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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Líp 7 45 MINUTES TEST – No 3 I. Theme. Matrix. Knowledge. 1. Topic 1: Listening ( Unit 11) Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 % 2. Topic 2 Vocabulary + Grammar (Unit 9, 10 and 11). Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% 3. Topic 3. Reading (Unit 10). Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% 4. Topic 4. Writing. Total questions:5. Comprehensio n Fill the information (diseases). Apllication Low level High level. Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 %. Total. Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 %. - Define the words which is different from the others. - Tense: Past simple - Question forms, negative forms - Imperatives - Why, Because Total questions: 10 Total mark :2,5 = 25 %. Total questions: 10 Total mark:2,5 = 25% -Fill the suitable words to complete the passage -Tick true or false statements. Total questions: 10 Total mark :2,5 = 25 %. Total questions: 10 Total mark:2,5 = 25% - Rewrite the sentenses without changing the meaning Total questions:5. Total questions:5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions:30 Total mark: 10 = 100%. Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. Total questions: 15 Total mark: 50 = 50%. Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions:30 Total mark: 10 = 100%. I. Listening: - Listen and complete the information in the table (2,5 ms). Days lost through sickness in class 7A last semester 1. Cold. 2 . Flu. 3. Stomachache. 4 . Headache. Total days lost: 5. ___________ II. Language Focus: - Circle the letter A, B, C or D: (2,5 ms) 6. They__________English last Monday. A. don’t learn B. didn’t learn C. didn’t learned D. won’t learn 7. What kinds of__________do you like? - I like cartoons. A. films B. books C. pictures D. magazines 8. He__________to the zoo last Sunday. A. went B. goes C. go D. to go 9. You should__________your hands before meals. A. to wash B. washes C. washing D. wash 10. How far__________it from Ha Noi to Tuyen Quang? A. is B. are C. was D. were 11. Everyday Mr. Nam__________in the field from 6 a.m to 5 p.m. A. works B. worked C. working D. work 12. Yesterday, she went to the doctor __________she was ill. A. because B. and C. then D. but 13. How do you feel today? I feel much__________ , thank you. A. good B. well C. best D. better 14. Don’t__________to write to me, Lan. A. forgeting B. forgot C. forget D. to forget 15. Vietnamse students have__________vacations than American students. A. fewer B. long C. most D. less III. Reading: - Fill the suitable words to complete the passage, then tick true or false for the sentences below ( 2,5 ms ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> explains, how, brush, surgery, kind, children, looks, scared Dr. Lai is a dentist. She (16)__________after people’s teeth. Dr. Lai’s (17)__________is clean and tidy. Most children are (18)__________when they come to see Dr. Lai, but she is a (19)__________women. She (20)__________what will happen so they are not afraid. Dr. Lai often gives (21)__________advice. She tells them (22)__________to look after their teeth. She reminds them to (23)__________their teeth regularly and eat sensibly. * Tick true or false. T F 24. Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr Lai. 25. Dr. Lai is not kind. IV. Writing: - Rewrite the sentences using the words given (2,5 ms). 26. Liz likes going to Nha Trang on her vacation. Liz enjoys__________________________________________________ 27. You should not watch TV too late. You ought__________________________________________________ 28. Can she take care of herself when her mother is away? Can she look_______________________________________________? 29. He is good soccer player He plays___________________________________________________ 30. How heavy is she? What______________________________________________________ ANSWER KEYS I. Listening: Each correct sentence is: 0,5 x 05 = 2,5 pts. 1. Cold 10. 2 . Flu 43. 3. Stomachache 37. 4 . Headache 5. Total days lost (5): 95 Tapescript: Last semester in class 7A, there was a total of 95 days’ absences due to sickness. The total breaks down as follows: most absences – 43 – were due to flu. Then came Stomach problem with 37. Colds accounted for 10 absences. Finally, headaches caused 5 days’absences. II. Language Focus:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Each correct sentence is: 0,25 x 10 = 2,5 pts. 6. B 7. A 11. A 12. A III. Reading:. 8. A 13. D. 9. D 14. C. 10. A 15.A. Each correct sentence is: 0,25 x 10 = 2,5 pts. 16. looks 21. children IV. Writing:. 17. surgery 22. how. 18. scared 23. brush. 19. kind 24. T. 20. explains 25. F. Each correct sentence is: 0,5 x 05 = 2,5 pts. 26. Liz enjoys going to Nha Trang 27. You ought not to watch TV too late. 28. Can she look after herself when her mother is away. 29. He plays soccer well. 30. What is her weight? ---------The end --------. Checking date:..................., class: 7A Checking date:..................., class: 7B. 45 MINUTES TEST – No 4 (English 7) III: Matrix. Theme. Knowledge. Comprehension. 1. Topic 1: Listening ( Unit 14). Write the times of the programs. Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 %. Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 %. Apllication Low level High level. Total. Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 %.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 2. Topic 2 Language focus (Unit 12,13 and 14). Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. - Past simple tense. - respones with too, so, either, neither - Adjectives and adverbs - Would you like..? Total questions: 10 Total mark :2,5 = 25 %. Total questions: 10 Total mark:2,5 = 25%. 3. Topic 3. Reading (Unit 2). -Fill the suitable words to complete the passage. Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. Total questions: 10 Total mark :2,5 = 25 %. 4. Topic 4. Writing. Total questions:5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions:30 Total mark: 10 = 100%. Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. Total questions: 15 Total mark: 50 = 50%. Total questions: 10 Total mark:2,5 = 25% - Put the words in the correct order to make questions Total questions:5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. Total questions:5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions:30 Total mark: 10 = 100%. IV. Content of testing. I. Listening: - Listen and write the times of the programs. (2,5 ms). 3) Weather 1) Children’s 2) Early forecast 4) The World. 5) Movie: A Firstful of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> …………... News …………….. ……………... Today ……………... Dollars …………... II. Language focus: - Circle the letter A, B, or C before the words which is suitable to complete the sentences. ( 2,5ps ) 6) Would you like some corn? A. Yes, please B. Here it is C. OK, I’ll have some corn 7) I don’t like durians............. A. too B. either C. neither 8) What vegetables would you like................dinner?. A. for B. in C. to 9) My father is a...........football player. A. skill B. skillful C. skillfully 10) He also cycles.......... A. safe B. safety C. safely 11) .................something to eat? A. Would you to B. Would you like C. Would you liked like 12) Come and ...............badminton, Nam! A. do B. take C. play 13) There are many good programs.....................teenagers. A. on B. for C. to 14) ..................do you like? A. What of B. What kinds of C. What of kinds programs programs programs 15) Do you like visiting museums?. A. Yes, I like B. Yes, I do C. No. I do III. Reading: - Fill the suitable words to complete the passage. ( 2,5 ms ) expains how brush surgery kind children looks scared Most of the world’s surface( 16) ............water.We may know the land very ( 17)............., but we know very( 18).............about the oceans. Until recently, man could not stay underwater for too( 19)............... .... A pearl diver, (20).........example, couldn’t stay underwater for longer ( 21).............two minutes. But now, with special ( 22).............equipment, a diver can stay underwater for a long time. After the (23)................of this equipment, man could swim freely underwater and scuba-diving(24)........... a sport. A Frenchman, Jacques Cousteau ( 1910 – 1997) (25)..............a deep-sea diving vessel, he could explore the oceans of the world and study underwater life..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> IV. Writing: - Put the words in the correct order to make questions. ( 2,5 ms ) 26) would / watch / you / to / What / like ? ________________________________________________________ 27) to / evening / What / is / this / do / going / Mai? ________________________________________________________ 28) this / like / Would / to / week / you / to / movies / the /go? ________________________________________________________ 29) What’s / show / favourite / your / programs? ________________________________________________________ 30) Do / like / football / watching / you? ________________________________________________________. Answer key I. Listening. Each correct sentence is: 0,5 x 05 = 2,5 pts. 1. at five. 2 . at six. 3. at ten past six. 4 . at a quarter past six. 5. at seven. Tapescript: Ba: What is on TV at six tonight, Lan? Lan: Let me see. It’s the early news. You want to watch it, don’t you? Ba: Come on, Lan! I want to watch the movie” A Fistful of dollars” . When does it start? Lan: It starts at seven o’clock, after the program” The World Today” at a quarter past six. Ba: And what about the weather forecast? What time is it on? Lan: It’s on at ten past six. But we should watch our children’s program. It starts at five. Ba: OK. That sounds great. II. Languague Focus: Each correct sentence is: 0,25 x 10 = 2,5 pts. 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. B III. Reading ( 2,5ps ) Each correct sentence is: 0,25 x 10 = 2,5 pts. 16. is 17. well 21. than 22. breathing IV. Writing( 2,5ps).. 18. little 23. invention. 19. long 24. became. 20. For 25. invented.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Each correct sentence is: 0,5 x 05 = 2,5pts 26.What would you like to watch? 27. What is Mai going to do this weekend? 28. Would you like to go to the movies this week? 29. What’s your favorite programs show? 30. Do you like watching football?. THE SECOND SEMMESTER TEST (Anh 7 Học kỳ II) II. Theme. Matrix. Knowledge. 1. Topic 1: Listening (Unit 14) Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 % 2. Topic 2 Vocabulary + Grammar (Unit 1 to unit 16). Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% 3. Topic 3. Reading (Unit 14). Total questions: 10 Total mark:. Comprehensio n Fill the information (TV in Viet Nam) Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 %. Apllication Low level High level. Total. Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5= 25 %. - So do I, neither do I, too, either. -Modal verbs: Can, must, ought to …. - Tense: Past simple - Question forms, negative forms Total questions: 10 Total mark :2,5 = 25 %. Total questions: 10 Total mark:2,5 = 25% -Fill the suitable words to complete the passage -Tick true or false statements. Total questions: 10 Total mark :2,5. Total questions: 10 Total.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 2,5 = 25%. = 25 %. 4. Topic 4. Writing. Total questions:5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions:30 Total mark: 10 = 100%. Total questions: 10 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. Total questions: 15 Total mark: 50 = 50%. mark:2,5 = 25% - Rewrite the sentenses without changing the meaning Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions: 5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25%. Total questions:5 Total mark: 2,5 = 25% Total questions:30 Total mark: 10 = 100%. IV. Content of testing. I. Listening: - Listen. Then write the correct time of the programs: (2,5 pts) 1) Children's program starts………………………………………………. 2) The Early News is…………………………………………………….... 3) The Weather forecast is………………………………………………… 4) The World Today is……………………………………………………… 5) The movie, 'A Fistful of Dollars' starts………………………………… II. Language focus: - Choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete the following sentences. (2.5 pts) 6. Nam didn’t have chicken for dinner and.............did Mai. A. so B. neither C. too D. either 7. Would you like.................some fish soup? A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate 8. Let’s................some oranges. A.buy B. buying C.to buy D. bought 9. Lan has a toothache.She ought to..................a dentist. A. to see B.seeing C. saw D. see.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 10. She prefers listening to the radio .................watching TV. A. to B. for C. than 11. We should...................our classroom everyday. A. clean B. to clean C.cleaned. D. in D.cleaning. 12. Last week my family........................to the zoo. A. go B.goes C. going D. went 13. I need.....................that bike . A. bought B. buy C. buying D. to buy 14. What ....................she do yesterday? A. do B. does C. did D. doing 15. My sister likes a new shirt and................... A. so do I B. too do I C. neither do I D .either do I IV. Reading: - Fill the suitable words to complete the passage, then tick True or false in the sentences below.( 2,5 pts) until, years, through, owners, white, few, sat, gathered Thirty(16) ago in Viet Nam, very(17) people had TV sets. These TV(18) were very popular. After dinner, their neighbors (19) both inside and outside their houses. Some watched(20) the windows. All evening, they(21) and watched the black and(22) programs. The older people might sleep a little and the children might play with their friends, but no one went home(23) the TV programs finished. Times have changed. Today, many families have a TV set. People sit in their own living rooms and watch TV. Life is more comfortable now, but many neighbors don’t spend much time together any more. * Tick true or false. T. F. 24. Today, many families have a TV set. 25. Today, many neighbors spend much time together any more. IV. Writing: - Rewrite the sentences using the words given. ( 2,5 pts) 26. What is your date of birth? When .................................................................................................................... ....... 27. They won’t be able to come on Saturday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> It will be impossible …................................................................................................ 28. They like playing baseball and we do, too. They like playing baseball and so ................................................................................. 29. How about eating out tonight?. Why don’t we ..............................................................................................................? 30. Tuan is a better swimmer than Nam. Nam can’t swim ............................................................................................................ ------- THE END -------. ANSWER KEYS I. Listening: - Listen. Then write the correct time of the programs: (2,5 pts) 1) at five. / at 5.00 2) at six. / at 6.00 3) at ten past six. / at 6.10 4) at a quarter past six. / at 6.15 5) at seven.. / at 7.00. Tape or CD: Unit 14 - Freetime fun B- What's on ? B2 - listen Ba:. What is on TV at six tonight, Lan ?. Lan:. Let me see. It's the early news. You want to watch it, don't you ?. Ba:. Come on, Lan! I want to watch the movie 'A Fistful of dollars'. When does it start ?. Lan:. It starts at seven o'clock, after the program 'The World Today' at a quarter past six.. Ba:. And what about the weather forecast ? What time is it on ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Lan:. It's on at ten past six. But we should watch our chidren's program. It starts at five.. Ba:. OK. That sounds great.. II. Language focus: - Choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete the following sentences. (2.5 pts) 6–B 11 – A. 7–B 12 –D. 8–A 13 – D. 9–D 14 – C. 10 – A 15 – A. III. Reading: - Fill the suitable words to complete the passage, then tick True or False in the sentences below.( 2,5 pts) 16 – years, 20 – through,. 17 – few, 21 – sat,. 18 – owners, 22 – white,. 19 – gathered, 23 – until,. IV. Writing: - Rewrite the sentences using the words given. ( 2,5 pts) 26. When were you born? 27. It will be impossible for them to come on Saturday. 28. They like playing baseball and so do we. 29. Why don’t we eat out tonight? 30. Nam can’t swim as well as Tuan.. 24 – T, 25 - F.

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