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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>PHÒNG GD & ĐT PHÙ MỸ TRƯỜNG THCS MỸ ĐỨC ----------------. ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI KHỐI 9 Năm học : 2010-2011 – Môn Tiếng Anh Ngày thi:………………………………………………… Thời gian : 150’(Không kể thời gian phát đề). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. I. READING (12,0MS) PART I/ In this part of the test you must choose the words or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. Write your answers in the answer sheet . (2,0ms) 1. He couldn’t make the radio ………….. a. to work b. working c. worked d. work 2. …………….you hurry, you won’t catch the bus. a. As b. Although c. Except d. Unless 3. This book is divided …………….ten chapters. a. in b. into c. to d. by 4. My father ……………………………….a lot but he doesn’t any more. a. used to smoke b. was used to smoking c. have smoked d. was smoking 5. I congratulated him …………………..winning the first prize. a. at b. in c. on d. for 6. It isn’t worth ………………….that novel because it is not interesting. a. read b. reading c. to read d. having read 7. Jeans have never been out of …………….. a. fashionable b. fashionably c. fashioned d. fashion 8. We hope that he would agree to help us, but he has ………… a. desired b. promised c. refused d. intended 9. ………your precious help, we wouldn’t have been able to pay out debt. a. Had it not been b. If not with c. Were it d. If it was 10. She spoke quietly to him………….nobody else could hear a word. a. so that b. although c. because d. if Part II. Filling each space with one appreciate word: (1,0p) Kuala Lumpur is a hub for cultural activities (1) …………..events in Malaysia. Among the centers is the National Museum (2)………..is situated along the Mahameru Highway. Its collection comprises artifacts and paintings collected throughout (3)……… country. Kula Lumpur also (4)………an Islamic Arts Museum which houses more (5)……….seven thousand Islamic artifacts including rare exhibits (6) ………….China as (7)…………as a library (8)…………Islamic art book. This museum features some impressively decorated domes and large open exhibition spaces. It (9)……located at Japan Lembath Perdana (10)……to the National Mosque. Part III : Read the passage then choose one correct answer for each sentence below : (0,5m) Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on Television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn other language. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, and Math ………… and English. In England, America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language, which is English and math and another language, perhaps French, or German or Spanish. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1. According to the writer ………………………… a. only adults learn English. b. no children like to learn English. c. English is useful only for teenagers. d. English is popular in most of the world. 2. Most people learn English by ………………… a. watching videos only. b. hearing the language in the office. c. talking to foreigners. d. working hard on their lessons. 3. Many boys and girls learn English because ……………… a. English can give them a job. b. it is included in their study course. c. they are forced to learn it. d. they have to study their own language. 4. In America, or Australia , many school children study…………… a. English as a foreign language. b. English and math only. c. such foreign languages as French, German and Spanish d. their own language and no foreign language. 5. many adults learn English because …………….. a. English is spoken in their office. b. they want to go abroad. c. most of their books are in English. d. it helps them in their work. * Answers: 1………………..2………………….3…………………….4………………….. Part IV. Read the passage and the statements that follow. Write “T” if the statement is true according to the information in the passage. Write “F” if the statement is false or if the information is not given. Write your answer in the spaces below. (0.5 m) In an experiment in Canada, ten –year- old children were put in classes of four sizes: 16, 23, 30 and 37 children in each class. Their teacher said that the smaller classes would result in more individual attention and better marks. However, when the children were tested, those in the smaller classes didn’t get higher marks than the others, except in mathematics. Moreover, pupils in the large classes said they like school as much. Perhaps the most surprising result was different between what the teacher expected and the actual results obtained. More than 90% of the teachers expected the smaller classes to do well. 1. According to the teachers, teacher will pay more attention to students in smaller classes and students will get higher marks. 2. The result of the experiment showed that students in smaller classes got higher marks than those in the larger classes. 3. Children in smaller classes enjoyed school more than those in larger classes. 4. The result of the experiment was the same as what the teachers expected. 5. Less than 100% teachers expected students in smaller class to do well. YOUR ANSERS: 1 …………………… 2. ………………… 3. ………………… 4. ………………… 5 ……………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Part V. Read the test and choose the best sentence (A to I) to fill in each gap. There is an example for you. (1p) Everybody has heard about the Internet, but do you know what an “intranet” is? (0) …………………. In fact, intranets make use of the same software programs as the Internet to contact computers and people (1) ………………. If your intranet is working properly, it can link together a huge amount of information which is stored in different places in the company. (2) …………………. A company intranet can, of course, be used for unimportant information like office memos and canteen menus. (3) ……………………. The intranet is a great idea, but the system only works if everyone on the intranet is willing to share their information with other people. (4) …………………. Another problem which often occurs is that top manages like to use the intranet to “communicate down” rather than to “communicate across”. (5)………………………. A. Unfortunately, many departments don’t want to share their specialists knowledge with others. B. It is this: just as the Internet connects people around the world, intranets connect people within in a single company. C. The more information it has, the more people will use it. D. In this way, people can get the information they need, regardless of where it comes from. E. Most employees prefer to communicate by telephone or in writing. F. But an intranet should provide important information which people need to make decisions about new products, costs and so on. G. This means that you do not have to buy a lot of addional programs to set up an intranet service. H. That is, they use the intranet to give orders, not exchange information between themselves and others working in the same organization. I. Of course, if they don’t have a computer terminal, they can’t make you of the system. YOUR ANSERS: 0 - B 1 ……………………………… 2. …………………………3…………………………… 4. ………………... 5. ……………………… PART VI. Complete each space with the suitable word given in the list. Write your answers in the space below.(1,0p). transmission growth developed energy popular basic possible improved practical regular Television was not really invented . Many scientists invented or (1) … parts of the system that have become the television systems we know now. Radio, of course, was necessary before television could be (2) …, because television uses the same principles of electromagnetic waves that radio does. As soon as radio became possible, the possibility of television (3) … was also known , but it took many years for it to become (4) … British and American scientists helped to develop the (5) … ideas that made television(6) … , but it was a Russian who made the first practical television system. By 1923, Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian, had invented a camera tube that could turn pictures into electric (7) … . By 1929, Zworykin had built a television system that worked. By 1935, (8) … television broadcasts were begun in Germany. The first broadcasts in the united states began in 1939, but television did not really become (9) … until after the Second World War. Between 1945 and 1955 there was rapid (10) … in the practical use of television. Part VII: Read this passage carefully and answer the following questions: (1,0 p) Tourism was not always as important as it is today. In the past, only wealthy people could travel on vacations to other countries. But more people travel today than in the past because there is a growing middle class in many parts of the world. People now have more money for travel. Special airplane fares for tourists make travel less expensive and more attractive than ever before..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> One person does not travel for the same reason as another. But most people enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people and try new foods. Tourism cause many changes in a country and in people’ lives. People build new hotels, restaurant and train men, women as tour guides to show interesting places. There are new night clubs and other for visitors to entertain. International tourism is really a big business. 1. Who could travel abroad in the past ? -> ………………………………………………………………… 2. Why do more people travel nowadays than in the past? -> ……………………………………………… 3. What makes travel less expensive and more attractive? -> ……………………………………………… 4. What do most people enjoy doing? -> …………………………………………………………………… 5. What do they like to do when they travel? -> …………………………………………………………… Part VIII. Read the passage and then choose the best answer: (1,0 p) Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you ever read a piece of music? If you have, you have behaved in a similar way (0) …………… a computer. A computer obeys a program to carry out a particular tats. Just (1) ………… a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of music in lines and dots, so a computer program is (2) ……………… in the form of programming language. Like the English language (or any other language) there are (3) ……………… of grammar and a program must be correct in every way. There are hundred of programming language, but only (4) …………… are well known and widely used. The most popular language which is used in offices (5) …………… colon. This language is used for printing payrolls and keeping records of goods. Engineers and scientists use port ran (6) …………… carry out calculation. (7) ……………, neither of these two programs is very popular with people working on home computers. Basic is the most popular language for home computers, chiefly (8) …………… it is easy to learn and use. (9) …………… these languages are useful for many purposes, it is time that a new simple program was devised. Such a program (10) ………… to be not only easy to use but also completely reliable. 0. to as so from 1. like by too as 2. express expresses expressed expressing 3. rulers laws regulations principles 4. a little a few much a lot of 5. called calling is called is calling 6. so as for in other that so as that in order to 7. In addition Therefore Consequently However 8. because if because of unless 9. Even Despite Although In spite 10. ought should would might Part IX: . Read the passage, find 11 mistakes and then correct them (1,0 p) Tet holiday is celebrating on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Some weeks after New Year, the Vietnamese clean their houses and paint the walls. New clothes are buyed for occasion. One or two days before the festival, people make Banh Chung, who is the traditional cake, and others goodies. On the New Year’s Eve, the whole family gets together for a reunion dinner. Every members of the family should be presented during the dinner in which much different kinds of dishes is served. On the new year morning, the young members of the family pay them respects to the elders. In return they receive lucky money wrapping in red tiny envelops. Then people go to visit their neighborhoods, friends and relatives. Part X: Give the correct form of the words. (2ps) 1. This handbook gives us ……….…..information about Asian countries. (add) 2. The cost of the …………..must be paid by the buyer. (carry) 3. He is a …………….man who is loved by all friends. (consider) 4. …………is now a serious problem in many countries. (forest).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 5. We were impressed by the ………….of your town’s people. (friend) 6. Is Buddhism the country’s …………… religion of Thailand? (office) 7. Should English be a ………….. foreign language in Vietnam ? (compel) 8. The sayings of the sage are full of ………………..……..…(wise) 9. There are some new ……………………….in the factory. (equip) 10. I don’t find this book very ………………………… . In fact, the plot is quiet bad. (read) Part XI: read the following passage and choose the best answers: (1,0p) As a result of years of research, we know that too much animal fat is bad for our health. For example, Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small amount of grains, fruit and vegetables. Because of their diet, they have high rates of cancer and heart disease. In Japan, in contrast, people eat large amount of grains and very little meat. The Japanese also have very low rates of cancer and heart disease. In fact, the Japanese live longer than anyone else in the world. Unfortunately, when Japanese people move to the United States, the rates of heart disease and cancer increase as their diet changes. Moreover, as hamburgers, ice-cream, and other high fat foods become popular in Japan, the rates of the heart disease and cancer are interesting there as well. People are also eating more meat and dairy products in other countries such as Cuba, Hungary. Not surprisingly, the disease rates in these countries are increasing along with the change in diet. Consequently, doctors everywhere advise people to eat more grains, fruit, and vegetables and to eat less meat and fewer dairy products. 1. What is the main idea of this passage? a. Doctors advise people to eat more grains, fruit and vegetables. b. Eating meat causes cancer and heart disease. c. The kind of diet we have can cause or prevent diseases. d. Children eat the same way their parents eat. 2. Why do the Japanese have low rates of cancer and heart disease? a. Because they eat a lot of grains and very little meat. b. Because they do eat animal fat. c. Because their diet changes. d. Because they live longer than anyone else in the world. 3. “……the Japanese live longer than anyone else…” What does anyone else mean? a. some other people b. all other people c. most other people d. nobody 4. “……Moreover, as hamburgers, ice-cream, and other high fat foods become popular in Japan, …” What does moreover mean? a. however b. also c. then d. yet 5. “…..the rates of the heart disease and cancer are interesting there as well.” Where does there refer to ? a. in the United States b. in Cuba c. in Japan d. in Cuba and Hungary. II. WRITING (8,0MS).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Part I: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meaning. Begin with the given words: (2ps) 1. I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday. -> I apologize……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. I started working as a secretary five years ago. -> She has…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. We couldn’t drive fast because of heavy fog. -> The heavy fog……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. It’s a six-hour- drive from London to Edinburgh. -> It takes …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. He is said to have been in the French foreign Legion. -> People …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. The plane had only just taken off when smoke started to appear in the cabin. -> Scarcely ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. The window must not be unlocked without prior permission. -> On no account …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. “Please don’t take photos in the museum, do you agree with me?” she asked to the tourists. -> She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. When the cost became more expensive, it is more difficult for me to buy. -> The more ……………….……………………………………………………………………………… 10. Though the doctor has advised him, he keeps on smoking. -> In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Part II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, using the words in the brackets. (2ps) 1. This is the best essay I have ever written. (such) -> Never…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Dicken’s last novel was unfinished when he died. (without) -> Dicken …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. It was easy for us to get tickets for the concert. (no) -> We have …………………………………tickets for the concert. 4. I can’t describe people as well as you can. (better at) -> You’re ………………………..I am. 5. Is homework compulsory at that school? (have) -> Do ………………………………………at that school?. PART II. The table below shows the number of the Grade-8 students who left School A in the first term of the School 2003-2004. Describe the information shown in the table. You should write about 100 words. ( 1.5 ps). Date October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 Number of 15 24 29 36 students who left school PART III. Write a composition about 150 words on the following topic : (2.5ps) “WHAT DO YOU DO TO IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH ?”. KEYS OF THE TEST FOR GIFTED ENGLISH 9 STUDENTS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> I. READING (12,0PS) PART I: (10 x 0,2 = 2,0PS) 1d. work 2d. Unless 3b. into 4a. used to smoke 5c. on 6b. reading 7d. fashion 8c. refused 9a. Had it not been 10a. so that PART II: (10 x 0,1 = 1,0 p) 1. and 2. which 3. the 4. has 5. than 6. from 7. well 8. of 9. is 10. next PART III: ( 0.1 x 5=0,5p ) 1. d 2. d 3. b 4. c 5.d PART IV: (5x 0.1 = 0,5p) 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T PART V: (5 x 0,2 = 1,0p) 1. G 2. D 3. F 4. A 5. H PART VI. (10 x 0,1 = 1,0 p) 1. improved 2. developed 3. transmission 4. practical 5. basic 6. possible 7. energy 8. regular 9. popular 10. growth PART VII: (5 x 0,2 = 1,0p) 1. Only wealthy people 2. There is a growing middle class in many parts of the world. People now have more money for travel. 3. Special airplane fares for tourists make travel less expensive and more attractive than ever before. 4. Most people enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own 5. They like to meet new people and try new foods. PART VIII: (10 x 0,1 = 1,0 p) 1. as 2. expressed 3. laws 4. a few 5. is called 6. in order to 7. However 8. because 9. although 10. ought PART IX: (10 x 0,1 = 1,0 p) 1. celebrating -> celebrated 2. buyed -> bought 3. who -> which 4. members ->member 5. much -> many 6. is -> are 7. them -> their 8. wrapping -> wrapped 9. after -> before 10. others -> other 11. neighborhoods -> neighbors PART X: (10 x 0,2 = 2,0PS) 1-> addition 2->carriage 3->considerate 4->deforestation 5-> friendliness 6-> official 7-> compulsory 8-> wisdom 9-> equipment 10->readable PART XI : (5 x 0,2 = 1,0p) 1. A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C II. WRITING (8,0PS) PART I. (10 x 0,2 = 2,0 p) 1.-> I apologize to you for being rude yesterday/ for my rudeness yesterday. 2-> She has worked as a secretary for five years. 3-> The heavy fog prevented us from driving fast. 4-> It takes six hours to drive from London to Edinburgh 5-> People say that he was / has been in the French foreign Legion. 6-> Scarcely had the plane taken off when smoke started to appear in the cabin. 7->On no account must the window be unlocked without prior permission. 8-> She told the tourists not to take photos in the museum and asked them if they agreed with her. 9-> The more expensive the cost became, the more difficult it is for me to buy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 10-> In spite of the doctor’s advice, he keeps on smoking PART II. (0,4 x 5 = 2,0ps) 1. Never have I written a such good essay than this. 2. Dicken died without finishing his last novel. 3. We have no difficulty in getting tickets for the concert. 4. You’re better at describing people than I am. 5. Do they have to do homework at that school? PART III. (1,5PS) Depend on the students’ answers PART IV(2,0PS).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span>

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