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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>COMPARATIVE V. CAÂU SO SAÙNH: A. SO SÁNH HƠN: (DÙNG ĐỂ SO SÁNH 2 NGƯỜI 2 VẬT). 1. TÍNH TỪ NGẮN & TRẠNG TỪ NGẮN: * Công thức: * Tính từ ngắn:. S1 + BE + ADJ ngaén + ER + THAN + S2.. EX: He is taller than me. They are smaller than my shoes. * Trạng từ ngắn:. S1 + V + ADV ngaén + ER + THAN + S2.. EX: He works harder than his brother. A horse runs faster than a dog. * MỘT SỐ NGOẠI LỆ KHI THÊM “ER” VAØO SAU TÍNH VAØ TRẠNG TỪ NGẮN: ADJ/ ADV NGAÉN SO SAÙNH HÔN SO SAÙNH NHAÁT Good/ well better the best Bad/ badly worse the worst Much/ many more the most Little less the least old older/ elder the oldest/ the eldest far farther / further the farthest/ the furthest * NHỮNG TÍNH TỪ HAI VẦN TẬN CÙNG BẰNG: Y, ER, OW, LE : XEM NHƯ TÍNH TỪ NGẮN. EX:. happy - happier ; pretty - prettier ; easy - easier clever - cleverer narrow - narrower simple - simpler. 2. TÍNH VAØ TRẠNG TỪ DAØI: * Tính từ dài: S1 + BE + MORE + ADJ + THAN + S2. * Trạng từ dài: S1 + V + MORE + ADV + THAN + S2. B. SO SÁNH NHẤT: (DÙNG ĐỂ SO SÁNH 3 NGƯỜI 3 VẬT TRỞ LÊN). 1. TÍNH TỪ NGẮN & TRẠNG TỪ NGẮN: * Công thức: * Tính từ ngắn:. S + BE + + THE +ADJ ngắn + EST (N)+ cụm giới từ…. EX: He is the tallest pupil in my class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> They are the smallest shoes we have. * Trạng từ ngắn:. S + V + THE + ADV ngắn + EST + cụm giới từ.. EX: He works the hardest in his family. He runs the fastest in his group. 2. TÍNH VAØ TRẠNG TỪ DAØI: * Tính từ dài: S + BE + THE MOST + ADJ +( N )+ cụm giới từ…. * Trạng từ dài: S + V + THE MOST + ADV )+ cụm giới từ…. Ex:. Spring is the most pleasant season of year. This book is the most interesting of all. He drives the most carefully in his group.. C. SO SÁNH BẰNG: (SO SÁNH 2 NGƯỜI, 2 VẬT) 1. TÍNH TỪ: * Công thức: S1 + BE + AS + ADJ + AS + S2. EX:. He is as tall as his brother. Lan is as intelligent as Mai.. 2. TRẠNG TỪ: * Công thức: S1 + V + AS + ADV + AS + S2. EX: She cooks as well as her mother. He dances as gracefully as a dancer.. THE COMPARISON Comparison. Forms. Examples.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 1/Equal Comparison. AS + short/long ADJ/ADV +AS. Tom is as tall as his friend. NOT + SO(AS) + short/long ADJ/ADV +. Tom is not so tall as his friend. (So saùnh baèng). 2/Negative Comparison (So saùnh khoâng baèng). 3/Comparative. AS. 3.1/ short ADJ/ADV + ER + THAN. I am taller than mary. 3.2/MORE + long ADJ/ADV + THAN. I am more beautiful than she. 3.3/Good/Well - Better. He is better than his brother. (So saùnh hôn). Bad/Badly - Worse Many/Much - More Little - Less Far - Farther/Further. 3.4/ LESS+short/long ADJ/ADV+THAN. Hanoi is less big than HCM city This film is less interesting than the one we saw last night.. 4/Superlative. 4.1/THE + short ADJ/ADV + EST. Tom is the tallest boy. 4.2/THE + MOST + long ADJ/ADV. Tom is the most intelligent boy. (So saùnh nhaát).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 4.3/Good/Well – the best. He is the best boy. Bad/Badly – the worst Many/Much – the most Little – the least Far – the farthest/the furthest. 5/Double comparison (So saùnh keùp). 5.1/S+V+short ADJ+ER and. She is taller and taller. shortADJ+ER. 5.2/S+V+MORE and MORE+long ADJ. She is more and more studious. 5.3/THE+short. The fatter they get,the weaker they feel.. ADJ+ER+S+V,THE+short ADJ+ER+S+V.. 5.4/THE+MORE+long ADJ+S+V ,THE+ MORE+long ADJ+S+V. The more comfortable the house is, the more expensive it is. 6/ Notes. 6.1/Hot-->Hotter-->Hottest. Today is hotter han yesterday was.. (Ghi chuù). 6.2/Large-->Larger-->Largest. This city is larger than that one.. 6.3/Happy-->Happier-->Happiest. He is easier than his father.. 6.4/Clever-->Cleverer-->Cleverest. She is cleverer than her sister.. EXERCISES: comparision. Comparatives and Superlatives. A-Complete the sentences with the adjectives in their correct form..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 1. You look much.........................(good) than yesterday 2. The ..............................(bad) thing you can do near a fierce dog is to be afraid. 3. She's the ....................(careful) girl in the class. She has never broken anything. 4. Indian cooking has some of the ...................................(hot) dishes in the world. 5. Who is...................................................... (beautiful) , Madonna or Sophia Loren ? 6. He is the..............................(extravagant) teacher I know. He wears his hat even in class. 7. Living in Paris is ................................................(expensive) than living in Valencia. 8. Anne is the................(clever) person I know. She learns everything immediately. 9. The teacher thinks we have to be ...........................(tidy) than last year. We can't go on like this. 10. I feel ..................................(bad) than yesterday. I need a rest.. B-Complete with comparative or superlative. 1. A car is............................................than (expensive) a bicycle. 2. Tokyo is............................................ (large) city in the world. 3. An elephant is ............................................ than (heavy)a horse. 4. Spain is ............................................ than (big) England. 5. My car is............................................ than (bad)your car. 6. Helen was ............................................ (beautiful) woman in Greece. 7.An aeroplane is ............................................ (fast) than a plane. 8. This exam is ............................................ (difficult) of all 9. Old people are ............................................than (intelligent) young people. 10. Winter is ........................................... than (cold) autumn. 11. The..............................(hot) dessert of all is the Shara and it's in Africa. 12. Germany is ...........................................(far) from home than France. 13. My health is...........................................(good) now than 5 years ago. 14. I've got ..........................(little) money than you but I don't mind. 15. Chinese is ...........................................(difficult) language in the world. 16. Valencia played ....................................(bad) yesterday than last week. 17. Cats are not ........................................... (intelligent) as dogs. 18. I think you must tell me .................. (good) way to do it, or it will take me ages to finish. 19. My sister Anne had a .......................... (tidy) room than me, but was always having arguments with everybody. 20. Who is..................................................... (talkative) person in class?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> C.Put the adjectives in brackets into the form which best suits the meaning of the sentence. 1. That is__________________ (incredible) story I have ever heard! 2. It is not always_________________(bright) students who do well in tests. 3. Fibre shirts are harder-wearing, but cotton shirts are much_______________ (comfortable), 4. Which is __________(deep), Lake Garda or Lake Iseo ? 5. She is much__________ (self-confident) than she used to be. 6.__________ (tall) man in Manresa is a basketball player. 7. I like both of them, but I think Michael is __________(easy) to talk to. 8. Most people are__________ (well off) than their parents were. 9.She has a lot to be thankful for__________________(sad) thing of all is that she does not realize it. 10.I want to rent a car -__________ (powerful) one you have. 11. You look a lot__________ (well) than you did last time I saw you. 12. There is nothing__________ (irritating) than locking yourself out of your own house. 13. Both roads lead to the city centre, but the left-hand one is probably a bit__________ (short) and __________(direct). . 14. As I get__________ (old), I notice that the policemen seem to be getting __________(young)! 15. Nothing could be__________ (fine) than to be in Carolina. (song title).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 16. 'Is Cambridge __________(old) university in Britain?' 'No, Oxford is about 50 years__________ (old).' 17. If you were__________ (tidy) and __________(well-organized) than you are, you would not keep losing things. 18. The boys in our school are much__________ (good- looking) and a lot __________(good) at football than the boys in other schools in the town. 19. Aeroplanes are generally__________ (fast) than helicopters. 20. Since I bought my car, I have__________ (little) money than I did before. 21. Pompeu Fabra University is not__________ (old) the Barcelona University. 22. The weather today is much__________ (warm) than it was yesterday. 23. I can't babysit for your baby brother. I haven't got__________ (much) patience as I used to. 24. Mar's dad bought her a puppy yesterday. It was __________., (good) present she has ever received. 25. In England, the name Tom is__________ (common) than the name Wilbur. 26. The damage was far __________(bad) than we had expected. 27. Trevor is just __________, (active) Alan in student politics. , 28. The new pupil is __________(clever) at English than many of the other pupils in his class. 29. I think that is__________ (beautiful) painting I've ever seen. 30. It looks like there are__________ (few) people at the party than we expected. 31. Flights to England are__________ (frequent) than flights to China from this airport. 32. My sister cooked the__________ (bad) meal I have ever eaten. 33. Xavier is not__________ (short) his sister. 34. This gallery is not__________ (interesting) the one we saw in Florence. 35. My shoes are in__________ (good) condition than yours. 36. It is .__________ (noisy) in the city centre than it is in the suburbs. 37. London is ___________(large) city in England 38. The Alps are__________ (high) mountains in Europe..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 39. According to the map, this is __________ (direct) route to Barcelona. 40. That was__________ (bad) film I have ever seen. 41. I did not enjoy that book. It was__________ (exciting) out of all the books I've read. 42. David is__________ (funny) person I know. 43. The old city of Florence is__________ (interesting) city in Italy. 44. This is__________ (delicious) spaghetti I have ever eaten. 45. Your friend is__________ (unpleasant) person I've ever met. I hope I never see him again. 46. What is__________ (good) way to get to Roger's house?. Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 1. No houses in Hoi An are as old as the Tan Ky House.>>The…… 2. The blue whale is the biggest of all animals.>>No… 3. Khanh Ha is the best singer in her time.>>Khanh Ha …than any…. 4. Hellen doesn’t know so many novels of Oscal Wilde as I do.>> Hellen knows…than… 5. The sword is not so mighty as the pen.>>The pen 6. The river in her town is less shallow than this one.>>This… 7. The orange building is not as high as the blue one.>>The blue… 8. These assignments are not so good as Timothy’. >>Timothy’s… 9. Jim has more opportunities to play tennis than me.>>I don’t 10. John drives more carefully than Peter.>> Peter 11. I am not as tall as you. >> You are 12. She is the most intelligent student in my class. >> No one 13. Peter studies English better than I. >> I 14. He is better player than we are. >> We don’t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 15. I didn’t spend as much money as you. >> I 16. Nothing is faster than the speed of light.>> The speed of light 17. Jane cooks better than her sister. >> Jane’s sister 18. Pill is the most handsome person in our class. >> No one 19. He is lazier than she. >>She isn’t 20. He doesn’t drive as carefully as my father. >> My father. Exercise 2 : Supply the correct forms of words in brackets 1. This chair is………………… than that chair (comfortable) A. more comfortable B. comfortabler C. the most comfortable D. comfortable 2. Your flat is…………………..than mine ( large) A. more large B. more larger C. larger D. large 3. This dress is…………………..than that one (pretty) A. prettier B. more pretty B. more prettier D. prettier than 4. The………………city in Canada is Toronto. (large) A. largest B. most large C. most largest D. larger 5. The Nile is the………………river in the world (long) A. most longest B. longest C. most longgest D. longgest 6. My mother’s cooking is………………than my mother’s (good) A. gooder B. more gooder C. better D. better good 7. My father’s cooking is………………..than my mother’s (bad) A. worse B. worst C. badder D. bad 8. I think good health is the……………….. thing in the life (important) A. importantest B. most important C. more important D. the most important 9. Mt. Everest is………………………mountain in the world. (high) A. higher B. the highest C. the most highest D. most highest 10. Canada is……………………...the United States in area. (big) A. biggest B. bigest C. the biggest D. the most biggest 11. Peter finished his work…………………… of all (fast) A. fastest B. the most fastest C. the fastest D. the more fastest 12. You can write………………….I can (well) A. better B. worse C. more well D. weller 13. Mary sings………………….Susan does (beautifully) A. beautifully B. more beautifully C. the most beautifullyD. more beautifully than 14. Ted speaks English……………………..of all (fluently ) A. more fluently B. most fluently C. the most fluently D. fluently 15. Sally got………………….. food on the menu for dinner last night (expensive)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> A. the most expensive B. most expensive C. more expensive D. expensive 16. The Wilsons arrived at the party………………….. of all (early). A. earliest B. the earliest C. the most early D. earlier 17. Ali speaks…………………….. I do (loudly) A. loudlier B. more loudly C. loudly D. loudier 18. My sister works……………………..I do (hard) A. harder B. more hard C. more harder than D. harder than 19. February is …………………..month of the year. (short) A. the shortest B. the most shortest C. shorter D. shorter than 20. In my opinion, Harry’s Steak House is………………….. restaurant in the city ( bad). A. the worst B. the worse C. the bad D. the most. Name:. Basis No 3. Class:. COMPARISONS. Mark. Exercise 1 1.. Peter is the______ student in my class. a. taller than. 2.. b. strange. c. so intelligent as. d. so intelligent that. b. more carefully. c. the most careful d. carefully as. b. best. c. better. d. the best. c. the same. d. more same. c. as soon as. d. soonest as. Jane is______ age as Mary. a. as same. 7.. d. stranger. What's the______ film you've ever seen? a. good. 6.. c. as strange as. He drives as______ his father does. a. careful as. 5.. d. tallest. Jane is not______ her brother. a. more intelligent as b. intelligent as. 4.. c. the tallest. The deep oceans contain some of the______ of all living creatures. a. strangest. 3.. b. so tall as. b. the most same. I'll be there______ I can. a. sooner as. b. no sooner as.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 8.. Hotels have developed______ restaurants. a. as rapidly as. 9.. c. as rapid as. b. the most popular. c. more popular than d. most popular than. Computer are considered as ______ tools today a. much modern than b. the most modern c. modern as. 11.. 12.. 13.. a. less convenient as. b. not so convenient than. c. less convenient than. d. the most convenient as. Vietnam becomes______ to foreign tourists. a. most and most attractive. b. the more attractive. c. much and ore attractive. d. more and more attractive. Can Tho is______ from Saigon than Bien Hoa is.. c. gooder. d. more good. b. the best. c. most. d. the most. b. earliest. c. earlier. d. more early. b. best. c. good. d. more good.. The harder this farmer works, ______ he becomes. a. the poorest. 19.. b. better. The sooner, the______ a. better. 18.. d. farer. The______ we start, the sooner we will be back. a. early. 17.. c. far. Of all the ball-point pens, which one do you like______? a. best. 16.. b. further. Bao Yen sings______ than this singer. a. well. 15.. d. more modern. A supermarket is______ a shopping centre.. a. farther 14.. d. as rapid than. Commercial centres are______ they were many years ago. a. as popular than. 10.. b. so rapidly that. b. the poorer. c. the more poor. d. poorer. c. older. d. so old. My father is______ as yours. a. old. b. as old.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 20.. HCM city is______ than Hanoi. a. large. b. largest. c. more large. d. larger. c. eldest. d. oldest. c. clearness. d. very clear. c. not so large. d. larger. c. sharper. d. sharp. c. more rich. d. not so expensive. Exercise 2 1.. She is the______ daughter in the family. a. older. 2.. She speaks English as______ as you. a. clear. 3.. b. most intelligent. c. more intelligent. d. less intelligent. b. is the same deep as c. deeper as. d. is as deep as. b. as different. c. differs. d. more different. This one is prettier, but it costs______ as the one. a. as much as. 11.. d. none is correct. Sharon______ from other women I know. a. different. 10.. c. more rich. Despite its smaller size, the Indian Ocean______ the Atlantic Ocean. a. as deep as. 9.. b. more riches. He is the______ student in this class. a. very intelligent. 8.. b. as expensive. The______ he is, the more miserable he gets. a. richer. 7.. b. not sharp. This car is ______ than mine. a. less expensive. 6.. b. as large. Your pencil is ______ as mine. a. as sharp. 5.. b. clearly. HCM city is ______ than Nha Trang a. more large. 4.. b. more old. b. twice as much. c. as many. d. twice as many. c. so much. d. too many. You can take______ books as you want. a. as many. b. as much.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 12.. Of the two sisters, Linda______ a. is beautiful. 13.. b. the most beautiful d. is so beautiful as. Tuition at an American university runs______ one thousand dollars a semester. a. so high as. 14.. b. as high to. b. More. c. twice as much. d. times two. b. more bright. c. more brighter. d. brighter more. b. far. c. A and B are wrong. d. A and B are correct. b. Not as many. c. Not much. d. Not many. He eats with chopsticks______ the Chinese. a. such. 20.. b. much twice. ______tobacco was sold in 1983 as in 1982, a. Not as much. 19.. d. The most. The noise in Rome is ______ worse than in Florence. a. much. 18.. c. The more. The______ students do not always do well in tests. a. brighter. 17.. d. as high than. I would have paid______ for my car if the salesman had insisted, because I really wanted it. a. as much twice. 16.. c. as high as. ______ I get to know her, the more I like her. a. For more. 15.. c. is more beautiful. b. as if. c. like. d. as. c. more faster. d. faster more. Instead of slowing down, he drove______ a. more fastly. b. faster. Exercise 3 1.. 2.. My new glasses cost me______ the last pair that I bought. a. times three. b. three times more than. c. three times as much as. d. as much three times as. Although she is very popular, she is not______ her sister. a. pretty as. b. as pretty. c. prettier than. d. more pretty than.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 3.. We are going to Florida as son as______ taking our final exams. a. were finish. 4.. b. for. b. found. b. like. c. same. d. similar. b. friendly than. c. friendlier as. d.. b. farther. c. further. d. b and c. b. most bad. c. worse. d. worst. b. the most rapidly. c. most rapidly. d. more rapidly. Many chemicals react________ in acid solutions. b. more quickly. c. quicklier. d. as quickly more. The younger you are ________ it is to learn. a. easier. 15.. d. are finding. He finished the test________ of all.. a. more quick 14.. c. find. The______ accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway.. a. rapidly 13.. c. larger than those. The lab is______ from the bus stop than the library.. a. badest 12.. d. to. They are______ my other neighbors.. a. far 11.. c. like. b. larger than that of d. larger than in. a. more friendlier than more friendly than 10.. d. different that. The final will be______ the midterm. a. alike. 9.. c. different from. We'll be there as soon as we______ a babysitter for our son. a. will find. 8.. b. different than. The rooms is Graduate Towers are______ Patterson Hall. a. larger than in. 7.. d. we finish. Ms. Jones isn't as nice______ Ms. Smith. a. as. 6.. c. we'd finish. This new soap is not much______ the others that I have tried. a. different. 5.. b. we'll finish. b. you are easier. It's becoming________ to find a job.. c. the easier. d. the easy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 16.. a. more difficult and more. b. more and more difficult. c. most and more difficult. d. more difficult than. ________electricity you use, ________ your bill will be. a. The more/ the higher. b. The most/ the higher. c. The more/ the high d. More/ higher 17.. The more I got to know Tom, ________ I liked him. a. least. 18.. c. the least. b. are littler. c. are very. d. are much. ________ you are, ________ you concentrate a. Tired/ the least hard the harder c. The tireder/ the harder. 20.. d. the fewer. The rooms in the front________ noisier than those in the back. a. are more. 19.. b. the less. b. The more tired/. d. The tired/ the harder. I will return your notes as soon as________ copying them. a. I will finish. b. I finish. c. I do finish. d. I be finished. Exercise 4 1.. The younger you are, _______ it is to learn. a. easier. 2.. c. the easier. d. the easy. _______ porpoises and dolphins, whales are mammals. a. As. 3.. b. you are easier. b. Also. c. Like. d. When. The Romans used central heating systems very much like_______. a. those of today. b. to day's do. c. those they do. d. the systems which are now. 4.. The higher one rises in the atmosphere, _______ the temperature generally becomes. a. colder than. b. the colder than. c. the colder. d. is colder.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 5.. 6.. Nerve cells, or neurons, _______ in the human body. a. the most complex cells are. b. are the most complex cells. c. most complex the cell are. d. most are the complex cells. The United States spends more money on advertising_______ country in the world. a. other. 7.. 11.. 13.. c. more than. b. Different. c. Whereas. b. the qualified less. c. the most little qualified. d. the least qualified. d. are much. d. more. a. As much. These two girls_______ that I can't tell them apart. b. are so alike. c. are too alike. d. alike enough. This house is_______ the others we've seen. a. father more expensive than. b. far more expensive than. c. far most expensive. d. further more expensive. Apart from Pluto, the outer planets_______ the inner planets and are made mainly of lighter materials such as hydrogen and helium. b. are the largest. c. large than. d. are large. c. good. d. the best. This is_______ man of all I've been known. a. best. 15.. b. than more. a. the less qualified. a. are larger than 14.. c. are very. Of all the candidates, Peter is probably_______. a. are so like 12.. b. are little. _______plants, which manufacture their own food, animals obtain nourishment by acquiring and digesting their food. a. Unlike. 10.. d. while other. A microscope can reveal vastly_______ detail than is visible to the naked eye. a. than. 9.. c. than any other. The rooms in the front_______ noisier than those in the back. a. are more. 8.. b. other than. b. better. _______ we finish the project, _______ we can start the next one. a. The soonest/ the sooner. b. The sooner/ the most soon.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> c. The sooner/ the sooner 16.. 17.. 18.. That child behaves_______ of all a. the most carelessly. b. the more carelessly. c. more carelessly than. d. as carelessly. It is_______ that I have read it twice. a. such an interesting book. b. so interesting a book. c. too interesting a book. d. a or b. For many children, nothing seems so exciting_______ their first airplane ride. a. so does. 19.. b. as. c. same. d. is. A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, _______ he is likely t smile and reach our to another infant. a. if. 20.. d. The soonest/ the soonest. b. whenever. c. so that. d. whereas. The deep oceans contain some of the_______ of all living creatures. a. strangest. b. strange. c. as strange as. d. stranger. Exercise 5 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. The curriculum at the public school is as good_____ of any private school. a. or better than. b. as or better that. c. as or better than that. d. as or better than. _______ tilted toward the sun, the more heat it receives and the hotter it is. a. As more as the earth is. b. most complicatedly. c. The earth is more than. d. The earth is most. Which group of languages has the _______ vest forms? a. most complicated. b. most complicatedly. c. more complicated. d. as complicatedly. Of the two sisters, Linda_______.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 5.. a. is beautiful. b. the most beautiful. c. is more beautiful. d. is so beautiful as. As a rule, _______ the heart rate, the faster the pulse. a. the more rapid. 6.. 7.. 9.. a. that I couldn't help looking at. b. that I couldn't help looking at her. c. for me looking at her. d. that for me to look at. Often weighing_______ 100 pounds, large dogs are used to pull sleds in the snow. c. than it is. b. sooner must begin treatment. c. begin treatment as soon as possible. d. must begin treatment sooner. The bed is not clean enough_______ b. to lie in. c. for lying in. b. shortest. c. more shorter. d. more energy than. Laser discs provide images of _______ than those of either television signals or video tapes. b. good quality. c. better quality. d. the best quality. c. far too hard. d. such too hard.. This book is_______ to understand. a. too hard far. 14.. d. shorter. The foods that contain_______ are made of animal fat whereas vegetables have the lest energy.. a. best quality 13.. d. in which to lie. Jays are_______ and more colorful than crows.. a. as much energy as b. the more energy c. the most energy 12.. d. than. a. the sooner treatment must be begun. a. short 11.. b. just an. The greater the number of bacteria attacking the system_______. a. to lie in it 10.. d. the most rapid. The woman was so beautiful_______. a. more than 8.. b. the more rapidly c. rapid. b. too hard than. The old man and the Sea, a novel about an old fisherman's harrowing adventure catching a huge fish, is one of Ernest Hemingway's_______ book. a. most famous. b. the most famous c. are most famous. d. and most famous.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 15.. The waves on the beach on the west coast of Florida are not as high_______ those on the east coast. a. as. 16.. c. too many. d. so many. b. As many as. c. As many. d. so many. b. as soonest as. c. so sooner as. d. as soon as. This one is pretties, but it costs_______ as the other one. a. as much as. 20.. b. such much. I'll write to you_______ I can. a. sooner than. 19.. d. so. _______250,000 species of fossils have been discovered in both organized, scientific searches and by sheer accident. a. As much as. 18.. c. than. The man bought_______ books that he needed assistance to carry them. a. such many. 17.. b. that. b. twice as much. c. as many. d. as soon as. Although both are mammals, the early stages of development on the part f placentals fifer from _______ of marsupials. a. that. b. it. c. those. d. this. Exercise 6 1.. The man was in _______ health that the family began to consider whether he could continue to live in his home. a. such bad. 2.. 3.. c. such worst. d. so badly. A dancer, while always graceful and precise in her movements, trains _______ any other athlete. a. as strenuously. b. more strenuously as. c. as strenuously as. d. as strenuously that. The more I got to know Tom, _______I liked him. a. least. 4.. b. too bad. b. the less. c. the least. d. the fewer. There are not_______ violin makers today_______ there were in the past. a. as many/ as. b. as much/ as. c. like many as. d. similar many/to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 5.. 6.. 7.. Although_______ other respect, birds and insects have both evolved efficient flying capacities. a. are dissimilar in almost every. b. is dissimilar in almost. c. dissimilar in almost every. d. it is dissimilar in almost every. _______ electricity you use, _______ your bill will be. a. The more/ the higher. b. The most/ the higher. c. The more/ the high. d. More/ higher. Because aluminum is lighter and cheaper_______, it is frequently used for hightension power transmission. a. such a nice weather b. too nice weather d. such weather nice. 8.. It is_______ that I would like to go to the beach. a. such a nice weather b. too nice weather d. such weather nice. 9.. 11.. 13.. b. as small as. c. much smaller. d. more small. He_______ to be offered the job. a. was such inexperienced. b. was too inexperienced. c. not experienced enough. d. b or c. Today shire horses are seen more and more in their traditional role_______ work horse. a. alike. 12.. c. such nice weather. The treasures came from a second, _______ room. a. the smallest. 10.. c. such nice weather. b. as. c. like. d. as if. This book is_______ the one I read last month. a. less much interesting. b. the less interesting. c. much less than interesting. d. much less interesting than. Mrs. Harrison is_______ he owns many palaces. a. so a rich man that c. such a rich man that. b. such an rich man that d. that so rich a man.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> 14.. He_______ I was scared. a. drover too fast that b. drove so fastly that c. drove so fast that d. drove such fast that. 15.. 16.. 17.. _______ the man gets, _______ he becomes. a. The more old/ the more weak. b. The order/ the weaker. c. The older/ the weakest. d. older/ weaker. The possibility of being sued is _______ of construction companies. a. often the greatest fear. b. often the fear greatest. c. the greatest often fear. d. the often greatest fear. _______ was debated, the more people became involved. a. The longer the issue The longest issue. 18.. b. high too much. c. too high. d. so high. In the past six months, the company has already received twice_______ in the gross revenues as it earned in the entire preceding year. a. as much. 20.. c. The long issue d.. Her fever is_______ to ignore a. too much high. 19.. b. The longer issue. b. more. c. as many. d. as more. The cook make_______ that some people were not served a. so much food. b. so few food. c. so little food. d. too little.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Exercise 1 1d. 2a. 3c. 4d. 5b. 6c. 7c. 8a. 9b. 10b. 11c. 12d. 13a. 14b. 15a. 16c. 17a. 18b. 19b. 20d. Exercise 2 1d. 2b. 3d. 4a. 5a. 6a. 7b. 8d. 9c. 10b. 11a. 12c. 13c. 14c. 15c. 16a. 17d. 18a. 19c. 20b. Exercise 3 1c. 2c. 3d. 4c. 5a. 6c. 7c. 8b. 9d. 10d. 11d. 12b. 13b. 14c. 15b. 16a. 17b. 18d. 19a. 20c. Exercise 4 1c. 2c. 3a. 4c. 5b. 6c. 7d. 8d. 9a. 10d. 11b. 12b. 13a. 14d. 15c. 16a. 17d. 18b. 19d. 20a. Exercise 5 1c. 2b. 3a. 4c. 5a. 6b. 7a. 8a. 9b. 10d. 11c. 12c. 13c. 14a. 15a. 16d. 17b. 18d. 19b. 20c. Exercise 6 1d. 2b. 3d. 4d. 5c. 6a. 7b. 8c. 9c. 10b. 11c. 12d. 13c. 14c. 15b. 16a. 17a. 18c. 19a. 20c.

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