonstrated by students.
To apply cross-border classroom with a foreign teacher:
First, I find some foreign teachers on facebook and make friend with them.
Second, I make an appointment (time, place)
Third, I will prepare some topics to students can discuss with the foreign
teacher such as : introduce yourself, introduce the country, weather, cuisine in
each country,…..

A cross-border class of class 12a2 with Ms Clare coming from Singapore
2.3.4. Using English for interdisciplinary learning activities

Integration is one of the modern teaching trends that are being
researched and applied in educational programs in many countries around the
world and in Vietnam in recent years. Integration is understood as a
systematic combination, at different levels of knowledge and skills of
different subjects on the basis of theoretical and practical relationships
mentioned. Come in the same subjects or within the different subject.
Integrated teaching means bringing relevant educational content into the
teaching process of subjects. Depending on the specific science, it is possible
to integrate other science subjects together such as: Physics - Chemistry Biology, Literature - History - Geography. Or it is possible to integrate both
natural subjects with social subjects such as Literature, Mathematics,
Chemistry, Biology, GDCD...
In here we apply the interdisciplinary combination between Geography
and English. I divide class into 2 groups, give each group assignment is
preparing a presentation about a famous place they know. Prepare images,
content and record. Before recording, they will give the written paper to me to
edit. After recording, please submit their work for me to comment on
pronunciation and intonation.
Group 1 : Introduce Thanh Hoa city
As you know I was born and grow up in Thanh Hoa. Thanh Hoa is in the
North Central region, the northernmost point of Thanh Hoa is 150km from
Hanoi capital. Thanh Hoa is a province with great potential for tourism and
is one of the national tourist attractions. With thousands of historical relics
associated with the process of building and defending the country of the
Vietnamese people and scenic spots. There are many interesting landscapes
such as Sam Son beach, Hai Tien resort (Hoang Hoa), Hai Hoa (Tinh Gia),
Ben En national park (Nhu Thanh), Tu Thuc cave (Nga Son), "god" fish
stream. Cam Luong (Cam Thuy), Tien Nong bird sanctuary (Trieu Son)…
And we're really proud of that. However, today I want to show another

Thanh Hoa that is the heart of Vietnam. Because that's what I'm most proud
of about my hometown
The first, it is not only the ancestral homeland of the "Three Kings and Two
Lords", Xu Thanh is also a studious land. In the flow of the history of the
country's academic history, this land has had 1627 academics, including 240
doctors, with many famous names in the fields of culture, history, and
military. , famous diplomats such as: Khuong Cong Phu, Le Van Huu, Dao
Duy Tu...
Second, a resolute Thanh Hoa in the history of resistance war against
foreign invaders with the image of heroic female general Trieu Thi Trinh
riding an elephant in battle, with the resounding aura of Lam Son insurgent
army, with Ba Dinh, Ma Cao, Hung Linh, Ham Rong - Song Ma.
Last but not least, you must have seen this picture many times, right?


During the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the
American imperialists, the people of Thanh did not mind hardships and
fulfilled their role in the great rear, together with the whole country in making
the battle of Dien Bien Phu that shook the world; a Ham Rong resounding
victory and victory in the spring of 1975.
There's so much I want to tell you about my hometown but time is
limited. So please come to Thanh Hoa once in your life and I promise you
won't be disappointed!
Group 2 : Introduce Da Nang
Da Nang city lies in the Midlands of Viet Nam. Da Nang is also the
central point connecting three UNESCO World Heritage sites: Hue Citadel,
Hoi An ancient town and My Son Sanctuary.
Da Nang is a coastal city with a 60-km long shoreline. With smooth and

sandy beaches running across the coast, Da Nang beach is voted
by Forbes (U.S.) to be 1 of 6 most beautiful beaches in the world. Emerge
yourself in the sapphire water, play with the waves or just sunbathe on the
fine beach and you will get to relax and unwind after a hard working day. Da
Nang city is also home to Ba Na Hills – a well-marketed brand of Da Nang
Explored and constructed since the French colonization, Ba Na
Hills has increasingly become a popular tourist attraction with 2 Guiness
World Records holder cable cars and the greatest indoor amusement complex
in South East Asia – Fantasy Park (Sun World Danang Wonders).


An English presentation about Thanh Hoa of group 1 in class 12a2
2.3.5. Movie dubbing
Learning English through movies is a smart and easy way to learn. If you
know English and like to watch movies, watching movies in English is a wise
thing to do. You can both have fun and learn a lot at the same time.
Film dubbing (Voiceover) is not a new learning method, this is a method
of practicing pronunciation by subconscious mechanisms, it's like a
Vietnamese child learning Vietnamese. Starting from listening to the correct
dialogue of the character, the student reads along, and then immerses himself
in the character's emotions. This helps the student learn and pronounce
naturally in many different tones, helping learners to passively absorb into the
subconscious, then reflexively speak out consciously, when the number of
practice times is full. enough. Because students are at a strong subconscious
age, applying the Voiceover method a lot will help with natural pronunciation.
Before recording, the students will role play the characters in the
dialogue with the teachers, so that the pronunciation is the best. At the

dubbing stage, students will be required to have higher requirements, not only
with standard pronunciation, but also with emotions and intonation similar to
the character they are playing. This is really interesting, because the video
may be the same, but each student with a different voice and expression,
brings to life the character in different ways. This has made students eagerly
learn English through movie dubbing.
For this activity, I divide the class into 4 group, each group will choose one
film they like to dub. They have one week to choose film, casting, practice
and record the dialogue.
Group 1: Dubbing for the movie “Batman”
Group 2: Dubbing for the movie “Better days”
Group 3: Dubbing for the movie “Bố già”
This is the content of the movie: “ Bố già” dubbed by students of class
A: Bác có ơ xy già khơng?
Do you have hydrogen peroxide?
B: 6000 đồng
Six thousand dong
A: tất cả bao nhiêu tiền vậy bác?
How much for all?
B: 30.000
Thirdty thousand dong
A: 18.000 và 6000 sao lại thành 18000 and 6000 why 30000?
B: 20.000
So twenty thousand dong
A: Không, vậy bác sẽ lỗ với 20.000
No, you will lose money with 20.000
B: Ôi trời, vậy tơi nói nhiêu thì đưa Gosh, just give me the amount I told
nhiêu đi.

you to
C: Ủa, sao cái quán nước vậy thôi mà How can you sell everything in your
cái gì cũng có hết trơn vậy.
tiny stall?

B: Chút xíu này nhưng cái gì cũng có
A: Mọi thứ luôn?
B: Đúng
A: Vậy bán cho tôi cái áo ngực đi?
B: Chú muốn màu gì?
C: Trời mẹ ơi, cái này có bán ln hả
B: Của con tao, nó mặc khơng vừa,
giờ tao đem ra bán nó

I have everything here
Sell me a bra?
Which color?
My god, you even sell these stuff?
My daughter bought them but they
don’t fit her, so I sell them.

Some images about movie dubbing activity “Bố già”
2.4. The effectiveness of experiential initiative.
After implementing the above activities, most of the students have
developed well in speaking skill in English. At the same time, they know how

to work in groups and they feel confident and bolder in English
After a year of applying activities, at the end of the 2020-2021 school year, I
conducted the survey again and obtained the following results:
Table 2: The results of survey about the English speaking skill of
students at the end of the 2020 - 2021 school year (192 members)


























From the above table, we can see that the percentage of students
achieving average scores or higher in speaking skill has increased
significantly to over 60%, the percentage of students who are weak in all
skills has decreased significantly.
This is the first time the school has held the speaking test. At first they
practice speaking mechanically, memorize the lesson given by the teacher.
Only a few students with receptive ability get high marks in speaking.

But after a period of applying activities to improve confidence in
communication, the students were bolder in speaking and communicating in
English. Students can participate in singing contests in English and interact
with foreign teachers, prepare for exams actively.
Thus, it is clear that the application of these the activities has brought a
very clear effect, helping students in all three grade improve their learning
quality in English. Thereby helping students to love English more,
contributing to gradually improving the quality of English learning in schools.
3.1. Conclusion
Promoting boldness in English communication for students at Quang
Xuong II High school through the alternatives activities in the learning
process is very important. I have found that all the students have been
stimulated at their study process as project work has proved its trimendous
advantages: being carried out in a natural setting thus making learning
realistic and experimental; enhancing students' social skills such as cooperation, problem solving, critical thinking, high-tech utilization, dynamism,
creativity, self-reliance, social interaction, etc.; raising students'
responsibilities with community. Students have had a lot of opportunities to
experience their learning activities in the real life and raised the wish to
improve themselves and community as well.
The survey results show that, with the care of the school, the enthusiastic
help of the professional group, the teachers in the school, along with their
own efforts, have helped students work more effectively. The number of
children voluntarily joining the activities increased significantly, most of the
students made good progress in speaking skill. Many students have been
bolder, more confident, using English more in daily communication with
friends and classmates.
However, the results of the activities are still not as effective as I wanted.
There are still some students who are not really enthusiastic to participate in

This topic can be expanded with many different activities.


The above experience will be my own accumulated capital for the
activities in the following years. At the same time, it can be a reference for
colleagues in improving the efficiency of English activities.
Due to limited time and not much experience, the thesis inevitably has
shortcomings. We would like to ask for the contributions of colleagues to
improve the topic.
Although the study is rather limited, we hope that it will contribute a small
part to helping students to learn and master English better at high schools and
to be more successful in daily communication
3.2. Proposal
The methods applied in teaching speaking have obtained positive
results. However, there are restrictions in my topic I don’t realize. Therefore, I
look forward to hearing the comments from colleagues, especially the
teachers who teaches English to make my topic more complete and more
widely applied
Leader’s confirmation

Thanh Hóa, 19th May, 2021
I strongly ensure that this is my own
experience initiative, not coppied from

Nguyễn Thị Hằng


1. Harmer J. How to Teach English. Longman Press., 2001.
2. Thornbury S. How to Teach Speaking. Longman Pearson, 2005
3. C.Richards, Jack and S. Rodgers, Thedore. 2001. Approaches and
Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
4. />%20words%20that%20do.
5. Hoang, V.V., Hoang, T.X.H., Minh, D.T., Phuong, N. T., Tuan, N.Q.
(2013). Tiếng Anh 10. Hanoi: Viet Nam Education Publishing House.
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