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english8 unit6read

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1. Helping blind people. 2. Helping handicapped children. a)Trồng cây 3. Helping elderly people. b) Gây quĩ ủng hộ người nghèo 4. Cleanig up the beaches c) Tham gia hoạt động thể thao d) Thu gom giấy vụn 5. Taking part in sports ( làm kế hoạch nhỏ) 6. Cleaning up the neighborhood e) Mua tăm, xổ số ủng hộ 7. Planting trees f) Làm sạch khu dân cư 8. Raising fund for the poor g) Giúp đỡ trẻ em tàn tật 9. Collecting waste paper for h) Giúp đỡ người già i) Làm sạch bãi biển. J) Giúp đỡ người mù. mini-project. 10. Buy lottery tickets and chopsticks to support 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. J. g. h. i. c. f. a. b. d. e.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Unit 6 THE YOUNG PIONEERS. Wednesday, November 9th 2011. Period 34: READ. 1. New words: - Buid character: xây dựng nhân cách - encourage : khuyến khích - citizenship: Công dan - youth organization: tổ chức thanh niên. - Youth federation: Liên đoàn thanh niên - Campaign (n): chiến dịch - aim: mục đích - awareness: ý thức - establish (v): = found thành lập - principle: phương châm , ( nguyên tắc ..) - guideline: đường lối chỉ đạo ( kim chỉ nam).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Unit 6 THE YOUNG PIONEERS. Wednesday, November 9th 2011. Period 34: READ - 2. Fill in the missing information. a) - The Youth Union was founded in 1931 ………. 1976 b) In ………the Youth Union was officially named as it is called to day. c) The Youth Union’s activities aim to help the public awareness and form young develop their ………………………………………… their personality. guidelines d) Its aims and principles have been ………………. for the young Vietnamese people of today and tomorrow..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Unit 6 THE YOUNG PIONEERS. Period 34: READ. Wednesday, November 9th 2011. 3. Answer: Then write the answers in your exercise book . a) At what age can one join the Youth Union ? - From. 16 to 30 years of age can join the Youth Union.. b) When was the Youth Union founded ?. - Union was founed on March 26 1931 . c) What is the complete name of the Youth Union? - HCM Communist Youth Union is the complete name of the Youth Union. d) Can you name some social activities of the Youth Union? - Helping the Handicapped, Cleaning Environment.Green Summer Volunteers Campaign ...... e) What do these activities aim to help? - These activities aim to help the young develope their public awareness and form their personality. f) Who established the guidelines for the Vietnamese youth?. f) President HO CHI MINH established the guidelines for the Vietnamese Youth..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1 a. At what age can one join the Y.U? => From 16 to 30. b. When was the youth Union founded ? => On march 26th 1931. c. What’s the complete name of the Youth Union? => HCM Communist Youth Union. d. Can you mame some social activities of the Y.U? Helping the handicapped, Cleaning the Environment , Green summer Volunteers Campaign. e. What do these activities aim to help? => Develope their public awareness and form their personality.. a. 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g. h 8 f. Who established the guidelines for the Vietnames youth? =>President Ho Chi Minh 9 i.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Unit 6 THE YOUNG PIONEERS. Wednesday, November 9th 2011. Period 34: READ 4) Work in group:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> good Love for soft skills Personal Discuss in Build group to find out the Youth the nation Helping the character fitness Union’s aims and principles, Activities, ….. their young to develope public awareness. Principles. Aims. form their personality. By president Ho Chi Minh. Together with VN Students VN Youth Union Federation. Young pioneers Organization.. Encourages good citizenship. Founed On march 26th 1931. Activities. Green Summer Volunteers Campaign. Helping the Handicapped. Cleaning Environment ..

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 5 ) About you? How do you do to be come a member of HCM Communist Youth Union ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> - Learn new vocabulary. - …. Prepare new lesson : unit 6 write.

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